THERE was a proud tea-pot, proudofits porcelain,proudofits long spout1, proudof its broad handle; it had something both before and behind, the spout before and the handle behind, and it talked about it; but it did not talkabout itslid;thatwas cracked, it was riveted, it had a de- fect, andone does not willingly talk of one's defects; oth-ersdothat sufficiently. The cups, the cream-pot, and the sugar-basin, the whole of the tea-service would remember more about the frailty2 of the lid and talk about it, thanaboutthegoodhandle andthe splendid spout; the tea-pot knew that.
"I know them!"it said to itself,"Iknow also my defect andI ad-
mit it;therein lies my humility,my modesty;
we all have defects, butone has also merits、 Thecups have a handle, thesugar-basin a lid, Ihaveboth ofthese and anoth-erthingbesides, which they neverhave, Ihave a spout, and that makes me the queen of the tea-table. To the sug-ar-basinandthe cream-pot it isgranted tobethe servantsof sweet taste, butI am the giver, the ruler of all; Idisseminate blessing among thirsty humanity; in my inside theChinese leaves are prepared in the boiling, tastelesswater."The tea-pot said all this initsundaunted youth. Itstood on the tablelaid fortea;and itwaslifted by thefinesthand; butthe finest hand was clumsy, thetea-potfell, the spout broke off, the handle broke off, the lid isnotworth talkingabout, for enough has been saidabout it.
The tea-potlay in afaint on the floor; theboilingwater ranout of it. That was a hard blow it got, and the hardest ofallwasthat they laughed; theylaughed at it, and not atthe awkward hand.
"I shall never get that experience out of my mind, said the tea-pot, when it afterwards related its career to it-self,"Iwas called an invalid and set in a corner,and theday after, presented to a woman who begged kitchen-refuse. Icame down into poverty, stood speechless bothout and in; but there, as Istood, my better life began;one is one thing, and becomes something quite different.Earth was put into me; for a tea-pot, that is the same as tobe buried, but in the earth was put a bulb; who laid itthere, whogaveit, Iknownot, butgiven itwas, a com-pensation for the Chinese leaves and the boiling water,acompensation for thebroken-off handleandspout.And thebulb lay in the earth, the bulb lay in me, it became myheart,my living heart,and such a thing Ihad never hadbefore. There was life in me, there was strength andvigour. The pulse beat, the bulb sprouted, it was burstingwith thoughts and feelings;then itbroke out in flower;Isaw it, Icarried it, Iforgot myself in its loveliness; it is ablessedthingtoforget oneselfin others! It did notthankme; it didnot thinkabout me: it wasadmired and praised.I wasso gladabout it; how gladmust it havebeen then!On dayIheard it said that itdeserved a betterpot.Theybrokeme through the middle; it was frightfully painful; buttheflower was put in abetter pot,andIwas thrown out in-to the yard; Ilie there like an old potsherd,—butI havethe remembrance, thatI cannot lose."
“我知道它们!”它自己在心里说,“我也知道我的缺点,而且我也承认。这足以表现我的谦虚,我的朴素。我们大家都有缺点;但是我们也有优点。杯子有一个把手, 糖钵有一个盖子。我两样都有,而且还有他们所没有的一件东西。我有一个壶嘴;这使我成为茶桌上的皇后。糖钵和奶油罐受到任命,成为甜味的仆人,而我就是任命者——大家的主宰。我把幸福分散给那些干渴的人群。在我的身体里面,中国的茶叶在那毫无味道的开水中放出香气。”

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v.喷出,涌出;滔滔不绝地讲;n.喷管;水柱 | |
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n.脆弱;意志薄弱 | |
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