THEREwasonce an old manor-housewithmuddy ditches1 and a drawbridge, which was more often up thandown; fornot all guestswho comeare good.Under the eaves were holes for shooting from, and pouring boiling water,and even melted lead,down over the enemy if he cametoo near. Inside it was high to therafters,and that was goodforthe smoke which came from the hearth,where the great damp logs2 lay. There hung on the wallspicturesof men in armour, and proud ladies in heavy clothes,but the stateliestofthem all was livinghere still;shewas called Metta Mogens; shewas the lady of themanor.Oneeveningrobbers came there; they killed three of her men, and the watch-dog besides, and then theychained Lady Metta to the kennelwith the dog-chain, and sat themselves down in the hall, and drank the wine from her cellar,and all the good ale.Lady Metta stood chained up like a dog,butshecouldnot even bark.
Then therobber's boycametoher;hesneaked along quietly, so that he might not be noticed; otherwisethey would have killed him.
"LadyMetta Mogens,"said theboy,"can you re- member when my father had toride on thewooden horse in your husband's time? You begged mercy for him then, but it had no effect; he had to sit till he was crippled;but you slipped down,asI donow,andyou placed a lit- tlestone under each of his feet, so that he could get some ease. No one saw it, or they pretended not to; you were the young,gracious lady.My father has toldmethis,and Ihave kept it to myself, buthave not forgotten it! NowI will set you free,Lady Metta Mogens."Then theytook horses from the stable, and rode in rain and in wind, andgot friendly help.
"Thatwasagoodreturn for the little bit of service to the old man," said Metta Mogens.
"Hidden is not forgotten!" said the boy.
There stood another old mansion, it stands therestill; it was not Lady Metta Mogens'; it belonged toanother noble family.
It is inourown days. The sun shineson the gilt4 spireof the tower,littlewooded islands lie likebouquets on the water, and round about them swim the wild swans.
Roses grow in the garden. The lady of the house is herselfthefinest rose-leaf, shining ingladness, thegladness of gooddeeds, not out in the wideworld, but inwardly in the heart, where they are hidden, but not forgotten.
She now goes from the house to an outlying cottage inthefields. Init lives apoor, pain-riddengirl.The window inthelittle roomlookedto the north,and the sun did not come there, she had onlya view over alittlebit of a field which is shut in by a high dyke. But today thereis sunshine.OurLord's lovely warm sun is inside;
it comesfromthe south,through the new window, where there was only a wall before.
The invalid5 sits in the warm sunshine, sees thewoodand shore; the world has become so big and so lovely,and that at a single word from the kind lady up at the house.
"The wordwas so easy, the service so small,"says she,"andthe joyI gained was unspeakably great and blessed!"
And so she does many good deeds, thinks of all the poor people in the cottages,and in therich houses, where there are alsoafflictedones.It is concealed6 and hidden, but it is not forgotten by our Lord.
There was another old house; it was in thegreat busytown. In the house were rooms and halls;but we will not go into them; we will stay in the kitchen, it issnug and bright there, it is clean and neat.Thecopper thingsshine, the table looks polished, the sink is like anewly-scrubbed larding-board. It has all been done byone maid-of-all-work, and yet she has had time to dress herself as ifsheweregoingto church. She has ribbonsin hercap—black ribbons—that means mourning.Yet shehas no one to mourn for, neither father nor mother, nei-ther relative nor sweetheart;she is a poor girl.Once shewas engaged to a poor young fellow;theythoughtmuch ofeach other.One day he cametober."We two have noth- ing!"said he,"and the rich widow7 downstairs has spokenwarm words to me; she will put me into agood position,butyou are in myheart.Whatdo youadvise me todo?"
"Whatever you thinkis for your happiness!" said the girl."Be good and kind to her, but remember, thatfrom the moment we part, we two cannot see each otheragain!"
And so some years passed; then she met her former friendand sweethearton thestreet;he looked illandmis- erable;then she could not forbear,she must ask,"Howareyougetting on?"
"Very well in every way," said he." My wife ishonest and good,but you are in my heart. Ihave foughtmy fight; it willsoonbefinished!We shall notseeeach other now until we meet in Heaven."A weekhas passed.
Yesterday morning she read in the paper that he was dead: that is why shewears mourning. Her sweetheart isdead, leaving a widow and threestep-children, the papersaid.
The black ribbon betokens8 mourning: the girl's facebetokens it still more!Itis hiddin theheart,butwill never be forgotten!
See,there are three stories;three leaves on one stalk.Do you wish for more clover-leaves? There are many in the bookof the heart—hidden but not forgotten!
“我们两人什么也没有!”他说。“对面的那个寡妇对我说过热情的话语。她将使我富有, 但是我心里只有你。你觉得我怎么办好!”
这篇小品发表在1866年12月 11日哥本哈根出版的《新的童话和故事集》第2卷第4部。人在一生中可以在无意中做过一些好事或者经历过某些重大感情的起伏。这些情况有的为人所知,有的完全被忘掉,有的只是隐藏在心的深处。但“藏着并不等于遗忘”。在“心的书上”写下来的东西,哪怕是极偶然也是永远不会消灭的。关于这篇小品的背景,安徒生在他的手记中写道:“这里面有三个故事。一个是来源于蒂勒(丹麦著名诗人)编的《丹麦民间故事集》。故事中写一位夫人被强盗绑在一个狗屋上,至于她被释放的情节则是我编的。第二个是我们当代的一个故事。第三个的情节也属于现代,我是从一个正在哭泣的女孩口中听到的。”

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n.沟,渠( ditch的名词复数 ) | |
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n.练习用球瓶;原木,木材,木料( log的名词复数 );航海[飞行]日志 | |
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n.抢劫者,强盗,盗贼( robber的名词复数 );盗匪 | |
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adj.镀金的;n.金边证券 | |
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n.病人,伤残人;adj.有病的,伤残的;无效的 | |
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a.隐藏的,隐蔽的 | |
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n.寡妇 | |
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v.预示,表示( betoken的第三人称单数 ) | |
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