"YES,this is a song for very small children!"de-clared Aunt Malle."As much as I should like to,I cannotfollow this'Dance,Dance,Doll of Mine!'"
But little Amalie could;she was only three years old,played with dolls,and brought them up to be just as wiseas Aunt Malle.
There was a student who came to the house to helpher brothers with their lessons,and he frequently spoke tolittle Amalie and her dolls;he spoke differently from any-one else,and the little girl found him very amusing,al-though Aunt Malle said he didn't know how to conversewith children-their little heads couldn't possibly graspthat silly talk.But little Amalie did.Yes,the student eventaught her the whole song,"Dance,Dance,Doll ofMine!"and she sang it to her three dolls;two were new,one a girl doll and the other a boy doll,but the third dollwas old;her name was Lise-momér.She also heard thesong,and was even in it.
Dance,dance,doll of mine!
Girl doll's dress is very fine.
Boy doll is a dandy,too;
He wears gloves and hat and shoe;
White pants,blue coat,him adorn;
On his toe he has a corn.
He is fine and she is fine.
Dance,dauce,doll of mine!
Old doll's name is Lise-moér;
She is from the year before;
Hair is new;it's made of flax, Forehead polished up with wax.
Young again,not old and done.
Come along,my cherished one, Let us dance a fast gavotte;
To watch it is worth a lot.
Dance,dance,doll of mine!
Watch your steps and get in line;
One foot forward;watch your feet.
Dancing makes you slender,sweet.
Bow and twist and turn around;
That will make you hale and sound.
What a sight it is to see!
You are doing fine,all three.
And the dolls understood the song;little Amalie un-derstood it,and so did the student,but then he had writ-ten it himself and said it was excellent.Only Aunt Malledidn't understand it;she had passed over the fence ofyouth."Silly song!"she said.
But not little Amalie!She sings it.It is from herthat we know it.
年轻绅士的打扮也很俏, 戴着礼帽,也戴着手套, 穿着白裤子和蓝色短袄, 大脚趾上长一个鸡眼包。
她的头发换上新的亚麻, 她的脸用黄油擦了几下:
她又美得像年轻的时候, 请过来吧,我的老朋友!
伸出一只脚,请你站好, 跳舞使你显得苗条可爱!
一弯,一扭,向后一转, 这就使你变得非常康健!
这情景让人看了多快乐, 你们三个干得都不错!

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