Four or five miles from the capital stood an old manor1,with thick walls,tower,and pointed2 gables. Here lived,but only in the summer-time, a noble family: this manor was the best and most beautiful of all the estates they possessed:outside, it looked as if it werenewly built,and inside was very comfortable and cosy3. The family coat of arms was carved in stone over the door,lovely roses twined themselves over the coat of arms and over the balcony, and a beautiful lawn stretched outbefore the house: there were red thorns and white thorns,and rare flowers even outside of the hot-house. The familyhad a very good gardener;it was a treat to see the flower garden, the fruit and kitchen gardens. Up to this time there was still a part of the original old garden, with somebox hedges, cut in the shapes of crowns and pyramids. Be- hind4 these stood two old trees: they were nearly alwaysleafless,and one could easily believe that a wind storm or a water-spout had strewn them over with great clumps5 of manure, but every clump6 was a bird's nest.
Here from time immemorial a swarm7 of screaming crows and rooks had built their nests. It was a whole bird town and the birds were the proprietors, the eldest8 branch of the family, the real masters of the estate. None of thepeople down there concerned them, but they tolerated these low walking creatures,although they sometimes shot with guns, so that it gave the birds shivers along the spine,andevery bird flew up in a fright and shrieked9 "Rak!Rak!"
The gardener talked often to his master about cutting down the old trees, they did not look well, and if theywere taken away, one would most probably be free from thescreaming birds—they would search for another place then. But the master world neither be free from the trees nor the swarms10 of birds——it was something which the estate could not lose,it was something from the old times, and oneought not to wipe that out entirely.
" The trees are now the birds' inheritance,let them keep it,my good Larsen!"
The gardener was called Larsen,but that is of no further importance.
" Have you, little Larsen, not enough room for work- ing-the whole of the flower garden, the greenhouses, the fruit and kitchen gardens?"
These he had, and nursed them, loved them, and cared for them with earnestness and capability, and the family knew that, but they did not hide from him thatwhen visiting they often ate fruit and saw flowers which excelled what they had in their own garden,and that dis- tressed the gardener, for he wished to do his best and he did his best. He was good of heart, and good in his work.
One day the master called him and said in all mild- ness and dignity that the day before, when with distin- guished friends, they had got a variety of apples andpears ,so juicy and so well flavoured that all the guests had exclaimed in admiration.The fruit was certainly not native, but it ought to be brought in and made at home here if the climate allowed it. One knew that it had beenbought in town at the principal fruiterer's:the gardenershould ride in and get to know where these apples and pears came from and order cuttings.
The gardener knew the fruiterer very well,for it was to him that he sold, on the proprietor's account, the sur-plus of the fruit which was grown in the gardens of the es- tate.
And the gardener went to town and asked the fruiterer where he got these highly prized apples and pears.
" They are from your own garden!" said the fruiter- er, and showed him both apples and pears, which he knew again. How delighted the gardener was! He hurried home and told the family that both the apples and pears were from their own garden.
The family could not believe that."That is impossi- ble, Larsen!Can you get a written assurance from the fruiterer?"
And that he could, and so he brought a written assurance.
" That is extraordinary! "said the master.
Every day now great dishes of these lovely apples and pears from their own garden were brought to the table,bas-kets and barrels of these fruits were sent to friends in thetown and country and even to other countries. It was a great joy! It must be said, however, that these had beentwo remarkable11 summers for fruit trees; over all the countrythese had succeeded well.
Time passed;the family one day dined with the court.The day after, the gardener was sent for by his mas-ter. They had at dinner got melons from His Majesty's greenhouse which were so juicy and so full of flavour.
" You must go to His Majesty's gardener, good Larsen, and get for us some of the seeds of these pre-cious melons."
" But His Majesty's gardener has got the seeds from us!" said the gardener, quite delighted.
" Then the man has known how to bring them to a higher development," answered the master;" every mel- on was excellent!"
" Yes, then I may be proud!" said the gardener."I may tell your lordship that the court gardener this yearhas not been successful with his melons, and when hesaw how lovely ours were,and tasted them, he orderedthree of them to be sent up to the castle."
"Larsen! don't imagine that they were the melons from our garden!"
" I believe it!"said the gardener, and he went to the court gardener and got from him a written assurance that the melons at the king's table had come from the gardens of the manor. It was really a great surprise for the family, and they did not keep the story a secret; they showed the as- surance, and they sent melon seeds far and wide, just as they had sent cuttings before. About these they got news that they caught on and set quite excellent fruit, and it was called after the fami-ly's estate, so that the name could now be read in Eng- lish, German, and French.
They had never thought of that before.
" If only the gardener won't get too great an opinion of himself!" said the family.
But he took it in another manner :he would only strive now to bring forward his name as one of the best gardeners in the country, and tried every year to bring outsomething excellent in the gardening line, and did it; butoften he heard that the very first fruits he had brought,the apples and pears,were really the best, all later kindsstood far below. The melons had really been very good, but that was quite another thing;the strawberries couldalso be called excellent, but still no better than those onother estates; and when the radishes one year were a fail- ure,they only talked about the unfortunate radishes andnot about any other good thing which he had produced.
It was almost as if the family felt a relief in saying,"It didn't succeed this year, little Larsen!"They were very glad to be able to say,"It didn't succeed this year!"
Twice a week the gardener brought fresh flowers for the rooms, always so beautifully arranged;the colourscame as it were into a stronger light with the contrasts.
" You have taste, Larsen," said the family;" it is agift which is given to you from our Father, not of your-self!"
One day he came with a big crystal bowl in which lay a water-lily leaf; on it was laid, with its long, thickstalk down in the water,a brilliant blue flower,as big as a sunflower.
" The lotus flower of India," exclaimed the family.They had never seen such a flower; and it was placed in the sunshine by day and in the evening in a reflex light.
Every one who saw it found it both remarkable and rare,yes, even the highest young lady of the land, and she was the princess ; she was both wise and good.
The family did itself the honour of presenting it to the princess, and it went with her up to the castle.
Now the master went down into the garden to pluck for himself a flower of the same kind, if such a one couldbe found, but there was not such a thing. So he called the gardener and asked him where he got the blue lotus from.
"We have sought in vain,"said he;"we have been inthe greenhouse and all round about!"
" NO,it is certainly not there!"said the gardener;"itis only a common flower from the kitchen-garden! but, in-deed, isn't it lovely! it looks like a blue cactus, and yet itis only the flower of the artlchoke."
" You should have told us that at once!" said themaster." We imagined that it was a strange, rare flower.You have made fools of us before the princess!She saw theflower and thought it beautiful, but did not know it, andshe is well up in botany,but that science has nothing to dowith vegetables. How could it have entered your head, good Larsen, to send such a flower up to the house? It willmake us look ridiculous!"
And the lovely blue flower which was brought from the kitchen-garden was put out of the drawing-room,whereit was not at home. The master made an apology to the princess and told her that the flower was only a vegetablewhich the gardener had taken the idea to present, but forwhich he had been given a good scolding.
" That was a sin and a shame!" said the princess."He has openen our eyes to a beautiful flower we had notnoticed, he has shown us beauty where we did not expectto find it! The court gardener shall bring one up to myroom every day,so long as the artichoke is in flower!"
And so it was done.
The family then told the gardener that he could againbring them a fresh artichoke flower.
"It is really beautiful!" they said, and praised thegardener.
"Larsen likes that,"said the family ."He is a spoiltchild."
In the autumn there was a terrible storm. It got so vi-olent during the night that many of the big trees in the out-skirts of the wood were torn up by the roots,and to the great sorrow of the family but to the joy of the gardener,the two big trees with all the birds'nests were blown down.During the storm one heard the screaming of the rooks and the crows ;they beat the windows with theirwings,the people in the house said.
"Now you are glad , Larsen,"said the master,"thestorm has blown down the trees and the birds have gone tothe woods.There are no more signs of old times ;every signand every allusion12 has gone;it has troubled us!"
The gardener said nothing, but he thought of what he had long intended to do—to use the lovely sunshiny place which formerly13 he had no control over. It should become the pride of the garden and the delight of the family.
The great trees had crushed and broken the old box-hedges with all their cut shapes. He raised here a thicket14 of plants,home-plants from field and forest.
What no other gardener had thought of planting in the flower-garden, he set here in the kind of soil eachshould have,and in shade or sunshine as every kindrequired.He tended it in love, and it grew in magnifi-cence.
Snow-berry bushes from the heath in Jutland,in form and colour like Italian cypress; the smooth, pricklyholly, always green,in winter's cold and summer'ssun, stood there lovely to look at.In front grew ferns,many different kinds, some looked as if they were the children of palm trees, and some as if they were the par-ents of the fine, lovely plant we call Venus's hair.Herestood the slighted burdock, which in its freshness is sobeautiful that it can be put in a bouquet. The burdock stood on dry ground, but lower down in the damper soil grew the colt's foot, also a despised plant, and yet withits fine height and huge leaves so picturesquely15 beauti-ful.Fathom high, with flower above flower, like a huge, many-armed candelabrum, the cow's lung-wort lifted itself. Here stood the wood-ruff, the marsh- marigold, and the lily of the valley, the wild calla, andthe fine three-leaved wood-sorrel. It was a delight to see.
In front, supported on wire fences, little Frenchpear trees grew in rows; they got sun and good care,and very soon they bore big, juicy fruit, as in the coun-try they came from.
In place of the two leafless trees, there was a big flag-staff on which waved the Danish flag, and close beside it apole, on which in summer and autumn hops16 with their sweet-smelling clusters twined themselves, but where in thewinter, according to old custom, a sheaf of oats was raisedthat the birds of the air could have their meal at the joyousChristmas time.
" The good Larsen is growing sentimental17 in his old age," said the family;" but he is faithful and devoted18 tous."
At New Year time, one of the illustrated19 papers of thecapital had a picture of the old manor; one saw the flag-staff and the sheaf of oats for the birds, and it was spokenof as a beautiful thought that an old custom should be brought into recognition and honour; so distinctive20 for theold manor.
"All that Larsen does," said the family,"they beatthe drum for. He is a lucky man! We must almost beproud that we have him!"
But they were not proud of it! They felt that they were the owners, they could give Larsen his dismissal; butthey did not do that, they were good people, and there areso many good people of their class, that it is a good thingfor every Larsen.
Yes,that is the story of" The Gardener and theFamily."
Now you can think it over!
“那的确是美丽的花!”男主人和女主人齐声说。[“非常珍贵!”] 园丁受到了称赞。
这篇故事首先发表在哥本哈根1872年3月 30日出版的《新的童话和故事集》第3卷第 1部。安徒生通过园丁拉尔森描绘出丹麦普通老百姓的勤劳、忠诚、坚韧,而同时又具有无比的智慧和创造精神。这些人是真正的爱国者,丹麦的美名和对人类文化的贡献就是通过这些人的创造性的劳动而传播出去的。相反,他的贵族主人庸俗、虚荣、崇洋媚外,连月亮都是外国的好,殊不知最好的东西就在丹麦,就在他自己的花园里。这篇故事至今仍有现实和普遍意义。童话的特点在这篇作品中消失了,实际上它是一篇风格简洁朴素的小说。

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n.庄园,领地 | |
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adj.尖的,直截了当的 | |
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adj.温暖而舒适的,安逸的 | |
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adj.后面的,后部的 | |
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n.(树、灌木、植物等的)丛、簇( clump的名词复数 );(土、泥等)团;块;笨重的脚步声v.(树、灌木、植物等的)丛、簇( clump的第三人称单数 );(土、泥等)团;块;笨重的脚步声 | |
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n.树丛,草丛;vi.用沉重的脚步行走 | |
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n.(昆虫)等一大群;vi.成群飞舞;蜂拥而入 | |
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adj.最年长的,最年老的 | |
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v.尖叫( shriek的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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蜂群,一大群( swarm的名词复数 ) | |
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adj.显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的 | |
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n.暗示,间接提示 | |
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adv.从前,以前 | |
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n.灌木丛,树林 | |
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跳上[下]( hop的第三人称单数 ); 单足蹦跳; 齐足(或双足)跳行; 摘葎草花 | |
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adj.多愁善感的,感伤的 | |
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adj.忠诚的,忠实的,热心的,献身于...的 | |
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adj. 有插图的,列举的 动词illustrate的过去式和过去分词 | |
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adj.特别的,有特色的,与众不同的 | |
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