ONCE upon a time there was a balloonist with whomthings went badly;the balloon burst,and the man camedown and was dashed to pieces.He had sent his boy downwith the parachute minutes before:that was lucky forthe boy.He was unhurt,and went about with great abili-ties for becoming a balloonist,but he had no balloon,andno means of getting one.
Live he must,and so he laid himself out to acquirethe art of legerdemain,and to be able to talk with hisstomach,which is called being a ventriloquist.
He was young and good-looking,and when he got amoustache,and was dressed in good clothes,he mighthave been taken for a nobleman's son.The ladies thoughthim beautiful:one young lady was so enchanted1 with hisbeauty and his cleverness,that she accompanied him tostrange towns and countries;there he called himself Profes-sor;less it could not be.
His constant thought was to get a balloon and fly inthe air with his little wife,but as yet they had not themeans.
"They will come,"said he.
"If only they would,"said she.
"We are young people!and now I am a Professor.Even crumbs2 are bread!"
She helped him faithfully,sat by the door and soldtickets for the performance,and that was a cold entertain-ment in winter.She helped him also in one trick.He puthis wife in a table-drawer,a big table-drawer;she creptinto the back drawer,and so was not to be seen from thefront;it was like an optical illusion.
But one evening,when he pulled the drawer out,shehad gone;she was not in the front drawer,nor in the backdrawer,nor in the whole house—not to be seen,not to beheard.It was her clever trick.She never came back.Shewas tired of it,and he became tired of it,lost his goodhumour,could not talk or play tricks any more,and sonobody came;the profits became poor,his clothes be-came poor;he owned at last only a huge flea3,an inheri-tance from his wife,and therefore he thought so much ofit.So he trained it,taught it to do clever tricks,taught itto present arms,and fire a cannon4.
The Professor was proud of the flea,and it wasproud of itself;it had learnt something and had humanblood in it,and had been in the biggest towns,had beenseen by princes and princesses,and had won their highadmiration.It appeared printed in the newspapers and onplacards.It knew that it was famous,and could maintaina Professor,yes,even a whole family.
Proud and famous it was,and yet,when it and theProfessor travelled,they went fourth class on the railway;that travels just as quickly as the first.There was a tacitpromise that they would never separate,never marry,theflea would remain a bachelor,and the Professor a widow-er.It comes to the same thing.
"Where one has the greatest success,"said the Pro-fessor,"one should not come twice."He was a judge ofcharacter,and that is also an art.
At last he had travelled in all countries except sav-age countries,and so he decided5 to go there;there,in-deed,they ate Christian6 men,the Professor knew,but hewas not really a Christian,and the flea was not really aman,so he imagined that they might venture to travelthere and have good fortune.
They travelled by steamship7 and sailing ship;theflea went through his tricks,and so they travelled free onthe way and came to the country of the savages8.
Here reigned10 a little Princess;she was only eightyears old,but she reigned.She had taken the power fromher father and mother,for she had a will and was excep-tionally charming and naughty.As soon as the flea hadpresented arms and fired the cannon,she was so enchant-ed with it,that she said,"Him,or no one!"She becamequite wild with love,and was already wild before that. "Sweet little sensible child!"said her father,"if onecould first make a man of it!"
"Leave that to me,old man!"said she,and it wasnot nicely said by a little princess,who talks to herfather,but she was wild.
She set the flea on her little hand."Now you are aman ruling with me,but you shall do what I wish,or Ishall kill you and eat the Professor."
The Professor got a big room to live in.The wallswere made of sugar-cane—he could go and lick them,buthe had not a sweet tooth.He got a hammock to sleep in.Itwas as if he lay in a balloon such as he had always wishedfor,and which was his constant thought.
The flea stayed with the Princess sat on her littlehand and on her smooth neck.She had taken a hair fromher head,and the Professor had to tie it to the leg of theflea,and so she kept it tied to the great piece of coralwhich she wore in her ear.
It was a delightful11 time for the Princess,also for theflea,she thought;but the Professor was not quite at hisease;he was a traveller,and liked to go from town totown,and to read in the newspapers about his perseveranceand cleverness in teaching a flea all human actions.Day inand day out he lay in his hammock,dozed,and got goodfood—fresh eggs,elephants'eyes,and giraffe steak;can-nibals do not live only on human flesh,that is a delicacy12."Child's shoulder with sharp sauce,"said the mother ofthe Princess,"is the most delicate!"
The Professor was wearied,and wished to get awayfrom the savage9 country,but he must have the flea withhim,it was his prodigy13 and bread-winner.How could heget it?That was not so easy.He strained all his powers ofthought,and then he said,"Now I have it!"
"Princess-father;vouchsafe me something to do!MayI exercise the inhabitants of this country in presentations, or introductions;that is what one calls culture in the great-est countries of the world."
"And what can you teach me?"said the father of thePrincess.
"My greatest art,"said the Professor—"to fire a can-non,so that the whole earth trembles,and all the nicestbirds of the air fall down cooked!That makes a noise!"
"Come with the cannon!"said the Princess-father.
But in the whole country there was no cannon,exceptthe one the flea had brought,and that was too little.
"I will make a bigger one,"said the Professor;"give me only the materials;I must have fine silk,needleand thread,rope and cord,together with stomach dropsfor the balloon—they puff14 up,make lighter15 and lift up;they make the explosion in the stomach of the cannon."
All that he demanded he got.
The whole country came together to see the big can-non.The Professor did not call before he had the balloonquite ready to fill up and to ascend16.
The flea sat on the Princess's hand and looked on. The balloon was filled up,it bulged17 out and could scarce-ly be held,it was so wild.
"I must take it up into the air,so that it may becooled,"said the Professor,and took his seat in the bas-ket which hung under it."But I cannot manage to steer18 italone.I must have an experienced companion with me tohelp me.There is no one here but the flea who can dothat!"
"I am not willing to allow It!"said the Princess, but passed the flea to the Professor,who set it on hishand.
"Let go the ropes and cords!"said he."Now theballoon goes off!"
They thought he said,"Cannon!"
And so the balloon went higher and higher,up overthe clouds,away from the savage land.The littlePrincess,with her father and mother and all the people,stood and waited.They wait still,and if you don't be-lieve it,go to the savage land,where every child talksabout the flea and the Professor,and believes that theywill come again when the cannon is cooled,but they comenot,they are at home with us,they are in their father-land,ride on the railway,first class,not fourth;theyhave good fortune and a huge balloon.No one asks howthey have got the balloon,or from where they have it;they are well-to-do and honourable19 people,the flea andthe Professor.
“我来制造一尊大炮吧!”教授说;“你只须供给我材料;我需要做气球用的绸子、针和线, 粗绳和细绳,以及气球所需的灵水——这可以使气球膨胀起来,变得很轻,能向上升。气球在大炮的腹中就会发出轰声来。”
那位小公主和她的父亲、母亲以及所有的人都在站着等待。他们现在还在等待哩。如果你不相信,你可以到野人国去看看。那儿每个小孩子还在谈论着关于跳蚤和教授的事情。他们相信,等大炮冷了以后,这两个人就会回来的。但是他们却没有回来,他们现在和我们一起坐在家里。他们在自己的国家里,坐着火车的头等席位——不是四等席位。他们走了运, 有一个巨大的气球。谁也没有问他们是怎样和从什么地方得到这个气球的。跳蚤和教授现在都是有地位的富人了。

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adj. 被施魔法的,陶醉的,入迷的 动词enchant的过去式和过去分词 | |
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int. (表示惊讶)哎呀 n. 碎屑 名词crumb的复数形式 | |
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n.跳蚤 | |
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n.大炮,火炮;飞机上的机关炮 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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adj.基督教徒的;n.基督教徒 | |
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n.汽船,轮船 | |
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未开化的人,野蛮人( savage的名词复数 ) | |
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adj.野蛮的;凶恶的,残暴的;n.未开化的人 | |
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vi.当政,统治(reign的过去式形式) | |
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adj.令人高兴的,使人快乐的 | |
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n.精致,细微,微妙,精良;美味,佳肴 | |
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n.惊人的事物,奇迹,神童,天才,预兆 | |
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n.一口(气);一阵(风);v.喷气,喘气 | |
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n.打火机,点火器;驳船;v.用驳船运送;light的比较级 | |
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vi.渐渐上升,升高;vt.攀登,登上 | |
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凸出( bulge的过去式和过去分词 ); 充满; 塞满(某物) | |
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vt.驾驶,为…操舵;引导;vi.驾驶 | |
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adj.可敬的;荣誉的,光荣的 | |
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