WISE men of ancient times ingeniously discoveredhow to tell people the truth without being blunt to theirfaces. You see, they held a magic mirror before the peo-ple, in which all sorts of animals and various wondrousthings appeared, producing amusing as well as instructivepictures. They called these fables, and whatever wise orfoolish deeds the animals performed, the people were toimagine themselves in their places and thereby think,"Thisfable is intended for you!"In this way no one's feelingswere hurt. Let us give you an example.
There were two high mountains,and at the top of each stood a castle. In the valley below ran a hungry dog,sniffing along the ground as if in search of mice or quail.Suddenly a trumpet sounded from one of the castles, to an-nounce that mealtime was approaching.The dog immediate-ly started running up the mountain,hoping to get his share; but when he was halfway up, the trumpeter ceasedblowing, and a trumpet from the other castle commenced."Up here,"thought the dog,"they will have finished eat-ing before I arrive,but over there they are just gettingready to eat."So he ran down, and up the other mountain.But now the first trumpet started again, while the secondstopped.The dog ran down again,and up again; and thishe continued until both trumpets stopped blowing, and themeals were over in both castles.
Now guess what the wise men of ancient times would have said about this fable, and who the fool could be whoruns himself ragged without gaining anything, either here orthere?

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