At age ten, I began to perform in front of ordinary people. In appreciation of the nuns who allowed me use of the school piano, I agreed to play as prelude to the annual Christmas show. My music would usher the parents to their seats while their children shed coats and scarves for their elf and wise-man costumes. My teacher, Mr. Martin, and I put together a program of Bach, Strauss, and Beethoven, ending with part of "Six Little Piano Pieces" in honor of Arnold Schoenberg, who had passed away the year before. We felt this last "modern" piece, while not overly familiar to our audience, displayed my range without being overly ostentatious. The day before the Christmas show, I went through the thirty-minute program for the nuns after school, and the choices brought nothing but frowns and scowls from beneath their wimples.
"That's wonderful, Henry, truly extraordinary," the principal said. She was the Mother Superior of the gang of crows that ran the joint. "But that last song."
"Yes, very interesting." She stood up in front of the sisters and paced to and fro, searching the air for tact. "Do you know anything else?"
"Else, Mother?"
"Something more seasonal perhaps?"
"Seasonal, Mother?"
"Something people might know?"
"I'm not sure I understand."
She turned and addressed me directly. "Do you know any Christmas songs? A hymn? 'Silent Night' perhaps? Or 'Hark! The Herald Angels'—I think that's Mendelssohn. If you can play Beethoven, you can play Mendelssohn."
"You want carols?"
"Not only hymns." She walked on, hitching down her habit. "You could do 'Jingle Bells' or 'White Christmas.' "
"That's from Holiday Inn," one of the other nuns volunteered. "Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire and Marjorie Reynolds. Oh, but you're too young."
"Did you see Bells of St. Mary's?" the third-grade teacher asked her fellow sisters. "Wasn't he good in that?"
"I really liked that Boys Town—you know, the one with Mickey Rooney."
Rattling the beads on her rosary, Mother Superior cut them off. "Surely you know a few Christmas songs?"
Crestfallen, I went home that night and learned the fluff, practicing on a paper-cutout keyboard fashioned by my father. At the show the next evening, I trimmed half my original program and added a few carols at the end. I kept the Schoenberg, which, needless to say, bombed. I played the Christmas stuff brilliantly and to a thunderous ovation. "Cretins," I said under my breath as I accepted their adulation. During my repeated bows, loathing swelled over their loud clapping and whistling. But then, looking out at the sea of faces, I began to recognize my parents and neighbors, all happy and cheerful, sending me their sincere appreciation for the holiday warmth generated by the vaguely predictable strains of their old favorites. No gift as welcome as the expected gift. And I grew light-headed and dizzy the longer the applause went on. My father rose to his feet, a real smile plastered on his mug. I nearly fainted. I wanted more.
The glory of the experience rested in the simple fact that my musical talent was a human one. There were no pianos in the woods. And as my magic slowly diminished, my artistry increased. I felt more and more removed from those who had taken me for a hundred years, and my sole hope and prayer was that they would leave me alone. From the night of the first performance, it was as if I were split in two: half of me continuing on with Mr. Martin and his emphasis on the canon of classics, pounding out the old composers until I could hammer like Thor or make the keys whisper under the gentlest pressure. The other half expanded my repertoire, thinking about what audiences might like to hear, like the ballads crooned on the radio adored by my mother. I loved both the fugues from The Well-Tempered Clavier and "Heart and Soul," and they flowed seamlessly, but being adept at popular song allowed me to accept odd jobs when offered, playing at school dances and birthday parties. Mr. Martin objected at first to the bastardization of my talent, but I gave him a sob story about needing money for lessons. He cut his fee by a quarter on the spot. With the money we saved, the cash I earned, and my mother's increasingly lucrative egg and chicken business, we were able to buy a used upright piano for the house in time for my twelfth birthday.
"What's this?" my father asked when he came home the day the piano arrived, its beautiful machinery housed in a rosewood case.
"It's a piano," my mother replied.
"I can see that. How did it get here?"
"Piano movers."
He slid a cigarette from the packet and lit it in one swift move. "Ruthie, I know someone brought it here. How come it is here?"
"For Henry. So he can practice."
"We can't afford a piano."
"We bought it. Me and Henry."
"With the money from my playing," I added.
"And the chickens and eggs."
"You bought it?"
"On Mr. Martin's advice. For Henry's birthday."
"Well, then. Happy birthday," he said on his way out of the room.
I played every chance I could get. Over the next few years, I spent hours each day at the keys, enthralled by the mathematics of the notes. The music seized me like a river current pushing my conscious self deeper into my core, as if there were no other sound in the world but one. I grew my legs an inch longer than necessary that first summer in order to better reach the pedals on the upright. Around the house, school, and town, I practiced spreading my fingers as far apart as they would go. The pads of my fingertips became smooth and feather-sensitive. My shoulders bowed down and forward. I dreamt in wave after wave of scales. The more adept my skill and understanding grew, the more I realized the power of musical phrasing in everyday life. The trick involves getting people to listen to the weak beats and seemingly insignificant silences between notes, the absence of tones between tones. By phrasing the matter with a ruthlessly precise logic, one can play—or say—anything. Music taught me great self-control.
My father could not stand to hear me practice, perhaps because he realized the mastery I had attained. He would leave the room, retreat into the farthest corners of the house, or find any excuse to go outside. A few weeks after Mom and I bought the piano, he came home with our first television set, and a week later a man came out and installed an antenna on the roof. In the evenings, my father would watch You Bet Your Life or The Jackie Gleason Show, ordering me to keep it down. More and more, however, he simply left altogether.
"I'm going for a drive." He already had his hat on.
"You're not going drinking, I hope."
"I may stop in for one with the boys."
"Don't be too late."
Well after midnight, he'd stagger in, singing or muttering to himself, swearing when he stepped on one of the girls' toys or barked his shin on the piano bench as he passed. Weather permitting, he worked outdoors every weekend, replacing shutters, painting the house, rewiring the chicken coop. He was absent from the hearth, unwilling to listen. With Mary and Elizabeth, he played the doting father, still dandling them on his knees, fussing over their curls and dresses, fawning at the latest primitive drawing or Popsicle-stick hut, sitting down at the table for tea parties and the like. But he regarded me coldly, and while I cannot read minds, I suspect he felt at odds with my passion for music. Maybe he felt art corrupted me, made me less a boy. When we spoke, he would chastise me for a neglected chore or chide me for a less than perfect grade on a test or essay.
As he drove me home from the trolley station one Saturday, he made an effort to engage and understand. On the radio, a football game between the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame and Navy unfolded. One of the teams scored a touchdown in a spectacular fashion.
"How about that? Did you hear that?"
I looked out the window, tapping out with my right hand a melody on the armrest.
"Do you even like football?" he asked.
"I dunno. It's okay."
"Do you like any sport at all? Baseball? Basketball? Would you like to go hunting someday?"
I said nothing. The very thought of being alone with Billy Day and a shotgun frightened me. There are devils out in the woods. We let a few silent miles pass beneath us.
"How's come it's nothing but the piano night and day?"
"I like music. And I'm good."
"You are that, but honestly, did you ever stop to think you could try something else for a change? Don't you know there's more to life than music?"
If he had been my true father, I would have been eternally disappointed in him. The man had no vision, no passion for life, and I was grateful that we were not actually related. The car passed through the shadows of trees, and the glass in the window darkened. I saw in my own reflection the mirrored image of Henry's father, but I only appeared to be his offspring. Once upon a time, I had a real father. I could hear his voice: "Ich erkenne dich! Du willst nur meinen Sohn!" His eyes danced wildly behind his owlish spectacles, and then the phantom memory disappeared. I sensed Billy Day was watching me from the corner of his eye, wondering what on earth happened? How did I get this for a son?
"I'm thinking that I'm starting to like girls," I volunteered. He smiled and tousled my hair. He lit another Camel, a sure sign he was content with my answer. The subject of my masculinity never came up again.
A basic truth had escaped by accident. Girls hovered on the surface of every situation. I noticed them in school, ogled them in church, played to them at every concert performance. As if they jumped from the shadows, girls arrived, and nothing was ever the same. I fell in love ten times a day: an older woman, perhaps in her mid-twenties in a gray coat on a gray street corner; the raven-haired librarian who came every Tuesday morning to buy a dozen eggs. Ponytailed girls jumping rope. Girls with charming accents. Girls in bobby socks and poodle skirts. In the sixth grade, Tess Wodehouse trying to hide her braces behind her smiles. Blondie in the funny pages; Cyd Charisse; Paulette Goddard; Marilyn Monroe. Anyone curved. Allure goes beyond appearances to the way they grace the world. Some women propel themselves by means of an internal gyroscope. Others glide through life as if on ice skates. Some women convey their tortured lives through their eyes; others encircle you in the music of their laughter. The way they become their clothes. Redheads, blondes, brunettes. I loved them all. Women who flirt with you: where'd you get such long eyelashes? From the milkman. Girls too shy to say a word.
The best girls, however, were those who liked music. At virtually every performance, I could pick out from the crowd those who were listening, as opposed to the terminally bored or merely disinterested. The girls who stared back unnerved me, but at least they were listening, as were the ones with their eyes closed, chins cocked, intent on my playing. Others in the audience would be cleaning their teeth with their nails, digging in their ears with their pinkies, cracking their knuckles, yawning without covering their mouths, checking out the other girls (or boys), or checking their watches. After the performances, many in the audience invariably came up to have a few words, shake my hand, or stand near me. These post-performance encounters were most rewarding and I was delighted to receive compliments and answer questions for as long as I could while unmasking the enthusiasms of the women and girls.
Unfortunately, the concerts and recitals were few and far between, and the public demand for my performances of classical music at parties and shows diminished as I neared puberty. Many aficionados had been interested in a ten-year-old prodigy, but the novelty died when I was all elbows and acne as a teenager. And to be honest, I was sick of the Hanon and Czerny exercises and the same insipid Chopin etude that my teacher fussed over year after year. Changing yet again, I found my old powers ebbed as my hormones raged. As if overnight, I had gone from wanting to be just a boy to wanting to be a grown man. Midway through my freshman year in high school, following months of soul-searching and sullen fighting with my mother, it hit me that there was a way to combine my passion for music and my interest in girls: I would form my own band.
“勋伯格的? ”
“是的,很有意思。”她站起来走到姐妹们前面,来回踱步,在空气中寻找措辞,“你会别的什么吗? ”
“别的,院长? ”
“一些更加应时的,也许? ”
“应时,院长? ”
“一些大家可能知道的? ”
她转身直接对我说:“你会什么圣诞节歌曲吗? 赞美诗? 《平安夜》或许会吧?或者《听啊,天使唱高声》——我想这是门德尔松的。
“您要圣诞颂歌? ”
“你们有没有看过《圣母玛利亚的钟声》”这位三年级教师问她的姐妹,“他弹那个不是很好吗? ”
院长捻着念珠,打断了她们,“你当然会几首圣诞歌吧? ”
‘‘这是什么? ”父亲回家后问道,那天钢琴到家了,它漂亮的机械装在一个红木箱里。
“这我知道。它怎么会在这儿? ”
他从烟盒里抽出一支香烟,一晃点着,“露丝,我知道有人把它搬来。但它到底是怎么来的? ”
“你们买的? ”
“这个怎么样? 你听到了吗? ”
“你喜欢橄榄球吗? ”他问。
“你到底喜欢什么运动? 棒球? 篮球? 哪天想出去打猎吗? ”
“你怎么会从早到晚除了弹钢琴别的什么也不干? ”
你知不知道生活中除了音乐还有很多别的? ”
假如他是我的亲生父亲,我会对他无比失望。这人没有眼力,没有生活激情,而我庆幸我们实际上并无关系。汽车从树阴下驶过,窗玻璃暗下来,我在自己的影像中看到了亨利父亲映在玻璃上的形象,而我看起来就是他的后代。曾几何时,我有真正的父亲。我能听见他的声音:“lch erkenne dich!Du willst nur meinenSohn! ”(德文:我认得你} 你只能是我的儿子)她的目光在猫头鹰似的眼镜后面狂野地跳动,记忆的幻像随即消失了。我感觉比利·戴用眼角余光打量着我,寻思到底发生了什么? 我怎么会有这样一个儿子? “我正在想,我开始喜欢女孩子了。”
一个基本事实就这样擦肩而过。到处都有姑娘兜来兜去。我在学校里对她们上心,在教堂里和她们挤眉弄眼,每次音乐表演都给她们弹曲子。姑娘们仿佛从虚空中一跃而出,她们来了,一切都不复从前。我一天十次坠入爱河:一个大约二十五、六的年长女子,穿着灰大衣出现在灰色街角,乌黑头发的图书管理员每周二早晨来买一打鸡蛋,还有扎着马尾辫的跳绳女孩,有嗓音甜美的女孩和穿短袜和喇叭裙的女孩。到了六年级,泰思·伍德郝斯试图用微笑掩藏她的胸罩吊带。趣味书页上的金发姑娘,赛德·查里斯,保利特·戈达德,玛丽莲梦露。每个曲线玲珑的人。诱惑不仅在于外表,她们还让世界熠熠生辉。有些女人用内心的陀螺仪来督促自己,还有些好比穿着冰鞋在生活表面滑过。有些女人透过双眼表达她们的苦难生活,还有些用音乐般的笑声围绕着你。她们着衣的风格。红发,金发,黑肤。我喜欢她们每一个人。女人们和你调情:你从哪里得来这么长的眼睫毛? 从送奶工那里。女孩则脉脉含羞,一个字也不说。
然而最好的姑娘是喜欢音乐的。每次演出,我都能从一群时不时地感到厌倦或压根不感兴趣的听众中寻出听音乐的她们来。这些女孩的回视让我不安,但至少她们在听,还有就是那些闭着双眼、抬着下巴、专注于我演奏的人。其他听众就会用指甲抠牙齿,用小指挖耳朵,指节扳得咯咯响,不掩住嘴就大呼小叫,张望其他女孩( 或男孩) ,或者看他们的表。表演结束后,总有许多听众会上前来说几句话,和我握手,或站在我身边。这种演出后的会面最有价值,我很高兴听到赞誉,回答问题,只要与此同时,我能揭下这些女人和女孩的热情面具。