Tess didn't need to be talked into sneaking across the border, and the very idea of transgression sent an erotic jolt into our honeymoon. The closer we got to Czechoslovakia, the livelier the sex became. On the day we mapped our secret passage to the other side, she kept me in bed until mid-morning. Her desires fed my own curiosity about my hidden heritage. I needed to know where I had come from, who I had been. Every step along the way brought the sensation of returning home. The landscape looked familiar and dreamlike, as if the trees, lakes, and hills lay embedded, but long dormant, in my senses. The architecture of stone and exposed timber was exactly as I had pictured, and at inns and cafes, the people we met bore familial traces in their sturdy bodies, fine chiseled features, clear blue eyes, and sweeping blonde hair. Their faces enticed me deeper into Bohemia. We decided to cross into the forbidden land at the village of Hohenberg, which sat on the German line.
Since it was first dedicated in 1222, the castle at the center of town had been destroyed and rebuilt several times, most recently after World War II. On a sunny Saturday, Tess and I had the place to ourselves except for a young German family with small children who followed us from building to building. They caught up to us outside, near the uneven white walls that ran along the city's rear border, a fortress against attack from the forest and the Eger River beyond.
"Pardon me," the mother said to Tess in English, "you are American, right? Would you a photograph take? Of my family, on my camera?"
I blanched at being so easily recognizable as Americans. Tess smiled at me, took off her backpack, and laid it on the ground. The family of six arranged themselves at the base of one of the original parapets. The children looked as if they could have been my brothers and sisters, and as they posed, the notion that I once was part of such a family lingered and then receded into ether. Tess took a few steps backward to squeeze them all into the frame, and the small children cried out, "Vorsicht, der Igel! Der Igel!" The boy, no more than five, ran straight at Tess with a mad expression in his blue eyes. He stopped at her feet, reached between her ankles to a small flower bed, and carefully scooped up something in his small hands.
"What do you have there?" Tess bent to meet his face.
He held out his hands and a hedgehog crawled out from his fingers. Everybody laughed at the minor drama of Tess nearly stepping on the prickly thing, but I could barely light a smoke due to the shakes. Igel. I had not heard that name in almost twenty years. All of them had names, not quite forgotten. I reached out to touch Tess to help put them out of mind.
After the family left, we followed the map to hiking trails behind the castle. Along one path, we came across a miniature cave, and in front, signs of an encampment, what looked to me like an abandoned ring. I led us away quickly, heading east and downhill through the black woods. Our trail spilled out to a two-lane road devoid of traffic. Around the bend, a sign saying EGER STEG pointed to a dirt road to the right, and we came upon mild rapids across a narrow river, no more than a wide but shallow stream. On the opposite bank lay the Czechoslovakian woods, and in the hills behind, Cheb. Not another soul was in sight, and perhaps because of the river or the rocks, no barbed-wire fence protected the border. Tess held my hand and we crossed.
The rocks above the waterline provided safe footing, but we had to watch our step. When we reached the Czech side, a thrill, sharp as a razor, went through me. We'd made it. Home, or as close to it as possible. At that instant, I was ready to convert—or revert—and lay claim to my identity. Tess and I had disguised ourselves as best we could that morning, affecting a European indifference to our hair and clothing, but I worried that others might see through the ruse. In hindsight, I should not have worried so, for 1968 was the year of the Prague Spring, that open window when Dubcek tried to bring "socialism with a human face" to the benighted Czechs and Slovaks. The Russian tanks would not roll in until August.
Tess loved the danger of our trespass and skulked along the leafy floor like an escaped prisoner. I tried to keep up with her, hold her hand, and assume an air of silent cunning. After a mile or so on our hike, an intermittent sprinkle fell through the green leaves, and then a shower began in earnest. The raindrops hit the canopy above and dripped down with a steady beat, but underneath that rhythm, an irregular sound of footsteps became audible. It was too dark to make out any figures, but I heard them marching through the brush, circling around, following us. I grabbed her arm and pushed on faster.
"Henry, do you hear that?" Tess s eyes darted about, and she turned her head from side to side. They kept on coming, and we began to run. She took one last look over her shoulder and screamed. Catching me by the elbow, Tess stopped our progress and wheeled me around to face our tormentors. They looked forlorn in the falling rain. Three cows, two brindles and one white, stared back at us, indifferently chewing their cuds.
Soaked, we fled the wet forest and found the road. We must have been a pitiable sight, for a farmer's truck stopped, and the driver indicated with his meaty thumb that we could hitch a ride in the back. Tess shouted "Cheb?" to him through the rain, and when he nodded, we got in and rode atop a mountain of potatoes for a half-hour all the way to the quaint Czech village. I kept my eyes on the receding woods, the winding road, sure that we were being followed.
Like flowers in a spring garden, the houses and stores were painted in pale pastels, the old buildings in white and yellow, taupe and verdigris. While many parts of Cheb seemed ageless, the buildings and landmarks struck no chords in my memory. A black sedan with a red glass siren sat parked at a crazy angle before the town hall. To avoid the police, we walked in the opposite direction, hoping to find someone who could understand our fractured German. We shied away from the pink Hotel Hvezda, spooked by a severe policeman outside who stared at us for a full thirty seconds. Across the square, past the sculpture of the Savage Man, sat a ramshackle hotel near the Oh?e e River. I had hoped and expected the landmarks to trigger memories of Gustav Ungerland, but nothing was familiar. My vaulted expectations, conjured along the journey, proved too high a hope. It was as if I had never been there before, or as if childhood in Bohemia had never existed.
Inside a dark and smoky bar, we bribed the manager with American dollars to let us dine on sausages and boiled potatoes, and a dank half-bottle of East German wine. After our meal, we were led up a crooked staircase to a tiny room with no more than a bed and a basin. I locked the door, and Tess and I lay on our backs in our jackets and boots on the threadbare covers, too tense, tired, and excited to move. Darkness slowly stole the light, and the silence was broken only by the sounds of our breathing and wild, racing hearts.
"What are we doing here?" she finally asked.
I sat up and began undressing. In my former life, I could have seen her in the dark as clearly as break of day, but now I relied on imagination. "Isn't it a kick? This town was once part of Germany, and before that of Bohemia?"
She took off her boots, slipped out of her jacket. I slid under the woolen blankets and coarse sheets as she undressed. Shivering and naked, Tess moved in close, rubbing a cold foot against my leg. "I'm scared. Suppose the secret police come knocking on the door?"
"Don't worry, baby," I told her in my best James Bond. "I've got a license to kill." I rolled over on top of her, and we did our best to live for the danger.
Waking late the next morning, we hurried over to the grand old Church of St. Nicholas, arriving late for a Mass in Czech and Latin. Nearest the altar sat a few elderly women, rosaries draped in their folded hands, and sprinkled here, small families sat in clumps, dazed and wary as sheep. At the entranceway, two men in dark suits may have been watching us. I tried to sing along with the hymns, but I could only fake the words. While I did not understand the service, its rites and rituals mirrored those long-ago Masses with my mother—icons above candles, rich vestments of the priests and pristine altar boys, the rhythm of standing, kneeling, sitting, a consecration heralded by the hells. Although I knew by then it was just a romantic folly, I could picture my former self done up in Sunday clothes beside her on the pew with my reluctant, sighing father and the twins squirming in their skirts. What struck me most of all was the organ music from the loft above, cascading like a river over rocks.
As the parishioners exited, they stopped to share a few words among themselves and to greet the wizened priest standing in the bright sunshine beyond the door. A blonde girl turned to her nearly identical sister and pointed to us, whispered in his ear, and then they ran hand in hand from the church. Tess and I lingered, taking in the elaborate statues of Mary and St. Nicholas flanking the entrance, and we were the final pair to leave the building. When Tess held out her hand to the priest, she found herself captured in his grasp and drawn closer.
"Thank you for coming," he said, then turned to me, a strange look in his eyes, as if he knew my history. "And God bless you, my son."
Tess broke into a beatific grin. "Your English is perfect. How did you know we are Americans?"
He held her hand the whole time. "I was five years in New Orleans at the St. Louis Cathedral back when I was first ordained. Father Karel Hlinka. You're here for the festival?"
"What festival?" Tess brightened at the prospect.
"Pra?ké Jaro. The Prague Spring International Music Festival."
"Oh, no. We knew nothing about that." She leaned in and said in a low, confidential voice, "We snuck across the border."
Hlinka laughed, taking her remark as a joke, and she swiftly changed the subject, asking him about his American experience and the cafe life of New Orleans. As they chatted and laughed, I went outside, stood in a corner to light a cigarette, and considered the blue smoke curling to the sky. The two blonde sisters had circled back, this time leading a group of other children gathered from the streets. Like a string of birds on a telephone wire, they stood just beyond the gates, a dozen heads peeking over the low wall. I could hear them babbling in Czech, a phrase that sounded like podvr?ené dítě popping up like the leitmotif of their chattering song. With a glance at my wife, who was holding Father Hlinka in rapt attention, I started to walk over to the children, who scattered like pigeons when I came too close. They flew in again when I showed them my back, and ran off, laughing and screaming, when I turned around. When I stepped outside the gate, I found one girl cowering behind the wall. We spoke in German, and I told her not to be afraid.
"Why is everyone running away and laughing?"
"She told us there was a devil in the church."
"But I am not a devil .. .just an American."
"She said you are from the woods. A fairy."
Beyond the town's streets, the old forest bristled with life. "There are no such things as fairies."
The girl stood up and faced me, hands on her hips. "I don't believe you," she said, and turned to race off to her companions. I stood there watching her go, my mind twisted in knots, worried that I had made a mistake. But we had come too far for me to be frightened by mere children or the threat of the police. In a way, they were no different from other people. Suspicion was a second skin for me, and I felt perfectly capable of hiding the facts from everyone.
Tess bounded through the gates and found me on the sidewalk. "How would you like a private tour, baby?"
Father Hlinka was at her side. "Frau Day tells me that you are a musician, a composer. You must try out the pipe organ here. Best in Cheb."
In the loft high above the church, I sat at the keyboard, the empty pews stretching out before me, the gilt altar, the enormous crucifix, and played like a man possessed. To work the fool pedals and get the right tone from the massive organ, I had to rock and throw my weight against the machine, but once I figured out its complexities of stops and bellows and was in the flow of the music, it became a kind of dance. I performed a simple piece from the Berceuse by Louis Vierne, and for the first time in years felt myself again. While I was playing, I became a thing apart, not aware of anyone or anything else but the music, which infused me like hot ice and fell over me like wondrous strange snow. Father Hlinka and Tess sat in the gallery with me, watching my hands move, my head bob, and listened to the music.
When she tired of the violent sound, Tess kissed my cheek and wandered down the staircase to look over the rest of the church. Alone with the priest, I quickly broached the reason for my visit to Cheb. I told him of my research into family history and how the librarian back in Frankfurt had advised me to check the church records, for there was little hope of getting access to the central government archives.
"It's a surprise for her," I said. "I want to trace Tess’s family tree, and the missing link is her grandfather, Gustav Ungerland. If I could just find his birthday or any information about him, I will make up a family history for her."
"That sounds like a wonderful thing to do. Come back tomorrow. I'll dig through the archives, and you can play the music for me."
"But you can't tell my wife."
He winked, and we were co-conspirators.
Over dinner, I told Tess about the musical half of Father Hlinka's offer, and she was happy for me to have the chance to go back to the organ loft. On Monday afternoon, she sat below in the middle pew, listening for the first hour or so, but then went off on her own. After she left, Father Hlinka whispered, "I have something for you." He crooked his finger, beckoning me to follow him into a small alcove off the loft. I suspected that he had found some record of the Ungerlands, and my anticipation grew when the priest lifted a wooden chest to the top of a rickety desk. He blew dust off the lid and, grinning like an elf, opened the box.
Instead of the church documents I had expected, I saw music. Score after score of music for the organ, and not just common hymns, but symphonic masterworks that gave life and presence to the instrument—a raft of Handel, Mahler's Resurrection, Liszt's Battle of the Huns, the Fantasie Symphonique by Francois-Joseph Fétis, and a pair of organ-only solos by Guilmant. There were pieces by Gigout, Langlais, Chaynes, and Poulenc's Concerto for Organ, Strings, and Timpani. Record albums of Aaron Copland's First Symphony, Barber's Toccata Festiva, Rheinberger, Franck, and a baker's dozen of Bach. I was stunned and inspired. To simply listen to it all—not to mention trying my hand at the grand keyboard—would take months or even years, and we had but a few hours. I wanted to stuff my pockets with loot, fill my head with song.
"My only vice and passion," Hlinka said to me. "Enjoy. We are not so different, you and I. Strange creatures with rare loves. Only you, my friend, you can play, and I can but listen."
I played all day for Father Hlinka, who inspected old parish ledgers of baptisms, weddings, and funerals. I dazzled him with incandescence and extravagance, leaning into the extra octave of bass, and hammered out the mad finale from Joseph Jongen's Symphonie Concertante. A change came over me at that keyboard, and I began to hear compositions of my own in the interludes. The music stirred memories that existed beyond the town, and on that glorious afternoon I experimented with variations and was so carried away that I forgot about Father Hlinka until he returned empty-handed at five o'clock. Frustrated by his own failure to find any records of the Ungerlands, he called his peers at St. Wenceslas, and they got in touch with the archivists of the abandoned St. Bartholomew and St. Klara churches to help scour through the records.
I was running out of time. Despite the relative freedom, we were still in danger of being asked for our papers, and we had no visa for Czechoslovakia. Tess had complained over breakfast that the police were spying on her when she visited the Black Tower, following her at the art center on the Ru?ov? kope?ek. Schoolchildren pointed at her on the streets. I saw them, too, running in the shadows, hiding in dark corners. On Wednesday morning, she groused about spending so much of our honeymoon alone.
"Just one more day," I pleaded. "There's nothing quite like the sound in that church."
"Okay, but I'm staying in today. Wouldn't you rather go back to bed?"
When I arrived at the loft late that afternoon, I was surprised to find the priest waiting for me at the pipe organ. "You must let me tell your wife." He grinned. "We have found him. Or at least I think this must be her grandfather. The dates are somewhat off, but how many Gustav Ungerlands can there be?"
He handed me a grainy photocopy of the passenger list from the German ship Albert, departing 20 May 1851 from Bremen to Baltimore, Maryland. The names and ages were written in a fine hand:
212 Abram Ungerland 42 Musikant Eger Boheme
213 Clara Ungerland 40 " "
214 Friedrich " 14 " "
215 Josef " 6 " "
216 Gustav " ? " "
217 Anna " 9 " "
"Won't she be delighted? What a fine wedding gift."
I could not begin to answer his questions. The names evoked a rush of memory. Josef, my brother—Wo in der Welt bist du? Anna, the one who died in the crossing, the absent child who broke my mother's heart. My mother, Clara. My father, Abram, the musician. Names to go along with my dreams.
"I know you said he was here in 1859, but sometimes the past is a mystery. But I think 1851 is right for Herr Ungerland, not 1859," said Father Hlinka. "History fades over time."
For a moment, the six came alive. Of course I did not remember Eger or Cheb. I was a baby, not yet one year old, when we came to America. There was a house, a parlor, a piano. I was taken from there and not from this place.
"No records in the churches, but I thought we should try emigration archives, no? Won't Mrs. Day be thrilled? I cannot wait to see her face."
I folded the paper and stuck it in my pocket. "Of course, Father, yes, you should be the one to tell her. We should celebrate ... tonight if you like."
The pleasure of his smile almost made me regret lying to him, and I was equally heartbroken to leave the magnificent organ behind. But I hurried from St. Nicholas's, the history in my pocket against my heart. When I found Tess, I made up a story about the police sniffing around the church for two Americans, and we slipped away, retracing our steps to the border.
When we reached the forest near the river crossing, I was shocked to see a young boy, perhaps as old as seven, standing by himself beside a large tree. He did not take notice of us, but remained quite still, as if hiding from someone. I could only imagine what might be in pursuit, and part of me wanted to rescue him. We were nearly upon him before he flinched, and putting a finger to his lips, the child begged us to be quiet.
"Do you speak German?" Tess whispered in that language.
"Yes, quiet please. They are after me."
I looked from tree to tree, anticipating a rush of changelings.
"Who is after you?"
"Versteckspiel," he hissed, and hearing him, a young girl burst from the green background to chase and tag him on the shoulder. When the other children emerged from their hideaways, I realized they were playing a simple game of hide-and-seek. But as I looked from boy to girl, from face to face, I could not help but remember how easily they could alter their appearance. Tess thought them cute and wanted to linger awhile, but I hurried her onward. At the river, I hopped from stone to stone, fording the water as quickly as I could. Tess was taking her time, frustrated and annoyed that I had not waited for her.
"Henry, Henry, what are you running from?"
"Hurry, Tess. They're after us."
She labored to jump to the next rock. "Who?"
"Them," I said, and went back to pull her from the other side.
After our honeymoon trip, life rapidly grew too complicated to continue my research on the Ungerlands or to find another pipe organ. We had one last busy semester of school, and as graduation drew near, our conversations turned to new possibilities. Tess lay in the bathtub, tendrils of steam curling up from the hot water. I leaned on the edge of the hamper, ostensibly reading a draft of a new score, but actually for the sheer pleasure of watching her soak.
"Henry, I've good news. The job with the county looks like it will come through."
"That's great," I said, and turned the page and hummed a few bars. "What is it, exactly, that you'll be doing?"
"Casework at first. People come in with their troubles, I take them down, and then we make all the right referrals."
"Well. I have an interview at that new middle school." I put down the composition and stared at her half-submerged naked form. "They're looking for a band director and music teacher for seventh and eighth grades. It's a pretty good gig and will leave me time to compose."
"Things are working out for us, baby."
She was right, and that was the moment I decided. My life was coming together. Against all odds and despite the interruption caused by my father s death, I would finish school, and a new career was about to start. A beautiful young woman lounged in my bathtub.
"What are you smiling about, Henry?"
I started unbuttoning my shirt. "Move over, Tess, I've got something to whisper in your ear."
“打扰了,”那位母亲用英语对泰思说,“你是美国人,对吗? 你能帮忙拍张照片吗? 用我的相机,给我全家人拍? ”
这些小孩叫了起来:“Vorsicht,der Igel!Der Igel!”(德文:“当心,刺猬! 刺猬! ”因德文中伊格尔和刺猬是同一个词,故亨利有下文的惊骇。)那个还没有五岁大的男孩,笔直朝泰思冲过去,蓝眼睛里闪烁着激动的目光。他站在她跟前,把手伸向她两脚问的一块小花丛,小心翼翼地用他的小手捧出什么东西来。
“你在那里找到什么? ”泰思弯下腰看他的脸。
突出在水面上的石头可以安全落脚,但我们得多加小心。到达捷克那头时,一阵战栗犹如剃刀般将我刺透。我们成功了。到家了,或者说,已经尽可能地接近了家门。那一刻,我准备转变身份( 或是恢复身份) ,要回我的身世。那天早晨,泰思和我全力伪装自己,把头发和衣服都弄得和欧洲人一样不会引起注意,但我仍然担心别人会看穿我们的把戏。事后想来,我其实无须担心,因为1968年正是“布拉格之春”,门户开放,杜布切克(捷克斯洛伐克共产党第一书记(1968 —1969) 。)正尝试让捷克人和斯洛伐克人接受“有人情味的社会主义”。而俄国人的坦克八月才开进来。
“亨利,你听到了吗? ”泰思头转来转去地环顾四周。他们还在跟上来,我们跑起来了。她最后回头看了一眼,大叫一声,拽着我的肘子停下脚步,让我转过身去看那些折腾我们的家伙。它们在雨中显得孤苦无依。三头奶牛,两头花斑的,一头全白的。它们看了看我们,漠然地反刍。
我们浑身湿透,快步走出滴滴答答的森林,找到了路。我们肯定是一副凄惨的模样,因为一辆农民的货车开过时,司机举起肉鼓鼓的大拇指做了个手势,示意我们可以坐到货厢里搭他的车。泰思在雨中大声问他:“去恰布吗? ”他点点头,我们就上了车,爬到成堆的土豆上面坐着,半个小时后就到了古色古香的捷克村庄。
“我们在这里干什么? ”她终于问道。
我坐起身,开始脱衣服。要是在我前生,我在黑暗中看她就会像在破晓的光线下看得一样清楚,但如今我只能依靠想像。“这不刺激吗? 这个镇子以前属于德国,再早是波希米亚的,对吗? ”
她脱下靴子和外套。她脱衣服时,我躺到了羊毛毯和粗糙的被单下。泰思脱得精光,发着抖靠过来,冷冰冰的一只脚在我腿上摩擦。“我害怕。万一秘密警察来敲门怎么办? ”
泰思粲然一笑,“您的英语棒极了。您怎么知道我们是美国人? ”
我是加瑞尔·林卡神甫。你们是来这里过节的? ”
“什么节? ”泰思想到节日,脸色一亮。
“‘Pra sK Iaro co. 就是布拉格之春国际音乐节。”
林卡哈哈一笑,以为她在开玩笑,她很快转过话题,问他在美国的经历和新奥尔良的咖啡馆生活。他们边聊边笑,我走出去,在角落里点了支烟,看着蓝色的烟雾盘旋在空气中。那对金发姐妹又转回来了,这次从街上带了一群孩子过来。他们站在大门外面,一打脑袋从矮墙上朝里窥探,就像一串停在电话线上的鸟儿。我听到他们在啪啦啪啦讲着捷克语,冒出一个发音是podvr en6 dite(捷克语:换生灵。)的词,像是他们叽叽喳喳的主题调子。我瞟了眼妻子,她正和林卡神甫谈得火热。
“为什么大家都笑着跑开? ”
泰思从大门里跃出来,看到我在人行道上。“你想来一次私人旅游吗,宝贝? ”
“好吧,但我今天不出门了。你不想回床上睡觉吗? ”
那天下午晚些时候我去了楼座,惊讶地发现神甫在管风琴旁等着我。“你得让我告诉你的妻子,”他微笑着说,“我们找到他了。至少我觉得这位一定是她的祖父。年代有点不大对头,但这里能有多少位古斯塔夫·安格兰德呢? ”
他递给我一张颗粒化的影印乘客表,他们搭乘德国客轮“艾伯特”号在1851年5月20 日从不来梅驶往马里兰州的巴尔的摩。姓名和年龄书写得很工整:212 艾布拉姆·安格兰德42音乐家 埃格尔 波希米亚人213 克拉拉·安格兰德 40 同同214 弗列德雷希·安格兰德 14 同 同215 约瑟夫·安格兰德6 同同216 古斯塔夫·安格兰德1 /2 同 同217 安娜·安格兰德9 同同“她难道不会高兴吗? 多好的结婚礼物啊。”
我没法开口回答他的问题。这些姓名勾起了如潮的回忆。约瑟夫,我的兄长——Wo in der Welt bist du? 安娜,这个在横渡大西洋时过世的孩子,伤透了我母亲的心。我的母亲,卡拉拉。我的父亲,艾布拉姆,音乐家。在我的梦境中附影随形的那些名字啊。
“教堂里没有记录,但我觉得应该查查移民档案,不是吗? 戴夫人会不会大吃一惊啊? 我真是等不及想看看她的表情了。”
“你会说德语吗? ”泰思用德语小声说道。
“谁在追你? ”
“versteckspiel 。(德文:捉迷藏。)”他用气声说道。一个小女孩听到他的声音,从绿树丛中跳出来,紧追不舍。其他孩子从躲藏处出来了,我明白过来,他们是在玩简单的捉迷藏游戏。我看了男孩又看女孩,从一张脸望向另一张脸,情不自禁地想起他们能够多么轻易地改换自己的容貌。泰思觉得他们怪伶俐的,想多留一会儿,但我催促她快走。渡河时,我在石头上跳跃前进,尽可能快地蹬水过去。
“亨利,亨利,你在跑什么啊? ”
她费力地跳到一块岩石上。“谁? ”
“太棒了,”我说,翻了一页,哼了几行。“那你具体要做什么呢? ”
“你在笑什么呐,亨利? ”