Eleanor resplandeceu happy. - Eighteen of June. Blair did not even tried to think of something to say. It seemed that he had been hit in the head by a flying palm, and had a good chance of never recur13. Aaron looked eager to Blair, then raised a glass of champagne and smiled for the father and Eleanor. - Congratulations - he said, waiting for Blair to join the toast. But it is clear that she did this, not even when he delicately cutucou Blair of the cinnamon with the foot under the table. Next to Blair, Miles long drum your fingers on the table is moving and ill at ease in the chair, wishing power back to the bar. He was a friend of Aaron since the seventh grade, but that was way too close to him. Eleanor extended by the arm on the table and get the fingers of rigid14 Blair. - I hope they reconsider assume the surname of Cyrus now, baby - she said. - Now we have a good, big family. Tyler and Eleanor had changed the name to Rose when he married Eleanor Cyrus, but Blair refused. Blair Rose? No, thanks. It seemed the name of a perfume made especially for Kmart. - Of course you do not need to decide now - said Eleanor. Blair departed from the mother's hand with a wrench15. If it were not between Serena and Miles in white leather banquette, she would have flown to the bathroom for women to throw up. Instead, he took a flute5 of champagne and drained the contents in a single gulp16. - Where will the baby sleep? - Tyler asked. He spent a bit of butter in blade and put in the mouth. Now that Aaron is in the guest room. Eleanor and Cyrus looked as if they had not thought of that before. Eleanor has to shoulder. - Well, Blair and Aaron go to college in the fall coming. I am sure you will not mind to share a room for guests when they come home. And then we can turn in the fourth quarter of the Blair baby! Aaron felt the cheeks burned. Blair narrowed eyes for the mother and the dumb blonde of her hair in its track pudica. So now they were talking about taking her to the fourth area to horrible offspring of the devil? She was preparing to say something to shut up the mother and run to the bathroom to put his guts17 out, but then, without any presentation, the four members of the 45 quietly rose to the stage, grabbed the instruments and started playing . And the music was high. It 's deafening18 fantastic high. Miles took the hand of Blair. - Want to dance? Instead of answering, Blair threw the chair back and almost pulled the towel from the table, pulling with Miles. The band had not won the MTV Award for being boring - they were great. And there was no way to Serena sit at the table while they played. She took the hand of Aaron and Tyler and dragged away. - Come on, you two - she screamed. - Dance with me! When the naked feet of Serena hit the dance floor, she closed his eyes and let the music dominate his body, throwing the blond hair back, rocking the hips19 and tapping their feet with abandonment. In the white bikini and canga green-clear, it seemed like a mermaid20 who had fled from the sea. Flow could not stop looking at her while singing the words of success Karnage. She was all the women he sang. The girl of his dreams. Blair threw all the energy of your anger in the dance, socando the air with fists, kicking, hitting his head and chicoteando Miles in the face with the long brown hair in a way nothing audreyana. The pink dress grudou skin suada, but it does not import more from the appearance. That was not bad. Miles could not take her eyes. The third song was slow, and the dance floor was filled with older couples who joined them. Serena danced with Tyler, smiling at him while he put his hands on his hips naked. Tyler corou but not out. He knew he had the luck. Even boys of 11 years have testosterone. The music was slow and sensual. Miles spent the hands of Blair at the waist and pulled her head to his chest. Blair not retreated. Instead, the body shook with it, by force. His mind was so full of anger and despair that she train. I do not think about anything, just wanted to feel good, and thanks to God was with Miles, a guy who, yes, it was not Nate, but that was so nice and she liked him, or at now less liked. She dismissed the head of the chest of Miles and looked into the eyes almonds and brown it, letting the champagne and vodka rose to the head. Before that could contain it, she pulled his face to her and kissed long and hard as the stock of progress in the bodies rhythm of the music. Aaron was standing21 at the bar, alternately watching Blair and Miles and not looking as was the first shot of tequila and then another. Miles was grateful to make Blair feel better, even if he could not. After, again, they were dancing close and nastily music was almost done. He lit a cigarette, of course, has two drinks and then deleted in an ashtray22, walking among the shaky middle-aged23 couples on the edge of the runway Flow of dance while playing the last chords of music. But when reached where Blair and Aaron Miles were already moving away from them arms data, strolling by the hibiscus bushes that surrounded the pool and down the path to the villages. Aaron was in the middle of the dance floor packed with hands in the pockets of his linen24 pants, looking from them. I could not believe it had found a good idea to bring Milles St. Barts. The band has accelerated the pace, playing Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, one of his hits from tracks with a ska beat retro. Still looking for a toy spring, Serena jumped to Aaron. danced in a small circle around him. - Come, spoils-party. drop that shoes and dance! - She screamed. Aaron smiled timidly at her and she left the puxasse for the crowd of dancers suados is squirmy. He needed being distracted, and Serena was too distracted when wanted. Took off the jacket and shot in the air, while skipping the skytech he pulava and balance. The shackles of Serena is untied25 and fell to the floor, but she still dancing as the music was higher and the pace is accelerated, swinging their hair blond embarrassed and throwing their arms overhead. She liked the way Aaron danced with the whole body. So many guys sacudiam only the head and move from one foot to another, but Aaron was natural. That night was lovely, too, with elegant black linen pants, the skytech pointing to the top. Serena danced a little closer to him, blowing him while balance the hips. Why had not noticed before as he was a baby? Flow through the two dancing, editing the script of the show in the head. It was very painful see the love of his life seminua dance with other guys and the least he could do was make sure there was more slow songs. Too late. Because some people were dancing their own particular music. In bed. b decides lose it once and for all Maybe it was the heat. Or perhaps the fact that his life was a mess so complete that she wanted to do something drastic to change her. Whatever the reason, Blair knew that Miles was following him to the town with a purpose: sex.
Indeed, it is that was followed. She practically drag. - Prefer to go to your room? - Miles asked on the way. He, Aaron and Tyler were that means dividing the place. Blair thought he should leave the town for Serena, in case she needs a place to slip away with Flow. - Serena may have to - she said. - I think Aaron is going to import, do you? - No. - Miles closed the screen door behind you. - I was starting to think that you were not more to me. - He blinked to turn on the light. The floor was covered with clothes and CDs of the boys were up half a banana food on the table head-of-the usherette somehow forgot where did the beds and left little chocolate mint on pillows. A medium banana food? But that romantic. But Blair does not matter. Took the belt of Jimmy Choo sandals and pulled the dress by the head, leaving him fall to the ground with the clothes of the boys. Just what remained was her thong26 pink curtinha La PerIa that used under the dress. - I am to you - she said with a voice more in love, falling back on the bed of Miles. - Come here. Miles took the shirt, shoes and lay down beside her. She took the pillow in minty chocolate, opened the package and put it to gold in the mouth of Blair. Blair kept intact the chocolate in the mouth, taking the head of Miles and kissed him, forcing the chocolate to the teeth with his tongue. She was not more interested in imitating Audrey Hepburn in the luxury Jennifer]. Audrey was, it was past. She was now Debbie, as Debbie Does Dallas. She took the belt from white canvas with one of his hands, going the other hand under the elastic27 waistband of her thong, lowering it. Hello, woman - goodbye, little girl! After a few more songs, Serena, Aaron and Tyler went back to the table for dinner. - It is not fun? - Said Eleanor, resplendent. Had eaten the whole plate of fish, sweet potatoes with caviar and garlic-holds, and was already attacking the warm chocolate mousse. It was so nice to see that the children were having fun. She was imported or that cute friend of Blair and Aaron had not returned to eat. Aaron has a face for your plate of spinach28 and garlic seared and cold-put to steam. Tyler took the fish's head and shot in the air like a torpedo29 to Aaron. _ Beware! - He shouted. - Flying Fish! _ Waldorf Rose Tyler! - Ping Eleanor. Aaron hit in the hand of Tyler and mutilated fish head fell on his plate. He blinked. _ All right, I'm not even hungry. Serena did not know that Aaron was in a bad mood so great, but I wanted to help. _ Here - offered her, thinking that he should be hungry. She took one of his sweet potatoes, and started to tap it with the napkin. - You can eat that if I clean all the caviar? She was so busy preparing the potato that neither Aaron realized that the band had made a break and Flow was coming toward you. _ Serena? - Called him, coming behind her. Serena looked at him. Flow was wearing a black shirt and collar regatta shark tooth, and your neck and shoulders stavam of slippery sweat. The dark hair fell on the eyes, the cheeks glowed like bronze olide and blue eyes flashing adrenaline. Serena has the potato Aaron, took the fork and put a edacity fish in its mouth. _ Hi - said it lively, with your mouth full. Flow looked to Eleanor and Cyrus. - Hello - he said. - I would sit down, son? - Cyrus offered. - Must star exhausted30. You were fantastic there. Fantastic. As if he wanted anything to rock. Flow shook his head. - Thanks, but I have to go back in a second. - He turned to Serena again, the furrowed31 face of fervor32. Like the music? She laughed and gave garfada other fish. Had not seen the dancing crazy done there? - Yeah, you guys are great. You are great. Flow seemed relieved. - Good. All right. Well, let's play some more songs and then I was thinking of paying you a drink or something, and maybe give you the Christmas present. Serena took a sip33 of water. I was tired of all that means dancing. And, moreover, was not Christmas yet. - Actually, I'm really tired means. How about if we find for breakfast? You should only give me this for Christmas, anyway. - Breakfast? - Flow said, in doubt. After all, he was a star of the rock. In most cases, no agreement before the noon. - Yeah. There by half past ten, so? - Piou Serena. - Vai be nice! The bassist played a chord and drummer beat the drums sometimes Flow to know that the band was waiting for him. - Fine. - He bent, closed his eyes blue and kissed Serena in the mouth. - Do not forget.
She smiled at him with tenderness. - I will not forget. Suddenly the room buzz of gossip. - Did you see that? '- I heard that she is walking with the bass34 too. - 'Do you think they are going to marry it? - I heard that they put in a bid to smuggle35 drugs. Some girls cried when Flow jumped back on stage and got the white Fender guitar. He ajeitou the microphone with your fingers long and delicate and looked on by the crowd of spectators for a single girl. - This is for Serena - he muttered, the eyebrows36 together with emotion. Then he started the first chords of your favorite music, Dark Knight37. Now he believed came from where and to whom the letter was. Girl, you're my bright star I 'll follow you wherever you are Fighting Wolves of that bite at your heels Serena is straight in the chair, watching Flow is to melt it. It was difficult not to feel flattered. He was so beautiful. While he played those notes sensual and acute, it could not stop smiling. Suddenly Aaron got up from the table. - Want to dance? - Serena asked full of hope. He shook his head. - I think I will go back to my room - he muttered. Serena stood up. Aaron acted in a manner so strange that she was worried about him. - I go with you - it is offered, forgetting is completely Flow: Serena followed by Aaron edge of the dance floor and through the crowd that aglomerava at the bar. Before we reach the path to the villages, she had a glimpse of the sea and the green and stopped perfect white sand and shining the light of the moon and thought of those nights of summer at the beach house in Newport for Blair, and Blair when she drank martinis, left the house and went to dive for sand without clothes in cold water clarae. Serena could not resist. - Let's go swimming! Aaron was where he was. - No - he said. - Go you. - Are you sure? He seats. - But do not go very far. - All right! - Serena cried, beginning to run. She shot the beach, esbarrando in the waves and sank, eager to feel the chill from head to toe when the cold water to engage. Swimming like a seal, it was under the water until the head finally emerged on the surface and it exalted38 breathed the air of the night. Sometimes it was very good living. is a bag when you can not find the clothes Blair wanted to stop it quickly, but Miles wanted to take all the time in the world, followed by every inch of the body of Blair in a way that seemed almost clinical, comosa was making a dermatological examination scope appropriate to eczema, melanomas or something. She tried to relax and enjoy the sensation of Miles licking the breast of his foot, but they were completely naked and she could not stop thinking that if Nate Miles was, by then they would have already ended. When excited, Nate became violent means. Not in a frightening, but a passionate39 way, trembling, irrepressible. Blair always had to be firm when he said no, was not ready to go to the end, and then had to find a way to distract him. Oh, yeah? And how? This time she would not have to tell Nate to stop, and now they are lying in the arms of one another, looking at the stars through the window, smoking cigarettes and talking lazily about the future. Miles started the other foot, biting the tip of the thumb of Blair and working with the language on the surface of diamond ring. Blair backed involuntarily. Everything always seemed so perfect when she was with Nate. They were and corner of the pieces of a puzzle, it is perfectly fit and, when they were together, everything made sense. That was why more was not any sense that she was lying naked on a bed in charge of a hotel on an island in the middle of the Carib while a naked Miles lambia your feet and Nate was in the freezing cold of Maine all alone, possibly, so it expected, considering it. Blair took the thumb from the mouth of Miles and rolled on the bed. Miles plunged40 his head under the water. -. What is the problem? - I have to go - she said without even looking at him. She Agache, looking for the dress, but it was dark and had so much crap on the floor that could not find her. Miles was hanging on the edge of the bed, seeing it as a drum your fingers on the legs. -.- I was trying to go easy. We know that. Blair ignored the. - Where. is the fucking my dress? - She muttered. Suddenly the light is lit and the dress has become very visible in a heap on the floor at the foot of the bed. Aaron was in the doorway41, but instead to apologize quickly and leave the room as a half-brother to do it consistently and Blair continued to face. The principle Blair was completely embarrassed. Two seconds after the embarrassment42 had turned into anger. How dare he? How dare to look at it like that? He was a hell of his half-brother. Aaron knew that should turn around and leave them alone, but your feet are not fun. Miles is lowered and got the pink dress from Blair down to his feet. - Man - he said to Aaron, throwing the dress for her. Blair pulled the dress on by the head and marched to the door. - What is your problem? - Ping it collides with Aaron when he left.


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手铐( shackle的名词复数 ); 脚镣; 束缚; 羁绊 | |
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n./adj.滋补品,补药,强身的,健体的 | |
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n.小岛,岛 | |
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长笛( flute的名词复数 ); 细长香槟杯(形似长笛) | |
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n.长笛;v.吹笛 | |
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n.香槟酒;微黄色 | |
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n.痴笑,咯咯地笑;v.咯咯地笑着说 | |
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a.使人消除恐惧和疑虑的,使人放心的 | |
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adv.完美地,无可非议地,彻底地 | |
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n.肚子,腹部;(像肚子一样)鼓起的部分,膛 | |
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n.爱好,癖好;adj.弯的;决心的,一心的 | |
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n.概观,概述 | |
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vi.复发,重现,再发生 | |
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adj.严格的,死板的;刚硬的,僵硬的 | |
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v.猛拧;挣脱;使扭伤;n.扳手;痛苦,难受 | |
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vt.吞咽,大口地吸(气);vi.哽住;n.吞咽 | |
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v.狼吞虎咽,贪婪地吃,飞碟游戏(比赛双方每组5人,相距15码,互相掷接飞碟);毁坏(建筑物等)的内部( gut的第三人称单数 );取出…的内脏n.勇气( gut的名词复数 );内脏;消化道的下段;肠 | |
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adj. 振耳欲聋的, 极喧闹的 动词deafen的现在分词形式 | |
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abbr.high impact polystyrene 高冲击强度聚苯乙烯,耐冲性聚苯乙烯n.臀部( hip的名词复数 );[建筑学]屋脊;臀围(尺寸);臀部…的 | |
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n.美人鱼 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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n.烟灰缸 | |
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adj.中年的 | |
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n.亚麻布,亚麻线,亚麻制品;adj.亚麻布制的,亚麻的 | |
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松开,解开( untie的过去式和过去分词 ); 解除,使自由; 解决 | |
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n.皮带;皮鞭;v.装皮带 | |
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n.橡皮圈,松紧带;adj.有弹性的;灵活的 | |
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n.菠菜 | |
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n.水雷,地雷;v.用鱼雷破坏 | |
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adj.极其疲惫的,精疲力尽的 | |
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v.犁田,开沟( furrow的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.热诚;热心;炽热 | |
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v.小口地喝,抿,呷;n.一小口的量 | |
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n.男低音(歌手);低音乐器;低音大提琴 | |
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vt.私运;vi.走私 | |
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眉毛( eyebrow的名词复数 ) | |
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n.骑士,武士;爵士 | |
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adj.(地位等)高的,崇高的;尊贵的,高尚的 | |
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adj.热情的,热烈的,激昂的,易动情的,易怒的,性情暴躁的 | |
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v.颠簸( plunge的过去式和过去分词 );暴跌;骤降;突降 | |
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n.门口,(喻)入门;门路,途径 | |
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n.尴尬;使人为难的人(事物);障碍;窘迫 | |
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