That subject is Wealth. Writers on Political Economy profess6 to teach, or to investigate, the nature of Wealth, and the laws of its production and distribution: including, directly or remotely, the operation of all the causes by which the condition of mankind, or of any society of human beings, in respect to this universal object of human desire, is made prosperous or the reverse. Not that any treatise7 on Political Economy can discuss or even enumerate8 all these causes; but it undertakes to set forth9 as much as is known of the laws and principles according to which they operate.
Every one has a notion, sufficiently10 correct for common purposes, of what is meant by wealth. The enquiries which relate to it are in no danger of being confounded with those relating to any other of the great human interests. All know that it is one thing to be rich, another thing to be enlightened, brave, or humane11; that the questions how a nation is made wealthy, and how it is made free, or virtuous12, or eminent13 in literature, in the fine arts, in arms, or in polity, are totally distinct enquiries. Those things, indeed, are all indirectly14 connected, and react upon one another. A people has sometimes become free, because it had first grown wealthy; or wealthy, because it had first become free. The creed15 and laws of a people act powerfully upon their economical condition; and this again, by its influence on their mental development and social relations, reacts upon their creed and laws. But though the subjects are in very close contact, they are essentially17 different, and have never been supposed to be otherwise.
It is no part of the design of this treatise to aim at metaphysical nicety of definition, where the ideas suggested by a term are already as determinate as practical purposes require. But, little as it might be expected that any mischievous18 confusion of ideas could take pLace on a subject so simple as the question, what is to be considered as weaLth, it is matter of history, that such confusion of ideas has existed-that theorists and practical poLiticians have been equally and at one period universally, infected by it, and that for many generations it gave a thoroughly19 faLse direction to the policy of Europe. I refer to the set of doctrines20 designated, since the time of Adam Smith, by the appellation22 of the Mercantile System.
While this system prevailed, it was assumed, either expressly or tacitly, in the whole policy of nations, that wealth consisted solely23 of money; or of the precious metals, which, when not already in the state of money, are capable of being directly converted into it. According to the doctrines then prevalent, whatever tended to heap up money or bullion24 in a country added to its wealth. Whatever sent the precious metals out of a country impoverished25 it. If a country possessed26 no gold or silver mines, the only industry by which it could be enriched was foreign trade, being the only one which could bring in money. Any branch of trade which was supposed to send out more money than it brought in, however ample and valuable might be the returns in another shape, was looked upon as a losing trade. Exportation of goods was favoured and encouraged (even by means extremely onerous27 to the real resources of the country), because, the exported goods being stipulated28 to be paid for in money, it was hoped that the returns would actually be made in gold and silver. Importation of anything, other than the precious metals, was regarded as a loss to the nation of the whole price of the things imported; unless they were brought in to be re-exported at a profit, or unless, being the materials or instruments of some industry practised in the country itself, they gave the power of producing exportable articles at smaller cost, and thereby29 effecting a larger exportation. The commerce of the world was looked upon as a struggle among nations, which could draw to itself the largest share of the gold and silver in existence; and in this competition no nation could gain anything, except by making others lose as much, or, at the least, preventing them from gaining it.
It often happens that the universal belief of one age of mankind-a belief from which no one was, nor without an extraordinary effort of genius and courage, could at that time be free-becomes to a subsequent age so palpable an absurdity30, that the only difficulty then is to imagine how such a thing can ever have appeared credible31. It has so happened with the doctrine21 that money is synonymous with wealth. The conceit32 seems too preposterous33 to be thought of as a serious opinion. It looks like one of the crude fancies of childhood, instantly corrected by a word from any grown person. But let no one feel confident that he would have escaped the delusion34 if he had lived at the time when it prevailed. All the associations engendered35 by common life, and by the ordinary course of business, concurred36 in promoting it. So Long as those associations were the only medium through which the subject was looked at, what we now think so gross an absurdity seemed a truism. Once questioned, indeed, it was doomed37; but no one was likely to think of questioning it whose mind had not become familiar with certain modes of stating and of contemplating38 economical phenomena39, which have only found their way into the general understanding through the influence of Adam Smith and of his expositors.
In common discourse40, wealth is always expressed in money. If you ask how rich a person is, you are answered that he has so many thousand pounds. All income and expenditure42, all gains and losses, everything by which one becomes richer or poorer, are reckoned as the coming in or going out of so much money. It is true that in the inventory43 of a person’s fortune are included, not only the money in his actual possession, or due to him, but all other articles of value. These, however, enter, not in their own character, but in virtue44 of the sums of money which they would sell for; and if they would sell for less, their owner is reputed less rich, though the things themselves are precisely45 the same. It is true, also, that people do not grow rich by keeping their money unused, and that they must be willing to spend in order to gain. Those who enrich themselves by commerce, do so by giving money for goods as well as goods for money; and the first is as necessary a part of the process as the last. But a person who buys goods for purposes of gain, does so to sell them again for money, and in the expectation of receiving more money than he laid out: to get money, therefore, seems even to the person himself the ultimate end of the whole. It often happens that he is not paid in money, but in something else; having bought goods to a value equivalent, which are set off against those he sold. But he accepted these at a money valuation, and in the belief that they would bring in more money eventually than the price at which they were made over to him. A dealer46 doing a large amount of business, and turning over his capital rapidly, has but a small portion of it in ready money at any one time. But he only feels it valuable to him as it is convertible47 into money: he considers no transaction closed until the net result is either paid or credited in money.. when he retires from business it is into money that he converts the whole, and not until then does he deem himself to have realized his gains: just as if money were the only wealth, and money’s worth were only the means of attaining48 it. If it be now asked for what end money is desirable, unless to supply the wants or pleasures of oneself or others, the champion of the system would not be at all embarrassed by the question. True, he would say, these are the uses of wealth, and very laudable uses while confined to domestic commodities, because in that case, by exactly the amount which you expend41, you enrich others of your countrymen. Spend your wealth, if you please, in whatever indulgences you have a taste for. but your wealth is not the indulgences, it is the sum of money, or the annual money income, with which you purchase them.
While there were so many things to render the assumption which is the basis of the mercantile system plausible49, there is also some small foundation in reason, though a very insufficient50 one, for the distinction which that system so emphatically draws between money and every other kind of valuable possession. We really, and justly, look upon a person as possessing the advantages of wealth, not in proportion to the useful and agreeable things of which he is in the actual enjoyment51, but to his command over the general fund of things useful and agreeable; the power he possesses of providing for any exigency52, or obtaining any object of desire. Now, money is itself that power; while all other things, in a civilized53 state, seem to confer it only by their capacity of being exchanged for money. To possess any other article of wealth, is to possess that particular thing, and nothing else: if you wish for another thing instead of it, you have first to sell it, or to submit to the inconvenience and delay (if not the impossibility) of finding some one who has what you want, and is willing to barter54 it for what you have. But with money you are at once able to buy whatever things are for sale: and one whose fortune is in money, or in things rapidly convertible into it, seems both to himself and others to possess not any one thing, but all the things which the money places it at his option to purchase. The greatest part of the utility of wealth, beyond a very moderate quantity, is not the indulgences it procures55, but the reserved power which its possessor holds in his hands of attaining purposes generally; and this power no other kind of wealth confers so immediately or so certainly as money. It is the only form of wealth which is not merely applicable to some one use, but can be turned at once to any use. And this distinction was the more likely to make an impression upon governments, as it is one of considerable importance to them. A civilized government derives58 comparatively little advantage from taxes unless it can collect them in money: and if it has large or sudden payments to make, especially payments in foreign countries for wars or subsidies59, either for the sake of conquering or of not being conquered (the two chief objects of national policy until a late period), scarcely any medium of payment except money will serve the purpose. All these causes conspire60 to make both individuals and governments, in estimating their means, attach almost exclusive importance to money, either in esse or in posse, and look upon all other things (when viewed as part of their resources) scarcely otherwise than as the remote means of obtaining that which alone, when obtained, affords the indefinite, and at the same time instantaneous, command over objects of desire, which best answers to the idea of wealth.
An absurdity, however, does not cease to be an absurdity when we have discovered what were the appearances which made it plausible; and the Mercantile Theory could not fail to be seen in its true character when men began, even in an imperfect manner, to explore into the foundations of things, and seek their premises61 from elementary facts, and not from the forms and phrases of common discourse. So soon as they asked themselves what is really meant by money-what it is in its essential characters, and the precise nature of the functions it performs-they reflected that money, like other things, is only a desirable possession on account of its uses; and that these, instead of being, as they delusively62 appear, indefinite, are of a strictly63 defined and limited description, namely, to facilitate the distribution of the produce of industry according to the convenience of those among whom it is shared. Further consideration showed that the uses of money are in no respect promoted by increasing the quantity which exists and circulates in a country; the service which it performs being as well rendered by a small as by a large aggregate64 amount. Two million quarters of corn will not feed so many persons as four millions; but two millions of pounds sterling65 will carry on as much traffic, will buy and sell as many commodities, as four millions, though at lower nominal66 prices. Money, as money, satisfies no want; its worth to any one, consists in its being a convenient shape in which to receive his incomings of all sorts, which incomings he afterwards, at the times which suit him best, converts into the forms in which they can be useful to him. Great as the difference would be between a country with money, and a country altogether without it, it would be only one of convenience; a saving of time and trouble, like grinding by water power instead of by hand, or (to use Adam Smith’s illustration) like the benefit derived67 from roads; and to mistake money for wealth, is the same sort of error as to mistake the highway which may be the easiest way of getting to your house or lands, for the house and lands themselves.
Money, being the instrument of an important public and private purpose, is rightly regarded as wealth; but everything else which serves any human purpose, and which nature does not afford gratuitously68, is wealth also. To be wealthy is to have a large stock of useful articles, or the means of purchasing them. Everything forms therefore a part of wealth, which has a power of purchasing; for which anything useful or agreeable would be given in exchange. Things for which nothing could be obtained in exchange, however useful or necessary they may be, are not wealth in the sense in which the term is used in Political Economy. Air, for example, though the most absolute of necessaries, bears no price in the market, because it can be obtained gratuitously: to accumulate a stock of it would yield no profit or advantage to any one; and the laws of its production and distribution are the subject of a very different study from Political Economy. But though air is not wealth, mankind are much richer by obtaining it gratis69, since the time and labour which would otherwise be required for supplying the most pressing of all wants, can be devoted70 to other purposes. It is possible to imagine circumstances in which air would be a part of wealth. If it became customary to sojourn71 long in places where the air does not naturally penetrate72, as in diving-bells sunk in the sea, a supply of air artificially furnished would, like water conveyed into houses, bear a price: and if from any revolution in nature the atmosphere became too scanty73 for the consumption, or could be monopolized74, air might acquire a very high marketable value. In such a case, the possession of it, beyond his own wants, would be, to its owner, wealth; and the general wealth of mankind might at first sight appear to be increased, by what would be so great a calamity75 to them. The error would lie in not considering, that however rich the possessor of air might become at the expense of the rest of the community, all persons else would be poorer by all that they were compelled to pay for what they had before obtained without payment.
This leads to an important distinction in the meaning of the word wealth, as applied76 to the possessions of an individual, and to those of a nation, or of mankind. In the wealth of mankind, nothing is included which does not of itself answer some purpose of utility or pleasure. To an individual anything is wealth, which, though useless in itself, enables him to claim from others a part of their stock of things useful or pleasant. Take, for instance, a mortgage of a thousand pounds on a landed estate. This is wealth to the person to whom it brings in a revenue, and who could perhaps sell it in the market for the full amount of the debt. But it is not wealth to the country; if the engagement were annulled77, the country would be neither poorer nor richer. The mortgagee would have lost a thousand pounds, and the owner of the land would have gained it. Speaking nationally, the mortgage was not itself wealth, but merely gave A a claim to a portion of the wealth of B. It was wealth to A, and wealth which he could transfer to a third person; but what he so transferred was in fact a joint78 ownership, to the extent of a thousand pounds, in the land of which B was nominally79 the sole proprietor80. The position of fundholders, or owners of the public debt of a country, is similar. They are mortgagees on the general wealth of the country. The cancelling of the debt would be no destruction of wealth, but a transfer of it: a wrongful abstraction of wealth from certain members of the community, for the profit of the government, or of the tax-payers. Funded property therefore cannot be counted as part of the national wealth. This is not always borne in mind by the dealers81 in statistical82 calculations. For example, in estimates of the gross income of the country, founded on the proceeds of the income-tax, incomes derived from the funds are not always excluded: though the tax-payers are assessed on their whole nominal income, without being permitted to deduct83 from it the portion levied84 from them in taxation85 to form the income of the fundholder. In this calculation, therefore, one portion of the general income of the country is counted twice over, and the aggregate amount made to appear greater than it is by almost thirty millions. A country, however, may include in its wealth all stock held by its citizens in the funds of foreign countries, and other debts due to them from abroad. But even this is only wealth to them by being a part ownership in wealth held by others. It forms no part of the collective wealth of the human race. It is an element in the distribution, but not in the composition, of the general wealth.
Another example of a possession which is wealth to the person holding it, but not wealth to the nation, or to mankind, is slaves. It is by a strange confusion of ideas that slave property (as it is termed) is counted, at so much per head, in an estimate of the wealth, or of the capital, of the country which tolerates the existence of such property. If a human being, considered as an object possessing productive powers, is part of the national wealth when his powers are owned by another man, he cannot be less a part of it when they are owned by himself. Whatever he is worth to his master is so much property abstracted from himself, and its abstraction cannot augment86 the possessions of the two together, or of the country to which they both belong. In propriety87 of classification, however, the people of a country are not to be counted in its wealth. They are that for the sake of which its wealth exists. The term wealth is wanted to denote the desirable objects which they possess, not inclusive of, but in contradistinction to, their own persons. They are not wealth to themselves, though they are means of acquiring it.
It has been proposed to define wealth as signifying “instruments:” meaning not tools and machinery88 alone, but the whole accumulation possessed by individuals or communities, of means for the attainment89 of their ends. Thus, a field is an instrument, because it is a means to the attainment of corn. Corn is an instrument, being a means to the attainment of flour. Flour is an instrument, being a means to the attainment of bread. Bread is an instrument, as a means to the satisfaction of hunger and to the support of life. Here we at last arrive at things which are not instruments, being desired on their own account, and not as mere57 means to something beyond. This view of the subject is philosophically90 correct; or rather, this mode of expression may be usefully employed along with others, not as conveying a different view of the subject from the common one, but as giving more distinctness and reality to the common view. It departs, however, too widely from the custom of language, to be likely to obtain general acceptance, or to be of use for any other purpose than that of occasional illustration.
Wealth, then, may be defined, all useful or agreeable things which possess exchangeable value; or, in other words, all useful or agreeable things except those which can be obtained, in the quantity desired, without labour or sacrifice. To this definition, the only objection seems to be, that it leaves in uncertainty91 a question which has been much debated — whether what are called immaterial products are to be considered as wealth: whether, for example, the skill of a workman, or any other natural or acquired power of body or mind, shall be called wealth, or not: a question, not of very great importance, and which, so far as requiring discussion, will be more conveniently considered in another place.
These things having been premised respecting wealth, we shall next turn our attention to the extraordinary differences in respect to it, which exist between nation and nation, and between different ages of the world; differences both in the quantity of wealth, and in the kind of it; as well as in the manner in which the wealth existing in the community is shared among its members.
There is perhaps, no people or community, now existing, which subsists92 entirely93 on the spontaneous produce of vegetation. But many tribes still live exclusively, or almost exclusively, on wild animals, the produce of hunting or fishing. Their clothing is skins; their habitations, huts rudely formed of logs or boughs94 of trees, and abandoned at an hour’s notice. The food they use being little susceptible95 of storing up, they have no accumulation of it, and are often exposed to great privations. The wealth of such a community consists solely of the skins they wear; a few ornaments96, the taste for which exists among most savages98; some rude utensils99; the weapons with which they kill their game, or fight against hostile competitors for the means of subsistence; canoes for crossing rivers and lakes, or fishing in the sea; and perhaps some furs or other productions of the wilderness100, collected to be exchanged with civilized people for blankets, brandy, and tobacco; of which foreign produce also there may be some unconsumed portion in store. To this scanty inventory of material wealth, ought to be added their land; an instrument of production of which they make slender use, compared with more settled communities, but which is still the source of their subsistence, and which has a marketable value if there be any agricultural community in the neighbourhood requiring more land than it possesses. This is the state of greatest poverty in which any entire community of human beings is known to exist; though there are much richer communities in which portions of the inhabitants are in a condition, as to subsistence and comfort, as little enviable as that of the savage97.
The first great advance beyond this state consists in the domestication101 of the more useful animals; giving rise to the pastoral or nomad102 state, in which mankind do not live on the produce of hunting, but on milk and its products, and on the annual increase of flocks and herds103. This condition is not only more desirable in itself, but more conducive104 to further progress: and a much more considerable amount of wealth is accumulated under it. So long as the vast natural pastures of the earth are not yet so fully16 occupied as to be consumed more rapidly than they are spontaneously reproduced, a large and constantly increasing stock of subsistence may be collected and preserved, with little other labour than that of guarding the cattle from the attacks of wild beasts, and from the force or wiles105 of predatory men. Large flocks and herds, therefore, are in time possessed, by active and thrifty106 individuals through their own exertions108, and by the heads of families and tribes through the exertions of those who are connected with them by allegiance. There thus arises, in the shepherd state, inequality of possessions; a thing which scarcely exists in the savage state, where no one has much more than absolute necessaries, and in case of deficiency must share even those with his tribe. In the nomad state, some have an abundance of cattle, sufficient for the food of a multitude, while others have not contrived109 to appropriate and retain any superfluity, or perhaps any cattle at all. But subsistence has ceased to be precarious110, since the more successful have no other use which they can make of their surplus than to feed the less fortunate, while every increase in the number of persons connected with them is an increase both of security and of power: and thus they are enabled to divest111 themselves of all labour except that of government and superintendence, and acquire dependents to fight for them in war and to serve them in peace. One of the features of this state of society is, that a part of the community, and in some degree even the whole of it, possess leisure. Only a portion of time is required for procuring112 food, and the remainder is not engrossed113 by anxious thought for the morrow, or necessary repose114 from muscular activity. Such a life is highly favourable115 to the growth of new wants, and opens a possibility of their gratification. A desire arises for better clothing, utensils, and implements116, than the savage state contents itself with; and the surplus food renders it practicable to devote to these purposes the exertions of a part of the tribe. In all or most nomad communities we find domestic manufactures of a coarse, and in some, of a fine kind. There is ample evidence that while those parts of the world which have been the cradle of modern civilization were still generally in the nomad state, considerable skill had been attained117 in spinning, weaving, and dyeing woollen garments, in the preparation of leather, and in what appears a still more difficult invention, that of working in metals. Even speculative118 science took its first beginnings from the leisure characteristic of this stage of social progress. The earliest astronomical119 observations are attributed, by a tradition which has much appearance of truth, to the shepherds of Chaldea.
From this state of society to the agricultural the transition is not indeed easy (for no great change in the habits of mankind is otherwise than difficult, and in general either painful or very slow), but it lies in what may be called the spontaneous corse of events. The growth of the population of men and cattle began in time to press upon the earth’s capabilities120 of yielding natural pasture: and this cause doubtless produced the first tilling of the ground, just as at a later period the same cause made the superfluous121 hordes122 of the nations which had remained nomad precipitate123 themselves upon those which had already become agricultural; until, these having become sufficiently powerful to repel124 such inroads, the invading nations, deprived of this outlet125, were obliged also to become agricultural communities.
But after this great step had been completed, the subsequent progress of mankind seems by no means to have been so rapid (certain rare combinations of circumstances excepted) as might perhaps have been anticipated. The quantity of human food which the earth is capable of returning even to the most wretched system of agriculture, so much exceeds what could be obtained in the purely126 pastoral state, that a great increase of population is invariably the result. But this additional food is only obtained by a great additional amount of labour; so that not only an agricultural has much less leisure than a pastoral population, but, with the imperfect tools and unskilful processes which are for a long time employed (and which over the greater part of the earth have not even yet been abandoned), agriculturists do not, unless in unusually advantageous127 circumstances of climate and soil, produce so great a surplus of food, beyond their necessary consumption, as to support any large class of labourers engaged in other departments of industry. The surplus, too, whether small or great, is usually torn from the producers, either by the government to which they are subject, or by individuals, who by superior force, or by availing themselves of religious or traditional feelings of subordination, have established themselves as lords of the soil.
The first of these modes of appropriation128, by the government, is characteristic of the extensive monarchies129 which from a time beyond historical record have occupied the plains of Asia. The government, in those countries, though varying in its qualities according to the accidents of personal character, seldom leaves much to the cultivators beyond mere necessaries, and often strips them so bare even of these, that it finds itself obliged, after taking all they have, to lend part of it back to those from whom it has been taken, in order to provide them with seed, and enable them to support life until another harvest. Under the régime in question, though the bulk of the population are ill provided for, the government, by collecting small contributions from great numbers, is enabled, with any tolerable management, to make a show of riches quite out of proportion to the general condition of the society; and hence the inveterate131 impression, of which Europeans have only at a late period been disabused132, concerning the great opulence133 of Oriental nations. In this wealth, without reckoning the large portion which adheres to the hands employed in collecting it, many persons of course participate, besides the immediate56 household of the sovereign. A large part is distributed among the various functionaries134 of government, and among the objects of the sovereign’s favour or caprice. A part is occasionally employed in works of public utility. The tanks, wells, and canals for irrigation, without which in many tropical climates cultivation135 could hardly be carried on; the embankments which confine the rivers, the bazars for dealers, and the seraees for travellers, none of which could have been made by the scanty means in the possession of those using them, owe their existence to the liberality and enlightened self-interest of the better order of princes, or to the benevolence136 or ostentation137 of here and there a rich individual, whose fortune, if traced to its source, is always found to have been drawn138 immediately or remotely from the public revenue, most frequently by a direct grant of a portion of it from the sovereign.
The ruler of a society of this description, after providing largely for his own support, and that of all persons in whom he feels an interest, and after maintaining as many soldiers as he thinks needful for his security or his state, has a disposable residue139, which he is glad to exchange for articles of luxury suitable to his disposition140: as have also the class of persons who have been enriched by his favour, or by handling the public revenues. A demand thus arises for elaborate and costly141 manufactured articles, adapted to a narrow but a wealthy market. This demand is often supplied almost exclusively by the merchants of more advanced communities, but often also raises up in the country itself a class of artificers, by whom certain fabrics142 are carried to as high excellence143 as can be given by patience, quickness of perception and observation, and manual dexterity144, without any considerable knowledge of the properties of objects: such as some of the cotton fabrics of India. These artificers are fed by the surplus food which has been taken by the government and its agents as their share of the produce. So literally145 is this the case, that in some countries the workman, instead of taking his work home, and being paid for it after it is finished, proceeds with his tools to his customer’s house, and is there subsisted146 until the work is complete. The insecurity, however, of all possessions in this state of society, induces even the richest purchasers to give a preference to such articles as, being of an imperishable nature, and containing great value in small bulk, are adapted for being concealed147 or carried off. Gold and jewels, therefore, constitute a large proportion of the wealth of these nations, and many a rich Asiatic carries nearly his whole fortune on his person, or on those of the women of his harem. No one, except the monarch130, thinks of investing his wealth in a manner not susceptible of removal. He, indeed, if he feels safe on his throne, and reasonably secure of transmitting it to his descendants, sometimes indulges a taste for durable149 edifices150, and produces the Pyramids, or the Taj Mehal and the Mausoleum at Sekundra. The rude manufactures destined151 for the wants of the cultivators are worked up by village artisans, who are remunerated by land given to them rent-free to cultivate, or by fees paid to them in kind from such share of the crop as is left to the villagers by the government. This state of society, however, is not destitute152 of a mercantile class; composed of two divisions, grain dealers and money dealers. The grain dealers do not usually buy grain from the producers, but from the agents of government, who, receiving the revenue in kind, are glad to devolve upon others the business of conveying it to the places where the prince, his chief civil and military officers, the bulk of his troops, and the artisans who supply the wants of these various persons, are assembled. The money dealers lend to the unfortunate cultivators, when ruined by bad seasons or fiscal153 exactions, the means of supporting life and continuing their cultivation, and are repaid with enormous interest at the next harvest; or, on a larger scale, they lend to the government, or to those to whom it has granted a portion of the revenue, and are indemnified by assignments on the revenue collectors, or by having certain districts put into their possession, that they may pay themselves from the revenues; to enable them to do which, a great portion of the powers of government are usually made over simultaneously154, to be exercised by them until either the districts are redeemed155, or their receipts have liquidated156 the debt. Thus, the commercial operations of both these classes of dealers take pLace principally upon that part of the produce of the country which forms the revenue of the government. From that revenue their capital is periodically replaced with a profit, and that is also the source from which their original funds have almost always been derived. Such, in its general features, is the economical condition of most of the countries of Asia, as it has been from beyond the commencement of authentic157 history, and is still, wherever not disturbed by foreign influences.
In the agricultural communities of ancient Europe whose early condition is best known to us, the course of things was different. These, at their origin, were mostly small town-communities, at the first plantation158 of which, in an unoccupied country, or in one from which the former inhabitants had been expelled, the land which was taken possession of was regularly divided, in equal or in graduated allotments, among the families composing the community. In some cases, instead of a town there was a confederation of towns, occupied by people of the same reputed race, and who were supposed to have settled in the country about the same time. Each family produced its own food and the materials of its clothing, which were worked up within itself, usually by the women of the family, into the coarse fabrics with which the age was contented159. Taxes there were none, as there were either no paid officers of government, or if there were, their payment had been provided for by a reserved portion of land, cultivated by slaves on account of the state; and the army consisted of the body of citizens. The whole produce of the soil, therefore, belonged, without deduction160, to the family which cultivated it. So long as the process of events permitted this disposition of property to last, the state of society was, for the majority of the free cultivators, probably not an undesirable161 one; and under it, in some cases, the advance of mankind in intellectual culture was extraordinarily162 rapid and brilliant. This more especially happened where, along with advantageous circumstances of race and climate, and no doubt with many favourable accidents of which all trace is now lost, was combined the advantage of a position on the shores of a great inland sea, the other coasts of which were already occupied by settled communities. The knowledge which in such a position was acquired of foreign productions, and the easy access of foreign ideas and inventions, made the chain of routine, usually so strong in a rude people, hang loosely on these communities. To speak only of their industrial development; they early acquired variety of wants and desires, which stimulated163 them to extract from their own soil the utmost which they knew how to make it yield; and when their soil was sterile164, or after they had reached the limit of its capacity, they often became traders, and bought up the productions of foreign countries, to sell them in other countries with a profit.
The duration, however, of this state of things was from the first precarious. These little communities lived in a state of almost perpetual war. For this there were many causes. In the ruder and purely agricultural communities a frequent cause was the mere pressure of their increasing population upon their limited land, aggravated165 as that pressure so often was by deficient166 harvests, in the rude state of their agriculture, and depending as they did for food upon a very small extent of country. On these occasions, the community often emigrated en masse, or sent forth a swarm167 of its youth, to seek, sword in hand, for some less warlike people, who could be expelled from their land, or detained to cultivate it as slaves for the benefit of their despoilers. What the less advanced tribes did from necessity, the more prosperous did from ambition and the military spirit: and after a time the whole of these city-communities were either conquerors168 or conquered. In some cases, the conquering state contented itself with imposing169 a tribute on the vanquished170: who being, in consideration of that burden, freed from the expense and trouble of their own military and naval171 protection, might enjoy under it a considerable share of economical prosperity, while the ascendant community obtained a surplus of wealth, available for purposes of collective luxury or magnificence. From such a surplus the Parthenon and the Propylaea were built, the sculptures of Pheidias paid for, and the festivals celebrated172, for which AEschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, and Aristophanes composed their dramas. But this state of political relations, most useful, while it lasted, to the progress and ultimate interest of mankind, had not the elements of durability173. A small conquering community which does not incorporate its conquests, always ends by being conquered. Universal dominion174, therefore, at last rested with the people who practised this art — with the Romans; who, whatever were their other devices, always either began or ended by taking a great part of the land to enrich their own leading citizens, and by adopting into the governing body the principal possessors of the remainder. It is unnecessary to dwell on the melancholy175 economomical history of the Roman empire. When inequality of wealth once commences, in a community not constantly engaged in repairing by industry the injuries of fortune, its advances are gigantic; the great masses of wealth swallow up the smaller. The Roman empire ultimately became covered with the vast landed possessions of a comparatively few families, for whose luxury, and still more for whose ostentation, the most costly products were raised, soil were slaves, or small tenants176 in a while the condition. cultivators of the soil were slaves, or small tenants in nearly servile condition. From this time the weaLth of the empire progressively declined. In the beginning, the public revenues, and the resources of rich individuals, sufficed at least to cover Italy with splendid edifices, public and private; but at length so dwindled177 under the enervating178 influences of misgovernment, that what remained was not even sufficient to keep those edifices from decay. The strength and riches of the civilized world became inadequate179 to make head against the nomad population which skirted its northern frontier; they overran the empire, and a different order of things succeeded.
In the new frame in which European society was now cast, the population of each country may be considered as composed, in unequal proportions, of two distinct nations or races, the conquerors and the conquered: the first the proprietors180 of the land, the latter the tillers of it. These tillers were allowed to occupy the land on conditions which, being the product of force, were always onerous, but seldom to the extent of absolute slavery. Already, in the later times of the Roman empire, predial slavery had extensively transformed itself into a kind of serfdom: the coloni of the Romans were rather villeins than actual slaves; and the incapacity and distaste of the barbarian181 conquerors for personally superintending industrial occupations, left no alternative but to allow to the cultivators, as an incentive182 to exertion107, some real interest in the soil. If, for example, they were compelled to labour, three days in the week, for their superior, the produce of the remaining days was their own. If they were required to supply the provisions of various sorts, ordinarily needed for the consumption of the castle, and were often subject to requisitions in excess, yet after supplying these demands they were suffered to dispose at their will of whatever additional produce they could raise. Under this system during the Middle Ages it was not impossible, no more than in modern Russia (where, up to the recent measure of emancipation183, the same system still essentially prevailed), for serfs to acquire property; and in fact, their accumulations are the primitive184 source of the wealth of modern Europe.
In that age of violence and disorder185, the first use made by a serf of any small provision which he had been able to accumulate, was to buy his freedom and withdraw himself to some town or fortified186 village, which had remained undestroyed from the time of the Roman dominion; or, without buying his freedom, to abscond187 thither188. In that place of refuge, surrounded by others of his own class. he attempted to live, secured in some measure from the outrages189 and exactions of the warrior190 caste, by his own prowess and that of his fellows. These emancipated191 serfs mostly became artificers; and lived by exchanging the produce of their industry for the surplus food and material which the soil yielded to its feudal192 proprietors. This gave rise to a sort of European counterpart of the economical condition of Asiatic countries; except that, in lieu of a single monarch and a fluctuating body of favourites and employés, there was a numerous and in a considerable degree fixed193 class of great landholders; exhibiting far less splendour, because individually disposing of a much smaller surplus produce, and for a long time expending194 the chief part of it in maintaining the body of retainers whom the warlike habits of society, and the little protection afforded by government, rendered indispensable to their safety. The greater stability, the fixity of personal position, which this state of society afforded, in comparison with the Asiatic polity to which it economically corresponded, was one main reason why it was also found more favourable to improvement. From this time the economical advancement195 of society has not been further interrupted. Security of person and property grew slowly, but steadily196. the arts of life made constant progress; plunder197 ceased to be the principal source of accumulation; and feudal Europe ripened198 into commercial and manufacturing Europe. In the latter part of the Middle Ages, the towns of Italy and Flanders, the free cities of Germany, and some towns of France and England, contained a large and energetic population of artisans, and many rich burghers, whose wealth had been acquired by manufacturing industry, or by trading in the produce of such industry. The Commons of England, the Tiers–Etat of France, the bourgeoisie of the Continent generally, are the descendants of this class. As these were a saving class, while the posterity199 of the feudal aristocracy were a squandering200 class, the former by degrees substituted themselves for the latter as the owners of a great proportion of the land. This natural tendency was in some cases retarded201 by laws contrived for the purpose of detaining the land in the families of its existing possessors, in other cases accelerated by political revolutions. Gradually, though more slowly, the immediate cultivators of the soil, in all the more civilized countries, ceased to be in a servile or semi-servile state: though the legal position, as well as the economical condition attained by them, vary extremely in the different nations of Europe, and in the great communities which have been founded beyond the Atlantic by the descendants of Europeans.
The world now contains several extensive regions, provided with the various ingredients of wealth in a degree of abundance of which former ages had not even the idea. Without compulsory202 labour, an enormous mass of food is annuaLly203 extracted from the soil, and maintains, besides the actual producers, an equal, sometimes a greater number of labourers, occupied in producing conveniences and luxuries of innumerable kinds, or in transporting them from place to place; also a multitude of persons employed in directing and superintending these various labours; and over and above all these, a class more numerous than in the most luxurious204 ancient societies, of persons whose occupations are of a kind not directly productive, and of persons who have no occupation at all. The food thus raised supports a far larger population than had ever existed (at least in the same regions) on an equal space of ground; and supports them with certainty, exempt205 from those periodically recurring206 famines so abundant in the early history of Europe, and in Oriental countries even now not unfrequent. Besides this great increase in the quantity of food, it has greatly improved in quality and variety; while conveniences and luxuries, other than food, are no longer limited to a small and opulent class, but descend148, in great abundance, through many widening strata207 in society. The collective resources of one of these communities, when it chooses to put them forth for any unexpected purpose; its ability to maintain fleets and armies, to execute public works, either useful or ornamental208, to perform national acts of beneficence like the ransom209 of the West India slaves; to found colonies, to have its people taught, to do anything in short which requires expense, and to do it with no sacrifice of the necessaries or even the substantial comforts of its inhabitants, are such as the world never saw before.
But in all these particulars, characteristic of the modern industrial communities, those communities differ widely from one another. Though abounding210 in wealth as compared with former ages, they do so in very different degrees. Even of the countries which are justly accounted the richest, some have made a more complete use of their productive resources, and have obtained, relatively211 to their territorial212 extent, a much larger produce, than others; nor do they differ only in amount of wealth, but also in the rapidity of its increase. The diversities in the distribution of wealth are still greater than in the production. There are great differences in the condition of the poorest class in different countries; and in the proportional numbers and opulence of the classes which are above the poorest. The very nature and designation of the classes who originally share among them the produce of the soil, vary not a little in different places. In some, the landowners are a class in themselves, almost entirely separate from the classes engaged in industry. in others, the proprietor of the land is almost universally its cultivator, owning the plough, and often himself holding it. Where the proprietor himself does not cultivate, there is sometimes, between him and the labourer, an intermediate agency, that of the farmer, who advances the subsistence of the labourers, supplies the instruments of production, and receives, after paying a rent to the landowner, all the produce: in other cases, the landlord, his paid agents, and the labourers, are the only sharers. Manufactures, again, are sometimes carried on by scattered213 individuals, who own or hire the tools or machinery they require, and employ little labour besides that of their own family; in other cases, by large numbers working together in one building, with expensive and complex machinery owned by rich manufacturers. The same difference exists in the operations of trade. The wholesale214 operations indeed are everywhere carried on by large capitals, where such exist; but the retail215 dealings, which collectively occupy a very great amount of capital, are sometimes conducted in small shops, chiefly by the personal exertions of the dealers themselves, with their families, and perhaps an apprentice216 or two; and sometimes in large establishments, of which the funds are supplied by a wealthy individual or association, and the agency is that of numerous salaried shopmen or shopwomen. Besides these differences in the economical phenomena presented by different parts of what is usually called the civilized world, all those earlier states which we previously217 passed in review, have continued in some part or other of the world, down to our own time. Hunting communities still exist in America, nomadic218 in Arabia and the steppes of Northern Asia; Oriental society is in essentials what it has always been; the great empire of Russia is even now, in many respects, the scarcely modified image of feudal Europe. Every one of the great types of human society, down to that of the Esquimaux or Patagonians, is still extant.
These remarkable219 differences in the state of different portions of the human race, with regard to the production and distribution of wealth, must, like all other phenomena, depend on causes. And it is not a sufficient explanation to ascribe them exclusively to the degrees of knowledge possessed at different times and places, of the laws of nature and the physical arts of life. Many other causes co-operate; and that very progress and unequal distribution of physical knowledge are partly the effects, as well as partly the causes, of the state of the production and distribution of wealth.
In so far as the economical condition of nations turns upon the state of physical knowledge, it is a subject for the physical sciences, and the arts founded on them. But in so far as the causes are moral or psychological, dependent on institutions and social relations, or on the principles of human nature, their investigation220 belongs not to physical, but to moral and social science, and is the object of what is called Political Economy.
The production of wealth; the extraction of the instruments of human subsistence and enjoyment from the materials of the globe, is evidently not an arbitrary thing. It has its necessary conditions. Of these, some are physical, depending on the properties of matter, and on the amount of knowledge of those properties possessed at the particular place and time. These Political Economy does not investigate, but assumes; referring for the grounds, to physical science or common experience. Combining with these facts of outward nature other truths relating to human nature, it attempts to trace the secondary or derivative221 laws, by which the production of wealth is determined222; in which must lie the explanation of the diversities of riches and poverty in the present and past, and the ground of whatever increase in wealth is reserved for the future.
Unlike the laws of Production, those of Distribution are partly of human institution: since the manner in which wealth is distributed in any given society, depends on the statutes223 or usages therein obtaining. But though governments or nations have the power of deciding what institutions shall exist, they cannot arbitrarily determine how those institutions shall work. The conditions on which the power they possess over the distribution of wealth is dependent, and the manner in which the distribution is effected by the various modes of conduct which society may think fit to adopt, are as much a subject for scientific enquiry as any of the physical laws of nature.
The laws of Production and Distribution, and some of the practical consequences deducible from them, are the subject of the following treatise.
1 systematic | |
adj.有系统的,有计划的,有方法的 | |
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2 tardy | |
adj.缓慢的,迟缓的 | |
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3 conversant | |
adj.亲近的,有交情的,熟悉的 | |
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4 unduly | |
adv.过度地,不适当地 | |
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5 engrossing | |
adj.使人全神贯注的,引人入胜的v.使全神贯注( engross的现在分词 ) | |
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6 profess | |
v.声称,冒称,以...为业,正式接受入教,表明信仰 | |
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7 treatise | |
n.专著;(专题)论文 | |
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8 enumerate | |
v.列举,计算,枚举,数 | |
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9 forth | |
adv.向前;向外,往外 | |
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10 sufficiently | |
adv.足够地,充分地 | |
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11 humane | |
adj.人道的,富有同情心的 | |
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12 virtuous | |
adj.有品德的,善良的,贞洁的,有效力的 | |
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13 eminent | |
adj.显赫的,杰出的,有名的,优良的 | |
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14 indirectly | |
adv.间接地,不直接了当地 | |
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15 creed | |
n.信条;信念,纲领 | |
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16 fully | |
adv.完全地,全部地,彻底地;充分地 | |
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17 essentially | |
adv.本质上,实质上,基本上 | |
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18 mischievous | |
adj.调皮的,恶作剧的,有害的,伤人的 | |
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19 thoroughly | |
adv.完全地,彻底地,十足地 | |
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20 doctrines | |
n.教条( doctrine的名词复数 );教义;学说;(政府政策的)正式声明 | |
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21 doctrine | |
n.教义;主义;学说 | |
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22 appellation | |
n.名称,称呼 | |
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23 solely | |
adv.仅仅,唯一地 | |
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24 bullion | |
n.金条,银条 | |
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25 impoverished | |
adj.穷困的,无力的,用尽了的v.使(某人)贫穷( impoverish的过去式和过去分词 );使(某物)贫瘠或恶化 | |
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26 possessed | |
adj.疯狂的;拥有的,占有的 | |
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27 onerous | |
adj.繁重的 | |
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28 stipulated | |
vt.& vi.规定;约定adj.[法]合同规定的 | |
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29 thereby | |
adv.因此,从而 | |
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30 absurdity | |
n.荒谬,愚蠢;谬论 | |
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31 credible | |
adj.可信任的,可靠的 | |
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32 conceit | |
n.自负,自高自大 | |
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33 preposterous | |
adj.荒谬的,可笑的 | |
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34 delusion | |
n.谬见,欺骗,幻觉,迷惑 | |
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35 engendered | |
v.产生(某形势或状况),造成,引起( engender的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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36 concurred | |
同意(concur的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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37 doomed | |
命定的 | |
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38 contemplating | |
深思,细想,仔细考虑( contemplate的现在分词 ); 注视,凝视; 考虑接受(发生某事的可能性); 深思熟虑,沉思,苦思冥想 | |
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39 phenomena | |
n.现象 | |
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40 discourse | |
n.论文,演说;谈话;话语;vi.讲述,著述 | |
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41 expend | |
vt.花费,消费,消耗 | |
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42 expenditure | |
n.(时间、劳力、金钱等)支出;使用,消耗 | |
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43 inventory | |
n.详细目录,存货清单 | |
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44 virtue | |
n.德行,美德;贞操;优点;功效,效力 | |
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45 precisely | |
adv.恰好,正好,精确地,细致地 | |
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46 dealer | |
n.商人,贩子 | |
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47 convertible | |
adj.可改变的,可交换,同意义的;n.有活动摺篷的汽车 | |
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48 attaining | |
(通常经过努力)实现( attain的现在分词 ); 达到; 获得; 达到(某年龄、水平、状况) | |
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49 plausible | |
adj.似真实的,似乎有理的,似乎可信的 | |
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50 insufficient | |
adj.(for,of)不足的,不够的 | |
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51 enjoyment | |
n.乐趣;享有;享用 | |
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52 exigency | |
n.紧急;迫切需要 | |
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53 civilized | |
a.有教养的,文雅的 | |
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54 barter | |
n.物物交换,以货易货,实物交易 | |
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55 procures | |
v.(努力)取得, (设法)获得( procure的第三人称单数 );拉皮条 | |
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56 immediate | |
adj.立即的;直接的,最接近的;紧靠的 | |
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57 mere | |
adj.纯粹的;仅仅,只不过 | |
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58 derives | |
v.得到( derive的第三人称单数 );(从…中)得到获得;源于;(从…中)提取 | |
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59 subsidies | |
n.补贴,津贴,补助金( subsidy的名词复数 ) | |
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60 conspire | |
v.密谋,(事件等)巧合,共同导致 | |
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61 premises | |
n.建筑物,房屋 | |
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62 delusively | |
adv.困惑地,欺瞒地 | |
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63 strictly | |
adv.严厉地,严格地;严密地 | |
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64 aggregate | |
adj.总计的,集合的;n.总数;v.合计;集合 | |
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65 sterling | |
adj.英币的(纯粹的,货真价实的);n.英国货币(英镑) | |
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66 nominal | |
adj.名义上的;(金额、租金)微不足道的 | |
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67 derived | |
vi.起源;由来;衍生;导出v.得到( derive的过去式和过去分词 );(从…中)得到获得;源于;(从…中)提取 | |
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68 gratuitously | |
平白 | |
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69 gratis | |
adj.免费的 | |
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70 devoted | |
adj.忠诚的,忠实的,热心的,献身于...的 | |
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71 sojourn | |
v./n.旅居,寄居;逗留 | |
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72 penetrate | |
v.透(渗)入;刺入,刺穿;洞察,了解 | |
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73 scanty | |
adj.缺乏的,仅有的,节省的,狭小的,不够的 | |
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74 monopolized | |
v.垄断( monopolize的过去式和过去分词 );独占;专卖;专营 | |
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75 calamity | |
n.灾害,祸患,不幸事件 | |
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76 applied | |
adj.应用的;v.应用,适用 | |
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77 annulled | |
v.宣告无效( annul的过去式和过去分词 );取消;使消失;抹去 | |
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78 joint | |
adj.联合的,共同的;n.关节,接合处;v.连接,贴合 | |
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79 nominally | |
在名义上,表面地; 应名儿 | |
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80 proprietor | |
n.所有人;业主;经营者 | |
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81 dealers | |
n.商人( dealer的名词复数 );贩毒者;毒品贩子;发牌者 | |
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82 statistical | |
adj.统计的,统计学的 | |
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83 deduct | |
vt.扣除,减去 | |
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84 levied | |
征(兵)( levy的过去式和过去分词 ); 索取; 发动(战争); 征税 | |
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85 taxation | |
n.征税,税收,税金 | |
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86 augment | |
vt.(使)增大,增加,增长,扩张 | |
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87 propriety | |
n.正当行为;正当;适当 | |
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88 machinery | |
n.(总称)机械,机器;机构 | |
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89 attainment | |
n.达到,到达;[常pl.]成就,造诣 | |
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90 philosophically | |
adv.哲学上;富有哲理性地;贤明地;冷静地 | |
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91 uncertainty | |
n.易变,靠不住,不确知,不确定的事物 | |
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92 subsists | |
v.(靠很少的钱或食物)维持生活,生存下去( subsist的第三人称单数 ) | |
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93 entirely | |
ad.全部地,完整地;完全地,彻底地 | |
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94 boughs | |
大树枝( bough的名词复数 ) | |
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95 susceptible | |
adj.过敏的,敏感的;易动感情的,易受感动的 | |
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96 ornaments | |
n.装饰( ornament的名词复数 );点缀;装饰品;首饰v.装饰,点缀,美化( ornament的第三人称单数 ) | |
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97 savage | |
adj.野蛮的;凶恶的,残暴的;n.未开化的人 | |
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98 savages | |
未开化的人,野蛮人( savage的名词复数 ) | |
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99 utensils | |
器具,用具,器皿( utensil的名词复数 ); 器物 | |
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100 wilderness | |
n.杳无人烟的一片陆地、水等,荒漠 | |
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101 domestication | |
n.驯养,驯化 | |
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102 nomad | |
n.游牧部落的人,流浪者,游牧民 | |
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103 herds | |
兽群( herd的名词复数 ); 牧群; 人群; 群众 | |
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104 conducive | |
adj.有益的,有助的 | |
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105 wiles | |
n.(旨在欺骗或吸引人的)诡计,花招;欺骗,欺诈( wile的名词复数 ) | |
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106 thrifty | |
adj.节俭的;兴旺的;健壮的 | |
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107 exertion | |
n.尽力,努力 | |
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108 exertions | |
n.努力( exertion的名词复数 );费力;(能力、权力等的)运用;行使 | |
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109 contrived | |
adj.不自然的,做作的;虚构的 | |
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110 precarious | |
adj.不安定的,靠不住的;根据不足的 | |
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111 divest | |
v.脱去,剥除 | |
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112 procuring | |
v.(努力)取得, (设法)获得( procure的现在分词 );拉皮条 | |
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113 engrossed | |
adj.全神贯注的 | |
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114 repose | |
v.(使)休息;n.安息 | |
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115 favourable | |
adj.赞成的,称赞的,有利的,良好的,顺利的 | |
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116 implements | |
n.工具( implement的名词复数 );家具;手段;[法律]履行(契约等)v.实现( implement的第三人称单数 );执行;贯彻;使生效 | |
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117 attained | |
(通常经过努力)实现( attain的过去式和过去分词 ); 达到; 获得; 达到(某年龄、水平、状况) | |
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118 speculative | |
adj.思索性的,暝想性的,推理的 | |
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119 astronomical | |
adj.天文学的,(数字)极大的 | |
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120 capabilities | |
n.能力( capability的名词复数 );可能;容量;[复数]潜在能力 | |
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121 superfluous | |
adj.过多的,过剩的,多余的 | |
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122 hordes | |
n.移动着的一大群( horde的名词复数 );部落 | |
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123 precipitate | |
adj.突如其来的;vt.使突然发生;n.沉淀物 | |
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124 repel | |
v.击退,抵制,拒绝,排斥 | |
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125 outlet | |
n.出口/路;销路;批发商店;通风口;发泄 | |
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126 purely | |
adv.纯粹地,完全地 | |
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127 advantageous | |
adj.有利的;有帮助的 | |
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128 appropriation | |
n.拨款,批准支出 | |
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129 monarchies | |
n. 君主政体, 君主国, 君主政治 | |
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130 monarch | |
n.帝王,君主,最高统治者 | |
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131 inveterate | |
adj.积习已深的,根深蒂固的 | |
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132 disabused | |
v.去除…的错误想法( disabuse的过去式和过去分词 );使醒悟 | |
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133 opulence | |
n.财富,富裕 | |
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134 functionaries | |
n.公职人员,官员( functionary的名词复数 ) | |
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135 cultivation | |
n.耕作,培养,栽培(法),养成 | |
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136 benevolence | |
n.慈悲,捐助 | |
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137 ostentation | |
n.夸耀,卖弄 | |
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138 drawn | |
v.拖,拉,拔出;adj.憔悴的,紧张的 | |
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139 residue | |
n.残余,剩余,残渣 | |
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140 disposition | |
n.性情,性格;意向,倾向;排列,部署 | |
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141 costly | |
adj.昂贵的,价值高的,豪华的 | |
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142 fabrics | |
织物( fabric的名词复数 ); 布; 构造; (建筑物的)结构(如墙、地面、屋顶):质地 | |
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143 excellence | |
n.优秀,杰出,(pl.)优点,美德 | |
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144 dexterity | |
n.(手的)灵巧,灵活 | |
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145 literally | |
adv.照字面意义,逐字地;确实 | |
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146 subsisted | |
v.(靠很少的钱或食物)维持生活,生存下去( subsist的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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147 concealed | |
a.隐藏的,隐蔽的 | |
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148 descend | |
vt./vi.传下来,下来,下降 | |
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149 durable | |
adj.持久的,耐久的 | |
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150 edifices | |
n.大建筑物( edifice的名词复数 ) | |
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151 destined | |
adj.命中注定的;(for)以…为目的地的 | |
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152 destitute | |
adj.缺乏的;穷困的 | |
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153 fiscal | |
adj.财政的,会计的,国库的,国库岁入的 | |
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154 simultaneously | |
adv.同时发生地,同时进行地 | |
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155 redeemed | |
adj. 可赎回的,可救赎的 动词redeem的过去式和过去分词形式 | |
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156 liquidated | |
v.清算( liquidate的过去式和过去分词 );清除(某人);清偿;变卖 | |
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157 authentic | |
a.真的,真正的;可靠的,可信的,有根据的 | |
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158 plantation | |
n.种植园,大农场 | |
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159 contented | |
adj.满意的,安心的,知足的 | |
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160 deduction | |
n.减除,扣除,减除额;推论,推理,演绎 | |
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161 undesirable | |
adj.不受欢迎的,不良的,不合意的,讨厌的;n.不受欢迎的人,不良分子 | |
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162 extraordinarily | |
adv.格外地;极端地 | |
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163 stimulated | |
a.刺激的 | |
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164 sterile | |
adj.不毛的,不孕的,无菌的,枯燥的,贫瘠的 | |
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165 aggravated | |
使恶化( aggravate的过去式和过去分词 ); 使更严重; 激怒; 使恼火 | |
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166 deficient | |
adj.不足的,不充份的,有缺陷的 | |
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167 swarm | |
n.(昆虫)等一大群;vi.成群飞舞;蜂拥而入 | |
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168 conquerors | |
征服者,占领者( conqueror的名词复数 ) | |
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169 imposing | |
adj.使人难忘的,壮丽的,堂皇的,雄伟的 | |
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170 vanquished | |
v.征服( vanquish的过去式和过去分词 );战胜;克服;抑制 | |
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171 naval | |
adj.海军的,军舰的,船的 | |
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172 celebrated | |
adj.有名的,声誉卓著的 | |
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173 durability | |
n.经久性,耐用性 | |
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174 dominion | |
n.统治,管辖,支配权;领土,版图 | |
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175 melancholy | |
n.忧郁,愁思;adj.令人感伤(沮丧)的,忧郁的 | |
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176 tenants | |
n.房客( tenant的名词复数 );佃户;占用者;占有者 | |
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177 dwindled | |
v.逐渐变少或变小( dwindle的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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178 enervating | |
v.使衰弱,使失去活力( enervate的现在分词 ) | |
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179 inadequate | |
adj.(for,to)不充足的,不适当的 | |
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180 proprietors | |
n.所有人,业主( proprietor的名词复数 ) | |
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181 barbarian | |
n.野蛮人;adj.野蛮(人)的;未开化的 | |
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182 incentive | |
n.刺激;动力;鼓励;诱因;动机 | |
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183 emancipation | |
n.(从束缚、支配下)解放 | |
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184 primitive | |
adj.原始的;简单的;n.原(始)人,原始事物 | |
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185 disorder | |
n.紊乱,混乱;骚动,骚乱;疾病,失调 | |
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186 fortified | |
adj. 加强的 | |
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187 abscond | |
v.潜逃,逃亡 | |
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188 thither | |
adv.向那里;adj.在那边的,对岸的 | |
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189 outrages | |
引起…的义愤,激怒( outrage的第三人称单数 ) | |
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190 warrior | |
n.勇士,武士,斗士 | |
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191 emancipated | |
adj.被解放的,不受约束的v.解放某人(尤指摆脱政治、法律或社会的束缚)( emancipate的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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192 feudal | |
adj.封建的,封地的,领地的 | |
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193 fixed | |
adj.固定的,不变的,准备好的;(计算机)固定的 | |
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194 expending | |
v.花费( expend的现在分词 );使用(钱等)做某事;用光;耗尽 | |
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195 advancement | |
n.前进,促进,提升 | |
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196 steadily | |
adv.稳定地;不变地;持续地 | |
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197 plunder | |
vt.劫掠财物,掠夺;n.劫掠物,赃物;劫掠 | |
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198 ripened | |
v.成熟,使熟( ripen的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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199 posterity | |
n.后裔,子孙,后代 | |
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200 squandering | |
v.(指钱,财产等)浪费,乱花( squander的现在分词 ) | |
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201 retarded | |
a.智力迟钝的,智力发育迟缓的 | |
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202 compulsory | |
n.强制的,必修的;规定的,义务的 | |
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203 annually | |
adv.一年一次,每年 | |
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204 luxurious | |
adj.精美而昂贵的;豪华的 | |
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205 exempt | |
adj.免除的;v.使免除;n.免税者,被免除义务者 | |
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206 recurring | |
adj.往复的,再次发生的 | |
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207 strata | |
n.地层(复数);社会阶层 | |
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208 ornamental | |
adj.装饰的;作装饰用的;n.装饰品;观赏植物 | |
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209 ransom | |
n.赎金,赎身;v.赎回,解救 | |
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210 abounding | |
adj.丰富的,大量的v.大量存在,充满,富于( abound的现在分词 ) | |
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211 relatively | |
adv.比较...地,相对地 | |
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212 territorial | |
adj.领土的,领地的 | |
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213 scattered | |
adj.分散的,稀疏的;散步的;疏疏落落的 | |
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214 wholesale | |
n.批发;adv.以批发方式;vt.批发,成批出售 | |
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215 retail | |
v./n.零售;adv.以零售价格 | |
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216 apprentice | |
n.学徒,徒弟 | |
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217 previously | |
adv.以前,先前(地) | |
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218 nomadic | |
adj.流浪的;游牧的 | |
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219 remarkable | |
adj.显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的 | |
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220 investigation | |
n.调查,调查研究 | |
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221 derivative | |
n.派(衍)生物;adj.非独创性的,模仿他人的 | |
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222 determined | |
adj.坚定的;有决心的 | |
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223 statutes | |
成文法( statute的名词复数 ); 法令; 法规; 章程 | |
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