She walked unhesitating through the hall, long the seat of her purest happiness. Her infant feet had trodden its pavement in unreproved gaiety; and she thought for a moment that she saw the venerable form of her father seated in his accustomed place. But she proudly shook the softening19 emotion from her, and looked with a tearless eye upon the hearth20, round which the soldiers of her enemy stood, profaning21 its sacredness by their presence. The inner court of the castle was filled by a number of women and children, the wives of the peasantry who depended on her, who, as they saw her advance, raised one cry of grief; she started, and said in a smothered22 voice, “Could I not have been spared this?”
“Impossible,” replied Castiglione, who overheard her; “nothing but the most brutal23 force could have prevented them.”
“Enough,” said Euthanasia; “I am satisfied.”
The women clung about her, kissing her hands, her garments, and throwing themselves on their knees with all the violent gesticulation of Italians. They tore their hair, and called on heaven to save and bless their mistress, and to avenge24 her wrongs; — “God bless you, good people!” cried their countess; “may you never be reminded of my loss by any misfortune that may befall yourselves!”
And, disengaging herself from their grasp, she walked on, while they followed crying and bewailing. She crossed the drawbridge, which was guarded at each end by soldiers; ere she put her foot on the opposite rock, Euthanasia paused for one moment; it seemed to her that all was irretrievably lost, when once she had passed the barrier which this bridge placed between her past and future life; she glanced back once more at the castle, and looked up to the window of her apartment; she had expected to find it desert and blank; but it was filled with soldiers, who stood looking from it on her departure; she sighed deeply, and then with quicker steps hastened down the mountain.
The idea that this path had been the scene of the morning’s combat affrighted her; and she dared not look round, fearing that she might see some lifeless victim among the bushes and rocks on the road-side: and so it might easily have been; for, when Castiglione had ordered the road to be cleared of the dead, many had been cast behind the projections25 of rock, or under the low wood, in their haste; and, as they passed, the vulture arose from among the grass, scared from his prey26, and told too truly that he feasted upon limbs which that same morning had been endowed with life. The very path on which she trod was slippery with blood; and she felt as if she walked through one of the circles of hell’s torments27, until she reached the foot of the rock.
Lauretta was placed in a litter; Euthanasia mounted her horse; and they prepared to depart: but the women again raising a cry, threw themselves about the horse, seizing the reins28, and vowing29 that she should not leave them. “God bless you!” cried the poor countess, who, although filled with her own grief, yet sympathized with these good people; “but now go; you may harm yourselves with your new master; you can do no good to me.”
The soldiers interfered30; and, opening the path before Euthanasia, she gave the reins to her horse, and rode with speed out of the hearing of the cry, which her people again sent up, when they saw that she had indeed left them. She had outridden the rest of her party; and, finding herself alone, she drew up her palfrey to wait their arrival. She looked upon the castle, no longer hers; a few quick drops fell; she dried them again; and, seeing her escort approach, she turned her horse’s head, and, without a word, proceeded slowly on her way to Lucca.
The city-gates were shut; but, on the word being given by her escort, they were thrown open, and she entered the dark and narrow streets of the town. “My prison!” thought Euthanasia. Here the company divided: Lauretta, at her own request, was conveyed to the house of the mother of Leodino; and Euthanasia was led to the palace prepared for her reception. She took no notice of the streets through which she passed, and cared little whether they conducted her to a palace or a prison; indeed during the latter part of her ride, her strength both of mind and body so much forsook31 her, that she could hardly keep her seat on her horse, but rode like a veiled statue of despair.
Euthanasia was led to her chamber; her attendants came to her, but she dismissed them all; and, her mind confused, her spirits and strength quite exhausted32 by long watching during several of the preceding nights, and by the exciting circumstances of the day, she threw herself dressed as she was on a couch, and, kindly33 nature coming to her aid, sank instantaneously into a heavy and dreamless sleep.
Day was far advanced, before she again awoke, and looked forth34 on the light, with a sentiment, as if the slight refreshment35 of spirit and strength she had received, were but a mockery of the sad weight that oppressed her heart. She lifted her heavy head, like a water lily whose cup is filled by a thunder shower: but, presently recalling her scattered36 faculties37, she sat for some time in deep meditation38, endeavouring to philosophize herself out of the unhappiness that she felt. The palace to which she had been conducted, was a large and magnificent one, near the outskirts39 of the town: it had belonged to one of the victims of Castruccio’s despotism, and had the desolate40 and woe-begone appearance of a mansion41 which has lost its master. From the chamber where she sat, she looked upon the garden; a square plot of ground surrounded by four high walls, which had been planted in the Italian taste, but which now ran wild; the small flower-beds were overgrown with weeds, and the grass, a rude commoner, had thrust itself into the untrod paths; the stone — pedestals for the lemon-pots were green with moss42 and lichens43; and here and there the wind-borne seed of some delicate plant had sown a lovely flower in the midst of the moist, coarse herbage which could ill claim its fellowship. A few cypress44 and box trees, which had been cut into shape, now mocked the gardener’s knife with the unpruned growth of three years; and ivy45 darkened the walls side by side with the orange trees, whose golden apples shone amidst the dark foliage46. A few lizards47 had crept from beneath the stones to bask48 in the rays of the autumnal sun; and the frogs croaked49 in a reservoir or cistern50, which had once played as a fountain, but which was now choked with weeds and dirt. Such was the desolate scene which arrested the eyes of Euthanasia, as she looked from her window. “The image of my fortunes;” she thought, and turned away, while a tear flowed down her cheek.
Her servant now entered; and, while she arranged her dress, the woman related the catastrophe51 of the siege. When the soldiers of Castruccio had appeared behind her defenders52 coming down from the castle, they threw themselves first on those who guarded the bridge, and took Bondelmonti and the principal Florentines prisoners: but the dependents of the countess, transported with fury, and elevated by the promises which Bindo had held out of success, rushed out of their hiding-places, and charging those at the foot of the rock, drove them with desperate courage down the mountain path, unmindful of the enemies who pressed upon their rear. The battle was bloody54; many fell on each side; the small troop of Valpergans were destroyed almost to a man, falling voluntary sacrifices for their mistress’s preservation55. A few were taken prisoners, and among them Bindo, who almost miraculously56 had escaped unwounded. But, if he were not wounded in body, his mind was almost frenzied57 with rage and disappointment, when he saw the Lucchese flag wave from the donjon of the castle; he tried to break from those who held him, and, weak as he appeared to be, he exerted such desperate strength, using both hands, feet, and teeth, that the soldiers found it necessary to bind53 him. — As they fastened the cords, Castiglione came up: he remembered the Albinois; and, asking why it was that he was used so roughly, he ordered them to set him free. As soon as his bonds were loosened, without speaking or looking round, he darted58 off; and, running across the country as swiftly as a deer from the hounds, was quickly out of sight.
Euthanasia wept when she heard of the blood that had been spilt for her; and self-reproach, who is ever ready to thrust in his sharp sting, if he find that mailed conscience has one weak part, now tormented59 her that she had not yielded, before one human life had been lost in so unhappy a cause. “Do not evil that good may come,” thought she. “Are not those the words of the Teacher? I have done infinite evil, in spilling that blood whose each precious drop was of more worth than the jewels of a kingly crown; but my evil has borne its fitting fruit; its root in death, its produce poison.”
In the course of the day, Arrigo Guinigi came to visit her. He came with a message from Castruccio, who intreated her to remain quietly in the palace provided for her, until he should return to Lucca, which would be in a few days, when he would learn from her own lips what her wishes were with regard to her future life. Arrigo said all this with downcast eyes and a heaving breast, hardly daring to speak, and much less raise his eyes upon the countess; who replied that she would obey; that she had much rather not see the prince; but that if he commanded it, she was ready to submit. “You see me, my dear Arrigo, a prisoner, despoiled60 of my possessions, a slave to your lord’s will. Yet I hope and trust, that these events would not have created the deep sorrow with which I feel that my soul is filled, did not bitter sentiments of lost affections, disappointed expectations, and utter hopelessness, fill up the measure of my infelicity. My good youth, we are born to misery61; so our priests tell us, and there is more sooth in that lesson, than in early youth we are willing to believe; yet fortitude62 is the virtue63 with which my father endeavoured principally to imbue64 me, and I would fain not disgrace his counsels; but indeed a poisoned barb65 has entered my heart, and I cannot draw it out.”
Arrigo endeavoured to comfort her. — “Your state is far from hopeless; the prince has promised, and intends to keep his promise, that your revenues shall not be injured by the loss of your castle. At Florence you will be surrounded by friends, and every luxury and pleasure of life; and there you may again be happy.”
Autumn was now far advanced, and the rains came on. The Florentine and Lucchese armies, which had remained looking at each other from opposite sides of the river, were now further divided by the overflowing66 of its waters; so each retreated to their several towns, and the campaign of that year ended. Castruccio returned to Lucca. His first concern was a long and private conversation with Castiglione; and immediately after he dispatched Arrigo to prepare Euthanasia for a conference.
Poor girl! her heart beat, and the blood mounted to her before pale cheeks, when she heard that she was to see him whom she had loved, and to whose memory, as of what had been, she clung with tenacious67 affection. It was a cruel task for her to behold68 his form, graceful69 as it had been when she gazed on it in happier days, and his countenance70, which, but that more pride were mingled in the expression, was as gloriously beautiful, as when it beamed love upon her; and more than all, to hear his voice, whose soft and mellow71 cadences72 had wrapped her soul in Elysium, now to be heard as the voice of an alien. But indignation mingled itself with these feelings, and enabled her to support the coming trial with greater courage; so, calling up all of pride with which her delicacy73 might arm her, and all of fortitude which her philosophy had taught, she awaited with patience the expected moment.
She sat on a low sofa; her dress was dark; the vest, formed of purple silk, and fastened at her waist by a silken cord, fell in large folds to her feet; a cloak of sables74 hung on her shoulder; and her golden hair, partly clustered on her neck, and partly confined by a ribbon, covered with its ringlets her fair brow. When she heard the step of Castruccio approaching, she became pale; her very lips lost their colour; and her serious eyes, shorn of their beams, were as the deep azure75 of midnight, where the stars shine not. He entered. When he had seen her last, he had been haughty76 and imperious; but now his manner was all softness, gentleness and humility77; so that, when he spoke78, in spite of the high nobility of her spirit, her eyes were weighed down by the unshed tears.
“Countess,” he said, “pardon me, if my intrusion upon you appear ungenerous; but persons, that, like myself, are occupied in the affairs of government, are apt to leave too much to underlings, who never do or say that which it were exactly right to have said or done. Your future peace is too dear to me, to permit me to hear from any but yourself what are your wishes and your expectations.”
He paused, waiting for an answer, and fixed79 on her his soft and full eyes, which seemed to read her soul, while a gentle smile of compassion80 and love played on his lips. After collecting her thoughts, she raised her eyes to reply, and met those of her former lover, whose expression seemed fraught81 with all that affection he had once vowed82 to her. She was unable to speak; but then, angry at her own weakness, she rallied her spirits, and replied, — “I have but one favour to intreat, which is your permission to remove instantly to Florence.”
“Your wishes in this respect, Madonna, are commands; yet I could have desired that you would consent to stay awhile in Lucca. I know the judgement that you have formed of me; you look on me as a wild beast ravenous83 for blood, as a lawless monster, despoiled of all the feelings of humanity. I could have desired that you would stay awhile, to find and to avow84 your injustice85; I could wish you to stay, until the deep respect, and if you will permit the word, the love I feel for you, should make such impression on your heart, that you would allow me to assuage86 those sorrows of which I have unhappily been the cause.”
“My lord, do not speak thus to me,” replied Euthanasia, with a voice which at first trembled, but which gained firmness as she continued; “We are divided; there is an eternal barrier between us now, sealed by the blood of those miserable87 people who fell for me. I cannot, I do not love you; and, if a most frivolous88 and reprehensible89 weakness could make me listen now, the ghosts of the slain90 would arise to divide us. My lord, I cannot reason with you, I can hardly speak; the blood of the slaughtered91, the tears of the survivors92, the scathed93 ruins of my castle, are all answers, louder than words, to your present offers. If these have been your acts of courtship, pardon me if I say, that I had rather woo the lion in his den18 to be my husband, than become the bride of a conqueror94. But this is useless cavilling95, painful to both of us; it awakens96 in me the indignation I would fain repress; and it may kindle97 resentment98 in your heart, which is already too apt to be inflamed99 with that sentiment. You came, you say, to learn my wishes; you have now heard them; let us part; we part in that peace every Christian100 believer owes to his brother; I forgive you from my inmost heart; do not you hate me; and thus farewell.”
“You forgive me, Euthanasia? Is then your soul so pure? me, who indeed have grievously wronged you; and, however, necessary my actions have been, yet have they been destructive to you. But, if indeed you forgive me, and part in Christian amity101, allow me once more to take your hand, that I may know that it is not a mere102 form of words, but that you express a feeling of the heart.”
Euthanasia held out her hand, which he took in both his, and holding it thus, he said: “Hear me, my loved girl; you whom alone in the world I have ever loved. You despise, repulse103, and almost hate me; and yet, God knows, I still cherish you as tenderly, as when we told each other’s love-tale first in yonder unhappy castle. I do not ask you to love me, you cannot; — but you are still young, very young, Euthanasia; and fortune yet may have many changes in store for you. Remember, that, through them all, I am your friend; and if ever in any misery you want a protector, one to save and preserve you, Castruccio, the neglected, mistaken, but most faithful Castruccio, will ever be ready to use his arm and his power in your service. Now, Euthanasia, farewell.”
“Oh God!” cried the unhappy girl, moved to her inmost heart, “could you not have spared me this? leave me; farewell for ever!”
He kissed her hand, and left her; while she, her delicate frame yielding under the many emotions she experienced, sank almost lifeless on the couch. She had suffered much, and borne up through all. But this last interview overcame her: her health, which had been weakened by watching, and agitation104, and tears, now entirely105 gave way. A fever followed, — delirium106, and utter deprivation107 of strength. The disease seemed to feed on her very vitals; and death already tainted108 her cheek with his fingers. But youth, and a constitution, nourished and strengthened among mountains, and healthful exertions109 of body and mind, saved her; and, after a confinement110 of several months, she again crept forth, to see the sun of spring smile on his children, who laughingly welcomed his genial111 beams.
Where during this time was the prophetess of Ferrara?
1 tolled | |
鸣钟(toll的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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2 knell | |
n.丧钟声;v.敲丧钟 | |
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3 abode | |
n.住处,住所 | |
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4 simplicity | |
n.简单,简易;朴素;直率,单纯 | |
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5 instinctively | |
adv.本能地 | |
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6 shun | |
vt.避开,回避,避免 | |
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7 chamber | |
n.房间,寝室;会议厅;议院;会所 | |
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8 thither | |
adv.向那里;adj.在那边的,对岸的 | |
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9 awed | |
adj.充满敬畏的,表示敬畏的v.使敬畏,使惊惧( awe的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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10 tinge | |
vt.(较淡)着色于,染色;使带有…气息;n.淡淡色彩,些微的气息 | |
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11 mingled | |
混合,混入( mingle的过去式和过去分词 ); 混进,与…交往[联系] | |
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12 bestows | |
赠给,授予( bestow的第三人称单数 ) | |
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13 acquiescence | |
n.默许;顺从 | |
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14 remains | |
n.剩余物,残留物;遗体,遗迹 | |
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15 hoard | |
n./v.窖藏,贮存,囤积 | |
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16 jealousy | |
n.妒忌,嫉妒,猜忌 | |
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17 miser | |
n.守财奴,吝啬鬼 (adj.miserly) | |
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18 den | |
n.兽穴;秘密地方;安静的小房间,私室 | |
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19 softening | |
变软,软化 | |
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20 hearth | |
n.壁炉炉床,壁炉地面 | |
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21 profaning | |
v.不敬( profane的现在分词 );亵渎,玷污 | |
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22 smothered | |
(使)窒息, (使)透不过气( smother的过去式和过去分词 ); 覆盖; 忍住; 抑制 | |
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23 brutal | |
adj.残忍的,野蛮的,不讲理的 | |
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24 avenge | |
v.为...复仇,为...报仇 | |
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25 projections | |
预测( projection的名词复数 ); 投影; 投掷; 突起物 | |
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26 prey | |
n.被掠食者,牺牲者,掠食;v.捕食,掠夺,折磨 | |
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27 torments | |
(肉体或精神上的)折磨,痛苦( torment的名词复数 ); 造成痛苦的事物[人] | |
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28 reins | |
感情,激情; 缰( rein的名词复数 ); 控制手段; 掌管; (成人带着幼儿走路以防其走失时用的)保护带 | |
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29 vowing | |
起誓,发誓(vow的现在分词形式) | |
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30 interfered | |
v.干预( interfere的过去式和过去分词 );调停;妨碍;干涉 | |
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31 forsook | |
forsake的过去式 | |
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32 exhausted | |
adj.极其疲惫的,精疲力尽的 | |
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33 kindly | |
adj.和蔼的,温和的,爽快的;adv.温和地,亲切地 | |
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34 forth | |
adv.向前;向外,往外 | |
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35 refreshment | |
n.恢复,精神爽快,提神之事物;(复数)refreshments:点心,茶点 | |
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36 scattered | |
adj.分散的,稀疏的;散步的;疏疏落落的 | |
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37 faculties | |
n.能力( faculty的名词复数 );全体教职员;技巧;院 | |
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38 meditation | |
n.熟虑,(尤指宗教的)默想,沉思,(pl.)冥想录 | |
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39 outskirts | |
n.郊外,郊区 | |
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40 desolate | |
adj.荒凉的,荒芜的;孤独的,凄凉的;v.使荒芜,使孤寂 | |
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41 mansion | |
n.大厦,大楼;宅第 | |
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42 moss | |
n.苔,藓,地衣 | |
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43 lichens | |
n.地衣( lichen的名词复数 ) | |
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44 cypress | |
n.柏树 | |
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45 ivy | |
n.常青藤,常春藤 | |
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46 foliage | |
n.叶子,树叶,簇叶 | |
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47 lizards | |
n.蜥蜴( lizard的名词复数 ) | |
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48 bask | |
vt.取暖,晒太阳,沐浴于 | |
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49 croaked | |
v.呱呱地叫( croak的过去式和过去分词 );用粗的声音说 | |
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50 cistern | |
n.贮水池 | |
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51 catastrophe | |
n.大灾难,大祸 | |
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52 defenders | |
n.防御者( defender的名词复数 );守卫者;保护者;辩护者 | |
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53 bind | |
vt.捆,包扎;装订;约束;使凝固;vi.变硬 | |
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54 bloody | |
adj.非常的的;流血的;残忍的;adv.很;vt.血染 | |
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55 preservation | |
n.保护,维护,保存,保留,保持 | |
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56 miraculously | |
ad.奇迹般地 | |
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57 frenzied | |
a.激怒的;疯狂的 | |
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58 darted | |
v.投掷,投射( dart的过去式和过去分词 );向前冲,飞奔 | |
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59 tormented | |
饱受折磨的 | |
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60 despoiled | |
v.掠夺,抢劫( despoil的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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61 misery | |
n.痛苦,苦恼,苦难;悲惨的境遇,贫苦 | |
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62 fortitude | |
n.坚忍不拔;刚毅 | |
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63 virtue | |
n.德行,美德;贞操;优点;功效,效力 | |
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64 imbue | |
v.灌输(某种强烈的情感或意见),感染 | |
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65 barb | |
n.(鱼钩等的)倒钩,倒刺 | |
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66 overflowing | |
n. 溢出物,溢流 adj. 充沛的,充满的 动词overflow的现在分词形式 | |
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67 tenacious | |
adj.顽强的,固执的,记忆力强的,粘的 | |
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68 behold | |
v.看,注视,看到 | |
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69 graceful | |
adj.优美的,优雅的;得体的 | |
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70 countenance | |
n.脸色,面容;面部表情;vt.支持,赞同 | |
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71 mellow | |
adj.柔和的;熟透的;v.变柔和;(使)成熟 | |
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72 cadences | |
n.(声音的)抑扬顿挫( cadence的名词复数 );节奏;韵律;调子 | |
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73 delicacy | |
n.精致,细微,微妙,精良;美味,佳肴 | |
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74 sables | |
n.紫貂( sable的名词复数 );紫貂皮;阴暗的;暗夜 | |
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75 azure | |
adj.天蓝色的,蔚蓝色的 | |
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76 haughty | |
adj.傲慢的,高傲的 | |
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77 humility | |
n.谦逊,谦恭 | |
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78 spoke | |
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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79 fixed | |
adj.固定的,不变的,准备好的;(计算机)固定的 | |
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80 compassion | |
n.同情,怜悯 | |
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81 fraught | |
adj.充满…的,伴有(危险等)的;忧虑的 | |
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82 vowed | |
起誓,发誓(vow的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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83 ravenous | |
adj.极饿的,贪婪的 | |
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84 avow | |
v.承认,公开宣称 | |
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85 injustice | |
n.非正义,不公正,不公平,侵犯(别人的)权利 | |
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86 assuage | |
v.缓和,减轻,镇定 | |
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87 miserable | |
adj.悲惨的,痛苦的;可怜的,糟糕的 | |
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88 frivolous | |
adj.轻薄的;轻率的 | |
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89 reprehensible | |
adj.该受责备的 | |
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90 slain | |
杀死,宰杀,杀戮( slay的过去分词 ); (slay的过去分词) | |
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91 slaughtered | |
v.屠杀,杀戮,屠宰( slaughter的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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92 survivors | |
幸存者,残存者,生还者( survivor的名词复数 ) | |
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93 scathed | |
v.伤害,损害(尤指使之枯萎)( scathe的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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94 conqueror | |
n.征服者,胜利者 | |
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95 cavilling | |
n.(矿工的)工作地点抽签法v.挑剔,吹毛求疵( cavil的现在分词 ) | |
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96 awakens | |
v.(使)醒( awaken的第三人称单数 );(使)觉醒;弄醒;(使)意识到 | |
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97 kindle | |
v.点燃,着火 | |
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98 resentment | |
n.怨愤,忿恨 | |
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99 inflamed | |
adj.发炎的,红肿的v.(使)变红,发怒,过热( inflame的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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100 Christian | |
adj.基督教徒的;n.基督教徒 | |
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101 amity | |
n.友好关系 | |
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102 mere | |
adj.纯粹的;仅仅,只不过 | |
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103 repulse | |
n.击退,拒绝;vt.逐退,击退,拒绝 | |
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104 agitation | |
n.搅动;搅拌;鼓动,煽动 | |
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105 entirely | |
ad.全部地,完整地;完全地,彻底地 | |
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106 delirium | |
n. 神智昏迷,说胡话;极度兴奋 | |
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107 deprivation | |
n.匮乏;丧失;夺去,贫困 | |
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108 tainted | |
adj.腐坏的;污染的;沾污的;感染的v.使变质( taint的过去式和过去分词 );使污染;败坏;被污染,腐坏,败坏 | |
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109 exertions | |
n.努力( exertion的名词复数 );费力;(能力、权力等的)运用;行使 | |
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110 confinement | |
n.幽禁,拘留,监禁;分娩;限制,局限 | |
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111 genial | |
adj.亲切的,和蔼的,愉快的,脾气好的 | |
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