“We would offer them £50, and perhaps they would take £500,” said Messrs. Block and Curling.
All this irritated the Captain. He was intensely averse6 to any law proceedings7 by which the story should be made public.
“I won’t pretend that it is on my father’s account,” said he to his uncle. Parson John shrugged8 his shoulders, and shook his head, meaning to imply that it certainly was a bad case, but that as Colonel Marrable was a Marrable, he ought to be spared, if possible. “It is on my own account,” continued the Captain, “and partly, perhaps, on that of the family. I would endure anything rather than have the filth9 of the transaction flooded through the newspapers. I should never be able to join my mess again if I did that.”
“Then you’d better let Block and Curling compromise and get what they can,” said Parson John, with an indifferent and provoking tone, which clearly indicated that he would regard the matter when so settled as one arranged amicably10 and pleasantly between all the parties. His uncle’s calmness and absence of horror at the thing that had been done was very grievous to Captain Marrable.
“Poor Wat!” the parson had once said, speaking of his wicked brother; “he never could keep two shillings together. It’s ever so long since I had to determine that nothing on earth should induce me to let him have half-a-crown. I must say that he did not take it amiss when I told him.”
“Why should he have wanted half-a-crown from you?”
“He was always one of those thirsty sandbags that swallow small drops and large alike. He got £10,000 out of poor Gregory about the time that you were born, and Gregory is fretting11 about it yet.”
“What kills me is the disgrace of it,” said the young man.
“It would be disagreeable to have it in the newspapers,” said Parson John. “And then he was such a pleasant fellow, and so handsome. I always enjoyed his society when once I had buttoned up my breeches’ pocket.”
Yet this man was a clergyman, preaching honesty and moral conduct, and living fairly well up to his preaching, too, as far as he himself was concerned! The Captain almost thought that the earth and skies should be brought together, and the clouds clap with thunder, and the mountains be riven in twain at the very mention of his father’s wickedness. But then sins committed against oneself are so much more sinful than any other sins.
The Captain had much more sympathetic listeners in Uphill Lane; not that either of the ladies there spoke12 severely13 against his father, but that they entered more cordially into his own distresses14. If he could save even £4500 out of the wreck15, the interest on the money would enable him to live at home in his regiment16. If he could get £4000 he would do it.
“With £150 per annum,” he said, “I could just hold my head up and get along. I should have to give up all manner of things; but I would never cry about that.”
Then, again, he would declare that the one thing necessary for his happiness was, that he should get the whole business of the money off his mind. “If I could have it settled, and have done with it,” said he, “I should be at ease.”
“Quite right, my dear,” said the old lady. “My idea about money is this, that whether you have much or little, you should make your arrangements so that it be no matter of thought to you. Your money should be just like counters at a round game with children, and should mean nothing. It comes to that when you once get things on a proper footing.”
They thus became very intimate, the two ladies in Uphill Lane and the Captain from his uncle’s parsonage in the Lowtown; and the intimacy17 on his part was quite as strong with the younger as with the elder relative,—quite as strong, and no doubt more pleasant. They walked together constantly, as cousins may walk, and they discussed every turn that took place in the correspondence with Messrs. Block and Curling. Captain Marrable had come to his uncle’s house for a week or ten days, but had been pressed to remain on till this business should be concluded. His leave of absence lasted till the end of November, and might be prolonged if he intended to return to India. “Stay here till the end of November,” said Parson John. “What’s the use of spending your money at a London hotel? Only don’t fall in love with cousin Mary.” So the Captain did stay, obeying one half of his uncle’s advice, and promising18 obedience19 to the other half.
Aunt Sarah also had her fears about the falling in love, and spoke a prudent20 word to Mary. “Mary, dear,” she said, “you and Walter are as loving as turtle doves.”
“I do like him so much,” said Mary, boldly.
“So do I, my dear. He is a gentleman, and clever, and, upon the whole, he bears a great injury well. I like him. But I don’t think people ought to fall in love when there is a strong reason against it.”
“Certainly not, if they can help it.”
“Pshaw! That’s missish nonsense, Mary, and you know it. If a girl were to tell me she fell in love because she couldn’t help it, I should tell her that she wasn’t worth any man’s love.”
“But what’s your reason, Aunt Sarah?”
“Because it wouldn’t suit Mr. Gilmore.”
“I am not bound to suit Mr. Gilmore.”
“I don’t know about that. And then, too, it would not suit Walter himself. How could he marry a wife when he has just been robbed of all his fortune?”
“But I have not the slightest idea of falling in love with him. In spite of what I said, I do hope that I can help it. And then I feel to him just as though he were my brother. I’ve got almost to know what it would be to have a brother.”
In this Miss Lowther was probably wrong. She had now known her cousin for just a month. A month is quite long enough to realise the pleasure of a new lover, but it may be doubted whether the intimacy of a brother does not take a very much longer period for its creation.
“I think if I were you,” said Miss Marrable, after a pause, “that I would tell him about Mr. Gilmore.”
“Would you, Aunt Sarah?”
“I think I would. If he were really your brother you would tell him.”
It was probably the case, that when Miss Marrable gave this advice, her opinion of Mr. Gilmore’s success was greater than the circumstances warranted. Though there had been much said between the aunt and her niece about Mr. Gilmore and his offers, Mary had never been able quite to explain her own thoughts and feelings. She herself did not believe that she could be brought to accept him, and was now stronger in that opinion than ever. But were she to say so in language that would convince her aunt, her aunt would no doubt ask her, why then had she left the man in doubt? Though she knew that at every moment in which she had been called upon to act, she had struggled to do right, yet there hung over her a half-conviction that she had been weak, and almost selfish. Her dearest friends wrote to her and spoke to her as though she would certainly take Mr. Gilmore at last. Janet Fenwick wrote of it in her letters as of a thing almost fixed21; and Aunt Sarah certainly lived as though she expected it. And yet Mary was very nearly sure that it could not be so. Would it not be better that she should write to Mr. Gilmore at once, and not wait till the expiration22 of the weary six months which he had specified23 as the time at the end of which he might renew his proposals? Had Aunt Sarah known all this,—had she been aware how very near Mary was to the writing of such a letter,—she would not probably have suggested that her niece should tell her cousin anything about Mr. Gilmore. She did think that the telling of the tale would make Cousin Walter understand that he should not allow himself to become an interloper; but the tale, if told as Mary would tell it, might have a very different effect.
Nevertheless Mary thought that she would tell it. It would be so nice to consult a brother! It would be so pleasant to discuss the matter with some one that would sympathise with her,—with some one who would not wish to drive her into Mr. Gilmore’s arms simply because Mr. Gilmore was an excellent gentleman, with a snug24 property! Even from Janet Fenwick, whom she loved dearly, she had never succeeded in getting the sort of sympathy that she wanted. Janet was the best friend in the world,—was actuated in this matter simply by a desire to do a good turn to two people whom she loved. But there was no sympathy between her and Mary in the matter.
“Marry him,” said Janet, “and you will adore him afterwards.”
“I want to adore him first,” said Mary.
So she resolved that she would tell Walter Marrable what was her position. They were again down on the banks of the Lurwell, sitting together on a slope which had been made to support some hundred yards of a canal, where the river itself rippled25 down a slightly rapid fall. They were seated between the canal and the river, with their feet towards the latter, and Walter Marrable was just lighting26 a cigar. It was very easy to bring the conversation round to the affairs of Bullhampton, as Sam was still in prison, and Janet’s letters were full of the mystery which shrouded27 the murder of Mr. Trumbull.
“By the bye,” said she, “I have something to tell you about Mr. Gilmore.”
“Tell away,” said he, as he turned the cigar round in his mouth, to complete the lighting of the edges in the wind.
“Ah, but I shan’t, unless you will interest yourself. What I am going to tell you ought to interest you.”
“He has made you a proposal of marriage?”
“I knew it.”
“How could you know it? Nobody has told you.”
“I felt sure of it from the way in which you speak of him. But I thought also that you had refused him. Perhaps I was wrong there?”
“You have refused him?”
“I don’t see that there is very much of a story to be told, Mary.”
“Don’t be so unkind, Walter. There is a story, and one that troubles me. If it were not so I should not have proposed to tell you. I thought that you would give me advice, and tell me what I ought to do.”
“But if you have refused him, you have done so,—no doubt rightly,—without my advice; and I am too late in the field to be of any service.”
“You must let me tell my own story, and you must be good to me while I do so. I think I shouldn’t tell you if I hadn’t almost made up my mind; but I shan’t tell you which way, and you must advise me. In the first place, though I did refuse him, the matter is still open, and he is to ask me again, if he pleases.”
“He has your permission for that?”
“Well,—yes. I hope it wasn’t wrong. I did so try to be right.”
“I do not say you were wrong.”
“I like him so much, and think him so good, and do really feel that his affection is so great an honour to me, that I could not answer him as though I were quite indifferent to him.”
“At any rate, he is to come again?”
“If he pleases.”
“Does he really love you?”
“How am I to say? But that is missish and untrue. I am sure he loves me.”
“So that he will grieve to lose you?”
“I know he will grieve. I ought not to say so. But I know he will.”
“You ought to tell the truth, as you believe it. And you yourself,—do you love him?”
“I don’t know. I do love him; but if I heard he was going to marry another girl to-morrow it would make me very happy.”
“Then you can’t love him?”
“I feel as though I should think the same of any man who wanted to marry me. But let me go on with my story. Everybody I care for wishes me to take him. I know that Aunt Sarah feels quite sure that I shall at last, and that she thinks I ought to do so at once. My friend, Janet Fenwick, cannot understand why I should hesitate, and only forgives me because she is sure that it will come right, in her way, some day. Mr. Fenwick is just the same, and will always talk to me as though it were my fate to live at Bullhampton all my life.”
“Is not Bullhampton a nice place?”
“Very nice; I love the place.”
“And Mr. Gilmore is rich?”
“He is quite rich enough. Fancy my inquiring about that, with just £1200 for my fortune.”
“Then why, in God’s name, don’t you accept him?”
“You think I ought?”
“Answer my question;—why do you not?”
“Because—I do not love him—as I should hope to love my husband.”
After this Captain Marrable, who had been looking her full in the face while he had been asking these questions, turned somewhat away from her, as though the conversation were over. She remained motionless, and was minded so to remain till he should tell her that it was time to move, that they might return home. He had given her no advice; but she presumed she was to take what had passed as the expression of his opinion that it was her duty to accept an offer so favourable28 and so satisfactory to the family. At any rate, she would say nothing more on the subject till he should address her. Though she loved him dearly as her cousin, yet she was, in some slight degree, afraid of him. And now she was not sure but that he was expressing towards her, by his anger, some amount of displeasure at her weakness and inconsistency. After a while he turned round suddenly, and took her by the hand.
“Well, Mary!” he said.
“Well, Walter!”
“What do you mean to do, after all?”
“What ought I to do?”
“What ought you to do? You know what you ought to do. Would you marry a man for whom you have no more regard than you have for this stick, simply because he is persistent29 in asking you? No more than you have for this stick, Mary. What sort of a feeling must it be, when you say that you would willingly see him married to any other girl to-morrow? Can that be love?”
“I have never loved any one better.”
“And never will?”
“How can I say? It seems to me that I haven’t got the feeling that other girls have. I want some one to love me;—I do. I own that. I want to be first with some one; but I have never found the one yet that I cared for.”
“You had better wait till you find him,” said he, raising himself up on his arm. “Come, let us get up and go home. You have asked me for my advice, and I have given it you. Do not throw yourself away upon a man because other people ask you, and because you think you might as well oblige them and oblige him. If you do, you will soon live to repent30 it. What would you do, if after marrying this man you found there was some one you could love?”
“I do not think it would come to that, Walter.”
“How can you tell? How can you prevent its coming to that, except by loving the man you do marry? You don’t care two straws for Mr. Gilmore; and I cannot understand how you can have the courage to think of becoming his wife. Let us go home. You have asked my advice, and you’ve got it. If you do not take it, I will endeavour to forget that I gave it you.”
Of course she would take it. She did not tell him so then; but, of course, he should guide her. With how much more accuracy, with how much more delicacy of feeling had he understood her position, than had her other friends! He had sympathised with her at a word. He spoke to her sternly, severely, almost cruelly. But it was thus that she had longed to be spoken to by some one who would care enough for her, would take sufficient interest in her, to be at the trouble so to advise her. She would trust him as a brother, and his words should be sweet to her, were they ever so severe.
They walked together home in silence, and his very manner was stern to her; but it might be just thus that a loving brother would carry himself who had counselled his sister wisely, and had not as yet been assured that his counsel would be taken.
“Walter,” she said, as they neared the town, “I hope you have no doubt about it.”
“Doubt about what, Mary?”
“It is quite a matter of course that I shall do as you tell me.”


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n.精致,细微,微妙,精良;美味,佳肴 | |
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n.债权人,债主( creditor的名词复数 ) | |
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adj.吵闹的,喧哗的 | |
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n.赌博;投机 | |
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n.邪恶;不公正 | |
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adj.厌恶的;反对的,不乐意的 | |
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n.进程,过程,议程;诉讼(程序);公报 | |
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vt.耸肩(shrug的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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n.肮脏,污物,污秽;淫猥 | |
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adv.友善地 | |
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n. 微振磨损 adj. 烦躁的, 焦虑的 | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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adv.严格地;严厉地;非常恶劣地 | |
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n.悲痛( distress的名词复数 );痛苦;贫困;危险 | |
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n.失事,遇难;沉船;vt.(船等)失事,遇难 | |
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n.团,多数,管理;v.组织,编成团,统制 | |
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n.熟悉,亲密,密切关系,亲昵的言行 | |
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adj.有希望的,有前途的 | |
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n.服从,顺从 | |
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adj.谨慎的,有远见的,精打细算的 | |
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adj.固定的,不变的,准备好的;(计算机)固定的 | |
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n.终结,期满,呼气,呼出物 | |
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adj.特定的 | |
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adj.温暖舒适的,合身的,安全的;v.使整洁干净,舒适地依靠,紧贴;n.(英)酒吧里的私房 | |
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使泛起涟漪(ripple的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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n.照明,光线的明暗,舞台灯光 | |
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v.隐瞒( shroud的过去式和过去分词 );保密 | |
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adj.赞成的,称赞的,有利的,良好的,顺利的 | |
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adj.坚持不懈的,执意的;持续的 | |
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v.悔悟,悔改,忏悔,后悔 | |
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