“These are beautiful,” he sighed in wonder and amazement. “Captain, this is like a dream!”
“Ja,” said the captain without emotion. “They are nice. And that year that I was down there they killed about thirty of those sharks. I’ve got it written down here,” he said, tapping on his breast pocket. “And all with the knives I’d given them, them and the five harpoons. Those knives cost me nearly two American dollars a piece. Very good knives, lad, stainless steel, won’t go rusty in the water, not even sea water. And those Bataks cost me a lot of money too.
“What Bataks?”
“Those native Bataks on that island. They think the tapa-boys are some kind of demon and they’re terribly afraid of them. And when they saw me talking with these demons of theirs they just wanted to kill me. All night long they were banging on a kind of gong so that they would chase the demons away from their village. Made a Hell of a noise. And then in the morning they wanted me to pay them for it. For all the work they’d had in doing it. For what it’s worth, I can tell you that these Bataks are terrible thieves. But the tapa-boys, the lizards, you can do honest business with them. Very good honest business, Mister Bondy.” To Mister Bondy it seemed like he was in a fairy tale.
“Buying pearls from them?”
“Ja. Only there aren’t any pearls left now in Devil Bay, and on other islands there aren’t any tapa-boys. And that’s the whole problem, lad.” Captain J. van Toch looked up as if in triumph. “And that’s the big business that I thought out in my head. “Listen lad,” he said, stabbing the air with his chubby finger, “there’s a lot more of those lizards there now than when I first found them! They can defend themselves now, you see. Eh? And there are going to be more and more of them! Now then, Mister Bondy, don’t you think this is a fantastic business opportunity?”
“I still don’t quite see,” replied G.H. Bondy uncertainly, “what exactly it is you have in mind, Captain.”
“To transport these tapa-boys to other islands where there are other pearl-fishing grounds,” the captain finally exclaimed. I saw myself how these lizards can’t get across the deep and open sea. They can swim for a little way and they can walk a little way along the seabed, but where the sea is very deep the pressure there is too much for them; they’re very soft, you see. But if I had some sort of ship with some kind of tank built into it for them I could take them wherever I wanted, see? And there they could look for the pearls and I would follow behind and provide them with the knives and harpoons and anything else they need. The poor lads increased their population so much in Devil Bay that they soon won’t have enough there to eat. They eat the smallest of the fish and molluscs, and those water insects they have there; but they can eat potatoes too, and rusks and ordinary things like that. So that means they could be fed while they’re in the tanks on the ship. And I could let them out into the water in suitable places where there aren’t many people and there I could have sort of . . . sort of farms for these lizards of mine. And I’d want them to be able to feed themselves, these animals. They’re very likable, Mister Bondy, and very clever too. And when you see them, lad, you’ll say, Hullo Captain, useful animals you’ve got here. Ja. And they’re mad about pearls now, just like people. That’s the big business I thought up.”
All this left G.H. Bondy in some embarrassment and confusion. “I’m very sorry, Captain,” he began hesitantly, “I . . . I really don’t know . . .” The clear blue eyes of Captain J. van Toch filled with tears.
“That is not good, lad. I could leave you all these pearls here as . . . as collateral for the ship, but I can’t buy the ship all by myself. I know of a very good ship here in Rotterdam . . . it’s fitted with a diesel engine . . .”
“Why did you not suggest this business to someone in Holland?” The captain shook his head.
“I know these people, lad. I can’t talk about this sort of thing with them. They,” he said thoughtfully, “would make me carry all sorts of other things on the ship, and I’d have to sell them all round these islands. Ja. That’s something I could do. I know a lot of people, Mister Bondy. And at the same time I could have the tanks on board with my lizards in them . . .”
“That’s something it might well be worth thinking about,” considered G.H. Bondy. “As it happens, you see . . . Well you see we need to find new markets for our products, and I was talking about this with some people not long ago. I would need to buy one or two ships, one for south America and the other for these eastern places . . .” The captain became more lively.
“That’s very wise of you, Mister Bondy. Ships are very cheap right now, you could buy a whole harbour full of them . . .” The captain launched into a deep and technical explanation of what vessels are for sale where and at what prices and boats and tank-steamers; G.H. Bondy did not listen to him but merely watched; G.H. Bondy was a good judge of character. He had not taken Captain van Toch’s story about the lizards seriously for one moment; but the captain himself was somebody worth taking seriously. Honest, yes. And he knew his way around down there. Mad, obviously. But very likeable. All this struck a chord in G.H. Bondy’s heart and chimed with his love of fantasy. Ships carrying pearls and coffee, ships with spices and all the scents of Arabia. There was a particular, indescribable feeling that G.H. Bondy had before each major and successful decision he made; a sensation which might have been expressed in words thus: It’s true I don’t really know why, but I think I’ll go along with this. He had this feeling now. Meanwhile Captain van Toch was waving his enormous hands in the air to outline ships with awning decks or quarter decks, fantastic ships, lad . . .
“I’ll tell you what, Captain Vantoch,” G.H. Bondy suddenly said, “come back here in two weeks time. We can talk about this ship again then.” Captain van Toch understood just how much these words meant. He blushed in happiness and said,
“And what about the lizards, can I take them on my ship too?”
“Yes, of course. Only please don’t mention them to anyone. People would think you’ve gone mad - and so would I.”
“And can I leave these pearls here with you?”
“Yes, if you want to.”
“Ja, but I’ll choose two of the nicest of them that I need to send off to someone.”
“Who’s that?”
“Just a couple of newspaper men I know, lad. Oh Hell, wait a minute.”
“What is it?”
“What the Hell were their names?” Captain van Toch blinked his blue eyes thoughtfully. “This head of mine is so stupid, lad. I’ve completely forgotten what those two lads were called.”

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