I HAD THE SENSE THAT I'D BEEN ASLEEP FOR A VERY long time—my body was stiff, like Ihadn't moved once through all that time, either. My mind was dazed and slow; strange, colorfuldreams—dreams and nightmares—swirled dizzily around the inside of my head. They were so vivid. Thehorrible and the heavenly, all mixed together into a bizarre jumble1. There was sharp impatience2 and fear,both part of that frustrating3 dream where your feet can't move fast enough… And there were plenty ofmonsters, red-eyed fiends that were all the more ghastly for their genteel civility. The dream was stillstrong—I could even remember the names. But the strongest, clearest part of the dream was not thehorror. It was the angel that was most clear.
It was hard to let him go and wake up. This dream did not want to be shoved away into the vault4 ofdreams I refused to revisit. I struggled with it as my mind became more alert, focusing on reality. Icouldn't remember what day of the week it was, but I was sure Jacob or school or work or somethingwas waiting for me. I inhaled5 deeply, wondering how to face another day.
Something cold touched my forehead with the softest pressure.
I squeezed my eyes more tightly shut. I was still dreaming, it seemed, and it felt abnormally real. I was soclose to waking… any second now, and it would be gone.
But I realized that it felt too real, too real to be good for me. The stone arms I imagined wrapped around me were far too substantial. If I let this go any further, I'd be sorry for it later. With a resigned sigh, Iwrenched back my eyelids6 to dispel7 the illusion.
"Oh!" I gasped8, and threw my fists over my eyes.
Well, clearly, I'd gone too far; it must have been a mistake to let my imagination get so out of hand.
Okay, so "let" was the wrong word. I'd forced it to get out of hand—pretty much stalked myhallucinations—and now my mind had snapped.
It took less than half a second for me to realize that, as long as I was truly insane now, I might as wellenjoy the delusions9 while they were pleasant.
I opened my eyes again—and Edward was still there, his perfect face just inches away from mine.
"Did I frighten you?" His low voice was anxious. This was very good, as delusions went. The face, thevoice, the scent10, everything—it was so much better than drowning. The beautiful figment of myimagination watched my changing expressions, with alarm. His irises11 were pitch-black, with bruise-likeshadows under them. This surprised me; my hallucinatory Edwards were usually better fed.
I blinked twice, desperately12 trying to remember the last thing that I was sure was real. Alice was part ofmy dream, and I wondered if she had really come back at all, or if that was just the preamble13. I thoughtshe'd returned the day I'd nearly drowned…"Oh, crap" I croaked14. My throat was thick with sleeping.
"What's wrong, Bella?"I frowned at him unhappily. His face was even more anxious than before.
"I'm dead, right?" I moaned. "I did drown. Crap, crap, crap! This is gonna kill Charlie."Edward frowned, too. "You're not dead.""Then why am I not waking up?" I challenged, raising my eyebrows16.
"You are awake, Bella."I shook my head. "Sure, sure. That's what you want me to think. And then it will be worse when I dowake up. If I wake up, which I won't, because I'm dead. This is awful. Poor Charlie. And Renee andJake…" I trailed off in horror at what I had done.
"I can see where you might confuse me with a nightmare." His short-lived smile was grim. "But I can'timagine what you could have done to wind up in hell. Did you commit many murders while I was away?"I grimaced17. "Obviously not. If I was in hell, you wouldn't be with me."He sighed.
My head was getting clearer. My eyes flickered18 away from his face—unwillingly—for one second, to thedark, open window, and then back to him. I started to remember details… and I felt a faint, unfamiliarblush warm the skin over my cheekbones as I slowly realized that Edward was really, truly here with me,and I was wasting time being an idiot.
"Did all of that really happen, then?" It was almost impossible to reassign my dream as reality. I couldn'twrap my head around the concept.
"That depends." Edward's smile was still hard. "If you're referring to us nearly being massacred in Italy,then, yes.""How strange," I mused20. "I really went to Italy. Did you know I'd never been farther east thanAlbuquerque?"He rolled his eyes. "Maybe you should go back to sleep. You're not coherent.""I'm not tired anymore." It was all coming clear now. "What time is it? How long have I been sleeping?""It's just after one in the morning. So, about fourteen hours."I stretched as he spoke21. I was so stiff.
"Charlie?" I asked.
Edward frowned. "Sleeping. You should probably know that I'm breaking the rules right now. Well, nottechnically, since he said I was never to walk through his door again, and I came in the window… But,still, the intent was clear.""Charlie banned you from the house?" I asked, disbelief quickly melting into fury.
His eyes were sad. "Did you expect anything else?"My eyes were mad. I was going to have a few words with my father—perhaps it would be a good timeto remind him that I was over the legal age of adulthood22. It didn't matter so much, of course, except inprinciple. All too soon there would be no reason for the prohibition23. I turned my thoughts to less painfulavenues.
"What's the story?" I asked, genuinely curious, but also trying desperately to keep the conversationcasual, to keep a firm grip on myself, so I wouldn't scare him away with the frantic24, gnawing25 craving26 thatwas raging inside me.
"What do you mean?""What am I telling Charlie? What's my excuse for disappearing for… how long was I gone, anyway?" Itried to count the hours in my head.
"Just three days." His eyes tightened27, but he smiled more naturally this time. "Actually, I was hoping youmight have a good explanation. I've got nothing."I groaned28. "Fabulous29.""Well, maybe Alice will come up with something," he offered, trying to comfort me.
And I was comforted. Who cared what I had to deal with later? Every second that he was here—soclose, his flawless face glowing in the dim light from the numbers on my alarm clock—was precious andnot to be wasted.
"So," I began, picking the least important—though still vitally interesting—question to start with. I wassafely delivered home, and he might decide to leave at any moment. I had to keep him talking. Besides,this temporary heaven wasn't entirely30 complete without the sound of his voice. "What have you beendoing, up until three days ago?"His face turned wary31 in an instant. "Nothing terribly exciting." "Of course not," I mumbled32.
"Why are you making that face?""Well…" I pursed my lips, considering. "If you were, after all, just a dream, that's exactly the kind of thingyou would say. My imagination must be used up."He sighed. "If I tell you, will you finally believe that you're not having a nightmare?""Nightmare!" I repeated scornfully. He waited for my answer. "Maybe," I said after a second of thought.
"If you tell me.""I was… hunting.""Is that the best you can do?" I criticized. "That definitely doesn't prove I'm awake."He hesitated, and then spoke slowly, choosing his words with care. "I wasn't hunting fot food… I wasactually trying my hand at… tracking. I'm not very good at it.""What were you tracking?" I asked, intrigued33.
"Nothing of consequence." His words didn't match his expression; he looked upset, uncomfortable.
"I don't understand."He hesitated; his face, shining with an odd green cast from the light of the clock, was torn.
"I—" He took a deep breath. "I owe you an apology. No, of course I owe you much, much more thanthat. But you have to know,"—the words began to flow so fast, the way I remembered he spokesometimes when he was agitated34, that I really had to concentrate to catch them all—"that I had no idea. Ididn't realize the mess I was leaving behind. I thought it was safe for you here. So safe. I had no idea thatVictoria,"—his lips curled back when he said the name—"would come back. I'll admit, when I saw herthat one time, I was paying much more attention to James's thoughts. But I just didn't see that she had thiskind of response in her. That she even had such a tie to him. I think I realize why now—she was so sureof him, the thought of him failing never occurred to her. It was her overconfidence that clouded herfeelings about him—that kept me from seeing the depth of them, the bond there.
"Not that there's any excuse for what I left you to face. When I heard what you told Alice—what shesaw herself—when I realized that you had to put your life in the hands of werewolves, immature35, volatile,the worst thing out there besides Victoria herself—he shuddered36 and the gush37 of words halted for a shortsecond. "Please know that I had no idea of any of this. I feel sick, sick to my core, even now, when I cansee and feel you safe in my arms. I am the most miserable38 excuse for—""Stop," I interrupted him. He stared at me with agonized39 eyes, and I tried to find the right words—thewords that would free him from this imagined obligation that caused him so much pain. They were veryhard words to say. I didn't know if I could get them out without breaking down. But I had to try to do itright. I didn't want to be a source of guilt40 and anguish41 in his life. He should be happy, no matter what itcost me.
I'd really been hoping to put off this part of our last conversation. It was going to bring things to an end somuch sooner.
Drawing on all my months of practice with trying to be normal for Charlie, I kept my face smooth.
"Edward," I said. His name burned my throat a little on the way out. I could feel the ghost of the hole,waiting to rip itself wide again as soon as he disappeared. I didn't quite see how I was going to survive itthis time. "This has to stop now. You can't think about things that way. You can't let this… this guilt…rule your life. You can't take responsibility for the things that happen to me here. None of it is your fault,it's just part of how life is for me. So, if I trip in front of a bus or whatever it is next time, you have torealize that it's not your job to take the blame. You can't just go running off to Italy because you feel badthat you didn't save me. Even if I had jumped off that cliff to die, that would have been my choice, andnot your fault. I know it's your… your nature to shoulder the blame for everything, but you really can'tlet that make you go to such extremes! It's very irresponsible—think of Esme and Carlisle and—"I was on the edge of losing it. I stopped to take a deep breath, hoping to calm myself. I had to set himfree. I had to make sure this never happened again.
"Isabella Marie Swan," he whispered, the strangest expression crossing his face. He almost looked mad.
"Do you believe that I asked the Volturi to kill me because I felt guilty?"I could feel the blank incomprehension on my face. "Didn't you?""Feel guilty? Intensely so. More than you can comprehend.""Then… what are you saying? I don't understand.""Bella, I went to the Volturi because I thought you were dead," he said, voice soft, eyes fierce. "Even ifI'd had no hand in your death"—he shuddered as he whispered the last word—"even if it wasn't myfault, I would have gone to Italy. Obviously, I should have been more careful—I should have spoken toAlice directly, rather than accepting it secondhand from Rosalie. But, really, what was I supposed tothink when the boy said Charlie was at the funeral? What are the odds42?
"The odds…" he muttered then, distracted. His voice was so low I wasn't sure I beard it right. "The oddsare always stacked against us. Mistake after mistake. I'll never criticize Romeo again.""But I still don't understand," I said. "That's my whole point. So what?""Excuse me?""So what if I was dead?"He stared at me dubiously43 for a long moment before answering. "Don't you remember anything I told youbefore?""I remember everything that you told me." Including the words that had negated44 all the rest.
He brushed the tip of his cool finger against my lower lip. "Bella, you seem to be under amisapprehension." He closed his eyes, shaking his head back and forth45 with half a smile on his beautifulface. It wasn't a happy smile. "I thought I'd explained it clearly before. Bella, I can't live in a world whereyou don't exist.""I am…" My head swam as I looked for the appropriate word. "Confused." That worked. I couldn'tmake sense of what he was saying.
He stared deep into my eyes with his sincere, earnest gaze. "I'm a good liar19, Bella, I have to be."I froze, my muscles locking down as if for impact. The fault line in my chest rippled46; the pain of it took mybreath away.
He shook my shoulder, trying to loosen my rigid47 pose. "Let me finish! I'm a good liar, but still, for you tobelieve me so quickly." He winced48. "That was… excruciating."I waited, still frozen.
"When we were in the forest, when I was telling you goodbye—"I didn't allow myself to remember. I fought to keep myself in the present second only.
"You weren't going to let go," he whispered. "I could see that. I didn't want to do it—it felt like it wouldkill me to do it—but I knew that if I couldn't convince you that I didn't love you anymore, it would justtake you that much longer to get on with your life. I hoped that, if you thought I'd moved on, so wouldyou.""A clean break," I whispered through unmoving lips.
"Exactly. But I never imagined it would be so easy to do! I thought it would be next to impossible—thatyou would be so sure of the truth that I would have to lie through my teeth for hours to even plant theseed of doubt in your head. I lied, and I'm so sorry—sorry because I hurt you, sorry because it was aworthless effort. Sorry that I couldn't protect you from what I an. I lied to save you, and it didn't work.
I'm sorry.
"But how could you believe me? After all the thousand times I've told you I love you, how could you letone word break your faith in me?"I didn't answer. I was too shocked to form a rational response.
"I could see it in your eyes, that you honestly believed that I didn't want you anymore. The most absurd,ridiculous concept—as if there were anu way that I could exist without needing you!"I was still frozen. His words were incomprehensible, because they were impossible.
He shook my shoulder again, not hard, but enough that my teeth rattled49 a little.
"Bella," he sighed. "Really, what were you thinking!"And so I started to cry. The tears welled up and then gushed50 miserably51 down my cheeks.
"I knew it," I sobbed52. "I knew I was dreaming.""You're impossible," he said, and he laughed once—a hard laugh, frustrated53. "How can I put this so thatyou'll believe me? You're not asleep, and you're not dead. I'm here, and I love you. I have always lovedyou, and I will always love you. I was thinking of you, seeing your face in my mind, every second that Iwas away. When I told you that I didn't want you, it was the very blackest kind of blasphemy54."I shook my head while the tears continued to ooze55 from the corners of my eyes.
"You don't believe me, do you?" he whispered, his face paler than his usual pale—I could see that evenin the dim light. "Why can you believe the lie, but not the truth?""It never made sense for you to love me," I explained, my voice breaking twice. "I always knew that."His eyes narrowed, his jaw56 tightened.
"I'll prove you're awake," he promised.
He caught my face securely between his iron hands, ignoring my struggles when I tried to turn my headaway.
"Please don't," I whispered.
He stopped, his lips just half an inch from mine.
"Why not?" he demanded. His breath blew into my face, making my head whirl.
"When I wake up"—He opened his mouth to protest, so I revised—"okay, forget that one—when youleave again, it's going to be hard enough without this, too."He pulled back an inch, to stare at my face.
"Yesterday, when I would touch you, you were so… hesitant, so careful, and yet still the same. I need toknow why. Is it because I'm too late? Because I've hurt you too much? Because you have moved on, asI meant for you to? That would be… quite fair. I won't contest your decision. So don't try to spare myfeelings, please—just tell me now whether or not you can still love me, after everything I've done to you.
Can you?" he whispered.
"What kind of an idiotic57 question is that?""Just answer it. Please."I stared at him darkly for a long moment. "The way I feel about you will never change. Of course I loveyou—and there's nothing you can do about it!""That's all I needed to hear."His mouth was on mine then, and I couldn't fight him. Not because he was so many thousand timesstronger than me, but because my will crumbled58 into dust the second our lips met. This kiss was not quiteas careful as others I remembered, which suited me just fine. If I was going to rip myself up further, Imight as well get as much in trade as possible.
So I kissed him back, my heart pounding out a jagged, disjointed rhythm while my breathing turned topanting and my fingers moved greedily to his face. I could feel his marble body against every line of mine,and I was so glad he hadn't listened to me—there was no pain in the world that would have justifiedmissing this. His hands memorized my face, the same way mine were tracing his, and, in the brief secondswhen his lips were free, he whispered my name.
When I was starting to get dizzy, he pulled away, only to lay his ear against my heart.
I lay there, dazed, waiting for my gasping59 to slow and quiet.
"By the way," he said in a casual tone. "I'm not leaving you."I didn't say anything, and he seemed to hear skepticism in my silence.
He lifted his face to lock my gaze in his. "I'm not going anywhere. Not without you," he added moreseriously.
"I only left you in the first place because I wanted you to have a chance at a normal, happy, human life. Icould see what I was doing to you—keeping you constantly on the edge of danger, taking you awayfrom the world you belonged in, risking your life every moment I was with you. So I had to try. I had todo something, and it seemed like leaving was the only way. If I hadn't thought you would be better off, I could have never made myself leave. I'm much too selfish. Only you could be more important than what Iwanted… what I needed. What I want and need is to be with you, and I know I'll never be strongenough to leave again. I have too many excuses to stay—thank heaven for that! It seems you can't besafe, no matter how many miles I put between us.""Don't promise me anything," I whispered. If I let myself hope, and it came to nothing… that would killme. Where all those merciless vampires60 had not been able to finish me off, hope would do the job.
Anger glinted metallic61 in his black eyes. "You think I'm lying to you now?""No—not lying." I shook my head, trying to think it through coherently. To examine the hypothesis thathe did love me, while staying objective, clinical, so I wouldn't fall into the trap of hoping. "You couldmean it… now. But what about tomorrow, when you think about all the reasons you left in the firstplace? Or next month, when Jasper takes a snap at me?"He flinched62.
I thought back over those last days of my life before he left me, tried to see them through the filter ofwhat he was telling me now. From that perspective, imagining that he'd left me while loving me, left mefor me, his brooding and cold silences took on a different meaning. "It isn't as if you hadn't thought thefirst decision through, is it?" I guessed. "You'll end up doing what you think is right.""I'm not as strong as you give me credit for," he said. "Right and wrong have ceased to mean much tome; I was coming back anyway. Before Rosalie told me the news, I was already past trying to livethrough one week at a time, or even one day. I was fighting to make it through a single hour. It was onlya matter of time—and not much of it—before I showed up at your window and begged you to take meback. I'd be happy to beg now, if you'd like that."I grimaced. "Be serious, please.""Oh, I am," he insisted, glaring now. "Will you please try to hear what I'm telling you? Will you let meattempt to explain what you mean to me?"He waited, studying my face as he spoke to make sure I was really listening.
"Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars—points of lightand reason… And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; therewas brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon,everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn't see thestars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything."I wanted to believe him. But this was my life without him that he was describing, not the other wayaround.
"Your eyes will adjust," I mumbled.
"That's just the problem—they can't.""What about your distractions64?"He laughed without a trace of humor. "Just part of the lie, love. There was no distraction63 from the… theagony. My heart hasn't beat in almost ninety years, but this was different. It was like my heart wasgone—like I was hollow. Like I'd left everything that was inside me here with you." "That's funny," I muttered.
He arched one perfect eyebrow15. "Funny? ""I meant strange—I thought it was just me. Lots of pieces of me went missing, too. I haven't been able toreally breathe in so long." I filled my lungs, luxuriating in the sensation. "And my heart. That was definitelylost."He closed his eyes and laid his ear over my heart again. I let my cheek press against his hair, felt thetexture of it on my skin, smelled the delicious scent of him.
"Tracking wasn't a distraction then?" I asked, curious, and also needing to distract myself. I was verymuch in danger of hoping. I wouldn't be able to stop myself for long. My heart throbbed65, singing in mychest.
"No." He sighed. "That was never a distraction. It was an obligation.""What does that mean?""It means that, even though I never expected any danger from Victoria, I wasn't going to let her get awaywith… Well, like I said, I was horrible at it. I traced her as far as Texas, but then I followed a false leaddown to Brazil—and really she came here." He groaned. "I wasn't even on the right continent! And all thewhile, worse than my worst fears—""You were hunting Victoria?" I half-shrieked as soon as I could find my voice, shooting through twooctaves.
Charlie's distant snores stuttered, and then picked up a regular rhythm again.
"Not well," Edward answered, studying my outraged66 expression with a confused look. "But I'll do betterthis time. She won't be tainting67 perfectly68 good air by breathing in and out for much longer.""That is… out of the question," I managed to choke out. Insanity69. Even if he had Emmett or Jasper helphim. Even if he had Emmett and Jasper help. It was worse than my other imaginings: Jacob Blackstanding across a small space from Victoria's vicious and feline70 figure. I couldn't bear to picture Edwardthere, even though he was so much more durable71 than my half-human best friend.
"It's too late for her. I might have let the other time slide, but not now, not after—"I interrupted him again, trying to sound calm. "Didn't you just promise that you weren't going to leave?" Iasked, fighting the words as I said them, nor letting them plant themselves in my heart. "That isn't exactlycompatible with an extended tracking expedition, is it?"He frowned. A snarl72 began to build low in his chest. "I will keep my promise, Bella. But Victoria"—thesnarl became more pronounced—"is going to die. Soon.""Let's not be hasty," I said, trying to hide my panic. "Maybe she's not coming back. Jake's pack probablyscared her off. There's really no reason to go looking for her. Besides, I've got bigger problems thanVictoria."Edward's eyes narrowed, but he nodded. "It's true. The werewolves are a problem."I snorted. "I wasn't talking about Jacob. My problems are a lot worse that a handful of adolescentwolves getting themselves into trouble." Edward looked as if he were about to say something, and then thought better of it. His teeth clickedtogether, and he spoke through them. "Really?" he asked. "Then what would be your greatest problem?
That would make Victoria's returning for you seem like such an inconsequential matter in comparison?""How about the second greatest?" I hedged.
"All right," he agreed, suspicious.
I paused. I wasn't sure I could say the name. "There are others who are coming to look for me," Ireminded him in a subdued73 whisper.
He sighed, but the reaction was not as strong as I would have imagined after his response to Victoria.
"The Volturi are only the second greatest?""You don't seem that upset about it," I noted74.
"Well, we have plenty of time to think it through. Time means something very different to them than itdoes to you, or even me. They count years the way you count days. I wouldn't be surprised if you werethirty before you crossed their minds again," he added lightly.
Horror washed through me.
So his promises meant nothing, in the end. If I were going to turn thirty someday, then he couldn't beplanning on staying long. The harsh pain of this knowledge made me realize that I'd already begun tohope, without giving myself permission to do 5.0.
"You don't have to be afraid," he said, anxious as he watched the tears dew up again on the rims75 of myeyes. "I won't let them hurt you.""While you're here." Not that I cared what happened to me when he left.
He took my face between his two stone hands, holding it tightly while his midnight eyes glared into minewith the gravitational force of a black hole. "I will never leave you again.""But you said thirty," I whispered. The tears leaked over the edge. "What? You're going to stay, but letme get all old anyway? Right."His eyes softened76, while his mouth went hard. "That's exactly what I'm going to do. What choice have I?
I cannot be without you, but I will not destroy your soul.""Is this really…" I tried to keep my voice even, but this question was too hard. I remembered his facewhen Aro had almost begged him to consider making me immortal77. The sick look there. Was this fixationwith keeping me human really about my soul, or was it because he wasn't sure that he wanted me aroundthat long?
"Yes?" he asked, waiting for my question.
I asked a different one. Almost—but not quite—as hard.
"But what about when I get so old that people think I'm your mother? Your grandmother?" My voicewas pale with revulsion—I could see Gran's face again in the dream mirror.
His whole face was soft now. He brushed the tears from my cheek with his lips. "That doesn't meananything to me," he breathed against my skin. "You will always be the most beautiful thing in my world.
Of course…" He hesitated, flinching78 slightly. "If you outgrew79 me—if you wanted something more—Iwould understand that, Bella. I promise I wouldn't stand in your way if you wanted to leave me."His eyes were liquid onyx and utterly80 sincere. He spoke as if he'd put endless amounts of thought into thisasinine plan.
"You do realize that I'll die eventually, right?" I demanded.
He'd thought about this part, too. "I'll follow after as soon as I can.""That is seriously…"I looked for the right word. "Sick.""Bella, it's the only right way left—""Let's just back up for a minute," I said; feeling angry made it so much easier to be clear, decisive. "Youdo remember the Volturi, right? I can't stay human forever. They'll kill me. Even if they don't think of metillI'm thirty"—I hissed81 the word—"do you really think they'll forget?""No," he answered slowly, shaking his head. "They won't forget. But…""But?"He grinned while I stared at him warily82. Maybe I wasn't the only crazy one.
"I have a few plans.""And these plans," I said, my voice getting more acidic with each word. "These plans all center aroundme staying human."My attitude hardened his expression. "Naturally." His tone was brusque, his divine face arrogant83.
We glowered84 at each other for a long minute.
Then I took a deep breath, squared my shoulders, I pushed his arms away so that I could sit up.
"Do you want me to leave?" he asked, and it made my heart flutter to see that this idea hurt him, thoughhe tried not to show it.
"No," I told him. "I'm leaving."He watched me suspiciously as I climbed out of the bed and fumbled85 around in the dark room, lookingfor my shoes.
"May I ask where you are going.'" he asked.
"I'm going to your house," I told him, still feeling around blindly.
He got up and came to my side. "Here are your shoes. How did you plan to get there?""My truck.""That will probably wake Charlie," he offered as a deterrent86.
I sighed. "I know. But honestly, I'll be grounded for weeks as it is. How much more trouble can I really getin?""None. He'll blame me, not you.""If you have a better idea, I'm all ears.""Stay here," he suggested, but his expression wasn't hopeful.
"No dice87. But you go ahead and make yourself at home," I encouraged, surprised at how natural myteasing sounded, and headed for the door.
He was there before me, blocking my way.
I frowned, and turned for the window. It wasn't really that far to the ground, and it was mostly grassbeneath…"Okay," he sighed. "I'll give you a ride."I shrugged88. "Either way. But you probably should be there, too.""And why is that?""Because you're extraordinarily89 opinionated, and I'm sure you'll want a chance to air your views.""My views on which subject?" He asked through his teeth.
"This isn't just about you anymore. You're not the center of the universe, you know." My own personaluniverse was, of course, a different story. "If you're going to bring the Volturi down on us over somethingas stupid as leaving me human, then your family ought to have a say.""A say in what?" he asked, each word distinct.
"My mortality. I'm putting it to a vote."
23 真相
“哦,大便” 我发牢骚。我的嗓子睡得很粗。
“那为什么我还没有醒来?” 我质问他,挑起了眉毛。
“我一点儿都不累。” 现在一切都清楚了。“现在几点了?我已经睡了多久?”
“我该告诉查理什么呢?我失踪的理由时什么?不管怎么说,我走了多久?” 我试图计算出时间。
“我——”他深呼吸了一口。“我欠你一个道歉。不,当然我欠你很多,比那更多。但是你必须知道”——话语开始流动的很快,在我记忆中有时当他很焦虑时会这么说话,我真正不得不集中精神去听他说话。“我不知道。我没有意识到我所留下的困境。我以为你在这里是安全的,这么安全。我不知道维多利亚”当他说道那个名字时,他的嘴唇卷起来了。“会回来。我承认,当我看到她那次时,我把过多的注意放到詹姆斯的想法上了。但是我只是没看到她会这样答复。她竟然和他有这样的联系。我想我意识到为什么现在——她如此确信他,他思想的失灵没有发生在她身上。 这是她过度自信的感觉笼罩了他——那使我看不到深处,那儿的联系。”
“ISABELLA MARIE SWAN”他耳语道,他的脸上掠过最奇怪的表情。他看起来几乎疯了。“你相信我请求VOLTURI 处死我因为我感到内疚吗?”
他刷着他冰冷的指尖对着我的下嘴唇。“贝拉,你看起来误解什么了。” 他闭上眼睛,来回摇着头,脸上挂着一半微笑。那不是高兴的笑容。“我以为我已经解释的很清楚了。贝拉,我不能生活在没有的世界。”
“不——不是骗”我摇着头,试图连贯地想清楚。我要保持客观的,临床的检验他确实爱我的这个假设,这样我才不会掉进希望的圈套中。“你可以想。。。现在。但是明天会怎么样?当你考虑让你留在这儿的所有理由的首位时?或者下个月,当JASPER 咬我时?”
“那是。。。。绝对做不到的” 我快要窒息了。太疯狂了。即使他有埃美特和贾斯帕帮忙。这比我其他的幻想要糟糕多了:雅各布站在离恶毒的像猫一样的维多利亚不远的整个小空间里。我不能忍受想象爱德华站在那里,即使他比我那个半人好朋友更持久。
“你是你说了三十岁”我低语着。泪水又涌上眼眶。“什么?你是要留下,却看着我渐渐的变老? ”
“ 对。” 他的眼神变得柔和,但他的嘴却变得僵硬起来。“那就是我准备要做的事。我有选择吗?我不能失去你,但是我绝不会摧毁你的灵魂。”


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vt.使混乱,混杂;n.混乱;杂乱的一堆 | |
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n.不耐烦,急躁 | |
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adj.产生挫折的,使人沮丧的,令人泄气的v.使不成功( frustrate的现在分词 );挫败;使受挫折;令人沮丧 | |
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n.拱形圆顶,地窖,地下室 | |
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v.吸入( inhale的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.眼睑( eyelid的名词复数 );眼睛也不眨一下;不露声色;面不改色 | |
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vt.驱走,驱散,消除 | |
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v.喘气( gasp的过去式和过去分词 );喘息;倒抽气;很想要 | |
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n.欺骗( delusion的名词复数 );谬见;错觉;妄想 | |
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n.气味,香味,香水,线索,嗅觉;v.嗅,发觉 | |
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n.虹( iris的名词复数 );虹膜;虹彩;鸢尾(花) | |
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adv.极度渴望地,绝望地,孤注一掷地 | |
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n.前言;序文 | |
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v.呱呱地叫( croak的过去式和过去分词 );用粗的声音说 | |
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n.眉毛,眉 | |
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眉毛( eyebrow的名词复数 ) | |
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v.扮鬼相,做鬼脸( grimace的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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(通常指灯光)闪烁,摇曳( flicker的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.说谎的人 | |
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v.沉思,冥想( muse的过去式和过去分词 );沉思自语说(某事) | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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n.成年,成人期 | |
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n.禁止;禁令,禁律 | |
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adj.狂乱的,错乱的,激昂的 | |
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a.痛苦的,折磨人的 | |
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n.渴望,热望 | |
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收紧( tighten的过去式和过去分词 ); (使)变紧; (使)绷紧; 加紧 | |
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v.呻吟( groan的过去式和过去分词 );发牢骚;抱怨;受苦 | |
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adj.极好的;极为巨大的;寓言中的,传说中的 | |
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ad.全部地,完整地;完全地,彻底地 | |
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adj.谨慎的,机警的,小心的 | |
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含糊地说某事,叽咕,咕哝( mumble的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adj.好奇的,被迷住了的v.搞阴谋诡计(intrigue的过去式);激起…的兴趣或好奇心;“intrigue”的过去式和过去分词 | |
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adj.被鼓动的,不安的 | |
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adj.未成熟的,发育未全的,未充分发展的 | |
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v.战栗( shudder的过去式和过去分词 );发抖;(机器、车辆等)突然震动;颤动 | |
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v.喷,涌;滔滔不绝(说话);n.喷,涌流;迸发 | |
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adj.悲惨的,痛苦的;可怜的,糟糕的 | |
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v.使(极度)痛苦,折磨( agonize的过去式和过去分词 );苦斗;苦苦思索;感到极度痛苦 | |
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n.犯罪;内疚;过失,罪责 | |
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n.(尤指心灵上的)极度痛苦,烦恼 | |
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n.让步,机率,可能性,比率;胜败优劣之别 | |
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adv.可疑地,怀疑地 | |
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v.取消( negate的过去式和过去分词 );使无效;否定;否认 | |
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adv.向前;向外,往外 | |
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使泛起涟漪(ripple的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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adj.严格的,死板的;刚硬的,僵硬的 | |
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赶紧避开,畏缩( wince的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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慌乱的,恼火的 | |
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v.喷,涌( gush的过去式和过去分词 );滔滔不绝地说话 | |
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adv.痛苦地;悲惨地;糟糕地;极度地 | |
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哭泣,啜泣( sob的过去式和过去分词 ); 哭诉,呜咽地说 | |
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adj.挫败的,失意的,泄气的v.使不成功( frustrate的过去式和过去分词 );挫败;使受挫折;令人沮丧 | |
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n.亵渎,渎神 | |
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n.软泥,渗出物;vi.渗出,泄漏;vt.慢慢渗出,流露 | |
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n.颚,颌,说教,流言蜚语;v.喋喋不休,教训 | |
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adj.白痴的 | |
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(把…)弄碎, (使)碎成细屑( crumble的过去式和过去分词 ); 衰落; 坍塌; 损坏 | |
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adj. 气喘的, 痉挛的 动词gasp的现在分词 | |
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n.吸血鬼( vampire的名词复数 );吸血蝠;高利贷者;(舞台上的)活板门 | |
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adj.金属的;金属制的;含金属的;产金属的;像金属的 | |
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v.(因危险和痛苦)退缩,畏惧( flinch的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.精神涣散,精神不集中,消遣,娱乐 | |
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n.使人分心的事[人]( distraction的名词复数 );娱乐,消遣;心烦意乱;精神错乱 | |
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抽痛( throb的过去式和过去分词 ); (心脏、脉搏等)跳动 | |
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a.震惊的,义愤填膺的 | |
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v.使变质( taint的现在分词 );使污染;败坏;被污染,腐坏,败坏 | |
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adv.完美地,无可非议地,彻底地 | |
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n.疯狂,精神错乱;极端的愚蠢,荒唐 | |
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adj.猫科的 | |
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adj.持久的,耐久的 | |
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v.吼叫,怒骂,纠缠,混乱;n.混乱,缠结,咆哮 | |
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adj. 屈服的,柔和的,减弱的 动词subdue的过去式和过去分词 | |
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adj.著名的,知名的 | |
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n.(圆形物体的)边( rim的名词复数 );缘;轮辋;轮圈 | |
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(使)变软( soften的过去式和过去分词 ); 缓解打击; 缓和; 安慰 | |
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adj.不朽的;永生的,不死的;神的 | |
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v.(因危险和痛苦)退缩,畏惧( flinch的现在分词 ) | |
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长[发展] 得超过(某物)的范围( outgrow的过去式 ); 长[发展]得不能再要(某物); 长得比…快; 生长速度超过 | |
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adv.完全地,绝对地 | |
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发嘶嘶声( hiss的过去式和过去分词 ); 发嘘声表示反对 | |
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adv.留心地 | |
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adj.傲慢的,自大的 | |
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v.怒视( glower的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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(笨拙地)摸索或处理(某事物)( fumble的过去式和过去分词 ); 乱摸,笨拙地弄; 使落下 | |
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n.阻碍物,制止物;adj.威慑的,遏制的 | |
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n.骰子;vt.把(食物)切成小方块,冒险 | |
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vt.耸肩(shrug的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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adv.格外地;极端地 | |
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