“Mudmen,” answered Little Walder disdainfully. “They’re thieves and cravens, and they have green teeth from eating frogs.” Maester Luwin
crouched1 beside Bran’s seat to whisper counsel in his ear. “You must greet these ones warmly. I had not thought to see them here, but... you know who they are?” Bran nodded. “Crannogmen. From the Neck.” “Howland Reed was a great friend to your father,” Ser Rodrik told him. “These two are his, it would seem.” As the newcomers walked the length of the hall, Bran saw that one was indeed a girl, though he would never have known it by her dress. She wore lambskin breeches soft with long use, and a sleeveless jerkin armored in bronze scales. Though near Robb’s age, she was slim as a boy, with long brown hair knotted behind her head and only the barest suggestion of breasts. A woven net hung from one slim
hip2, a long bronze knife from the other; under her arm she carried an old iron greathelm
spotted3 with
rust4; a frog spear and round leathern shield were
strapped5 to her back. Her brother was several years younger and bore no weapons. All his
garb6 was green, even to the leather of his boots, and when he came closer Bran saw that his eyes were the color of
moss7, though his teeth looked as white as anyone else’s. Both Reeds were slight of build, slender as swords and scarcely taller than Bran himself. They went to one knee before the dais. “My lords of
Stark8,” the girl said. “The years have passed in their hundreds and their thousands since my folk first swore their
fealty9 to the King in the North. My lord father has sent us here to say the words again, for all our people.” She is looking at me, Bran realized. He had to make some answer. “My brother Robb is fighting in the south,” he said, “but you can say your words to me, if you like.” “To Winterfell we pledge the faith of Greywater,” they said together. “Hearth and heart and harvest we yield up to you, my lord. Our swords and spears and arrows are yours to command. Grant mercy to our weak, help to our helpless, and justice to all, and we shall never fail you.” “I swear it by earth and water,” said the boy in green. “I swear it by bronze and iron,” his sister said. “We swear it by ice and fire,” they finished together. Bran groped for words. Was he supposed to swear something back to them? Their oath was not one he had been taught. “May your winters be short and your summers bountiful,” he said. That was usually a good thing to say. “Rise. I’m Brandon Stark.” The girl, Meera, got to her feet and helped her brother up. The boy stared at Bran all the while. “We bring you gifts of fish and frog and fowl,” he said. “I thank you.” Bran wondered if he would have to eat a frog to be polite. “I offer you the meat and
mead10 of Winterfell.” He tried to recall all he had been taught of the crannogmen, who dwelt amongst the
bogs11 of the Neck and seldom left their wetlands. They were a poor folk, fishers and frog-hunters who lived in houses of
thatch12 and woven reeds on floating islands hidden in the deeps of the swamp. It was said that they were a cowardly people who fought with poisoned weapons and preferred to hide from
foes13 rather than face them in open battle. And yet Howland Reed had been one of Father’s staunchest companions during the war for King Robert’s crown, before Bran was born. The boy, Jojen, looked about the hall
curiously14 as he took his seat. “Where are the direwolves?” “In the godswood,” Rickon answered. “Shaggy was bad.” “My brother would like to see them,” the girl said. Little Walder
spoke15 up loudly. “He’d best watch they don’t see him, or they’ll take a bite out of him.” “They won’t bite if I’m there.” Bran was pleased that they wanted to see the wolves. “Summer won’t anyway, and he’ll keep Shaggydog away.” He was curious about these mudmen. He could not recall ever seeing one before. His father had sent letters to the Lord of Greywater over the years, but none of the crannogmen had ever called at Winterfell. He would have liked to talk to them more, but the Great Hall was so noisy that it was hard to hear anyone who wasn’t right beside you. Ser Rodrik was right beside Bran. “Do they truly eat frogs?” he asked the old
knight16. “Aye,” Ser Rodrik said. “Frogs and fish and lizard-lions, and all manner of birds.” Maybe they don’t have sheep and cattle, Bran thought. He commanded the serving men to bring them mutton chops and a slice off the aurochs and fill their trenchers with beef-and-barley
stew17. They seemed to like that well enough. The girl caught him staring at her and smiled. Bran blushed and looked away. Much later, after all the sweets had been served and washed down with gallons of surnmerwine, the food was cleared and the tables shoved back against the walls to make room for the dancing. The music grew wilder, the drummers joined in, and Hother Umber brought
forth18 a huge curved warhorn banded in silver. When the singer reached the part in “The Night That Ended” where the Night’s Watch rode forth to meet the Others in the Battle for the Dawn, he blew a blast that set all the dogs to barking. Two Glover men began a spinning skirl on bladder and woodharp. Mors Umber was the first on his feet. He seized a passing serving girl by the arm, knocking the flagon of wine out of her hands to shatter on the floor. Amidst the rushes and bones and bits of bread that littered the stone, he whirled her and
spun19 her and tossed her in the air. The girl
squealed20 with laughter and turned red as her skirts
swirled21 and lifted. Others soon joined in. Hodor began to dance all by himself, while Lord Wyman asked little Beth Cassel to partner him. For all his size, he moved
gracefully22. When he tired, Cley Cerwyn danced with the child in his stead. Ser Rodrik approached Lady Hornwood, but she made her excuses and took her leave. Bran watched long enough to be polite, and then had Hodor summoned. He was hot and tired, flushed from the wine, and the dancing made him sad. it was something else he could never do. “I want to go.” “Hodor,” Hodor shouted back, kneeling. Maester Luwin and Hayhead lifted him into his basket. The folk of Winterfell had seen this sight half a hundred times, but doubtless it looked queer to the guests, some of whom were more curious than polite. Bran felt the stares. They went out the rear rather than walk the length of the hall, Bran ducking his head as they passed through the lord’s door. In the dim-lit gallery outside the Great Hall, they came upon Joseth the master of horse engaged in a different sort of riding. He had some woman Bran did not know shoved up against the wall, her skirts around her waist. She was
giggling23 until Hodor stopped to watch. Then she screamed. “Leave them be, Hodor,” Bran had to tell him. “Take me to my bedchamber.” Hodor carried him up the
winding24 steps to his tower and knelt beside one of the iron bars that Mikken had driven into the wall. Bran used the bars to move himself to the bed, and Hodor pulled off his boots and breeches. “You can go back to the feast now, but don’t go bothering Joseth and that woman,” Bran said. “Hodor,” Hodor replied, bobbing his head. When he blew out his bedside candle, darkness covered him like a soft, familiar blanket. The faint sound of music drifted through his shuttered window. Something his father had told him once when he was little came back to him suddenly. He had asked Lord Eddard if the Kingsguard were truly the finest
knights25 in the Seven Kingdoms. “No longer,” he answered, “but once they were a
marvel26, a shining lesson to the world.” “Was there one who was best of all?” “The finest knight I ever saw was Ser Arthur Dayne, who fought with a blade called Dawn, forged from the heart of a fallen star. They called him the Sword of the Morning, and he would have killed me but for Howland Reed.” Father had gotten sad then, and he would say no more. Bran wished he had asked him what he meant. He went to sleep with his head full of knights in gleaming armor, fighting with swords that shone like starfire, but when the dream came he was in the godswood again. The smells from the kitchen and the Great Hall were so strong that it was almost as if he had never left the feast. He prowled beneath the trees, his brother close behind him. This night was wildly alive, full of the howling of the man-pack at their play. The sounds made him restless. He wanted to run, to hunt, he wanted to. The
rattle27 of iron made his ears
prick28 up. His brother heard it too. They raced through the undergrowth toward the sound. Bounding across the still water at the foot of the old white one, he caught the
scent29 of a stranger, the mansmell well mixed with leather and earth and iron. The intruders had pushed a few yards into the wood when he came upon them; a female and a young male, with no
taint30 of fear to them, even when he showed them the white of his teeth. His brother
growled31 low in his throat, yet still they did not run. “Here they come,” the female said. Meera, some part of him whispered, some wisp of the sleeping boy lost in the wolf dream. “Did you know they would be so big?” “They will be bigger still before they are grown,” the young male said, watching them with eyes large, green, and unafraid. “The black one is full of fear and rage, but the grey is strong... stronger than he knows... can you feel him, sister?” “No,” she said, moving a hand to the hilt of the long brown knife she wore. “Go careful, Joien.” “He won’t hurt me. This is not the day I die.” The male walked toward them, unafraid, and reached out for his
muzzle32, a touch as light as a summer breeze. Yet at the brush of those fingers the wood dissolved and the very ground turned to smoke beneath his feet and swirled away laughing, and then he was spinning and falling, falling, falling...


v.屈膝,蹲伏( crouch的过去式和过去分词 ) |
参考例句: |
- He crouched down beside her. 他在她的旁边蹲了下来。
- The lion crouched ready to pounce. 狮子蹲下身,准备猛扑。
n.臀部,髋;屋脊 |
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- The thigh bone is connected to the hip bone.股骨连着髋骨。
- The new coats blouse gracefully above the hip line.新外套在臀围线上优美地打着褶皱。
adj.有斑点的,斑纹的,弄污了的 |
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- The milkman selected the spotted cows,from among a herd of two hundred.牛奶商从一群200头牛中选出有斑点的牛。
- Sam's shop stocks short spotted socks.山姆的商店屯积了有斑点的短袜。
n.锈;v.生锈;(脑子)衰退 |
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- She scraped the rust off the kitchen knife.她擦掉了菜刀上的锈。
- The rain will rust the iron roof.雨水会使铁皮屋顶生锈。
adj.用皮带捆住的,用皮带装饰的;身无分文的;缺钱;手头紧v.用皮带捆扎(strap的过去式和过去分词);用皮带抽打;包扎;给…打绷带 |
参考例句: |
- Make sure that the child is strapped tightly into the buggy. 一定要把孩子牢牢地拴在婴儿车上。 来自《简明英汉词典》
- The soldiers' great coats were strapped on their packs. 战士们的厚大衣扎捆在背包上。 来自《简明英汉词典》
n.服装,装束 |
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- He wore the garb of a general.他身着将军的制服。
- Certain political,social,and legal forms reappear in seemingly different garb.一些政治、社会和法律的形式在表面不同的外衣下重复出现。
n.苔,藓,地衣 |
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- Moss grows on a rock.苔藓生在石头上。
- He was found asleep on a pillow of leaves and moss.有人看见他枕着树叶和苔藓睡着了。
adj.荒凉的;严酷的;完全的;adv.完全地 |
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- The young man is faced with a stark choice.这位年轻人面临严峻的抉择。
- He gave a stark denial to the rumor.他对谣言加以完全的否认。
n.忠贞,忠节 |
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- He swore fealty to the king.他宣誓效忠国王。
- If you are fealty and virtuous,then I would like to meet you.如果你孝顺善良,我很愿意认识你。
n.蜂蜜酒 |
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- He gave me a cup of mead.他给我倒了杯蜂蜜酒。
- He drank some mead at supper.晚饭时他喝了一些蜂蜜酒。
n.沼泽,泥塘( bog的名词复数 );厕所v.(使)陷入泥沼, (使)陷入困境( bog的第三人称单数 );妨碍,阻碍 |
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- Whenever It'shows its true nature, real life bogs to a standstill. 无论何时,只要它显示出它的本来面目,真正的生活就陷入停滞。 来自名作英译部分
- At Jitra we went wading through bogs. 在日得拉我们步行着从泥水塘里穿过去。 来自辞典例句
vt.用茅草覆盖…的顶部;n.茅草(屋) |
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- They lit a torch and set fire to the chapel's thatch.他们点着一支火把,放火烧了小教堂的茅草屋顶。
- They topped off the hut with a straw thatch. 他们给小屋盖上茅草屋顶。
敌人,仇敌( foe的名词复数 ) |
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- They steadily pushed their foes before them. 他们不停地追击敌人。
- She had fought many battles, vanquished many foes. 她身经百战,挫败过很多对手。
adv.有求知欲地;好问地;奇特地 |
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- He looked curiously at the people.他好奇地看着那些人。
- He took long stealthy strides. His hands were curiously cold.他迈着悄没声息的大步。他的双手出奇地冷。
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 |
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- They sourced the spoke nuts from our company.他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的。
- The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre.辐条是轮子上连接外圈与中心的条棒。
n.骑士,武士;爵士 |
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- He was made an honourary knight.他被授予荣誉爵士称号。
- A knight rode on his richly caparisoned steed.一个骑士骑在装饰华丽的马上。
n.炖汤,焖,烦恼;v.炖汤,焖,忧虑 |
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- The stew must be boiled up before serving.炖肉必须煮熟才能上桌。
- There's no need to get in a stew.没有必要烦恼。
adv.向前;向外,往外 |
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- The wind moved the trees gently back and forth.风吹得树轻轻地来回摇晃。
- He gave forth a series of works in rapid succession.他很快连续发表了一系列的作品。
v.纺,杜撰,急转身 |
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- His grandmother spun him a yarn at the fire.他奶奶在火炉边给他讲故事。
- Her skilful fingers spun the wool out to a fine thread.她那灵巧的手指把羊毛纺成了细毛线。
v.长声尖叫,用长而尖锐的声音说( squeal的过去式和过去分词 ) |
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- He squealed the words out. 他吼叫着说出那些话。 来自《简明英汉词典》
- The brakes of the car squealed. 汽车的刹车发出吱吱声。 来自《简明英汉词典》
v.旋转,打旋( swirl的过去式和过去分词 ) |
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- The waves swirled and eddied around the rocks. 波浪翻滚着在岩石周围打旋。
- The water swirled down the drain. 水打着旋流进了下水道。
ad.大大方方地;优美地 |
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- She sank gracefully down onto a cushion at his feet. 她优雅地坐到他脚旁的垫子上。
- The new coats blouse gracefully above the hip line. 新外套在臀围线上优美地打着褶皱。
v.咯咯地笑( giggle的现在分词 ) |
参考例句: |
- We just sat there giggling like naughty schoolchildren. 我们只是坐在那儿像调皮的小学生一样的咯咯地傻笑。 来自《简明英汉词典》
- I can't stand her giggling, she's so silly. 她吃吃地笑,叫我真受不了,那样子傻透了。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
n.绕,缠,绕组,线圈 |
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- A winding lane led down towards the river.一条弯弯曲曲的小路通向河边。
- The winding trail caused us to lose our orientation.迂回曲折的小道使我们迷失了方向。
骑士; (中古时代的)武士( knight的名词复数 ); 骑士; 爵士; (国际象棋中)马 |
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- stories of knights and fair maidens 关于骑士和美女的故事
- He wove a fascinating tale of knights in shining armour. 他编了一个穿着明亮盔甲的骑士的迷人故事。
vi.(at)惊叹vt.感到惊异;n.令人惊异的事 |
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- The robot is a marvel of modern engineering.机器人是现代工程技术的奇迹。
- The operation was a marvel of medical skill.这次手术是医术上的一个奇迹。
v.飞奔,碰响;激怒;n.碰撞声;拨浪鼓 |
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- The baby only shook the rattle and laughed and crowed.孩子只是摇着拨浪鼓,笑着叫着。
- She could hear the rattle of the teacups.她听见茶具叮当响。
v.刺伤,刺痛,刺孔;n.刺伤,刺痛 |
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- He felt a sharp prick when he stepped on an upturned nail.当他踩在一个尖朝上的钉子上时,他感到剧烈的疼痛。
- He burst the balloon with a prick of the pin.他用针一戳,气球就爆了。
n.气味,香味,香水,线索,嗅觉;v.嗅,发觉 |
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- The air was filled with the scent of lilac.空气中弥漫着丁香花的芬芳。
- The flowers give off a heady scent at night.这些花晚上散发出醉人的芳香。
n.污点;感染;腐坏;v.使感染;污染 |
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- Everything possible should be done to free them from the economic taint.应尽可能把他们从经济的腐蚀中解脱出来。
- Moral taint has spread among young people.道德的败坏在年轻人之间蔓延。
v.(动物)发狺狺声, (雷)作隆隆声( growl的过去式和过去分词 );低声咆哮着说 |
参考例句: |
- \"They ought to be birched, \" growled the old man. 老人咆哮道:“他们应受到鞭打。” 来自《简明英汉词典》
- He growled out an answer. 他低声威胁着回答。 来自《简明英汉词典》
n.鼻口部;口套;枪(炮)口;vt.使缄默 |
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- He placed the muzzle of the pistol between his teeth.他把手枪的枪口放在牙齿中间。
- The President wanted to muzzle the press.总统企图遏制新闻自由。