“This wine seems to be improving as I drink it. Imagine that. I seem to remember that
dagger1, now that you describe it. Won it, you say? How?” “Wagering on you when you
tilted2 against the
Knight3 of Flowers.” Yet when she heard her own words Catelyn knew she had gotten it wrong. “No... was it the other way?” “Tyrion always backed me in the lists,” Jaime said, “but that day Ser Loras unhorsed me. A mischance, I took the boy too lightly, but no matter. Whatever my brother
wagered4, he lost... but that dagger did change hands, I recall it now. Robert showed it to me that night at the feast. His Grace loved to salt my wounds, especially when drunk. And when was he not drunk?” Tyrion Lannister had said much the same thing as they rode through the Mountains of the Moon, Catelyn remembered. She had refused to believe him. Petyr had sworn otherwise, Petyr who had been almost a brother, Petyr who loved her so much he fought a
duel6 for her hand... and yet if Jaime and Tyrion told the same tale, what did that mean? The brothers had not seen each other since departing Winterfell more than a year ago. “Are you trying to deceive me?” Somewhere there was a trap here. “I’ve admitted to shoving your precious
urchin7 out a window, what would it gain me to lie about this knife?” He tossed down another cup of wine. “Believe what you will, I’m past caring what people say of me. And it’s my turn. Have Robert’s brothers taken the field?” “They have.” “Now there’s a
niggardly8 response. Give me more than that, or your next answer will be as poor.” “Stannis marches against King’s Landing,” she said
grudgingly9. “Renly is dead, murdered at Bitterbridge by his brother, through some black art I do not understand.” “A pity,” Jaime said. “I rather liked Renly, though Stannis is quite another tale. What side have the Tyrells taken?” “Renly, at first. Now, I could not say.” “Your boy must be feeling lonely.” “Robb was sixteen a few days past... a man grown, and a king. He’s won every battle he’s fought. The last word we had from him, he had taken the Crag from the Westerlings.” “He hasn’t faced my father yet, has he?” “When he does, he’ll defeat him. As he did you.” “He took me unawares. A craven’s trick.” “You dare talk of tricks? Your brother Tyrion sent us cutthroats in envoy’s
garb10, under a peace banner.” “If it were one of your sons in this cell, wouldn’t his brothers do as much for him?” My son has no brothers, she thought, but she would not share her pain with a creature such as this. Jaime drank some more wine. “What’s a brother’s life when honor is at stake, eh?” Another
sip11. “Tyrion is clever enough to realize that your son will never consent to
ransom12 me.” Catelyn could not deny it. “Robb’s bannermen would sooner see you dead. Rickard Karstark in particular. You
slew14 two of his sons in the Whispering Wood.” “The two with the white sunburst, were they?” Jaime gave a
shrug15. “If truth be told, it was your son that I was trying to
slay16. The others got in my way. I killed them in fair fight, in the heat of battle. Any other knight would have done the same.” “How can you still count yourself a knight, when you have
forsaken17 every
vow18 you ever swore?” Jaime reached for the flagon to refill his cup. “So many
vows19... they make you swear and swear. Defend the king. Obey the king. Keep his secrets. Do his bidding. Your life for his. But obey your father. Love your sister. Protect the innocent. Defend the weak. Respect the gods. Obey the laws. It’s too much. No matter what you do, you’re
forsaking20 one vow or the other.” He took a healthy swallow of wine and closed his eyes for an instant, leaning his head back against the patch of nitre on the wall. “I was the youngest man ever to wear the white cloak.” “And the youngest to betray all it stood for, Kingslayer.” “Kingslayer,” he pronounced carefully. “And such a king he was!” He lifted his cup. “To Aerys Targaryen, the Second of His Name, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. And to the sword that opened his throat. A golden sword, don’t you know. Until his blood ran red down the blade. Those are the Lannister colors, red and gold.” As he laughed, she realized the wine had done its work; Jaime had drained most of the flagon, and he was drunk. “Only a man like you would be proud of such an act.” “I told you, there are no men like me. Answer me this, Lady
Stark13 did your Ned ever tell you the manner of his father’s death? Or his brother’s? “ “They strangled Brandon while his father watched, and then killed Lord Rickard as well.” An ugly tale, and sixteen years old. Why was he asking about it now? “Killed, yes, but how?” “The cord or the
axe21, I suppose.” Jaime took a swallow, wiped his mouth. “No doubt Ned wished to spare you. His sweet young bride, if not quite a
maiden22. Well, you wanted truth. Ask me. We made a bargain, I can deny you nothing. Ask.” “Dead is dead.” I do not want to know this. “Brandon was different from his brother, wasn’t he? He had blood in his
veins23 instead of cold water. More like me.” “Brandon was nothing like you.” “If you say so. You and he were to
wed5.” “He was on his way to Riverrun when...” Strange, how telling it still made her throat grow tight, after all these years. “...when he heard about Lyanna, and went to King’s Landing instead. It was a rash thing to do.” She remembered how her own father had raged when the news had been brought to Riverrun. The
gallant24 fool, was what he called Brandon. Jaime poured the last half cup of wine. “He rode into the Red Keep with a few companions, shouting for Prince Rhaegar to come out and die. But Rhaegar wasn’t there. Aerys sent his guards to arrest them all for plotting his son’s murder. The others were lords’ sons too, it seems to me.” “Ethan Glover was Brandon’s squire,” Catelyn said. “He was the only one to survive. The others were Jeffory Mallister, Kyle Royce, and Elbert Arryn, Jon Arryn’s nephew and heir.” It was queer how she still remembered the names, after so many years. “Aerys accused them of treason and summoned their fathers to court to answer the charge, with the sons as hostages. When they came, he had them murdered without trial. Fathers and sons both.” “There were trials. Of a sort. Lord Rickard demanded trial by combat, and the king granted the request. Stark armored himself as for battle, thinking to duel one of the Kingsguard. Me, perhaps. Instead they took him to the throne room and suspended him from the rafters while two of Aerys’s pyromancers
kindled25 a blaze beneath him. The king told him that fire was the champion of House Targaryen. So all Lord Rickard needed to do to prove himself innocent of treason was... well, not burn. “When the fire was blazing, Brandon was brought in. His hands were chained behind his back, and around his neck was a wet leathern cord attached to a device the king had brought from Tyrosh. His legs were left free, though, and his longsword was set down just beyond his reach. “The pyromancers roasted Lord Rickard slowly,
banking26 and fanning that fire carefully to get a nice even heat. His cloak caught first, and then his surcoat, and soon he wore nothing but metal and ashes. Next he would start to cook, Aerys promised... unless his son could free him. Brandon tried, but the more he struggled, the tighter the cord
constricted27 around his throat. In the end he strangled himself. “As for Lord Rickard, the steel of his breastplate turned cherry-red before the end, and his gold melted off his spurs and dripped down into the fire. I stood at the foot of the Iron Throne in my white armor and white cloak, filling my head with thoughts of Cersei. After, Gerold Hightower himself took me aside and said to me, ‘You swore a vow to guard the king, not to judge him.’ That was the White Bull, loyal to the end and a better man than me, all agree.” “Aerys...” Catelyn could taste bile at the back of her throat. The story was so
hideous28 she suspected it had to be true. “Aerys was mad, the whole realm knew it, but if you would have me believe you slew him to
avenge29 Brandon Stark...” “I made no such claim. The Starks were nothing to me. I will say, I think it passing odd that I am loved by one for a kindness I never did, and
reviled30 by so many for my finest act. At Robert’s coronation, I was made to kneel at the royal feet beside Grand Maester Pycelle and Varys the eunuch, so that he might forgive us our crimes before he took us into his service. As for your Ned, he should have kissed the hand that slew Aerys, but he preferred to scorn the arse he found sitting on Robert’s throne. I think Ned Stark loved Robert better than he ever loved his brother or his father... or even you, my lady. He was never unfaithful to Robert, was he?” Jaime gave a drunken laugh. “Come, Lady Stark, don’t you find this all terribly amusing?” “I find nothing about you amusing, Kingslayer.” “That name again. I don’t think I’ll fuck you after all, Littlefinger had you first, didn’t he? I never eat off another man’s trencher. Besides, you’re not half so lovely as my sister.” His smile cut. “I’ve never lain with any woman but Cersei. In my own way, I have been truer than your Ned ever was. Poor old dead Ned. So who has shit for honor now, I ask you? What was the name of that
bastard31 he fathered?” Catelyn took a step backward. “Brienne. - “No, that wasn’t it.” Jaime Lannister upended the flagon. A
trickle32 ran down onto his face, bright as blood. “Snow, that was the one. Such a white name... like the pretty cloaks they give us in the Kingsguard when we swear our pretty oaths.” Brienne pushed open the door and stepped inside the cell. “You called, my lady?” “Give me your sword.” Catelyn held out her hand.


n.匕首,短剑,剑号 |
参考例句: |
- The bad news is a dagger to his heart.这条坏消息刺痛了他的心。
- The murderer thrust a dagger into her heart.凶手将匕首刺进她的心脏。
v. 倾斜的 |
参考例句: |
- Suddenly the boat tilted to one side. 小船突然倾向一侧。
- She tilted her chin at him defiantly. 她向他翘起下巴表示挑衅。
n.骑士,武士;爵士 |
参考例句: |
- He was made an honourary knight.他被授予荣誉爵士称号。
- A knight rode on his richly caparisoned steed.一个骑士骑在装饰华丽的马上。
v.在(某物)上赌钱,打赌( wager的过去式和过去分词 );保证,担保 |
参考例句: |
- She always wagered on an outsider. 她总是把赌注押在不大可能获胜的马上。
- They wagered on the flesh, but knowing they were to lose. 他们把赌注下在肉体上,心里却明白必输无疑。 来自互联网
v.娶,嫁,与…结婚 |
参考例句: |
- The couple eventually wed after three year engagement.这对夫妇在订婚三年后终于结婚了。
- The prince was very determined to wed one of the king's daughters.王子下定决心要娶国王的其中一位女儿。
n./v.决斗;(双方的)斗争 |
参考例句: |
- The two teams are locked in a duel for first place.两个队为争夺第一名打得难解难分。
- Duroy was forced to challenge his disparager to duel.杜洛瓦不得不向诋毁他的人提出决斗。
n.顽童;海胆 |
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- You should sheer off the urchin.你应该躲避这顽童。
- He is a most wicked urchin.他是个非常调皮的顽童。
adj.吝啬的,很少的 |
参考例句: |
- Forced by hunger,he worked for the most niggardly pay.为饥饿所迫,他为极少的工资而工作。
- He is niggardly with his money.他对钱很吝啬。
参考例句: |
- He grudgingly acknowledged having made a mistake. 他勉强承认他做错了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
- Their parents unwillingly [grudgingly] consented to the marriage. 他们的父母无可奈何地应允了这门亲事。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
n.服装,装束 |
参考例句: |
- He wore the garb of a general.他身着将军的制服。
- Certain political,social,and legal forms reappear in seemingly different garb.一些政治、社会和法律的形式在表面不同的外衣下重复出现。
v.小口地喝,抿,呷;n.一小口的量 |
参考例句: |
- She took a sip of the cocktail.她啜饮一口鸡尾酒。
- Elizabeth took a sip of the hot coffee.伊丽莎白呷了一口热咖啡。
n.赎金,赎身;v.赎回,解救 |
参考例句: |
- We'd better arrange the ransom right away.我们最好马上把索取赎金的事安排好。
- The kidnappers exacted a ransom of 10000 from the family.绑架者向这家人家勒索10000英镑的赎金。
adj.荒凉的;严酷的;完全的;adv.完全地 |
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- The young man is faced with a stark choice.这位年轻人面临严峻的抉择。
- He gave a stark denial to the rumor.他对谣言加以完全的否认。
v.(使)旋转;n.大量,许多 |
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- He slewed the car against the side of the building.他的车滑到了大楼的一侧,抵住了。
- They dealt with a slew of other issues.他们处理了大量的其他问题。
v.耸肩(表示怀疑、冷漠、不知等) |
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- With a shrug,he went out of the room.他耸一下肩,走出了房间。
- I admire the way she is able to shrug off unfair criticism.我很佩服她能对错误的批评意见不予理会。
v.杀死,宰杀,杀戮 |
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- He intended to slay his father's murderer.他意图杀死杀父仇人。
- She has ordered me to slay you.她命令我把你杀了。
adj. 被遗忘的, 被抛弃的
动词forsake的过去分词 |
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- He was forsaken by his friends. 他被朋友们背弃了。
- He has forsaken his wife and children. 他遗弃了他的妻子和孩子。
n.誓(言),誓约;v.起誓,立誓 |
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- My parents are under a vow to go to church every Sunday.我父母许愿,每星期日都去做礼拜。
- I am under a vow to drink no wine.我已立誓戒酒。
誓言( vow的名词复数 ); 郑重宣布,许愿 |
参考例句: |
- Matrimonial vows are to show the faithfulness of the new couple. 婚誓体现了新婚夫妇对婚姻的忠诚。
- The nun took strait vows. 那位修女立下严格的誓愿。
放弃( forsake的现在分词 ); 弃绝; 抛弃; 摒弃 |
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- I will not be cowed into forsaking my beliefs. 我不会因为被恐吓而放弃自己的信仰。
- At fourteen he ran away, forsaking his home and friends. 他十四岁出走,离开了家乡和朋友。
n.斧子;v.用斧头砍,削减 |
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- Be careful with that sharp axe.那把斧子很锋利,你要当心。
- The edge of this axe has turned.这把斧子卷了刃了。
n.少女,处女;adj.未婚的,纯洁的,无经验的 |
参考例句: |
- The prince fell in love with a fair young maiden.王子爱上了一位年轻美丽的少女。
- The aircraft makes its maiden flight tomorrow.这架飞机明天首航。
n.纹理;矿脉( vein的名词复数 );静脉;叶脉;纹理 |
参考例句: |
- The blood flows from the capillaries back into the veins. 血从毛细血管流回静脉。 来自《简明英汉词典》
- I felt a pleasant glow in all my veins from the wine. 喝过酒后我浑身的血都热烘烘的,感到很舒服。 来自《简明英汉词典》
adj.英勇的,豪侠的;(向女人)献殷勤的 |
参考例句: |
- Huang Jiguang's gallant deed is known by all men. 黄继光的英勇事迹尽人皆知。
- These gallant soldiers will protect our country.这些勇敢的士兵会保卫我们的国家的。
(使某物)燃烧,着火( kindle的过去式和过去分词 ); 激起(感情等); 发亮,放光 |
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- We watched as the fire slowly kindled. 我们看着火慢慢地燃烧起来。
- The teacher's praise kindled a spark of hope inside her. 老师的赞扬激起了她内心的希望。
n.银行业,银行学,金融业 |
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- John is launching his son on a career in banking.约翰打算让儿子在银行界谋一个新职位。
- He possesses an extensive knowledge of banking.他具有广博的银行业务知识。
adj.抑制的,约束的 |
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- Her throat constricted and she swallowed hard. 她喉咙发紧,使劲地咽了一下唾沫。
- The tight collar constricted his neck. 紧领子勒着他的脖子。
adj.丑陋的,可憎的,可怕的,恐怖的 |
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- The whole experience had been like some hideous nightmare.整个经历就像一场可怕的噩梦。
- They're not like dogs,they're hideous brutes.它们不像狗,是丑陋的畜牲。
v.为...复仇,为...报仇 |
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- He swore to avenge himself on the mafia.他发誓说要向黑手党报仇。
- He will avenge the people on their oppressor.他将为人民向压迫者报仇。
v.辱骂,痛斥( revile的过去式和过去分词 ) |
参考例句: |
- The tramp reviled the man who drove him off. 流浪汉辱骂那位赶他走开的人。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
- The old man reviled against corruption. 那老人痛斥了贪污舞弊。 来自《简明英汉词典》
n.坏蛋,混蛋;私生子 |
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- He was never concerned about being born a bastard.他从不介意自己是私生子。
- There was supposed to be no way to get at the bastard.据说没有办法买通那个混蛋。
vi.淌,滴,流出,慢慢移动,逐渐消散 |
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- The stream has thinned down to a mere trickle.这条小河变成细流了。
- The flood of cars has now slowed to a trickle.汹涌的车流现在已经变得稀稀拉拉。