If a palace be a royal residence, as the dictionary defines it, then nearly all the famous castles of England would come under that title, for the Norman and Plantagenet Kings were constantly moving from one stronghold to another during the unsettled period of the Middle Ages. Until the fifteenth century, both the English and Scottish Kings resided in impregnable castles or
fortified1 houses, but their
sojourn2 was never long in one place. After the Wars of the Roses had crushed the power of the great nobles, it was no longer necessary for the
monarch3 to dwell within a
fortress4, and it was then that the gracious and
commodious5 palaces of Whitehall, Hampton Court, and Greenwich, arose in England. The Scottish Kings, having at the same time reached a greater control over their headstrong nobles, also began transforming their castles into palaces, and to
erect6 Holyrood and Falkland to gratify their desire for more
luxurious7 residences.
Within the compass of this small book, it would have been impossible to detail every castle in which a monarch ever resided, so that it has been thought better to confine attention to those palaces which were owned, and most constantly used by the Kings and Queens of England and Scotland.


adj. 加强的 |
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- He fortified himself against the cold with a hot drink. 他喝了一杯热饮御寒。
- The enemy drew back into a few fortified points. 敌人收缩到几个据点里。
v./n.旅居,寄居;逗留 |
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- It would be cruel to begrudge your sojourn among flowers and fields.如果嫉妒你逗留在鲜花与田野之间,那将是太不近人情的。
- I am already feeling better for my sojourn here.我在此逗留期间,觉得体力日渐恢复。
n.帝王,君主,最高统治者 |
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- The monarch's role is purely ceremonial.君主纯粹是个礼仪职位。
- I think myself happier now than the greatest monarch upon earth.我觉得这个时候比世界上什么帝王都快乐。
n.堡垒,防御工事 |
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- They made an attempt on a fortress.他们试图夺取这一要塞。
- The soldier scaled the wall of the fortress by turret.士兵通过塔车攀登上了要塞的城墙。
adj.宽敞的;使用方便的 |
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- It was a commodious and a diverting life.这是一种自由自在,令人赏心悦目的生活。
- Their habitation was not merely respectable and commodious,but even dignified and imposing.他们的居所既宽敞舒适又尊严气派。
n./v.树立,建立,使竖立;adj.直立的,垂直的 |
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- She held her head erect and her back straight.她昂着头,把背挺得笔直。
- Soldiers are trained to stand erect.士兵们训练站得笔直。
adj.精美而昂贵的;豪华的 |
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- This is a luxurious car complete with air conditioning and telephone.这是一辆附有空调设备和电话的豪华轿车。
- The rich man lives in luxurious surroundings.这位富人生活在奢侈的环境中。