"There is no doubt in my mind that Brown was the short man seen by Gramp," Blair said to Alan. "And he was followed from Mrs. Marry's by Dr. Warrender, who was bound on the same errand."
"You mean the theft of the body?"
"I think so. Brown had the key and Gramp saw them remove the corpse3."
"He saw Warrender," corrected Alan, "not Brown."
"I judge the other was Brown, from the theft of the key and the fact that Warrender called to see him, and then followed. Again, both men have disappeared--at least, one has. The other is dead."
"And who murdered him?"
"Brown," said the inspector4, with conviction. "I am sure of it."
"How can you be sure?"
"Because something unforeseen happened--the murder, probably. In the ordinary course of things, I take it, Brown would have come back to fetch his luggage, and would have gone away in a manner less likely to arouse suspicion. Probably he and Warrender had a quarrel when they put the corpse in the cart. Brown killed the doctor, and then drove away."
"But, Blair," argued Alan, "you forget that the doctor's body was seen in the hut. Even if Brown had dragged it there--which, I admit, he might have done--I don't see how he could have brought it back again to the vault."
"I do, Mr. Thorold. It was Brown who had the key. Most likely he put the dead body in a place of safety, then came back the following night, to hide it away in the safest place he knew of--to wit, the vault. If you recollect5, no alarm as to the loss of Marlow's body was given, or was likely to be given. Warrender's dead body would not have been searched for in the vault. It is, at least, highly improbable that the vault would have been opened."
"That is true," assented6 Alan. "But that Cicero by chance saw the affair, I dare say we should have remained in ignorance of the business for many a long day. No one would have gone to the vault. A very clever man, this Brown."
"Very clever. But for the accident of Cicero having slept in the churchyard, he would have got off scot-free. As it is, I don't see how we can hunt him down. His gout, his dumbness, his white hair and beard may have been assumed. The fact of the linen7 left at Mrs. Marry's being unmarked is proof enough that he was disguised."
"Perhaps," said Alan doubtfully. "What I can't make out is, how he knew I had the key of the vault in my desk."
"Did you mention it to any one?"
"Only to Mr. Phelps."
"In the churchyard after the funeral. We were all round the vault and the service was just over. Phelps locked the door with his key and asked me where mine was. I said, 'In my desk in the library.'"
"Was Brown present at the funeral?"
"Yes, I think I caught a glimpse of him."
"Was there a crowd round the vault door when it was closed?"
"There was; but I didn't notice Brown on that occasion."
Blair nodded.
"Very probably. You were too much taken up with the business in hand. Yet, I'll swear Brown was in the crowd, and heard you say where the key was. The clever scoundrel made use of the information that same afternoon."
"I believe you are right," said Alan, clenching8 his fist. "Oh, I do wish we could find the villain9! But what object could he have had in stealing the body?"
"I can guess. Mr. Marlow was a millionaire."
"Well, in a small way, yes."
"In a way quite big enough to pay a handsome ransom10, Mr. Thorold." The inspector smiled. "Depend upon it, we shall hear from this so-called Brown. He will ask a good few thousands for the return of the corpse. Oh, it is not the first time this game has been played."
"Well, if Brown writes, we'll have him arrested for the murder."
"Humph!" said Blair, shaking his head, "that is easier said than done. He has been too clever for us so far, he may prove too clever in the matter of obtaining the reward of his wickedness. Well, Mr. Thorold, the inquest takes place to-morrow, but I haven't got much evidence for the jury."
He was right. All his talk had been built up upon theory, and on the slenderest of circumstantial evidence. The fact that Brown, the mysterious, had stolen the key--and even that was not absolutely proved--did not show that he had stolen the body. Cicero could not swear to his identity, and, even presuming that he had committed the sacrilege, there was no evidence that it was he who had murdered Warrender.
And so the inquest on the body of the ill-fated doctor was held, the theft of the millionaire's corpse being merely a side-issue. Can it be wondered that the jury were puzzled? All that could be scraped together by Blair was put before them. Cicero related his midnight experience; Mrs. Warrender told how her husband went out to see a patient; Mrs. Marry how the doctor called at her house, and afterwards followed Brown. Finally, Alan and his housekeeper11 gave evidence as to the loss of the key, and the forged letter was produced. Out of this sparse12 detail little could be made, and after some deliberation, the jury brought in the only verdict possible under the circumstances:
"The deceased has been murdered by some person or persons unknown."
"Most unsatisfactory," said Blair grimly; "but there is no more to be said."
"What can you do now?" asked Alan. "Shall you give up the case?"
"That depends upon you, sir, or, rather, upon Miss Marlow."
"In what way?"
"In the money way, Mr. Thorold. I'm a poor man, and must attend to my duties. All the same, if Miss Marlow will offer a reward, I will do my utmost to find out who stole her father's body and who murdered the doctor."
"Why couple the two crimes?"
"Because, sir, in my opinion, Brown committed both. Give a reward, Mr. Thorold, and I'll do my best; otherwise, as I have other urgent matters on hand, I must drop the business. But I don't deny," continued the inspector, stroking his chin, "that if I were a moneyed man I'd work at this business for the sheer love of it. It is a kind of criminal mystery which does not happen every day."
"The reward shall be offered," said Alan. "Miss Marlow will be guided by me."
Needless to say, Sophy was guided by him. Indeed, so eager was she that the remains13 of her father should be recovered that, had not Alan suggested it, she would have offered a reward herself. Also, she was anxious to assist Mrs. Warrender, who in spite of her vulgarity and somewhat covetous14 disposition15, was really a well-meaning woman.
The result of this was that two rewards were offered--one thousand for the detection of the person who had stolen the body, and a like sum for any information likely to lead to the arrest of Warrender's murderer. So here were two thousand pounds going a-begging, and hundreds of people hoped to have a chance of gaining the money. The case was so strange and mysterious that it had attracted not a little attention, and the fact that the missing body was that of a millionaire added to the interest excited by the fact of its disappearance16. The London papers were full of leaders and letters suggesting solutions of the mystery. The provincial17 press took up the cry, and throughout the three kingdoms every one was talking of the case. It was even said that Miss Marlow, the present possessor of all this wealth, would marry the person who secured the thief and the murderer.
"I won't many you, Alan dear, until my father's body is back in the vault," said Sophy; "but at the same time, I won't marry any one else."
"But suppose I fail to find the body, Sophy?"
"Then I must remain a spinster for the rest of my life."
"In that case you condemn18 me to be a crusty old bachelor."
"Never mind. We can still be friends and lovers."
"I'd rather we were man and wife," sighed Alan.
But he did not believe that she would cling to this idea of perpetual spinsterhood for any length of time. As for Miss Vicky, she thought Sophy mad to have thought of such a thing, and took her roundly to task.
"A woman ought to marry," she said, breaking through the barriers of her ordinary primness19. "Do you think, if my darling had lived, I should now be a wretched old maid? No, indeed! It would have been my delight to have been an obedient and loving wife to Edward."
"I'm sure I wish he had lived!" cried Sophy, embracing her; "and I won't have you call yourself crabbed20. You are the sweetest, dearest woman in the world!"
"So poor Edward thought," sighed Miss Vicky, fingering the precious brooch which always decorated some portion of her small person. "Alas21 the day! How often he told me so! But he died for his country on the field of glory," she cried, with a thrill of pride; "and in spite of my lonely old age, I don't grudge22 his precious blood. Noble--noble Edward!" and she wept.
"Don't cry any more, Vicky."
"It's your obstinacy23 I'm crying at, Sophia. If your poor dear pa's remains are not found within a certain time, marry Mr. Thorold and be happy."
"I can't--I won't. How can I be happy knowing poor father isn't at rest?"
"His soul is at rest--the earthly tabernacle is nothing. Come, Sophia, don't break with your life's happiness!"
"Alan and I understand one another, Vicky. I dare say we shall marry some day. But the body must be found."
"Lord grant it!" ejaculated Miss Vicky piously24, and said no more. For she found that the more she argued the more obstinate25 Sophy grew.
Amongst those who had hopes of gaining the reward was Cicero. He had come out of the ordeal26 of a public examination unscathed, and was now in the possession of his well-earned fifty pounds. Being anxious to remain in Heathton for the purpose of prosecuting27 his inquiries28, he magnanimously forgave Mrs. Timber, and took up his quarters at the Good Samaritan. Now that he had money and paid his bill regularly, the good lady considered it politic29 to treat him with more civility, although, after the manner of women, she felt constrained30 to remind him, every now and again, of his former poverty. But these remarks did not affect Mr. Gramp in the least. He regarded her no more than if she had been a fly, and sailed about the village in a suit of new broadcloth and the best of tall hats, airing his eloquence31. He became an attraction at the inn, and discoursed32 there every evening in fine style.
Mrs. Warrender was much averse33 to his staying on at Heathton. She lived in constant dread34 lest the relationship between them should be discovered. But Cicero never mentioned it--nor did he ever mention her. Still, she felt doubtful, and one evening, on the plea that she wished to hear more of what he knew about her husband's murder, she sent for him. He arrived to find her in a low evening dress, glittering with diamonds, and looking very handsome--so handsome, indeed, that even he could not refrain from giving vent35 to his admiration36.
"Upon my word, you are a Juno, Clara Maria!" he said, when they were alone. "There is money in you yet!"
"I know what you mean, Billy," replied the doctor's widow coldly, "but I'm not going on the stage again in burlesque37 or anything else."
"How are you going to live?" he asked with brutal38 candor39.
"That's my business," retorted Mrs. Warrender. "I have enough to live on, even without selling my jewels. Perhaps I shall marry again."
"I'm sure you will, Clara Maria. You always were a determined40 woman."
"Hold your tongue, and tell me how much longer do you intend to disgrace me here?"
"How can I tell you, if I am to hold my tongue?" said Cicero coolly. "As to staying here, I'm not disgracing you that I know of. No one knows you are my ungrateful sister."
"Billy, if I wasn't a lady, I'd---- Ungrateful, indeed, you brute41! Go away at once!"
"No, Clara Maria, not till I find out who killed my brother-in-law. I never knew him," said Cicero, wiping away a tear; "but as his nearest relative, I must avenge42 him."
"That won't do, Billy," said his sister sourly; "you only want the reward."
"Both rewards, Clara Maria. With two thousand pounds I could be a gentleman for the rest of my life."
"That you will never be."
"I would do nothing----"
"You never have, you lazy vagabond!"
"Don't interrupt and insult me, Clara Maria, but work with me."
"Work with you?" gasped43 Mrs. Warrender. "At what?"
"At this case, Clara Maria. I believe that the secret of this mystery is to be found in the island of Jamaica--in the past life of Mr. Marlow. Now, your husband knew the late lamented44 millionaire in Jamaica, and he might have left some papers relative to the acquaintance. If so, let me see them, and I'll get on the track of the assassin. We will share the reward."
"My husband did leave papers," Mrs. Warrender said thoughtfully, "but I won't show them to you, Billy. You'd take all the money. No, I'll read his papers myself, and if I can find anything likely to reveal the name of the person who stole the body and murdered Julian, I shall tell Mr. Thorold."
"You won't get the reward!" cried Cicero in an agony.
"Oh yes, I will; I'm as clever as you are, Billy. Thank you for the idea!"
"You won't work with me?"
"No," said she firmly, "I won't; I know you of old, and I want you to keep out of my way. Leave this village and I'll give you twenty pounds."
"What! when there is a chance to make two thousand! No, Clara Maria."
"Then earn the reward yourself. There's Joe Brill, he might tell you what you want to know," mocked Mrs. Warrender. "My husband said he was with Marlow for thirty years."
"I wish I could ask Joe Brill," said Cicero gloomily. "Ever since he tipped me the sovereign I have suspected Joe Brill; but he's gone!"
"Gone! Gone where?"
"I don't know. I only heard the news to-night. He's gone away without a word, and vanished!" And Cicero groaned45.


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(正式的)调查( investigation的名词复数 ); 侦查; 科学研究; 学术研究 | |
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n.拱形圆顶,地窖,地下室 | |
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n.尸体,死尸 | |
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n.检查员,监察员,视察员 | |
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v.回忆,想起,记起,忆起,记得 | |
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同意,赞成( assent的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.亚麻布,亚麻线,亚麻制品;adj.亚麻布制的,亚麻的 | |
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v.紧握,抓紧,咬紧( clench的现在分词 ) | |
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n.反派演员,反面人物;恶棍;问题的起因 | |
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n.赎金,赎身;v.赎回,解救 | |
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n.管理家务的主妇,女管家 | |
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adj.稀疏的,稀稀落落的,薄的 | |
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n.剩余物,残留物;遗体,遗迹 | |
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adj.贪婪的,贪心的 | |
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n.性情,性格;意向,倾向;排列,部署 | |
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n.消失,消散,失踪 | |
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adj.省的,地方的;n.外省人,乡下人 | |
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vt.谴责,指责;宣判(罪犯),判刑 | |
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n.循规蹈矩,整洁 | |
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adj.脾气坏的;易怒的;(指字迹)难辨认的;(字迹等)难辨认的v.捕蟹( crab的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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int.唉(表示悲伤、忧愁、恐惧等) | |
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n.不满,怨恨,妒嫉;vt.勉强给,不情愿做 | |
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n.顽固;(病痛等)难治 | |
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adv.虔诚地 | |
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adj.顽固的,倔强的,不易屈服的,较难治愈的 | |
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n.苦难经历,(尤指对品格、耐力的)严峻考验 | |
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检举、告发某人( prosecute的现在分词 ); 对某人提起公诉; 继续从事(某事物); 担任控方律师 | |
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n.调查( inquiry的名词复数 );疑问;探究;打听 | |
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adj.有智虑的;精明的;v.从政 | |
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adj.束缚的,节制的 | |
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n.雄辩;口才,修辞 | |
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演说(discourse的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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adj.厌恶的;反对的,不乐意的 | |
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vt.担忧,忧虑;惧怕,不敢;n.担忧,畏惧 | |
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n.通风口,排放口;开衩;vt.表达,发泄 | |
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n.钦佩,赞美,羡慕 | |
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v.嘲弄,戏仿;n.嘲弄,取笑,滑稽模仿 | |
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adj.残忍的,野蛮的,不讲理的 | |
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n.坦白,率真 | |
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adj.坚定的;有决心的 | |
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n.野兽,兽性 | |
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v.为...复仇,为...报仇 | |
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v.喘气( gasp的过去式和过去分词 );喘息;倒抽气;很想要 | |
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adj.被哀悼的,令人遗憾的v.(为…)哀悼,痛哭,悲伤( lament的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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v.呻吟( groan的过去式和过去分词 );发牢骚;抱怨;受苦 | |
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