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首页 » 经典英文小说 » 巴斯克维尔的猎犬 The Hound of Baskervilles » Chapter 2 The Curse of the Baskervilles
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Chapter 2 The Curse of the Baskervilles

  "I have in my pocket a manuscript," said Dr. James Mortimer.

  "I observed it as you entered the room," said Holmes.

  "It is an old manuscript.""Early eighteenth century, unless it is a forgery1.""How can you say that, sir?""You have presented an inch or two of it to my examination all the time that you have been talking. It would be a poor expert who could not give the date of a document within a decade or so. You may possibly have read my little monograph3 upon the subject. I put that at 1730.""The exact date is 1742." Dr. Mortimer drew it from his breast-pocket. "This family paper was committed to my care by Sir Charles Baskerville, whose sudden and tragic4 death some three months ago created so much excitement in Devonshire. I may say that I was his personal friend as well as his medical attendant. He was a strong-minded man, sir, shrewd, practical, and as unimaginative as I am myself. Yet he took this document very seriously, and his mind was prepared for just such an end as did eventually overtake him."Holmes stretched out his hand for the manuscript and flattened5 it upon his knee.

  "You will observe, Watson, the alternative use of the long s and the short. It is one of several indications which enabled me to fix the date."I looked over his shoulder at the yellow paper and the faded script. At the head was written: "Baskerville Hall," and below in large, scrawling7 figures: "1742.""It appears to be a statement of some sort.""Yes, it is a statement of a certain legend which runs in the Baskerville family.""But I understand that it is something more modern and practical upon which you wish to consult me?""Most modern. A most practical, pressing matter, which must be decided8 within twenty-four hours. But the manuscript is short and is intimately connected with the affair. With your permission I will read it to you."Holmes leaned back in his chair, placed his finger-tips together, and closed his eyes, with an air of resignation. Dr. Mortimer turned the manuscript to the light and read in a high, cracking voice the following curious, old-world narrative9:

  "Of the origin of the Hound of the Baskervilles therehave been many statements, yet as I come in a direct linefrom Hugo Baskerville, and as I had the story from myfather, who also had it from his, I have set it down with allbelief that it occurred even as is here set forth10. And I wouldhave you believe, my sons, that the same Justice whichpunishes sin may also most graciously forgive it, and thatno ban is so heavy but that by prayer and repentance11 it maybe removed. Learn then from this story not to fear the fruitsof the past, but rather to be circumspect12 in the future, thatthose foul13 passions whereby our family has suffered sogrievously may not again be loosed to our undoing14.

  "Know then that in the time of the Great Rebellion (thehistory of which by the learned Lord Clarendon I mostearnestly commend to your attention) this Manor15 of Baskerville was held by Hugo of that name, nor can it be gainsaidthat he was a most wild, profane16, and godless man. This, intruth, his neighbours might have pardoned, seeing that saintshave never flourished in those parts, but there was in him acertain wanton and cruel humour which made his name a byword through the West. It chanced that this Hugo came tolove (if, indeed, so dark a passion may be known under sobright a name) the daughter of a yeoman who held landsnear the Baskerville estate. But the young maiden17, beingdiscreet and of good repute, would ever avoid him, for shefeared his evil name. So it came to pass that one Michaelmasthis Hugo, with five or six of his idle and wicked companions, stole down upon the farm and carried off the maiden,her father and brothers being from home, as he well knew.

  When they had brought her to the Hall the maiden wasplaced in an upper chamber18, while Hugo and his friends satdown to a long carouse19, as was their nightly custom. Now,the poor lass upstairs was like to have her wits turned at thesinging and shouting and terrible oaths which came up toher from below, for they say that the words used by HugoBaskerville, when he was in wine, were such as might blastthe man who said them. At last in the stress of her fear shedid that which might have daunted20 the bravest or mostactive man, for by the aid of the growth of ivy21 whichcovered (and still covers) the south wall she came downfrom under the eaves, and so homeward across the moor22,there being three leagues betwixt the Hall and her father'sfarm.

  "It chanced that some little time later Hugo left hisguests to carry food and drink -- with other worse things,perchance -- to his captive, and so found the cage empty andthe bird escaped. Then, as it would seem, he became as onethat hath a devil, for, rushing down the stairs into thedining-hall, he sprang upon the great table, flagons andtrenchers flying before him, and he cried aloud before allthe company that he would that very night render his bodyand soul to the Powers of Evil if he might but overtake thewench. And while the revellers stood aghast at the fury ofthe man, one more wicked or, it may be, more drunken thanthe rest, cried out that they should put the hounds upon herWhereat Hugo ran from the house, crying to his groomsthat they should saddle his mare24 and unkennel the pack, andgiving the hounds a kerchief of the maid's, he swung themto the line, and so off full cry in the moonlight over themoor.

  "Now, for some space the revellers stood agape, unableto understand all that had been done in such haste. But anontheir bemused wits awoke to the nature of the deed whichwas like to be done upon the moorlands. Everything wasnow in an uproar25, some calling for their pistols, some fortheir horses, and some for another flask26 of wine. But atlength some sense came back to their crazed minds, and thewhole of them, thirteen in number, took horse and started inpursuit. The moon shone clear above them, and they rodeswiftly abreast27, taking that course which the maid mustneeds have taken if she were to reach her own home.

  "They had gone a mile or two when they passed one ofthe night shepherds upon the moorlands, and they cried tohim to know if he had seen the hunt. And the man, as thestory goes, was so crazed with fear that he could scarcespeak, but at last he said that he had indeed seen theunhappy maiden, with the hounds upon her track. 'But Ihave seen more than that,' said he, 'for Hugo Baskervillepassed me upon his black mare, and there ran mute behindhim such a hound of hell as God forbid should ever be atmy heels.' So the drunken squires28 cursed the shepherd androde onward29. But soon their skins turned cold, for therecame a galloping30 across the moor, and the black mare,dabbled with white froth, went past with trailing bridle31 andempty saddle. Then the revellers rode close together, for agreat fear was on them, but they still followed over themoor, though each, had he been alone, would have beenright glad to have turned his horse's head. Riding slowly inthis fashion they came at last upon the hounds. These,though known for their valour and their breed, were whimpering in a cluster at the head of a deep dip or goyal, as wecall it, upon the moor, some slinking away and some, withstarting hackles and staring eyes, gazing down the narrowvalley before them.

  "The company had come to a halt, more sober men, asyou may guess, than when they started. The most of themwould by no means advance, but three of them, the boldest,or it may be the most drunken, rode forward down thegoyal. Now, it opened into a broad space in which stood twoof those great stones, still to be seen there, which were setby certain forgotten peoples in the days of old. The moonwas shining bright upon the clearing, and there in the centrelay the unhappy maid where she had fallen, dead of fear andof fatigue33. But it was not the sight of her body, nor yet wasit that of the body of Hugo Baskerviile lying near her,which raised the hair upon the heads of these three daredevil roysterers, but it was that, standing34 over Hugo, andplucking at his throat, there stood a foul thing, a great,black beast, shaped like a hound, yet larger than any houndthat ever mortal eye has rested upon. And even as theylooked the thing tore the throat out of Hugo Baskerville, onwhich, as it turned its blazing eyes and dripping jaws35 uponthem, the three shrieked36 with fear and rode for dear life,still screaming, across the moor. One, it is said, died thatvery night of what he had seen, and the other twain werebut broken men for the rest of their days.

  "Such is the tale, my sons, of the coming of the houndwhich is said to have plagued the family so sorely eversince. If I have set it down it is because that which is clearlyknown hath less terror than that which is but hinted at andguessed. Nor can it be denied that many of the family havebeen unhappy in their deaths, which have been sudden,bloody, and mysterious. Yet may we shelter ourselves inthe infinite goodness of Providence37, which would not forever punish the innocent beyond that third or fourth generation which is threatened in Holy Writ6. To that Providence,my sons, I hereby commend you, and I counsel you by wayof caution to forbear from crossing the moor in those darkhours when the powers of evil are exalted38.

  "[This from Hugo Baskerville to his sons Rodger andJohn, with instructions that they say nothing thereof to theirsister Elizabeth.]"When Dr. Mortimer had finished reading this singular narrative he pushed his spectacles up on his forehead and stared across at Mr. Sherlock Holmes. The latter yawned and tossed the end of his cigarette into the fire.

  "Well?" said he.

  "Do you not find it interesting?""To a collector of fairy tales."Dr. Mortimer drew a folded newspaper out of his pocket.

  "Now, Mr. Holmes, we will give you something a little more recent. This is the Devon County Chronicle of May 14th of this year. It is a short account of the facts elicited39 at the death of Sir Charles Baskerville which occurred a few days before that date."My friend leaned a little forward and his expression became intent. Our visitor readjusted his glasses and began:

  "The recent sudden death of Sir Charles Baskerville,whose name has been mentioned as the probable Liberalcandidate for Mid-Devon at the next election, has cast agloom over the county. Though Sir Charles had resided atBaskerville Hall for a comparatively short period his amiability40 of character and extreme generosity41 had won theaffection and respect of all who had been brought intocontact with him. In these days of nouveaux riches it isrefreshing to find a case where the scion42 of an old countyfamily which has fallen upon evil days is able to make hisown fortune and to bring it back with him to restore thefallen grandeur43 of his line. Sir Charles, as is well known,made large sums of money in South African speculation44.

  More wise than those who go on until the wheel turnsagainst them, he realized his gains and returned to Englandwith them. It is only two years since he took up his residence at Baskerville Hall, and it is common talk how largewere those schemes of reconstruction45 and improvement whichhave been interrupted by his death. Being himself childless,it was his openly expressed desire that the whole countryside should, within his own lifetime, profit by his goodfortune, and many will have personal reasons for bewailinghis untimely end. His generous donations to local and countycharities have been frequently chronicled in these columns.

  "The circumstances connected with the death of Sir Charlescannot be said to have been entirely46 cleared up by theinquest, but at least enough has been done to dispose ofthose rumours47 to which local superstition48 has given rise.

  There is no reason whatever to suspect foul play, or toimagine that death could be from any but natural causes. SirCharles was a widower49, and a man who may be said to havebeen in some ways of an eccentric habit of mind. In spite ofhis considerable wealth he was simple in his personal tastes,and bis indoor servants at Baskerville Hall consisted of a married couple named Barrymore, the husband acting50 as butlerand the wife as housekeeper51. Their evidence, corroboratedby that of several friends, tends to show that Sir Charles'shealth has for some time been impaired53, and points especially to some affection of the heart, manifesting itself inchanges of colour, breathlessness, and acute attacks of nervous depression. Dr. James Mortimer, the friend and medical attendant of the deceased, has given evidence to thesame effect.

  "The facts of the case are simple. Sir Charles Baskervillewas in the habit every night before going to bed of walkingdown the famous yew54 alley32 of Baskerville Hall. The evidence of the Barrymores shows that this had been hiscustom. On the fourth of May Sir Charles had declared hisintention of starting next day for London, and had orderedBarrymore to prepare his luggage. That night he went out asusual for his nocturnal walk, in the course of which he wasin the habit of smoking a cigar. He never returned. Attwelve o'clock Barrymore, finding the hall door still open,became alarmed, and, lighting55 a lantern, went in search ofhis master. The day had been wet, and Sir Charles's footmarks were easily traced down the alley. Halfway56 down thiswalk there is a gate which leads out on to the moor. Therewere indications that Sir Charles had stood for some littletime here. He then proceeded down the alley, and it was atthe far end of it that his body was discovered. One factwhich has not been explained is the statement of Barrymorethat his master's footprints altered their character from thetime that he passed the moor-gate, and that he appearedfrom thence onward to have been walking upon his toes.

  One Murphy, a gipsy horse-dealer, was on the moor at nogreat distance at the time, but he appears by his ownconfession to have been the worse for drink. He declaresthat he heard cries but is unable to state from what directionthey came. No signs of violence were to be discovered uponSir Charles's person, and though the doctor's evidence pointedto an almost incredible facial distortion -- so great that Dr.

  Mortimer refused at first to believe that it was indeed hisfriend and patient who lay before him -- it was explainedthat that is a symptom which is not unusual in cases ofdyspnoea and death from cardiac exhaustion57. This explanation was borne out by the post-mortem examination, whichshowed long-standing organic disease, and the coroner'sjury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence. It is well that this is so, for it is obviously of theutmost importance that Sir Charles's heir should settle at theHall and continue the good work which has been so sadlyinterrupted. Had the prosaic58 finding of the coroner notfinally put an end to the romantic stories which have beenwhispered in connection with the affair, it might have beendifficult to find a tenant59 for Baskerville Hall. It is understood that the next of kin2 is Mr. Henry Baskerville, if he bestill alive, the son of Sir Charles Baskerville's youngerbrother. The young man when last heard of was in America,and inquiries60 are being instituted with a view to informinghim of his good fortune."Dr. Mortimer refolded his paper and replaced it in his pocket.

  "Those are the public facts, Mr. Holmes, in connection with the death of Sir Charles Baskerville.""I must thank you," said Sherlock Holmes, "for calling my attention to a case which certainly presents some features of interest. I had observed some newspaper comment at the time, but I was exceedingly preoccupied61 by that little affair of the Vatican cameos, and in my anxiety to oblige the Pope I lost touch with several interesting English cases. This article, you say, contains all the public facts?""It does.""Then let me have the private ones." He leaned back, put his finger-tips together, and assumed his most impassive and judicial62 expression.

  "In doing so," said Dr. Mortimer, who had begun to show signs of some strong emotion, "I am telling that which I have not confided63 to anyone. My motive64 for withholding65 it from the coroner's inquiry66 is that a man of science shrinks from placing himself in the public position of seeming to indorse a popular superstition. I had the further motive that Baskerville Hall, as the paper says, would certainly remain untenanted if anything were done to increase its already rather grim reputation. For both these reasons I thought that I was justified67 in telling rather less than I knew, since no practical good could result from it, but with you there is no reason why I should not be perfectly68 frank.

  "The moor is very sparsely69 inhabited, and those who live near each other are thrown very much together. For this reason I saw a good deal of Sir Charles Baskerville. With the exception of Mr. Frankland, of Lafter Hall, and Mr. Stapleton, the naturalist70, there are no other men of education within many miles. Sir Charles was a retiring man, but the chance of his illness brought us together, and a community of interests in science kept us so. He had brought back much scientific information from South Africa, and many a charming evening we have spent together discussing the comparative anatomy71 of the Bushman and the Hottentot.

  "Within the last few months it became increasingly plain to me that Sir Charles's nervous system was strained to the breaking point. He had taken this legend which I have read you exceedingly to heart -- so much so that, although he would walk in his own grounds, nothing would induce him to go out upon the moor at night. Incredible as it may appear to you, Mr. Holmes, he was honestly convinced that a dreadful fate overhung his family, and certainly the records which he was able to give of his ancestors were not encouraging. The idea of some ghastly presence constantly haunted him, and on more than one occasion he has asked me whether I had on my medical journeys at night ever seen any strange creature or heard the baying of a hound. The latter question he put to me several times, and always with a voice which vibrated with excitement.

  "I can well remember driving up to his house in the evening some three weeks before the fatal event. He chanced to be at his hall door. I had descended72 from my gig and was standing in front of him, when I saw his eyes fix themselves over my shoulder and stare past me with an expression of the most dreadful horror. I whisked round and had just time to catch a glimpse of something which I took to be a large black calf73 passing at the head of the drive. So excited and alarmed was he that I was compelled to go down to the spot where the animal had been and look around for it. It was gone, however, and the incident appeared to make the worst impression upon his mind. I stayed with him all the evening, and it was on that occasion, to explain the emotion which he had shown, that he confided to my keeping that narrative which I read to you when first I came. I mention this small episode because it assumes some importance in view of the tragedy which followed, but I was convinced at the time that the matter was entirely trivial and that his excitement had no justification74.

  "It was at my advice that Sir Charles was about to go to London. His heart was, I knew, affected75, and the constant anxiety in which he lived, however chimerical76 the cause of it might be, was evidently having a serious effect upon his health. I thought that a few months among the distractions77 of town would send him back a new man. Mr. Stapleton, a mutual78 friend who was much concerned at his state of health, was of the same opinion. At the last instant came this terrible catastrophe79.

  "On the night of Sir Charles's death Barrymore the butler who made the discovery, sent Perkins the groom23 on horseback to me, and as I was sitting up late I was able to reach Baskerville Hall within an hour of the event. I checked and corroborated52 all the facts which were mentioned at the inquest. I followed the footsteps down the yew alley, I saw the spot at the moor-gate where he seemed to have waited, I remarked the change in the shape of the prints after that point, I noted80 that there were no other footsteps save those of Barrymore on the soft gravel81, and finally I carefully examined the body, which had not been touched until my arrival. Sir Charles lay on his face, his arms out, his fingers dug into the ground, and his features convulsed with some strong emotion to such an extent that I could hardly have sworn to his identity. TheFe was certainly no physical injury of any kind. But one false statement was made by Barrymore at the inquest. He said that there were no traces upon the ground round the body. He did not observe any. But I did -- some little distance off, but fresh and clear.""Footprints?""Footprints. ""A man's or a woman's?"Dr. Mortimer looked strangely at us for an instant, and his voice sank almost to a whisper as he answered:

  "Mr. Holmes, they were the footprints of a gigantic hound!"


1 forgery TgtzU     
  • The painting was a forgery.这张画是赝品。
  • He was sent to prison for forgery.他因伪造罪而被关进监狱。
2 kin 22Zxv     
  • He comes of good kin.他出身好。
  • She has gone to live with her husband's kin.她住到丈夫的亲戚家里去了。
3 monograph 2Eux4     
  • This monograph belongs to the category of serious popular books.这本专著是一本较高深的普及读物。
  • It's a monograph you wrote six years ago.这是你六年前写的的专论。
4 tragic inaw2     
  • The effect of the pollution on the beaches is absolutely tragic.污染海滩后果可悲。
  • Charles was a man doomed to tragic issues.查理是个注定不得善终的人。
5 flattened 1d5d9fedd9ab44a19d9f30a0b81f79a8     
  • She flattened her nose and lips against the window. 她把鼻子和嘴唇紧贴着窗户。
  • I flattened myself against the wall to let them pass. 我身体紧靠着墙让他们通过。
6 writ iojyr     
  • This is a copy of a writ I received this morning.这是今早我收到的书面命令副本。
  • You shouldn't treat the newspapers as if they were Holy Writ. 你不应该把报上说的话奉若神明。
7 scrawling eb6c4d9bcb89539d82c601edd338242c     
乱涂,潦草地写( scrawl的现在分词 )
8 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
9 narrative CFmxS     
  • He was a writer of great narrative power.他是一位颇有记述能力的作家。
  • Neither author was very strong on narrative.两个作者都不是很善于讲故事。
10 forth Hzdz2     
  • The wind moved the trees gently back and forth.风吹得树轻轻地来回摇晃。
  • He gave forth a series of works in rapid succession.他很快连续发表了一系列的作品。
11 repentance ZCnyS     
  • He shows no repentance for what he has done.他对他的所作所为一点也不懊悔。
  • Christ is inviting sinners to repentance.基督正在敦请有罪的人悔悟。
12 circumspect 0qGzr     
  • She is very circumspect when dealing with strangers.她与陌生人打交道时十分谨慎。
  • He was very circumspect in his financial affairs.他对于自己的财务十分细心。
13 foul Sfnzy     
  • Take off those foul clothes and let me wash them.脱下那些脏衣服让我洗一洗。
  • What a foul day it is!多么恶劣的天气!
14 undoing Ifdz6a     
  • That one mistake was his undoing. 他一失足即成千古恨。
  • This hard attitude may have led to his undoing. 可能就是这种强硬的态度导致了他的垮台。
15 manor d2Gy4     
  • The builder of the manor house is a direct ancestor of the present owner.建造这幢庄园的人就是它现在主人的一个直系祖先。
  • I am not lord of the manor,but its lady.我并非此地的领主,而是这儿的女主人。
16 profane l1NzQ     
  • He doesn't dare to profane the name of God.他不敢亵渎上帝之名。
  • His profane language annoyed us.他亵渎的言语激怒了我们。
17 maiden yRpz7     
  • The prince fell in love with a fair young maiden.王子爱上了一位年轻美丽的少女。
  • The aircraft makes its maiden flight tomorrow.这架飞机明天首航。
18 chamber wnky9     
  • For many,the dentist's surgery remains a torture chamber.对许多人来说,牙医的治疗室一直是间受刑室。
  • The chamber was ablaze with light.会议厅里灯火辉煌。
19 carouse kXGzv     
  • I am just enjoying carouse.我正在尽情地享受狂欢呢。
  • His followers did not carouse,like the troops of many warlord armies.他的部下也不象许多军阀的军队那样大吃大喝。
20 daunted 7ffb5e5ffb0aa17a7b2333d90b452257     
使(某人)气馁,威吓( daunt的过去式和过去分词 )
  • She was a brave woman but she felt daunted by the task ahead. 她是一个勇敢的女人,但对面前的任务却感到信心不足。
  • He was daunted by the high quality of work they expected. 他被他们对工作的高品质的要求吓倒了。
21 ivy x31ys     
  • Her wedding bouquet consisted of roses and ivy.她的婚礼花篮包括玫瑰和长春藤。
  • The wall is covered all over with ivy.墙上爬满了常春藤。
22 moor T6yzd     
  • I decided to moor near some tourist boats.我决定在一些观光船附近停泊。
  • There were hundreds of the old huts on the moor.沼地上有成百上千的古老的石屋。
23 groom 0fHxW     
  • His father was a groom.他父亲曾是个马夫。
  • George was already being groomed for the top job.为承担这份高级工作,乔治已在接受专门的培训。
24 mare Y24y3     
  • The mare has just thrown a foal in the stable.那匹母马刚刚在马厩里产下了一只小马驹。
  • The mare foundered under the heavy load and collapsed in the road.那母马因负载过重而倒在路上。
25 uproar LHfyc     
  • She could hear the uproar in the room.她能听见房间里的吵闹声。
  • His remarks threw the audience into an uproar.他的讲话使听众沸腾起来。
26 flask Egxz8     
  • There is some deposit in the bottom of the flask.这只烧杯的底部有些沉淀物。
  • He took out a metal flask from a canvas bag.他从帆布包里拿出一个金属瓶子。
27 abreast Zf3yi     
  • She kept abreast with the flood of communications that had poured in.她及时回复如雪片般飞来的大批信件。
  • We can't keep abreast of the developing situation unless we study harder.我们如果不加强学习,就会跟不上形势。
28 squires e1ac9927c38cb55b9bb45b8ea91f1ef1     
n.地主,乡绅( squire的名词复数 )
  • The family history was typical of the Catholic squires of England. 这个家族的历史,在英格兰信天主教的乡绅中是很典型的。 来自辞典例句
  • By 1696, with Tory squires and Amsterdam burghers complaining about excessive taxes. 到1696年,托利党的乡绅们和阿姆斯特丹的市民都对苛捐杂税怨声载道。 来自辞典例句
29 onward 2ImxI     
  • The Yellow River surges onward like ten thousand horses galloping.黄河以万马奔腾之势滚滚向前。
  • He followed in the steps of forerunners and marched onward.他跟随着先辈的足迹前进。
30 galloping galloping     
adj. 飞驰的, 急性的 动词gallop的现在分词形式
  • The horse started galloping the moment I gave it a good dig. 我猛戳了马一下,它就奔驰起来了。
  • Japan is galloping ahead in the race to develop new technology. 日本在发展新技术的竞争中进展迅速,日新月异。
31 bridle 4sLzt     
  • He learned to bridle his temper.他学会了控制脾气。
  • I told my wife to put a bridle on her tongue.我告诉妻子说话要谨慎。
32 alley Cx2zK     
  • We live in the same alley.我们住在同一条小巷里。
  • The blind alley ended in a brick wall.这条死胡同的尽头是砖墙。
33 fatigue PhVzV     
  • The old lady can't bear the fatigue of a long journey.这位老妇人不能忍受长途旅行的疲劳。
  • I have got over my weakness and fatigue.我已从虚弱和疲劳中恢复过来了。
34 standing 2hCzgo     
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
35 jaws cq9zZq     
  • The antelope could not escape the crocodile's gaping jaws. 那只羚羊无法从鱷鱼张开的大口中逃脱。
  • The scored jaws of a vise help it bite the work. 台钳上有刻痕的虎钳牙帮助它紧咬住工件。
36 shrieked dc12d0d25b0f5d980f524cd70c1de8fe     
v.尖叫( shriek的过去式和过去分词 )
  • She shrieked in fright. 她吓得尖叫起来。
  • Li Mei-t'ing gave a shout, and Lu Tzu-hsiao shrieked, "Tell what? 李梅亭大声叫,陆子潇尖声叫:“告诉什么? 来自汉英文学 - 围城
37 providence 8tdyh     
  • It is tempting Providence to go in that old boat.乘那艘旧船前往是冒大险。
  • To act as you have done is to fly in the face of Providence.照你的所作所为那样去行事,是违背上帝的意志的。
38 exalted ztiz6f     
  • Their loveliness and holiness in accordance with their exalted station.他们的美丽和圣洁也与他们的崇高地位相称。
  • He received respect because he was a person of exalted rank.他因为是个地位崇高的人而受到尊敬。
39 elicited 65993d006d16046aa01b07b96e6edfc2     
引出,探出( elicit的过去式和过去分词 )
  • Threats to reinstate the tax elicited jeer from the Opposition. 恢复此项征税的威胁引起了反对党的嘲笑。
  • The comedian's joke elicited applause and laughter from the audience. 那位滑稽演员的笑话博得观众的掌声和笑声。
40 amiability e665b35f160dba0dedc4c13e04c87c32     
  • His amiability condemns him to being a constant advisor to other people's troubles. 他那和蔼可亲的性格使他成为经常为他人排忧解难的开导者。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • I watched my master's face pass from amiability to sternness. 我瞧着老师的脸上从和蔼变成严峻。 来自辞典例句
41 generosity Jf8zS     
  • We should match their generosity with our own.我们应该像他们一样慷慨大方。
  • We adore them for their generosity.我们钦佩他们的慷慨。
42 scion DshyB     
  • A place is cut in the root stock to accept the scion.砧木上切开一个小口,来接受接穗。
  • Nabokov was the scion of an aristocratic family.纳博科夫是一个贵族家庭的阔少。
43 grandeur hejz9     
  • The grandeur of the Great Wall is unmatched.长城的壮观是独一无二的。
  • These ruins sufficiently attest the former grandeur of the place.这些遗迹充分证明此处昔日的宏伟。
44 speculation 9vGwe     
  • Her mind is occupied with speculation.她的头脑忙于思考。
  • There is widespread speculation that he is going to resign.人们普遍推测他要辞职。
45 reconstruction 3U6xb     
  • The country faces a huge task of national reconstruction following the war.战后,该国面临着重建家园的艰巨任务。
  • In the period of reconstruction,technique decides everything.在重建时期,技术决定一切。
46 entirely entirely     
  • The fire was entirely caused by their neglect of duty. 那场火灾完全是由于他们失职而引起的。
  • His life was entirely given up to the educational work. 他的一生统统献给了教育工作。
47 rumours ba6e2decd2e28dec9a80f28cb99e131d     
n.传闻( rumour的名词复数 );风闻;谣言;谣传
  • The rumours were completely baseless. 那些谣传毫无根据。
  • Rumours of job losses were later confirmed. 裁员的传言后来得到了证实。
48 superstition VHbzg     
  • It's a common superstition that black cats are unlucky.认为黑猫不吉祥是一种很普遍的迷信。
  • Superstition results from ignorance.迷信产生于无知。
49 widower fe4z2a     
  • George was a widower with six young children.乔治是个带著六个小孩子的鳏夫。
  • Having been a widower for many years,he finally decided to marry again.丧偶多年后,他终于决定二婚了。
50 acting czRzoc     
  • Ignore her,she's just acting.别理她,她只是假装的。
  • During the seventies,her acting career was in eclipse.在七十年代,她的表演生涯黯然失色。
51 housekeeper 6q2zxl     
  • A spotless stove told us that his mother is a diligent housekeeper.炉子清洁无瑕就表明他母亲是个勤劳的主妇。
  • She is an economical housekeeper and feeds her family cheaply.她节约持家,一家人吃得很省。
52 corroborated ab27fc1c50e7a59aad0d93cd9f135917     
v.证实,支持(某种说法、信仰、理论等)( corroborate的过去式 )
  • The evidence was corroborated by two independent witnesses. 此证据由两名独立证人提供。
  • Experiments have corroborated her predictions. 实验证实了她的预言。 来自《简明英汉词典》
53 impaired sqtzdr     
adj.受损的;出毛病的;有(身体或智力)缺陷的v.损害,削弱( impair的过去式和过去分词 )
  • Much reading has impaired his vision. 大量读书损害了他的视力。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • His hearing is somewhat impaired. 他的听觉已受到一定程度的损害。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
54 yew yew     
  • The leaves of yew trees are poisonous to cattle.紫杉树叶会令牛中毒。
  • All parts of the yew tree are poisonous,including the berries.紫杉的各个部分都有毒,包括浆果。
55 lighting CpszPL     
  • The gas lamp gradually lost ground to electric lighting.煤气灯逐渐为电灯所代替。
  • The lighting in that restaurant is soft and romantic.那个餐馆照明柔和而且浪漫。
56 halfway Xrvzdq     
  • We had got only halfway when it began to get dark.走到半路,天就黑了。
  • In study the worst danger is give up halfway.在学习上,最忌讳的是有始无终。
57 exhaustion OPezL     
  • She slept the sleep of exhaustion.她因疲劳而酣睡。
  • His exhaustion was obvious when he fell asleep standing.他站着睡着了,显然是太累了。
58 prosaic i0szo     
  • The truth is more prosaic.真相更加乏味。
  • It was a prosaic description of the scene.这是对场景没有想象力的一个描述。
59 tenant 0pbwd     
  • The tenant was dispossessed for not paying his rent.那名房客因未付房租而被赶走。
  • The tenant is responsible for all repairs to the building.租户负责对房屋的所有修理。
60 inquiries 86a54c7f2b27c02acf9fcb16a31c4b57     
n.调查( inquiry的名词复数 );疑问;探究;打听
  • He was released on bail pending further inquiries. 他获得保释,等候进一步调查。
  • I have failed to reach them by postal inquiries. 我未能通过邮政查询与他们取得联系。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
61 preoccupied TPBxZ     
adj.全神贯注的,入神的;被抢先占有的;心事重重的v.占据(某人)思想,使对…全神贯注,使专心于( preoccupy的过去式)
  • He was too preoccupied with his own thoughts to notice anything wrong. 他只顾想着心事,没注意到有什么不对。
  • The question of going to the Mount Tai preoccupied his mind. 去游泰山的问题盘踞在他心头。 来自《简明英汉词典》
62 judicial c3fxD     
  • He is a man with a judicial mind.他是个公正的人。
  • Tom takes judicial proceedings against his father.汤姆对他的父亲正式提出诉讼。
63 confided 724f3f12e93e38bec4dda1e47c06c3b1     
v.吐露(秘密,心事等)( confide的过去式和过去分词 );(向某人)吐露(隐私、秘密等)
  • She confided all her secrets to her best friend. 她向她最要好的朋友倾吐了自己所有的秘密。
  • He confided to me that he had spent five years in prison. 他私下向我透露,他蹲过五年监狱。 来自《简明英汉词典》
64 motive GFzxz     
  • The police could not find a motive for the murder.警察不能找到谋杀的动机。
  • He had some motive in telling this fable.他讲这寓言故事是有用意的。
65 withholding 7eXzD6     
  • She was accused of withholding information from the police. 她被指控对警方知情不报。
  • The judge suspected the witness was withholding information. 法官怀疑见证人在隐瞒情况。
66 inquiry nbgzF     
  • Many parents have been pressing for an inquiry into the problem.许多家长迫切要求调查这个问题。
  • The field of inquiry has narrowed down to five persons.调查的范围已经缩小到只剩5个人了。
67 justified 7pSzrk     
  • She felt fully justified in asking for her money back. 她认为有充分的理由要求退款。
  • The prisoner has certainly justified his claims by his actions. 那个囚犯确实已用自己的行动表明他的要求是正当的。
68 perfectly 8Mzxb     
  • The witnesses were each perfectly certain of what they said.证人们个个对自己所说的话十分肯定。
  • Everything that we're doing is all perfectly above board.我们做的每件事情都是光明正大的。
69 sparsely 9hyzxF     
  • Relative to the size, the city is sparsely populated. 与其面积相比,这个城市的人口是稀少的。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The ground was sparsely covered with grass. 地面上稀疏地覆盖草丛。 来自《简明英汉词典》
70 naturalist QFKxZ     
  • He was a printer by trade and naturalist by avocation.他从事印刷业,同时是个博物学爱好者。
  • The naturalist told us many stories about birds.博物学家给我们讲述了许多有关鸟儿的故事。
71 anatomy Cwgzh     
  • He found out a great deal about the anatomy of animals.在动物解剖学方面,他有过许多发现。
  • The hurricane's anatomy was powerful and complex.对飓风的剖析是一项庞大而复杂的工作。
72 descended guQzoy     
  • A mood of melancholy descended on us. 一种悲伤的情绪袭上我们的心头。
  • The path descended the hill in a series of zigzags. 小路呈连续的之字形顺着山坡蜿蜒而下。
73 calf ecLye     
  • The cow slinked its calf.那头母牛早产了一头小牛犊。
  • The calf blared for its mother.牛犊哞哞地高声叫喊找妈妈。
74 justification x32xQ     
  • There's no justification for dividing the company into smaller units. 没有理由把公司划分成小单位。
  • In the young there is a justification for this feeling. 在年轻人中有这种感觉是有理由的。
75 affected TzUzg0     
  • She showed an affected interest in our subject.她假装对我们的课题感到兴趣。
  • His manners are affected.他的态度不自然。
76 chimerical 4VIyv     
  • His Utopia is not a chimerical commonwealth but a practical improvement on what already exists.他的乌托邦不是空想的联邦,而是对那些已经存在的联邦事实上的改进。
  • Most interpret the information from the victims as chimerical thinking.大多数来自于受害者的解释是被当作空想。
77 distractions ff1d4018fe7ed703bc7b2e2e97ba2216     
n.使人分心的事[人]( distraction的名词复数 );娱乐,消遣;心烦意乱;精神错乱
  • I find it hard to work at home because there are too many distractions. 我发觉在家里工作很难,因为使人分心的事太多。
  • There are too many distractions here to work properly. 这里叫人分心的事太多,使人无法好好工作。 来自《简明英汉词典》
78 mutual eFOxC     
  • We must pull together for mutual interest.我们必须为相互的利益而通力合作。
  • Mutual interests tied us together.相互的利害关系把我们联系在一起。
79 catastrophe WXHzr     
  • I owe it to you that I survived the catastrophe.亏得你我才大难不死。
  • This is a catastrophe beyond human control.这是一场人类无法控制的灾难。
80 noted 5n4zXc     
  • The local hotel is noted for its good table.当地的那家酒店以餐食精美而著称。
  • Jim is noted for arriving late for work.吉姆上班迟到出了名。
81 gravel s6hyT     
  • We bought six bags of gravel for the garden path.我们购买了六袋碎石用来铺花园的小路。
  • More gravel is needed to fill the hollow in the drive.需要更多的砾石来填平车道上的坑洼。


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