"We've more than that," said Warner.
"What do you mean?"
"We've Richmond, too. The capital of the Confederacy, inviolate5 for four years, has fallen, and our troops have entered it. Jefferson Davis, his government and its garrison6 have fled, burning the army buildings and stores as they went. A part of the city was burned also, but our troops helped to put out the fires and saved the rest. Dick, do you realize it? Do you understand that we have captured the city over which we have fought for four years, and which has cost more than a half million lives?"
Dick was silent, because he had no answer to make. Neither he nor Warner nor Pennington could yet comprehend it fully7. They had talked often of the end of the war, they had looked forward to the great event, they had hoped for the taking of Richmond, but now that it was taken it scarcely seemed real.
"Tell it over, George," he said, "was it Richmond you were speaking of, and did you say that it was taken?"
"Yes, Dick, and it's the truth. Of course it doesn't look like it to you or to me or to Frank, but it's a fact. Today or tomorrow we may go there and see it with our own eyes, and then if we don't believe the sight we can read an account of it in the newspapers."
It was a process of saturation8, but in the next hour or two they believed it and understood it fully. On the following day they rode into the desolate9 and partly burned capital, now garrisoned10 heavily by the North, and looked with curiosity at the little city for which such torrents11 of blood had been shed. But as at Winchester and Petersburg, they gazed upon blind doors and windows. Nor did they expect anything else. It was only natural, and they refrained carefully from any outward show of exultation12.
Richmond was to hold them only a few hours, as Grant and Sheridan continued hot on the trail of Lee. They knew that he was marching along the Appomattox, intending to concentrate at Amelia Court House, and they were resolved that he should not escape. Sheridan's cavalry13, with the Winchester regiment in the van, advanced swiftly and began to press hard upon the retreating army. The firing was almost continuous. Many prisoners and five guns were taken, but at the crossing of a creek14 near nightfall the men in gray, still resolute15, turned and beat off their assailants for the time.
The pursuit was resumed before the next daylight, and both Grant and Sheridan pressed it with the utmost severity. In the next few days Dick felt both pity and sympathy for the little army that was defending itself so valiantly16 against extermination17 or capture. It was almost like the chase of a fox now, and the hounds were always growing in number and power.
The Northern cavalry spread out and formed a great net. The Southern communications were cut off, their scouts18 were taken, and all the provision trains intended for Lee were captured. The prisoners reported that the Southern army was starving, and the condition of their own bodies proved the truth of their words. As Dick looked upon these ragged19 and famished20 men his feeling of pity increased, and he sincerely hoped that the hour of Lee's surrender would be hastened.
During these days and most of the nights too Dick lived in the saddle. Once more he and his comrades were clothed in the Virginia mud, and all the time the Winchester regiment brought in prisoners or wagons21. They knew now that Lee was seeking to turn toward the South and effect a junction23 with Johnston in North Carolina, but Dick, his thoughts being his own, did not see how it was possible. When the Confederacy began to fall it fell fast. It was only after they passed through Richmond that he saw how frail24 the structure had become, and how its supporting timbers had been shot away. It was great cause of wonder to him that Lee should still be able to hold out, and to fight off cavalry raids, as he was doing.
And the Army of Northern Virginia, although but a fragment, was dangerous. In these its last hours, reduced almost to starvation and pitiful in numbers, it fought with a courage and tenacity25 worthy26 of its greatest days. It gave to Lee a devotion that would have melted a heart of stone. Whenever he commanded, it turned fiercely upon its remorseless pursuers, and compelled them to give ground for a time. But when it sought to march on again the cavalry of Sheridan and the infantry27 of Grant followed closely once more, continually cutting off the fringe of the dwindling28 army.
Dick saw Lee himself on a hill near Sailor's Creek, as Sheridan pressed forward against him. The gray leader had turned. The troops of Ewell and Anderson were gathered at the edge of a forest, and other infantry masses stood near. Lee on Traveler sat just in front of them, and was surveying the enemy through his glasses. Dick used his own glasses, and he looked long, and with the most intense curiosity, mingled29 with admiration30, at the Lion of the South, whom they were about to bring to the ground. The sun was just setting, and Lee was defined sharply against the red blaze. Dick saw his features, his gray hair, and he could imagine the defiant31 blaze of his eyes. It was an unforgettable picture, the one drawn32 there by circumstances at the closing of an era.
Then he took notice of a figure, also on horseback, not far behind Lee, a youthful figure, the face thin and worn, none other than his cousin, Harry33 Kenton. Dick's heart took a glad leap. Harry still rode with his chief, and Dick's belief that he would survive the war was almost justified34.
Then followed a scattering35 fire to which sunset and following darkness put an end, and once more the Southern leader retreated, with Sheridan and his cavalry forever at his heels, giving him no rest, keeping food from reaching him, and capturing more of his men. The wounded lion turned again, and, in a fierce attack drove back Sheridan and his men, but, when the battle closed, and Lee resumed his march, Sheridan was at his heels as before, seeking to pull him down, and refusing to be driven off.
Grant also dispatched Custer in a cavalry raid far around Lee, and the daring young leader not only seized the last wagon22 train that could possibly reach the Confederate commander, but also captured twenty-five of his guns that had been sent on ahead. Dick knew now that the end, protracted36 as it had been by desperate courage, was almost at hand, and that not even a miracle could prevent it.
The column with which he rode was almost continually in sight of the Army of Northern Virginia, and the field guns never ceased to pour shot and shell upon it. The sight was tragic37 to the last degree, as the worn men in gray retreated sullenly38 along the muddy roads, in rags, blackened with mire39, stained with wounds, their horses falling dead of exhaustion40, while the pursuing artillery41 cut down their ranks. Then the news of Custer's exploit came to Grant and Sheridan, and the circle of steel, now complete, closed in on the doomed42 army.
It was the seventh of April when the Winchester men rested their weary horses, not far from the headquarters of General Grant, and also gave their own aching bones and muscles a chance to recover their strength. Dick, after his food and coffee, watched the general, who was walking back and forth43 before his tent.
"He looks expectant," said Dick.
"He has the right to look so," said Warner. "He may have news of earth-shaking importance."
"What do you mean?"
"I know that he sent a messenger to Lee this morning, asking him to surrender in order to stop the further effusion of blood."
"I wish Lee would accept. The end is inevitable44."
"Remember that they don't see with our eyes."
"I know it, George, but the war ought to stop. The Confederacy is gone forever."
"We shall see what we shall see."
They didn't see, but they heard, which was the same thing. To the polite request of Grant, Lee sent the polite reply that his means of resistance were not yet exhausted45, and the union leader took another hitch46 in the steel girdle. The second morning afterward47, Lee made a desperate effort to break through at Appomattox Court House, but crushing numbers drove him back, and when the short fierce combat ceased, the Army of Northern Virginia had fired its last shot.
The Winchester men had borne a gallant48 part in the struggle, and presently when the smoke cleared away Dick uttered a shout.
"What is it?" exclaimed Colonel Winchester.
"A white flag! A white flag!" cried Dick in excitement. "See it waving over the Southern lines."
"Yes, I see it!" shouted the colonel, Warner and Pennington all together. Then they stood breathless, and Dick uttered the words:
"The end!"
"Yes," said Colonel Winchester, more to himself than to the others. "The end! The end at last!"
Thousands now beheld49 the flag, and, after the first shouts and cheers, a deep intense silence followed. The soldiers felt the immensity of the event, but as at the taking of Richmond, they could not comprehend it all at once. It yet seemed incredible that the enemy, who for four terrible years had held them at bay, was about to lay down his arms. But it was true. The messenger, bearing the flag, was now coming toward the union lines.
The herald50 was received within the Northern ranks, bearing a request that hostilities51 be suspended in order that the commanders might have time to talk over terms of surrender, and, at the same time, General Grant, who was seven or eight miles from Appomattox Court House in a pine wood, received a note of a similar tenor52, the nature of which he disclosed to his staff amid much cheering. The union chief at once wrote to General Lee:
Your note of this date is but at this moment (11:50 A. M.) received,
in consequence of my having passed from the Richmond and Lynchburg
road to the Farmville and Lynchburg road. I am at this writing
about four miles west of Walker's Church, and will push forward to
the front for the purpose of meeting you. Notice sent to me on
this road where you wish the interview to take place will meet me.
It was a characteristic and modest letter, and yet the heart under the plain blue blouse must have beat with elation54 at the knowledge that he had brought, what was then the greatest war of modern times, to a successful conclusion. The dispatch was given to Colonel Babcock of his staff, who was instructed to ride in haste to Lee and arrange the interview. The general and his staff followed, but missing the way, narrowly escaped capture by Confederate troops, who did not yet know of the proposal to suspend hostilities. But they at last reached Sheridan about a half mile west of Appomattox Court House.
Dick and his comrades meanwhile spent a momentous55 morning. It would have been impossible for him afterward to have described his own feelings, they were such an extraordinary compound of relief, elation, pity and sympathy. The two armies faced each other, and, for the first time, in absolute peace. The men in blue were already slipping food and tobacco to their brethren in gray whom they had fought so long and so hard, and at many points along the lines they were talking freely with one another. The officers made no effort to restrain them, all alike feeling sure that the bayonets would now be rusting56.
The Winchester men were dismounted, their horses being tethered in a grove57, and Dick with the colonel, Warner and Pennington were at the front, eagerly watching the ragged little army that faced them. He saw soon a small band of soldiers, at the head of whom stood two elderly men in patched but neat uniforms, their figures very erect58, and their faces bearing no trace of depression. Close by them were two tall youths whom Dick recognized at once as St. Clair and Langdon. He waved his hand to them repeatedly, and, at last, caught the eye of St. Clair, who at once waved back and then called Langdon's attention. Langdon not only waved also, but walked forward, as if to meet him, bringing St. Clair with him, and Dick, responding at once, advanced with Warner and Pennington.
They shook hands under the boughs59 of an old oak, and were unaffectedly glad to see one another, although the three youths in blue felt awkwardness at first, being on the triumphant60 side, and fearing lest some act or word of theirs might betray exultation over a conquered foe61. But St. Clair, precise, smiling, and trim in his attire62, put them at ease.
"General Lee will be here presently," he said, "and you, as well as we, know that the war is over. You are the victors and our cause is lost."
"But you have lost with honor," said Dick, won by his manner. "The odds63 were greatly against you. It's wonderful to me that you were able to fight so long and with so much success."
"It was a matter of mathematics, Captain St. Clair," said Warner. "The numbers, the big guns and the resources were on our side, If we held on we were bound to win, as anyone could demonstrate. It's certainly no fault of yours to have been defeated by mathematics, a science that governs the world."
St. Clair and Langdon smiled, and Langdon said lightly:
"It would perhaps be more just to say, Mr. Warner, that we have not been beaten, but that we've worn ourselves out, fighting. Besides, the spring is here, a lot of us are homesick, and it's time to put in the crops."
"I think that's a good way to leave it," said Dick. "Do you know where my cousin, Harry Kenton, is?"
"I saw him this morning," replied St. Clair, "and I can assure you that he's taken no harm. He's riding ahead of the commander-in-chief, and he should be here soon."
A trumpet64 sounded and they separated, returning respectively to their own lines. Standing65 on a low hill, Dick saw Harry Kenton and Dalton dismount and then stand on one side, as if in expectancy66. Dick knew for whom they were waiting, and his own heart beat hard. A great hum and murmur67 arose, when the gray figure of an elderly man riding the famous war horse, Traveler, appeared.
It was Lee, and in this moment, when his heart must have bled, his bearing was proud and high. He was worn somewhat, and he had lost strength from the great privations and anxieties of the retreat, but he held himself erect. He was clothed in a fine new uniform, and he wore buckled68 at his side a splendid new sword, recently sent to him as a present.
Near by stood a farm house belonging to Wilmer McLean, but, Grant not yet having come, the Southern commander-in-chief dismounted, and, as the air was close and hot, he remained a little while under the shade of an apple tree, the famous apple tree of Appomattox, around which truth and legend have played so much.
Dick was fully conscious of everything now. He realized the greatness of the moment, and he would not miss any detail of any movement on the part of the principals. It was nearly three o'clock in the afternoon when Grant and his staff rode up, the union leader still wearing his plain blue blouse, no sword at his side, his shoulder straps70 alone signifying his rank.
The two generals who had faced each other with such resolution in that terrible conflict shook hands, and Dick saw them talking pleasantly as if they were chance acquaintances who had just met once more. Presently they went into the McLean house, several of General Grant's staff accompanying him, but Lee taking with him only Colonel Thomas Marshall.
Before the day was over Dick learned all that had occurred inside that unpretentious but celebrated71 farm house. The two great commanders, at first did not allude72 to the civil war, but spoke73 of the old war in Mexico, where Lee, the elder, had been General Winfield Scott's chief of staff, and the head of his engineer corps74, with Grant, the younger, as a lieutenant75 and quartermaster. It never entered the wildest dreams of either then that they should lead the armies of a divided nation engaged in mortal combat. Now they had only pleasant recollections of each other, and they talked of the old days, of Contreras, Molino del Rey, and other battles in the Valley of Mexico.
They sat down at a plain table, and then came in the straightforward76 manner characteristic of both to the great business in hand. Colonel Marshall supplied the paper for the historic documents now about to be written and signed.
General Grant, humane77, and never greater or more humane than in the hour of victory, made the terms easy. All the officers of the Army of Northern Virginia were to give their parole not to take up arms against the United States, until properly exchanged, and the company or regimental commanders were to sign a like parole for their men. The artillery, other arms and public property were to be turned over to the union army, although the officers were permitted to retain their side arms and their own horses and baggage. Then officers and men alike could go to their homes.
It was truly the supreme78 moment of Grant's greatness, of a humanity and greatness of soul the value of which to his nation can never be overestimated79. Surrenders in Europe at the end of a civil war had always been followed by confiscations, executions and a reign80 of terror for the beaten. Here the man who had compelled the surrender merely told the defeated to go to their homes.
Lee looked at the terms and said:
"Many of the artillerymen and cavalrymen in our army own their horses, will the provisions allowing the officers to retain their horses apply to them also?"
"No, it will not as it is written," replied Grant, "but as I think this will be the last battle of the war, and as I suppose most of the men in the ranks are small farmers who without their horses would find it difficult to put in their crops, the country having been swept of everything movable, and as the United States does not want them, I will instruct the officers who are to receive the paroles of your troops to let every man who claims to own a horse or mule81 take the animal to his home."
"It will have a pleasant effect," said Lee, and then he wrote a formal letter accepting the capitulations. The two generals, rising, bowed to each other, but as Lee turned away he said that his men had eaten no food for several days, except parched82 corn, and he would have to ask that rations83, and forage84 for their horses, be given to them.
"Certainly, general," replied Grant. "For how many men do you need them?"
"About twenty-five thousand," was Lee's reply.
Then General Grant requested him to send his own officers to Appomattox Station for the food and forage. Lee thanked him. They bowed to each other again, and the Southern leader who no longer had an army, but who retained always the love and veneration85 of the South, left the McLean house. Thus and in this simple fashion—the small detached fighting elsewhere did not count—did the great civil war in America, which had cost six or seven hundred thousand lives, and the temporary ruin of one section, come to an end.
Dick saw Lee come out of the house, mount Traveler and, followed by Colonel Marshall, ride back toward his own men who already had divined the occurrences in the house. The army saluted86 him with undivided affection, the troops crowding around him, cheering him, and, whenever they had a chance, shaking his hand. The demonstration87 became so great that Lee was moved deeply and showed it. The water rose in his eyes and his voice trembled as he said, though with pride:
"My lads, we have fought through the war together. I have done the best I could for you. My heart is too full to say more."
He could not be induced to speak further, although the great demonstration continued, but rode in silence to his headquarters in a wood, where he entered his tent and sat alone, no one ever knowing what his thoughts were in that hour.
Twenty-six thousand men who were left of the Army of Northern Virginia surrendered the next day, and the blue and the gray fraternized. The union soldiers did not wait for the rations ordered by Grant, but gave of their own to the starved men who were so lately their foes88. Dick and his friends hastened at once to find Harry Kenton and his comrades, and presently they saw them all sitting together on a log, thin and pale, but with no abatement89 of pride. Harry rose nevertheless, and received his cousin joyfully90.
"Dick," he said as their hands met, "the war is over, and over forever. But you and I were never enemies."
"That's so, Harry," said Dick Mason, "and the thing for us to do now is to go back to Kentucky, and begin life where we left it off."
"But you don't start this minute," said Warner. "There is a small matter of business to be transacted91 first. We know all of you, but just the same we've brought our visiting cards with us."
"I don't understand," said Harry.
"We'll show you. Frank Pennington, remove that large protuberance from beneath your blouse. Behold92 it! A small ham, my friends, and it's for you. That's Frank's card. And here I take from my own blouse the half of a cheese, which I beg you to accept with my compliments. Dick, you rascal93, what's that you have under your arm?"
"It's a jar of prime bacon that I've brought along for the party, George."
"I thought so. We're going to have the pleasure of dining with our friends here. We've heard, Captain Kenton, that you people haven't eaten anything for a month."
"It's not that bad," laughed Harry. "We had parched corn yesterday."
"Well, parched corn is none too filling, and we're going to prepare the banquet at once. A certain Sergeant94 Whitley will arrive presently with a basket of food, such as you rebels haven't tasted since you raided our wagon trains at the Second Manassas, and with him will come one William Shepard, whom you have met often, Mr. Kenton."
"Yes," said Harry, "we've met often and under varying circumstances, but we're going to be friends now."
"Will you tell me, Captain St. Clair," said Dick, "what has become of the two colonels of your regiment, which I believe you call the Invincibles?"
St. Clair led them silently to a little wood, and there, sitting on logs, Colonel Leonidas Talbot and Lieutenant Colonel Hector St. Hilaire were bent95 intently over the chess board that lay between them.
"Now that the war is over we'll have a chance to finish our game, eh, Hector?" said Colonel Talbot.
"A just observation, Leonidas. It's a difficult task to pursue a game to a perfect conclusion amid the distractions96 of war, but soon I shall checkmate you in the brilliant fashion in which General Lee always snares97 and destroys his enemy."
"But General Lee has yielded, Hector."
"Pshaw, Leonidas! General Lee would never yield to anybody. He has merely quit!"
"Ahem!" said Harry loudly, and, as the colonels glanced up, they saw the little group looking down at them.
"Our friends, the enemy, have come to pay you their respects," said Harry.
The two colonels rose and bowed profoundly.
"And to invite you to a banquet that is now being prepared not far from here," continued Harry. "It's very tempting98, ham, cheese, and other solids, surrounded by many delicacies99."
The two colonels looked at each other, and then nodded approval.
"You are to be the personal guests of our army," said Dick, "and we act as the proxies100 of General Grant."
"I shall always speak most highly of General Grant," said Colonel Leonidas Talbot. "His conduct has been marked by the greatest humanity, and is a credit to our common country, which has been reunited so suddenly."
"But reunited with our consent, Leonidas," said Lieutenant Colonel St. Hilaire. "Don't forget that I, for one, am tired of this war, and so is our whole army. It was a perfect waste of life to prolong it, and with the North reannexed, the union will soon be stronger and more prosperous than ever."
"Well spoken, Hector! Well spoken. It is perhaps better that North and South should remain together. I thought otherwise for four years, but now I seem to have another point of view. Come, lads, we shall dine with these good Yankee boys and we'll make them drink toasts of their own excellent coffee to the health and safety of our common country."
The group returned to a little hollow, in which Sergeant Whitley and Shepard had built a fire, and where they were already frying strips of bacon and slices of ham over the coals. Shepard and Harry shook hands.
"I may as well tell you now, Mr. Kenton," said Shepard, "that Miss Henrietta Carden, whom you met in Richmond, is my sister, and that it was she who hid in the court at the Curtis house and took the map. Then it was I who gave you the blow."
"It was done in war," said Harry, "and I have no right to complain. It was clever and I hope that I shall be able to give your sister my compliments some day. Now, if you don't mind, I'll take a strip of that wonderful bacon. It is bacon, isn't it? It's so long since I've seen any that I'm not sure of its identity, but whatever it is its odor is enticing101."
"Bacon it surely is, Mr. Kenton. Here are three pieces that I broiled102 myself and a broad slice of bread for them. Go ahead, there's plenty more. And see this dark brown liquid foaming103 in this stout104 tin pot! Smell it! Isn't it wonderful! Well, that's coffee! You've heard of coffee, and maybe you remember it."
"I do remember tasting it some years ago and finding it good. I'd like to try it again. Yes, thank you. It's fine."
"Here's another cup, and try the ham also."
Harry tried it, not once but several times. Langdon sat on the ground before the fire, and his delight was unalloyed and unashamed.
"We have raided a Yankee wagon train again," he said, "and the looting is splendid. Arthur, I thought yesterday that I should never eat again. Food and I were such strangers that I believed we should never know each other, any more, or if knowing, we could never assimilate. And yet we seem to get on good terms at once."
While they talked a tall thin youth of clear dark complexion105, carrying a long bundle under his arm, approached the fire and Lieutenant Colonel St. Hilaire welcomed him with joy.
"Julien! Julien de Langeais, my young relative!" he cried. "And you are indeed alive! I thought you lost!"
"I'm very much alive, sir," said young De Langeais, "but I'm starved."
"Then this is the place to come," said Dick, putting before him food, which he strove to eat slowly, although the effort at restraint was manifestly great. Lieutenant Colonel St. Hilaire introduced him to the union men, and then asked him what was the long black bag that he carried under his arm.
"That, sir," replied De Langeais, smiling pathetically, "is my violin. I've no further use for my rifle and sword, but now that peace is coming I may be able to earn my bread with the fiddle106."
"And so you will! You'll become one of the world's great musicians. And as soon as we've finished with General Grant's hospitality, which will be some time yet, you shall play for us."
De Langeais looked affectionately at the black bag.
"You're very good to me, sir," he said, "to encourage me at such a time, and, if you and the others care for me to play, I'll do my best."
"Paganini himself could do no more, but, for the present, we must pay due attention to the hospitality of General Grant. He would not like it, if it should come to his ears that we did not show due appreciation107, and since, in the course of events, and in order to prevent the mutual108 destruction of the sections, it became necessary for General Lee to arrange with someone to stop this suicidal war, I am glad the man was General Grant, a leader whose heart does him infinite credit."
"General Grant is a very great man, and he has never proved it more fully than today," said Dick, who sat near the colonels—his first inclination109 had been to smile, but he restrained it.
"Truly spoken, young sir," said Colonel Leonidas Talbot. "General Lee and General Grant together could hold this continent against the world, and, now that we have quit killing110 one another, America is safe in their hands. Harry, do you think I've eaten too much? I wouldn't go beyond the exploits of a gentleman, but this food has a wonderful savor111, and I can't say that I have dined before in months."
"Not at all, sir, you have just fairly begun. As Lieutenant Colonel St. Hilaire pointed112 out, General Grant would be displeased113 if we didn't fully appreciate his hospitality and prove it by our deeds. Here are some sardines114, sir. You haven't tasted 'em yet, but you'll find 'em wonderfully fine."
Colonel Leonidas Talbot took the sardines, and then he and Lieutenant Colonel St. Hilaire rose suddenly and simultaneously115 to their feet, a look of wonder and joy spreading over their faces.
"Is it really he?" exclaimed Colonel Talbot.
"It's he and none other," said Lieutenant Colonel St. Hilaire.
A tall, powerfully built, gray-haired man was coming toward them, his hands extended. Colonel Talbot and Lieutenant Colonel St. Hilaire stepped forward, and each grasped a hand.
"Good old John!"
"Why, John, it's worth a victory to shake your hand again!"
"Leonidas, I've been inquiring, an hour or two, for you and Hector."
"John Carrington, you've fulfilled your promise and more. We always said at West Point that you'd become the greatest artilleryman in the world, and in this war you've proved it on fifty battle fields. We've often watched your work from the other side, and we've always admired the accuracy with which you sent the shells flying about us. It was wonderful, John, wonderful, and it did more than anything else to save the North from complete defeat!"
A smile passed over John Carrington's strong face, and he patted his old comrade on the shoulder.
"It's good to know, Leonidas, that neither you nor Hector has been killed," he said, "and that we can dine together again."
"Truly, truly, John! Sit down! It's the hospitality of your own general that you share when you join us. General Lee would never make terms with men like McClellan, Burnside and Hooker. No, sir, he preferred to defeat them, much as it cost our union in blood and treasure, but with a man of genius like General Grant he could agree. Really great souls always recognize one another. Is it not so, John?"
"Beyond a doubt, Leonidas. We fully admit the greatness and lofty character of General Lee, as you admit the greatness and humanity of General Grant. One nation is proud to have produced two such men."
"I agree with you, John. All of us agree with you. The soldiers of General Lee's army who are here today will never dispute what you say. Now fall on, and join us at this board which, though rustic116, is indeed a most luxurious117 and festive118 one. As I remember at West Point, you were a first-class trencherman."
"And I am yet," said John Carrington, as he took his share. They were joined a little later by a gallant young Southern colonel, Philip Sherburne, who had led in many a cavalry attack, and then the equally gallant Northern colonel, Alan Hertford, came also, and as everybody was introduced to everybody else the good feeling grew. At last the hunger that had been increasing so long was satisfied, and as they leaned back, Lieutenant Colonel St. Hilaire turned to Julien de Langeais:
"Julien," he said, "take out your violin. There is no more fitting time than this to play. Julien, John, is a young relative of mine from Louisiana who has a gift. He is a great musician who is going to become much greater. Perhaps it was wrong to let a lad of his genius enter this war, but at any rate he has survived it, and now he will show us what he can do."
De Langeais, after modest deprecations, took out his violin and played. Upon his sensitive soul the war had made such a deep impression that his spirit spoke through his instrument. He had never before played so well. His strings119 sang of the march, the camp, of victory and defeat, and defeat and victory, and as he played he became absorbed in his music. The people around him, although they were rapidly increasing in numbers, were not visible to him. Yet he played upon their hearts. There was not one among them who did not see visions and dream dreams as he listened. At last his bow turned into the old and ever young, "Home Sweet Home."
Oh! give me my lowly, thatched cottage again.
Into the song he poured all his skill and all his heart, and as he played he saw the house in which he was born on the far Louisiana plantation122. And those who listened saw also, in spirit, the homes which many of them had not seen in fact for four years. Stern souls were softened123, and water rose to eyes which had looked fearlessly and so often upon the charging bayonets of the foe.
He stopped suddenly and put away his violin. There was a hush124, and then a long roll of applause, not loud, but very deep.
"I hear Pendleton calling," said Harry to Dick.
"So do I," said Dick. "I wonder what they're doing there. Have you heard from your father?"
"Not for several months. I think he's in North Carolina with Johnston, and I mean to go home that way. I've a good horse, and he'll carry me through the mountains. I think I'll find father there. An hour or two ago, Dick, I felt like a man and I was a man, but since De Langeais played I've become a boy again, and I'm longing69 for Pendleton, and its green hills, and the little river in which we used to swim."
"So am I, Harry, and it's likely that I'll go with you. The war is over and I can get leave at once. I want to see my mother."
They stayed together until night came over Appomattox and its famous apple tree, and a few days later Harry Kenton was ready to start on horseback for Kentucky. But he was far from being alone. The two colonels, St. Clair, Langdon, Dick, De Langeais, Colonel Winchester and Sergeant Whitley were to ride with him. Warner was to go north and Pennington west as soon as they were mustered125 out. Dick wrung126 their hands.
"Good-by, George! Good-by, Frank! Old comrades!" he said. "But remember that we are to see a good deal of one another all through our lives!"
"Which I can reduce to a mathematical problem and demonstrate by means of my little algebra127 here," said Warner, fumbling128 for his book to hide his emotion.
"I may come through Kentucky to see you and Harry," said Pennington, "when I start back to Nebraska."
"Be sure to come," said Dick with enthusiasm, "and remember that the latch129 string is hanging out on both doors."
Then, carrying their arms, and well equipped with ammunition130, food and blankets, the little party rode away. They knew that the mountains were still extremely unsettled, much infested131 by guerrillas, but they believed themselves strong enough to deal with any difficulty, and, as the April country was fair and green, their hearts, despite everything, were light.
1 regiment | |
n.团,多数,管理;v.组织,编成团,统制 | |
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2 curiously | |
adv.有求知欲地;好问地;奇特地 | |
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3 smoldering | |
v.用文火焖烧,熏烧,慢燃( smolder的现在分词 ) | |
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4 scorched | |
烧焦,烤焦( scorch的过去式和过去分词 ); 使(植物)枯萎,把…晒枯; 高速行驶; 枯焦 | |
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5 inviolate | |
adj.未亵渎的,未受侵犯的 | |
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6 garrison | |
n.卫戍部队;驻地,卫戍区;vt.派(兵)驻防 | |
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7 fully | |
adv.完全地,全部地,彻底地;充分地 | |
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8 saturation | |
n.饱和(状态);浸透 | |
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9 desolate | |
adj.荒凉的,荒芜的;孤独的,凄凉的;v.使荒芜,使孤寂 | |
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10 garrisoned | |
卫戍部队守备( garrison的过去式和过去分词 ); 派部队驻防 | |
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11 torrents | |
n.倾注;奔流( torrent的名词复数 );急流;爆发;连续不断 | |
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12 exultation | |
n.狂喜,得意 | |
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13 cavalry | |
n.骑兵;轻装甲部队 | |
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14 creek | |
n.小溪,小河,小湾 | |
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15 resolute | |
adj.坚决的,果敢的 | |
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16 valiantly | |
adv.勇敢地,英勇地;雄赳赳 | |
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17 extermination | |
n.消灭,根绝 | |
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18 scouts | |
侦察员[机,舰]( scout的名词复数 ); 童子军; 搜索; 童子军成员 | |
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19 ragged | |
adj.衣衫褴褛的,粗糙的,刺耳的 | |
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20 famished | |
adj.饥饿的 | |
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21 wagons | |
n.四轮的运货马车( wagon的名词复数 );铁路货车;小手推车 | |
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22 wagon | |
n.四轮马车,手推车,面包车;无盖运货列车 | |
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23 junction | |
n.连接,接合;交叉点,接合处,枢纽站 | |
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24 frail | |
adj.身体虚弱的;易损坏的 | |
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25 tenacity | |
n.坚韧 | |
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26 worthy | |
adj.(of)值得的,配得上的;有价值的 | |
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27 infantry | |
n.[总称]步兵(部队) | |
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28 dwindling | |
adj.逐渐减少的v.逐渐变少或变小( dwindle的现在分词 ) | |
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29 mingled | |
混合,混入( mingle的过去式和过去分词 ); 混进,与…交往[联系] | |
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30 admiration | |
n.钦佩,赞美,羡慕 | |
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31 defiant | |
adj.无礼的,挑战的 | |
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32 drawn | |
v.拖,拉,拔出;adj.憔悴的,紧张的 | |
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33 harry | |
vt.掠夺,蹂躏,使苦恼 | |
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34 justified | |
a.正当的,有理的 | |
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35 scattering | |
n.[物]散射;散乱,分散;在媒介质中的散播adj.散乱的;分散在不同范围的;广泛扩散的;(选票)数量分散的v.散射(scatter的ing形式);散布;驱散 | |
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36 protracted | |
adj.拖延的;延长的v.拖延“protract”的过去式和过去分词 | |
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37 tragic | |
adj.悲剧的,悲剧性的,悲惨的 | |
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38 sullenly | |
不高兴地,绷着脸,忧郁地 | |
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39 mire | |
n.泥沼,泥泞;v.使...陷于泥泞,使...陷入困境 | |
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40 exhaustion | |
n.耗尽枯竭,疲惫,筋疲力尽,竭尽,详尽无遗的论述 | |
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41 artillery | |
n.(军)火炮,大炮;炮兵(部队) | |
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42 doomed | |
命定的 | |
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43 forth | |
adv.向前;向外,往外 | |
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44 inevitable | |
adj.不可避免的,必然发生的 | |
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45 exhausted | |
adj.极其疲惫的,精疲力尽的 | |
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46 hitch | |
v.免费搭(车旅行);系住;急提;n.故障;急拉 | |
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47 afterward | |
adv.后来;以后 | |
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48 gallant | |
adj.英勇的,豪侠的;(向女人)献殷勤的 | |
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49 beheld | |
v.看,注视( behold的过去式和过去分词 );瞧;看呀;(叙述中用于引出某人意外的出现)哎哟 | |
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50 herald | |
vt.预示...的来临,预告,宣布,欢迎 | |
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51 hostilities | |
n.战争;敌意(hostility的复数);敌对状态;战事 | |
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52 tenor | |
n.男高音(歌手),次中音(乐器),要旨,大意 | |
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53 mid | |
adj.中央的,中间的 | |
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54 elation | |
n.兴高采烈,洋洋得意 | |
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55 momentous | |
adj.重要的,重大的 | |
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56 rusting | |
n.生锈v.(使)生锈( rust的现在分词 ) | |
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57 grove | |
n.林子,小树林,园林 | |
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58 erect | |
n./v.树立,建立,使竖立;adj.直立的,垂直的 | |
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59 boughs | |
大树枝( bough的名词复数 ) | |
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60 triumphant | |
adj.胜利的,成功的;狂欢的,喜悦的 | |
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61 foe | |
n.敌人,仇敌 | |
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62 attire | |
v.穿衣,装扮[同]array;n.衣着;盛装 | |
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63 odds | |
n.让步,机率,可能性,比率;胜败优劣之别 | |
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64 trumpet | |
n.喇叭,喇叭声;v.吹喇叭,吹嘘 | |
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65 standing | |
n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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66 expectancy | |
n.期望,预期,(根据概率统计求得)预期数额 | |
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67 murmur | |
n.低语,低声的怨言;v.低语,低声而言 | |
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68 buckled | |
a. 有带扣的 | |
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69 longing | |
n.(for)渴望 | |
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70 straps | |
n.带子( strap的名词复数 );挎带;肩带;背带v.用皮带捆扎( strap的第三人称单数 );用皮带抽打;包扎;给…打绷带 | |
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71 celebrated | |
adj.有名的,声誉卓著的 | |
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72 allude | |
v.提及,暗指 | |
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73 spoke | |
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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74 corps | |
n.(通信等兵种的)部队;(同类作的)一组 | |
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75 lieutenant | |
n.陆军中尉,海军上尉;代理官员,副职官员 | |
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76 straightforward | |
adj.正直的,坦率的;易懂的,简单的 | |
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77 humane | |
adj.人道的,富有同情心的 | |
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78 supreme | |
adj.极度的,最重要的;至高的,最高的 | |
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79 overestimated | |
对(数量)估计过高,对…作过高的评价( overestimate的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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80 reign | |
n.统治时期,统治,支配,盛行;v.占优势 | |
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81 mule | |
n.骡子,杂种,执拗的人 | |
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82 parched | |
adj.焦干的;极渴的;v.(使)焦干 | |
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83 rations | |
定量( ration的名词复数 ); 配给量; 正常量; 合理的量 | |
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84 forage | |
n.(牛马的)饲料,粮草;v.搜寻,翻寻 | |
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85 veneration | |
n.尊敬,崇拜 | |
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86 saluted | |
v.欢迎,致敬( salute的过去式和过去分词 );赞扬,赞颂 | |
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87 demonstration | |
n.表明,示范,论证,示威 | |
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88 foes | |
敌人,仇敌( foe的名词复数 ) | |
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89 abatement | |
n.减(免)税,打折扣,冲销 | |
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90 joyfully | |
adv. 喜悦地, 高兴地 | |
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91 transacted | |
v.办理(业务等)( transact的过去式和过去分词 );交易,谈判 | |
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92 behold | |
v.看,注视,看到 | |
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93 rascal | |
n.流氓;不诚实的人 | |
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94 sergeant | |
n.警官,中士 | |
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95 bent | |
n.爱好,癖好;adj.弯的;决心的,一心的 | |
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96 distractions | |
n.使人分心的事[人]( distraction的名词复数 );娱乐,消遣;心烦意乱;精神错乱 | |
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97 snares | |
n.陷阱( snare的名词复数 );圈套;诱人遭受失败(丢脸、损失等)的东西;诱惑物v.用罗网捕捉,诱陷,陷害( snare的第三人称单数 ) | |
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98 tempting | |
a.诱人的, 吸引人的 | |
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99 delicacies | |
n.棘手( delicacy的名词复数 );精致;精美的食物;周到 | |
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100 proxies | |
n.代表权( proxy的名词复数 );(测算用的)代替物;(对代理人的)委托书;(英国国教教区献给主教等的)巡游费 | |
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101 enticing | |
adj.迷人的;诱人的 | |
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102 broiled | |
a.烤过的 | |
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103 foaming | |
adj.布满泡沫的;发泡 | |
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105 complexion | |
n.肤色;情况,局面;气质,性格 | |
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106 fiddle | |
n.小提琴;vi.拉提琴;不停拨弄,乱动 | |
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107 appreciation | |
n.评价;欣赏;感谢;领会,理解;价格上涨 | |
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108 mutual | |
adj.相互的,彼此的;共同的,共有的 | |
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109 inclination | |
n.倾斜;点头;弯腰;斜坡;倾度;倾向;爱好 | |
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110 killing | |
n.巨额利润;突然赚大钱,发大财 | |
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111 savor | |
vt.品尝,欣赏;n.味道,风味;情趣,趣味 | |
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112 pointed | |
adj.尖的,直截了当的 | |
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113 displeased | |
a.不快的 | |
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114 sardines | |
n. 沙丁鱼 | |
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115 simultaneously | |
adv.同时发生地,同时进行地 | |
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116 rustic | |
adj.乡村的,有乡村特色的;n.乡下人,乡巴佬 | |
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117 luxurious | |
adj.精美而昂贵的;豪华的 | |
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118 festive | |
adj.欢宴的,节日的 | |
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119 strings | |
n.弦 | |
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120 humble | |
adj.谦卑的,恭顺的;地位低下的;v.降低,贬低 | |
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121 splendor | |
n.光彩;壮丽,华丽;显赫,辉煌 | |
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122 plantation | |
n.种植园,大农场 | |
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123 softened | |
(使)变软( soften的过去式和过去分词 ); 缓解打击; 缓和; 安慰 | |
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124 hush | |
int.嘘,别出声;n.沉默,静寂;v.使安静 | |
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125 mustered | |
v.集合,召集,集结(尤指部队)( muster的过去式和过去分词 );(自他人处)搜集某事物;聚集;激发 | |
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126 wrung | |
绞( wring的过去式和过去分词 ); 握紧(尤指别人的手); 把(湿衣服)拧干; 绞掉(水) | |
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127 algebra | |
n.代数学 | |
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128 fumbling | |
n. 摸索,漏接 v. 摸索,摸弄,笨拙的处理 | |
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129 latch | |
n.门闩,窗闩;弹簧锁 | |
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130 ammunition | |
n.军火,弹药 | |
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131 infested | |
adj.为患的,大批滋生的(常与with搭配)v.害虫、野兽大批出没于( infest的过去式和过去分词 );遍布于 | |
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