which include sleeping plants—Description of the movements in the several
Genera—Oxalis: leaflets folded at night—Averrhoa: rapid movements of the
leaflets—Porlieria: leaflets close when plant kept very dry—Tropaeolum:
leaves do not sleep unless well illuminated1 during day—Lupinus: various
modes of sleeping—Melilotus: singular movements of terminal leaflet—
developed on young plants, state of their pulvini—Cassia: complex
movements of the leaflets—Bauhinia: leaves folded at night—Mimosa pudica:
compounded movements of leaves, effect of darkness—Mimosa albida, reduced
leaflets of—Schrankia: downward movement of the pinnae—Marsilea: the only
cryptogam known to sleep—Concluding remarks and summary—Nyctitropism
consists of modified circumnutation, regulated by the alternations of light
and darkness—Shape of first true leaves.
WE now come to the nyctitropic or sleep movements of leaves. It should be remembered that we confine this term to leaves which place their blades at night either in a vertical3 position or not more than 30o from the vertical,—that is, at least 60o above or beneath the horizon. In some few cases this is effected by the rotation4 of the blade, the petiole not being either raised or lowered to any considerable extent. The limit of 30o from the vertical is obviously an arbitrary one, and has been selected for reasons previously5 assigned, namely, that when the blade approaches the perpendicular6 as nearly as this, only half as much of the surface is exposed at night to the [page 318] zenith and to free radiation as when the blade is horizontal. Nevertheless, in a few instances, leaves which seem to be prevented by their structure from moving to so great an extent as 60o above or beneath the horizon, have been included amongst sleeping plants.
It should be premised that the nyctitropic movements of leaves are easily affected8 by the conditions to which the plants have been subjected. If the ground is kept too dry, the movements are much delayed or fail: according to Dassen,* even if the air is very dry the leaves of Impatiens and Malva are rendered motionless. Carl Kraus has also lately insisted** on the great influence which the quantity of water absorbed has on the periodic movements of leaves; and he believes that this cause chiefly determines the variable amount of sinking of the leaves of Polygonum convolvulus at night; and if so, their movements are not in our sense strictly9 nyctitropic. Plants in order to sleep must have been exposed to a proper temperature: Erythrina crista-galli, out of doors and nailed against a wall, seemed in fairly good health, but the leaflets did not sleep, whilst those on another plant kept in a warm greenhouse were all vertically10 dependent at night. In a kitchen-garden the leaflets of Phaseolus vulgaris did not sleep during the early part of the summer. Ch. Royer says,*** referring I suppose to the native plants in France, that they do not sleep when the temperature is below 5o C. or 41o F. In the case of several sleeping plants, viz., species of
* Dassen,'Tijdschrift vor. Naturlijke Gesch. en Physiologie,' 1837, vol. iv. p. 106. See also Ch. Royer on the importance of a proper state of turgescence of the cells, in 'Annal. des Sc. Nat. Bot.' (5th series), ix. 1868, p. 345.
** 'Beitr?ge zur Kentniss der Bewegungen,' etc., in 'Flora,' 1879, pp. 42, 43, 67, etc.
*** 'Annal. des Sc. Nat. Bot.' (5th Series), ix. 1868, p. 366. [page 319]
Tropaeolum, Lupinus, Ipomoea, Abutilon, Siegesbeckia, and probably other genera, it is indispensable that the leaves should be well illuminated during the day in order that they may assume at night a vertical position; and it was probably owing to this cause that seedlings12 of Chenopodium album and Siegesbeckia orientalis, raised by us during the middle of the winter, though kept at a proper temperature, did not sleep. Lastly, violent agitation14 by a strong wind, during a few minutes, of the leaves of Maranta arundinacea (which previously had not been disturbed in the hot-house), prevented their sleeping during the two next nights.
We will now give our observations on sleeping plants, made in the manner described in the Introduction. The stem of the plant was always secured (when not stated to the contrary) close to the base of the leaf, the movements of which were being observed, so as to prevent the stem from circumnutating. As the tracings were made on a vertical glass in front of the plant, it was obviously impossible to trace its course as soon as the leaf became in the evening greatly inclined either upwards15 or downwards16; it must therefore be understood that the broken lines in the diagrams, which represent the evening and nocturnal courses, ought always to be prolonged to a much greater distance, either upwards or downwards, than appears in them. The conclusions which may be deduced from our observations will be given near the end of this chapter.
In the following list all the genera which include sleeping plants are given, as far as known to us. The same arrangement is followed as in former cases, and the number of the Family is appended. This list possesses some interest, as it shows that the habit of [page 320] sleeping is common to some few plants throughout the whole vascular17 series. The greater number of the genera in the list have been observed by ourselves with more or less care; but several are given on the authority of others (whose names are appended in the list), and about these we have nothing more to say. No doubt the list is very imperfect, and several genera might have been added from the 'Somnus Plantarum' by Linnaeus; but we could not judge in some of his cases, whether the blades occupied at night a nearly vertical position. He refers to some plants as sleeping, for instance, Lathyrus odoratus and Vicia faba, in which we could observe no movement deserving to be called sleep, and as no one can doubt the accuracy of Linnaeus, we are left in doubt.
[List of Genera, including species the leaves of which sleep.
Genus Family.
Githago Caryophylleae (26). Stellaria (Batalin). " Portulaca (Ch.Royer). Portulaceae (27). Sida Malvaceae (36). Abutilon. " Malva (Linnaeus and Pfeffer). " Hibiscus (Linnaeus). " Anoda. " Gossypium. " Ayenia (Linnaeus). Sterculaceae (37). Triumfetta (Linnaeus). Tiliaceae (38). Linum (Batalin). Lineae (39). Oxalis. Oxalidae (41). Averrhoa. " Porlieria. Zygophylleae (45). Guiacum. " Impatiens (Linnaeus, Pfeffer, Batalin). Balsamineae (48). Tropaeolum. Tropaeoleae (49). Crotolaria (Thiselton Dyer). Leguminosae (75) Tribe II. Lupinus. " " Cytisus. " " Trigonella. " Tr. III. Medicago. " Melilotus. " " Trifolium. " " Securigera. " Tr. IV. Lotus. " " Psoralea. " Tr. V. Amorpha (Cuchartre). " " Daelea. " " Indigofera. " " Tephrosia. " " Wistaria. " " Robinia. " " Sphaerophysa. " " Colutea. " " Astragalus. " " Glycyrrhiza. " " Coronilla. " Tr. VI. Hedysarum. " " [page 321]
A List of Genera (continued).
Genus Family. Onobrychis. Leguminosae (75) Tr. VI. Smithia. " " Arachis. " " Desmodium. " " Urania. " " Vicia. " Tr. VII. Centrosema. " Tr. VIII. Amphicarpaea. " " Glycine. " " Erythrina. " " Apios. " " Phaseolus. " " Sophora. " Tr. X. Caesalpinia. " Tr. XIII. Haematoxylon. " " Gleditschia (Duchartre). " " Poinciana. " " Cassia. " Tr. XIV. Bauhinia. " Tr. XV. Tamarindus. " Tr. XVI. Adenanthera. " Tr. XX. Prosopis. " " Neptunia. " " Mimosa. " " Schrankia. " " Acacia. " Tr. XXII. Albizzia. " Tr. XXIII. Melaleuca (Bouché). Myrtaceae (94).
Sub-class I. ANGIOSPERMS (continued).
Genus Family. Aenothera (Linnaeus). Omagrarieae (100). Passiflora. Passifloracea (105). Siegesbeckia. Compositae (122). Ipomoea. Convolvulacea (151). Nicotiana. Solaneae (157). Mirabilis. Nyctagineae (177). Polygonum (Batalin). Polygoneae (179). Amaranthus. Amaranthaceae (180). Chenopodium. Chenopodieae (181). Pimelia (Bouché). Thymeteae (188). Euphorbia. Euphorbiaceae (202) Phyllanthus (Pfeffer). "
Sub-class II. GYMNOSPERMS. Aies (Chatin).
Thalia. Cannaceae (21). Maranta. " Colocasia. Aroideae (30). Strephium. Gramineae (55).
Marsilea. Marsileaceae (4).
Githago segetum (Caryophylleae).—The first leaves produced by young seedlings, rise up and close together at night. On a rather older seedling13, two young leaves stood at noon at 55o above the horizon, and at night at 86o, so each had risen 31o. The angle, however, was less in some cases. Similar observations were occasionally made on young leaves (for the older ones moved very little) produced by nearly full-grown plants. Batalin says ('Flora,' Oct. 1st, 1873, p. 437) that the young leaves of Stellaria close up so completely at night that they form together great buds.
Sida (Malvaceae).—the nyctitropic movements of the leaves in this genus are remarkable18 in some respects. Batalin informs [page 322] us (see also 'Flora,' Oct. 1st, 1873, p. 437) that those of S. napaea fall at night, but to what angle he cannot remember. The leaves of S. rhombifolia and retusa, on the other hand, rise up vertically, and are pressed against the stem. We have therefore here within the same genus, directly opposite movements. Again, the leaves of S. rhombifolia are furnished with a pulvinus, formed of a mass of small cells destitute19 of chlorophyll, and with their longer axes perpendicular to the axis20 of the petiole. As measured along this latter line, these cells are only 1/5th of the length of those of the petiole; but instead of being abruptly21 separated from them (as is usual with the pulvinus in most plants), they graduate into the larger cells of the petiole. On the other hand, S. napaea, according to Batalin, does not possess a pulvinus; and he informs us that a gradation may be traced in the several species of the genus between these two states of the petiole. Sida rhombifolia presents another peculiarity23, of which we have seen no other instance with leaves that sleep: for those on very young plants, though they rise somewhat in the evening, do not go to sleep, as we observed
Fig24. 126. Sida rhombifolia: circumnutation and nyctitropic (or sleep) movements of a leaf on a young plant, 9 ? inches high; filament25 fixed26 to midrib of nearly full-grown leaf, 2 3/8 inches in length; movement traced under a sky-light. Apex27 of leaf 5 5/8 inches from the vertical glass, so diagram not greatly enlarged. [page 323]
on several occasions; whilst those on rather older plants sleep in a conspicuous28 manner. For instance a leaf (.85 of an inch in length) on a very young seedling 2 inches high, stood at noon 9o above the horizon, and at 10 P.M. at 28o, so it had risen only 19o; another leaf (1.4 inch in length) on a seedling of the same height, stood at the same two periods at 7o and 32o, and therefore had risen 25o. These leaves, which moved so little, had a fairly well-developed pulvinus. After an interval29 of some weeks, when the same seedlings were 2 ? and 3 inches in height, some of the young leaves stood up at night quite vertically, and others were highly inclined; and so it was with bushes which were fully30 grown and were flowering.
The movement of a leaf was traced from 9.15 A.M. on May 28th to 8.30 A.M. on the 30th. The temperature was too low (15o - 16o C.), and the illumination hardly sufficient; consequently the leaves did not become quite so highly inclined at night, as they had done previously and as they did subsequently in the hot-house: but the movements did not appear otherwise disturbed. On the first day the leaf sank till 5.15 P.M.; it then rose rapidly and greatly till 10.5 P.M., and only a little higher during the rest of the night (Fig. 126). Early on the next day (29th) it fell in a slightly zigzag31 line rapidly until 9 A.M., by which time it had reached nearly the same place as on the previous morning. During the remainder of the day it fell slowly, and zigzagged32 laterally33. The evening rise began after 4 P.M. in the same manner as before, and on the second morning it again fell rapidly. The ascending34 and descending35 lines do not coincide, as may be seen in the diagram. On the 30th a new tracing was made (not here given) on a rather enlarged scale, as the apex of the leaf now stood 9 inches from the vertical glass. In order to observe more carefully the course pursued at the time when the diurnal37 fall changes into the nocturnal rise, dots were made every half-hour between 4 P.M. and 10.30 P.M. This rendered the lateral zigzagging38 movement during the evening more conspicuous than in the diagram given, but it was of the same nature as there shown. The impression forced on our minds was that the leaf was expending39 superfluous40 movement, so that the great nocturnal rise might not occur at too early an hour.
Abutilon Darwinii (Malvaceae).—The leaves on some very young plants stood almost horizontally during the day, and hung down vertically at night. Very fine plants kept in a [page 324] large hall, lighted only from the roof, did not sleep at night for in order to do so the leaves must be well illuminated during the day. The cotyledons do not sleep. Linnaeus says that the leaves of his Sida abutilon sink perpendicularly41 down at night, though the petioles rise. Prof. Pfeffer informs us that the leaves of a Malva, allied42 to M. sylvestris, rise greatly at night; and this genus, as well as that of Hibiscus, are included by Linnaeus in his list of sleeping plants.
Anoda Wrightii (Malvaceae).—The leaves, produced by very young plants, when grown to a moderate size, sink at night either almost vertically down or to an angle of about 45o beneath the horizon; for there is a considerable degree of variability in the amount of sinking at night, which depends in part on the degree to which they have been illuminated during the day. But the leaves, whilst quite young, do not sink down at night, and this is a very unusual circumstance. The summit of the petiole, where it joins the blade, is developed into a pulvinus, and this is present in very young leaves which do not sleep; though it is not so well defined as in older leaves.
Gossypium (var. Nankin cotton, Malvaceae).—Some young leaves, between 1 and 2 inches in length, borne by two seedlings 6 and 7 ? inches in height, stood horizontally, or were raised a little above the horizon at noon on July 8th and 9th; but by 10 P.M. they had sunk down to between 68o and 90o beneath the horizon. When the same plants had grown to double the above height, their leaves stood at night almost or quite vertically dependent. The leaves on some large plants of G. maritimum and Brazilense, which were kept in a very badly lighted hot-house, only occasionally sank much downwards at night, and hardly enough to be called sleep.
Oxalis (Oxalidae).—In most of the species in this large genus the three leaflets sink vertically down at night; but as their sub-petioles are short the blades could not assume this position from the want of space, unless they were in some manner rendered narrower; and this is effected by their becoming more or less folded (Fig. 127). The angle formed by the two halves of the same leaflet was found to vary in different individuals of several species between 92o and 150o; in three of the best folded leaflets of O. fragrans it was 76o, 74o, and 54o. The angle is often different in the three leaflets of the same leaf. As the leaflets sink down at night and become folded, their lower surfaces are brought near together (see B), or even into [page 325] close contact; and from this circumstance it might be thought that the object of the folding was the protection of their lower surfaces. If this had been the case, it would have formed a strongly marked exception to the rule, that when there is any difference in the degree of protection from radiation of the two surfaces of the leaves, it is always the upper surface which is the best protected. But that the folding of the leaflets, and consequent mutual43 approximation of their lower surfaces, serves merely to allow them to sink down vertically, may be
Fig. 127. Oxalis acetosella: A, leaf seen from vertically above; B, diagram of leaf asleep, also seen from vertically above.
inferred from the fact that when the leaflets do not radiate from the summit of a common petiole, or, again, when there is plenty of room from the sub-petioles not being very short, the leaflets sink down without becoming folded. This occurs with the leaflets of O. sensitiva, Plumierii, and bupleurifolia.
There is no use in giving a long list of the many species which sleep in the above described manner. This holds good with species having rather fleshy leaves, like those of O. carnosa, or large leaves like those of O. Ortegesii, or four leaflets like those of O. variabilis. There are, however, some species which show no signs of sleep, viz., O. pentaphylla, enneaphylla, hirta, and rubella. We will now describe the nature of the movements in some of the species.
Oxalis acetosella.—The movement of a leaflet, together with that of the main petiole, are shown in the following diagram (Fig. 128), traced between 11 A.M. on October 4th and 7.45 A.M. on the 5th. After 5.30 P.M. on the 4th the leaflet sank rapidly, and at 7 P.M. depended vertically. for some time before it assumed this latter position, its movements could, of course, no longer be traced on the vertical glass, and the broken line in the diagram ought to be extended much further [page 326] down in this and all other cases. By 6.45 A.M. on the following morning it had risen considerably44, and continued to rise for the next hour; but, judging from other observations, it would soon have begun to fall again. Between 11 A.M. and 5.30 P.M. the leaflet moved at least four times up and four times down before the great nocturnal fall commenced; it reached its highest point at noon. Similar observations were made on two other leaflets, with nearly the same results. Sachs and Pfeffer have also described briefly45* the autonomous46 movements of the leaves of this plant.
Fig 128. Oxalis acetosella: circumnutation and nyctitropic movements of a nearly full-grown leaf, with filament attached to the midrib of one of the leaflets; traced on vertical glass during 20 h. 45m.
On another occasion the petiole of a leaf was secured to a little stick close beneath the leaflets, and a filament tipped with a bead47 of sealing-wax was affixed48 to the mid-rib of one of them, and a mark was placed close behind. At 7 P.M., when the leaflets were asleep, the filament depended vertically down, and the movements of the bead were then traced till 10.40 P.M., as shown in the following diagram (Fig. 129). We here see that the leaflet moved a little from side to side, as well as a little up and down, whilst asleep.
* Sachs in 'Flora,' 1863, p. 470, etc; Pfeffer, 'Die Period. Bewegungen,' etc., 1875, p. 53. [page 327]
Fig 129. Oxalis acetosella: circumnutation of leaflet when asleep; traced on vertical glass during 3 h. 40 m.
Oxalis Valdiviana.—The leaves resemble those of the last species, and the movements of two leaflets (the main petioles of both having been secured) were traced during two days; but the tracings are not given, as they resembled that of O. acetosella, with the exception that the up and down oscillations were not so frequent during the day, and there was more lateral movement, so that broader ellipses49 were described. The leaves awoke early in the morning, for by 6.45 A.M. on June 12th and 13th they had not only risen to their full height, but had already begun to fall, that is, they were circumnutating. We have seen in the last chapter that the cotyledons, instead of sinking, rise up vertically at night.
Oxalis Ortegesii.—The large leaves of this plant sleep like those of the previous species. The main petioles are long, and that of a young leaf rose 20o between noon and 10 P.M., whilst the petiole of an older leaf rose only 13o. Owing to this rising of the petioles, and the vertical sinking of the large leaflets, the leaves become crowded together at night, and the whole plant then exposes a much smaller surface to radiation than during the day.
Oxalis Plumierii.—In this species the three leaflets do not surround the summit of the petiole, but the terminal leaflet projects in the line of the petiole, with a lateral leaflet on each side. They all sleep by bending vertically downwards, but do not become at all folded. The petiole is rather long, and, one having been secured to a stick, the movement of the terminal leaflet was traced during 45 h. on a vertical glass. It moved in a very simple manner, sinking rapidly after 5 P.M., and rising rapidly early next morning. During the middle of the day it moved slowly and a little laterally. Consequently the ascending and descending lines did not coincide, and a single great ellipse was formed each day. There was no other evidence of circumnutation, and this fact is of interest, as we shall hereafter see.
Oxalis sensitiva.—The leaflets, as in the last species, bend vertically down at night, without becoming folded. The much elongated50 main petiole rises considerably in the evening, but in [page 328] some very young plants the rise did not commence until late at night. We have seen that the cotyledons, instead of sinking like the leaflets, rise up vertically at night.
Oxalis bupleurifolia.—This species is rendered remarkable by the petioles being foliaceous, like the phyllodes of many Acacias. The leaflets are small, of a paler green and more tender consistence than the foliaceous petioles. The leaflet which was observed was .55 inch in length, and was borne by a petiole 2 inches long and .3 inch broad. It may be suspected that the leaflets are on the road to abortion51 or obliteration52, as has actually occurred with those of another Brazilian species, O. rusciformis. Nevertheless, in the present species the nyctitropic movements are perfectly53 performed. The foliaceous petiole was first observed during 48 h., and found to be in continued circumnutation, as shown in the accompanying figure (Fig. 130). It rose during the day and early part of the night, and fell during the remainder of the night and early morning; but the movement was not sufficient to be called sleep. The ascending and descending lines did not coincide, so that an ellipse was formed each day. There was but little zigzagging; if the filament had been fixed longitudinally, we should probably have seen that there was more lateral movement than appears in the diagram.
Fig. 130. Oxalis bupleurifolia: circumnutation of foliaceous petiole, filament fixed obliquely54 across end of petiole; movements traced on vertical glass from 9 A.M. June 26th to 8.50 A.M. 28th. Apex of leaflet 4 ? inches from the glass, so movement not much magnified. Plant 9 inches high, illuminated from above. Temp. 23 1/2o - 24 1/2o C.
A terminal leaflet on another leaf was next observed (the petiole being secured), and its movements are shown in Fig. 131. During the day the leaflets are extended horizontally, and at night depend vertically; and as the petiole rises during the day the leaflets have to bend down in the evening [page 329] more than 90o, so as to assume at night their vertical position. On the first day the leaflet simply moved up and down; on the
Fig. 131. Oxalis bupleurifolia: circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of terminal leaflet, with filament affixed along the midrib; traced on a vertical glass from 9 A.M. on June 26th to 8.45 A.M. 28th. Conditions the same as in the last case.
second day it plainly circumnutated between 8 A.M. and 4.30 P.M., after which hour the great evening fall commenced. [page 330]
Averrhoa bilimbi (Oxalidae).—It has long been known,* firstly, that the leaflets in this genus sleep; secondly56, that they move spontaneously during the day; and thirdly, that they are sensitive to a touch; but in none of these respects do they differ essentially57 from the species of Oxalis. They differ, however, as Mr. R. I. Lynch** has lately shown, in their spontaneous movements being strongly marked. In the case of A. bilimbi, it is a wonderful spectacle to behold58 on a warm sunny day the leaflets one after the other sinking rapidly downwards, and again ascending slowly. Their movements rival those of Desmodium gyrans. At night the leaflets hang vertically down; and now
Fig. 132. Averrhoa bilimbi: leaf asleep; drawing reduced.
they are motionless, but this may be due to the opposite ones being pressed together (Fig. 132). The main petiole is in constant movement during the day, but no careful observations were made on it. The following diagrams are graphic59 representations of the variations in the angle, which a given leaflet makes with the vertical. The observations were made as follows. The plant growing in a pot was kept in a high temperature, the petiole of the leaf to be observed pointing straight at the observer, being separated from him by a vertical pane60 of glass. The petiole was secured so that the basal joint61, or pulvinus, of one of the lateral leaflets was at the centre of a graduated arc placed close behind the leaflet. A fine glass filament was fixed to the leaf, so as to project like a continuation of the
* Dr. Bruce, 'Philosophical62 Trans.,' 1785, p. 356.
** 'Journal Linn. Soc.,' vol. xvi. 1877, p. 231. [page 331]
midrib. This filament acted as an index; and as the leaf rose and fell, rotating about its basal joint, its angular movement
Fig. 133. Averrhoa bilimbi: angular movements of a leaflet during its evening descent, when going to sleep. Temp. 78o - 81o F.
could be recorded by reading off at short intervals63 of time the position of the glass filament on the graduated arc. In order [page 332] to avoid errors of parallax, all readings were made by looking through a small ring painted on the vertical glass, in a line with the joint of the leaflet and the centre of the graduated arc. In the following diagrams the ordinates represent the angles which the leaflet made with the vertical at successive instants.* It follows that a fall in the curve represents an actual dropping of the leaf, and that the zero line represents a vertically dependent position. Fig. 133 represents the nature of the movements which occur in the evening, as soon as the leaflets begin to assume their nocturnal position. At 4.55 P.M. the leaflet formed an angle of 85o with the vertical, or was only 5o below the horizontal; but in order that the diagram might get into our page, the leaflet is represented falling from 75o instead of 85o. Shortly after 6 P.M. it hung vertically down, and had attained64 its nocturnal position. Between 6.10 and 6.35 P.M. it performed a number of minute oscillations of about 2o each, occupying periods of 4 or 5 m. The complete state of rest of the leaflet which ultimately followed is not shown in the diagram. It is manifest that each oscillation consists of a gradual rise, followed by a sudden fall. Each time the leaflet fell, it approached nearer to the nocturnal position than it did on the previous fall. The amplitude65 of the oscillations diminished, while the periods of oscillation became shorter.
In bright sunshine the leaflets assume a highly inclined dependent position. A leaflet in diffused66 light was observed rising for 25 m. A blind was then pulled up so that the plant was brightly illuminated (BR in Fig. 134), and within a minute it began to fall, and ultimately fell 47o, as shown in the diagram. This descent was performed by six descending steps, precisely67 similar to those by which the nocturnal fall is effected. The plant was then again shaded (SH), and a long slow rise occurred until another series of falls commenced at BR', when the sun was again admitted. In this experiment cool air was allowed to enter by the windows being opened at the same time that the blinds were pulled up, so that in spite of the sun shining on the plant the temperature was not raised.
The effect of an increase of temperature in diffused light is
* In all the diagrams 1 mm. in the horizontal direction represents one minute of time. Each mm. in the vertical direction represents one degree of angular movement. In Figs68. 133 and 134 the temperature is represented (along the ordinates) in the scale of 1 mm. to each 0.1 degree C. In Fig. 135 each mm. equals 0.2o F. [page 333]
shown in Fig. 135. The temperature began to rise at 11.35 A.M. (in consequence of the fire being lighted), but by 12.42 a marked fall had occurred. It may be seen in the diagram that when the temperature was highest there were rapid oscillations
Fig. 134. Averrhoa bilimbi: angular movements of leaflet during a change from bright illumination to shade; temperature (broken line) remaining nearly the same.
of small amplitude, the mean position of the leaflet being at the time nearer the vertical. When the temperature began to fall, the oscillations became slower and larger, and the mean position of the leaf again approached the horizontal. The rate of oscillation was sometimes quicker than is represented in the above diagram. Thus, when the temperature was between 31o and [page 334]
Fig. 135. Averrhoa bilimbi: angular movement of leaflet during a change of temperature; light remaining the same. The broken line shows the change of temperature. [page 335]
32o C., 14 oscillations of a few degrees occurred in 19 m. On the other hand, an oscillation may be much slower; thus a leaflet was observed (temperature 25o C.) to rise during 40 m. before it fell and completed its oscillation.
Fig. 136. Porlieria hygrometrica: circumnutation and nyctitropic movements of petiole of leaf, traced from 9.35 A.M. July 7th to about midnight on the 8th. Apex of leaf 7 ? inches from the vertical glass. Temp. 19 1/2o - 20 1/2o C.
Porlieria hygrometrica (Zygophylleae).—The leaves of this plant (Chilian form) are from 1 to 1 ? inch in length, and bear as many as 16 or 17 small leaflets on each side, which do not stand opposite one another. They are articulated to the petiole, and the petiole to the branch by a pulvinus. We must premise7 that apparently70 two forms are confounded under the same name: the leaves on a bush from Chili69, which was sent to us from Kew, bore many leaflets, whilst those on plants in the Botanic Garden at Würzburg bore only 8 or 9 pairs; and the whole character of the bushes appeared somewhat different. We shall also see that they differ in a remarkable physiological71 peculiarity. On the Chilian plant the petioles of the younger leaves on upright branches, stood horizontally during the day, and at night sank down vertically so as to depend parallel and close to the branch beneath. The petioles of rather older leaves did not become at night vertically depressed72, but only highly inclined. In one instance we found a branch which had grown perpendicularly downwards, and the petioles on it moved in the same direction relatively73 to the branch as just stated, and therefore moved upwards. On horizontal branches the younger petioles likewise move at night in the same direction as before, that is, towards the branch, and are consequently then extended horizontally; but it is remarkable that the older petioles on the [page 336] same branch, though moving a little in the same direction, also bend downwards; they thus occupy a somewhat different position, relatively to the centre of the earth and to the branch, from that of the petioles on the upright branches. With respect to the leaflets, they move at night towards the apex of the petiole until their midribs stand nearly parallel to it; and they then lie neatly74 imbricated one over the other. Thus half of the upper surface of each leaflet is in close contact with half of the lower surface of the one next in advance; and all the leaflets, excepting the basal ones, have the whole of their upper surfaces and half of their lower surfaces well protected. Those on the opposite sides of the same petiole do not come into close contact at night, as occurs with the leaflets of so many Leguminosae but are separated by an open furrow75; nor could they exactly coincide, as they stand alternately with respect to one another.
The circumnutation of the petiole of a leaf 3/4 of an inch in length, on an upright branch, was observed during 36h., and is shown in the preceding diagram (Fig. 136). On the first morning, the leaf fell a little and then rose until 1 P.M., and this was probably due to its being now illuminated through a skylight from above; it then circumnutated on a very small scale round the same spot until about 4 P.M., when the great evening fall commenced. During the latter part of the night or very early on the next morning the leaf rose again. On the second day it fell during the morning till 1 P.M., and this no doubt is its normal habit. From 1 to 4 P.M. it rose in a zigzag line, and soon afterwards the great evening fall commenced. It thus completed a double oscillation during the 24 h.
The specific name given to this plant by Ruiz and Pavon, indicates that in its native arid76 home it is affected in some manner by the dryness or dampness of the atmosphere.* In the Botanic Garden at Würzburg, there was a plant in a pot out of doors which was daily watered, and another in the open ground which was never watered. After some hot and dry weather there was a great difference in the state of the leaflets on these two plants; those on the unwatered plant in the open ground remaining half,
* 'Systema Veg. Florae Peruvianae et Chilensis,' tom. i. p. 95, 1798. We cannot understand the account given by the authors of the behaviour of this plant in its native home. There is much about its power of foretelling77 changes in the weather; and it appears as if the brightness of the sky largely determined78 the opening and closing of the leaflets. [page 337]
or even quite, closed during the day. But twigs79 cut from this bush, with their ends standing80 in water, or wholly immersed in it, or kept in damp air under a bell-glass, opened their leaves though exposed to a blazing sun; whilst those on the plant in the ground remained closed. The leaves on this same plant, after some heavy rain, remained open for two days; they then became half closed during two days, and after an additional day were quite closed. This plant was now copiously81 watered, and on the following morning the leaflets were fully expanded. The other plant growing in a pot, after having been exposed to heavy rain, was placed before a window in the Laboratory, with its leaflets open, and they remained so during the daytime for 48 h.; but after an additional day were half closed. The plant was then watered, and the leaflets on the two following days remained open. On the third day they were again half closed, but on being again watered remained open during the two next days. From these several facts we may conclude that the plant soon feels the want of water; and that as soon as this occurs, it partially82 or quite closes its leaflets, which in their then imbricated condition expose a small surface to evaporation83. It is therefore probable that this sleep-like movement, which occurs only when the ground is dry, is an adaptation against the loss of moisture.
A bush about 4 feet in height, a native of Chili, which was thickly covered with leaves, behaved very differently, for during the day it never closed its leaflets. On July 6th the earth in the small pot in which it grew appeared extremely dry, and it was given a very little water. After 21 and 22 days (on the 27th and 28th), during the whole of which time the plant did not receive a drop of water, the leaves began to droop84, but they showed no signs of closing during the day. It appeared almost incredible that any plant, except a fleshy one, could have kept alive in soil so dry, which resembled the dust on a road. On the 29th, when the bush was shaken, some leaves fell off, and the remaining ones were unable to sleep at night. It was therefore moderately watered, as well as syringed, late in the evening. On the next morning (30th) the bush looked as fresh as ever, and at night the leaves went to sleep. It may be added that a small branch while growing on the bush was enclosed, by means of a curtain of bladder, during 13 days in a large bottle half full of quicklime, so that the air within must have been intensely dry; yet the leaves on this branch did not suffer in the [page 338] least, and did not close at all during the hottest days. Another trial was made with the same bush on August 2nd and 6th (the soil appearing at this latter date extremely dry), for it was exposed out of doors during the whole day to the wind, but the leaflets showed no signs of closing. The Chilian form therefore differs widely from the one at Würzburg, in not closing its leaflets when suffering from the want of water; and it can live for a surprisingly long time without water.
Tropaeolum majus (?) (cultivated var.) (Tropaeoleae).—Several plants in pots stood in the greenhouse, and the blades of the leaves which faced the front-lights were during the day highly inclined and at night vertical; whilst the leaves on the back of the pots, though of course illuminated through the roof, did not become vertical at night. We thought, at first, that this difference in their positions was in some manner due to heliotropism, for the leaves are highly heliotropic. The true explanation, however, is that unless they are well illuminated during at least a part of the day they do not sleep at night; and a little difference in the degree of illumination determines whether or not they shall become vertical at night. We have observed no other so well-marked a case as this, of the influence of previous illumination on nyctitropic movements. The leaves present also another peculiarity in their habit of rising or awaking in the morning, being more strongly fixed or inherited than that of sinking or sleeping at night. The movements are caused by the bending of an upper part of the petiole, between ? and 1 inch in length; but the part close to the blade, for about 1/4 of an inch in length, does not bend and always remains85 at right angles to the blade. The bending portion does not present any external or internal difference in structure from the rest of the petiole. We will now give the experiments on which the above conclusions are founded.
A large pot with several plants was brought on the morning of Sept. 3rd out of the greenhouse and placed before a north-east window, in the same position as before with respect to the light, as far as that was possible. On the front of the plants, 24 leaves were marked with thread, some of which had their blades horizontal, but the greater number were inclined at about 45o, beneath the horizon; at night all these, without exception, became vertical. Early on the following morning (4th) they reassumed their former positions, and at night again became vertical. On the 5th the shutters86 were opened at 6.15 A.M., and [page 339] by 8.18 A.M., after the leaves had been illuminated for 2 h. 3 m. and had acquired their diurnal position, they were placed in a dark cupboard. They were looked at twice during the day and thrice in the evening, the last time at 10.30 P.M., and not one had become vertical. At 8 A.M. on the following morning (6th) they still retained the same diurnal position, and were now replaced before the north-east window. At night all the leaves which had faced the light had their petioles curved and their blades vertical; whereas none of the leaves on the back of the plants, although they had been moderately illuminated by the diffused light of the room, were vertical. They were now at night placed in the same dark cupboard; at 9 A.M. on the next morning (7th) all those which had been asleep had reassumed their diurnal position. The pot was then placed for 3 h. in the sunshine, so as to stimulate87 the plants; at noon they were placed before the same north-east window, and at night the leaves slept in the usual manner and awoke on the following morning. At noon on this day (8th) the plants, after having been left before the north-east window for 5 h. 45 m. and thus illuminated (though not brightly, as the sky was cloudy during the whole time), were replaced in the dark cupboard, and at 3 P.M. the position of the leaves was very little, if at all, altered, so that they are not quickly affected by darkness; but by 10.15 P.M. all the leaves which had faced the north-east sky during the 5 h. 45 m. of illumination stood vertical, whereas those on the back of the plant retained their diurnal position. On the following morning (9th) the leaves awoke as on the two former occasions in the dark, and they were kept in the dark during the whole day; at night a very few of them became vertical, and this was the one instance in which we observed any inherited tendency or habit in this plant to sleep at the proper time. That it was real sleep was shown by these same leaves reassuming their diurnal position on the following morning (10th) whilst still kept in the dark.
The pot was then (9.45 A.M. 10th) replaced, after having been kept for 36 h. in darkness, before the north-east window; and at night the blades of all the leaves (excepting a few on the back of the plants) became conspicuously88 vertical. At 6.45 A.M. (11th) after the plants had been illuminated on the same side as before during only 25 m., the pot was turned round, so that the leaves which had faced the light now faced the interior of the room, and not one of these went to sleep at night; [page 340] whilst some, but not many, of those which had formerly89 stood facing the back of the room and which had never before been well illuminated or gone to sleep, now assumed a vertical position at night. On the next day (12th) the plant was turned round into its original position, so that the same leaves faced the light as formerly, and these now went to sleep in the usual manner. We will only add that with some young seedlings kept in the greenhouse, the blades of the first pair of true leaves (the cotyledons being hypogean) stood during the day almost horizontally and at night almost vertically.
A few observations were subsequently made on the circumnutation of three leaves, whilst facing a north-east window; but the tracings are not given, as the leaves moved somewhat towards the light. It was, however, manifest that they rose and fell more than once during the daytime, the ascending and descending lines being in parts extremely zigzag. The nocturnal fall commenced about 7 P.M., and the leaves had risen considerably by 6.45 A.M. on the following morning.
Leguminosae.—This Family includes many more genera with sleeping species than all the other families put together. The number of the tribes to which each genus belongs, according to Bentham and Hooker's arrangement, has been added.
Crotolaria (sp.?) (Tribe 2).—This plant is monophyllous, and we are informed by Mr. T. Thiselton Dyer that the leaves rise up vertically at night and press against the stem.
Lupinus (Tribe 2).—The palmate or digitate leaves of the species in this large genus sleep in three different manners. One of the simplest, is that all the leaflets become steeply inclined downwards at night, having been during the day extended horizontally. This is shown in the accompanying figures (Fig. 137), of a leaf of L. pilosus, as seen during the day from vertically above, and of another leaf asleep with the leaflets inclined downwards. As in this position they are crowded together, and as they do not become folded like those in the genus Oxalis, they cannot occupy a vertically dependent position; but they are often inclined at an angle of 50o beneath the horizon. In this species, whilst the leaflets are sinking, the petioles rise up, in two instances when the angles were measured to the extent of 23o. The leaflets of L. sub-carnosus and arboreus, which were horizontal during the day, sank down at night in nearly the same manner; the former to an angle of 38o and the latter of 36o, beneath the horizon; but their petioles [page 341] did not move in any plainly perceptible degree. It is, however, quite possible, as we shall presently see, that if a large number of plants of the three foregoing and of the following species
Fig. 137. Lupinus pilosus: A, leaf seen from vertically above in daytime; B, leaf asleep, seen laterally at night.
were to be observed at all seasons, some of the leaves would be found to sleep in a different manner.
In the two following species the leaflets, instead of moving downwards, rise at night. With L. Hartwegii some stood at noon at a mean angle of 36o above the horizon, and at night at 51o, thus forming together a hollow cone91 with moderately steep sides. The petiole of one leaf rose 14o and of a second 11o at night. With L. luteus a leaflet rose from 47o at noon to 65o above the horizon at night, and another on a distinct leaf rose from 45o to 69o. The petioles, however, sink at night to a small extent, viz., in three instances by 2o, 6o, and 9o 30 seconds. Owing to this movement of the petioles, the outer and longer leaflets have to bend up a little more than the shorter and inner ones, in order that all should stand symmetrically at night. We shall presently see that some leaves on the same individual plants of L. luteus sleep in a very different manner.
We now come to a remarkable position of the leaves when asleep, which is common to several species of Lupines. On the same leaf the shorter leaflets, which generally face the centre of the plant, sink at night, whilst the longer ones on the opposite side rise; the intermediate and lateral ones merely twisting on their own axes. But there is some variability with respect to which leaflets rise or fall. As might have been expected from such diverse and complicated movements, the [page 342] base of each leaflet is developed (at least in the case of L. luteus) into a pulvinus. The result is that all the leaflets on the same leaf stand at night more or less highly inclined, or even quite vertically, forming in this latter case a vertical star. This occurs with the leaves of a species purchased under the name of
Fig. 138. Lupinus pubescens: A, leaf viewed laterally during the day; B, same leaf at night; C, another leaf with the leaflet forming a vertical star at night. Figures reduced.
L. pubescens; and in the accompanying figures we see at A (Fig. 138) the leaves in their diurnal position; and at B the same plant at night with the two upper leaves having their leaflets almost vertical. At C another leaf, viewed laterally, is shown with the leaflets quite vertical. It is chiefly or exclusively the youngest leaves which form at night vertical stars. But there [page 343] is much variability in the position of the leaves at night on the same plant; some remaining with their leaflets almost horizontal, others forming more or less highly inclined or vertical stars, and some with all their leaflets sloping downwards, as in our first class of cases. It is also a remarkable fact, that although all the plants produced from the same lot of seeds were identical in appearance, yet some individuals at night had the leaflets of all their leaves arranged so as to form more or less highly inclined stars; others had them all sloping downwards and never forming a star; and others, again, retained them either in a horizontal position or raised them a little.
We have as yet referred only to the different positions of the leaflets of L. pubescens at night; but the petioles likewise differ in their movements. That of a young leaf which formed a highly inclined star at night, stood at noon at 42o above the horizon, and during the night at 72o, so had risen 30o. The petiole of another leaf, the leaflets of which occupied a similar position at night, rose only 6o. On the other hand, the petiole of a leaf with all its leaflets sloping down at night, fell at this time 4o. The petioles of two rather older leaves were subsequently observed; both of which stood during the day at exactly the same angle, viz., 50o above the horizon, and one of these rose 7o - 8o, and the other fell 3o - 4o at night. We meet with cases like that of L. pubescens with some other species. On a single plant of L. mutabilis some leaves, which stood horizontally during the day, formed highly inclined stars at night, and the petiole of one rose 7o. Other leaves which likewise stood horizontally during the day, had at night all their leaflets sloping downwards at 46o beneath the horizon, but their petioles had hardly moved. Again, L. luteus offered a still more remarkable case, for on two leaves, the leaflets which stood at noon at about 45o above the horizon, rose at night to 65o and 69o, so that they formed a hollow cone with steep sides. Four leaves on the same plant, which had their leaflets horizontal at noon, formed vertical stars at night; and three other leaves equally horizontal at noon, had all their leaflets sloping downwards at night. So that the leaves on this one plant assumed at night three different positions. Though we cannot account for this fact, we can see that such a stock might readily give birth to species having widely different nyctitropic habits.
Little more need be said about the sleep of the species of Lupinus; several, namely, L. polyphyllus, nanus, Menziesii, speciosus, [page 344] and albifrons, though observed out of doors and in the greenhouse, did not change the position of their leaves sufficiently92 at night to be said to sleep. From observations made on two sleeping species, it appears that, as with Tropaeolum majus, the leaves must be well illuminated during the day in order to sleep at night. For several plants, kept all day in a sitting-room93 with north-east windows, did not sleep at night; but when the pots were placed on the following day out of doors, and were brought in at night, they slept in the usual manner. the trial was repeated on the following day and night with the same result.
Some observations were made on the circumnutation of the leaves of L. luteus and arboreus. It will suffice to say that the leaflets of the latter exhibited a double oscillation in the course of 24 h.; for they fell from the early morning until 10.15 A.M., then rose and zigzagged greatly till 4 P.M., after which hour the great nocturnal fall commenced. By 8 A.M. on the following morning the leaflets had risen to their proper height. We have seen in the fourth chapter, that the leaves of Lupinus speciosus, which do not sleep, circumnutate to an extraordinary extent, making many ellipses in the course of the day.
Cytisus (Tribe 2), Trigonella and Medicago (Tribe 3).—Only
Fig. 139. Medicago marina: A, leaves during the day; B, leaves asleep at night.
a few observations were made on these three genera. The petioles on a young plant, about a foot in height, of Cytisus fragrans rose at night, on one occasion 23o and on another 33o. The three leaflets also bend upwards, and at the same time [page 345] approach each other, so that the base of the central leaflet overlaps95 the bases of the two lateral leaflets. They bend up so much that they press against the stem; and on looking down on one of these young plants from vertically above, the lower surfaces of the leaflets are visible; and thus their upper surfaces, in accordance with the general rule, are best protected from radiation. Whilst the leaves on these young plants were thus behaving, those on an old bush in full flower did not sleep at night.
Trigonella Cretica resembles a Melilotus in its sleep, which will be immediately described. According to M. Royer,* the leaves of Medicago maculata rise up at night, and "se renversent un peu de manière à presenter96 obliquement au ciel leur face inférieure." A drawing is here given (Fig. 139) of the leaves of M. marina awake and asleep; and this would almost serve for Cytisus fragrans in the same two states.
Melilotus (Tribe 3).—The species in this genus sleep in a remarkable manner. The three leaflets of each leaf twist through an angle of 90o, so that their blades stand vertically at night with one lateral edge presented to the zenith (Fig. 140). We shall best understand the other and more complicated movements, if we imagine ourselves always to hold the leaf with the tip of the terminal leaflet pointed97 to the north. The leaflets in becoming vertical at night could of course twist so that their upper surfaces should face to either side; but the two lateral leaflets always twist so that this surface tends to face the north, but as they move at the same time towards the terminal leaflet, the upper surface of the one faces about N.N.W., and that of the other N.N.E. The terminal leaflet behaves differently, for it twists to either side, the upper surface facing sometimes east and sometimes west, but rather more commonly west than east. The terminal leaflet also moves in another and more remarkable manner, for whilst its blade is twisting and becoming vertical, the whole leaflet bends to one side, and invariably to the side towards which the upper surface is directed; so that if this surface faces the west the whole leaflet bends to the west, until it comes into contact with the upper and vertical surface of the western lateral leaflet. Thus the upper surface of the terminal and of one of the two lateral leaflets is well protected.
The fact of the terminal leaflet twisting indifferently to either
* 'Annales des Sc. Nat. Bot.' (5th series), ix. 1868, p. 368. [page 346]
side and afterwards bending to the same side, seemed to us so remarkable, that we endeavoured to discover the cause. We imagined that at the commencement of the movement it might be determined by one of the two halves of the leaflet being a little heavier than the other. Therefore bits of wood were gummed on one side of several leaflets, but this produced no effect; and they continued to twist in the same direction as
Fig. 140. Melilotus officinalis: A, leaf during the daytime. B, another leaf asleep. C, a leaf asleep as viewed from vertically above; but in this case the terminal leaflet did not happen to be in such close contact with the lateral one, as is usual.
they had previously done. In order to discover whether the same leaflet twisted permanently98 in the same direction, black threads were tied to 20 leaves, the terminal leaflets of which twisted so that their upper surfaces faced west, and 14 white threads to leaflets which twisted to the east. These were observed occasionally during 14 days, and they all continued, with a single exception, to twist and bend in the same direction; for [page 347] one leaflet, which had originally faced east, was observed after 9 days to face west. The seat of both the twisting and bending movement is in the pulvinus of the sub-petioles.
We believe that the leaflets, especially the two lateral ones, in performing the above described complicated movements generally bend a little downwards; but we are not sure of this, for, as far as the main petiole is concerned, its nocturnal movement is largely determined by the position which the leaf happens to occupy during the day. Thus one main petiole was observed to rise at night 59o, whilst three others rose only 7o and 9o. The petioles and sub-petioles are continually circumnutating during the whole 24 h., as we shall presently see.
The leaves of the following 15 species, M. officinalis, suaveolens, parviflora, alba, infesta, dentata, gracilis, sulcata, elegans, coerulea, petitpierreana, macrorrhiza, Italica, secundiflora, and Taurica, sleep in nearly the same manner as just described; but the bending to one side of the terminal leaflet is apt to fail unless the plants are growing vigorously. With M. petitpierreana and secundiflora the terminal leaflet was rarely seen to bend to one side. In young plants of M. Italica it bent90 in the usual manner, but with old plants in full flower, growing in the same pot and observed at the same hour, viz., 8.30 P.M., none of the terminal leaflets on several scores of leaves had bent to one side, though they stood vertically; nor had the two lateral leaflets, though standing vertically, moved towards the terminal one. At 10.30 P.M., and again one hour after midnight, the terminal leaflets had become very slightly bent to one side, and the lateral leaflets had moved a very little towards the terminal one, so that the position of the leaflets even at this late hour was far from the ordinary one. Again, with M. Taurica the terminal leaflets were never seen to bend towards either of the two lateral leaflets, though these, whilst becoming vertical, had bent towards the terminal one. The sub-petiole of the terminal leaflet in this species is of unusual length, and if the leaflet had bent to one side, its upper surface could have come into contact only with the apex of either lateral leaflet; and this, perhaps, is the meaning of the loss of the lateral movement.
The cotyledons do not sleep at night. the first leaf consists of a single orbicular leaflet, which twists at night so that the blade stands vertically. It is a remarkable fact that with M. Taurica, and in a somewhat less degree with M. macrorrhiza and petitpierreana, all the many small and young leaves produced during [page 348] the early spring from shoots on some cut-down plants in the greenhouse, slept in a totally different manner from the normal one; for the three leaflets, instead of twisting on their own axes so as to present their lateral edges to the zenith, turned upwards and stood vertically with their apices pointing to the zenith. They thus assumed nearly the same position as in the allied genus Trifolium; and on the same principle that embryological characters reveal the lines of descent in the animal kingdom, so the movements of the small leaves in the above three species of Melilotus, perhaps indicate that this genus is descended99 from a form which was closely allied to and slept like a Trifolium. Moreover, there is one species, M. messanensis, the leaves of which, on full-grown plants between 2 and 3 feet in height, sleep like the foregoing small leaves and like those of a Trifolium. We were so much surprised at this latter case that, until the flowers and fruit were examined, we thought that the seeds of some Trifolium had been sown by mistake instead of those of a Melilotus. It appears therefore probable that M. messanensis has either retained or recovered a primordial100 habit.
The circumnutation of a leaf of M. officinalis was traced, the stem being left free; and the apex of the terminal leaflet described three laterally extended ellipses, between 8 A.M. and 4 P.M.; after the latter hour the nocturnal twisting movement commenced. It was afterwards ascertained102 that the above movement was compounded of the circumnutation of the stem on a small scale, of the main petiole which moved most, and of the sub-petiole of the terminal leaflet. The main petiole of a leaf having been secured to a stick, close to the base of the sub-petiole of the terminal leaflet, the latter described two small ellipses between 10.30 A.M., and 2 P.M. At 7.15 P.M., after this same leaflet (as well as another) had twisted themselves into their vertical nocturnal position, they began to rise slowly, and continued to do so until 10.35 P.M., after which hour they were no longer observed.
As M. messanensis sleeps in an anomalous103 manner, unlike that of any other species in the genus, the circumnutation of a terminal leaflet, with the stem secured, was traced during two days. On each morning the leaflet fell, until about noon, and then began to rise very slowly; but on the first day the rising movement was interrupted between 1 and 3 P.M. by the formation of a laterally extended ellipse, and on the second day, at the same time, by two smaller ellipses. The rising movement then [page 349] recommenced, and became rapid late in the evening, when the leaflet was beginning to go to sleep. The awaking or sinking movement had already commenced by 6.45 A.M. on both mornings.
Trifolium (Tribe 3).—The nyctitropic movements of 11 species were observed, and were found to be closely similar. If we select a leaf of T. repens having an upright petiole, and with the three leaflets expanded horizontally, the two lateral leaflets will be seen in the evening to twist and approach each other, until their upper surfaces come into contact. At the same time they bend downwards in a plane at right angles to that of their former position, until their midribs form an angle of about 45o with the upper part of the petiole. This peculiar22 change of position requires a considerable amount of torsion in the pulvinus. The terminal leaflet merely rises up without any twist-
Fig. 141. Trifolium repens: A, leaf during the day; B, leaf asleep at night.
ing and bends over until it rests on and forms a roof over the edges of the now vertical and united lateral leaflets. Thus the terminal leaflet always passes through an angle of at least 90o, generally of 130o or 140o, and not rarely—as was often observed with T. subterraneum—of 180o. In this latter case the terminal leaflet stands at night horizontally (as in Fig. 141), with its lower surface fully exposed to the zenith. Besides the difference in the angles, at which the terminal leaflets stand at night in the individuals of the same species, the degree to which the lateral leaflets approach each other often likewise differs.
We have seen that the cotyledons of some species and not of others rise up vertically at night. The first true leaf is generally unifoliate and orbicular; it always rises, and either stands vertically at night or more commonly bends a little over so as to expose the lower surface obliquely to the zenith, in the same manner as does the terminal leaflet of the mature leaf. But it does not twist itself like the corresponding first simple leaf of Melilotus. [page 350] With T. Pannonicum the first true leaf was generally unifoliate, but sometimes trifoliate, or again partially lobed104 and in an intermediate condition.
Circumnutation.—Sachs described in 1863* the spontaneous up and down movements of the leaflets of T. incarnatum, when kept in darkness. Pfeffer made many observations on the similar movements in T. pratense.** He states that the terminal leaflet of this species, observed at different times, passed through angles of from 30o to 120o in the course of from 1 ? to 4 h. We observed the movements of T. subterraneum, resupinatum, and repens.
Trifolium subterraneum.—A petiole was secured close to the base of the three leaflets, and the movement of the terminal leaflet was traced during 26 ? h., as shown in the figure on the next page.
Between 6.45 A.M. and 6 P.M. the apex moved 3 times up and 3 times down, completing 3 ellipses in 11 h. 15 m. The ascending and descending lines stand nearer to one another than is usual with most plants, yet there was some lateral motion. At 6 P.M. the great nocturnal rise commenced, and on the next morning the sinking of the leaflet was continued until 8.30 A.M., after which hour it circumnutated in the manner just described. In the figure the great nocturnal rise and the morning fall are greatly abbreviated105, from the want of space, and are merely represented by a short curved line. The leaflet stood horizontally when at a point a little beneath the middle of the diagram; so that during the daytime it oscillated almost equally above and beneath a horizontal position. At 8.30 A.M. it stood 48o beneath the horizon, and by 11.30 A.M. it had risen 50o above the horizon; so that it passed through 98o in 3 h. By the aid of the tracing we ascertained that the distance travelled in the 3 h. by the apex of this leaflet was 1.03 inch. If we look at the figure, and prolong upwards in our mind's eye the short curved broken line, which represents the nocturnal course, we see that the latter movement is merely an exaggeration or prolongation of one of the diurnal ellipses. The same leaflet had been observed on the previous day, and the course then pursued was almost identically the same as that here described.
* 'Flora,' 1863, p. 497.
** 'Die Period. Bewegungen,' 1875, pp. 35, 52. [page 351]
Fig. 142. Trifolium subterraneum: circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of terminal leaflet (.68 inch in length), traced from 6.45 A.M. July 4th to 9.15 A.M. 5th. Apex of leaf 3 7/8 inches from the vertical glass, and movement, as here shown, magnified 5 1/4 times, reduced to one-half of original scale. Plant illuminated from above; temp. 16o - 17o C.
Trifolium resupinatum.—A plant left entirely106 free was placed before a north-east window, in such a position that a terminal leaflet projected at right angles to the source of the light, the sky being uniformly clouded all day. The movements of this leaflet were traced during two days, and on both were closely similar. Those executed on the second day are shown in Fig. 143. The obliquity107 of the several lines is due partly to the manner in which the leaflet was viewed, and partly to its having moved a little towards the light. From 7.50 A.M. to 8.40 A.M. the leaflet fell, that is, the awakening108 movement was continued. It then rose and moved a little laterally towards the light. At 12.30 it retrograded, and at 2.30 resumed its original course, having thus completed a small ellipse during the middle of the day. In the evening it rose rapidly, and by 8 A.M. on the following morning had returned to exactly the same spot as on the previous morning. The line representing the nocturnal course ought to be extended much higher up, and is here abbreviated into a short, [page 352] curved, broken line. The terminal leaflet, therefore, of this species described during the daytime only a single additional ellipse, instead of two additional ones, as in the case of T. subterraneum. But we should remember that it was shown in the fourth chapter that the stem circumnutates, as no doubt does the main petiole and the sub-petioles; so that the movement represented in Fig. 143 is a compounded one. We tried to observe the movements of a leaf kept during the day in darkness, but it began to go to sleep after 2 h. 15 m., and this was well pronounced after 4 h. 30 m.
Fig 143. Trifolium resupinatum: circumnutation and nyctitropic movements of the terminal leaflet during 24 hours.
Trifolium repens.—A stem was secured close to the base of a moderately old leaf, and the movement of the terminal leaflet was observed during two days. This case is interesting solely109 from the simplicity110 of the movements, in contrast with those of the two preceding species. On the first day the leaflet fell between 8 A.M. and 3 P.M., and on the second between 7 A.M. and 1 P.M. On both days the descending course was somewhat zigzag, and this evidently represents the circumnutating movement of the two previous species during the middle of the day. After 1 P.M., Oct. 1st (Fig. 144), the leaflet began to rise, but the movement was slow on both days, both before and after this hour, until 4 P.M. The rapid evening and nocturnal rise then commenced. Thus in this species the course during 24 h. consists of a single great ellipse; in T. resupinatum of two ellipses, one of which includes the nocturnal movement and is much elongated; and in T. subterraneum of three ellipses, of which the nocturnal one is likewise of great length.
Securigera coronilla (Tribe 4).—The leaflets, which stand opposite one another and are numerous, rise up at night, come into close contact, and bend backwards111 at a moderate angle towards the base of the petiole. [page 353]
Fig. 144. Trifolium repens: circumnutation and nyctitropic movements of a nearly full-grown terminal leaflet, traced on a vertical glass from 7 A.M. Sept. 30th to 8 A.M. Oct. 1st. Nocturnal course, represented by curved broken line, much abbreviated.
Lotus (Tribe 4).—The nyctitropic movements of 10 species in this genus were observed, and found to be the same. The main petiole rises a little at night, and the three leaflets rise till they become vertical, and at the same time approach each other. This was conspicuous with L. Jacoboeus, in which the leaflets are almost linear. In most of the species the leaflets rise so much as to press against the stem, and not rarely they become inclined a little inwards with their lower surfaces exposed obliquely to the zenith. This was clearly the case with L. major, as its petioles are unusually long, and the leaflets are thus enabled to bend further inwards. The young leaves on the summits of the stems close up at night so much, as often to resemble large buds. The stipule-like leaflets, which are often of large size, rise up like the other leaflets, and press against the stem (Fig. 145). All the leaflets of L. Gebelii, and probably of the other species, are provided at their bases with distinct pulvini, of a yellowish colour, and formed of very small cells. The circumnutation of a terminal leaflet of L. peregrinus (with the stem secured) was traced during two days, but the movement was so simple that it is not worth while to give the diagram. The leaflet fell slowly from the early morning till about 1 P.M. It then rose gradually at first, but rapidly late in the evening. It occasionally stood still for about 20 m. during the day, and sometimes zigzagged a little. The movement of one of the basal, stipule-like leaflets was likewise traced in the same manner and at the same time, and its course was closely similar to that of the terminal leaflet.
In Tribe 5 of Bentham and Hooker, the sleep-movements of species in 12 genera have been observed by ourselves and [page 354] others, but only in Robinia with any care. Psoralea acaulis raises its three leaflets at night; whilst Amorpha fruticosa,* Dalea alopecuroides, and Indigofera tinctoria depress them. Ducharte** states that Tephrosia caribaea is the sole example of "folioles couchées le long du pétiole et vers la base;" but a
Fig. 145. Lotus Creticus: A, stem with leaves awake during the day; B, with leaves asleep at night. SS, stipule-like leaflets.
similar movement occurs, as we have already seen, and shall again see in other cases. Wistaria Sinensis, according to Royer,*** "abaisse les folioles qui par11 une disposition112 bizarre sont inclinées dans la même feuille, les supérieures vers le
* Ducharte, 'Eléments de Botanique', 1867, p. 349.
** Ibid., p. 347.
*** 'Ann. des Sciences Nats. Bot.' (5th series), ix. 1868. [page 355]
sommet, les inférieures vers la base du petiole commun;" but the leaflets on a young plant observed by us in the greenhouse merely sank vertically downwards at night. The leaflets are raised in Sphaerophysa salsola, Colutea arborea, and Astragalus uliginosus, but are depressed, according to Linnaeus, in Glycyrrhiza. The leaflets of Robinia pseudo-acacia likewise sink vertically down at night, but the petioles rise a little, viz., in one case 3o, and in another 4o. The circumnutating movements of a terminal leaflet on a rather old leaf were traced during two days, and were simple. The leaflet fell slowly, in a slightly zigzag line, from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M., and then more rapidly; by 7 A.M. on the following morning it had risen to its diurnal position. There was only one peculiarity in the movement, namely, that on both days there was a distinct though small oscillation up and down between 8.30 and 10 A.M., and this would probably have been more strongly pronounced if the leaf had been younger.
Coronilla rosea (Tribe 6).—the leaves bear 9 or 10 pairs of opposite leaflets, which during the day stand horizontally, with
Fig. 146. Coronilla rosea: leaf asleep.
their midribs at right angles to the petiole. At night they rise up so that the opposite leaflets come nearly into contact, and those on the younger leaves into close contact. At the same time they bend back towards the base of the petiole, until their midribs form with it angles of from 40o to 50o in a vertical plane, as here figured (Fig. 146). The leaflets, however, sometimes bend so much back that their midribs become parallel to and lie on the petiole. They thus occupy a reversed position to what they do in several Leguminosae, for instance, in Mimosa [page 356] pudica; but, from standing further apart, they do not overlap94 one another nearly so much as in this latter plant. The main petiole is curved slightly downwards during the day, but straightens itself at night. In three cases it rose from 3o above the horizon at noon, to 9o at 10 P.M.; from 11o to 33o; and from 5o to 33o—the amount of angular movement in this latter case amounting to 28o. In several other species of Coronilla the leaflets showed only feeble movements of a similar kind.
Hedysarum coronarium (Tribe 6).—The small lateral leaflets on plants growing out of doors rose up vertically at night, but the large terminal one became only moderately inclined. The petioles apparently did not rise at all.
Smithia Pfundii (Tribe 6).—The leaflets rise up vertically, and the main petiole also rises considerably.
Arachis hypogoea (Tribe 6).—The shape of a leaf, with its two pairs of leaflets, is shown at A (Fig. 147); and a leaf asleep,
Fig. 147. Arachis hypogoea: A, leaf during the day, seen from vertically above; B, leaf asleep, seen laterally, copied from a photograph. Figures much reduced.
traced from a photograph (made by the aid of aluminium113 light), is given at B. The two terminal leaflets twist round at night until their blades stand vertically, and approach each other until they meet, at the same time moving a little upwards and backwards. The two lateral leaflets meet each other in this same manner, but move to a greater extent forwards, that is, in a contrary direction to the two terminal leaflets, which they partially embrace. Thus all four leaflets form together a single packet, with their edges directed to the zenith, and with their lower surfaces turned outwards114. On a plant which was not growing vigorously the closed leaflets seemed too heavy for the [page 357] petioles to support them in a vertical position, so that each night the main petiole became twisted, and all the packets were extended horizontally, with the lower surfaces of the leaflets on one side directed to the zenith in a most anomalous manner. This fact is mentioned solely as a caution, as it surprised us greatly, until we discovered that it was an anomaly. The petioles are inclined upwards during the day, but sink at night, so as to stand at about right angles with the stem. The amount of sinking was measured only on one occasion, and found to be 39o. A petiole was secured to a stick at the base of the two terminal leaflets, and the circumnutating movement of one of these leaflets was traced from 6.40 A.M. to 10.40 P.M., the plant being illuminated from above. The temperature was 17o - 17 1/2o C., and therefore rather too low. During the 16 h. the leaflet moved thrice up and thrice down, and as the ascending and descending lines did not coincide, three ellipses were formed.
Fig. 148. Desmodium gyrans: leaf seen from above, reduced to one-half natural size. The minute stipules unusually large.
Desmodium gyrans (Tribe 6).—A large and full-grown leaf of this plant, so famous for the spontaneous movements of the two little lateral leaflets, is here represented (Fig. 148). The large terminal leaflet sleeps by sinking vertically down, whilst the petiole rises up. The cotyledons do not sleep, but the first-formed leaf sleeps equally well as the older ones. The appearance presented by a sleeping branch and one in the day-time, copied from two photographs, are shown at A and B (Fig. 149), and we see how at night the leaves are crowded together, as if for mutual protection, by the rising of the petioles. The petioles of the younger leaves near the summits of the shoots rise up at night, so as to stand vertical and parallel to the stem; whilst those on the sides were found in four cases to have risen respectively 46 1/2o, 36o, 20o, and 19.5o above the inclined positions which they had occupied during the day. For instance, in the first of these four cases the petiole stood in the day at 23o, and at night at 69 1/2o above the horizon. In the evening the rising of the petioles is almost completed before the leaflets sink perpendicularly downwards. [page 358]
Circumnutation.—The circumnutating movements of four young shoots were observed during 5 h. 15 m.; and in this time each completed an oval figure of small size. The main petiole also circumnutates rapidly, for in the course of 31 m. (temp. 91o F.) it changed its course by as much as a rectangle six times, describing a figure which apparently represented two ellipses.
Fig. 149. Desmodium gyrans: A, stem during the day; B, stem with leaves asleep. Figures reduced.
The movement of the terminal leaflet by means of its sub-petiole or pulvinus is quite as rapid, or even more so, than that of the main petiole, and has much greater amplitude. Pfeffer has seen* these leaflets move through an angle of 8o in the course of from 10 to 30 seconds.
A fine, nearly full-grown leaf on a young plant, 8 inches in height, with the stem secured to a stick at the base of the leaf, was observed from 8.30 A.M. June 22nd to 8 A.M. June 24th.
* 'Die Period. Beweg.,' p. 35. [page 359]
In the diagram given on the next page (Fig. 150), the two curved broken lines at the base, which represent the nocturnal courses, ought to be prolonged far downwards. On the first day the leaflet moved thrice down and thrice up, and to a considerable distance laterally; the course was also remarkably115 crooked116. The dots were generally made every hour; if they had been made every few minutes all the lines would have been zigzag to an extraordinary degree, with here and there a loop formed. We may infer that this would have been the case, because five dots were made in the course of 31 m. (between 12.34 and 1.5 P.M.), and we see in the upper part of the diagram how crooked the course here is; if only the first and last dots had been joined we should have had a straight line. Exactly the same fact may be seen in the lines representing the course between 2.24 P.M. and 3 P.M., when six intermediate dots were made; and again at 4.46 and 4.50. But the result was widely different after 6 P.M.,—that is, after the great nocturnal descent had commenced; for though nine dots were then made in the course of 32 m., when these were joined (see Figure) the line thus formed was almost straight. The leaflets, therefore, begin to descend36 in the afternoon by zigzag lines, but as soon as the descent becomes rapid their whole energy is expended117 in thus moving, and their course becomes rectilinear. After the leaflets are completely asleep they move very little or not at all.
Had the above plant been subjected to a higher temperature than 67o - 70o F., the movements of the terminal leaflet would probably have been even more rapid and wider in extent than those shown in the diagram; for a plant was kept for some time in the hot-house at from 92o - 93o F., and in the course of 35 m. the apex of a leaflet twice descended and once ascended118, travelling over a space of 1.2 inch in a vertical direction and of .82 inch in a horizontal direction. Whilst thus moving the leaflet also rotated on its own axis (and this was a point to which no attention had been before paid), for the plane of the blade differed by 41o after an interval of only a few minutes. Occasionally the leaflet stood still for a short time. There was no jerking movement, which is so characteristic of the little lateral leaflets. A sudden and considerable fall of temperature causes the terminal leaflet to sink downwards; thus a cut-off leaf was immersed in water at 95o F., which was slowly raised to 103o F., and afterwards allowed to sink to 70o F., and the sub-petiole of the terminal leaflet then curved downwards. The water was afterwards [page 360]
Fig. 150. Desmodium gyrans: circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of leaf (3 3/4 inches in length, petiole included) during 48 h. Filament affixed to midrib of terminal leaflet; its apex 6 inches from the vertical glass. Diagram reduced to one-third of original scale. Plant illuminated from above. Temp. 19o - 20o C. [page 361]
raised to 120o F., and the sub-petiole straightened itself. Similar experiments with leaves in water were twice repeated, with nearly the same result. It should be added, that water raised to even 122o F. does not soon kill a leaf. A plant was placed in darkness at 8.37 A.M., and at 2 P.M. (i.e. after 5 h. 23 m.), though the leaflets had sunk considerably, they had by no means acquired their nocturnal vertically dependent position. Pfeffer, on the other hand, says* that this occurred with him in from 3/4 h. to 2 h.; perhaps the difference in our results may be due to the plant on which we experimented being a very young and vigorous seedling.
The Movements of the little Lateral Leaflets .—These have been so often described, that we will endeavour to be as brief as possible in giving a few new facts and conclusions. The leaflets sometimes quickly change their position by as much as nearly 180o; and their sub-petioles can then be seen to become greatly curved. They rotate on their own axes, so that their upper surfaces are directed to all points of the compass. The figure described by the apex is an irregular oval or ellipse. They sometimes remain stationary119 for a period. In these several respects there is no difference, except in rapidity and extent, between their movements and the lesser120 ones performed by the large terminal leaflet whilst making its great oscillations. The movements of the little leaflets are much influenced, as is well known, by temperature. This was clearly shown by immersing leaves with motionless leaflets in cold water, which was slowly raised to 103o F., and the leaflets then moved quickly, describing about a dozen little irregular circles in 40 m. By this time the water had become much cooler, and the movements became slower or almost ceased; it was then raised to 100o F., and the leaflets again began to move quickly. On another occasion a tuft of fine leaves was immersed in water at 53o F., and the leaflets were of course motionless. The water was raised to 99o, and the leaflets soon began to move; it was raised to 105o, and the movements became much more rapid; each little circle or oval being completed in from 1 m. 30 s. to 1 m. 45 s. There was, however, no jerking, and this fact may perhaps be attributed to the resistance of the water.
Sachs states that the leaflets do not move until the surrounding air is as high as 71o - 72o F., and this agrees with our
* 'Die Period. Beweg.,' p. 39. [page 362]
experience on full-grown, or nearly full-grown, plants. But the leaflets of young seedlings exhibit a jerking movement at much lower temperatures. A seedling was kept (April 16th) in a room for half the day where the temperature was steady at 64o F., and the one leaflet which it bore was continually jerking, but not so rapidly as in the hot-house. The pot was taken in the evening into a bed-room where the temperature remained at 62o during nearly the whole night; at 10 and 11 P.M. and at 1 A.M. the leaflet was still jerking rapidly; at 3.30 A.M. it was not seen to jerk, but was observed during only a short time. It was, however, now inclined at a much lower angle than that occupied at 1 A.M. At 6.30 A.M. (temp. 61o F.) its inclination121 was still less than before, and again less at 6.45 A.M.; by 7.40 A.M. it had risen, and at 8.30 A.M. was again seen to jerk. This leaflet, therefore, was moving during the whole night, and the movement was by jerks up to 1 A.M. (and possibly later) and again at 8.30 A.M., though the temperature was only 61o to 62o F. We must therefore conclude that the lateral leaflets produced by young plants differ somewhat in constitution from those on older plants.
In the large genus Desmodium by far the greater number of the species are trifoliate; but some are unifoliate, and even the same plant may bear uni- and trifoliate leaves. In most of the species the lateral leaflets are only a little smaller than the terminal one. Therefore the lateral leaflets of D. gyrans (see Fig. 148) must be considered as almost rudimentary. They are also rudimentary in function, if this expression may be used; for they certainly do not sleep like the full-sized terminal leaflets. It is, however, possible that the sinking down of the leaflets between 1 A.M. and 6.45 A.M., as above described, may represent sleep. It is well known that the leaflets go on jerking during the early part of the night; but my gardener observed (Oct. 13th) a plant in the hot-house between 5 and 5.30 A.M., the temperature having been kept up to 82o F., and found that all the leaflets were inclined, but he saw no jerking movement until 6.55 A.M., by which time the terminal leaflet had risen and was awake. Two days afterwards (Oct. 15th) the same plant was observed by him at 4.47 A.M. (temp. 77o F.), and he found that the large terminal leaflets were awake, though not quite horizontal; and the only cause which we could assign for this anomalous wakefulness was that the plant had been kept for experimental purposes during [page 363] the previous day at an unusually high temperature; the little lateral leaflets were also jerking at this hour, but whether there was any connection between this latter fact and the sub-horizontal position of the terminal leaflets we do not know. Anyhow, it is certain that the lateral leaflets do not sleep like the terminal leaflets; and in so far they may be said to be in a functionally122 rudimentary condition. They are in a similar condition in relation to irritability123; for if a plant be shaken or syringed, the terminal leaflets sink down to about 45o beneath the horizon; but we could never detect any effect thus produced on the lateral leaflets; yet we are not prepared to assert positively124 that rubbing or pricking125 the pulvinus produces no effect.
As in the case of most rudimentary organs, the leaflets are variable in size; they often depart from their normal position and do not stand opposite one another; and one of the two is frequently absent. This absence appeared in some, but not in all the cases, to be due to the leaflet having become completely confluent with the main petiole, as might be inferred from the presence of a slight ridge126 along its upper margin127, and from the course of the vessels128. In one instance there was a vestige129 of the leaflet, in the shape of a minute point, at the further end of the ridge. The frequent, sudden and complete disappearance130 of one or both of the rudimentary leaflets is a rather singular fact; but it is a much more surprising one that the leaves which are first developed on seedling plants are not provided with them. Thus, on one seedling the seventh leaf above the cotyledons was the first which bore any lateral leaflets, and then only a single one. On another seedling, the eleventh leaf first bore a leaflet; of the nine succeeding leaves five bore a single lateral leaflet, and four bore none at all; at last a leaf, the twenty-first above the cotyledons, was provided with two rudimentary lateral leaflets. From a widespread analogy in the animal kingdom, it might have been expected that these rudimentary leaflets would have been better developed and more regularly present on very young than on older plants. But bearing in mind, firstly, that long-lost characters sometimes reappear late in life, and secondly, that the species of Desmodium are generally trifoliate, but that some are unifoliate, the suspicion arises that D. gyrans is descended from a unifoliate species, and that this was descended from a trifoliate one; for in this case both the absence of the little lateral leaflets on very young seedlings, and their sub- [page 364] sequent appearance, may be attributed to reversion to more or less distant progenitors131.*
No one supposes that the rapid movements of the lateral leaflets of 'D. gyrans' are of any use to the plant; and why they should behave in this manner is quite unknown. We imagined that their power of movement might stand in some relation with their rudimentary condition, and therefore observed the almost rudimentary leaflets of Mimosa albida vel sensitiva (of which a drawing will hereafter be given, Fig. 159); but they exhibited no extraordinary movements, and at night they went to sleep like the full-sized leaflets. There is, however, this remarkable difference in the two cases; in Desmodium the pulvinus of the rudimentary leaflets has not been reduced in length, in correspondence with the reduction of the blade, to the same extent as has occurred in the Mimosa; and it is on the length and degree of curvature of the pulvinus that the amount of movement of the blade depends. Thus the average length of the pulvinus in the large terminal leaflets of Desmodium is 3 mm., whilst that of the rudimentary leaflets is 2.86 mm.; so that they differ only a little in length. But in diameter they differ much, that of the pulvinus of the little leaflets being only 0.3 mm. to 0.4 mm.; whilst that of the terminal leaflets is 1.33 mm. If we now turn to the Mimosa, we find that the average length of the pulvinus of the almost rudimentary leaflets is only 0.466 mm., or rather more than a quarter of the length of the pulvinus of the full-sized leaflets, namely, 1.66 mm. In this small reduction in length of the pulvinus of the rudimentary leaflets of Desmodium, we apparently have the proximate cause of their great and rapid circumnutating movement, in contrast with that of the almost rudimentary leaflets of the Mimosa. The small size and weight of the blade, and the little resistance opposed by the air to its movement, no doubt also come into play; for we have seen that these leaflets if immersed in water, when the resistance would be much greater, were prevented from jerking forwards. Why, during the reduction of the lateral leaflets of Desmodium, or during their reappearance—if they owe their origin to reversion—the pulvinus should have been so much less affected than the blade, whilst with the
* Desmodium vespertilionis is closely allied to D. gyrans, and it seems only occasionally to bear rudimentary lateral leaflets. Duchartre, 'Eléments de Botanique,' 1867, p. 353. [page 365]
Mimosa the pulvinus has been greatly reduced, we do not know. Nevertheless, it deserves notice that the reduction of the leaflets in these two genera has apparently been effected by a different process and for a different end; for with the Mimosa the reduction of the inner and basal leaflets was necessary from the want of space; but no such necessity exists with Desmodium, and the reduction of its lateral leaflets seems to have been due to the principle of compensation, in consequence of the great size of the terminal leaflet. Uraria (Tribe 6) and Centrosema (Tribe 8).—The leaflets of Uraria lagopus and the leaves of a Centrosema from Brazil both sink vertically down at night. In the latter plant the petiole at the same time rose 16 1/2o.
Amphicarpoea monoica (Tribe 8).—The leaflets sink down vertically at night, and the petioles likewise fall considerably.
Fig. 151. Amphicarpoea monoica: circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of leaf during 48 h.; its apex 9 inches from the vertical glass. Figure reduced to one-third of original scale. Plant illuminated from above; temp 17 1/2o - 18 1/2o C.
A petiole, which was carefully observed, stood during the day 25o above the horizon and at night 32o below it; it therefore fell 57o. A filament was fixed transversely across the terminal leaflet of a fine young leaf (2 1/4 inches in length including the [page 366] petiole), and the movement of the whole leaf was traced on a vertical glass. This was a bad plan in some respects, because the rotation of the leaflet, independently of its rising or falling, raised and depressed the filament; but it was the best plan for our special purpose of observing whether the leaf moved much after it had gone to sleep. The plant had twined closely round a thin stick, so that the circumnutation of the stem was prevented. The movement of the leaf was traced during 48 h., from 9 A.M. July 10th to 9 A.M. July 12th. In the figure given (Fig. 151) we see how complicated its course was on both days: during the second day it changed its course greatly 13 times. The leaflets began to go to sleep a little after 6 P.M., and by 7.15 P.M. hung vertically down and were completely asleep; but on both nights they continued to move from 7.15 P.M. to 10.40 and 10.50 P.M., quite as much as during the day; and this was the point which we wished to ascertain101. We see in the figure that the great sinking movement late in the evening does not differ essentially from the circumnutation during the day.
Glycine hispida (Tribe 8).—The three leaflets sink vertically down at night.
Erythrina (Tribe 8).—Five species were observed, and the leaflets of all sank vertically down at night; with E. caffra and with a second unnamed species, the petioles at the same time rose slightly. The movements of the terminal leaflet of E. crista-galli (with the main petiole secured to a stick) were traced from 6.40 A.M. June 8th, to 8 A.M. on the 10th. In order to observe the nyctitropic movements of this plant, it is necessary that it should have grown in a warm greenhouse, for out of doors in our climate it does not sleep. We see in the tracing (Fig. 152) that the leaflet oscillated twice up and down between early morning and noon; it then fell greatly, afterwards rising till 3 P.M. At this latter hour the great nocturnal fall commenced. On the second day (of which the tracing is not given) there was exactly the same double oscillation before noon, but only a very small one in the afternoon. On the third morning the leaflet moved laterally, which was due to its beginning to assume an oblique55 position, as seems invariably to occur with the leaflets of this species as they grow old. On both nights after the leaflets were asleep and hung vertically down, they continued to move a little both up and down, and from side to side.
Erythrina caffra.—A filament was fixed transversely across [page 367]
a terminal leaflet, as we wished to observe its movements when asleep. The plant was placed in the morning of June 10th under a skylight, where the light was not bright; and we do not know whether it was owing to this cause or to the plant having been disturbed, but the leaflet hung vertically down all day; nevertheless it circumnutated in this position, describing a figure which represented two irregular ellipses. On the next day it circumnutated in a greater degree, describing four irregular ellipses, and by 3 P.M. had risen into a horizontal position. By 7.15 P.M. it was asleep and vertically dependent, but continued to circumnutate as long as observed, until 11 P.M.
Fig. 152. Erythrina crista-galli: circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of terminal leaflet, 3 3/4 inches in length, traced during 25 h.; apex of leaf 3 ? inches from the vertical glass. Figure reduced to one-half of original scale. Plant illuminated from above; temp. 17 1/2o - 18 1/2o C.
Erythrina corallodendron.—The movements of a terminal leaflet were traced. During the second day it oscillated four times up and four times down between 8 A.M. and 4 P.M., after which hour the great nocturnal fall commenced. On the third day the movement was equally great in amplitude, but was remarkably simple, for the leaflet rose in an almost perfectly straight line from 6.50 A.M. to 3 P.M., and then sank down in an equally straight line until vertically dependent and asleep. [page 368]
Apios tuberosa (Tribe 8).—The leaflets sink vertically down at night.
Phaseolus vulgaris (Tribe 8).—The leaflets likewise sink vertically down at night. In the greenhouse the petiole of a young leaf rose 16o, and that of an older leaf 10o at night. With plants growing out of doors the leaflets apparently do not sleep until somewhat late in the season, for on the nights of July 11th and 12th none of them were asleep; whereas on the night of August 15th the same plants had most of their leaflets vertically dependent and asleep. With Ph. caracalla and Hernandesii, the primary unifoliate leaves and the leaflets of the secondary trifoliate leaves sink vertically down at night. This holds good with the secondary trifoliate leaves of Ph. Roxburghii, but it is remarkable that the primary unifoliate leaves which are much elongated, rise at night from about 20o to about 60o above the horizon. With older seedlings, however, having the secondary leaves just developed, the primary leaves stand in the middle of the day horizontally, or are deflected132 a little beneath the horizon. In one such case the primary leaves rose from 26o beneath the horizon at noon, to 20o above it at 10 P.M.; whilst at this same hour the leaflets of the secondary leaves were vertically dependent. Here, then, we have the extraordinary case of the primary and secondary leaves on the same plant moving at the same time in opposite directions.
We have now seen that the leaflets in the six genera of Phaseoleae observed by us (with the exception of the primary leaves of Phaseolus Roxburghii) all sleep in the same manner, namely, by sinking vertically down. The movements of the petioles were observed in only three of these genera. They rose in Centrosema and Phaseolus, and sunk in Amphicarpaea.
Sophora chrysophylla (Tribe 10).—The leaflets rise at night, and are at the same time directed towards the apex of the leaf, as in Mimosa pudica.
Caesalpinia, Hoematoxylon, Gleditschia, Poinciana.—The leaflets of two species of Caesalpinia (Tribe 13) rose at night. With Haematoxylon Campechianum (Tribe 13) the leaflets move forwards at night, so that their midribs stand parallel to the petiole, and their now vertical lower surfaces are turned outwards (Fig. 153). The petiole sinks a little. In Gleditschia, if we understand correctly Duchartre's description, and in Poin- [page 369] ciana Gilliesii (both belonging to Tribe 13), the leaves behave in the same manner.
Fig. 153. Haematoxylon Campechianum: A, branch during daytime; B, branch with leaves asleep, reduced to two-thirds of natural scale.
Cassia (Tribe 14).—The nyctitropic movements of the leaves in many species in this genus are closely alike, and are highly complex. They were first briefly described by Linnaeus, and since by Duchartre. Our observations were made chiefly on C. floribunda* and corymbosa, but several other species were casually133 observed. The horizontally extended leaflets sink down vertically at night; but not simply, as in so many other genera, for each leaflet rotates on its own axis, so that its lower surface faces outwards. The upper surfaces of the opposite leaflets are thus brought into contact with one another beneath the petiole, and are well protected (Fig. 154). The rotation and other movements are effected by means of a well-developed pulvinus at the base of each leaflet, as could be plainly seen when a straight narrow black line had been painted along it during the day. The two terminal leaflets in the daytime include rather less than a right angle; but their divergence135 increases greatly whilst they
* I am informed by Mr. Dyer that Mr. Bentham believes that C. floribunda (a common greenhouse bush) is a hybrid136 raised in France, and that it comes very near to C. laevigata. It is no doubt the same as the form described by Lindley ('Bot. Reg.,' Tab. 1422) as C. Herbertiana. [page 370]
sink downwards and rotate, so that they stand laterally at night, as may be seen in the figure. Moreover, they move somewhat backwards, so as to point towards the base of the petiole.
Fig. 154. Cassia corymbosa: A, plant during day; B, same plant at night. Both figures copied from photographs.
In one instance we found that the midrib of a terminal leaflet formed at night an angle of 36o, with a line dropped [page 371] perpendicularly from the end of the petiole. The second pair of leaflets likewise moves a little backwards, but less than the terminal pair; and the third pair moves vertically downwards, or even a little forwards. Thus all the leaflets, in those species which bear only 3 or 4 pairs, tend to form a single packet, with their upper surfaces in contact, and their lower surfaces turned outwards. Lastly, the main petiole rises at night, but with leaves of different ages to very different degrees, namely some rose through an angle of only 12o, and others as much as 41o.
Cassia calliantha.—The leaves bear a large number of leaflets, which move at night in nearly the same manner as just described; but the petioles apparently do not rise, and one which was carefully observed certainly fell 3o. Cassia pubescens.—The chief difference in the nyctitropic
Fig. 155. Cassia pubescens: A, upper part of plant during the day; B, same plant at night. Figures reduced from photographs.
movements of this species, compared with those of the former species, consists in the leaflets not rotating nearly so much; [page 372] therefore their lower surfaces face but little outwards at night. The petioles, which during the day are inclined only a little above the horizon, rise at night in a remarkable manner, and stand nearly or quite vertically. This, together with the dependent position of the leaflets, makes the whole plant wonderfully compact at night. In the two foregoing figures, copied from photographs, the same plant is represented awake and asleep (Fig. 155), and we see how different is its appearance.
Cassia mimosoides.—At night the numerous leaflets on each leaf rotate on their axes, and their tips move towards the apex of the leaf; they thus become imbricated with their lower surfaces directed upwards, and with their midribs almost parallel to the petiole. Consequently, this species differs from all the others seen by us, with the exception of the following one, in the leaflets not sinking down at night. A petiole, the movement of which was measured, rose 8o at night.
Cassia Barclayana.—The leaflets of this Australian species are numerous, very narrow, and almost linear. At night they rise up a little, and also move towards the apex of the leaf. For instance, two opposite leaflets which diverged137 from one another during the day at an angle of 104o, diverted at night only 72o; so that each had risen 16o above its diurnal position. The petiole of a young leaf rose at night 34o, and that of an older leaf 19o. Owing to the slight movement of the leaflets and the considerable movement of the petiole, the bush presents a different appearance at night to what it does by day; yet the leaves can hardly be said to sleep.
The circumnutating movements of the leaves of C. floribunda, calliantha, and pubescens were observed, each during three or four days; they were essentially alike, those of the last-named species being the simplest. The petiole of C. floribunda was secured to a stick at the base of the two terminal leaflets, and a filament was fixed along the midrib of one of them. Its movements were traced from 1 P.M. on August 13th to 8.30 A.M. 17th; but those during the last 2 h. are alone given in Fig. 156. From 8 A.M. on each day (by which hour the leaf had assumed its diurnal position) to 2 or 3 P.M., it either zigzagged or circumnutated over nearly the same small space; at between 2 and 3 P.M. the great evening fall commenced. The lines representing this fall and the early morning rise are oblique, owing to the peculiar manner in which the leaflets sleep, as already described. After the leaflet was asleep at 6 P.M., and whilst the glass filament hung [page 373] perpendicularly down, the movement of its apex was traced until 10.30 P.M.; and during this whole time it swayed from side to side, completing more than one ellipse.
Fig 156. Cassia floribunda: circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of a terminal leaflet (1 5/6 inch in length) traced from 8.30 A.M. to same hour on following morning. Apex of leaflet 5 ? inches from the vertical glass. Main petiole 3 3/4 inches long. Temp. 16o - 17 1/2o C. Figure reduced to one-half of the original scale.
Bauhinia (Tribe 15).—The nyctitropic movements of four species were alike, and were highly peculiar. A plant raised from seed sent us from South Brazil by Fritz Müller, was more especially observed. The leaves are large and deeply notched138 at their ends. At night the two halves rise up and close completely together, like the opposite leaflets of many Leguminosae. With very young plants the petioles rise considerably at the same time; one, which was inclined at noon 45o above the horizon, at night stood at 75o; it thus rose 30o; another rose 34o. Whilst the two halves of the leaf are closing, the midrib at first sinks vertically downwards and afterwards bends backwards, so as to pass close along one side of its own upwardly inclined petiole; the midrib being thus directed towards the stem or axis of the plant. The angle which the midrib formed with the horizon was measured in one case at different hours: at noon it stood horizontally; late in the evening it depended vertically; then rose to the opposite side, and at 10.15 P.M. stood at only 27o beneath the horizon, being directed towards the stem. It had thus travelled through 153o. [page 374] Owing to this movement—to the leaves being folded—and to the petioles rising, the whole plant is as much more compact at night than during the day, as a fastigiate Lombardy poplar is compared with any other species of poplar. It is remarkable that when our plants had grown a little older, viz., to a height of 2 or 3 feet, the petioles did not rise at night, and the midribs of the folded leaves were no longer bent back along one side of the petiole. We have noticed in some other genera that the petioles of very young plants rise much more at night than do those of older plants.
Tamarindus Indica (Tribe 16).—The leaflets approach or meet each other at night, and are all directed towards the apex of the leaf. They thus become imbricated with their midribs parallel to the petiole. The movement is closely similar to that of Haematoxylon (see Fig. 153), but more striking from the greater number of the leaflets.
Adenanthera, Prosopis, and Neptunia (Tribe 20).—With Adenanthera pavonia the leaflets turn edgeways and sink at night. In Prosopis they turn upwards. With Neptunia oleracea the leaflets on the opposite sides of the same pinna come into contact at night and are directed forwards. The pinnae themselves move downwards, and at the same time backwards or towards the stem of the plant. The main petiole rises.
Mimosa pudica (Tribe 20).—This plant has been the subject of innumerable observations; but there are some points in relation to our subject which have not been sufficiently attended to. At night, as is well known, the opposite leaflets come into contact and point towards the apex of the leaf; they thus become neatly imbricated with their upper surfaces protected. The four pinnae also approach each other closely, and the whole leaf is thus rendered very compact. The main petiole sinks downwards during the day till late in the evening, and rises until very early in the morning. The stem is continually circumnutating at a rapid rate, though not to a wide extent. Some very young plants, kept in darkness, were observed during two days, and although subjected to a rather low temperature of 57o - 59o F., the stem of one described four small ellipses in the course of 12 h. We shall immediately see that the main petiole is likewise continually circumnutating, as is each separate pinna and each separate leaflet. Therefore, if the movement of the apex of any one leaflet were to be traced, the course described would be compounded of the movements of four separate parts. [page 375] A filament had been fixed on the previous evening, longitudinally to the main petiole of a nearly full-grown, highly-sensitive leaf (four inches in length), the stem having been secured to a stick at its base; and a tracing was made on a vertical glass in the hot-house under a high temperature. In the figure given (Fig. 157), the first dot was made at 8.30 A.M. August 2nd, and the last at 7 P.M. on the 3rd. During 12 h. on the first day the petiole moved thrice downwards and twice upwards. Within the same length of time on the second day, it moved five times downwards and four times upwards. As the ascending and descending lines do not coincide, the petiole manifestly circumnutates; the great evening fall and nocturnal rise being an exaggeration of one of the circumnutations. It should, however, be observed that the petiole fell much lower down in the evenings than could be seen on the vertical glass or is represented in the diagram. After 7 P.M. on the 3rd (when the last dot in Fig. 157 was made) the pot was carried into a bed-room, and the petiole was found at 12.50 A.M. (i.e. after midnight) standing almost upright, and much more highly inclined than it was at 10.40 P.M. When observed again at 4 A.M. it had begun to fall, and continued falling till 6.15 A.M., after which hour it zigzagged and again circumnutated. Similar observations were made on another petiole, with nearly the same result.
Fig. 157 Mimosa pudica: circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of main petiole, traced during 34 h. 30 m.
On two other occasions the movement of the main petiole [page 376] was observed every two or three minutes, the plants being kept at a rather high temperature, viz., on the first occasion at 77o - 81o F., and the filament then described 2 ? ellipses in 69 m. On the second occasion, when the temperature was 81o - 86o F., it made rather more than 3 ellipses in 67 m. therefore, Fig. 157, though now sufficiently complex, would have been incomparably more so, if dots had been made on the glass every 2 or 3 minutes, instead of every hour or half-hour. Although the main petiole is continually and rapidly describing small ellipses during the day, yet after the great nocturnal rising movement has commenced, if dots are made every 2 or 3 minutes, as was done for an hour between 9.30 and 10.30 P.M. (temp. 84o F.), and the dots are then joined, an almost absolutely straight line is the result.
To show that the movement of the petiole is in all probability due to the varying turgescence of the pulvinus, and not to growth (in accordance with the conclusions of Pfeffer), a very old leaf, with some of its leaflets yellowish and hardly at all sensitive, was selected for observation, and the plant was kept at the highly favourable139 temp. of 80o F. The petiole fell from 8 A.M. till 10.15 A.M., it then rose a little in a somewhat zigzag line, often remaining stationary, till 5 P.M., when the great evening fall commenced, which was continued till at least 10 P.M. By 7 A.M. on the following morning it had risen to the same level as on the previous morning, and then descended in a zigzag line. But from 10.30 A.M. till 4.15 P.M. it remained almost motionless, all power of movement being now lost. The petiole, therefore, of this very old leaf, which must have long ceased growing, moved periodically; but instead of circumnutating several times during the day, it moved only twice down and twice up in the course of 24 h., with the ascending and descending lines not coincident.
It has already been stated that the pinnae move independently of the main petiole. The petiole of a leaf was fixed to a cork140 support, close to the point whence the four pinnae diverge134, with a short fine filament cemented longitudinally to one of the two terminal pinnae, and a graduated semicircle was placed close beneath it. By looking vertically down, its angular or lateral movements could be measured with accuracy. Between noon and 4.15 P.M. the pinna changed its position to one side by only 7o; but not continuously in the same direction, as it moved four times to one side, and three times to the opposite side, [page 377] in one instance to the extent of 16o. This pinna, therefore circumnutated. Later in the evening the four pinnae approach each other, and the one which was observed moved inwards 59o between noon and 6.45 P.M. Ten observations were made in the course of 2 h. 20 m. (at average intervals of 14 m.), between 4.25 and 6.45 P.M.; and there was now, when the leaf was going to sleep, no swaying from side to side, but a steady inward movement. Here therefore there is in the evening the same conversion141 of a circumnutating into a steady movement in one direction, as in the case of the main petiole.
It has also been stated that each separate leaflet circumnutates. A pinna was cemented with shellac on the summit of a little stick driven firmly into the ground, immediately beneath a pair of leaflets, to the midribs of both of which excessively fine glass filaments142 were attached. This treatment did not injure the leaflets, for they went to sleep in the usual manner, and long retained their sensitiveness. the movements of one of them were traced during 49 h., as shown in Fig. 158. On the first day the leaflet sank down till 11.30 A.M., and then rose till late in the evening in a zigzag line, indicating circumnutation. On the second day, when more accustomed to its new state, it oscillated twice up and twice down during the 24 h. This plant was subjected to a rather low temperature, viz., 62o - 64o F.; had it been kept warmer, no doubt the movements of the leaflet would have been much more rapid and complicated. It may be seen in the diagram that the ascending and descending lines do not coincide; but the large amount of lateral movement in the evening is the result of the leaflets bending towards the apex of the leaf when going to sleep. Another leaflet was casually observed, and found to be continually circumnutating during the same length of time.
The circumnutation of the leaves is not destroyed by their being subjected to moderately long continued darkness; but the proper periodicity of their movements is lost. Some very young seedlings were kept during two days in the dark (temp. 57o - 59o F.) except when the circumnutation of their stems was occasionally observed; and on the evening of the second day the leaflets did not fully and properly go to sleep. The pot was then placed for three days in a dark cupboard, under nearly the same temperature, and at the close of this period the leaflets showed no signs of sleeping, and were only slightly sensitive to a touch. On the following day the stem was cemented to a [page 378] stick, and the movements of two leaves were traced on a vertical glass during 72 h. The plants were still kept in the dark, excepting that at each observation, which lasted 3 or 4 minutes,
Fig 158. Mimosa pudica: circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of a leaflet (with pinna secured), traced on a vertical glass, from 8 A.M. Sept. 14th to 9 A.M. 16th.
they were illuminated by two candles. On the third day the leaflets still exhibited a vestige of sensitiveness when forcibly pressed, but in the evening they showed no signs of sleep. Nevertheless, their petioles continued to circumnutate distinctly, [page 379] although the proper order of their movements in relation to the day and night was wholly lost. Thus, one leaf descended during the first two nights (i.e. between 10 P.M. and 7 A.M. next morning) instead of ascending, and on the third night it moved chiefly in a lateral direction. The second leaf behaved in an equally abnormal manner, moving laterally during the first night, descending greatly during the second, and ascending to an unusual height during the third night.
With plants kept at a high temperature and exposed to the light, the most rapid circumnutating movement of the apex of a leaf which was observed, amounted to 1/500 of an inch in one second; and this would have equalled 1/8 of an inch in a minute, had not the leaf occasionally stood still. The actual distance travelled by the apex (as ascertained by a measure placed close to the leaf) was on one occasion nearly 3/4 of an inch in a vertical direction in 15 m.; and on another occasion 5/8 of an inch in 60 m.; but there was also some lateral movement.
Mimosa albida.*—The leaves of this plant, one of which is here figured (Fig. 159) reduced to 2/3 of the natural size, present some
Fig. 159. Mimosa albida: leaf seen from vertically above.
interesting peculiarities143. It consists of a long petiole bearing only two pinnae (here represented as rather more divergent than is usual), each with two pairs of leaflets. But the inner
* Mr. Thiselton Dyer informs us that this Peruvian plant (which was sent to us from Kew) is considered by Mr. Bentham ('Trans. Linn. Soc.,' vol. xxx. p. 390) to be "the species or variety which most commonly represents the M. sensitiva of our gardens." [page 380]
basal leaflets are greatly reduced in size, owing probably to the want of space for their full development, so that they may be considered as almost rudimentary. They vary somewhat in size, and both occasionally disappear, or only one. Nevertheless, they are not in the least rudimentary in function, for they are sensitive, extremely heliotropic, circumnutate at nearly the same rate as the fully developed leaflets, and assume when asleep exactly the same position. With M. pudica the inner leaflets at the base and between the pinnae are likewise much shortened and obliquely truncated144; this fact was well seen in some seedlings of M. pudica, in which the third leaf above the cotyledons bore only two pinnae, each with only 3 or 4 pairs of leaflets, of which the inner basal one was less than half as long as its fellow; so that the whole leaf resembled pretty closely that of M. albida. In this latter species the main petiole terminates in a little point, and on each side of this there is a pair of minute, flattened145, lancet-shaped projections146, hairy on their margins147, which drop off and disappear soon after the leaf is fully developed. There can hardly be a doubt that these little projections are the last and fugacious representatives of an additional pair of leaflets to each pinna; for the outer one is twice as broad as the inner one, and a little longer, viz. 7/100 of an inch, whilst the inner one is only 5/100 - 6/100 long. Now if the basal pair of leaflets of the existing leaves were to become rudimentary, we should expect that the rudiments148 would still exhibit some trace of their present great inequality of size. The conclusion that the pinnae of the parent-form of M. albida possessed149 at least three pairs of leaflets, instead of, as at present, only two, is supported by the structure of the first true leaf; for this consists of a simple petiole, often bearing three pairs of leaflets. This latter fact, as well as the presence of the rudiments, both lead to the conclusion that M. albida is descended from a form the leaves of which bore more than two pairs of leaflets. The second leaf above the cotyledons resembles in all respects the leaves on fully developed plants.
When the leaves go to sleep, each leaflet twists half round, so as to present its edge to the zenith, and comes into close contact with its fellow. The pinnae also approach each other closely, so that the four terminal leaflets come together. The large basal leaflets (with the little rudimentary ones in contact with them) move inwards and forwards, so as to embrace the outside of the united terminal leaflets, and thus all eight leaflets [page 381] (the rudimentary ones included) form together a single vertical packet. The two pinnae at the same time that they approach each other sink downwards, and thus instead of extending horizontally in the same line with the main petiole, as during the day, they depend at night at about 45o, or even at a greater angle, beneath the horizon. The movement of the main petiole seems to be variable; we have seen it in the evening 27o lower than during the day; but sometimes in nearly the same position. Nevertheless, a sinking movement in the evening and a rising one during the night is probably the normal course, for this was well-marked in the petiole of the first-formed true leaf.
The circumnutation of the main petiole of a young leaf was traced during 2 3/4 days, and was considerable in extent, but less complex than that of M. pudica. The movement was much more lateral than is usual with circumnutating leaves, and this was the sole peculiarity which it presented. The apex of one of the terminal leaflets was seen under the microscope to travel 1/50 of an inch in 3 minutes.
Mimosa marginata.—The opposite leaflets rise up and approach each other at night, but do not come into close contact, except in the case of very young leaflets on vigorous shoots. Full-grown leaflets circumnutate during the day slowly and on a small scale.
Schrankia uncinata (Tribe 20).—A leaf consists of two or three pairs of pinnae, each bearing many small leaflets. These, when the plant is asleep, are directed forwards and become imbricated. The angle between the two terminal pinnae was diminished at night, in one case by 15o; and they sank almost vertically downwards. The hinder pairs of pinnae likewise sink downwards, but do not converge150, that is, move towards the apex of the leaf. The main petiole does not become depressed, at least during the evening. In this latter respect, as well as in the sinking of the pinnae, there is a marked difference between the nyctitropic movements of the present plant and of Mimosa pudica. It should, however, be added that our specimen151 was not in a very vigorous condition. The pinnae of Schrankia aculeata also sink at night.
Acacia Farnesiana (Tribe 22).—The different appearance presented by a bush of this plant when asleep and awake is wonderful. The same leaf in the two states is shown in the following figure (Fig. 160). The leaflets move towards the apex of the pinna and become imbricated, and the pinnae then look like bits of dangling152 string. The following remarks and measurements [page 382] do not fully apply to the small leaf here figured. The pinnae move forwards and at the same time sink downwards, whilst the main petiole rises considerably. With respect to the degree of movement: the two terminal pinnae of one specimen formed together an angle of 100o during the day, and at night of only 38o, so each had moved 31o forwards. The penultimate pinnae during the day formed together an angle of 180o, that is, they stood in a straight line opposite one another, and at night each had moved 65o forwards. The basal pair of pinnae were directed
Fig. 160. Acacia Farnesiana: A, leaf during the day; B, the same leaf at night.
during the day, each about 21o backwards, and at night 38o forwards, so each had moved 59o forwards. But the pinnae at the same time sink greatly, and sometimes hang almost perpendicularly downwards. The main petiole, on the other hand, rises much: by 8.30 P.M. one stood 34o higher than at noon, and by 6.40 A.M. on the following morning it was still higher by 10o; shortly after this hour the diurnal sinking movement commenced. The course of a nearly full-grown leaf was traced during 14 h.; it was strongly zigzag, and apparently [page 383] represented five ellipses, with their longer axes differently directed.
Albizzia lophantha (Tribe 23).—The leaflets at night come into contact with one another, and are directed towards the apex of the pinna. The pinnae approach one another, but remain in the same plane as during the day; and in this respect they differ much from those of the above Schrankia and Acacia. The main petiole rises but little. The first-formed leaf above the cotyledons bore 11 leaflets on each side, and these slept like those on the subsequently formed leaves; but the petiole of this first leaf was curved downwards during the day and at night straightened itself, so that the chord of its arc then stood 16o higher than in the day-time.
Melaleuca ericaefolia (Myrtaceae).—According to Bouché ('Bot. Zeit.,' 1874, p. 359) the leaves sleep at night, in nearly the same manner as those of certain species of Pimelia.
Oenothera mollissima (Onagrarieae).—According to Linnaeus ('Somnus Plantarum'), the leaves rise up vertically at night.
Passiflora gracilis (Passifloracae).—The young leaves sleep by their blades hanging vertically downwards, and the whole length of the petiole then becomes somewhat curved downwards. Externally no trace of a pulvinus can be seen. The petiole of the uppermost leaf on a young shoot stood at 10.45 A.M. at 33o above the horizon; and at 10.30 P.M., when the blade was vertically dependent, at only 15o, so the petiole had fallen 18o. That of the next older leaf fell only 7o. From some unknown cause the leaves do not always sleep properly. The stem of a plant, which had stood for some time before a north-east window, was secured to a stick at the base of a young leaf, the blade of which was inclined at 40o below the horizon. From its position the leaf had to be viewed obliquely, consequently the vertically ascending and descending movements appeared when traced oblique. On the first day (Oct. 12th) the leaf descended in a zigzag line until late in the evening; and by 8.15 A.M. on the 13th had risen to nearly the same level as on the previous morning. A new tracing was now begun (Fig. 161). The leaf continued to rise until 8.50 A.M., then moved a little to the right, and afterwards descended. Between 11 A.M. and 5 P.M. it circumnutated, and after the latter hour the great nocturnal fall commenced. At 7.15 P.M. it depended vertically. The dotted line ought to have been prolonged much lower down in the figure. By 6.50 A.M. on the following morning (14th) the [page 384] leaf had risen greatly, and continued to rise till 7.50 A.M., after which hour it redescended. It should be observed that the lines traced on this second morning would have coincided with and confused those previously traced, had not the pot been slided a very little to the left. In the evening (14th) a mark was placed behind the filament attached to the apex of the leaf, and its movement was carefully traced from 5 P.M. to 10.15 P.M.
Fig. 161. Passiflora gracilis: circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of leaf, traced on vertical glass, from 8.20 A.M. Oct. 13th to 10 A.M. 14th. Figure reduced to two-thirds of original scale.
Between 5 and 7.15 P.M. the leaf descended in a straight line, and at the latter hour it appeared vertically dependent. But between 7.15 and 10.15 P.M. the line consisted of a succession of steps, the cause of which we could not understand; it was, however, manifest that the movement was no longer a simple descending one.
Siegesbeckia orientalis (Compositae).—Some seedlings were raised in the middle of winter and kept in the hot-house; they flowered, but did not grow well, and their leaves never showed any signs of sleep. The leaves on other seedlings raised in May were horizontal at noon (June 22nd), and depended at a consi- [page 385] derable angle beneath the horizon at 10 P.M. In the case of four youngish leaves which were from 2 to 2 ? inches in length, these angles were found to be 50o, 56o, 60o, and 65o. At the end of August when the plants had grown to a height of 10 to 11 inches, the younger leaves were so much curved downwards at night that they might truly be said to be asleep. This is one
Fig. 162. Nicotiana glauca: shoots with leaves expanded during the day, and asleep at night. Figures copied from photographs, and reduced.
of the species which must be well illuminated during the day in order to sleep, for on two occasions when plants were kept all day in a room with north-east windows, the leaves did not sleep at night. The same cause probably accounts for the leaves on our seedlings raised in the dead of the winter not sleeping. Professor Pfeffer informs us that the leaves of another species (S. Jorullensis ?) hang vertically down at night. [page 386]
Ipomoea caerulea and purpurea (Convolvulaceae).—The leaves on very young plants, a foot or two in height, are depressed at night to between 68o and 80o beneath the horizon; and some hang quite vertically downwards. On the following morning they again rise into a horizontal position. The petioles become at night downwardly curved, either through their entire length or in the upper part alone; and this apparently causes the depression of the blade. It seems necessary that the leaves should be well illuminated during the day in order to sleep, for those which stood on the back of a plant before a north-east window did not sleep.
Nicotiana tabacum (var. Virginian) and glauca (Solaneae).—The young leaves of both these species sleep by bending vertically upwards. Figures of two shoots of N. glauca, awake and asleep (Fig. 162), are given on p. 385: one of the shoots, from which the photographs were taken, was accidentally bent to one side.
Fig. 163. Nicotiana tabacum: circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of a leaf (5 inches in length), traced on a vertical glass, from 3 P.M. July 10th to 8.10 A.M. 13th. Apex of leaf 4 inches from glass. Temp. 17 1/2o - 18 1/2o C. Figure reduced to one-half original scale.
At the base of the petiole of N. tabacum, on the outside, there is a mass of cells, which are rather smaller than elsewhere, and [page 387] have their longer axes differently directed from the cells of the parenchyma, and may therefore be considered as forming a sort of pulvinus. A young plant of N. tabacum was selected, and the circumnutation of the fifth leaf above the cotyledons was observed during three days. On the first morning (July 10th) the leaf fell from 9 to 10 A.M., which is its normal course, but rose during the remainder of the day; and this no doubt was due to its being illuminated exclusively from above; for properly the evening rise does not commence until 3 or 4 P.M. In the figure as given on p. 386 (Fig. 163) the first dot was made at 3 P.M.; and the tracing was continued for the following 65 h. When the leaf pointed to the dot next above that marked 3 P.M. it stood horizontally. The tracing is remarkable only from its simplicity and the straightness of the lines. The leaf each day described a single great ellipse; for it should be observed that the ascending and descending lines do not coincide. On the evening of the 11th the leaf did not descend quite so low as usual, and it now zigzagged a little. The diurnal sinking movement had already commenced each morning by 7 A.M. The broken lines at the top of the figure, representing the nocturnal vertical position of the leaf, ought to be prolonged much higher up.
Mirabilis longiflora and jalapa (Nyctagineae).—The first pair of leaves above the cotyledons, produced by seedlings of both these species, were considerably divergent during the day, and at night stood up vertically in close contact with one another. The two upper leaves on an older seedling were almost horizontal by day, and at night stood up vertically, but were not in close contact, owing to the resistance offered by the central bud.
Polygonum aviculare (Polygoneae).—Professor Batalin informs us that the young leaves rise up vertically at night. This is likewise the case, according to Linnaeus, with several species of Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae); and we observed a sleep movement of this kind in one member of the genus. Again, with Chenopodium album (Chenopodieae), the upper young leaves of some seedlings, about 4 inches in height, were horizontal or sub-horizontal during the day, and at 10 P.M. on March 7th were quite, or almost quite, vertical. Other seedlings raised in the greenhouse during the winter (Jan. 28th) were observed day and night, and no difference could be perceived in the position of their leaves. According to Bouché ('Bot. Zeitung,' 1874, p. 359) the leaves of Pimelia linoides and spectabilis (Thymeleae) sleep at night. [page 388]
Euphorbia jacquiniaeflora (Euphorbiaceae).—Mr. Lynch called our attention to the fact that the young leaves of this plant sleep by depending vertically. The third leaf from the summit (March 11th) was inclined during the day 30o beneath the horizon, and at night hung vertically down, as did some of the still younger leaves. It rose up to its former level on the following morning. The fourth and fifth leaves from the summit stood horizontally during the day, and sank down at night only 38o. The sixth leaf did not sensibly alter its position. The sinking movement is due to the downward curvature of the petiole, no part of which exhibits any structure like that of a pulvinus. Early on the morning of June 7th a filament was fixed longitudinally to a young leaf (the third from the summit, and 2 5/8 inches in length), and its movements were traced on a vertical glass during 72 h., the plant being illuminated from above through a skylight. Each day the leaf fell in a nearly straight line from 7 A.M. to 5 P.M., after which hour it was so much inclined downwards that the movement could no longer be traced; and during the latter part of each night, or early in the morning, the leaf rose. It therefore circumnutated in a very simple manner, making a single large ellipse every 24 h., for the ascending and descending lines did not coincide. On each successive morning it stood at a less height than on the previous one, and this was probably due partly to the increasing age of the leaf, and partly to the illumination being insufficient153; for although the leaves are very slightly heliotropic, yet, according to Mr. Lynch's and our own observations, their inclination during the day is determined by the intensity154 of the light. On the third day, by which time the extent of the descending movement had much decreased, the line traced was plainly much more zigzag than on any previous day, and it appeared as if some of its powers of movement were thus expended. At 10 P.M. on June 7th, when the leaf depended vertically, its movements were observed by a mark being placed behind it, and the end of the attached filament was seen to oscillate slowly and slightly from side to side, as well as upwards and downwards.
Phyllanthus Niruri (Euphorbiaceae).—The leaflets of this plant sleep, as described by Pfeffer,* in a remarkable manner, apparently like those of Cassia, for they sink downwards at night and twist round, so that their lower surfaces are turned
* 'Die Period. Beweg.,' p. 159. [page 389]
outwards. They are furnished as might have been expected from this complex kind of movement, with a pulvinus.
Pinus Nordmanniana (Coniferae).—M. Chatin states* that the leaves, which are horizontal during the day, rise up at night, so as to assume a position almost perpendicular to the branch from which they arise; we presume that he here refers to a horizontal branch. He adds: "En même temps, ce mouvement d'érection est accompangé d'un mouvement de torsion imprimé à la partie basilaire de la feuille, et pouvant souvent parcourir un arc de 90 degrés." As the lower surfaces of the leaves are white, whilst the upper are dark green, the tree presents a widely different appearance by day and night. The leaves on a small tree in a pot did not exhibit with us any nyctitropic movements. We have seen in a former chapter that the leaves of Pinus pinaster and Austriaca are continually circumnutating.
Thalia dealbata (Cannaceae).—the leaves of this plant sleep by turning vertically upwards; they are furnished with a well-developed pulvinus. It is the only instance known to us of a very large leaf sleeping. The blade of a young leaf, which was as yet only 13 1/4 inches in length and 6 ? in breadth, formed at noon an angle with its tall petiole of 121o, and at night stood vertically in a line with it, and so had risen 59o. The actual distance travelled by the apex (as measured by an orthogonic tracing) of another large leaf, between 7.30 A.M. and 10 P.M., was 10 ? inches. The circumnutation of two young and dwarfed155 leaves, arising amongst the taller leaves at the base of the plant, was traced on a vertical glass during two days. On the first day the apex of one, and on the second day the apex of the other leaf, described between 6.40 A.M. and 4 P.M. two ellipses, the longer axes of which were extended in very different directions from the lines representing the great diurnal sinking and nocturnal rising movement.
Maranta arundinacea (Cannaceae).—The blades of the leaves, which are furnished with a pulvinus, stand horizontally during
* 'Comptes Rendus,' Jan. 1876, p. 171. [page 390]
the day or between 10o and 20o above the horizon, and at night vertically upwards. They therefore rise between 70o and 90o at night. The plant was placed at noon in the dark in the hot-house, and on the following day the movements of the leaves were traced. Between 8.40 and 10.30 A.M. they rose, and then fell greatly till 1.37 P.M. But by 3 P.M. they had again risen a little, and continued to rise during the rest of the afternoon and night; on the following morning they stood at the same level as on the previous day. Darkness, therefore, during a day and a half does not interfere156 with the periodicity of their movements. On a warm but stormy evening, the plant whilst being brought into the house, had its leaves violently shaken, and at night not one went to sleep. On the next morning the plant was taken back to the hot-house, and again at night the leaves did not sleep; but on the ensuing night they rose in the usual manner between 70o and 80o. This fact is analogous157 with what we have observed with climbing plants, namely, that much agitation checks for a time their power of circumnutation; but the effect in this instance was much more strongly marked and prolonged.
Colocasia antiquorum (Caladium esculentum, Hort.) (Aroideae).—The leaves of this plant sleep by their blades sinking in the evening, so as to stand highly inclined, or even quite vertically with their tips pointing to the ground. They are not provided with a pulvinus. The blade of one stood at noon 1 degree beneath the horizon; at 4.20 P.M., 20o; at 6 P.M. 43o; at 7.20 P.M., 69o; and at 8.30 P.M., 68o; so it had now begun to rise; at 10.15 P.M. it stood at 65o, and on the following early morning at 11o beneath the horizon. The circumnutation of another young leaf (with its petiole only 3 1/4 inches, and the blade 4 inches in length), was traced on a vertical glass during 48 h.; it was dimly illuminated through a skylight, and this seemed to disturb the proper periodicity of its movements. Nevertheless, the leaf fell greatly during both afternoons, till either 7.10 P.M. or 9 P.M., when it rose a little and moved laterally. By an early hour on both mornings, it had assumed its diurnal position. The well-marked lateral movement for a short time in the early part of the night, was the only interesting fact which it presented, as this caused the ascending and descending lines not to coincide, in accordance with the general rule with circumnutating organs. The movements of the leaves of this plant are thus of the most simple kind; and the tracing is not worth giving. We have seen that in another genus of the Aroideae, namely, Pistia, the leaves [page 391] rise so much at night that they may almost be said to sleep.
Strephium floribundum* (Gramineae).—The oval leaves are provided with a pulvinus, and are extended horizontally or declined a little beneath the horizon during the day. Those on the upright culms simply rise up vertically at night, so that their tips are directed towards the zenith. (Fig. 164.)
Fig. 164. Strephium floribundum: culms with leaves during the day, and when asleep at night. Figures reduced.
Horizontally extended leaves arising from much inclined or almost horizontal culms, move at night so that their tips point towards the apex of the culm, with one lateral margin directed towards the zenith; and in order to assume this position the leaves have to twist on their own axes through an angle of nearly 90o. Thus the surface of the blade always stands vertically, whatever may be the position of the midrib or of the leaf as a whole.
The circumnutation of a young leaf (2.3 inches in length) was traced during 48 h. (Fig. 165). The movement was remarkably simple; the leaf descended from before 6.40 A.M. until 2 or 2.50 P.M., and then rose so as to stand vertically at about 6 P.M., descending again late in the night or in the very early morning.
* A. Brongniart first observed that the leaves of this plant and of Marsilea sleep: see 'Bull. de la Soc. Bot. de France,' tom. vii. 1860, p. 470. [page 392]
On the second day the descending line zigzagged slightly. As usual, the ascending and descending lines did not coincide. On another occasion, when the temperature was a little higher, viz., 24o - 26 1/2o C., a leaf was observed 17 times between 8.50 A.M. and 12.16 P.M.; it changed its course by as much as a rectangle six times in this interval of 3 h. 26 m., and described two irregular triangles and a half. The leaf, therefore, on this occasion circumnutated rapidly and in a complex manner.
Fig. 165. Strephium floribundum: circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of a leaf, traced from 9 A.M. June 26th to 8.45 A.M. 27th; filament fixed along the midrib. Apex of leaf 8 1/4 inches from the vertical glass; plant illuminated from above. Temp. 23 1/2o - 24 1/2o C.
Marsilea quadrifoliata (Marsileaceae).—The shape of a leaf, expanded horizontally during the day, is shown at A (Fig. 166). Each leaflet is provided with a well-developed pulvinus. When the leaves sleep, the two terminal leaflets rise up, twist half round and come into contact with one another (B), and are afterwards embraced by the two lower leaflets (C); so that the four leaflets with their lower surfaces turned outwards form a vertical packet. The curvature of the summit of the petiole of the leaf figured asleep, is merely accidental. The plant was brought into a room, where the temperature was only a little above 60o F., and the movement of one of the leaflets (the petiole having been secured) was traced [page 393] during 24 h. (Fig. 167). The leaf fell from the early morning till 1.50 P.M., and then rose till 6 P.M., when it was asleep. A
Fig. 166. Marsilea quadrifoliata: A, leaf during the day, seen from vertically above; B, leaf beginning to go to sleep, seen laterally; C, the same asleep. Figures reduced to one-half of natural scale.
vertically dependent glass filament was now fixed to one of the terminal and inner leaflets; and part of the tracing in Fig. 167, after 6 P.M., shows that it continued to sink, making one zigzag, until 10.40 P.M. At 6.45 A.M. on the following morning, the leaf was awaking, and the filament pointed above the vertical glass,
Fig. 167. Marsilea quadrifoliata: circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of leaflet traced on vertical glass, during nearly 24 h. Figure reduced to two-thirds of original scale. Plant kept at rather too low a temperature.
but by 8.25 A.M. it occupied the position shown in the figure. The diagram differs greatly in appearance from most of those previously given; and this is due to the leaflet twisting and moving laterally as it approaches and comes into contact with [page 394] its fellow. The movement of another leaflet, when asleep, was traced between 6 P.M. and 10.35 P.M., and it clearly circumnutated, for it continued for two hours to sink, then rose, and then sank still lower than it was at 6 P.M. It may be seen in the preceding figure (167) that the leaflet, when the plant was subjected to a rather low temperature in the house, descended and ascended during the middle of the day in a somewhat zigzag line; but when kept in the hot-house from 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. at a high but varying temperature (viz., between 72o and 83o F.) a leaflet (with the petiole secured) circumnutated rapidly, for it made three large vertical ellipses in the course of the six hours. According to Brongniart, Marsilea pubescens sleeps like the present species. These plants are the sole cryptogamic ones known to sleep.]
A Summary and Concluding Remarks on the Nyctitropic or Sleep-movements of Leaves.—That these movements are in some manner of high importance to the plants which exhibit them, few will dispute who have observed how complex they sometimes are. Thus with Cassia, the leaflets which are horizontal during the day not only bend at night vertically downwards with the terminal pair directed considerably backwards, but they also rotate on their own axes, so that their lower surfaces are turned outwards. The terminal leaflet of Melilotus likewise rotates, by which movement one of its lateral edges is directed upwards, and at the same time it moves either to the left or to the right, until its upper surface comes into contact with that of the lateral leaflet on the same side, which has likewise rotated on its own axis. With Arachis, all four leaflets form together during the night a single vertical packet; and to the effect this the two anterior158 leaflets have to move upwards and the two posterior ones forwards, besides all twisting on their own axes. In the genus Sida the leaves of some species move at night through an angle of 90o upwards, and of others [page 395] through the same angle downwards. We have seen a similar difference in the nyctitropic movements of the cotyledons in the genus Oxalis. In Lupinus, again, the leaflets move either upwards or downwards; and in some species, for instance L. luteus, those on one side of the star-shaped leaf move up, and those on the opposite side move down; the intermediate ones rotating on their axes; and by these varied159 movements, the whole leaf forms at night a vertical star instead of a horizontal one, as during the day. Some leaves and leaflets, besides moving either upwards or downwards, become more or less folded at night, as in Bauhinia and in some species of Oxalis. The positions, indeed, which leaves occupy when asleep are almost infinitely160 diversified161; they may point either vertically upwards or downwards, or, in the case of leaflets, towards the apex or towards the base of the leaf, or in any intermediate position. They often rotate at least as much as 90o on their own axes. The leaves which arise from upright and from horizontal or much inclined branches on the same plant, move in some few cases in a different manner, as with Porlieria and Strephium. The whole appearance of many plants is wonderfully changed at night, as may be seen with Oxalis, and still more plainly with Mimosa. A bush of Acacia Farnesiana appears at night as if covered with little dangling bits of string instead of leaves. Excluding a few genera not seen by ourselves, about which we are in doubt, and excluding a few others the leaflets of which rotate at night, and do not rise or sink much, there are 37 genera in which the leaves or leaflets rise, often moving at the same time towards the apex or towards the base of the leaf, and 32 genera in which they sink at night.
The nyctitropic movements of leaves, leaflets, and [page 396] petioles are effected in two different ways; firstly, by alternately increased growth on their opposite sides, preceded by increased turgescence of the cells; and secondly by means of a pulvinus or aggregate162 of small cells, generally destitute of chlorophyll, which become alternately more turgescent on nearly opposite sides; and this turgescence is not followed by growth except during the early age of the plant. A pulvinus seems to be formed (as formerly shown) by a group of cells ceasing to grow at a very early age, and therefore does not differ essentially from the surrounding tissues. The cotyledons of some species of Trifolium are provided with a pulvinus, and others are destitute of one, and so it is with the leaves in the genus Sida. We see also in this same genus gradations in the state of the development of the pulvinus; and in Nicotiana we have what may probably be considered as the commencing development of one. The nature of the movement is closely similar, whether a pulvinus is absent or present, as is evident from many of the diagrams given in this chapter. It deserves notice that when a pulvinus is present, the ascending and descending lines hardly ever coincide, so that ellipses are habitually163 described by the leaves thus provided, whether they are young or so old as to have quite ceased growing. This fact of ellipses being described, shows that the alternately increased turgescence of the cells does not occur on exactly opposite sides of the pulvinus, any more than the increased growth which causes the movements of leaves not furnished with pulvini. When a pulvinus is present, the nyctitropic movements are continued for a very much longer period than when such do not exist. This has been amply proved in the case of cotyledons, and Pfeffer has given observations to the same effect with respect [page 379[97]] to leaves. We have seen that a leaf of Mimosa pudica continued to move in the ordinary manner, though somewhat more simply, until it withered164 and died. It may be added that some leaflets of Trifolium pratense were pinned open during 10 days, and on the first evening after being released they rose up and slept in the usual manner. Besides the long continuance of the movements when effected by the aid of a pulvinus (and this appears to be the final cause of its development), a twisting movement at night, as Pfeffer has remarked, is almost confined to leaves thus provided.
It is a very general rule that the first true leaf, though it may differ somewhat in shape from the leaves on the mature plant, yet sleeps like them; and this occurs quite independently of the fact whether or not the cotyledons themselves sleep, or whether they sleep in the same manner. But with Phaseolus Roxburghii the first unifoliate leaves rise at night almost sufficiently to be said to sleep, whilst the leaflets of the secondary trifoliate leaves sink vertically at night. On young plants of Sida rhombaefolia, only a few inches in height, the leaves did not sleep, though on rather older plants they rose up vertically at night. On the other hand, the leaves on very young plants of Cytisus fragrans slept in a conspicuous manner, whilst on old and vigorous bushes kept in the greenhouse, the leaves did not exhibit any plain nyctitropic movement. In the genus Lotus the basal stipule-like leaflets rise up vertically at night, and are provided with pulvini.
As already remarked, when leaves or leaflets change their position greatly at night and by complicated movements, it can hardly be doubted that these must be in some manner beneficial to the plant. If so, we [page 398] must extend the same conclusion to a large number of sleeping plants; for the most complicated and the simplest nyctitropic movements are connected together by the finest gradations. But owing to the causes specified165 in the beginning of this chapter, it is impossible in some few cases to determine whether or not certain movements should be called nyctitropic. Generally, the position which the leaves occupy at night indicates with sufficient clearness, that the benefit thus derived166, is the protection of their upper surfaces from radiation into the open sky, and in many cases the mutual protection of all the parts from cold by their being brought into close approximation. It should be remembered that it was proved in the last chapter, that leaves compelled to remain extended horizontally at night, suffered much more from radiation than those which were allowed to assume their normal vertical position.
The fact of the leaves of several plants not sleeping unless they have been well illuminated during the day, made us for a time doubt whether the protection of their upper surfaces from radiation was in all cases the final cause of their well-pronounced nyctitropic movements. But we have no reason to suppose that the illumination from the open sky, during even the most clouded day, is insufficient for this purpose; and we should bear in mind that leaves which are shaded from being seated low down on the plant, and which sometimes do not sleep, are likewise protected at night from full radiation. Nevertheless, we do not wish to deny that there may exist cases in which leaves change their position considerably at night, without their deriving167 any benefit from such movements.
Although with sleeping plants the blades almost [page 399] always assume at night a vertical, or nearly vertical position, it is a point of complete indifference168 whether the apex, or the base, or one of the lateral edges, is directed to the zenith. It is a rule of wide generality, that whenever there is any difference in the degree of exposure to radiation between the upper and the lower surfaces of leaves and leaflets, it is the upper which is the least exposed, as may be seen in Lotus, Cytisus, Trifolium, and other genera. In several species of Lupinus the leaflets do not, and apparently from their structure cannot, place themselves vertically at night, and consequently their upper surfaces, though highly inclined, are more exposed than the lower; and here we have an exception to our rule. But in other species of this genus the leaflets succeed in placing themselves vertically; this, however, is effected by a very unusual movement, namely, by the leaflets on the opposite sides of the same leaf moving in opposite directions.
It is again a very common rule that when leaflets come into close contact with one another, they do so by their upper surfaces, which are thus best protected. In some cases this may be the direct result of their rising vertically; but it is obviously for the protection of the upper surfaces that the leaflets of Cassia rotate in so wonderful a manner whilst sinking downwards; and that the terminal leaflet of Melilotus rotates and moves to one side until it meets the lateral leaflet on the same side. When opposite leaves or leaflets sink vertically down without any twisting, their lower surfaces approach each other and sometimes come into contact; but this is the direct and inevitable169 result of their position. With many species of Oxalis the lower surfaces of the adjoining leaflets are pressed together, and are thus better protected [page 400] than the upper surfaces; but this depends merely on each leaflet becoming folded at night so as to be able to sink vertically downwards. The torsion or rotation of leaves and leaflets, which occurs in so many cases, apparently always serves to bring their upper surfaces into close approximation with one another, or with other parts of the plant, for their mutual protection. We see this best in such cases as those of Arachis, Mimosa albida, and Marsilea, in which all the leaflets form together at night a single vertical packet. If with Mimosa pudica the opposite leaflets had merely moved upwards, their upper surfaces would have come into contact and been well protected; but as it is, they all successively move towards the apex of the leaf; and thus not only their upper surfaces are protected, but the successive pairs become imbricated and mutually protect one another as well as the petioles. This imbrication of the leaflets of sleeping plants is a common phenomenon.
The nyctitropic movement of the blade is generally effected by the curvature of the uppermost part of the petiole, which has often been modified into a pulvinus; or the whole petiole, when short, may be thus modified. But the blade itself sometimes curves or moves, of which fact Bauhinia offers a striking instance, as the two halves rise up and come into close contact at night. Or the blade and the upper part of the petiole may both move. Moreover, the petiole as a whole commonly either rises or sinks at night. This movement is sometimes large: thus the petioles of Cassia pubescens stand only a little above the horizon during the day, and at night rise up almost, or quite, perpendicularly. The petioles of the younger leaves of Desmodium gyrans also rise up vertically at night. On the other hand, with Amphi- [page 401] carpaea, the petioles of some leaves sank down as much as 57o at night; with Arachis they sank 39o, and then stood at right angles to the stem. Generally, when the rising or sinking of several petioles on the same plant was measured, the amount differed greatly. This is largely determined by the age of the leaf: for instance, the petiole of a moderately old leaf of Desmodium gyrans rose only 46o, whilst the young ones rose up vertically; that of a young leaf of Cassia floribunda rose 41o, whilst that of an older leaf rose only 12o. It is a more singular fact that the age of the plant sometimes influences greatly the amount of movement; thus with some young seedlings of a Bauhinia the petioles rose at night 30o and 34o, whereas those on these same plants, when grown to a height of 2 or 3 feet, hardly moved at all. The position of the leaves on the plant as determined by the light, seems also to influence the amount of movement of the petiole; for no other cause was apparent why the petioles of some leaves of Melilotus officinalis rose as much as 59o, and others only 7o and 9o at night.
In the case of many plants, the petioles move at night in one direction and the leaflets in a directly opposite one. Thus, in three genera of Phaseoleae the leaflets moved vertically downwards at night, and the petioles rose in two of them, whilst in the third they sank. Species in the same genus often differ widely in the movements of their petioles. Even on the same plant of Lupinus pubescens some of the petioles rose 30o, others only 6o, and others sank 4o at night. The leaflets of Cassia Barclayana moved so little at night that they could not be said to sleep, yet the petioles of some young leaves rose as much as 34o. These several facts apparently indicate that the movements [page 402] of the petioles are not performed for any special purpose; though a conclusion of this kind is generally rash. When the leaflets sink vertically down at night and the petioles rise, as often occurs, it is certain that the upward movement of the latter does not aid the leaflets in placing themselves in their proper position at night, for they have to move through a greater angular space than would otherwise have been necessary.
Notwithstanding what has just been said, it may be strongly suspected that in some cases the rising of the petioles, when considerable, does beneficially serve the plant by greatly reducing the surface exposed to radiation at night. If the reader will compare the two drawings (Fig. 155, p. 371) of Cassia pubescens, copied from photographs, he will see that the diameter of the plant at night is about one-third of what it is by day, and therefore the surface exposed to radiation is nearly nine times less. A similar conclusion may be deduced from the drawings (Fig. 149, p. 358) of a branch awake and asleep of Desmodium gyrans. So it was in a very striking manner with young plants of Bauhinia, and with Oxalis Ortegesii.
We are led to an analogous conclusion with respect to the movements of the secondary petioles of certain pinnate leaves. The pinnae of Mimosa pudica converge at night; and thus the imbricated and closed leaflets on each separate pinna are all brought close together into a single bundle, and mutually protect one another, with a somewhat smaller surface exposed to radiation. With Albizzia lophantha the pinnae close together in the same manner. Although the pinnae of Acacia Farnesiana do not converge much, they sink downwards. Those of Neptunia oleracea likewise [page 403] move downwards, as well as backwards, towards the base of the leaf, whilst the main petiole rises. With Schrankia, again, the pinnae are depressed at night. Now in these three latter cases, though the pinnae do not mutually protect one another at night, yet after having sunk down they expose, as does a dependent sleeping leaf, much less surface to the zenith and to radiation than if they had remained horizontal.
Any one who had never observed continuously a sleeping plant, would naturally suppose that the leaves moved only in the evening when going to sleep, and in the morning when awaking; but he would be quite mistaken, for we have found no exception to the rule that leaves which sleep continue to move during the whole twenty-four hours; they move, however, more quickly when going to sleep and when awaking than at other times. That they are not stationary during the day is shown by all the diagrams given, and by the many more which were traced. It is troublesome to observe the movements of leaves in the middle of the night, but this was done in a few cases; and tracings were made during the early part of the night of the movements in the case of Oxalis, Amphicarpaea, two species of Erythrina, a Cassia, Passiflora, Euphorbia and Marsilea; and the leaves after they had gone to sleep, were found to be in constant movement. When, however, opposite leaflets come into close contact with one another or with the stem at night, they are, as we believe, mechanically prevented from moving, but this point was not sufficiently investigated.
When the movements of sleeping leaves are traced during twenty-four hours, the ascending and descending lines do not coincide, except occasionally and by accident for a short space; so that with many plants a [page 404] single large ellipse is described during each twenty-four hours. Such ellipses are generally narrow and vertically directed, for the amount of lateral movement is small. That there is some lateral movement is shown by the ascending and descending lines not coinciding, and occasionally, as with Desmodium gyrans and Thalia dealbata, it was strongly marked. In the case of Melilotus the ellipses described by the terminal leaflet during the day are laterally extended, instead of vertically, as is usual; and this fact evidently stands in relation with the terminal leaflet moving laterally when it goes to sleep. With the majority of sleeping plants the leaves oscillate more than once up and down in the twenty-four hours; so that frequently two ellipses, one of moderate size, and one of very large size which includes the nocturnal movement, are described within the twenty-four hours. For instance, a leaf which stands vertically up during the night will sink in the morning, then rise considerably, again sink in the afternoon, and in the evening reascend and assume its vertical nocturnal position. It will thus describe, in the course of the twenty-four hours, two ellipses of unequal sizes. Other plants describe within the same time, three, four, or five ellipses. Occasionally the longer axes of the several ellipses extend in different directions, of which Acacia Farnesiana offered a good instance. The following cases will give an idea of the rate of movement: Oxalis acetosella completed two ellipses at the rate of 1 h. 25 m. for each; Marsilea quadrifoliata, at the rate of 2 h.; Trifolium subterraneum, one in 3 h. 30 m.; and Arachis hypogaea, in 4 h. 50 m. But the number of ellipses described within a given time depends largely on the state of the plant and on the conditions to which it is exposed. It often happens that a single ellipse may be described during one [page 405] day, and two on the next. Erythrina corallodendron made four ellipses on the first day of observation and only a single one on the third, apparently owing to having been kept not sufficiently illuminated and perhaps not warm enough. But there seems likewise to be an innate170 tendency in different species of the same genus to make a different number of ellipses in the twenty-four hours: the leaflets of Trifolium repens made only one; those of T. resupinatum two, and those of T. subterraneum three in this time. Again, the leaflets of Oxalis Plumierii made a single ellipse; those of O. bupleurifolia, two; those of O. Valdiviana, two or three; and those of O. acetosella, at least five in the twenty-four hours.
The line followed by the apex of a leaf or leaflet, whilst describing one or more ellipses during the day, is often zigzag, either throughout its whole course or only during the morning or evening: Robinia offered an instance of zigzagging confined to the morning, and a similar movement in the evening is shown in the diagram (Fig. 126) given under Sida. The amount of the zigzag movement depends largely on the plant being placed under highly favourable conditions. But even under such favourable conditions, if the dots which mark the position of the apex are made at considerable intervals of time, and the dots are then joined, the course pursued will still appear comparatively simple, although the number of the ellipses will be increased; but if dots are made every two or three minutes and these are joined, the result often is that all the lines are strongly zigzag, many small loops, triangles, and other figures being also formed. This fact is shown in two parts of the diagram (Fig. 150) of the movements of Desmodium gyrans. Strephium floribundum, observed under a high temperature, [page 406] made several little triangles at the rate of 43 m. for each. Mimosa pudica, similarly observed, described three little ellipses in 67 m.; and the apex of a leaflet crossed 1/500 of an inch in a second, or 0.12 inch in a minute. The leaflets of Averrhoa made a countless171 number of little oscillations when the temperature was high and the sun shining. The zigzag movement may in all cases be considered as an attempt to form small loops, which are drawn172 out by a prevailing173 movement in some one direction. The rapid gyrations of the little lateral leaflets of Desmodium belong to the same class of movements, somewhat exaggerated in rapidity and amplitude. The jerking movements, with a small advance and still smaller retreat, apparently not exactly in the same line, of the hypocotyl of the cabbage and of the leaves of Dionaea, as seen under the microscope, all probably come under this same head. We may suspect that we here see the energy which is freed during the incessant175 chemical changes in progress in the tissues, converted into motion. Finally, it should be noted176 that leaflets and probably some leaves, whilst describing their ellipses, often rotate slightly on their axes; so that the plane of the leaf is directed first to one and then to another side. This was plainly seen to be the case with the large terminal leaflets of Desmodium, Erythrina and Amphicarpaea, and is probably common to all leaflets provided with a pulvinus.
With respect to the periodicity of the movements of sleeping leaves, Pfeffer* has so clearly shown that this depends on the daily alternations of light and darkness, that nothing farther need be said on this
* 'Die Periodischen Bewegungen der Blattorgane,' 1875, p. 30, et passim. [page 407]
head. But we may recall the behaviour of Mimosa in the North, where the sun does not set, and the complete inversion177 of the daily movements by artificial light and darkness. It has also been shown by us, that although leaves subjected to darkness for a moderately long time continue to circumnutate, yet the periodicity of their movements is soon greatly disturbed, or quite annulled178. The presence of light or its absence cannot be supposed to be the direct cause of the movements, for these are wonderfully diversified even with the leaflets of the same leaf, although all have of course been similarly exposed. The movements depend on innate causes, and are of an adaptive nature. The alternations of light and darkness merely give notice to the leaves that the period has arrived for them to move in a certain manner. We may infer from the fact of several plants (Tropaeolum, Lupinus, etc.) not sleeping unless they have been well illuminated during the day, that it is not the actual decrease of light in the evening, but the contrast between the amount at this hour and during the early part of the day, which excites the leaves to modify their ordinary mode of circumnutation.
As the leaves of most plants assume their proper diurnal position in the morning, although light be excluded, and as the leaves of some plants continue to move in the normal manner in darkness during at least a whole day, we may conclude that the periodicity of their movements is to a certain extent inherited.* The strength of such inheritance differs
* Pfeffer denies such inheritance; he attributes ('Die Period. Bewegungen,' pp. 30-56) the periodicity when prolonged for a day or two in darkness, to "Nachwirkung," or the after-effects of light and darkness. But we are unable to follow his train of reasoning. There does not seem to be any more reason for [[page 408]] attributing such movements to this cause than, for instance, the inherited habit of winter and summer wheat to grow best at different seasons; for this habit is lost after a few years, like the movements of leaves in darkness after a few days. No doubt some effect must be produced on the seeds by the long-continued cultivation179 of the parent-plants under different climates, but no one probably would call this the "Nachwirkung" of the climates. [page 408] much in different species, and seems never to be rigid180; for plants have been introduced from all parts of the world into our gardens and greenhouses; and if their movements had been at all strictly fixed in relation to the alternations of day and night, they would have slept in this country at very different hours, which is not the case. Moreover, it has been observed that sleeping plants in their native homes change their times of sleep with the changing seasons.*
We may now turn to the systematic181 list. This contains the names of all the sleeping plants known to us, though the list undoubtedly182 is very imperfect. It may be premised that, as a general rule, all the species in the same genus sleep in nearly the same manner. But there are some exceptions; in several large genera including many sleeping species (for instance, Oxalis), some do not sleep. One species of Melilotus sleeps like a Trifolium, and therefore very differently from its congeners; so does one species of Cassia. In the genus Sida, the leaves either rise or fall at night; and with Lupinus they sleep in three different methods. Returning to the list, the first point which strikes us, is that there are many more genera amongst the Leguminosae (and in almost every one of the Leguminous tribes) than in all the other families put together; and we are tempted183 to connect this fact with the great
* Pfeffer, ibid., p. 46. [page 409]
mobility184 of the stems and leaves in this family, as shown by the large number of climbing species which it contains. Next to the Leguminosae come the Malvaceae, together with some closely allied families. But by far the most important point in the list, is that we meet with sleeping plants in 28 families, in all the great divisions of the Phanerogamic series, and in one Cryptogam. Now, although it is probable that with the Leguminosae the tendency to sleep may have been inherited from one or a few progenitors, and possibly so in the cohorts of the Malvales and Chenopodiales, yet it is manifest that the tendency must have been acquired by the several genera in the other families, quite independently of one another. Hence the question naturally arises, how has this been possible? and the answer, we cannot doubt is that leaves owe their nyctitropic movements to their habit of circumnutating,—a habit common to all plants, and everywhere ready for any beneficial development or modification185.
It has been shown in the previous chapters that the leaves and cotyledons of all plants are continually moving up and down, generally to a slight but sometimes to a considerable extent, and that they describe either one or several ellipses in the course of twenty-four hours; they are also so far affected by the alternations of day and night that they generally, or at least often, move periodically to a small extent; and here we have a basis for the development of the greater nyctitropic movements. That the movements of leaves and cotyledons which do not sleep come within the class of circumnutating movements cannot be doubted, for they are closely similar to those of hypocotyls, epicotyls, the stems of mature plants, and of various other organs. Now, if we take the simplest [page 410] case of a sleeping leaf, we see that it makes a single ellipse in the twenty-four hours, which resembles one described by a non-sleeping leaf in every respect, except that it is much larger. In both cases the course pursued is often zigzag. As all non-sleeping leaves are incessantly186 circumnutating, we must conclude that a part at least of the upward and downward movement of one that sleeps, is due to ordinary circumnutation; and it seems altogether gratuitous187 to rank the remainder of the movement under a wholly different head. With a multitude of climbing plants the ellipses which they describe have been greatly increased for another purpose, namely, catching188 hold of a support. With these climbing plants, the various circumnutating organs have been so far modified in relation to light that, differently from all ordinary plants, they do not bend towards it. with sleeping plants the rate and amplitude of the movements of the leaves have been so far modified in relation to light, that they move in a certain direction with the waning189 light of the evening and with the increasing light of the morning more rapidly, and to a greater extent, than at other hours.
But the leaves and cotyledons of many non-sleeping plants move in a much more complex manner than in the cases just alluded190 to, for they describe two, three, or more ellipses in the course of a day. Now, if a plant of this kind were converted into one that slept, one side of one of the several ellipses which each leaf daily describes, would have to be greatly increased in length in the evening, until the leaf stood vertically, when it would go on circumnutating about the same spot. On the following morning, the side of another ellipse would have to be similarly increased in length so as to bring the leaf back again into its diurnal position, when it would again circumnutate [page 411] until the evening. If the reader will look, for instance, at the diagram (Fig. 142, p. 351), representing the nyctitropic movements of the terminal leaflet of Trifolium subterraneum, remembering that the curved broken lines at the top ought to be prolonged much higher up, he will see that the great rise in the evening and the great fall in the morning together form a large ellipse like one of those described during the daytime, differing only in size. Or, he may look at the diagram (Fig. 103, p. 236) of the 3 ? ellipses described in the course of 6 h. 35 m. by a leaf of Lupinus speciosus, which is one of the species in this genus that does not sleep; and he will see that by merely prolonging upwards the line which was already rising late in the evening, and bringing it down again next morning, the diagram would represent the movements of a sleeping plant.
With those sleeping plants which describe several ellipses in the daytime, and which travel in a strongly zigzag line, often making in their course minute loops, triangles, etc., if as soon as one of the ellipses begins in the evening to be greatly increased in size, dots are made every 2 or 3 minutes and these are joined, the line then described is almost strictly rectilinear, in strong contrast with the lines made during the daytime. This was observed with Desmodium gyrans and Mimosa pudica. With this latter plant, moreover, the pinnae converge in the evening by a steady movement, whereas during the day they are continually converging191 and diverging192 to a slight extent. In all such cases it was scarcely possible to observe the difference in the movement during the day and evening, without being convinced that in the evening the plant saves the expenditure193 of force by not moving laterally, and that its whole energy is now expended [page 412] in gaining quickly its proper nocturnal position by a direct course. In several other cases, for instance, when a leaf after describing during the day one or more fairly regular ellipses, zigzags194 much in the evening, it appears as if energy was being expended, so that the great evening rise or fall might coincide with the period of the day proper for this movement.
The most complex of all the movements performed by sleeping plants, is that when leaves or leaflets, after describing in the daytime several vertically directed ellipses, rotate greatly on their axes in the evening, by which twisting movement they occupy a wholly different position at night to what they do during the day. For instance, the terminal leaflets of Cassia not only move vertically downwards in the evening, but twist round, so that their lower surfaces face outwards. Such movements are wholly, or almost wholly, confined to leaflets provided with a pulvinus. But this torsion is not a new kind of movement introduced solely for the purpose of sleep; for it has been shown that some leaflets whilst describing their ordinary ellipses during the daytime rotate slightly, causing their blades to face first to one side and then to another. Although we can see how the slight periodical movements of leaves in a vertical plane could be easily converted into the greater yet simple nyctitropic movements, we do not at present know by what graduated steps the more complex movements, effected by the torsion of the pulvini, have been acquired. A probable explanation could be given in each case only after a close investigation195 of the movements in all the allied forms.
From the facts and considerations now advanced we may conclude that nyctitropism, or the sleep of leaves [page 413] and cotyledons, is merely a modification of their ordinary circumnutating movement, regulated in its period and amplitude by the alternations of light and darkness. The object gained is the protection of the upper surfaces of the leaves from radiation at night, often combined with the mutual protection of the several parts by their close approximation. In such cases as those of the leaflets of Cassia—of the terminal leaflets of Melilotus—of all the leaflets of Arachis, Marsilea, etc.—we have ordinary circumnutation modified to the extreme extent known to us in any of the several great classes of modified circumnutation. On this view of the origin of nyctitropism we can understand how it is that a few plants, widely distributed throughout the Vascular series, have been able to acquire the habit of placing the blades of their leaves vertically at night, that is, of sleeping,—a fact otherwise inexplicable196.
The leaves of some plants move during the day in a manner, which has improperly197 been called diurnal sleep; for when the sun shines brightly on them, they direct their edges towards it. To such cases we shall recur198 in the following chapter on Heliotropism. It has been shown that the leaflets of one form of Porlieria hygrometrica keep closed during the day, as long as the plant is scantily199 supplied with water, in the same manner as when asleep; and this apparently serves to check evaporation. There is only one other analogous case known to us, namely, that of certain Gramineae, which fold inwards the sides of their narrow leaves, when these are exposed to the sun and to a dry atmosphere, as described by Duval-Jouve.* We have also observed the same phenomenon in Elymus arenareus.
* 'Annal. des Sc. Nat. (Bot.),' 1875, tom. i. pp. 326-329. [page 414]
There is another movement, which since the time of Linnaeus has generally been called sleep, namely, that of the petals200 of the many flowers which close at night. These movements have been ably investigated by Pfeffer, who has shown (as was first observed by Hofmeister) that they are caused or regulated more by temperature than by the alternations of light and darkness. Although they cannot fail to protect the organs of reproduction from radiation at night, this does not seem to be their chief function, but rather the protection of the organs from cold winds, and especially from rain, during the day. the latter seems probable, as Kerner* has shown that a widely different kind of movement, namely, the bending down of the upper part of the peduncle, serves in many cases the same end. The closure of the flowers will also exclude nocturnal insects which may be ill-adapted for their fertilisation, and the well-adapted kinds at periods when the temperature is not favourable for fertilisation. Whether these movements of the petals consist, as is probable, of modified circumnutation we do not know.
Embryology of Leaves.—A few facts have been incidentally given in this chapter on what may be called the embryology of leaves. With most plants the first leaf which is developed after the cotyledons, resembles closely the leaves produced by the mature plant, but this is not always the case. the first leaves produced by some species of Drosera, for instance by D. Capensis, differ widely in shape from those borne by the mature plant, and resemble closely the leaves of D. rotundifolia, as was shown to us by Prof. Williamson of Manchester. The first true leaf of
* 'Die Schutzmittel des Pollens,' 1873, pp. 30-39. [page 415]
the gorse, or Ulex, is not narrow and spinose like the older leaves. On the other hand, with many Leguminous plants, for instance, Cassia, Acacia lophantha, etc., the first leaf has essentially the same character as the older leaves, excepting that it bears fewer leaflets. In Trifolium the first leaf generally bears only a single leaflet instead of three, and this differs somewhat in shape from the corresponding leaflet on the older leaves. Now, with Trifolium Pannonicum the first true leaf on some seedlings was unifoliate, and on others completely trifoliate; and between these two extreme states there were all sorts of gradations, some seedlings bearing a single leaflet more or less deeply notched on one or both sides, and some bearing a single additional and perfect lateral leaflet. Here, then, we have the rare opportunity of seeing a structure proper to a more advanced age, in the act of gradually encroaching on and replacing an earlier or embryological condition.
The genus Melilotus is closely allied to Trifolium, and the first leaf bears only a single leaflet, which at night rotates on its axis so as to present one lateral edge to the zenith. Hence it sleeps like the terminal leaflet of a mature plant, as was observed in 15 species, and wholly unlike the corresponding leaflet of Trifolium, which simply bends upwards. It is therefore a curious fact that in one of these 15 species, viz., M. Taurica (and in a lesser degree in two others), leaves arising from young shoots, produced on plants which had been cut down and kept in pots during the winter in the green-house, slept like the leaves of a Trifolium, whilst the leaves on the fully-grown branches on these same plants afterwards slept normally like those of a Melilotus. If young shoots rising from the ground may be considered as new individuals, partaking to a certain extent of the nature of seedlings, then the peculiar manner in which their leaves slept may be considered [page 416] as an embryological habit, probably the result of Melilotus being descended from some form which slept like a Trifolium. This view is partially supported by the leaves on old and young branches of another species, M. Messanensis (not included in the above 15 species), always sleeping like those of a Trifolium.
The first true leaf of Mimosa albida consists of a simple petiole, often bearing three pairs of leaflets, all of which are of nearly equal size and of the same shape: the second leaf differs widely from the first, and resembles that on a mature plant (see Fig. 159, p. 379), for it consists of two pinnae, each of which bears two pairs of leaflets, of which the inner basal one is very small. But at the base of each pinna there is a pair of minute points, evidently rudiments of leaflets, for they are of unequal sizes, like the two succeeding leaflets. These rudiments are in one sense embryological, for they exist only during the youth of the leaf, falling off and disappearing as soon as it is fully grown.
With Desmodium gyrans the two lateral leaflets are very much smaller than the corresponding leaflets in most of the species in this large genus; they vary also in position and size; one or both are sometimes absent; and they do not sleep like the fully-developed leaflets. They may therefore be considered as almost rudimentary; and in accordance with the general principles of embryology, they ought to be more constantly and fully developed on very young than on old plants. But this is not the case, for they were quite absent on some young seedlings, and did not appear until from 10 to 20 leaves had been formed. This fact leads to the suspicion that D. gyrans is descended through a unifoliate form (of which some exist) from a trifoliate species; and that the little lateral leaflets reappear through reversion. However this may be, [page 417] the interesting fact of the pulvini or organs of movement of these little leaflets, not having been reduced nearly so much as their blades—taking the large terminal leaflet as the standard of comparison—gives us probably the proximate cause of their extraordinary power of gyration174. [page 418]


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adj.被照明的;受启迪的 | |
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adj.侧面的,旁边的 | |
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adj.垂直的,顶点的,纵向的;n.垂直物,垂直的位置 | |
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n.旋转;循环,轮流 | |
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adv.以前,先前(地) | |
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adj.垂直的,直立的;n.垂直线,垂直的位置 | |
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n.前提;v.提论,预述 | |
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adj.不自然的,假装的 | |
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adv.严厉地,严格地;严密地 | |
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adv.垂直地 | |
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n.标准,票面价值,平均数量;adj.票面的,平常的,标准的 | |
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n.刚出芽的幼苗( seedling的名词复数 ) | |
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n.秧苗,树苗 | |
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n.搅动;搅拌;鼓动,煽动 | |
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adv.向上,在更高处...以上 | |
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adj./adv.向下的(地),下行的(地) | |
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adj.血管的,脉管的 | |
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adj.显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的 | |
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adj.缺乏的;穷困的 | |
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n.轴,轴线,中心线;坐标轴,基准线 | |
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adv.突然地,出其不意地 | |
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adj.古怪的,异常的;特殊的,特有的 | |
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n.独特性,特色;特殊的东西;怪癖 | |
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n.无花果(树) | |
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n.细丝;长丝;灯丝 | |
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adj.固定的,不变的,准备好的;(计算机)固定的 | |
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n.顶点,最高点 | |
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adj.明眼的,惹人注目的;炫耀的,摆阔气的 | |
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n.间隔,间距;幕间休息,中场休息 | |
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adv.完全地,全部地,彻底地;充分地 | |
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n.曲折,之字形;adj.曲折的,锯齿形的;adv.曲折地,成锯齿形地;vt.使曲折;vi.曲折前行 | |
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adj.呈之字形移动的v.弯弯曲曲地走路,曲折地前进( zigzag的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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ad.横向地;侧面地;旁边地 | |
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adj.上升的,向上的 | |
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n. 下行 adj. 下降的 | |
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vt./vi.传下来,下来,下降 | |
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adj.白天的,每日的 | |
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v.弯弯曲曲地走路,曲折地前进( zigzag的现在分词 );盘陀 | |
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v.花费( expend的现在分词 );使用(钱等)做某事;用光;耗尽 | |
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adj.过多的,过剩的,多余的 | |
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adv. 垂直地, 笔直地, 纵向地 | |
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adj.协约国的;同盟国的 | |
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adj.相互的,彼此的;共同的,共有的 | |
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adv.极大地;相当大地;在很大程度上 | |
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adv.简单地,简短地 | |
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adj.自治的;独立的 | |
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n.念珠;(pl.)珠子项链;水珠 | |
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adj.[医]附着的,附着的v.附加( affix的过去式和过去分词 );粘贴;加以;盖(印章) | |
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n.椭园,省略号;椭圆( ellipse的名词复数 );(语法结构上的)省略( ellipsis的名词复数 ) | |
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v.延长,加长( elongate的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.流产,堕胎 | |
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n.涂去,删除;管腔闭合 | |
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adv.完美地,无可非议地,彻底地 | |
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adv.斜; 倾斜; 间接; 不光明正大 | |
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adj.斜的,倾斜的,无诚意的,不坦率的 | |
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adv.第二,其次 | |
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adv.本质上,实质上,基本上 | |
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v.看,注视,看到 | |
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adj.生动的,形象的,绘画的,文字的,图表的 | |
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n.窗格玻璃,长方块 | |
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adj.联合的,共同的;n.关节,接合处;v.连接,贴合 | |
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adj.哲学家的,哲学上的,达观的 | |
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n.[军事]间隔( interval的名词复数 );间隔时间;[数学]区间;(戏剧、电影或音乐会的)幕间休息 | |
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(通常经过努力)实现( attain的过去式和过去分词 ); 达到; 获得; 达到(某年龄、水平、状况) | |
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n.广大;充足;振幅 | |
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散布的,普及的,扩散的 | |
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adv.恰好,正好,精确地,细致地 | |
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figures 数字,图形,外形 | |
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n.辣椒 | |
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adv.显然地;表面上,似乎 | |
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adj.生理学的,生理学上的 | |
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adj.沮丧的,抑郁的,不景气的,萧条的 | |
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adv.比较...地,相对地 | |
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adv.整洁地,干净地,灵巧地,熟练地 | |
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n.沟;垄沟;轨迹;车辙;皱纹 | |
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adj.干旱的;(土地)贫瘠的 | |
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v.预言,预示( foretell的现在分词 ) | |
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adj.坚定的;有决心的 | |
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细枝,嫩枝( twig的名词复数 ) | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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adv.丰富地,充裕地 | |
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adv.部分地,从某些方面讲 | |
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n.蒸发,消失 | |
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v.低垂,下垂;凋萎,萎靡 | |
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n.剩余物,残留物;遗体,遗迹 | |
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百叶窗( shutter的名词复数 ); (照相机的)快门 | |
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vt.刺激,使兴奋;激励,使…振奋 | |
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ad.明显地,惹人注目地 | |
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adv.从前,以前 | |
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n.爱好,癖好;adj.弯的;决心的,一心的 | |
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n.圆锥体,圆锥形东西,球果 | |
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adv.足够地,充分地 | |
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n.(BrE)客厅,起居室 | |
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v.重叠,与…交叠;n.重叠 | |
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v.部分重叠( overlap的第三人称单数 );(物体)部份重叠;交叠;(时间上)部份重叠 | |
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n.(电视、广播的)主持人,赠与者 | |
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adj.尖的,直截了当的 | |
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adv.永恒地,永久地,固定不变地 | |
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a.为...后裔的,出身于...的 | |
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adj.原始的;最初的 | |
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vt.发现,确定,查明,弄清 | |
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v.弄清,确定,查明( ascertain的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adj.反常的;不规则的 | |
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adj.浅裂的,叶状的 | |
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adj. 简短的,省略的 动词abbreviate的过去式和过去分词 | |
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ad.全部地,完整地;完全地,彻底地 | |
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n.倾斜度 | |
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n.觉醒,醒悟 adj.觉醒中的;唤醒的 | |
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adv.仅仅,唯一地 | |
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n.简单,简易;朴素;直率,单纯 | |
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adv.往回地,向原处,倒,相反,前后倒置地 | |
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n.性情,性格;意向,倾向;排列,部署 | |
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n.铝 (=aluminum) | |
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adj.外面的,公开的,向外的;adv.向外;n.外形 | |
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ad.不同寻常地,相当地 | |
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adj.弯曲的;不诚实的,狡猾的,不正当的 | |
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v.花费( expend的过去式和过去分词 );使用(钱等)做某事;用光;耗尽 | |
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v.上升,攀登( ascend的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adj.固定的,静止不动的 | |
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adj.次要的,较小的;adv.较小地,较少地 | |
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n.倾斜;点头;弯腰;斜坡;倾度;倾向;爱好 | |
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adv.机能上地,官能地 | |
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n.易怒 | |
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adv.明确地,断然,坚决地;实在,确实 | |
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刺,刺痕,刺痛感 | |
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n.山脊;鼻梁;分水岭 | |
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n.页边空白;差额;余地,余裕;边,边缘 | |
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n.血管( vessel的名词复数 );船;容器;(具有特殊品质或接受特殊品质的)人 | |
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n.痕迹,遗迹,残余 | |
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n.消失,消散,失踪 | |
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n.祖先( progenitor的名词复数 );先驱;前辈;原本 | |
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偏离的 | |
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adv.漠不关心地,无动于衷地,不负责任地 | |
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v.分叉,分歧,离题,使...岔开,使转向 | |
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n.分歧,岔开 | |
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n.(动,植)杂种,混合物 | |
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分开( diverge的过去式和过去分词 ); 偏离; 分歧; 分道扬镳 | |
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a.有凹口的,有缺口的 | |
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adj.赞成的,称赞的,有利的,良好的,顺利的 | |
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n.软木,软木塞 | |
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n.转化,转换,转变 | |
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n.(电灯泡的)灯丝( filament的名词复数 );丝极;细丝;丝状物 | |
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n. 特质, 特性, 怪癖, 古怪 | |
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adj.切去顶端的,缩短了的,被删节的v.截面的( truncate的过去式和过去分词 );截头的;缩短了的;截去顶端或末端 | |
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[医](水)平扁的,弄平的 | |
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预测( projection的名词复数 ); 投影; 投掷; 突起物 | |
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边( margin的名词复数 ); 利润; 页边空白; 差数 | |
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n.基础知识,入门 | |
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adj.疯狂的;拥有的,占有的 | |
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vi.会合;聚集,集中;(思想、观点等)趋近 | |
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n.样本,标本 | |
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悬吊着( dangle的现在分词 ); 摆动不定; 用某事物诱惑…; 吊胃口 | |
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adj.(for,of)不足的,不够的 | |
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n.强烈,剧烈;强度;烈度 | |
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vt.(使)显得矮小(dwarf的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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v.(in)干涉,干预;(with)妨碍,打扰 | |
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adj.相似的;类似的 | |
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adj.较早的;在前的 | |
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adj.多样的,多变化的 | |
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adv.无限地,无穷地 | |
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adj.多样化的,多种经营的v.使多样化,多样化( diversify的过去式和过去分词 );进入新的商业领域 | |
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adj.总计的,集合的;n.总数;v.合计;集合 | |
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ad.习惯地,通常地 | |
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adj. 枯萎的,干瘪的,(人身体的部分器官)因病萎缩的或未发育良好的 动词wither的过去式和过去分词形式 | |
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adj.特定的 | |
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vi.起源;由来;衍生;导出v.得到( derive的过去式和过去分词 );(从…中)得到获得;源于;(从…中)提取 | |
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v.得到( derive的现在分词 );(从…中)得到获得;源于;(从…中)提取 | |
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n.不感兴趣,不关心,冷淡,不在乎 | |
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adj.不可避免的,必然发生的 | |
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adj.天生的,固有的,天赋的 | |
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adj.无数的,多得不计其数的 | |
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v.拖,拉,拔出;adj.憔悴的,紧张的 | |
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adj.盛行的;占优势的;主要的 | |
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n.旋转 | |
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adj.不停的,连续的 | |
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adj.著名的,知名的 | |
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n.反向,倒转,倒置 | |
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v.宣告无效( annul的过去式和过去分词 );取消;使消失;抹去 | |
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n.耕作,培养,栽培(法),养成 | |
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adj.严格的,死板的;刚硬的,僵硬的 | |
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adj.有系统的,有计划的,有方法的 | |
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adv.确实地,无疑地 | |
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v.怂恿(某人)干不正当的事;冒…的险(tempt的过去分词) | |
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n.可动性,变动性,情感不定 | |
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n.修改,改进,缓和,减轻 | |
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ad.不停地 | |
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adj.无偿的,免费的;无缘无故的,不必要的 | |
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adj.易传染的,有魅力的,迷人的,接住 | |
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adj.(月亮)渐亏的,逐渐减弱或变小的n.月亏v.衰落( wane的现在分词 );(月)亏;变小;变暗淡 | |
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提及,暗指( allude的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adj.收敛[缩]的,会聚的,趋同的v.(线条、运动的物体等)会于一点( converge的现在分词 );(趋于)相似或相同;人或车辆汇集;聚集 | |
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分开( diverge的现在分词 ); 偏离; 分歧; 分道扬镳 | |
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n.(时间、劳力、金钱等)支出;使用,消耗 | |
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n.锯齿形的线条、小径等( zigzag的名词复数 )v.弯弯曲曲地走路,曲折地前进( zigzag的第三人称单数 ) | |
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n.调查,调查研究 | |
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adj.无法解释的,难理解的 | |
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不正确地,不适当地 | |
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vi.复发,重现,再发生 | |
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adv.缺乏地;不充足地;吝啬地;狭窄地 | |
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n.花瓣( petal的名词复数 ) | |
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