Then there was Pat, the Queen's brother, making a total of eight of us. It was early morning, and all ordered whisky. What could I do, here in this company of big men, all drinking whisky? "Whisky," I said, with the careless air of one who had said it a thousand times. And such whisky! I tossed it down. A-r-r-r-gh! I can taste it yet.
And I was appalled2 at the price French Frank had paid—eighty cents. EIGHTY CENTS! It was an outrage3 to my thrifty4 soul. Eighty cents—the equivalent of eight long hours of my toil5 at the machine, gone down our throats, and gone like that, in a twinkling, leaving only a bad taste in the mouth. There was no discussion that French Frank was a waster.
I was anxious to be gone, out into the sunshine, out over the water to my glorious boat. But all hands lingered. Even Spider, my crew, lingered. No hint broke through my obtuseness6 of why they lingered. I have often thought since of how they must have regarded me, the newcomer being welcomed into their company standing7 at bar with them, and not standing for a single round of drinks.
French Frank, who, unknown to me, had swallowed his chagrin8 since the day before, now that the money for the Razzle Dazzle was in his pocket, began to behave curiously9 toward me. I sensed the change in his attitude, saw the forbidding glitter in his eyes, and wondered. The more I saw of men, the queerer they became. Johnny Heinhold leaned across the bar and whispered in my ear, "He's got it in for you. Watch out."
I nodded comprehension of his statement, and acquiescence10 in it, as a man should nod who knows all about men. But secretly I was perplexed11. Heavens! How was I, who had worked hard and read books of adventure, and who was only fifteen years old, who had not dreamed of giving the Queen of the Oyster12 Pirates a second thought, and who did not know that French Frank was madly and Latinly in love with her—how was I to guess that I had done him shame? And how was I to guess that the story of how the Queen had thrown him down on his own boat, the moment I hove in sight, was already the gleeful gossip of the water-front? And by the same token, how was I to guess that her brother Pat's offishness with me was anything else than temperamental gloominess of spirit?
Whisky Bob got me aside a moment. "Keep your eyes open," he muttered. "Take my tip. French Frank's ugly. I'm going up river with him to get a schooner13 for oystering. When he gets down on the beds, watch out. He says he'll run you down. After dark, any time he's around, change your anchorage and douse14 your riding light. Savve?"
Oh, certainly, I savve'd. I nodded my head, and, as one man to another, thanked him for his tip; and drifted back to the group at the bar. No; I did not treat. I never dreamed that I was expected to treat. I left with Spider, and my ears burn now as I try to surmise15 the things they must have said about me.
I asked Spider, in an off-hand way, what was eating French Frank. "He's crazy jealous of you," was the answer. "Do you think so?" I said, and dismissed the matter as not worth thinking about.
But I leave it to any one—the swell16 of my fifteen-years-old manhood at learning that French Frank, the adventurer of fifty, the sailor of all the seas of all the world, was jealous of me—and jealous over a girl most romantically named the Queen of the Oyster Pirates. I had read of such things in books, and regarded them as personal probabilities of a distant maturity17. Oh, I felt a rare young devil, as we hoisted18 the big mainsail that morning, broke out anchor, and filled away close-hauled on the three-mile beat to windward out into the bay.
Such was my escape from the killing19 machine-toil, and my introduction to the oyster pirates. True, the introduction had begun with drink, and the life promised to continue with drink. But was I to stay away from it for such reason? Wherever life ran free and great, there men drank. Romance and Adventure seemed always to go down the street locked arm in arm with John Barleycorn. To know the two, I must know the third. Or else I must go back to my free library books and read of the deeds of other men and do no deeds of my own save slave for ten cents an hour at a machine in a cannery.
No; I was not to be deterred20 from this brave life on the water by the fact that the water-dwellers had queer and expensive desires for beer and wine and whisky. What if their notions of happiness included the strange one of seeing me drink? When they persisted in buying the stuff and thrusting it upon me, why, I would drink it. It was the price I would pay for their comradeship. And I didn't have to get drunk. I had not got drunk the Sunday afternoon I arranged to buy the Razzle Dazzle, despite the fact that not one of the rest was sober. Well, I could go on into the future that way, drinking the stuff when it gave them pleasure that I should drink it, but carefully avoiding over-drinking.


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v.使结束( consummate的过去式和过去分词 );使完美;完婚;(婚礼后的)圆房 | |
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v.使惊骇,使充满恐惧( appall的过去式和过去分词)adj.惊骇的;丧胆的 | |
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n.暴行,侮辱,愤怒;vt.凌辱,激怒 | |
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adj.节俭的;兴旺的;健壮的 | |
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vi.辛劳工作,艰难地行动;n.苦工,难事 | |
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感觉迟钝 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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n.懊恼;气愤;委屈 | |
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adv.有求知欲地;好问地;奇特地 | |
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n.默许;顺从 | |
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adj.不知所措的 | |
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n.牡蛎;沉默寡言的人 | |
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n.纵帆船 | |
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v.把…浸入水中,用水泼;n.泼洒 | |
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v./n.猜想,推测 | |
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vi.膨胀,肿胀;增长,增强 | |
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n.成熟;完成;(支票、债券等)到期 | |
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把…吊起,升起( hoist的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.巨额利润;突然赚大钱,发大财 | |
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v.阻止,制止( deter的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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