Malka did not have long to wait for her liege lord. He was a fresh-colored young man of thirty, rather good-looking, with side whiskers, keen, eager glance, and an air of perpetually doing business. Though a native of Germany, he spoke1 English as well as many Lane Jews, whose comparative impiety2 was a certificate of British birth. Michael Birnbaum was a great man in the local little synagogue if only one of the crowd at "Duke's Plaizer." He had been successively _Gabbai_ and _Parnass_, or treasurer5 and president, and had presented the plush curtain, with its mystical decoration of intersecting triangles, woven in silk, that hung before the Ark in which the scrolls6 of the Law were kept. He was the very antithesis7 of Moses Ansell. His energy was restless. From hawking8 he had risen to a profitable traffic in gold lace and Brummagem jewelry9, with a large _clientele_ all over the country, before he was twenty. He touched nothing which he did not profit by; and when he married, at twenty-three, a woman nearly twice his age, the transaction was not without the usual percentage. Very soon his line was diamonds,--real diamonds. He carried, a pocket-knife which was a combination of a corkscrew, a pair of scissors, a file, a pair of tweezers10, a toothpick, and half a dozen other things, and which seemed an epitome11 of his character. His temperament12 was lively, and, like Ephraim Phillips, he liked music-halls. Fortunately, Malka was too conscious of her charms to dream of jealousy13.
smacked14 her soundly on the mouth with his lips and said: "Well, mother!"
He called her mother, not because he had any children, but because she had, and it seemed a pity to multiply domestic nomenclature.
"Well, my little one," said Malka, hugging him fondly. "Have you made a good journey this time?"
"No, trade is so dull. People won't put their hands in their pockets. And here?"
"People won't take their hands out of their pockets, lazy dogs! Everybody is striking,--Jews with them. Unheard-of things! The bootmakers, the capmakers, the furriers! And now they say the tailors are going to strike; more fools, too, when the trade is so slack. What with one thing and another (let me put your
cravat15 straight, my little love), it's just the people who can't afford to buy new clothes that are hard up, so that they can't afford to buy
second-hand16 clothes either. If the
Almighty17 is not good to us, we shall come to the Board of
Guardians19 ourselves."
"Not quite so bad as that, mother," laughed Michael, twirling the massive diamond ring on his finger. "How's baby? Is it ready to be
"Which baby?" said Malka, with well-affected agnosticism.
"Phew!" whistled Michael. "What's up now, mother?"
"Nothing, my pet, nothing."
"Well, I'm going across. Come along, mother. Oh, wait a minute. I want to brush this mud off my trousers. Is the clothes-brush here?"
"Yes, dearest one," said the unsuspecting Malka.
winked22 imperceptibly,
flicked23 his trousers, and without further
parley24 ran across the diagonal to Milly's house. Five minutes afterwards a deputation, consisting of a char-woman, waited upon Malka and said:
"Missus says will you please come over, as baby is a-cryin' for its grandma."
"Ah, that must be another pin," said Malka, with a gleam of triumph at her victory. But she did not
budge25. At the end of five minutes she rose solemnly, adjusted her
wig26 and her dress in the mirror, put on her
bonnet27, brushed away a non-existent
speck28 of dust from her left sleeve, put a
peppermint29 in her mouth, and crossed the Square, carrying the clothes-brush in her hand. Milly's door was half open, but she knocked at it and said to the char-woman:
"Is Mrs. Phillips in?"
"Yes, mum, the company's all upstairs."
"Oh, then I will go up and return her this myself."
Malka went straight through the little crowd of guests to Milly, who was sitting on a sofa with Ezekiel, quiet as a lamb and as good as gold, in her arms.
"Milly, my dear," she said. "I have come to bring you back your clothes-brush. Thank you so much for the loan of it."
"You know you're welcome, mother," said Milly, with unintentionally
dual30 significance. The two ladies embraced. Ephraim Phillips, a sallow-looking, close-cropped Pole, also kissed his mother-in-law, and the gold chain that rested on Malka's
bosom31 heaved with the expansion of domestic pride. Malka thanked God she was not a mother of barren or
celibate32 children, which is only one degree better than personal unfruitfulness, and testifies scarce less to the
celestial33 curse.
"Is that pin-mark gone away yet, Milly, from the precious little thing?" said Malka, taking Ezekiel in her arms and disregarding the
transformation34 of face which in babies precedes a storm.
"Yes, it was a
mere35 flea-bite," said Milly incautiously, adding hurriedly, "I always go through his
flannels36 and things most carefully to see there are no more pins
lurking37 about."
"That is right! Pins are like fleas--you never know where they get to," said Malka in an
insidious38 spirit of compromise. "Where is Leah?"
"She is in the back yard frying the last of the fish. Don't you smell it?"
"It will hardly have time to get cold."
"Well, but I did a dishful myself last night. She is only preparing a reserve in case the attack be too deadly."
"And where is the _Cohen_?"
"Oh, we have asked old Hyams across the Ruins. We expect him round every minute."
At this point the indications of Ezekiel's facial
barometer39 were fulfilled, and a tempest of weeping shook him.
"_Na_! Go then! Go to the mother," said Malka angrily. "All my children are alike. It's getting late. Hadn't you better send across again for old Hyams?"
"There's no hurry, mother," said Michael Birnbaum
soothingly40. "We must wait for Sam."
"And who's Sam?" cried Malka unappeased.
sneered42 Malka. "But my grandson is not going to wait for the son of a proselyte. Why doesn't he come?"
"He'll be here in one minute."
"How do you know?"
"We came up in the same train. He got in at Middlesborough. He's just gone home to see his folks, and get a wash and a brush-up. Considering he's coming up to town merely for the sake of the family ceremony, I think it would be very rude to commence without him. It's no joke, a long railway journey this weather. My feet were nearly frozen despite the foot-warmer."
"My poor lambkin," said Malka, melting. And she patted his side whiskers.
Sam Levine arrived almost immediately, and Leah, fishfork in hand, flew out of the back-yard kitchen to greet him. Though a member of the tribe of Levi, he was anything but ecclesiastical in appearance, rather a representative of muscular Judaism. He had a pink and white
complexion43, and a
tawny44 moustache, and bubbled over with energy and animal spirits. He could give most men thirty in a hundred in
billiards45, and fifty in
anecdote46. He was an advanced
Radical47 in politics, and had a high opinion of the intelligence of his party. He paid Leah lip-fealty on his entry.
"What a pity it's Sunday!" was Leah's first remark when the kissing was done.
"No going to the play," said Sam ruefully,
catching48 her meaning.
They always
celebrated49 his return from a commercial round by going to the theatre--the-etter they pronounced it. They went to the pit of the West End houses rather than patronize the local dress circles for the same money. There were two
strata50 of
Ghetto51 girls, those who strolled in the
Strand52 on Sabbath, and those who strolled in the Whitechapel Road. Leah was of the upper
stratum53. She was a tall lovely brunette,
exuberant54 of voice and figure, with coarse red hands. She doted on ice-cream in the summer, and hot chocolate in the winter, but her love of the theatre was a
perennial55 passion. Both Sam and she had good ears, and were always first in the field with the latest comic opera
tunes56. Leah's healthy
vitality57 was
prodigious58. There was a legend in the Lane of such a
maiden59 having been chosen by a coronet; Leah was satisfied with Sam, who was just her match. On the heels of Sam came several other guests,
notably60 Mrs. Jacobs (wife of "Reb" Shemuel), with her pretty daughter, Hannah. Mr. Hyams, the _Cohen_, came last--the Priest whose functions had so
curiously61 dwindled62 since the times of the Temples. To be called first to the reading of the Law, to bless his brethren with
symbolic63 spreadings of palms and fingers in a mystic incantation delivered,
standing64 shoeless before the Ark of the
Covenant65 at festival seasons, to
redeem20 the mother's first-born son when neither parent was of priestly lineage--these privileges combined with a disability to be with or near the dead,
differentiated66 his religious position from that of the Levite or the Israelite. Mendel Hyams was not
puffed67 up about his
tribal68 superiority, though if tradition were to be trusted, his direct descent from Aaron, the High Priest, gave him a longer
genealogy69 than Queen Victoria's. He was a
meek70 sexagenarian, with a threadbare black coat and a child-like smile. All the pride of the family seemed to be
monopolized71 by his daughter Miriam, a girl whose very nose Heaven had fashioned scornful. Miriam had accompanied him out of contemptuous curiosity. She wore a
stylish72 feather in her hat, and a boa round her throat, and earned thirty shillings a week, all told, as a school teacher. (Esther Ansell was in her class just now.) Probably her toilette had made old Hyams unpunctual. His arrival was the signal for the commencement of the
proceedings73, and the men hastened to assume their head-gear.
Ephraim Phillips cautiously took the swaddled-up infant from the bosom of Milly where it was suckling and presented it to old Hyams. Fortunately Ezekiel had already had a
repletion74 of milk, and was
drowsy75 and manifested very little interest in the whole transaction.
"This my first-born son," said Ephraim in Hebrew as he handed Ezekiel over--"is the first-born of his mother, and the Holy One, blessed be He, hath given command to redeem him, as it is said, and those that are to be redeemed of them from a month old, shalt thou redeem according to thine estimation for the money of five shekels after the shekel of the
sanctuary76, the shekel being twenty gerahs; and it is said, 'Sanctify unto me all the first-born,
whatsoever77 openeth the womb among the children of Israel, both of man and of beast; it is mine.'"
Ephraim Phillips then placed fifteen shillings in silver before old Hyams, who thereupon inquired in Chaldaic: "Which wouldst thou rather--give me thy first-born son, the first-born of his mother, or redeem him for five selaim, which thou art bound to give according to the Law?"
Ephraim replied in Chaldaic: "I am desirous rather to redeem my son, and here thou hast the value of his redemption, which I am bound to give according to the Law."
Thereupon Hyams took the money tendered, and gave back the child to his father, who blessed God for His sanctifying commandments, and thanked Him for His mercies; after which the old _Cohen_ held the fifteen shillings over the head of the infant, saying: "This instead of that, this in exchange for that, this in remission of that. May this child enter into life, into the Law, and into the fear of Heaven. May it be God's will that even as he has been admitted to redemption, so may he enter into the Law, the
nuptial78 canopy79 and into good deeds. Amen." Then, placing his hand in
benediction80 upon the child's head, the priestly
layman81 added: "God make thee as Ephraim and Manasseh. The Lord bless thee and keep thee. The Lord make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee. The Lord turn His face to thee and grant thee peace. The Lord is thy
guardian18; the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand. For length of days and years of life and peace shall they add to thee. The Lord shall guard thee from all evil. He shall guard thy soul."
"Amen," answered the company, and then there was a buzz of
secular82 talk, general
rapture83 being expressed at the
stolidness84 of Ezekiel's
demeanor85. Cups of tea were passed round by the lovely Leah, and the secrets of the paper bags were brought to light. Ephraim Phillips talked horses with Sam Levine, and old Hyams quarrelled with Malka over the disposal of the fifteen shillings. Knowing that Hyams was poor, Malka refused to take back the money retendered by him under
pretence86 of a gift to the child. The _Cohen_, however, was a proud man, and under the eye of Miriam a firm one. Ultimately it was agreed the money should be
expended87 on a _Missheberach_, for the infant's welfare and the synagogue's. Birds of a feather flock together, and Miriam forgathered with Hannah Jacobs, who also had a stylish feather in her hat, and was the most congenial of the company. Mrs. Jacobs was left to
discourse88 of the
ailments89 of childhood and the
iniquities90 of servants with Mrs. Phillips. Reb Shemuel's wife, commonly known as the Rebbitzin, was a tall woman with a bony nose and shrivelled cheeks, whereon the paths of the blood-vessels were
scrawled91 in red. The same bones were visible beneath the plumper padding of Hannah's face. Mrs. Jacobs had escaped the temptation to fatness, which is the
besetting92 peril93 of the Jewish matron. If Hannah could escape her mother's
inclination94 to angularity she would be a pretty woman. She dressed with taste, which is half the battle, and for the present she was only nineteen.
"Do you think it's a good match?" said Miriam Hyams, indicating Sam Levine with a movement of the
A swift, scornful look flitted across Hannah's face. "Among the Jews," she said, "every match is a grand _Shidduch_ before the marriage; after, we hear another tale."
"There is a good deal in that," admitted Miriam, thoughtfully. "The girl's family cries up the capture shamelessly. I remember when Clara Emanuel was engaged, her brother
Jack96 told me it was a splendid _Shidduch_. Afterwards I found he was a
widower97 of fifty-five with three children."
"But that engagement went off," said Hannah.
"I know," said Miriam. "I'm only saying I can't fancy myself doing anything of the kind."
"What! breaking off an engagement?" said Hannah, with a
cynical98 little twinkle about her eye.
"No, taking a man like that," replied Miriam. "I wouldn't look at a man over thirty-five, or with less than two hundred and fifty a year."
"You'll never marry a teacher, then," Hannah remarked.
"Teacher!" Miriam Hyams repeated, with a look of disgust. "How can one be respectable on three pounds a week? I must have a man in a good position." She tossed her
piquant99 nose and looked almost handsome. She was five years older than Hannah, and it seemed an
enigma100 why men did not rush to lay five pounds a week at her daintily shod feet.
"I'd rather marry a man with two pounds a week if I loved him," said Hannah in a low tone.
"Not in this century," said Miriam, shaking her head incredulously. "We don't believe in that nonsense now-a-days. There was Alice Green,--she used to talk like that,--now look at her, riding about in a gig side by side with a bald monkey."
"Alice Green's mother," interrupted Malka,
pricking101 up her ears, "married a son of Mendel Weinstein by his third wife, Dinah, who had ten pounds left her by her uncle Shloumi."
"No, Dinah was Mendel's second wife," corrected Mrs. Jacobs, cutting short a remark of Mrs. Phillips's in favor of the new interest.
"Dinah was Mendel's third wife," repeated Malka, her tanned cheeks reddening. "I know it because my Simon, God bless him, was breeched the same month."
"His third wife was Kitty Green, daughter of the yellow Melammed," persisted the Rebbitzin. "I know it for a fact, because Kitty's sister Annie was engaged for a week to my brother-in-law Nathaniel."
"His first wife," put in Malka's husband, with the air of arbitrating between the two, "was Shmool the publican's eldest daughter."
"Shmool the publican's daughter," said Malka, stirred to fresh indignation, "married Hyam
Robins104, the grandson of old Benjamin, who kept the cutlery shop at the corner of Little Eden
Alley105, there where the pickled cucumber store stands now."
"It was Shmool's sister that married Hyam Robins, wasn't it, mother?" asked Milly, incautiously.
"Certainly not," thundered Malka. "I knew old Benjamin well, and he sent me a pair of chintz curtains when I married your father."
"Poor old Benjamin! How long has he been dead?"
mused106 Reb Shemuel's wife.
"He died the year I was confined with my Leah----"
"Stop! stop!" interrupted Sam Levine
boisterously108. "There's Leah getting as red as fire for fear you'll blab out her age."
"Don't be a fool, Sam," said Leah, blushing violently, and looking the lovelier for it.
The attention of the entire company was now concentrated upon the question at issue, whatever it might be. Malka
fixed109 her audience with her piercing eye, and said in a tone that scarce
brooked110 contradiction: "Hyam Robins couldn't have married Shmool's sister because Shmool's sister was already the wife of Abraham the fishmonger."
"Yes, but Shmool had two sisters," said Mrs. Jacobs, audaciously asserting her position as the rival
"Nothing of the kind," replied Malka warmly.
"I'm quite sure," persisted Mrs. Jacobs. "There was Phoeby and there was Harriet."
"Nothing of the kind," repeated Malka. "Shmool had three sisters. Only two were in the deaf and dumb home."
"Why, that, wasn't Shmool at all," Milly forgot herself so far as to say, "that was Block the
"Of course!" said Malka in her most acid tone. "My _kinder_ always know better than me."
There was a moment of painful silence. Malka's eye mechanically sought the clothes-brush. Then Ezekiel sneezed. It was a convulsive "atichoo," and
agitated113 the infant to its most intimate flannel-roll.
The sneeze of an innocent child silences everybody who is not a blasphemer. In the general satisfaction at the unexpected solution of the situation, no one even
pointed117 out that the actual statement to which Ezekiel had borne
testimony118, was an assertion of the superior knowledge of Malka's children. Shortly afterwards the company trooped downstairs to partake of high tea, which in the Ghetto need not include anything more fleshly than fish. Fish was, indeed, the
staple119 of the meal. Fried fish, and such fried fish! Only a great poet could sing the praises of the national dish, and the golden age of Hebrew poetry is over. Strange that Gebirol should have lived and died without the opportunity of the theme, and that the great Jehuda Halevi himself should have had to devote his genius merely to singing the glories of Jerusalem. "Israel is among the other nations," he sang, "as the heart among the limbs." Even so is the fried fish of Judaea to the fried fish of Christendom and Heathendom. With the
audacity121 of true culinary genius, Jewish fried fish is always served cold. The skin is a beautiful brown, the substance firm and succulent. The very bones thereof are full of
marrow122, yea and charged with memories of the happy past. Fried fish
binds123 Anglo-Judaea more than all the lip-professions of
unity120. Its
savor124 is early known of youth, and the divine flavor, endeared by a thousand childish recollections, entwined with the most sacred associations, draws back the
hoary125 sinner into the paths of
piety3. It is on fried fish, mayhap, that the Jewish matron grows fat. In the days of the Messiah, when the saints shall feed off the Leviathan; and the Sea Serpent shall be dished up for the last time, and the world and the silly season shall come to an end, in those days it is probable that the saints will prefer their Leviathan fried. Not that any physical frying will be necessary, for in those happy times (for whose coming every faithful Israelite prays three times a day), the Leviathan will have what taste the eater will. Possibly a few highly respectable saints, who were fashionable in their day and
contrived126 to live in Kensington without infection of paganism, will take their Leviathan in conventional courses, and beginning with _hors d'oeuvres_ may _will_ him everything by turns and nothing long; making him soup and sweets,
joint127 and _entree_, and even ices and coffee, for in the
millennium128 the
harassing129 prohibition130 which bars cream after meat will fall through. But, however this be, it is beyond question that the bulk of the faithful will mentally fry him, and though the
Christian131 saints, who shall be privileged to wait at table, hand them plate after plate, fried fish shall be all the fare. One suspects that Hebrews gained the taste in the Desert of Sinai, for the manna that fell there was not
monotonous132 to the palate as the sciolist supposes, but likewise mutable under
volition133. It were incredible that Moses, who gave so many imperishable things to his people, did not also give them the knowledge of fried fish, so that they might obey his behest, and rejoice, before the Lord.
Nay134, was it not because, while the manna fell, there could be no lack of fish to fry, that they lingered forty years in a
dreary135 wilderness136? Other delicious things there are in Jewish cookery--_Lockschen_, which are the
apotheosis137 of vermicelli, _Ferfel_, which are _Lockschen_ in an atomic state, and _Creplich_, which are
triangular138 meat-pasties, and _Kuggol_, to which pudding has a far-away resemblance; and there is even _gefuellte Fisch_, which is stuffed fish without bones--but fried fish
reigns139 above all in cold, unquestioned sovereignty. No other people possesses the recipe. As a poet of the commencement of the century sings:
Believe me, they can't tell a carp from a dace.
It was while discussing a deliciously brown oblong of the Dutch plaice of the
ballad141 that Samuel Levine appeared to be struck by an idea. He threw down his knife and fork and exclaimed in Hebrew. "_Shemah beni_!"
Every one looked at him.
"Hear, my son!" he repeated in comic horror. Then relapsing into English, he explained. "I've forgotten to give Leah a present from her _chosan_."
"A-h-h!" Everybody gave a sigh of deep interest; Leah, whom the
exigencies142 of service had removed from his side to the head of the table, half-rose from her seat in excitement.
Now, whether Samuel Levine had really forgotten, or whether he had chosen the most effective moment will never be known; certain it is that the Semitic instinct for drama was gratified within him as he drew a little folded white paper out of his waistcoat pocket, amid the keen expectation of the company.
"This," said he, tapping the paper as if he were a conjurer, "was purchased by me yesterday morning for my little girl. I said to myself, says I, look here, old man, you've got to go up to town for a day in honor of Ezekiel Phillips, and your poor girl, who had looked forward to your staying away till Passover, will want some compensation for her disappointment at seeing you earlier. So I thinks to myself, thinks I, now what is there that Leah would like? It must be something appropriate, of course, and it mustn't be of any value, because I can't afford it. It's a ruinous business getting engaged; the worst bit of business I ever did in all my born days." Here Sam winked
facetiously144 at the company. "And I thought and thought of what was the cheapest thing I could get out of it with, and lo and
behold145 I suddenly thought of a ring."
So saying, Sam, still with the same dramatic air, unwrapped the thick gold ring and held it up so that the huge diamond in it sparkled in the sight of all. A long "O--h--h" went round the company, the majority instantaneously pricing it mentally, and wondering at what reduction Sam had acquired it from a brother commercial. For that no Jew ever pays full
retail146 price for jewelry is regarded as
axiomatic147. Even the engagement ring is not required to be first-hand--or should it be first-finger?--so long as it is solid; which perhaps accounts for the superiority of the Jewish marriage-rate. Leah rose
entirely148 to her feet, the light of the diamond reflected in her eager eyes. She leant across the table, stretching out a finger to receive her lover's gift. Sam put the ring near her finger, then drew it away teasingly.
"Them as asks shan't have," he said, in high good humor. "You're too greedy. Look at the number of rings you've got already." The fun of the situation
diffused149 itself along the table.
"Give it me," laughed Miriam Hyams, stretching out her finger. "I'll say 'ta' so nicely."
"No," he said, "you've been naughty; I'm going to give it to the little girl who has sat quiet all the time. Miss Hannah Jacobs, rise to receive your prize."
Hannah, who was sitting two places to the left of him, smiled quietly, but went on
carving150 her fish. Sam, growing quite
boisterous107 under the
appreciation151 of a visibly amused audience, leaned towards her, captured her right hand, and forcibly adjusted the ring on the second finger, exclaiming in Hebrew, with mock solemnity, "Behold, thou art
consecrated152 unto me by this ring according to the Law of Moses and Israel."
It was the formal marriage speech he had learnt up for his approaching marriage. The company roared with laughter, and pleasure and
enjoyment153 of the fun made Leah's lovely, smiling cheeks flush to a livelier
Badinage155 flew about from one end of the table to the other:
burlesque156 congratulations were showered on the couple, flowing over even unto Mrs. Jacobs, who appeared to enjoy the episode as much as if her daughter were really off her hands. The little incident added the last touch of high spirits to the company and
extorted157 all their latent humor. Samuel excelled himself in
vivacious158 repartee159, and responded comically to the toast of his health as drunk in coffee. Suddenly, amid the
hubbub160 of
chaff161 and laughter and the
clatter162 of cutlery, a still small voice made itself heard. It same from old Hyams, who had been sitting quietly with brow
corrugated163 under his black
velvet164 _koppel_.
"Mr. Levine," he said, in low grave tones, "I have been thinking, and I am afraid that what you have done is serious."
The earnestness of his tones arrested the attention of the company. The laughter ceased.
"What do you mean?" said Samuel. He understood the Yiddish which old Hyams almost invariably used, though he did not speak it himself. Contrariwise, old Hyams understood much more English than he spoke.
"You have married Hannah Jacobs."
There was a painful silence, dim recollections surging in everybody's brain.
"Married Hannah Jacobs!" repeated Samuel incredulously.
"Yes," affirmed old Hyams. "What you have done constitutes a marriage according to Jewish law. You have pledged yourself to her in the presence of two witnesses."
There was another tense silence. Samuel broke it with a boisterous laugh.
"No, no, old fellow," he said; "you don't have me like that!"
The tension was relaxed. Everybody joined in the laugh with a feeling of indescribable relief.
Facetious143 old Hyams had gone near scoring one. Hannah smilingly plucked off the glittering
bauble165 from her finger and slid it on to Leah's. Hyams alone remained grave. "Laugh away!" he said. "You will soon find I am right. Such is our law."
"May be," said Samuel,
constrained166 to seriousness despite himself. "But you forget that I am already engaged to Leah."
"I do not forget it," replied Hyams, "but it has nothing to do with the case. You are both single, or rather you _were_ both single, for now you are man and wife."
Leah, who had been sitting pale and agitated, burst into tears. Hannah's face was
drawn167 and white. Her mother looked the least alarmed of the company.
Droll168 person!" cried Malka, addressing Sam angrily in
jargon169. "What hast thou done?"
"Don't let us all go mad," said Samuel, bewildered. "How can a piece of fun, a joke, be a
valid170 marriage?"
"The law takes no account of jokes," said old Hyams solemnly.
"It was all done in a moment. I laughed myself; I had no time to think."
Sam brought his fist down on the table with a bang.
"Well, I'll never believe this! If this is Judaism----!"
Hush172!" said Malka angrily. "These are your English Jews, who make mock of holy things. I always said the son of a proselyte was----"
"Look here, mother," put in Michael soothingly. "Don't let us make a fuss before we know the truth. Send for some one who is likely to know." He played
agitatedly173 with his complex pocket-knife.
"Yes, Hannah's father, Reb Shemuel is just the man," cried Milly Phillips.
"I told you my husband was gone to Manchester for a day or two," Mrs. Jacobs reminded her.
"There's the _Maggid_ of the Sons of the Covenant," said one of the company. "I'll go and fetch him."
The stooping, black-bearded _Maggid_ was brought. When he arrived, it was evident from his look that he knew all and brought
confirmation174 of their worst fears. He explained the law at great length, and cited
precedent175 upon precedent. When he ceased, Leah's
sobs176 alone broke the silence. Samuel's face was white. The merry
gathering177 had been turned to a wedding party.
rogue178!" burst
forth179 Malka at last. "You planned all this--you thought my Leah didn't have enough money, and that Reb Shemuel will heap you up gold in the hands. But you don't take me in like this."
"May this piece of bread choke me if I had the slightest
iota180 of intention!" cried Samuel
passionately181, for the thought of what Leah might think was like fire in his
veins182. He turned appealingly to the _Maggid_; "but there must be some way out of this, surely there must be some way out. I know you _Maggidim_ can split hairs. Can't you make one of your clever distinctions even when there's more than a trifle concerned?" There was a
savage183 impatience184 about the bridegroom which
boded185 ill for the Law.
"Of course there's a way out," said the _Maggid_ calmly. "Only one way, but a very broad and simple one."
"What's that?" everybody asked breathlessly.
"He must give her _Gett_!"
"Of course!" shouted Sam in a voice of thunder. "I divorce her at once." He
guffawed186 hysterically187: "What a pack of fools we are! Good old Jewish law!"
Leah's sobs ceased. Everybody except Mrs. Jacobs was smiling once more. Half a dozen, hands grasped the _Maggid's_; half a dozen others
thumped188 him on the back. He was pushed into a chair. They gave him a glass of brandy, they heaped a plate with fried fish. Verily the _Maggid_, who was in truth sore ahungered, was in luck's way. He blessed
Providence189 and the Jewish Marriage Law.
"But you had better not reckon that a divorce," he warned them between two mouthfuls. "You had better go to Reb Shemuel, the maiden's father, and let him arrange the _Gett_ beyond reach of
"But Reb Shemuel is away," said Mrs. Jacobs.
"And I must go away, too, by the first train to-morrow," said Sam. "However, there's no hurry. I'll arrange to run up to town again in a fortnight or so, and then Reb Shemuel shall see that we are properly
untied191. You don't mind being my wife for a fortnight, I hope, Miss Jacobs?" asked Sam,
winking192 gleefully at Leah. She smiled back at him and they laughed together over the danger they had just escaped. Hannah laughed too, in contemptuous amusement at the
rigidity193 of Jewish Law.
"I'll tell you what, Sam, can't you come back for next Saturday week?" said Leah.
"Why?" asked Sam. "What's on?"
"The Purim Ball at the Club. As you've got to come back to give Hannah _Gett_, you might as well come in time to take me to the ball."
"Right you are," said Sam cheerfully.
Leah clapped her hands. "Oh that will be jolly," she said. "And we'll take Hannah with us," she added as an afterthought.
"Is that by way of compensation for losing my husband?" Hannah asked with a smile.
Leah gave a happy laugh, and turned the new ring on her finger in delighted contemplation.
"All's well that ends well," said Sam. "Through this joke Leah will be the
belle194 of the Purim Ball. I think I deserve another piece of plaice, Leah, for that compliment. As for you, Mr. Maggid, you're a saint and a Talmud
The _Maggid's_ face was brightened by a smile. He intoned the grace with unction when the meal ended, and everybody joined in
heartily196 at the specifically
vocal197 portions. Then the _Maggid_ left, and the cards were brought out.
It is inadvisable to play cards _before_ fried fish, because it is well known that you may lose, and losing may
ruffle198 your temper, and you may call your partner an
ass4, or your partner may call you an ass. To-night the greatest good humor prevailed, though several pounds changed hands. They played Loo, "Klobbiyos," Napoleon, Vingt-et-un, and especially
Brag199. Solo whist had not yet come in to drive everything else out. Old Hyams did not _spiel_, because he could not afford to, and Hannah Jacobs because she did not care to. These and a few other guests left early. But the family party stayed late. On a warm green table, under a cheerful gas light, with brandy and whiskey and sweets and fruit to hand, with no trains or busses to catch, what wonder if the light-hearted assembly played far into the new day?
Meanwhile the Redeemed Son slept peacefully in his crib with his legs curled up, and his little fists
clenched200 beneath the coverlet.


n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 |
参考例句: |
- They sourced the spoke nuts from our company.他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的。
- The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre.辐条是轮子上连接外圈与中心的条棒。
n.不敬;不孝 |
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- His last act must be a deed of impiety. 他最后的行为就是这一种不孝。
- His remarks show impiety to religion.他的话表现出对宗教的不敬。
n.虔诚,虔敬 |
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- They were drawn to the church not by piety but by curiosity.他们去教堂不是出于虔诚而是出于好奇。
- Experience makes us see an enormous difference between piety and goodness.经验使我们看到虔诚与善意之间有着巨大的区别。
n.驴;傻瓜,蠢笨的人 |
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- He is not an ass as they make him.他不象大家猜想的那样笨。
- An ass endures his burden but not more than his burden.驴能负重但不能超过它能力所负担的。
n.司库,财务主管 |
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- Mr. Smith was succeeded by Mrs.Jones as treasurer.琼斯夫人继史密斯先生任会计。
- The treasurer was arrested for trying to manipulate the company's financial records.财务主管由于试图窜改公司财政帐目而被拘留。
n.(常用于录写正式文件的)纸卷( scroll的名词复数 );卷轴;涡卷形(装饰);卷形花纹v.(电脑屏幕上)从上到下移动(资料等),卷页( scroll的第三人称单数 );(似卷轴般)卷起;(像展开卷轴般地)将文字显示于屏幕 |
参考例句: |
- Either turn it off or only pick up selected stuff like wands, rings and scrolls. 把他关掉然后只捡你需要的物品,像是魔杖(wand),戒指(rings)和滚动条(scrolls)。 来自互联网
- Ancient scrolls were found in caves by the Dead Sea. 死海旁边的山洞里发现了古代的卷轴。 来自辞典例句
n.对立;相对 |
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- The style of his speech was in complete antithesis to mine.他和我的讲话方式完全相反。
- His creation was an antithesis to academic dogmatism of the time.他的创作与当时学院派的教条相对立。
利用鹰行猎 |
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- He is hawking his goods everywhere. 他在到处兜售他的货物。
- We obtain the event horizon and the Hawking spectrumformula. 得到了黑洞的局部事件视界位置和Hawking温度以及Klein—Gordon粒子的Hawking辐射谱。
n.(jewllery)(总称)珠宝 |
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- The burglars walked off with all my jewelry.夜盗偷走了我的全部珠宝。
- Jewelry and lace are mostly feminine belongings.珠宝和花边多数是女性用品。
n.镊子 |
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- We simply removed from the cracked endocarp with sterile tweezers.我们简单地用消过毒的镊子从裂开的内果皮中取出种子。
- Bee stings should be removed with tweezers.蜜蜂的螫刺应该用小镊子拔出来。
n.典型,梗概 |
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- He is the epitome of goodness.他是善良的典范。
- This handbook is a neat epitome of everyday hygiene.这本手册概括了日常卫生的要点。
n.气质,性格,性情 |
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- The analysis of what kind of temperament you possess is vital.分析一下你有什么样的气质是十分重要的。
- Success often depends on temperament.成功常常取决于一个人的性格。
n.妒忌,嫉妒,猜忌 |
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- Some women have a disposition to jealousy.有些女人生性爱妒忌。
- I can't support your jealousy any longer.我再也无法忍受你的嫉妒了。
拍,打,掴( smack的过去式和过去分词 ) |
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- He smacked his lips but did not utter a word. 他吧嗒两下嘴,一声也不言语。
- She smacked a child's bottom. 她打孩子的屁股。
n.领巾,领结;v.使穿有领结的服装,使结领结 |
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- You're never fully dressed without a cravat.不打领结,就不算正装。
- Mr. Kenge adjusting his cravat,then looked at us.肯吉先生整了整领带,然后又望着我们。
adj.用过的,旧的,二手的 |
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- I got this book by chance at a second-hand bookshop.我赶巧在一家旧书店里买到这本书。
- They will put all these second-hand goods up for sale.他们将把这些旧货全部公开出售。
adj.全能的,万能的;很大的,很强的 |
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- Those rebels did not really challenge Gods almighty power.这些叛徒没有对上帝的全能力量表示怀疑。
- It's almighty cold outside.外面冷得要命。
n.监护人;守卫者,保护者 |
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- The form must be signed by the child's parents or guardian. 这张表格须由孩子的家长或监护人签字。
- The press is a guardian of the public weal. 报刊是公共福利的卫护者。
监护人( guardian的名词复数 ); 保护者,维护者 |
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- Farmers should be guardians of the countryside. 农民应是乡村的保卫者。
- The police are guardians of law and order. 警察是法律和秩序的护卫者。
v.买回,赎回,挽回,恢复,履行(诺言等) |
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- He had no way to redeem his furniture out of pawn.他无法赎回典当的家具。
- The eyes redeem the face from ugliness.这双眼睛弥补了他其貌不扬之缺陷。
adj. 可赎回的,可救赎的
动词redeem的过去式和过去分词形式 |
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- She has redeemed her pawned jewellery. 她赎回了当掉的珠宝。
- He redeemed his watch from the pawnbroker's. 他从当铺赎回手表。
v.使眼色( wink的过去式和过去分词 );递眼色(表示友好或高兴等);(指光)闪烁;闪亮 |
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- He winked at her and she knew he was thinking the same thing that she was. 他冲她眨了眨眼,她便知道他的想法和她一样。
- He winked his eyes at her and left the classroom. 他向她眨巴一下眼睛走出了教室。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
(尤指用手指或手快速地)轻击( flick的过去式和过去分词 ); (用…)轻挥; (快速地)按开关; 向…笑了一下(或瞥了一眼等) |
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- She flicked the dust off her collar. 她轻轻弹掉了衣领上的灰尘。
- I idly picked up a magazine and flicked through it. 我漫不经心地拿起一本杂志翻看着。
n.谈判 |
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- The governor was forced to parley with the rebels.州长被迫与反叛者谈判。
- The general held a parley with the enemy about exchanging prisoners.将军与敌人谈判交换战俘事宜。
v.移动一点儿;改变立场 |
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- We tried to lift the rock but it wouldn't budge.我们试图把大石头抬起来,但它连动都没动一下。
- She wouldn't budge on the issue.她在这个问题上不肯让步。
n.假发 |
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- The actress wore a black wig over her blond hair.那个女演员戴一顶黑色假发罩住自己的金黄色头发。
- He disguised himself with a wig and false beard.他用假发和假胡须来乔装。
n.无边女帽;童帽 |
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- The baby's bonnet keeps the sun out of her eyes.婴孩的帽子遮住阳光,使之不刺眼。
- She wore a faded black bonnet garnished with faded artificial flowers.她戴着一顶褪了色的黑色无边帽,帽上缀着褪了色的假花。
n.微粒,小污点,小斑点 |
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- I have not a speck of interest in it.我对它没有任何兴趣。
- The sky is clear and bright without a speck of cloud.天空晴朗,一星星云彩也没有。
n.薄荷,薄荷油,薄荷糖 |
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- Peppermint oil is very good for regulating digestive disorders.薄荷油能很有效地调节消化系统失调。
- He sat down,popped in a peppermint and promptly choked to death.他坐下来,突然往嘴里放了一颗薄荷糖,当即被噎死。
adj.双的;二重的,二元的 |
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- The people's Republic of China does not recognize dual nationality for any Chinese national.中华人民共和国不承认中国公民具有双重国籍。
- He has dual role as composer and conductor.他兼作曲家及指挥的双重身分。
n.胸,胸部;胸怀;内心;adj.亲密的 |
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- She drew a little book from her bosom.她从怀里取出一本小册子。
- A dark jealousy stirred in his bosom.他内心生出一阵恶毒的嫉妒。
adj.独身的,独身主义的;n.独身者 |
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- He had defended the institution of a celibate priesthood.他捍卫了独身牧师制度。
- The instinct of the celibate warned him to hold back.单身汉的本能告诫他回头是岸。
adj.天体的;天上的 |
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- The rosy light yet beamed like a celestial dawn.玫瑰色的红光依然象天上的朝霞一样绚丽。
- Gravity governs the motions of celestial bodies.万有引力控制着天体的运动。
n.变化;改造;转变 |
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- Going to college brought about a dramatic transformation in her outlook.上大学使她的观念发生了巨大的变化。
- He was struggling to make the transformation from single man to responsible husband.他正在努力使自己由单身汉变为可靠的丈夫。
adj.纯粹的;仅仅,只不过 |
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- That is a mere repetition of what you said before.那不过是重复了你以前讲的话。
- It's a mere waste of time waiting any longer.再等下去纯粹是浪费时间。
法兰绒男裤; 法兰绒( flannel的名词复数 ) |
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- Erik had been seen in flannels and an imitation Panama hat. 人们看到埃里克身穿法兰绒裤,头戴仿制巴拿马草帽。
- He is wearing flannels and a blue jacket. 他穿着一条法兰绒裤子和一件蓝夹克。
潜在 |
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- Why are you lurking around outside my house? 你在我房子外面鬼鬼祟祟的,想干什么?
- There is a suspicious man lurking in the shadows. 有一可疑的人躲在阴暗中。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
adj.阴险的,隐匿的,暗中为害的,(疾病)不知不觉之间加剧 |
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- That insidious man bad-mouthed me to almost everyone else.那个阴险的家伙几乎见人便说我的坏话。
- Organized crime has an insidious influence on all who come into contact with it.所有和集团犯罪有关的人都会不知不觉地受坏影响。
n.气压表,睛雨表,反应指标 |
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- The barometer marked a continuing fall in atmospheric pressure.气压表表明气压在继续下降。
- The arrow on the barometer was pointing to"stormy".气压计上的箭头指向“有暴风雨”。
adv.抚慰地,安慰地;镇痛地 |
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- The mother talked soothingly to her child. 母亲对自己的孩子安慰地说。 来自《简明英汉词典》
- He continued to talk quietly and soothingly to the girl until her frightened grip on his arm was relaxed. 他继续柔声安慰那姑娘,她那因恐惧而紧抓住他的手终于放松了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
adv.率直地,正直地 |
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- Voldemort stared at him ingenuously. The man MUST have lost his marbles. 魔王愕然向对方望过去。这家伙绝对疯了。 来自互联网
讥笑,冷笑( sneer的过去式和过去分词 ) |
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- He sneered at people who liked pop music. 他嘲笑喜欢流行音乐的人。
- It's very discouraging to be sneered at all the time. 成天受嘲讽是很令人泄气的。
n.肤色;情况,局面;气质,性格 |
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- Red does not suit with her complexion.红色与她的肤色不协调。
- Her resignation puts a different complexion on things.她一辞职局面就全变了。
adj.茶色的,黄褐色的;n.黄褐色 |
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- Her black hair springs in fine strands across her tawny,ruddy cheek.她的一头乌发分披在健康红润的脸颊旁。
- None of them noticed a large,tawny owl flutter past the window.他们谁也没注意到一只大的、褐色的猫头鹰飞过了窗户。
n.台球 |
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- John used to divert himself with billiards.约翰过去总打台球自娱。
- Billiards isn't popular in here.这里不流行台球。
n.轶事,趣闻,短故事 |
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- He departed from the text to tell an anecdote.他偏离课文讲起了一则轶事。
- It had never been more than a family anecdote.那不过是个家庭趣谈罢了。
n.激进份子,原子团,根号;adj.根本的,激进的,彻底的 |
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- The patient got a radical cure in the hospital.病人在医院得到了根治。
- She is radical in her demands.她的要求十分偏激。
adj.易传染的,有魅力的,迷人的,接住 |
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- There are those who think eczema is catching.有人就是认为湿疹会传染。
- Enthusiasm is very catching.热情非常富有感染力。
adj.有名的,声誉卓著的 |
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- He was soon one of the most celebrated young painters in England.不久他就成了英格兰最负盛名的年轻画家之一。
- The celebrated violinist was mobbed by the audience.观众团团围住了这位著名的小提琴演奏家。
n.地层(复数);社会阶层 |
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- The older strata gradually disintegrate.较老的岩层渐渐风化。
- They represent all social strata.他们代表各个社会阶层。
n.少数民族聚居区,贫民区 |
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- Racism and crime still flourish in the ghetto.城市贫民区的种族主义和犯罪仍然十分猖獗。
- I saw that achievement as a possible pattern for the entire ghetto.我把获得的成就看作整个黑人区可以仿效的榜样。
vt.使(船)搁浅,使(某人)困于(某地) |
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- She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ears.她把一缕散发夹到了耳后。
- The climbers had been stranded by a storm.登山者被暴风雨困住了。
n.地层,社会阶层 |
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- The coal is a coal resource that reserves in old stratum.石煤是贮藏在古老地层中的一种煤炭资源。
- How does Chinese society define the class and stratum?中国社会如何界定阶级与阶层?
adj.充满活力的;(植物)繁茂的 |
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- Hothouse plants do not possess exuberant vitality.在温室里培养出来的东西,不会有强大的生命力。
- All those mother trees in the garden are exuberant.果园里的那些母树都长得十分茂盛。
adj.终年的;长久的 |
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- I wonder at her perennial youthfulness.我对她青春常驻感到惊讶。
- There's a perennial shortage of teachers with science qualifications.有理科教学资格的老师一直都很短缺。
n.曲调,曲子( tune的名词复数 )v.调音( tune的第三人称单数 );调整;(给收音机、电视等)调谐;使协调 |
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- a potpourri of tunes 乐曲集锦
- When things get a bit too much, she simply tunes out temporarily. 碰到事情太棘手时,她干脆暂时撒手不管。 来自《简明英汉词典》
n.活力,生命力,效力 |
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- He came back from his holiday bursting with vitality and good health.他度假归来之后,身强体壮,充满活力。
- He is an ambitious young man full of enthusiasm and vitality.他是个充满热情与活力的有远大抱负的青年。
adj.惊人的,奇妙的;异常的;巨大的;庞大的 |
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- This business generates cash in prodigious amounts.这种业务收益丰厚。
- He impressed all who met him with his prodigious memory.他惊人的记忆力让所有见过他的人都印象深刻。
n.少女,处女;adj.未婚的,纯洁的,无经验的 |
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- The prince fell in love with a fair young maiden.王子爱上了一位年轻美丽的少女。
- The aircraft makes its maiden flight tomorrow.这架飞机明天首航。
adv.值得注意地,显著地,尤其地,特别地 |
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- Many students were absent,notably the monitor.许多学生缺席,特别是连班长也没来。
- A notably short,silver-haired man,he plays basketball with his staff several times a week.他个子明显较为矮小,一头银发,每周都会和他的员工一起打几次篮球。
adv.有求知欲地;好问地;奇特地 |
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- He looked curiously at the people.他好奇地看着那些人。
- He took long stealthy strides. His hands were curiously cold.他迈着悄没声息的大步。他的双手出奇地冷。
v.逐渐变少或变小( dwindle的过去式和过去分词 ) |
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- Support for the party has dwindled away to nothing. 支持这个党派的人渐渐化为乌有。
- His wealth dwindled to nothingness. 他的钱财化为乌有。 来自《简明英汉词典》
adj.象征性的,符号的,象征主义的 |
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- It is symbolic of the fighting spirit of modern womanhood.它象征着现代妇女的战斗精神。
- The Christian ceremony of baptism is a symbolic act.基督教的洗礼仪式是一种象征性的做法。
n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 |
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- After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
- They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
n.盟约,契约;v.订盟约 |
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- They refused to covenant with my father for the property.他们不愿与我父亲订立财产契约。
- The money was given to us by deed of covenant.这笔钱是根据契约书付给我们的。
区分,区别,辨别( differentiate的过去式和过去分词 ); 区别对待; 表明…间的差别,构成…间差别的特征 |
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- The development of mouse kidney tubules requires two kinds of differentiated cells. 小鼠肾小管的发育需要有两种分化的细胞。
- In this enlargement, barley, alfalfa, and sugar beets can be differentiated. 在这张放大的照片上,大麦,苜蓿和甜菜都能被区分开。
adj.疏松的v.使喷出( puff的过去式和过去分词 );喷着汽(或烟)移动;吹嘘;吹捧 |
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- He lit a cigarette and puffed at it furiously. 他点燃了一支香烟,狂吸了几口。 来自《简明英汉词典》
- He felt grown-up, puffed up with self-importance. 他觉得长大了,便自以为了不起。 来自《简明英汉词典》
adj.部族的,种族的 |
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- He became skilled in several tribal lingoes.他精通几种部族的语言。
- The country was torn apart by fierce tribal hostilities.那个国家被部落间的激烈冲突弄得四分五裂。
n.家系,宗谱 |
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- He had sat and repeated his family's genealogy to her,twenty minutes of nonstop names.他坐下又给她细数了一遍他家族的家谱,20分钟内说出了一连串的名字。
- He was proficient in all questions of genealogy.他非常精通所有家谱的问题。
adj.温顺的,逆来顺受的 |
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- He expects his wife to be meek and submissive.他期望妻子温顺而且听他摆布。
- The little girl is as meek as a lamb.那个小姑娘像羔羊一般温顺。
v.垄断( monopolize的过去式和过去分词 );独占;专卖;专营 |
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- Men traditionally monopolized jobs in the printing industry. 在传统上,男人包揽了印刷行业中的所有工作。
- The oil combine monopolized the fuel sales of the country. 这家石油联合企业垄断了这个国家的原油销售。 来自互联网
adj.流行的,时髦的;漂亮的,气派的 |
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- He's a stylish dresser.他是个穿着很有格调的人。
- What stylish women are wearing in Paris will be worn by women all over the world.巴黎女性时装往往会引导世界时装潮流。
n.进程,过程,议程;诉讼(程序);公报 |
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- He was released on bail pending committal proceedings. 他交保获释正在候审。
- to initiate legal proceedings against sb 对某人提起诉讼
n.充满,吃饱 |
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- It is better to die of repletion than to endure hunger.饱死胜过挨饿。
- A baby vomits milk from repletion.婴儿吃饱会吐奶。
adj.昏昏欲睡的,令人发困的 |
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- Exhaust fumes made him drowsy and brought on a headache.废气把他熏得昏昏沉沉,还引起了头疼。
- I feel drowsy after lunch every day.每天午饭后我就想睡觉。
n.圣所,圣堂,寺庙;禁猎区,保护区 |
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- There was a sanctuary of political refugees behind the hospital.医院后面有一个政治难民的避难所。
- Most countries refuse to give sanctuary to people who hijack aeroplanes.大多数国家拒绝对劫机者提供庇护。
adv.(用于否定句中以加强语气)任何;pron.无论什么 |
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- There's no reason whatsoever to turn down this suggestion.没有任何理由拒绝这个建议。
- All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you,do ye even so to them.你想别人对你怎样,你就怎样对人。
adj.婚姻的,婚礼的 |
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- Their nuptial day hasn't been determined.他们的结婚日还没有决定。
- I went to the room which he had called the nuptial chamber.我走进了他称之为洞房的房间。
n.天篷,遮篷 |
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- The trees formed a leafy canopy above their heads.树木在他们头顶上空形成了一个枝叶茂盛的遮篷。
- They lay down under a canopy of stars.他们躺在繁星点点的天幕下。
n.祝福;恩赐 |
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- The priest pronounced a benediction over the couple at the end of the marriage ceremony.牧师在婚礼结束时为新婚夫妇祈求上帝赐福。
- He went abroad with his parents' benediction.他带着父母的祝福出国去了。
n.俗人,门外汉,凡人 |
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- These technical terms are difficult for the layman to understand.这些专门术语是外行人难以理解的。
- He is a layman in politics.他对政治是个门外汉。
n.牧师,凡人;adj.世俗的,现世的,不朽的 |
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- We live in an increasingly secular society.我们生活在一个日益非宗教的社会。
- Britain is a plural society in which the secular predominates.英国是个世俗主导的多元社会。
n.狂喜;全神贯注;着迷;v.使狂喜 |
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- His speech was received with rapture by his supporters.他的演说受到支持者们的热烈欢迎。
- In the midst of his rapture,he was interrupted by his father.他正欢天喜地,被他父亲打断了。
n.行为;风度 |
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- She is quiet in her demeanor.她举止文静。
- The old soldier never lost his military demeanor.那个老军人从来没有失去军人风度。
n.假装,作假;借口,口实;虚伪;虚饰 |
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- The government abandoned any pretence of reform. 政府不再装模作样地进行改革。
- He made a pretence of being happy at the party.晚会上他假装很高兴。
v.花费( expend的过去式和过去分词 );使用(钱等)做某事;用光;耗尽 |
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- She expended all her efforts on the care of home and children. 她把所有精力都花在料理家务和照顾孩子上。
- The enemy had expended all their ammunition. 敌人已耗尽所有的弹药。 来自《简明英汉词典》
n.论文,演说;谈话;话语;vi.讲述,著述 |
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- We'll discourse on the subject tonight.我们今晚要谈论这个问题。
- He fell into discourse with the customers who were drinking at the counter.他和站在柜台旁的酒客谈了起来。
疾病(尤指慢性病),不适( ailment的名词复数 ) |
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- His ailments include a mild heart attack and arthritis. 他患有轻度心脏病和关节炎。
- He hospitalizes patients for minor ailments. 他把只有小病的患者也送进医院。
n.邪恶( iniquity的名词复数 );极不公正 |
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- The preacher asked God to forgive us our sins and wash away our iniquities. 牧师乞求上帝赦免我们的罪过,涤荡我们的罪孽。 来自辞典例句
- If thou, Lord shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? 3主―耶和华啊,你若究察罪孽,谁能站得住呢? 来自互联网
乱涂,潦草地写( scrawl的过去式和过去分词 ) |
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- I tried to read his directions, scrawled on a piece of paper. 我尽量弄明白他草草写在一片纸上的指示。
- Tom scrawled on his slate, "Please take it -- I got more." 汤姆在他的写字板上写了几个字:“请你收下吧,我多得是哩。”
adj.不断攻击的v.困扰( beset的现在分词 );不断围攻;镶;嵌 |
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- Laziness is my besetting sin. 懒惰是我积重难返的恶习。 来自辞典例句
- His besetting sin is laziness. 他所易犯的毛病就是懒惰。 来自辞典例句
n.(严重的)危险;危险的事物 |
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- The refugees were in peril of death from hunger.难民有饿死的危险。
- The embankment is in great peril.河堤岌岌可危。
n.倾斜;点头;弯腰;斜坡;倾度;倾向;爱好 |
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- She greeted us with a slight inclination of the head.她微微点头向我们致意。
- I did not feel the slightest inclination to hurry.我没有丝毫着急的意思。
n.眉毛,眉 |
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- Her eyebrow is well penciled.她的眉毛画得很好。
- With an eyebrow raised,he seemed divided between surprise and amusement.他一只眉毛扬了扬,似乎既感到吃惊,又觉有趣。
n.插座,千斤顶,男人;v.抬起,提醒,扛举;n.(Jake)杰克 |
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- I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。
- He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
n.鳏夫 |
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- George was a widower with six young children.乔治是个带著六个小孩子的鳏夫。
- Having been a widower for many years,he finally decided to marry again.丧偶多年后,他终于决定二婚了。
adj.(对人性或动机)怀疑的,不信世道向善的 |
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- The enormous difficulty makes him cynical about the feasibility of the idea.由于困难很大,他对这个主意是否可行持怀疑态度。
- He was cynical that any good could come of democracy.他不相信民主会带来什么好处。
adj.辛辣的,开胃的,令人兴奋的 |
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- Bland vegetables are often served with a piquant sauce.清淡的蔬菜常以辛辣的沙司调味。
- He heard of a piquant bit of news.他听到了一则令人兴奋的消息。
n.谜,谜一样的人或事 |
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- I've known him for many years,but he remains something of an enigma to me.我与他相识多年,他仍然难以捉摸。
- Even after all the testimonies,the murder remained a enigma.即使听完了所有的证词,这件谋杀案仍然是一个谜。
刺,刺痕,刺痛感 |
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- She felt a pricking on her scalp. 她感到头皮上被扎了一下。
- Intercostal neuralgia causes paroxysmal burning pain or pricking pain. 肋间神经痛呈阵发性的灼痛或刺痛。
adj.最年长的,最年老的 |
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- The King's eldest son is the heir to the throne.国王的长子是王位的继承人。
- The castle and the land are entailed on the eldest son.城堡和土地限定由长子继承。
n.地方行政官,地方法官,治安官 |
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- The magistrate committed him to prison for a month.法官判处他一个月监禁。
- John was fined 1000 dollars by the magistrate.约翰被地方法官罚款1000美元。
n.知更鸟,鸫( robin的名词复数 );(签名者不分先后,以避免受责的)圆形签名抗议书(或请愿书) |
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- The robins occupied their former nest. 那些知更鸟占了它们的老窝。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
- Benjamin Robins then entered the fray with articles and a book. 而后,Benjamin Robins以他的几篇专论和一本书参加争论。 来自辞典例句
n.小巷,胡同;小径,小路 |
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- We live in the same alley.我们住在同一条小巷里。
- The blind alley ended in a brick wall.这条死胡同的尽头是砖墙。
v.沉思,冥想( muse的过去式和过去分词 );沉思自语说(某事) |
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- \"I wonder if I shall ever see them again, \"he mused. “我不知道是否还可以再见到他们,”他沉思自问。 来自《简明英汉词典》
- \"Where are we going from here?\" mused one of Rutherford's guests. 卢瑟福的一位客人忍不住说道:‘我们这是在干什么?” 来自英汉非文学 - 科学史
adj.喧闹的,欢闹的 |
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- I don't condescend to boisterous displays of it.我并不屈就于它热热闹闹的外表。
- The children tended to gather together quietly for a while before they broke into boisterous play.孩子们经常是先静静地聚集在一起,不一会就开始吵吵嚷嚷戏耍开了。
adv.喧闹地,吵闹地 |
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- They burst boisterously into the room. 他们吵吵嚷嚷地闯入房间。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
- Drums and gongs were beating boisterously. 锣鼓敲打得很热闹。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
adj.固定的,不变的,准备好的;(计算机)固定的 |
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- Have you two fixed on a date for the wedding yet?你们俩选定婚期了吗?
- Once the aim is fixed,we should not change it arbitrarily.目标一旦确定,我们就不应该随意改变。
容忍,忍受(brook的过去式与过去分词形式) |
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- The tone in his voice brooked no argument. 他的声音里透露着一种不容争辩的语调。
- He gave her a look that brooked no further arguments. 他看了她一眼,表示不容再争论。
系谱学者 |
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- Misha Defonseca acknowledged her bestselling Holocaust story as a fake after a genealogist outed her. MishaDefonseca在当一位系谱学者揭露她之后承认自己关于二战犹太大屠杀的畅销书是捏造的。
n.面包师 |
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- The baker bakes his bread in the bakery.面包师在面包房内烤面包。
- The baker frosted the cake with a mixture of sugar and whites of eggs.面包师在蛋糕上撒了一层白糖和蛋清的混合料。
adj.被鼓动的,不安的 |
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- His answers were all mixed up,so agitated was he.他是那样心神不定,回答全乱了。
- She was agitated because her train was an hour late.她乘坐的火车晚点一个小时,她十分焦虑。
n.(尤指基督)救世,超度,拯救,解困 |
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- Salvation lay in political reform.解救办法在于政治改革。
- Christians hope and pray for salvation.基督教徒希望并祈祷灵魂得救。
adv.虔诚地 |
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- Many pilgrims knelt piously at the shrine.许多朝圣者心虔意诚地在神殿跪拜。
- The priests piously consecrated the robbery with a hymn.教士们虔诚地唱了一首赞美诗,把这劫夺行为神圣化了。
ad.得意洋洋地;得胜地;成功地 |
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- The lion was roaring triumphantly. 狮子正在发出胜利的吼叫。
- Robert was looking at me triumphantly. 罗伯特正得意扬扬地看着我。
adj.尖的,直截了当的 |
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- He gave me a very sharp pointed pencil.他给我一支削得非常尖的铅笔。
- She wished to show Mrs.John Dashwood by this pointed invitation to her brother.她想通过对达茨伍德夫人提出直截了当的邀请向她的哥哥表示出来。
n.证词;见证,证明 |
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- The testimony given by him is dubious.他所作的证据是可疑的。
- He was called in to bear testimony to what the police officer said.他被传入为警官所说的话作证。
n.主要产物,常用品,主要要素,原料,订书钉,钩环;adj.主要的,重要的;vt.分类 |
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- Tea is the staple crop here.本地产品以茶叶为大宗。
- Potatoes are the staple of their diet.土豆是他们的主要食品。
n.团结,联合,统一;和睦,协调 |
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- When we speak of unity,we do not mean unprincipled peace.所谓团结,并非一团和气。
- We must strengthen our unity in the face of powerful enemies.大敌当前,我们必须加强团结。
n.大胆,卤莽,无礼 |
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- He had the audacity to ask for an increase in salary.他竟然厚着脸皮要求增加薪水。
- He had the audacity to pick pockets in broad daylight.他竟敢在光天化日之下掏包。
n.骨髓;精华;活力 |
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- It was so cold that he felt frozen to the marrow. 天气太冷了,他感到寒冷刺骨。
- He was tired to the marrow of his bones.他真是累得筋疲力尽了。
v.约束( bind的第三人称单数 );装订;捆绑;(用长布条)缠绕 |
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- Frost binds the soil. 霜使土壤凝结。 来自《简明英汉词典》
- Stones and cement binds strongly. 石头和水泥凝固得很牢。 来自《简明英汉词典》
vt.品尝,欣赏;n.味道,风味;情趣,趣味 |
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- The soup has a savor of onion.这汤有洋葱味。
- His humorous remarks added a savor to our conversation.他幽默的话语给谈话增添了风趣。
adj.古老的;鬓发斑白的 |
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- They discussed the hoary old problem.他们讨论老问题。
- Without a word spoken,he hurried away,with his hoary head bending low.他什么也没说,低着白发苍苍的头,匆匆地走了。
adj.不自然的,做作的;虚构的 |
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- There was nothing contrived or calculated about what he said.他说的话里没有任何蓄意捏造的成分。
- The plot seems contrived.情节看起来不真实。
adj.联合的,共同的;n.关节,接合处;v.连接,贴合 |
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- I had a bad fall,which put my shoulder out of joint.我重重地摔了一跤,肩膀脫臼了。
- We wrote a letter in joint names.我们联名写了封信。
n.一千年,千禧年;太平盛世 |
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- The whole world was counting down to the new millennium.全世界都在倒计时迎接新千年的到来。
- We waited as the clock ticked away the last few seconds of the old millennium.我们静候着时钟滴答走过千年的最后几秒钟。
v.侵扰,骚扰( harass的现在分词 );不断攻击(敌人) |
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- The court ordered him to stop harassing his ex-wife. 法庭命令他不得再骚扰前妻。 来自《简明英汉词典》
- It was too close to be merely harassing fire. 打得这么近,不能完全是扰乱射击。 来自辞典例句
n.禁止;禁令,禁律 |
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- The prohibition against drunken driving will save many lives.禁止酒后开车将会减少许多死亡事故。
- They voted in favour of the prohibition of smoking in public areas.他们投票赞成禁止在公共场所吸烟。
adj.基督教徒的;n.基督教徒 |
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- They always addressed each other by their Christian name.他们总是以教名互相称呼。
- His mother is a sincere Christian.他母亲是个虔诚的基督教徒。
adj.单调的,一成不变的,使人厌倦的 |
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- She thought life in the small town was monotonous.她觉得小镇上的生活单调而乏味。
- His articles are fixed in form and monotonous in content.他的文章千篇一律,一个调调儿。
n.意志;决意 |
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- We like to think that everything we do and everything we think is a product of our volition.我们常常认为我们所做和所想的一切都出自自己的意愿。
- Makin said Mr Coombes had gone to the police of his own volition.梅金说库姆斯先生是主动去投案的。
adv.不;n.反对票,投反对票者 |
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- He was grateful for and proud of his son's remarkable,nay,unique performance.他为儿子出色的,不,应该是独一无二的表演心怀感激和骄傲。
- Long essays,nay,whole books have been written on this.许多长篇大论的文章,不,应该说是整部整部的书都是关于这件事的。
adj.令人沮丧的,沉闷的,单调乏味的 |
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- They live such dreary lives.他们的生活如此乏味。
- She was tired of hearing the same dreary tale of drunkenness and violence.她听够了那些关于酗酒和暴力的乏味故事。
n.杳无人烟的一片陆地、水等,荒漠 |
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- She drove the herd of cattle through the wilderness.她赶着牛群穿过荒野。
- Education in the wilderness is not a matter of monetary means.荒凉地区的教育不是钱财问题。
n.神圣之理想;美化;颂扬 |
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- The legend of king arthur represent the apotheosis of chivalry.亚瑟王的传说代表骑士精神的顶峰。
- The Oriental in Bangkok is the apotheosis of the grand hotel.曼谷的东方饭店是豪华饭店的典范。
adj.三角(形)的,三者间的 |
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- It's more or less triangular plot of land.这块地略成三角形。
- One particular triangular relationship became the model of Simone's first novel.一段特殊的三角关系成了西蒙娜第一本小说的原型。
n.君主的统治( reign的名词复数 );君主统治时期;任期;当政期 |
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- In these valleys night reigns. 夜色笼罩着那些山谷。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
- The Queen of Britain reigns, but she does not rule or govern. 英国女王是国家元首,但不治国事。 来自辞典例句
n.基督教徒( Christian的名词复数 ) |
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- Christians of all denominations attended the conference. 基督教所有教派的人都出席了这次会议。
- His novel about Jesus caused a furore among Christians. 他关于耶稣的小说激起了基督教徒的公愤。
n.歌谣,民谣,流行爱情歌曲 |
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- This poem has the distinctive flavour of a ballad.这首诗有民歌风味。
- This is a romantic ballad that is pure corn.这是一首极为伤感的浪漫小曲。
n.急切需要 |
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- Many people are forced by exigencies of circumstance to take some part in them. 许多人由于境况所逼又不得不在某种程度上参与这种活动。
- The people had to accept the harsh exigencies of war. 人们要承受战乱的严酷现实。
adj.轻浮的,好开玩笑的 |
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- He was so facetious that he turned everything into a joke.他好开玩笑,把一切都变成了戏谑。
- I became angry with the little boy at his facetious remarks.我对这个小男孩过分的玩笑变得发火了。
adv.爱开玩笑地;滑稽地,爱开玩笑地 |
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- The house had been facetiously named by some waggish officer. 这房子是由某个机智幽默的军官命名的。 来自辞典例句
- I sometimes facetiously place the cause of it all to Charley Furuseth's credit. 我有时候也曾将起因全部可笑地推在却利?福罗萨的身上。 来自辞典例句
v.看,注视,看到 |
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- The industry of these little ants is wonderful to behold.这些小蚂蚁辛勤劳动的样子看上去真令人惊叹。
- The sunrise at the seaside was quite a sight to behold.海滨日出真是个奇景。
v./n.零售;adv.以零售价格 |
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- In this shop they retail tobacco and sweets.这家铺子零售香烟和糖果。
- These shoes retail at 10 yuan a pair.这些鞋子零卖10元一双。
adj.不需证明的,不言自明的 |
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- It is axiomatic that life is not always easy.生活并不总是一帆风顺,这是明摆着的事实。
- It is axiomatic that as people grow older they generally become less agile.人年纪越大通常灵活性越差,这是不言而喻的。
ad.全部地,完整地;完全地,彻底地 |
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- The fire was entirely caused by their neglect of duty. 那场火灾完全是由于他们失职而引起的。
- His life was entirely given up to the educational work. 他的一生统统献给了教育工作。
散布的,普及的,扩散的 |
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- A drop of milk diffused in the water. 一滴牛奶在水中扩散开来。
- Gases and liquids diffused. 气体和液体慢慢混合了。
n.雕刻品,雕花 |
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- All the furniture in the room had much carving.房间里所有的家具上都有许多雕刻。
- He acquired the craft of wood carving in his native town.他在老家学会了木雕手艺。
n.评价;欣赏;感谢;领会,理解;价格上涨 |
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- I would like to express my appreciation and thanks to you all.我想对你们所有人表达我的感激和谢意。
- I'll be sending them a donation in appreciation of their help.我将送给他们一笔捐款以感谢他们的帮助。
adj.神圣的,被视为神圣的v.把…奉为神圣,给…祝圣( consecrate的过去式和过去分词 );奉献 |
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- The church was consecrated in 1853. 这座教堂于1853年祝圣。
- They consecrated a temple to their god. 他们把庙奉献给神。 来自《简明英汉词典》
n.乐趣;享有;享用 |
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- Your company adds to the enjoyment of our visit. 有您的陪同,我们这次访问更加愉快了。
- After each joke the old man cackled his enjoyment.每逢讲完一个笑话,这老人就呵呵笑着表示他的高兴。
n./adj.深(绯)红色(的);vi.脸变绯红色 |
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- She went crimson with embarrassment.她羞得满脸通红。
- Maple leaves have turned crimson.枫叶已经红了。
n.开玩笑,打趣 |
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- When he reached the gate,there was the usual badinage with Charlie.当他来到公园大门时, 还是与往常一样和查理开玩笑。
- For all the forced badinag,it was an awkward meal.大家尽管勉强地说说笑笑,这顿饭依旧吃得很别扭。
v.嘲弄,戏仿;n.嘲弄,取笑,滑稽模仿 |
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- Our comic play was a burlesque of a Shakespearean tragedy.我们的喜剧是对莎士比亚一出悲剧的讽刺性模仿。
- He shouldn't burlesque the elder.他不应模仿那长者。
v.敲诈( extort的过去式和过去分词 );曲解 |
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- The gang extorted money from over 30 local businesses. 这帮歹徒向当地30多户商家勒索过钱财。
- He extorted a promise from me. 他硬要我答应。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
adj.活泼的,快活的 |
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- She is an artless,vivacious girl.她是一个天真活泼的女孩。
- The picture has a vivacious artistic conception.这幅画气韵生动。
n.机敏的应答 |
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- This diplomat possessed an excellent gift for repartee.这位外交官具有卓越的应对才能。
- He was a brilliant debater and his gift of repartee was celebrated.他擅长辩论,以敏于应答著称。
n.嘈杂;骚乱 |
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- The hubbub of voices drowned out the host's voice.嘈杂的声音淹没了主人的声音。
- He concentrated on the work in hand,and the hubbub outside the room simply flowed over him.他埋头于手头的工作,室外的吵闹声他简直象没有听见一般。
v.取笑,嘲笑;n.谷壳 |
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- I didn't mind their chaff.我不在乎他们的玩笑。
- Old birds are not caught with chaff.谷糠难诱老雀。
v./n.(使)发出连续而清脆的撞击声 |
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- The dishes and bowls slid together with a clatter.碟子碗碰得丁丁当当的。
- Don't clatter your knives and forks.别把刀叉碰得咔哒响。
adj.波纹的;缩成皱纹的;波纹面的;波纹状的v.(使某物)起皱褶(corrugate的过去式和过去分词) |
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- a corrugated iron roof 波纹铁屋顶
- His brow corrugated with the effort of thinking. 他皱着眉头用心地思考。 来自《简明英汉词典》
n.丝绒,天鹅绒;adj.丝绒制的,柔软的 |
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- This material feels like velvet.这料子摸起来像丝绒。
- The new settlers wore the finest silk and velvet clothing.新来的移民穿着最华丽的丝绸和天鹅绒衣服。
n.美观而无价值的饰物 |
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- That little bauble is not to be compared with this enormous jewel.那个小摆设不能与这个大宝石相比较。
- A bauble is a showy ornament of little value.廉价珠宝是华而不实的装饰品。
adj.束缚的,节制的 |
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- The evidence was so compelling that he felt constrained to accept it. 证据是那样的令人折服,他觉得不得不接受。
- I feel constrained to write and ask for your forgiveness. 我不得不写信请你原谅。
v.拖,拉,拔出;adj.憔悴的,紧张的 |
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- All the characters in the story are drawn from life.故事中的所有人物都取材于生活。
- Her gaze was drawn irresistibly to the scene outside.她的目光禁不住被外面的风景所吸引。
adj.古怪的,好笑的 |
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- The band have a droll sense of humour.这个乐队有一种滑稽古怪的幽默感。
- He looked at her with a droll sort of awakening.他用一种古怪的如梦方醒的神情看着她.
n.术语,行话 |
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- They will not hear critics with their horrible jargon.他们不愿意听到评论家们那些可怕的行话。
- It is important not to be overawed by the mathematical jargon.要紧的是不要被数学的术语所吓倒.
adj.有确实根据的;有效的;正当的,合法的 |
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- His claim to own the house is valid.他主张对此屋的所有权有效。
- Do you have valid reasons for your absence?你的缺席有正当理由吗?
adj.恼怒的 |
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- We were exasperated at his ill behaviour. 我们对他的恶劣行为感到非常恼怒。
- Constant interruption of his work exasperated him. 对他工作不断的干扰使他恼怒。
int.嘘,别出声;n.沉默,静寂;v.使安静 |
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- A hush fell over the onlookers.旁观者们突然静了下来。
- Do hush up the scandal!不要把这丑事声张出去!
动摇,兴奋; 勃然 |
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- "Where's she waiting for me?" he asked agitatedly. 他慌忙问道:“在哪里等我?” 来自子夜部分
- His agitatedly ground goes accusatorial accountant. 他勃然大怒地去责问会计。
n.证实,确认,批准 |
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- We are waiting for confirmation of the news.我们正在等待证实那个消息。
- We need confirmation in writing before we can send your order out.给你们发送订购的货物之前,我们需要书面确认。
n.先例,前例;惯例;adj.在前的,在先的 |
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- Is there a precedent for what you want me to do?你要我做的事有前例可援吗?
- This is a wonderful achievement without precedent in Chinese history.这是中国历史上亘古未有的奇绩。
啜泣(声),呜咽(声)( sob的名词复数 ) |
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- She was struggling to suppress her sobs. 她拼命不让自己哭出来。
- She burst into a convulsive sobs. 她突然抽泣起来。
n.集会,聚会,聚集 |
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- He called on Mr. White to speak at the gathering.他请怀特先生在集会上讲话。
- He is on the wing gathering material for his novels.他正忙于为他的小说收集资料。
n.流氓;v.游手好闲 |
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- The little rogue had his grandpa's glasses on.这淘气鬼带上了他祖父的眼镜。
- They defined him as a rogue.他们确定他为骗子。
adv.向前;向外,往外 |
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- The wind moved the trees gently back and forth.风吹得树轻轻地来回摇晃。
- He gave forth a series of works in rapid succession.他很快连续发表了一系列的作品。
n.些微,一点儿 |
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- There is not an iota of truth in his story.他的故事没有一点是真的。
- He's never shown an iota of interest in any kind of work.他从来没有对任何工作表现出一点儿兴趣。
ad.热烈地,激烈地 |
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- She could hate as passionately as she could love. 她能恨得咬牙切齿,也能爱得一往情深。
- He was passionately addicted to pop music. 他酷爱流行音乐。
n.纹理;矿脉( vein的名词复数 );静脉;叶脉;纹理 |
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- The blood flows from the capillaries back into the veins. 血从毛细血管流回静脉。 来自《简明英汉词典》
- I felt a pleasant glow in all my veins from the wine. 喝过酒后我浑身的血都热烘烘的,感到很舒服。 来自《简明英汉词典》
adj.野蛮的;凶恶的,残暴的;n.未开化的人 |
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- The poor man received a savage beating from the thugs.那可怜的人遭到暴徒的痛打。
- He has a savage temper.他脾气粗暴。
n.不耐烦,急躁 |
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- He expressed impatience at the slow rate of progress.进展缓慢,他显得不耐烦。
- He gave a stamp of impatience.他不耐烦地跺脚。
v.预示,预告,预言( bode的过去式和过去分词 );等待,停留( bide的过去分词 );居住;(过去式用bided)等待 |
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- The beginning of that summer boded ill. 夏季一开始就来势不善。 来自辞典例句
v.大笑,狂笑( guffaw的过去式和过去分词 ) |
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- They all guffawed at his jokes. 他们听了他的笑话都一阵狂笑。
- Hung-chien guffawed and said, "I deserve a scolding for that! 鸿渐哈哈大笑道:“我是该骂! 来自汉英文学 - 围城
ad. 歇斯底里地 |
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- The children giggled hysterically. 孩子们歇斯底里地傻笑。
- She sobbed hysterically, and her thin body was shaken. 她歇斯底里地抽泣着,她瘦弱的身体哭得直颤抖。
v.重击, (指心脏)急速跳动( thump的过去式和过去分词 ) |
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- Dave thumped the table in frustration . 戴夫懊恼得捶打桌子。
- He thumped the table angrily. 他愤怒地用拳捶击桌子。
n.深谋远虑,天道,天意;远见;节约;上帝 |
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- It is tempting Providence to go in that old boat.乘那艘旧船前往是冒大险。
- To act as you have done is to fly in the face of Providence.照你的所作所为那样去行事,是违背上帝的意志的。
v.挑毛病,吹毛求疵 |
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- A carper will cavil at anything.爱挑剔的人对什么都挑剔。
- Even he could find nothing to cavil about.连他都挑不出什么毛病来。
松开,解开( untie的过去式和过去分词 ); 解除,使自由; 解决 |
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- Once untied, we common people are able to conquer nature, too. 只要团结起来,我们老百姓也能移山倒海。
- He untied the ropes. 他解开了绳子。
n.瞬眼,目语v.使眼色( wink的现在分词 );递眼色(表示友好或高兴等);(指光)闪烁;闪亮 |
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- Anyone can do it; it's as easy as winking. 这谁都办得到,简直易如反掌。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
- The stars were winking in the clear sky. 星星在明亮的天空中闪烁。 来自《简明英汉词典》
adj.钢性,坚硬 |
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- The rigidity of the metal caused it to crack.这金属因刚度强而产生裂纹。
- He deplored the rigidity of her views.他痛感她的观点僵化。
n.靓女 |
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- She was the belle of her Sunday School class.在主日学校她是她们班的班花。
- She was the belle of the ball.她是那个舞会中的美女。
n.圣人,哲人;adj.贤明的,明智的 |
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- I was grateful for the old man's sage advice.我很感激那位老人贤明的忠告。
- The sage is the instructor of a hundred ages.这位哲人是百代之师。
adv.衷心地,诚恳地,十分,很 |
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- He ate heartily and went out to look for his horse.他痛快地吃了一顿,就出去找他的马。
- The host seized my hand and shook it heartily.主人抓住我的手,热情地和我握手。
adj.直言不讳的;嗓音的;n.[pl.]声乐节目 |
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- The tongue is a vocal organ.舌头是一个发音器官。
- Public opinion at last became vocal.终于舆论哗然。
v.弄皱,弄乱;激怒,扰乱;n.褶裥饰边 |
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- Don't ruffle my hair.I've just combed it.别把我的头发弄乱了。我刚刚梳好了的。
- You shouldn't ruffle so easily.你不该那么容易发脾气。
v./n.吹牛,自夸;adj.第一流的 |
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- He made brag of his skill.他夸耀自己技术高明。
- His wealth is his brag.他夸张他的财富。
v.紧握,抓紧,咬紧( clench的过去式和过去分词 ) |
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- He clenched his fists in anger. 他愤怒地攥紧了拳头。
- She clenched her hands in her lap to hide their trembling. 她攥紧双手放在腿上,以掩饰其颤抖。 来自《简明英汉词典》