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首页 » 经典英文小说 » Michael, Brother of Jerry » CHAPTER VI
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 The adventure that was so to alter the future occurred when Michael, in no uncertain manner, announced to all and sundry1 his presence on the Makambo.  It was due to Kwaque’s carelessness, to commence with, for Kwaque left the stateroom without tight-closing the door.  As the Makambo rolled on an easy sea the door swung back and forth2, remaining wide open for intervals3 and banging shut but not banging hard enough to latch4 itself.
Michael crossed the high threshold with the innocent intention of exploring no farther than the immediate5 vicinity.  But scarcely was he through, when a heavier roll slammed the door and latched6 it.  And immediately Michael wanted to get back.  Obedience7 was strong in him, for it was his heart’s desire to serve his lord’s will, and from the few days’ confinement8 he sensed, or guessed, or divined, without thinking about it, that it was Steward9’s will for him to stay in the stateroom.
For a long time he sat down before the closed door, regarding it wistfully but being too wise to bark or speak to such inanimate object.  It had been part of his early puppyhood education to learn that only live things could be moved by plea or threat, and that while things not alive did move, as the door had moved, they never moved of themselves, and were deaf to anything life might have to say to them.  Occasionally he trotted11 down the short cross-hall upon which the stateroom opened, and gazed up and down the long hall that ran fore10 and aft.
For the better part of an hour he did this, returning always to the door that would not open.  Then he achieved a definite idea.  Since the door would not open, and since Steward and Kwaque did not return, he would go in search of them.  Once with this concept of action clear in his brain, without timidities of hesitation12 and irresolution13, he trotted aft down the long hall.  Going around the right angle in which it ended, he encountered a narrow flight of steps.  Among many scents14, he recognized those of Kwaque and Steward and knew they had passed that way.
Up the stairs and on the main deck, he began to meet passengers.  Being white gods, he did not resent their addresses to him, though he did not linger and went out on the open deck where more of the favoured gods reclined in steamer-chairs.  Still no Kwaque or Steward.  Another flight of narrow, steep stairs invited, and he came out on the boat-deck.  Here, under the wide awnings15, were many more of the gods—many times more than he had that far seen in his life.
The for’ard end of the boat-deck terminated in the bridge, which, instead of being raised above it, was part of it.  Trotting16 around the wheel-house to the shady lee-side of it, he came upon his fate; for be it known that Captain Duncan possessed17 on board in addition to two fox-terriers, a big Persian cat, and that cat possessed a litter of kittens.  Her chosen nursery was the wheel-house, and Captain Duncan had humoured her, giving her a box for her kittens and threatening the quartermasters with all manner of dire18 fates did they so much as step on one of the kittens.
But Michael knew nothing of this.  And the big Persian knew of his existence before he did of hers.  In fact, the first he knew was when she launched herself upon him out of the open wheel-house doorway19.  Even as he glimpsed this abrupt20 danger, and before he could know what it was, he leaped sideways and saved himself.  From his point of view, the assault was unprovoked.  He was staring at her with bristling21 hair, recognizing her for what she was, a cat, when she sprang again, her tail the size of a large man’s arm, all claws and spitting fury and vindictiveness22.
This was too much for a self-respecting Irish terrier.  His wrath23 was immediate with her second leap, and he sprang to the side to avoid her claws, and in from the side to meet her, his jaws24 clamping together on her spinal25 column with a jerk while she was still in mid-air.  The next moment she lay sprawling26 and struggling on the deck with a broken back.
But for Michael this was only the beginning.  A shrill27 yelling, rather than yelping29, of more enemies made him whirl half about, but not quick enough.  Struck in flank by two full-grown fox-terriers, he was slashed30 and rolled on the deck.  The two, by the way, had long before made their first appearance on the Makambo as little puppies in Dag Daughtry’s coat pockets—Daughtry, in his usual fashion, having appropriated them ashore31 in Sydney and sold them to Captain Duncan for a guinea apiece.
By this time, scrambling32 to his feet, Michael was really angry.  In truth, it was raining cats and dogs, such belligerent33 shower all unprovoked by him who had picked no quarrels nor even been aware of his enemies until they assailed34 him.  Brave the fox-terriers were, despite the hysterical35 rage they were in, and they were upon him as he got his legs under him.  The fangs36 of one clashed with his, cutting the lips of both of them, and the lighter37 dog recoiled38 from the impact.  The other succeeded in taking Michael in flank, fetching blood and hurt with his teeth.  With an instant curve, that was almost spasmodic, of his body, Michael flung his flank clear, leaving the other’s mouth full of his hair, and at the same moment drove his teeth through an ear till they met.  The fox-terrier, with a shrill yelp28 of pain, sprang back so impetuously as to ribbon its ear as Michael’s teeth combed through it.
The first terrier was back upon him, and he was whirling to meet it, when a new and equally unprovoked assault was made upon him.  This time it was Captain Duncan, in a rage at sight of his slain39 cat.  The instep of his foot caught Michael squarely under the chest, half knocking the breath out of him and wholly lifting him into the air, so that he fell heavily on his side.  The two terriers were upon him, filling their mouths with his straight, wiry hair as they sank their teeth in.  Still on his side, as he was beginning to struggle to his feet, he clipped his jaws together on a leg of one, who screamed with pain and retreated on three legs, holding up the fourth, a fore leg, the bone of which Michael’s teeth had all but crushed.
Twice Michael slashed the other four-footed foe40 and then pursued him in a circle with Captain Duncan pursuing him in turn.  Shortening the distance by leaping across a chord of the arc of the other’s flight, Michael closed his jaws on the back and side of the neck.  Such abrupt arrest in mid-flight by the heavier dog brought the fox-terrier down on deck with, a heavy thump41.  Simultaneous with this, Captain Duncan’s second kick landed, communicating such propulsion to Michael as to tear his clenched42 teeth through the flesh and out of the flesh of the fox-terrier.
And Michael turned on the Captain.  What if he were a white god?  In his rage at so many assaults of so many enemies, Michael, who had been peacefully looking for Kwaque and Steward, did not stop to reckon.  Besides, it was a strange white god upon whom he had never before laid eyes.
At the beginning he had snarled43 and growled45.  But it was a more serious affair to attack a god, and no sound came from him as he leaped to meet the leg flying toward him in another kick.  As with the cat, he did not leap straight at it.  To the side to avoid, and in with a curve of body as it passed, was his way.  He had learned the trick with many blacks at Meringe and on board the Eugénie, so that as often he succeeded as failed at it.  His teeth came together in the slack of the white duck trousers.  The consequent jerk on Captain Duncan’s leg made that infuriated mariner46 lose his balance.  Almost he fell forward on his face, part recovered himself with a violent effort, stumbled over Michael who was in for another bite, tottered47 wildly around, and sat down on the deck.
How long he might have sat there to recover his breath is problematical, for he rose as rapidly as his stoutness48 would permit, spurred on by Michael’s teeth already sunk into the fleshy part of his shoulder.  Michael missed his calf49 as he uprose, but tore the other leg of the trousers to shreds50 and received a kick that lifted him a yard above the deck in a half-somersault and landed him on his back on deck.
Up to this time the Captain had been on the ferocious51 offensive, and he was in the act of following up the kick when Michael regained52 his feet and soared up in the air, not for leg or thigh53, but for the throat.  Too high it was for him to reach it, but his teeth closed on the flowing black scarf and tore it to tatters as his weight drew him back to deck.
It was not this so much that turned Captain Duncan to the pure defensive54 and started him retreating backward, as it was the silence of Michael.  Ominous55 as death it was.  There were no snarls56 nor throat-threats.  With eyes straight-looking and unblinking, he sprang and sprang again.  Neither did he growl44 when he attacked nor yelp when he was kicked.  Fear of the blow was not in him.  As Tom Haggin had so often bragged57 of Biddy and Terrence, they bred true in Jerry and Michael in the matter of not wincing58 at a blow.  Always—they were so made—they sprang to meet the blow and to encounter the creature who delivered the blow.  With a silence that was invested with the seriousness of death, they were wont59 to attack and to continue to attack.
And so Michael.  As the Captain retreated kicking, he attacked, leaping and slashing60.  What saved Captain Duncan was a sailor with a deck mop on the end of a stick.  Intervening, he managed to thrust it into Michael’s mouth and shove him away.  This first time his teeth closed automatically upon it.  But, spitting it out, he declined thereafter to bite it, knowing it for what it was, an inanimate thing upon which his teeth could inflict61 no hurt.
Nor, beyond trying to avoid him, was he interested in the sailor.  It was Captain Duncan, leaning his back against the rail, breathing heavily, and wiping the streaming sweat from his face, who was Michael’s meat.  Long as it has taken to tell the battle, beginning with the slaying62 of the Persian cat to the thrusting of the mop into Michael’s jaws, so swift had been the rush of events that the passengers, springing from their deck-chairs and hurrying to the scene, were just arriving when Michael eluded63 the mop of the sailor by a successful dodge64 and plunged65 in on Captain Duncan, this time sinking his teeth so savagely66 into a rotund calf as to cause its owner to splutter an incoherent curse and howl of wrathful surprise.
A fortunate kick hurled67 Michael away and enabled the sailor to intervene once again with the mop.  And upon the scene came Dag Daughtry, to behold68 his captain, frayed69 and bleeding and breathing apoplectically70, Michael raging in ghastly silence at the end of a mop, and a large Persian mother-cat writhing71 with a broken back.
“Killeny Boy!” the steward cried imperatively72.
Through no matter what indignation and rage that possessed him, his lord’s voice penetrated73 his consciousness, so that, cooling almost instantly, Michael’s ears flattened74, his bristling hair lay down, and his lips covered his fangs as he turned his head to look acknowledgment.
“Come here, Killeny!”
Michael obeyed—not crouching75 cringingly, but trotting eagerly, gladly, to Steward’s feet.
“Lie down, Boy.”
He turned half around as he flumped himself down with a sigh of relief, and, with a red flash of tongue, kissed Steward’s foot.
“Your dog, Steward?” Captain Duncan demanded in a smothered76 voice wherein struggled anger and shortness of breath.
“Yes, sir.  My dog.  What’s he been up to, sir?”
The totality of what Michael had been up to choked the Captain completely.  He could only gesture around from the dying cat to his torn clothes and bleeding wounds and the fox-terriers licking their injuries and whimpering at his feet.
“It’s too bad, sir . . . ” Daughtry began.
“Too bad, hell!” the captain shut him off.  “Bo’s’n!  Throw that dog overboard.”
“Throw the dog overboard, sir, yes, sir,” the boatswain repeated, but hesitated.
Dag Daughtry’s face hardened unconsciously with the stiffening77 of his will to dogged opposition78, which, in its own slow quiet way, would go to any length to have its way.  But he answered respectfully enough, his features, by a shrewd effort, relaxing into a seeming of his customary good-nature.
“He’s a good dog, sir, and an unoffending dog.  I can’t imagine what could a-made ’m break loose this way.  He must a-had cause, sir—”
“He had,” one of the passengers, a coconut79 planter from the Shortlands, interjected.
The steward threw him a grateful glance and continued.
“He’s a good dog, sir, a most obedient dog, sir—look at the way he minded me right in the thick of the scrap80 an’ come ’n’ lay down.  He’s smart as chain-lightnin’, sir; do anything I tell him.  I’ll make him make friends.  See. . . ”
Stepping over to the two hysterical terriers, Daughtry called Michael to him.
“He’s all right, savvee, Killeny, he all right,” he crooned, at the same time resting one hand on a terrier and the other on Michael.
The terrier whimpered and backed solidly against Captain Duncan’s legs, but Michael, with a slow bob of tail and unbelligerent ears, advanced to him, looked up to Steward to make sure, then sniffed81 his late antagonist83, and even ran out his tongue in a caress84 to the side of the other’s ear.
“See, sir, no bad feelings,” Daughtry exulted85.  “He plays the game, sir.  He’s a proper dog, he’s a man-dog.—Here, Killeny!  The other one.  He all right.  Kiss and make up.  That’s the stuff.”
The other fox-terrier, the one with the injured foreleg, endured Michael’s sniff82 with no more than hysterical growls86 deep in the throat; but the flipping87 out of Michael’s tongue was too much.  The wounded terrier exploded in a futile88 snap at Michael’s tongue and nose.
“He all right, Killeny, he all right, sure,” Steward warned quickly.
With a bob of his tail in token of understanding, without a shade of resentment89, Michael lifted a paw and with a playful casual stroke, dab-like, brought its weight on the other’s neck and rolled him, head-downward, over on the deck.  Though he snarled wrathily, Michael turned away composedly and looked up into Steward’s face for approval.
A roar of laughter from the passengers greeted the capsizing of the fox-terrier and the good-natured gravity of Michael.  But not alone at this did they laugh, for at the moment of the snap and the turning over, Captain Duncan’s unstrung nerves had exploded, causing him to jump as he tensed his whole body.
“Why, sir,” the steward went on with growing confidence, “I bet I can make him friends with you, too, by this time to-morrow . . . ”
“By this time five minutes he’ll be overboard,” the captain answered.  “Bo’s’n!  Over with him!”
The boatswain advanced a tentative step, while murmurs90 of protest arose from the passengers.
“Look at my cat, and look at me,” Captain Duncan defended his action.
The boatswain made another step, and Dag Daughtry glared a threat at him.
“Go on!” the Captain commanded.
“Hold on!” spoke91 up the Shortlands planter.  “Give the dog a square deal.  I saw the whole thing.  He wasn’t looking for trouble.  First the cat jumped him.  She had to jump twice before he turned loose.  She’d have scratched his eyes out.  Then the two dogs jumped him.  He hadn’t bothered them.  Then you jumped him.  He hadn’t bothered you.  And then came that sailor with the mop.  And now you want the bo’s’n to jump him and throw him overboard.  Give him a square deal.  He’s only been defending himself.  What do you expect any dog that is a dog to do?—lie down and be walked over by every strange dog and cat that comes along?  Play the game, Skipper.  You gave him some mighty92 hard kicks.  He only defended himself.”
“He’s some defender,” Captain Duncan grinned, with a hint of the return of his ordinary geniality93, at the same time tenderly pressing his bleeding shoulder and looking woefully down at his tattered94 duck trousers.  “All right, Steward.  If you can make him friends with me in five minutes, he stays on board.  But you’ll have to make it up to me with a new pair of trousers.”
“And gladly, sir, thank you, sir,” Daughtry cried.  “And I’ll make it up with a new cat as well, sir—Come on, Killeny Boy.  This big fella marster he all right, you bet.”
And Michael listened.  Not with the smouldering, smothering95, choking hysteria that still worked in the fox-terriers did he listen, nor with quivering of muscles and jumps of over-wrought nerves, but coolly, composedly, as if no battle royal had just taken place and no rips of teeth and kicks of feet still burned and ached his body.
He could not help bristling, however, when first he sniffed a trousers’ leg into which his teeth had so recently torn.
“Put your hand down on him, sir,” Daughtry begged.
And Captain Duncan, his own good self once more, bent96 and rested a firm, unhesitating hand on Michael’s head.  Nay97, more; he even caressed98 the ears and rubbed about the roots of them.  And Michael the merry-hearted, who fought like a lion and forgave and forgot like a man, laid his neck hair smoothly99 down, wagged his stump100 tail, smiled with his eyes and ears and mouth, and kissed with his tongue the hand with which a short time before he had been at war.


1 sundry CswwL     
  • This cream can be used to treat sundry minor injuries.这种药膏可用来治各种轻伤。
  • We can see the rich man on sundry occasions.我们能在各种场合见到那个富豪。
2 forth Hzdz2     
  • The wind moved the trees gently back and forth.风吹得树轻轻地来回摇晃。
  • He gave forth a series of works in rapid succession.他很快连续发表了一系列的作品。
3 intervals f46c9d8b430e8c86dea610ec56b7cbef     
n.[军事]间隔( interval的名词复数 );间隔时间;[数学]区间;(戏剧、电影或音乐会的)幕间休息
  • The forecast said there would be sunny intervals and showers. 预报间晴,有阵雨。
  • Meetings take place at fortnightly intervals. 每两周开一次会。
4 latch g2wxS     
  • She laid her hand on the latch of the door.她把手放在门闩上。
  • The repairman installed an iron latch on the door.修理工在门上安了铁门闩。
5 immediate aapxh     
  • His immediate neighbours felt it their duty to call.他的近邻认为他们有责任去拜访。
  • We declared ourselves for the immediate convocation of the meeting.我们主张立即召开这个会议。
6 latched f08cf783d4edd3b2cede706f293a3d7f     
v.理解( latch的过去式和过去分词 );纠缠;用碰锁锁上(门等);附着(在某物上)
  • The government have latched onto environmental issues to win votes. 政府已开始大谈环境问题以争取选票。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He latched onto us and we couldn't get rid of him. 他缠着我们,甩也甩不掉。 来自《简明英汉词典》
7 obedience 8vryb     
  • Society has a right to expect obedience of the law.社会有权要求人人遵守法律。
  • Soldiers act in obedience to the orders of their superior officers.士兵们遵照上级军官的命令行动。
8 confinement qpOze     
  • He spent eleven years in solitary confinement.他度过了11年的单独监禁。
  • The date for my wife's confinement was approaching closer and closer.妻子分娩的日子越来越近了。
9 steward uUtzw     
  • He's the steward of the club.他是这家俱乐部的管理员。
  • He went around the world as a ship's steward.他当客船服务员,到过世界各地。
10 fore ri8xw     
  • Your seat is in the fore part of the aircraft.你的座位在飞机的前部。
  • I have the gift of fore knowledge.我能够未卜先知。
11 trotted 6df8e0ef20c10ef975433b4a0456e6e1     
小跑,急走( trot的过去分词 ); 匆匆忙忙地走
  • She trotted her pony around the field. 她骑着小马绕场慢跑。
  • Anne trotted obediently beside her mother. 安妮听话地跟在妈妈身边走。
12 hesitation tdsz5     
  • After a long hesitation, he told the truth at last.踌躇了半天,他终于直说了。
  • There was a certain hesitation in her manner.她的态度有些犹豫不决。
13 irresolution d3284675d25cf96c3e6d45a69ba619a8     
  • A lack of certainty that often leads to irresolution. 疑惑缺少肯定而导致犹豫不决。 来自互联网
  • Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? 我们迟疑不决、无所作为就能积聚力量吗? 来自互联网
14 scents 9d41e056b814c700bf06c9870b09a332     
n.香水( scent的名词复数 );气味;(动物的)臭迹;(尤指狗的)嗅觉
  • The air was fragrant with scents from the sea and the hills. 空气中荡漾着山和海的芬芳气息。
  • The winds came down with scents of the grass and wild flowers. 微风送来阵阵青草和野花的香气。 来自《简明英汉词典》
15 awnings awnings     
  • Striped awnings had been stretched across the courtyard. 一些条纹雨篷撑开架在院子上方。
  • The room, shadowed well with awnings, was dark and cool. 这间屋子外面有这篷挡着,又阴暗又凉快。
16 trotting cbfe4f2086fbf0d567ffdf135320f26a     
小跑,急走( trot的现在分词 ); 匆匆忙忙地走
  • The riders came trotting down the lane. 这骑手骑着马在小路上慢跑。
  • Alan took the reins and the small horse started trotting. 艾伦抓住缰绳,小马开始慢跑起来。
17 possessed xuyyQ     
  • He flew out of the room like a man possessed.他像着了魔似地猛然冲出房门。
  • He behaved like someone possessed.他行为举止像是魔怔了。
18 dire llUz9     
  • There were dire warnings about the dangers of watching too much TV.曾经有人就看电视太多的危害性提出严重警告。
  • We were indeed in dire straits.But we pulled through.那时我们的困难真是大极了,但是我们渡过了困难。
19 doorway 2s0xK     
  • They huddled in the shop doorway to shelter from the rain.他们挤在商店门口躲雨。
  • Mary suddenly appeared in the doorway.玛丽突然出现在门口。
20 abrupt 2fdyh     
  • The river takes an abrupt bend to the west.这河突然向西转弯。
  • His abrupt reply hurt our feelings.他粗鲁的回答伤了我们的感情。
21 bristling tSqyl     
  • "Don't you question Miz Wilkes' word,'said Archie, his beard bristling. "威尔克斯太太的话,你就不必怀疑了。 "阿尔奇说。他的胡子也翘了起来。
  • You were bristling just now. 你刚才在发毛。
22 vindictiveness fcbb1086f8d6752bfc3dfabfe77d7f8e     
  • I was distressed to find so much vindictiveness in so charming a creature. 当我发现这样一个温柔可爱的女性报复心居然这么重时,我感到很丧气。 来自辞典例句
  • Contradictory attriButes of unjust justice and loving vindictiveness. 不公正的正义和报复的相矛盾的特点。 来自互联网
23 wrath nVNzv     
  • His silence marked his wrath. 他的沉默表明了他的愤怒。
  • The wrath of the people is now aroused. 人们被激怒了。
24 jaws cq9zZq     
  • The antelope could not escape the crocodile's gaping jaws. 那只羚羊无法从鱷鱼张开的大口中逃脱。
  • The scored jaws of a vise help it bite the work. 台钳上有刻痕的虎钳牙帮助它紧咬住工件。
25 spinal KFczS     
  • After three days in Japan,the spinal column becomes extraordinarily flexible.在日本三天,就已经使脊椎骨变得富有弹性了。
  • Your spinal column is made up of 24 movable vertebrae.你的脊柱由24个活动的脊椎骨构成。
26 sprawling 3ff3e560ffc2f12f222ef624d5807902     
adj.蔓生的,不规则地伸展的v.伸开四肢坐[躺]( sprawl的现在分词 );蔓延;杂乱无序地拓展;四肢伸展坐着(或躺着)
  • He was sprawling in an armchair in front of the TV. 他伸开手脚坐在电视机前的一张扶手椅上。
  • a modern sprawling town 一座杂乱无序拓展的现代城镇
27 shrill EEize     
  • Whistles began to shrill outside the barn.哨声开始在谷仓外面尖叫。
  • The shrill ringing of a bell broke up the card game on the cutter.刺耳的铃声打散了小汽艇的牌局。
28 yelp zosym     
  • The dog gave a yelp of pain.狗疼得叫了一声。
  • The puppy a yelp when John stepped on her tail.当约翰踩到小狗的尾巴,小狗发出尖叫。
29 yelping d88c5dddb337783573a95306628593ec     
v.发出短而尖的叫声( yelp的现在分词 )
  • In the middle of the table sat a little dog, shaking its paw and yelping. 在桌子中间有一只小狗坐在那儿,抖着它的爪子,汪汪地叫。 来自辞典例句
  • He saved men from drowning and you shake at a cur's yelping. 他搭救了快要溺死的人们,你呢,听到一条野狗叫唤也瑟瑟发抖。 来自互联网
30 slashed 8ff3ba5a4258d9c9f9590cbbb804f2db     
v.挥砍( slash的过去式和过去分词 );鞭打;割破;削减
  • Someone had slashed the tyres on my car. 有人把我的汽车轮胎割破了。
  • He slashed the bark off the tree with his knife. 他用刀把树皮从树上砍下。 来自《简明英汉词典》
31 ashore tNQyT     
  • The children got ashore before the tide came in.涨潮前,孩子们就上岸了。
  • He laid hold of the rope and pulled the boat ashore.他抓住绳子拉船靠岸。
32 scrambling cfea7454c3a8813b07de2178a1025138     
v.快速爬行( scramble的现在分词 );攀登;争夺;(军事飞机)紧急起飞
  • Scrambling up her hair, she darted out of the house. 她匆忙扎起头发,冲出房去。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • She is scrambling eggs. 她正在炒蛋。 来自《简明英汉词典》
33 belligerent Qtwzz     
  • He had a belligerent aspect.他有种好斗的神色。
  • Our government has forbidden exporting the petroleum to the belligerent countries.我们政府已经禁止向交战国输出石油。
34 assailed cca18e858868e1e5479e8746bfb818d6     
v.攻击( assail的过去式和过去分词 );困扰;质问;毅然应对
  • He was assailed with fierce blows to the head. 他的头遭到猛烈殴打。
  • He has been assailed by bad breaks all these years. 这些年来他接二连三地倒霉。 来自《用法词典》
35 hysterical 7qUzmE     
  • He is hysterical at the sight of the photo.他一看到那张照片就异常激动。
  • His hysterical laughter made everybody stunned.他那歇斯底里的笑声使所有的人不知所措。
36 fangs d8ad5a608d5413636d95dfb00a6e7ac4     
n.(尤指狗和狼的)长而尖的牙( fang的名词复数 );(蛇的)毒牙;罐座
  • The dog fleshed his fangs in the deer's leg. 狗用尖牙咬住了鹿腿。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • Dogs came lunging forward with their fangs bared. 狗龇牙咧嘴地扑过来。 来自《简明英汉词典》
37 lighter 5pPzPR     
  • The portrait was touched up so as to make it lighter.这张画经过润色,色调明朗了一些。
  • The lighter works off the car battery.引燃器利用汽车蓄电池打火。
38 recoiled 8282f6b353b1fa6f91b917c46152c025     
v.畏缩( recoil的过去式和过去分词 );退缩;报应;返回
  • She recoiled from his touch. 她躲开他的触摸。
  • Howard recoiled a little at the sharpness in my voice. 听到我的尖声,霍华德往后缩了一下。 来自《简明英汉词典》
39 slain slain     
杀死,宰杀,杀戮( slay的过去分词 ); (slay的过去分词)
  • The soldiers slain in the battle were burried that night. 在那天夜晚埋葬了在战斗中牺牲了的战士。
  • His boy was dead, slain by the hand of the false Amulius. 他的儿子被奸诈的阿缪利乌斯杀死了。
40 foe ygczK     
  • He knew that Karl could be an implacable foe.他明白卡尔可能会成为他的死敌。
  • A friend is a friend;a foe is a foe;one must be clearly distinguished from the other.敌是敌,友是友,必须分清界限。
41 thump sq2yM     
  • The thief hit him a thump on the head.贼在他的头上重击一下。
  • The excitement made her heart thump.她兴奋得心怦怦地跳。
42 clenched clenched     
v.紧握,抓紧,咬紧( clench的过去式和过去分词 )
  • He clenched his fists in anger. 他愤怒地攥紧了拳头。
  • She clenched her hands in her lap to hide their trembling. 她攥紧双手放在腿上,以掩饰其颤抖。 来自《简明英汉词典》
43 snarled ti3zMA     
v.(指狗)吠,嗥叫, (人)咆哮( snarl的过去式和过去分词 );咆哮着说,厉声地说
  • The dog snarled at us. 狗朝我们低声吼叫。
  • As I advanced towards the dog, It'snarled and struck at me. 我朝那条狗走去时,它狂吠着向我扑来。 来自《简明英汉词典》
44 growl VeHzE     
  • The dog was biting,growling and wagging its tail.那条狗在一边撕咬一边低声吼叫,尾巴也跟着摇摆。
  • The car growls along rutted streets.汽车在车辙纵横的街上一路轰鸣。
45 growled 65a0c9cac661e85023a63631d6dab8a3     
v.(动物)发狺狺声, (雷)作隆隆声( growl的过去式和过去分词 );低声咆哮着说
  • \"They ought to be birched, \" growled the old man. 老人咆哮道:“他们应受到鞭打。” 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He growled out an answer. 他低声威胁着回答。 来自《简明英汉词典》
46 mariner 8Boxg     
  • A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner.平静的大海决不能造就熟练的水手。
  • A mariner must have his eye upon rocks and sands as well as upon the North Star.海员不仅要盯着北极星,还要注意暗礁和险滩。
47 tottered 60930887e634cc81d6b03c2dda74833f     
v.走得或动得不稳( totter的过去式和过去分词 );踉跄;蹒跚;摇摇欲坠
  • The pile of books tottered then fell. 这堆书晃了几下,然后就倒了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The wounded soldier tottered to his feet. 伤员摇摇晃晃地站了起来。 来自《简明英汉词典》
48 stoutness 0192aeb9e0cd9c22fe53fa67be7d83fa     
  • He has an inclination to stoutness/to be fat. 他有发福[发胖]的趋势。
  • The woman's dignified stoutness hinted at beer and sausages. 而那女人矜持的肥胖的样子则暗示着她爱喝啤酒爱吃香肠。
49 calf ecLye     
  • The cow slinked its calf.那头母牛早产了一头小牛犊。
  • The calf blared for its mother.牛犊哞哞地高声叫喊找妈妈。
50 shreds 0288daa27f5fcbe882c0eaedf23db832     
v.撕碎,切碎( shred的第三人称单数 );用撕毁机撕毁(文件)
  • Peel the carrots and cut them into shreds. 将胡罗卜削皮,切成丝。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • I want to take this diary and rip it into shreds. 我真想一赌气扯了这日记。 来自汉英文学 - 中国现代小说
51 ferocious ZkNxc     
  • The ferocious winds seemed about to tear the ship to pieces.狂风仿佛要把船撕成碎片似的。
  • The ferocious panther is chasing a rabbit.那只凶猛的豹子正追赶一只兔子。
52 regained 51ada49e953b830c8bd8fddd6bcd03aa     
复得( regain的过去式和过去分词 ); 赢回; 重回; 复至某地
  • The majority of the people in the world have regained their liberty. 世界上大多数人已重获自由。
  • She hesitated briefly but quickly regained her poise. 她犹豫片刻,但很快恢复了镇静。
53 thigh RItzO     
  • He is suffering from a strained thigh muscle.他的大腿肌肉拉伤了,疼得很。
  • The thigh bone is connected to the hip bone.股骨连着髋骨。
54 defensive buszxy     
  • Their questions about the money put her on the defensive.他们问到钱的问题,使她警觉起来。
  • The Government hastily organized defensive measures against the raids.政府急忙布置了防卫措施抵御空袭。
55 ominous Xv6y5     
  • Those black clouds look ominous for our picnic.那些乌云对我们的野餐来说是个不祥之兆。
  • There was an ominous silence at the other end of the phone.电话那头出现了不祥的沉默。
56 snarls 73979455e5f6e24a757b5c454344dab7     
n.(动物的)龇牙低吼( snarl的名词复数 );愤怒叫嚷(声);咆哮(声);疼痛叫声v.(指狗)吠,嗥叫, (人)咆哮( snarl的第三人称单数 );咆哮着说,厉声地说
  • I don't know why my hair snarls easily. 我不知道我的头发为什么容易缠结。 来自辞典例句
  • She combed the snarls out of her hair. 她把头发的乱结梳理通。 来自辞典例句
57 bragged 56622ccac3ec221e2570115463345651     
v.自夸,吹嘘( brag的过去式和过去分词 )
  • He bragged to his friends about the crime. 他向朋友炫耀他的罪行。
  • Mary bragged that she could run faster than Jack. 玛丽夸口说她比杰克跑得快。 来自《简明英汉词典》
58 wincing 377203086ce3e7442c3f6574a3b9c0c7     
赶紧避开,畏缩( wince的现在分词 )
  • She switched on the light, wincing at the sudden brightness. 她打开了灯,突如其来的强烈光线刺得她不敢睜眼。
  • "I will take anything," he said, relieved, and wincing under reproof. “我什么事都愿意做,"他说,松了一口气,缩着头等着挨骂。 来自英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹
59 wont peXzFP     
  • He was wont to say that children are lazy.他常常说小孩子们懒惰。
  • It is his wont to get up early.早起是他的习惯。
60 slashing dfc956bca8fba6bcb04372bf8fc09010     
adj.尖锐的;苛刻的;鲜明的;乱砍的v.挥砍( slash的现在分词 );鞭打;割破;削减
  • Slashing is the first process in which liquid treatment is involved. 浆纱是液处理的第一过程。 来自辞典例句
  • He stopped slashing his horse. 他住了手,不去鞭打他的马了。 来自辞典例句
61 inflict Ebnz7     
  • Don't inflict your ideas on me.不要把你的想法强加于我。
  • Don't inflict damage on any person.不要伤害任何人。
62 slaying 4ce8e7b4134fbeb566658660b6a9b0a9     
  • The man mimed the slaying of an enemy. 此人比手划脚地表演砍死一个敌人的情况。
  • He is suspected of having been an accomplice in the slaying,butthey can't pin it on him. 他有嫌疑曾参与该杀人案,但他们找不到证据来指控他。
63 eluded 8afea5b7a29fab905a2d34ae6f94a05f     
v.(尤指机敏地)避开( elude的过去式和过去分词 );逃避;躲避;使达不到
  • The sly fox nimbly eluded the dogs. 那只狡猾的狐狸灵活地躲避开那群狗。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • The criminal eluded the police. 那个罪犯甩掉了警察的追捕。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
64 dodge q83yo     
  • A dodge behind a tree kept her from being run over.她向树后一闪,才没被车从身上辗过。
  • The dodge was coopered by the police.诡计被警察粉碎了。
65 plunged 06a599a54b33c9d941718dccc7739582     
v.颠簸( plunge的过去式和过去分词 );暴跌;骤降;突降
  • The train derailed and plunged into the river. 火车脱轨栽进了河里。
  • She lost her balance and plunged 100 feet to her death. 她没有站稳,从100英尺的高处跌下摔死了。
66 savagely 902f52b3c682f478ddd5202b40afefb9     
adv. 野蛮地,残酷地
  • The roses had been pruned back savagely. 玫瑰被狠狠地修剪了一番。
  • He snarled savagely at her. 他向她狂吼起来。
67 hurled 16e3a6ba35b6465e1376a4335ae25cd2     
v.猛投,用力掷( hurl的过去式和过去分词 );大声叫骂
  • He hurled a brick through the window. 他往窗户里扔了块砖。
  • The strong wind hurled down bits of the roof. 大风把屋顶的瓦片刮了下来。 来自《简明英汉词典》
68 behold jQKy9     
  • The industry of these little ants is wonderful to behold.这些小蚂蚁辛勤劳动的样子看上去真令人惊叹。
  • The sunrise at the seaside was quite a sight to behold.海滨日出真是个奇景。
69 frayed 1e0e4bcd33b0ae94b871e5e62db77425     
adj.磨损的v.(使布、绳等)磨损,磨破( fray的过去式和过去分词 )
  • His shirt was frayed. 他的衬衫穿破了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The argument frayed their nerves. 争辩使他们不快。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
70 apoplectically 1c2a29393d6f12d19daaf1d6ad67f15a     
71 writhing 8e4d2653b7af038722d3f7503ad7849c     
(因极度痛苦而)扭动或翻滚( writhe的现在分词 )
  • She was writhing around on the floor in agony. 她痛得在地板上直打滚。
  • He was writhing on the ground in agony. 他痛苦地在地上打滚。
72 imperatively f73b47412da513abe61301e8da222257     
  • Drying wet rice rapidly and soaking or rewetting dry rice kernels imperatively results in severe fissuring. 潮湿米粒快速干燥或干燥籽粒浸水、回潮均会产生严重的裂纹。 来自互联网
  • Drying wet rice kernels rapidly, Soaking or Rewetting dry rice Kernels imperatively results in severe fissuring. 潮湿米粒的快速干燥,干燥籽粒的浸水或回潮均会带来严重的裂纹。 来自互联网
73 penetrated 61c8e5905df30b8828694a7dc4c3a3e0     
adj. 击穿的,鞭辟入里的 动词penetrate的过去式和过去分词形式
  • The knife had penetrated his chest. 刀子刺入了他的胸膛。
  • They penetrated into territory where no man had ever gone before. 他们已进入先前没人去过的地区。
74 flattened 1d5d9fedd9ab44a19d9f30a0b81f79a8     
  • She flattened her nose and lips against the window. 她把鼻子和嘴唇紧贴着窗户。
  • I flattened myself against the wall to let them pass. 我身体紧靠着墙让他们通过。
75 crouching crouching     
v.屈膝,蹲伏( crouch的现在分词 )
  • a hulking figure crouching in the darkness 黑暗中蹲伏着的一个庞大身影
  • A young man was crouching by the table, busily searching for something. 一个年轻人正蹲在桌边翻看什么。 来自汉英文学 - 散文英译
76 smothered b9bebf478c8f7045d977e80734a8ed1d     
(使)窒息, (使)透不过气( smother的过去式和过去分词 ); 覆盖; 忍住; 抑制
  • He smothered the baby with a pillow. 他用枕头把婴儿闷死了。
  • The fire is smothered by ashes. 火被灰闷熄了。
77 stiffening d80da5d6e73e55bbb6a322bd893ffbc4     
n. (使衣服等)变硬的材料, 硬化 动词stiffen的现在分词形式
  • Her mouth stiffening, she could not elaborate. 她嘴巴僵直,无法细说下去。
  • No genius, not a bad guy, but the attacks are hurting and stiffening him. 不是天才,人也不坏,但是四面八方的攻击伤了他的感情,使他横下了心。
78 opposition eIUxU     
  • The party leader is facing opposition in his own backyard.该党领袖在自己的党內遇到了反对。
  • The police tried to break down the prisoner's opposition.警察设法制住了那个囚犯的反抗。
79 coconut VwCzNM     
  • The husk of this coconut is particularly strong.椰子的外壳很明显非常坚固。
  • The falling coconut gave him a terrific bang on the head.那只掉下的椰子砰地击中他的脑袋。
80 scrap JDFzf     
  • A man comes round regularly collecting scrap.有个男人定时来收废品。
  • Sell that car for scrap.把那辆汽车当残品卖了吧。
81 sniffed ccb6bd83c4e9592715e6230a90f76b72     
v.以鼻吸气,嗅,闻( sniff的过去式和过去分词 );抽鼻子(尤指哭泣、患感冒等时出声地用鼻子吸气);抱怨,不以为然地说
  • When Jenney had stopped crying she sniffed and dried her eyes. 珍妮停止了哭泣,吸了吸鼻子,擦干了眼泪。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The dog sniffed suspiciously at the stranger. 狗疑惑地嗅着那个陌生人。 来自《简明英汉词典》
82 sniff PF7zs     
  • The police used dogs to sniff out the criminals in their hiding - place.警察使用警犬查出了罪犯的藏身地点。
  • When Munchie meets a dog on the beach, they sniff each other for a while.当麦奇在海滩上碰到另一条狗的时候,他们会彼此嗅一会儿。
83 antagonist vwXzM     
  • His antagonist in the debate was quicker than he.在辩论中他的对手比他反应快。
  • The thing is to know the nature of your antagonist.要紧的是要了解你的对手的特性。
84 caress crczs     
  • She gave the child a loving caress.她疼爱地抚摸着孩子。
  • She feasted on the caress of the hot spring.她尽情享受着温泉的抚爱。
85 exulted 4b9c48640b5878856e35478d2f1f2046     
狂喜,欢跃( exult的过去式和过去分词 )
  • The people exulted at the victory. 人们因胜利而欢腾。
  • The people all over the country exulted in the success in launching a new satellite. 全国人民为成功地发射了一颗新的人造卫星而欢欣鼓舞。
86 growls 6ffc5e073aa0722568674220be53a9ea     
v.(动物)发狺狺声, (雷)作隆隆声( growl的第三人称单数 );低声咆哮着说
  • The dog growls at me. 狗向我狂吠。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • The loudest growls have echoed around emerging markets and commodities. 熊嚎之声响彻新兴的市场与商品。 来自互联网
87 flipping b69cb8e0c44ab7550c47eaf7c01557e4     
  • I hate this flipping hotel! 我讨厌这个该死的旅馆!
  • Don't go flipping your lid. 别发火。
88 futile vfTz2     
  • They were killed,to the last man,in a futile attack.因为进攻失败,他们全部被杀,无一幸免。
  • Their efforts to revive him were futile.他们对他抢救无效。
89 resentment 4sgyv     
  • All her feelings of resentment just came pouring out.她一股脑儿倾吐出所有的怨恨。
  • She cherished a deep resentment under the rose towards her employer.她暗中对她的雇主怀恨在心。
90 murmurs f21162b146f5e36f998c75eb9af3e2d9     
n.低沉、连续而不清的声音( murmur的名词复数 );低语声;怨言;嘀咕
  • They spoke in low murmurs. 他们低声说着话。 来自辞典例句
  • They are more superficial, more distinctly heard than murmurs. 它们听起来比心脏杂音更为浅表而清楚。 来自辞典例句
91 spoke XryyC     
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说
  • They sourced the spoke nuts from our company.他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的。
  • The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre.辐条是轮子上连接外圈与中心的条棒。
92 mighty YDWxl     
  • A mighty force was about to break loose.一股巨大的力量即将迸发而出。
  • The mighty iceberg came into view.巨大的冰山出现在眼前。
93 geniality PgSxm     
  • They said he is a pitiless,cold-blooded fellow,with no geniality in him.他们说他是个毫无怜悯心、一点也不和蔼的冷血动物。
  • Not a shade was there of anything save geniality and kindness.他的眼神里只显出愉快与和气,看不出一丝邪意。
94 tattered bgSzkG     
  • Her tattered clothes in no way detracted from her beauty.她的破衣烂衫丝毫没有影响她的美貌。
  • Their tattered clothing and broken furniture indicated their poverty.他们褴褛的衣服和破烂的家具显出他们的贫穷。
95 smothering f8ecc967f0689285cbf243c32f28ae30     
(使)窒息, (使)透不过气( smother的现在分词 ); 覆盖; 忍住; 抑制
  • He laughed triumphantly, and silenced her by manly smothering. 他胜利地微笑着,以男人咄咄逼人的气势使她哑口无言。
  • He wrapped the coat around her head, smothering the flames. 他用上衣包住她的头,熄灭了火。
96 bent QQ8yD     
  • He was fully bent upon the project.他一心扑在这项计划上。
  • We bent over backward to help them.我们尽了最大努力帮助他们。
97 nay unjzAQ     
  • He was grateful for and proud of his son's remarkable,nay,unique performance.他为儿子出色的,不,应该是独一无二的表演心怀感激和骄傲。
  • Long essays,nay,whole books have been written on this.许多长篇大论的文章,不,应该说是整部整部的书都是关于这件事的。
98 caressed de08c4fb4b79b775b2f897e6e8db9aad     
爱抚或抚摸…( caress的过去式和过去分词 )
  • His fingers caressed the back of her neck. 他的手指抚摩着她的后颈。
  • He caressed his wife lovingly. 他怜爱万分地抚摸着妻子。
99 smoothly iiUzLG     
  • The workmen are very cooperative,so the work goes on smoothly.工人们十分合作,所以工作进展顺利。
  • Just change one or two words and the sentence will read smoothly.这句话只要动一两个字就顺了。
100 stump hGbzY     
  • He went on the stump in his home state.他到故乡所在的州去发表演说。
  • He used the stump as a table.他把树桩用作桌子。


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