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首页 » 经典英文小说 » The Purchase of the North Pole » CHAPTER VII. BARBICANE MAKES A SPEECH.
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 On the 22nd of December a general meeting was called of the shareholders1 of the North Polar Practical Association, to take place at the rooms of the Gun Club in union Square. And the square itself was hardly large enough to hold the crowd.
Usually the large hall of the club was decorated with weapons of all sorts appropriate to the noble profession of its members. It was quite an artillery2 museum. Even the furniture itself, the chairs and tables, and couches, was of the pattern of the murderous engines which had sent to a better world so many worthy3 people whose secret desire had been to die of old age.
On this occasion the furniture had been removed. This was not a warlike assembly; it was an industrial and pacific assembly over which Barbicane was to preside. The hall was full to suffocation4, and the crowd of those who could not get in stretched half across union Square.
The members of the Gun Club who had held the first shares in the company had secured places round the 60platform. Amongst them, even more triumphant5 than usual, were Colonel Bloomsberry, Tom Hunter with the wooden legs, and the brisk Bilsby. A comfortable armchair had been reserved for Mrs. Scorbitt, as was only right, considering that she was the chief proprietor6 of the Polar freehold; and there were a number of other lady shareholders belonging to all classes of the city, whose bright bonnets7, and hats, and feathers, and ribbons, were a welcome relief to the black coats of the noisy men that crowded under the glazed8 cupola of the hall.
The immense majority of shareholders were not so much supporters as personal friends of the directors. But among the crowd were the representatives of the rival companies who had bid against Forster at the auction9 sale, and who now had taken shares in order to be qualified10 to vote and make mischief11 at the meetings. It can be easily imagined with what intense curiosity they awaited Barbicane’s address, which would probably throw some light on the way in which the North Pole was to be reached. Perhaps there was a difficulty there even greater than working the mines? If any objections could be made we may be sure that Baldenak, Karkof, Jansen, and Harald were quite equal to making them. And the Major and his invaluable12 Todrin would lose no chance of driving Barbicane behind his last entrenchments.
It was eight o’clock. The hall, the side rooms, and the corridors of the Gun Club glowed with Edison lamps. Ever since the doors had been opened to the public there had been an incessant13 uproar14, but as soon as the directors appeared all was silent.
At a table covered with a black cloth, on the platform, Barbicane, Nicholl, and J. T. Maston took up their positions 61in the fullest glare of the light. As they did so three cheers, punctuated15 by the needful “hips,” broke forth17, and were echoed in the adjacent streets. Solemnly J. T. Maston and Captain Nicholl sat down in all the plenitude of their celebrity18. Then Barbicane, who had remained standing19, put his right hand in his trouser pocket, his left thumb in his waistcoat pocket, and began to speak as follows:—
“Fellow-shareholders,—The directorate of the North Polar Practical Association have called this meeting in the rooms of the Gun Club, as they have something of importance to communicate to you.
“You have learnt from the newspapers that the object of our company is the opening up of the coal-fields of the North Pole, the concession20 of which we have obtained. The estate acquired in public auction is the property of the company, and the capital, which was all subscribed21 by the 11th of December last, enables us to enter at once on an enterprise which will produce a rate of interest unknown up to now in any commercial or industrial operation whatever.”
Here the first murmur22 of approval for a moment interrupted the orator23.
“You are aware of how we came to discover that there were rich beds of coal, and also possibly of fossil ivory, in the circumpolar regions. The statements in the public press leave no doubt as to the existence of these coal strata24.
“Now coal has become the source of all modern industry. To say nothing of the fuel used for heating purposes, or of its employment for the production of steam and electricity, I may direct your attention to its derivatives25, the aniline colours, the perfumes, the picrates, salicylic acid, naphtol, 62phenol, antipyrin, benzin, naphthalin, pyrogallic acid, tannin, saccharin26, tar27, asphalt, pitch, lubricating oils, varnish28, yellow prussiate of potass, cyanide, bitters, &c., &c.”
And after this enumeration29, which had been given with great rapidity, the orator paused like an exhausted30 runner to take a long breath. Then he continued,—
“It is indubitable that coal will in time be exhausted. Before five hundred years the mines in operation to-day—”
“Three hundred!” shouted one of the crowd.
“Two hundred!” roared another.
“Let us say a delay more or less restricted,” said Barbicane, “and put ourselves in a position to see what new coal-fields then remain, supposing that the present fields are exhausted at the close of this century.”
Here he paused to enable his audience to concentrate their attention. Then he continued,—
“Now, fellow-shareholders, follow me, and let us start for the North Pole.”
And the audience rose as if to pack their baggage ready for shipboard.
An observation from Major Donellan put a sudden stop to this movement of enthusiasm.
“Before you start,” said he, “will you kindly31 inform the meeting how you intend going? Are you going by sea?”
“Neither by sea, nor by land, nor by air!” said Barbicane sweetly.
And the assembly sat down, a prey32 to very pardonable curiosity.
“You are not without some knowledge,” continued the orator, “of the attempts that have been made to reach that inaccessible33 point of the terrestrial spheroid. It is better, 63however, that I should remind you of a few of them. It will be to render due honour to the bold pioneers who have survived and those who have succumbed34 in these expeditions.”
Unanimous approval from the entire audience irrespective of nationality.
“In 1845,” resumed Barbicane, “Sir John Franklin with the Erebus and Terror set out to find the North-West Passage, and nothing more was heard of him.
“In 1854 the American, Kane, and his lieutenant35, Morton, went in search of Franklin. They returned, but their ship, the Advance did not return.
“In 1859 Sir Leopold MacClintock discovered a document from which it appeared that no survivor36 remained of the Erebus and Terror expedition.
“In 1860 Hayes left Boston in the schooner37 United States, crossed the eighty-first parallel, and returned in 1862 without being able to advance farther, notwithstanding the heroic efforts of his companions.
“In 1869 Captains Koldewey and Hegeman, both Germans, left Bremerhaven in the Hansa and Germania. The Hansa was crushed in the ice a little below the seventy-first parallel, and the crew had to take to their boats to reach the coast of Greenland. The Germania was more fortunate, and returned to Bremerhaven, but she had not been able to get higher than the seventy-seventh parallel.
“In 1871 Captain Hall left New York in the steamer Polaris. Four months afterwards, during the terrible winter, he died. A year later the Polaris, caught in the floes after reaching the eighty-second parallel, was crushed by the ice. Eighteen of her men, under Lieutenant Tyson, 64took refuge on an ice-floe and reached the continent after long drifting about in the Arctic Ocean.
“In 1875 Sir George Nares left Portsmouth with the Alert and Discovery. It was in his memorable38 Arctic campaign that winter quarters were established between the eighty-second and eighty-third parallels, and that Captain Markham, in a dash to the northward39, stopped within four hundred miles of the Pole, no one up to then having been so near.
“In 1879 our great citizen, Gordon Bennett—”
Here there were three cheers given for the proprietor of the New York Herald40.
—“Fitted out the Jeannette, which he confided41 to Captain De Long. The Jeannette left San Francisco with thirty-three men, passed through Behring Straits, was caught by the ice at Herald Island, and sank at Bennett Island, near the seventy-seventh parallel. The men had only one resource; to make southwards with the boats or journey over the ice-fields. Misery42 decimated them. De Long died in October. Many others succumbed, and twelve only returned from the expedition.
“In 1881 Lieutenant Greely left St. John’s, Newfoundland, in the steamer Proteus, to establish a station on Lady Franklin Bay, a little below the eighty-second degree. There he founded Fort Conger, whence he sent out expeditions west and north, one of which, under Lieutenant Lockwood and his companion, Brainard, in May, 1882, claims to have reached 83° 35′, being fifteen miles nearer than Markham’s furthest. That is the nearest yet obtained. It is the Ultima Thule of circumpolar cartography.”
Here there were loud cheers in honour of the American discoverers.
65“But,” said Barbicane, “the expedition ended in disaster. The Proteus sank. Eighty-four men were left in frightful43 misery. Doctor Pavy died. Greely was discovered by the Thetis in 1883 with only six companions, and one of these was Lieutenant Lockwood, who soon succumbed, adding another name to the sorrowful martyrology of Arctic exploration.”
There was a respectful silence while Barbicane paused.
Then in a thrilling voice he resumed,—
“And so, in spite of devotion and courage unparalleled, the eighty-fourth degree has never been passed. And we may even assert that it never will be by means of ships or sledges44. It is not given to man to face such dangers and support such extremes of temperature. It is by other means we must advance to the conquest of the Pole!”
From the subdued45 murmur of the audience it was evident that therein lay the interest of the communication. What was this secret?
“And how are you going to capture it?” asked the Canadian.
“Before ten minutes are up you will know, sir,” replied Barbicane, “and in addressing the shareholders generally I say, Have confidence in us, for the promoters of the affair are the same men who embarked46 in the cylindro-conical—”
“The cylindro-conical,” interrupted Todrin—
“Dared to venture to the moon.”
“And have come back as we see!” added Todrin, not without signs of disapproval47.
“Yes,” continued Barbicane, “within the next ten minutes you will know what we propose.”
A murmur of “Oh!” and “Eh!” and “Ah!” rose in answer to the reply.
66It seemed as though the orator had said, “Within the ten minutes we shall be at the Pole!”
He continued,—
“And now, is it a continent at the Pole? Is it not a sea such as Sir George Nares called the Palæocrystic Sea, the sea of ancient ice? To that I say, We do not think so.”
“That is not good enough,” said Baldenak. “It is not a question of not thinking so but of being certain.”
“Well! I reply to our exuberant48 interrupter that we are certain. It is solid ground, not a liquid basin, that the North Polar Practical Association has purchased. It is a plateau like the desert of Gobi in Central Asia, two or three miles above sea-level, as can be easily and logically proved from the observations made in the regions of which the polar domain49 is really a prolongation. Nordenskiold and other observers have all stated that Greenland increases in height as it goes northward. A hundred miles from Disko its altitude is nearly 7000 feet. And if we consider the different products, animal or vegetable, found in the secular50 ice, such as the carcases of mastodons, the trunks of conifers, you can see that the continent was once a fertile one, inhabited certainly by animals, and probably by men. There lie buried the thick forests of pre-historic times, which have formed the coal-fields we propose to develop. Yes! It is a continent round the Pole, a virgin51 continent untrodden by human foot.”
Great applause.
When the echoes of the applause had rolled away, the strident voice of the Canadian was heard,—
“Seven minutes out of the ten have gone, and we have not yet reached the Pole!”
67“We will be there in three minutes,” placidly52 remarked Barbicane.
He continued,—
“But if it is a continent, and the continent is elevated as we have reason to believe, it is obstructed53 by eternal ice, covered with icebergs54 and ice-fields, and under such circumstances its development would be difficult—”
“Impossible!” said Harald.
“Impossible, I am aware,” said Barbicane. “And it is to conquer this impossibility that our efforts are directed. We have no need of ships or sledges to reach the Pole, but thanks to our arrangements the fusion55 of the ice, ancient or modern, will take place like enchantment56!”
He paused. There was absolute silence.
“Gentlemen,” he continued, “Archimedes demanded but a fulcrum57 to lift the world! Well, we have found a fulcrum! A lever was what the great Syracusan geometer required, and a lever we possess! We are in a position to displace the Pole—”
“Displace the Pole!” exclaimed Baldenak.
“Bring it to Baltimore!” said Professor Harald.
Evidently Barbicane did not wish to be more precise, for he continued,—
“As to this fulcrum—”
“Don’t tell! Don’t tell!” shouted one of the audience excitedly.
“As to this lever—”
“Keep it secret! Keep it secret!” shouted the spectators.
“We will keep it secret!” said Barbicane.
Baldenak and Co. protested in vain. The orator continued,—
68“As to the results of this mechanical operation—an operation unprecedented58 in industrial annals—which we have undertaken and will bring to a successful issue thanks to your capital, I will say a few words.”
“Listen! listen!” shouted the crowd.
“The first idea of our enterprise occurred to one of the most learned, devoted59, and illustrious of our colleagues. To him also belongs the glory of having made the calculations which rendered the theory practicable, for if the development of the Polar mines is child’s play, the displacement60 of the Pole is a problem which higher mechanics can alone deal with. That is why we addressed ourselves to our worthy secretary, J. T. Maston!”
Hurrah61! Hip16 ! hip ! hip! hurrah! for J. T. Maston!” shouted the whole assembly, electrified62 by the presence among them of that extraordinary man.
Ah! How much was Mrs. Scorbitt moved at the acclamations which resounded63 round the celebrated64 calculator!
He, with great modesty65, bowed his head to the right; then to the left, and then saluted66 in front with his metal hook.
“Already,” said Barbicane, “when the great meeting which celebrated the arrival in America of the Frenchman Michel Ardan, a few months before our departure for the Moon—”
The American spoke67 as coolly of the voyage to the Moon as of a railway journey to New York.
“—J. T. Maston had exclaimed, “Let us invent machines, let us find a fulcrum, and we will shift the axis68 of the Earth!” Many of you heard him, and will remember it. Well, the machines are invented, the fulcrum is found, and 69it is to the righting of the Earth’s axis that our efforts will be directed.”
“What!” exclaimed Donellan. “You will put the Earth’s axis upright?”
“Yes, sir,” said Barbicane; “or rather we can make a new axis on which the diurnal69 rotation70 formerly—”
“Modify the diurnal rotation!” exclaimed Karkof.
“Absolutely! and without touching71 its duration. The operation will bring the Pole to about the sixty-seventh parallel, and under such circumstances the Earth will behave like Jupiter, whose axis is nearly perpendicular72 to the plane of his orbit. This displacement of 23° 28′ will suffice to obtain for our Polar property sufficient warmth to melt the ice accumulated for thousands of years.”
The audience looked at him in a state of breathlessness. No one dared to interrupt or even to applaud him. All were overwhelmed with the idea, which was so ingenious and so simple; to change the axis on which the globe turns!
The representatives of the rival syndicates were astounded73, annihilated74, and remained without a word to say for themselves.
But the applause broke out when Barbicane concluded with sublime75 simplicity,—
“Thus it is the Sun himself who will melt the icebergs and ice-floes, and render it easy to obtain access to the Pole!”
“And so,” said Donellan, “if man cannot get to the Pole, the Pole must come to man?”
“Just so!” said Barbicane.


1 shareholders 7d3b0484233cf39bc3f4e3ebf97e69fe     
n.股东( shareholder的名词复数 )
  • The meeting was attended by 90% of shareholders. 90%的股东出席了会议。
  • the company's fiduciary duty to its shareholders 公司对股东负有的受托责任
2 artillery 5vmzA     
  • This is a heavy artillery piece.这是一门重炮。
  • The artillery has more firepower than the infantry.炮兵火力比步兵大。
3 worthy vftwB     
  • I did not esteem him to be worthy of trust.我认为他不值得信赖。
  • There occurred nothing that was worthy to be mentioned.没有值得一提的事发生。
4 suffocation b834eadeaf680f6ffcb13068245a1fed     
  • The greatest dangers of pyroclastic avalanches are probably heat and suffocation. 火成碎屑崩落的最大危害可能是炽热和窒息作用。 来自辞典例句
  • The room was hot to suffocation. 房间热得闷人。 来自辞典例句
5 triumphant JpQys     
  • The army made a triumphant entry into the enemy's capital.部队胜利地进入了敌方首都。
  • There was a positively triumphant note in her voice.她的声音里带有一种极为得意的语气。
6 proprietor zR2x5     
  • The proprietor was an old acquaintance of his.业主是他的一位旧相识。
  • The proprietor of the corner grocery was a strange thing in my life.拐角杂货店店主是我生活中的一个怪物。
7 bonnets 8e4529b6df6e389494d272b2f3ae0ead     
n.童帽( bonnet的名词复数 );(烟囱等的)覆盖物;(苏格兰男子的)无边呢帽;(女子戴的)任何一种帽子
  • All the best bonnets of the city were there. 城里戴最漂亮的无边女帽的妇女全都到场了。 来自辞典例句
  • I am tempting you with bonnets and bangles and leading you into a pit. 我是在用帽子和镯子引诱你,引你上钩。 来自飘(部分)
8 glazed 3sLzT8     
adj.光滑的,像玻璃的;上过釉的;呆滞无神的v.装玻璃( glaze的过去式);上釉于,上光;(目光)变得呆滞无神
  • eyes glazed with boredom 厌倦无神的眼睛
  • His eyes glazed over at the sight of her. 看到她时,他的目光就变得呆滞。 来自《简明英汉词典》
9 auction 3uVzy     
  • They've put the contents of their house up for auction.他们把房子里的东西全都拿去拍卖了。
  • They bought a new minibus with the proceeds from the auction.他们用拍卖得来的钱买了一辆新面包车。
10 qualified DCPyj     
  • He is qualified as a complete man of letters.他有资格当真正的文学家。
  • We must note that we still lack qualified specialists.我们必须看到我们还缺乏有资质的专家。
11 mischief jDgxH     
  • Nobody took notice of the mischief of the matter. 没有人注意到这件事情所带来的危害。
  • He seems to intend mischief.看来他想捣蛋。
12 invaluable s4qxe     
  • A computer would have been invaluable for this job.一台计算机对这个工作的作用会是无法估计的。
  • This information was invaluable to him.这个消息对他来说是非常宝贵的。
13 incessant WcizU     
  • We have had incessant snowfall since yesterday afternoon.从昨天下午开始就持续不断地下雪。
  • She is tired of his incessant demands for affection.她厌倦了他对感情的不断索取。
14 uproar LHfyc     
  • She could hear the uproar in the room.她能听见房间里的吵闹声。
  • His remarks threw the audience into an uproar.他的讲话使听众沸腾起来。
15 punctuated 7bd3039c345abccc3ac40a4e434df484     
v.(在文字中)加标点符号,加标点( punctuate的过去式和过去分词 );不时打断某事物
  • Her speech was punctuated by bursts of applause. 她的讲演不时被阵阵掌声打断。
  • The audience punctuated his speech by outbursts of applause. 听众不时以阵阵掌声打断他的讲话。 来自《简明英汉词典》
16 hip 1dOxX     
  • The thigh bone is connected to the hip bone.股骨连着髋骨。
  • The new coats blouse gracefully above the hip line.新外套在臀围线上优美地打着褶皱。
17 forth Hzdz2     
  • The wind moved the trees gently back and forth.风吹得树轻轻地来回摇晃。
  • He gave forth a series of works in rapid succession.他很快连续发表了一系列的作品。
18 celebrity xcRyQ     
  • Tom found himself something of a celebrity. 汤姆意识到自己已小有名气了。
  • He haunted famous men, hoping to get celebrity for himself. 他常和名人在一起, 希望借此使自己获得名气。
19 standing 2hCzgo     
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
20 concession LXryY     
  • We can not make heavy concession to the matter.我们在这个问题上不能过于让步。
  • That is a great concession.这是很大的让步。
21 subscribed cb9825426eb2cb8cbaf6a72027f5508a     
v.捐助( subscribe的过去式和过去分词 );签署,题词;订阅;同意
  • It is not a theory that is commonly subscribed to. 一般人并不赞成这个理论。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • I subscribed my name to the document. 我在文件上签了字。 来自《简明英汉词典》
22 murmur EjtyD     
  • They paid the extra taxes without a murmur.他们毫无怨言地交了附加税。
  • There was a low murmur of conversation in the hall.大厅里有窃窃私语声。
23 orator hJwxv     
  • He was so eloquent that he cut down the finest orator.他能言善辩,胜过最好的演说家。
  • The orator gestured vigorously while speaking.这位演讲者讲话时用力地做手势。
24 strata GUVzv     
  • The older strata gradually disintegrate.较老的岩层渐渐风化。
  • They represent all social strata.他们代表各个社会阶层。
25 derivatives f75369b9e0ef2282b4d10e367e4ee2a9     
n.衍生性金融商品;派生物,引出物( derivative的名词复数 );导数
  • Many English words are derivatives of Latin words. 许多英语词来自拉丁语。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • These compounds are nitrosohydroxylamine derivatives. 这类合成物是亚硝基羟胺衍生物。 来自辞典例句
26 saccharin dYXxo     
  • We use saccharin in substitution for sugar.我们用糖精代替糖。
  • Is saccharin a good substitute for sugar?糖精是糖的良好替代品吗?
27 tar 1qOwD     
  • The roof was covered with tar.屋顶涂抹了一层沥青。
  • We use tar to make roads.我们用沥青铺路。
28 varnish ni3w7     
  • He tried to varnish over the facts,but it was useless.他想粉饰事实,但那是徒劳的。
  • He applied varnish to the table.他给那张桌子涂上清漆。
29 enumeration 3f49fe61d5812612c53377049e3c86d6     
  • Predictive Categoriesinclude six categories of prediction, namely Enumeration, Advance Labeling, Reporting,Recapitulation, Hypotheticality, and Question. 其中预设种类又包括列举(Enumeration)、提前标示(Advance Labeling)、转述(Reporting)、回顾(Recapitulation)、假设(Hypotheticality)和提问(Question)。 来自互联网
  • Here we describe a systematic procedure which is basically "enumeration" in nature. 这里介绍一个本质上是属于“枚举法”的系统程序。 来自辞典例句
30 exhausted 7taz4r     
  • It was a long haul home and we arrived exhausted.搬运回家的这段路程特别长,到家时我们已筋疲力尽。
  • Jenny was exhausted by the hustle of city life.珍妮被城市生活的忙乱弄得筋疲力尽。
31 kindly tpUzhQ     
  • Her neighbours spoke of her as kindly and hospitable.她的邻居都说她和蔼可亲、热情好客。
  • A shadow passed over the kindly face of the old woman.一道阴影掠过老太太慈祥的面孔。
32 prey g1czH     
  • Stronger animals prey on weaker ones.弱肉强食。
  • The lion was hunting for its prey.狮子在寻找猎物。
33 inaccessible 49Nx8     
  • This novel seems to me among the most inaccessible.这本书对我来说是最难懂的小说之一。
  • The top of Mount Everest is the most inaccessible place in the world.珠穆朗玛峰是世界上最难到达的地方。
34 succumbed 625a9b57aef7b895b965fdca2019ba63     
不再抵抗(诱惑、疾病、攻击等)( succumb的过去式和过去分词 ); 屈从; 被压垮; 死
  • The town succumbed after a short siege. 该城被围困不久即告失守。
  • After an artillery bombardment lasting several days the town finally succumbed. 在持续炮轰数日后,该城终于屈服了。
35 lieutenant X3GyG     
  • He was promoted to be a lieutenant in the army.他被提升为陆军中尉。
  • He prevailed on the lieutenant to send in a short note.他说动那个副官,递上了一张简短的便条进去。
36 survivor hrIw8     
  • The sole survivor of the crash was an infant.这次撞车的惟一幸存者是一个婴儿。
  • There was only one survivor of the plane crash.这次飞机失事中只有一名幸存者。
37 schooner mDoyU     
  • The schooner was driven ashore.那条帆船被冲上了岸。
  • The current was bearing coracle and schooner southward at an equal rate.急流正以同样的速度将小筏子和帆船一起冲向南方。
38 memorable K2XyQ     
  • This was indeed the most memorable day of my life.这的确是我一生中最值得怀念的日子。
  • The veteran soldier has fought many memorable battles.这个老兵参加过许多难忘的战斗。
39 northward YHexe     
  • He pointed his boat northward.他将船驶向北方。
  • I would have a chance to head northward quickly.我就很快有机会去北方了。
40 herald qdCzd     
  • In England, the cuckoo is the herald of spring.在英国杜鹃鸟是报春的使者。
  • Dawn is the herald of day.曙光是白昼的先驱。
41 confided 724f3f12e93e38bec4dda1e47c06c3b1     
v.吐露(秘密,心事等)( confide的过去式和过去分词 );(向某人)吐露(隐私、秘密等)
  • She confided all her secrets to her best friend. 她向她最要好的朋友倾吐了自己所有的秘密。
  • He confided to me that he had spent five years in prison. 他私下向我透露,他蹲过五年监狱。 来自《简明英汉词典》
42 misery G10yi     
  • Business depression usually causes misery among the working class.商业不景气常使工薪阶层受苦。
  • He has rescued me from the mire of misery.他把我从苦海里救了出来。
43 frightful Ghmxw     
  • How frightful to have a husband who snores!有一个发鼾声的丈夫多讨厌啊!
  • We're having frightful weather these days.这几天天气坏极了。
44 sledges 1d20363adfa0dc73f0640410090d5153     
n.雪橇,雪车( sledge的名词复数 )v.乘雪橇( sledge的第三人称单数 );用雪橇运载
  • Sledges run well over frozen snow. 雪橇在冻硬了的雪上顺利滑行。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • They used picks and sledges to break the rocks. 他们用[镐和撬]来打碎这些岩石。 来自互联网
45 subdued 76419335ce506a486af8913f13b8981d     
adj. 屈服的,柔和的,减弱的 动词subdue的过去式和过去分词
  • He seemed a bit subdued to me. 我觉得他当时有点闷闷不乐。
  • I felt strangely subdued when it was all over. 一切都结束的时候,我却有一种奇怪的压抑感。
46 embarked e63154942be4f2a5c3c51f6b865db3de     
乘船( embark的过去式和过去分词 ); 装载; 从事
  • We stood on the pier and watched as they embarked. 我们站在突码头上目送他们登船。
  • She embarked on a discourse about the town's origins. 她开始讲本市的起源。
47 disapproval VuTx4     
  • The teacher made an outward show of disapproval.老师表面上表示不同意。
  • They shouted their disapproval.他们喊叫表示反对。
48 exuberant shkzB     
  • Hothouse plants do not possess exuberant vitality.在温室里培养出来的东西,不会有强大的生命力。
  • All those mother trees in the garden are exuberant.果园里的那些母树都长得十分茂盛。
49 domain ys8xC     
  • This information should be in the public domain.这一消息应该为公众所知。
  • This question comes into the domain of philosophy.这一问题属于哲学范畴。
50 secular GZmxM     
  • We live in an increasingly secular society.我们生活在一个日益非宗教的社会。
  • Britain is a plural society in which the secular predominates.英国是个世俗主导的多元社会。
51 virgin phPwj     
  • Have you ever been to a virgin forest?你去过原始森林吗?
  • There are vast expanses of virgin land in the remote regions.在边远地区有大片大片未开垦的土地。
52 placidly c0c28951cb36e0d70b9b64b1d177906e     
  • Hurstwood stood placidly by, while the car rolled back into the yard. 当车子开回场地时,赫斯渥沉着地站在一边。 来自英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹
  • The water chestnut floated placidly there, where it would grow. 那棵菱角就又安安稳稳浮在水面上生长去了。 来自汉英文学 - 中国现代小说
53 obstructed 5b709055bfd182f94d70e3e16debb3a4     
阻塞( obstruct的过去式和过去分词 ); 堵塞; 阻碍; 阻止
  • Tall trees obstructed his view of the road. 有大树挡着,他看不到道路。
  • The Irish and Bristol Channels were closed or grievously obstructed. 爱尔兰海峡和布里斯托尔海峡或遭受封锁,或受到了严重阻碍。
54 icebergs 71cdbb120fe8de8e449c16eaeca8d8a8     
n.冰山,流冰( iceberg的名词复数 )
  • The drift of the icebergs in the sea endangers the ships. 海上冰山的漂流危及船只的安全。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The icebergs towered above them. 冰山高耸于他们上方。 来自辞典例句
55 fusion HfDz5     
  • Brass is formed by the fusion of copper and zinc. 黄铜是通过铜和锌的熔合而成的。
  • This alloy is formed by the fusion of two types of metal.这种合金是用两种金属熔合而成的。
56 enchantment dmryQ     
  • The beauty of the scene filled us with enchantment.风景的秀丽令我们陶醉。
  • The countryside lay as under some dread enchantment.乡村好像躺在某种可怖的魔法之下。
57 fulcrum NzIyH     
  • Give me a fulcrum on which to rest,and I will move the earth.给我一个支承的支点,我就会搬动地球。
  • The decision is the strategic fulcrum of the budget.这一决定是预算案的战略支点。
58 unprecedented 7gSyJ     
  • The air crash caused an unprecedented number of deaths.这次空难的死亡人数是空前的。
  • A flood of this sort is really unprecedented.这样大的洪水真是十年九不遇。
59 devoted xu9zka     
  • He devoted his life to the educational cause of the motherland.他为祖国的教育事业贡献了一生。
  • We devoted a lengthy and full discussion to this topic.我们对这个题目进行了长时间的充分讨论。
60 displacement T98yU     
  • They said that time is the feeling of spatial displacement.他们说时间是空间位移的感觉。
  • The displacement of all my energy into caring for the baby.我所有精力都放在了照顾宝宝上。
61 hurrah Zcszx     
  • We hurrah when we see the soldiers go by.我们看到士兵经过时向他们欢呼。
  • The assistants raised a formidable hurrah.助手们发出了一片震天的欢呼声。
62 electrified 00d93691727e26ff4104e0c16b9bb258     
v.使电气化( electrify的过去式和过去分词 );使兴奋
  • The railway line was electrified in the 1950s. 这条铁路线在20世纪50年代就实现了电气化。
  • The national railway system has nearly all been electrified. 全国的铁路系统几乎全部实现了电气化。 来自《简明英汉词典》
63 resounded 063087faa0e6dc89fa87a51a1aafc1f9     
v.(指声音等)回荡于某处( resound的过去式和过去分词 );产生回响;(指某处)回荡着声音
  • Laughter resounded through the house. 笑声在屋里回荡。
  • The echo resounded back to us. 回声传回到我们的耳中。 来自《简明英汉词典》
64 celebrated iwLzpz     
  • He was soon one of the most celebrated young painters in England.不久他就成了英格兰最负盛名的年轻画家之一。
  • The celebrated violinist was mobbed by the audience.观众团团围住了这位著名的小提琴演奏家。
65 modesty REmxo     
  • Industry and modesty are the chief factors of his success.勤奋和谦虚是他成功的主要因素。
  • As conceit makes one lag behind,so modesty helps one make progress.骄傲使人落后,谦虚使人进步。
66 saluted 1a86aa8dabc06746471537634e1a215f     
v.欢迎,致敬( salute的过去式和过去分词 );赞扬,赞颂
  • The sergeant stood to attention and saluted. 中士立正敬礼。
  • He saluted his friends with a wave of the hand. 他挥手向他的朋友致意。 来自《简明英汉词典》
67 spoke XryyC     
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说
  • They sourced the spoke nuts from our company.他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的。
  • The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre.辐条是轮子上连接外圈与中心的条棒。
68 axis sdXyz     
  • The earth's axis is the line between the North and South Poles.地轴是南北极之间的线。
  • The axis of a circle is its diameter.圆的轴线是其直径。
69 diurnal ws5xi     
  • Kangaroos are diurnal animals.袋鼠是日间活动的动物。
  • Over water the diurnal change in refraction is likely to be small. 在水面上,折光的周日变化可能是很小的。
70 rotation LXmxE     
  • Crop rotation helps prevent soil erosion.农作物轮作有助于防止水土流失。
  • The workers in this workshop do day and night shifts in weekly rotation.这个车间的工人上白班和上夜班每周轮换一次。
71 touching sg6zQ9     
  • It was a touching sight.这是一幅动人的景象。
  • His letter was touching.他的信很感人。
72 perpendicular GApy0     
  • The two lines of bones are set perpendicular to one another.这两排骨头相互垂直。
  • The wall is out of the perpendicular.这墙有些倾斜。
73 astounded 7541fb163e816944b5753491cad6f61a     
  • His arrogance astounded her. 他的傲慢使她震惊。
  • How can you say that? I'm absolutely astounded. 你怎么能说出那种话?我感到大为震惊。
74 annihilated b75d9b14a67fe1d776c0039490aade89     
v.(彻底)消灭( annihilate的过去式和过去分词 );使无效;废止;彻底击溃
  • Our soldiers annihilated a force of three hundred enemy troops. 我军战士消灭了300名敌军。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • We annihilated the enemy. 我们歼灭了敌人。 来自《简明英汉词典》
75 sublime xhVyW     
  • We should take some time to enjoy the sublime beauty of nature.我们应该花些时间去欣赏大自然的壮丽景象。
  • Olympic games play as an important arena to exhibit the sublime idea.奥运会,就是展示此崇高理念的重要舞台。


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