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首页 » 经典英文小说 » The Glimpses of the Moon » Chapter 21
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Chapter 21

    ON the drive back from her dinner at the Nouveau Luxe, eventshad followed the course foreseen by Susy.

  She had promised Strefford to seek legal advice about herdivorce, and he had kissed her; and the promise had been easierto make than she had expected, the kiss less difficult toreceive.

  She had gone to the dinner a-quiver with the mortification1 oflearning that her husband was still with the Hickses. Morallysure of it though she had been, the discovery was a shock, andshe measured for the first time the abyss between fearing andknowing. No wonder he had not written--the modern husband didnot have to: he had only to leave it to time and the newspapersto make known his intentions. Susy could imagine Nick's sayingto himself, as he sometimes used to say when she reminded him ofan unanswered letter: "But there are lots of ways of answeringa letter--and writing doesn't happen to be mine."Well--he had done it in his way, and she was answered. For aminute, as she laid aside the paper, darkness submerged her, andshe felt herself dropping down into the bottomless anguish2 ofher dreadful vigil in the Palazzo Vanderlyn. But she was wearyof anguish: her healthy body and nerves instinctively3 rejectedit. The wave was spent, and she felt herself irresistiblystruggling back to light and life and youth. He didn't wanther! Well, she would try not to want him! There lay all theold expedients5 at her hand--the rouge6 for her white lips, theatropine for her blurred7 eyes, the new dress on her bed, thethought of Strefford and his guests awaiting her, and of theconclusions that the diners of the Nouveau Luxe would draw fromseeing them together. Thank heaven no one would say: "Poor oldSusy--did you know Nick had chucked her?" They would all say:

  "Poor old Nick! Yes, I daresay she was sorry to chuck him; butAltringham's mad to marry her, and what could she do? "And once again events had followed the course she had foreseen.

  Seeing her at Lord Altringham's table, with the Ascots and theold Duchess of Dunes8, the interested spectators could not butregard the dinner as confirming the rumour9 of her marriage. AsEllie said, people didn't wait nowadays to announce their"engagements" till the tiresome10 divorce proceedings11 were over.

  Ellie herself, prodigally12 pearled and ermined, had floated inlate with Algie Bockheimer in her wake, and sat, in conspicuoustete-a-tete, nodding and signalling her sympathy to Susy.

  Approval beamed from every eye: it was awfully13 exciting, theyall seemed to say, seeing Susy Lansing pull it off! As theparty, after dinner, drifted from the restaurant back into thehall, she caught, in the smiles and hand-pressures crowdingabout her, the scarcely-repressed hint of officialcongratulations; and Violet Melrose, seated in a corner withFulmer, drew her down with a wan4 jade-circled arm, to whispertenderly: "It's most awfully clever of you, darling, not to bewearing any jewels."In all the women's eyes she read the reflected lustre14 of thejewels she could wear when she chose: it was as though theirglitter reached her from the far-off bank where they lay sealedup in the Altringham strong-box. What a fool she had been tothink that Strefford would ever believe she didn't care forthem!

  The Ambassadress, a blank perpendicular15 person, had been a shadeless affable than Susy could have wished; but then there wasLady Joan--and the girl was handsome, alarmingly handsome toaccount for that: probably every one in the room had guessedit. And the old Duchess of Dunes was delightful16. She lookedrather like Strefford in a wig17 and false pearls (Susy was surethey were as false as her teeth); and her cordiality was sodemonstrative that the future bride found it more difficult toaccount for than Lady Ascot's coldness, till she heard the oldlady, as they passed into the hall, breathe in a hissing18 whisperto her nephew: "Streff, dearest, when you have a minute's time,and can drop in at my wretched little pension, I know you canexplain in two words what I ought to do to pacify19 those awfulmoney-lenders .... And you'll bring your exquisite20 American tosee me, won't you! ... No, Joan Senechal's too fair for mytaste .... Insipid21...""Yes: the taste of it all was again sweet on her lips. A fewdays later she began to wonder how the thought of Strefford'sendearments could have been so alarming. To be sure he was notlavish of them; but when he did touch her, even when he kissedher, it no longer seemed to matter. An almost complete absenceof sensation had mercifully succeeded to the first wild flurryof her nerves.

  And so it would be, no doubt, with everything else in her newlife. If it failed to provoke any acute reactions, whether ofpain or pleasure, the very absence of sensation would make forpeace. And in the meanwhile she was tasting what, she had begunto suspect, was the maximum of bliss22 to most of the women sheknew: days packed with engagements, the exhilaration offashionable crowds, the thrill of snapping up a jewel or abibelot or a new "model" that one's best friend wanted, or ofbeing invited to some private show, or some exclusiveentertainment, that one's best friend couldn't get to. Therewas nothing, now, that she couldn't buy, nowhere that shecouldn't go: she had only to choose and to triumph. And for awhile the surface-excitement of her life gave her the illusionof enjoyment23.

  Strefford, as she had expected, had postponed24 his return toEngland, and they had now been for nearly three weeks togetherin their new, and virtually avowed25, relation. She had fanciedthat, after all, the easiest part of it would be just the beingwith Strefford--the falling back on their old tried friendshipto efface26 the sense of strangeness. But, though she had so soongrown used to his caresses27, he himself remained curiouslyunfamiliar: she was hardly sure, at times, that it was the oldStrefford she was talking to. It was not that his point of viewhad changed, but that new things occupied and absorbed him. Inall the small sides of his great situation he took an almostchildish satisfaction; and though he still laughed at both itsprivileges and its obligations, it was now with a jealouslaughter.

  It amused him inexhaustibly, for instance, to be made up to byall the people who had always disapproved28 of him, and to uniteat the same table persons who had to dissemble their annoyanceat being invited together lest they should not be invited atall. Equally exhilarating was the capricious favouring of thedull and dowdy29 on occasions when the brilliant and disreputableexpected his notice. It enchanted30 him, for example, to ask theold Duchess of Dunes and Violet Melrose to dine with the Vicarof Altringham, on his way to Switzerland for a month's holiday,and to watch the face of the Vicar's wife while the Duchessnarrated her last difficulties with book-makers and money-lenders, and Violet proclaimed the rights of Love and Genius toall that had once been supposed to belong exclusively toRespectability and Dulness.

  Susy had to confess that her own amusements were hardly of ahigher order; but then she put up with them for lack of better,whereas Strefford, who might have had what he pleased, wascompletely satisfied with such triumphs.

  Somehow, in spite of his honours and his opportunities, heseemed to have shrunk. The old Strefford had certainly been alarger person, and she wondered if material prosperity werealways a beginning of ossification31. Strefford had been muchmore fun when he lived by his wits. Sometimes, now, when hetried to talk of politics, or assert himself on some question ofpublic interest, she was startled by his limitations. Formerly,when he was not sure of his ground, it had been his way to turnthe difficulty by glib32 nonsense or easy irony33; now he wasactually dull, at times almost pompous34. She noticed too, forthe first time, that he did not always hear clearly when severalpeople were talking at once, or when he was at the theatre; andhe developed a habit of saying over and over again: "Does so-and-so speak indistinctly? Or am I getting deaf, I wonder?"which wore on her nerves by its suggestion of a correspondingmental infirmity.

  These thoughts did not always trouble her. The current of idleactivity on which they were both gliding35 was her native elementas well as his; and never had its tide been as swift, its wavesas buoyant. In his relation to her, too, he was full of tactand consideration. She saw that he still remembered theirfrightened exchange of glances after their first kiss; and thesense of this little hidden spring of imagination in him wassometimes enough for her thirst.

  She had always had a rather masculine punctuality in keeping herword, and after she had promised Strefford to take steps towarda divorce she had promptly36 set about doing it. A suddenreluctance prevented her asking the advice of friends like EllieVanderlyn, whom she knew to be in the thick of the samenegotiations, and all she could think of was to consult a youngAmerican lawyer practicing in Paris, with whom she felt shecould talk the more easily because he was not from New York, andprobably unacquainted with her history.

  She was so ignorant of the procedure in such matters that shewas surprised and relieved at his asking few personal questions;but it was a shock to learn that a divorce could not beobtained, either in New York or Paris, merely on the ground ofdesertion or incompatibility38.

  "I thought nowadays ... if people preferred to live apart ... itcould always be managed," she stammered39, wondering at her ownignorance, after the many conjugal40 ruptures41 she had assisted at.

  The young lawyer smiled, and coloured slightly. His lovelyclient evidently intimidated42 him by her grace, and still more byher inexperience.

  "It can be--generally," he admitted; "and especially so if ...

  as I gather is the case ... your husband is equallyanxious ....""Oh, quite!" she exclaimed, suddenly humiliated43 by having toadmit it.

  "Well, then--may I suggest that, to bring matters to a point,the best way would be for you to write to him?"She recoiled44 slightly. It had never occurred to her that thelawyers would not "manage it" without her intervention45.

  "Write to him ... but what about?""Well, expressing your wish ... to recover your freedom ....

  The rest, I assume," said the young lawyer, "may be left to Mr.

  Lansing."She did not know exactly what he meant, and was too muchperturbed by the idea of having to communicate with Nick tofollow any other train of thought. How could she write such aletter? And yet how could she confess to the lawyer that shehad not the courage to do so? He would, of course, tell her togo home and be reconciled. She hesitated perplexedly.

  "Wouldn't it be better," she suggested, "if the letter were tocome from--from your office?"He considered this politely. "On the whole: no. If, as I takeit, an amicable46 arrangement is necessary--to secure therequisite evidence then a line from you, suggesting aninterview, seems to me more advisable.""An interview? Is an interview necessary?" She was ashamed toshow her agitation47 to this cautiously smiling young man, whomust wonder at her childish lack of understanding; but the breakin her voice was uncontrollable.

  "Oh, please write to him--I can't! And I can't see him! Oh,can't you arrange it for me?" she pleaded.

  She saw now that her idea of a divorce had been that it wassomething one went out--or sent out--to buy in a shop:

  something concrete and portable, that Strefford's money couldpay for, and that it required no personal participation48 toobtain. What a fool the lawyer must think her! Stiffeningherself, she rose from her seat.

  "My husband and I don't wish to see each other again .... I'msure it would be useless ... and very painful.""You are the best judge, of course. But in any case, a letterfrom you, a friendly letter, seems wiser ... considering theapparent lack of evidence ....""Very well, then; I'll write," she agreed, and hurried away,scarcely hearing his parting injunction that she should take acopy of her letter.

  That night she wrote. At the last moment it might have beenimpossible, if at the theatre little Breckenridge had not bobbedinto her box. He was just back from Rome, where he had dinedwith the Hickses ("a bang-up show--they're really lances-youwouldn't know them!"), and had met there Lansing, whom hereported as intending to marry Coral "as soon as things weresettled". "You were dead right, weren't you, Susy," hesnickered, "that night in Venice last summer, when we allthought you were joking about their engagement? Pity now youchucked our surprise visit to the Hickses, and sent Streff up todrag us back just as we were breaking in! You remember?"He flung off the "Streff" airily, in the old way, but with atentative side-glance at his host; and Lord Altringham, leaningtoward Susy, said coldly: "Was Breckenridge speaking about me?

  I didn't catch what he said. Does he speak indistinctly--or amI getting deaf, I wonder?"After that it seemed comparatively easy, when Strefford haddropped her at her hotel, to go upstairs and write. She dashedoff the date and her address, and then stopped; but suddenly sheremembered Breckenridge's snicker, and the words rushed fromher. "Nick dear, it was July when you left Venice, and I havehad no word from you since the note in which you said you hadgone for a few days, and that I should hear soon again.

  "You haven't written yet, and it is five months since you leftme. That means, I suppose, that you want to take back yourfreedom and give me mine. Wouldn't it be kinder, in that case,to tell me so? It is worse than anything to go on as we arenow. I don't know how to put these things but since you seemunwilling to write to me perhaps you would prefer to send youranswer to Mr. Frederic Spearman, the American lawyer here. Hisaddress is 100, Boulevard Haussmann. I hope--"She broke off on the last word. Hope? What did she hope,either for him or for herself? Wishes for his welfare wouldsound like a mockery--and she would rather her letter shouldseem bitter than unfeeling. Above all, she wanted to get itdone. To have to re-write even those few lines would betorture. So she left "I hope," and simply added: "to hearbefore long what you have decided49."She read it over, and shivered. Not one word of the past-notone allusion50 to that mysterious interweaving of their liveswhich had enclosed them one in the other like the flower in itssheath! What place had such memories in such a letter? She hadthe feeling that she wanted to hide that other Nick away in herown bosom51, and with him the other Susy, the Susy he had onceimagined her to be .... Neither of them seemed concerned withthe present business.

  The letter done, she stared at the sealed envelope till itspresence in the room became intolerable, and she understood thatshe must either tear it up or post it immediately. She wentdown to the hall of the sleeping hotel, and bribed52 the night-porter to carry the letter to the nearest post office, though heobjected that, at that hour, no time would be gained. "I wantit out of the house," she insisted: and waited sternly by thedesk, in her dressing-gown, till he had performed the errand.

  As she re-entered her room, the disordered writing-table struckher; and she remembered the lawyer's injunction to take a copyof her letter. A copy to be filed away with the documents in"Lansing versus53 Lansing!" She burst out laughing at the idea.

  What were lawyers made of, she wondered? Didn't the man guess,by the mere37 look in her eyes and the sound of her voice, thatshe would never, as long as she lived, forget a word of thatletter--that night after night she would lie down, as she waslying down to-night, to stare wide-eyed for hours into thedarkness, while a voice in her brain monotonously54 hammered out:

  "Nick dear, it was July when you left me ..." and so on, wordafter word, down to the last fatal syllable55?


1 mortification mwIyN     
  • To my mortification, my manuscript was rejected. 使我感到失面子的是:我的稿件被退了回来。
  • The chairman tried to disguise his mortification. 主席试图掩饰自己的窘迫。
2 anguish awZz0     
  • She cried out for anguish at parting.分手时,她由于痛苦而失声大哭。
  • The unspeakable anguish wrung his heart.难言的痛苦折磨着他的心。
3 instinctively 2qezD2     
  • As he leaned towards her she instinctively recoiled. 他向她靠近,她本能地往后缩。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He knew instinctively where he would find her. 他本能地知道在哪儿能找到她。 来自《简明英汉词典》
4 wan np5yT     
(wide area network)广域网
  • The shared connection can be an Ethernet,wireless LAN,or wireless WAN connection.提供共享的网络连接可以是以太网、无线局域网或无线广域网。
5 expedients c0523c0c941d2ed10c86887a57ac874f     
n.应急有效的,权宜之计的( expedient的名词复数 )
  • He is full of [fruitful in] expedients. 他办法多。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • Perhaps Calonne might return too, with fresh financial expedients. 或许卡洛纳也会回来,带有新的财政机谋。 来自辞典例句
6 rouge nX7xI     
  • Women put rouge on their cheeks to make their faces pretty.女人往面颊上涂胭脂,使脸更漂亮。
  • She didn't need any powder or lip rouge to make her pretty.她天生漂亮,不需要任何脂粉唇膏打扮自己。
7 blurred blurred     
v.(使)变模糊( blur的过去式和过去分词 );(使)难以区分;模模糊糊;迷离
  • She suffered from dizziness and blurred vision. 她饱受头晕目眩之苦。
  • Their lazy, blurred voices fell pleasantly on his ears. 他们那种慢吞吞、含糊不清的声音在他听起来却很悦耳。 来自《简明英汉词典》
8 dunes 8a48dcdac1abf28807833e2947184dd4     
沙丘( dune的名词复数 )
  • The boy galloped over the dunes barefoot. 那男孩光着脚在沙丘间飞跑。
  • Dragging the fully laden boat across the sand dunes was no mean feat. 将满载货物的船拖过沙丘是一件了不起的事。
9 rumour 1SYzZ     
  • I should like to know who put that rumour about.我想知道是谁散布了那谣言。
  • There has been a rumour mill on him for years.几年来,一直有谣言产生,对他进行中伤。
10 tiresome Kgty9     
  • His doubts and hesitations were tiresome.他的疑惑和犹豫令人厌烦。
  • He was tiresome in contending for the value of his own labors.他老为他自己劳动的价值而争强斗胜,令人生厌。
11 proceedings Wk2zvX     
  • He was released on bail pending committal proceedings. 他交保获释正在候审。
  • to initiate legal proceedings against sb 对某人提起诉讼
12 prodigally 58e04dd7ce5b2745130c96250b8bff72     
  • He wasted money prodigally. 他挥霍浪费金钱。 来自互联网
  • We are still prodigally rich compared to others. 和别人相比,我们仍然很富有。 来自互联网
13 awfully MPkym     
  • Agriculture was awfully neglected in the past.过去农业遭到严重忽视。
  • I've been feeling awfully bad about it.对这我一直感到很难受。
14 lustre hAhxg     
  • The sun was shining with uncommon lustre.太阳放射出异常的光彩。
  • A good name keeps its lustre in the dark.一个好的名誉在黑暗中也保持它的光辉。
15 perpendicular GApy0     
  • The two lines of bones are set perpendicular to one another.这两排骨头相互垂直。
  • The wall is out of the perpendicular.这墙有些倾斜。
16 delightful 6xzxT     
  • We had a delightful time by the seashore last Sunday.上星期天我们在海滨玩得真痛快。
  • Peter played a delightful melody on his flute.彼得用笛子吹奏了一支欢快的曲子。
17 wig 1gRwR     
  • The actress wore a black wig over her blond hair.那个女演员戴一顶黑色假发罩住自己的金黄色头发。
  • He disguised himself with a wig and false beard.他用假发和假胡须来乔装。
18 hissing hissing     
n. 发嘶嘶声, 蔑视 动词hiss的现在分词形式
  • The steam escaped with a loud hissing noise. 蒸汽大声地嘶嘶冒了出来。
  • His ears were still hissing with the rustle of the leaves. 他耳朵里还听得萨萨萨的声音和屑索屑索的怪声。 来自汉英文学 - 春蚕
19 pacify xKFxa     
  • He tried to pacify the protesters with promises of reform.他试图以改革的承诺安抚抗议者。
  • He tried to pacify his creditors by repaying part of the money.他为安抚债权人偿还了部分借款。
20 exquisite zhez1     
  • I was admiring the exquisite workmanship in the mosaic.我当时正在欣赏镶嵌画的精致做工。
  • I still remember the exquisite pleasure I experienced in Bali.我依然记得在巴厘岛所经历的那种剧烈的快感。
21 insipid TxZyh     
  • The food was rather insipid and needed gingering up.这食物缺少味道,需要加点作料。
  • She said she was a good cook,but the food she cooked is insipid.她说她是个好厨师,但她做的食物却是无味道的。
22 bliss JtXz4     
  • It's sheer bliss to be able to spend the day in bed.整天都可以躺在床上真是幸福。
  • He's in bliss that he's won the Nobel Prize.他非常高兴,因为获得了诺贝尔奖金。
23 enjoyment opaxV     
  • Your company adds to the enjoyment of our visit. 有您的陪同,我们这次访问更加愉快了。
  • After each joke the old man cackled his enjoyment.每逢讲完一个笑话,这老人就呵呵笑着表示他的高兴。
24 postponed 9dc016075e0da542aaa70e9f01bf4ab1     
vt.& vi.延期,缓办,(使)延迟vt.把…放在次要地位;[语]把…放在后面(或句尾)vi.(疟疾等)延缓发作(或复发)
  • The trial was postponed indefinitely. 审讯无限期延迟。
  • The game has already been postponed three times. 这场比赛已经三度延期了。
25 avowed 709d3f6bb2b0fff55dfaf574e6649a2d     
adj.公开声明的,承认的v.公开声明,承认( avow的过去式和过去分词)
  • An aide avowed that the President had known nothing of the deals. 一位助理声明,总统对这些交易一无所知。
  • The party's avowed aim was to struggle against capitalist exploitation. 该党公开宣称的宗旨是与资本主义剥削斗争。 来自《简明英汉词典》
26 efface Pqlxp     
  • It takes many years to efface the unpleasant memories of a war.许多年后才能冲淡战争的不愉快记忆。
  • He could not efface the impression from his mind.他不能把这个印象从心中抹去。
27 caresses 300460a787072f68f3ae582060ed388a     
爱抚,抚摸( caress的名词复数 )
  • A breeze caresses the cheeks. 微风拂面。
  • Hetty was not sufficiently familiar with caresses or outward demonstrations of fondness. 海蒂不习惯于拥抱之类过于外露地表现自己的感情。
28 disapproved 3ee9b7bf3f16130a59cb22aafdea92d0     
v.不赞成( disapprove的过去式和过去分词 )
  • My parents disapproved of my marriage. 我父母不赞成我的婚事。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • She disapproved of her son's indiscriminate television viewing. 她不赞成儿子不加选择地收看电视。 来自《简明英汉词典》
29 dowdy ZsdxQ     
  • She was in a dowdy blue frock.她穿了件不大洁净的蓝上衣。
  • She looked very plain and dowdy.她长得非常普通,衣也过时。
30 enchanted enchanted     
adj. 被施魔法的,陶醉的,入迷的 动词enchant的过去式和过去分词
  • She was enchanted by the flowers you sent her. 她非常喜欢你送给她的花。
  • He was enchanted by the idea. 他为这个主意而欣喜若狂。
31 ossification 8348529f12531f5f158f9ad93035e983     
  • Objective To study the mechanism of ossification of yellow ligament. 目的为研究黄韧带骨化致椎管狭窄的机制打下基础。 来自互联网
  • Conclusion. Dural ossification is a common finding in OLF. 结论:硬膜骨化是OLF常见的表现。 来自互联网
32 glib DeNzs     
  • His glib talk sounds as sweet as a song.他说的比唱的还好听。
  • The fellow has a very glib tongue.这家伙嘴油得很。
33 irony P4WyZ     
  • She said to him with slight irony.她略带嘲讽地对他说。
  • In her voice we could sense a certain tinge of irony.从她的声音里我们可以感到某种讥讽的意味。
34 pompous 416zv     
  • He was somewhat pompous and had a high opinion of his own capabilities.他有点自大,自视甚高。
  • He is a good man underneath his pompous appearance. 他的外表虽傲慢,其实是个好人。
35 gliding gliding     
v. 滑翔 adj. 滑动的
  • Swans went gliding past. 天鹅滑行而过。
  • The weather forecast has put a question mark against the chance of doing any gliding tomorrow. 天气预报对明天是否能举行滑翔表示怀疑。
36 promptly LRMxm     
  • He paid the money back promptly.他立即还了钱。
  • She promptly seized the opportunity his absence gave her.她立即抓住了因他不在场给她创造的机会。
37 mere rC1xE     
  • That is a mere repetition of what you said before.那不过是重复了你以前讲的话。
  • It's a mere waste of time waiting any longer.再等下去纯粹是浪费时间。
38 incompatibility f8Vxv     
  • One cause may be an Rh incompatibility causing kernicterus in the newborn. 一个原因可能是Rh因子不相配引起新生儿的脑核性黄疸。
  • Sexual incompatibility is wide-spread in the apple. 性的不亲合性在苹果中很普遍。
39 stammered 76088bc9384c91d5745fd550a9d81721     
v.结巴地说出( stammer的过去式和过去分词 )
  • He stammered most when he was nervous. 他一紧张往往口吃。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • Barsad leaned back in his chair, and stammered, \"What do you mean?\" 巴萨往椅背上一靠,结结巴巴地说,“你是什么意思?” 来自英汉文学 - 双城记
40 conjugal Ravys     
  • Conjugal visits are banned,so marriages break down.配偶访问是禁止的,罪犯的婚姻也因此破裂。
  • Conjugal fate is something delicate.缘分,其实是一种微妙的东西。
41 ruptures 932414a52fbd26f128186a952208af3a     
n.(体内组织等的)断裂( rupture的名词复数 );爆裂;疝气v.(使)破裂( rupture的第三人称单数 );(使体内组织等)断裂;使(友好关系)破裂;使绝交
  • Fault ruptures may consist of a single narrow main break. 断层破裂可能只包括单独一条狭窄的主裂隙。 来自辞典例句
  • The dry seed ruptures and the green leaf uncurls. 干瘪的种子裂开了,卷曲的绿叶伸展了。 来自辞典例句
42 intimidated 69a1f9d1d2d295a87a7e68b3f3fbd7d5     
  • We try to make sure children don't feel intimidated on their first day at school. 我们努力确保孩子们在上学的第一天不胆怯。
  • The thief intimidated the boy into not telling the police. 这个贼恫吓那男孩使他不敢向警察报告。 来自《简明英汉词典》
43 humiliated 97211aab9c3dcd4f7c74e1101d555362     
  • Parents are humiliated if their children behave badly when guests are present. 子女在客人面前举止失当,父母也失体面。
  • He was ashamed and bitterly humiliated. 他感到羞耻,丢尽了面子。
44 recoiled 8282f6b353b1fa6f91b917c46152c025     
v.畏缩( recoil的过去式和过去分词 );退缩;报应;返回
  • She recoiled from his touch. 她躲开他的触摸。
  • Howard recoiled a little at the sharpness in my voice. 听到我的尖声,霍华德往后缩了一下。 来自《简明英汉词典》
45 intervention e5sxZ     
  • The government's intervention in this dispute will not help.政府对这场争论的干预不会起作用。
  • Many people felt he would be hostile to the idea of foreign intervention.许多人觉得他会反对外来干预。
46 amicable Qexyu     
  • The two nations reached an amicable agreement.两国达成了一项友好协议。
  • The two nations settled their quarrel in an amicable way.两国以和睦友好的方式解决了他们的争端。
47 agitation TN0zi     
  • Small shopkeepers carried on a long agitation against the big department stores.小店主们长期以来一直在煽动人们反对大型百货商店。
  • These materials require constant agitation to keep them in suspension.这些药剂要经常搅动以保持悬浮状态。
48 participation KS9zu     
  • Some of the magic tricks called for audience participation.有些魔术要求有观众的参与。
  • The scheme aims to encourage increased participation in sporting activities.这个方案旨在鼓励大众更多地参与体育活动。
49 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
50 allusion CfnyW     
  • He made an allusion to a secret plan in his speech.在讲话中他暗示有一项秘密计划。
  • She made no allusion to the incident.她没有提及那个事件。
51 bosom Lt9zW     
  • She drew a little book from her bosom.她从怀里取出一本小册子。
  • A dark jealousy stirred in his bosom.他内心生出一阵恶毒的嫉妒。
52 bribed 1382e59252debbc5bd32a2d1f691bd0f     
v.贿赂( bribe的过去式和过去分词 );向(某人)行贿,贿赂
  • They bribed him with costly presents. 他们用贵重的礼物贿赂他。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • He bribed himself onto the committee. 他暗通关节,钻营投机挤进了委员会。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
53 versus wi7wU     
  • The big match tonight is England versus Spain.今晚的大赛是英格兰对西班牙。
  • The most exciting game was Harvard versus Yale.最富紧张刺激的球赛是哈佛队对耶鲁队。
54 monotonously 36b124a78cd491b4b8ee41ea07438df3     
  • The lecturer phrased monotonously. 这位讲师用词单调。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The maid, still in tears, sniffed monotonously. 侍女还在哭,发出单调的抽泣声。 来自辞典例句
55 syllable QHezJ     
  • You put too much emphasis on the last syllable.你把最后一个音节读得太重。
  • The stress on the last syllable is light.最后一个音节是轻音节。


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