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首页 » 经典英文小说 » Guy Mannering » Chapter 45
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Chapter 45

But if thou shouldst be dragg’d in scorn

To yonder ignominious1 tree,

Thou shall not want one faithful friend

To share the cruel fates’ decree.


Plunged3 in the gloomy reflections which were naturally excited by his dismal4 reading and disconsolate5 situation, Bertram for the first time in his life felt himself affected6 with a disposition7 to low spirits. ‘I have been in worse situations than this too,’ he said; ‘more dangerous, for here is no danger; more dismal in prospect8, for my present confinement9 must necessarily be short; more intolerable for the time, for here, at least, I have fire, food, and shelter. Yet, with reading these bloody10 tales of crime and misery11 in a place so corresponding to the ideas which they excite, and in listening to these sad sounds, I feel a stronger disposition to melancholy12 than in my life I ever experienced. But I will not give way to it. Begone, thou record of guilt13 and infamy14!’ he said, flinging the book upon the spare bed; ‘a Scottish jail shall not break, on the very first day, the spirits which have resisted climate, and want, and penury15, and disease, and imprisonment16 in a foreign land. I have fought many a hard battle with Dame18 Fortune, and she shall not beat me now if I can help it.’

Then bending his mind to a strong effort, he endeavoured to view his situation in the most favourable19 light. Delaserre must soon be in Scotland; the certificates from his commanding officer must soon arrive; nay20, if Mannering were first applied21 to, who could say but the effect might be a reconciliation22 between them? He had often observed, and now remembered, that when his former colonel took the part of any one, it was never by halves, and that he seemed to love those persons most who had lain under obligation to him. In the present case a favour, which could be asked with honour and granted with readiness, might be the means of reconciling them to each other. From this his feelings naturally turned towards Julia; and, without very nicely measuring the distance between a soldier of fortune, who expected that her father’s attestation23 would deliver him from confinement, and the heiress of that father’s wealth and expectations, he was building the gayest castle in the clouds, and varnishing24 it with all the tints25 of a summer-evening sky, when his labour was interrupted by a loud knocking at the outer gate, answered by the barking of the gaunt half-starved mastiff which was quartered in the courtyard as an addition to the garrison26. After much scrupulous27 precaution the gate was opened and some person admitted. The house-door was next unbarred, unlocked, and unchained, a dog’s feet pattered upstairs in great haste, and the animal was heard scratching and whining28 at the door of the room. Next a heavy step was heard lumbering29 up, and Mac-Guffog’s voice in the character of pilot — ‘This way, this way; take care of the step; that’s the room.’ Bertram’s door was then unbolted, and to his great surprise and joy his terrier, Wasp30, rushed into the apartment and almost devoured31 him with caresses32, followed by the massy form of his friend from Charlie’s Hope.

‘Eh whow! Eh whow!’ ejaculated the honest farmer, as he looked round upon his friend’s miserable33 apartment and wretched accommodation — ‘What’s this o’t! what’s this o’t!’

‘Just a trick of fortune, my good friend,’ said Bertram, rising and shaking him heartily34 by the hand, ‘that’s all.’

‘But what will be done about it? or what can be done about it?’ said honest Dandie. ‘Is’t for debt, or what is’t for?’

‘Why, it is not for debt,’ answered Bertram; ‘and if you have time to sit down, I’ll tell you all I know of the matter myself.’

‘If I hae time?’ said Dandie, with an accent on the word that sounded like a howl of derision. ‘Ou, what the deevil am I come here for, man, but just ance errand to see about it? But ye’ll no be the waur o’ something to eat, I trow; it’s getting late at e’en. I tell’d the folk at the Change, where I put up Dumple, to send ower my supper here, and the chield Mac-Guffog is agreeable to let it in; I hae settled a’ that. And now let’s hear your story. Whisht, Wasp, man! wow, but he’s glad to see you, poor thing!’

Bertram’s story, being confined to the accident of Hazlewood, and the confusion made between his own identity and that of one of the smugglers who had been active in the assault of Woodbourne, and chanced to bear the same name, was soon told. Dinmont listened very attentively36. ‘Aweel,’ he said, ‘this suld be nae sic dooms37 desperate business surely; the lad’s doing weel again that was hurt, and what signifies twa or three lead draps in his shouther? if ye had putten out his ee it would hae been another case. But eh, as I wuss auld38 Sherra Pleydell was to the fore17 here! Od, he was the man for sorting them, and the queerest rough-spoken deevil too that ever ye heard!’

‘But now tell me, my excellent friend, how did you find out I was here?’

‘Od, lad, queerly eneugh,’ said Dandie; ‘but I’ll tell ye that after we are done wi’ our supper, for it will maybe no be sae weel to speak about it while that lang-lugged limmer o’ a lass is gaun flisking in and out o’ the room.’

Bertram’s curiosity was in some degree put to rest by the appearance of the supper which his friend had ordered, which, although homely40 enough, had the appetising cleanliness in which Mrs. Mac-Guffog’s cookery was so eminently41 deficient42. Dinmont also, premising he had ridden the whole day since breakfast-time without tasting anything ‘to speak of,’ which qualifying phrase related to about three pounds of cold roast mutton which he had discussed at his mid-day stage — Dinmont, I say, fell stoutly43 upon the good cheer, and, like one of Homer’s heroes, said little, either good or bad, till the rage of thirst and hunger was appeased44. At length, after a draught45 of home-brewed ale, he began by observing, ‘Aweel, aweel, that hen,’ looking upon the lamentable46 relics47 of what had been once a large fowl48, ‘wasna a bad ane to be bred at a town end, though it’s no like our barn-door chuckies at Charlie’s Hope; and I am glad to see that this vexing49 job hasna taen awa your appetite, Captain.’

‘Why, really, my dinner was not so excellent, Mr. Dinmont, as to spoil my supper.’

‘I daresay no, I daresay no,’ said Dandie. ‘But now, hinny, that ye hae brought us the brandy, and the mug wi’ the het water, and the sugar, and a’ right, ye may steek the door, ye see, for we wad hae some o’ our ain cracks.’ The damsel accordingly retired50 and shut the door of the apartment, to which she added the precaution of drawing a large bolt on the outside.

As soon as she was gone Dandie reconnoitred the premises51, listened at the key-hole as if he had been listening for the blowing of an otter52, and, having satisfied himself that there were no eavesdroppers, returned to the table; and, making himself what he called a gey stiff cheerer, poked53 the fire, and began his story in an undertone of gravity and importance not very usual with him.

‘Ye see, Captain, I had been in Edinbro’ for twa or three days, looking after the burial of a friend that we hae lost, and maybe I suld hae had something for my ride; but there’s disappointments in a’ things, and wha can help the like o’ that? And I had a wee bit law business besides, but that’s neither here nor there. In short, I had got my matters settled, and hame I cam; and the morn awa to the muirs to see what the herds54 had been about, and I thought I might as weel gie a look to the Touthope Head, where Jock o’ Dawston and me has the outcast about a march. Weel, just as I was coming upon the bit, I saw a man afore me that I kenn’d was nane o’ our herds, and it’s a wild bit to meet ony other body, so when I cam up to him it was Tod Gabriel, the fox-hunter. So I says to him, rather surprised like, “What are ye doing up amang the craws here, without your hounds, man? are ye seeking the fox without the dogs?” So he said, “Na, gudeman, but I wanted to see yoursell.”

‘“Ay,” said I, “and ye’ll be wanting eilding now, or something to pit ower the winter?”

‘“Na, na,” quo’ he, “it’s no that I’m seeking; but ye tak an unco concern in that Captain Brown that was staying wi’ you, d’ye no?”

‘“Troth do I, Gabriel,” says I; “and what about him, lad?”

‘Says he, “There’s mair tak an interest in him than you, and some that I am bound to obey; and it’s no just on my ain will that I’m here to tell you something about him that will no please you.”

‘“Faith, naething will please me,” quo’ I, “that’s no pleasing to him.”

‘“And then,” quo’ he, “ye’ll be ill-sorted to hear that he’s like to be in the prison at Portanferry, if he disna tak a’ the better care o’ himsell, for there’s been warrants out to tak him as soon as he comes ower the water frae Allonby. And now, gudeman, an ever ye wish him weel, ye maun ride down to Portanferry, and let nae grass grow at the nag’s heels; and if ye find him in confinement, ye maun stay beside him night and day for a day or twa, for he’ll want friends that hae baith heart and hand; and if ye neglect this ye’ll never rue2 but ance, for it will be for a’ your life.”

‘“But, safe us, man,” quo’ I, “how did ye learn a’ this? it’s an unco way between this and Portanferry.”

‘“Never ye mind that,” quo’ he, “them that brought us the news rade night and day, and ye maun be aff instantly if ye wad do ony gude; and sae I have naething mair to tell ye.” Sae he sat himsell doun and hirselled doun into the glen, where it wad hae been ill following him wi’ the beast, and I cam back to Charlie’s Hope to tell the gudewife, for I was uncertain what to do. It wad look unco-like, I thought, just to be sent out on a hunt-the-gowk errand wi’ a landlouper like that. But, Lord! as the gudewife set up her throat about it, and said what a shame it wad be if ye was to come to ony wrang, an I could help ye; and then in cam your letter that confirmed it. So I took to the kist, and out wi’ the pickle56 notes in case they should be needed, and a’ the bairns ran to saddle Dumple. By great luck I had taen the other beast to Edinbro’, sae Dumple was as fresh as a rose. Sae aff I set, and Wasp wi’ me, for ye wad really hae thought he kenn’d where I was gaun, puir beast; and here I am after a trot55 o’ sixty mile or near by. But Wasp rade thirty o’ them afore me on the saddle, and the puir doggie balanced itsell as ane of the weans wad hae dune57, whether I trotted58 or cantered.’

In this strange story Bertram obviously saw, supposing the warning to be true, some intimation of danger more violent and imminent59 than could be likely to arise from a few days’ imprisonment. At the same time it was equally evident that some unknown friend was working in his behalf. ‘Did you not say,’ he asked Dinmont, ‘that this man Gabriel was of gipsy blood?’

‘It was e’en judged sae,’ said Dinmont, ‘and I think this maks it likely; for they aye ken39 where the gangs o’ ilk ither are to be found, and they can gar news flee like a footba’ through the country an they like. An’ I forgat to tell ye, there’s been an unco inquiry60 after the auld wife that we saw in Bewcastle; the Sheriff’s had folk ower the Limestane Edge after her, and down the Hermitage and Liddel, and a’ gates, and a reward offered for her to appear o’ fifty pound sterling61, nae less; and Justice Forster, he’s had out warrants, as I am tell’d, in Cumberland; and an unco ranging and ripeing they have had a’ gates seeking for her; but she’ll no be taen wi’ them unless she likes, for a’ that.’

‘And how comes that?’ said Bertram.

‘Ou, I dinna ken; I daur say it’s nonsense, but they say she has gathered the fern-seed, and can gang ony gate she likes, like Jock the Giant-killer in the ballant, wi’ his coat o’ darkness and his shoon o’ swiftness. Ony way she’s a kind o’ queen amang the gipsies; she is mair than a hundred year auld, folk say, and minds the coming in o’ the moss-troopers in the troublesome times when the Stuarts were put awa. Sae, if she canna hide hersell, she kens62 them that can hide her weel eneugh, ye needna doubt that. Od, an I had kenn’d it had been Meg Merrilies yon night at Tibb Mumps’s, I wad taen care how I crossed her.’

Bertram listened with great attention to this account, which tallied63 so well in many points with what he had himself seen of this gipsy sibyl. After a moment’s consideration he concluded it would be no breach64 of faith to mention what he had seen at Derncleugh to a person who held Meg in such reverence65 as Dinmont obviously did. He told his story accordingly, often interrupted by ejaculations, such as, ‘Weel, the like o’ that now!’ or, ‘Na, deil an that’s no something now!’

When our Liddesdale friend had heard the whole to an end, he shook his great black head — ‘Weel, I’ll uphaud there’s baith gude and ill amang the gipsies, and if they deal wi’ the Enemy, it’s a’ their ain business and no ours. I ken what the streeking the corpse66 wad be, weel eneugh. Thae smuggler35 deevils, when ony o’ them’s killed in a fray67, they ‘ll send for a wife like Meg far eneugh to dress the corpse; od, it’s a’ the burial they ever think o’! and then to be put into the ground without ony decency68, just like dogs. But they stick to it, that they ‘ll be streekit, and hae an auld wife when they’re dying to rhyme ower prayers, and ballants, and charms, as they ca’ them, rather than they’ll hae a minister to come and pray wi’ them — that’s an auld threep o’ theirs; and I am thinking the man that died will hae been ane o’ the folk that was shot when they burnt Woodbourne.’

‘But, my good friend, Woodbourne is not burnt,’ said Bertram.

‘Weel, the better for them that bides69 in’t,’ answered the store-farmer. ‘Od, we had it up the water wi’ us that there wasna a stane on the tap o’ anither. But there was fighting, ony way; I daur to say it would be fine fun! And, as I said, ye may take it on trust that that’s been ane o’ the men killed there, and that it’s been the gipsies that took your pockmanky when they fand the chaise stickin’ in the snaw; they wadna pass the like o’ that, it wad just come to their hand like the bowl o’ a pint70 stoup.’

‘But if this woman is a sovereign among them, why was she not able to afford me open protection, and to get me back my property?’

‘Ou, wha kens? she has muckle to say wi’ them, but whiles they’ll tak their ain way for a’ that, when they’re under temptation. And then there’s the smugglers that they’re aye leagued wi’, she maybe couldna manage them sae weel. They’re aye banded thegither; I’ve heard that the gipsies ken when the smugglers will come aff, and where they’re to land, better than the very merchants that deal wi’ them. And then, to the boot o’ that, she’s whiles cracked-brained, and has a bee in her head; they say that, whether her spaeings and fortune-tellings be true or no, for certain she believes in them a’ hersell, and is aye guiding hersell by some queer prophecy or anither. So she disna aye gang the straight road to the well. But deil o’ sic a story as yours, wi’ glamour71 and dead folk and losing ane’s gate, I ever heard out o’ the tale-books! But whisht, I hear the keeper coming.’

Mac-Guffog accordingly interrupted their discourse72 by the harsh harmony of the bolts and bars, and showed his bloated visage at the opening door. ‘Come, Mr. Dinmont, we have put off locking up for an hour to oblige ye; ye must go to your quarters.’

‘Quarters, man? I intend to sleep here the night. There’s a spare bed in the Captain’s room.’

‘It’s impossible!’ answered the keeper.

‘But I say it is possible, and that I winna stir; and there’s a dram t’ ye.’

Mac-Guffog drank off the spirits and resumed his objection. ‘But it’s against rule, sir; ye have committed nae malefaction73.’

‘I’ll break your head,’ said the sturdy Liddesdale man, ‘if ye say ony mair about it, and that will be malefaction eneugh to entitle me to ae night’s lodging74 wi’ you, ony way.’

‘But I tell ye, Mr. Dinmont,’ reiterated75 the keeper, ‘it’s against rule, and I behoved to lose my post.’

‘Weel, Mac-Guffog,’ said Dandie, ‘I hae just twa things to say. Ye ken wha I am weel eneugh, and that I wadna loose a prisoner.’

‘And how do I ken that?’ answered the jailor.

‘Weel, if ye dinna ken that,’ said the resolute76 farmer, ‘ye ken this: ye ken ye’re whiles obliged to be up our water in the way o’ your business. Now, if ye let me stay quietly here the night wi’ the Captain, I’se pay ye double fees for the room; and if ye say no, ye shall hae the best sark-fu’ o’ sair banes that ever ye had in your life the first time ye set a foot by Liddel Moat!’

‘Aweel, aweel, gudeman,’ said Mac-Guffog, ‘a wilfu’ man maun hae his way; but if I am challenged for it by the justices, I ken wha sall bear the wyte,’ and, having sealed this observation with a deep oath or two, he retired to bed, after carefully securing all the doors of the bridewell. The bell from the town steeple tolled77 nine just as the ceremony was concluded.

‘Although it’s but early hours,’ said the farmer, who had observed that his friend looked somewhat pale and fatigued78, ‘I think we had better lie down, Captain, if ye’re no agreeable to another cheerer. But troth, ye’re nae glass-breaker; and neither am I, unless it be a screed80 wi’ the neighbours, or when I’m on a ramble81.’

Bertram readily assented82 to the motion of his faithful friend, but, on looking at the bed, felt repugnance83 to trust himself undressed to Mrs. Mac-Guffog’s clean sheets.

‘I’m muckle o’ your opinion, Captain,’ said Dandie. ‘Od, this bed looks as if a’ the colliers in Sanquhar had been in’t thegither. But it’ll no win through my muckle coat.’ So saying, he flung himself upon the frail84 bed with a force that made all its timbers crack, and in a few moments gave audible signal that he was fast asleep. Bertram slipped off his coat and boots and occupied the other dormitory. The strangeness of his destiny, and the mysteries which appeared to thicken around him, while he seemed alike to be persecuted85 and protected by secret enemies and friends, arising out of a class of people with whom he had no previous connexion, for some time occupied his thoughts. Fatigue79, however, gradually composed his mind, and in a short time he was as fast asleep as his companion. And in this comfortable state of oblivion we must leave them until we acquaint the reader with some other circumstances which occurred about the same period.


1 ignominious qczza     
  • The marriage was considered especially ignominious since she was of royal descent.由于她出身王族,这门婚事被认为是奇耻大辱。
  • Many thought that he was doomed to ignominious failure.许多人认为他注定会极不光彩地失败。
2 rue 8DGy6     
  • You'll rue having failed in the examination.你会悔恨考试失败。
  • You're going to rue this the longest day that you live.你要终身悔恨不尽呢。
3 plunged 06a599a54b33c9d941718dccc7739582     
v.颠簸( plunge的过去式和过去分词 );暴跌;骤降;突降
  • The train derailed and plunged into the river. 火车脱轨栽进了河里。
  • She lost her balance and plunged 100 feet to her death. 她没有站稳,从100英尺的高处跌下摔死了。
4 dismal wtwxa     
  • That is a rather dismal melody.那是一支相当忧郁的歌曲。
  • My prospects of returning to a suitable job are dismal.我重新找到一个合适的工作岗位的希望很渺茫。
5 disconsolate OuOxR     
  • He looked so disconsolate that It'scared her.他看上去情绪很坏,吓了她一跳。
  • At the dress rehearsal she was disconsolate.彩排时她闷闷不乐。
6 affected TzUzg0     
  • She showed an affected interest in our subject.她假装对我们的课题感到兴趣。
  • His manners are affected.他的态度不自然。
7 disposition GljzO     
  • He has made a good disposition of his property.他已对财产作了妥善处理。
  • He has a cheerful disposition.他性情开朗。
8 prospect P01zn     
  • This state of things holds out a cheerful prospect.事态呈现出可喜的前景。
  • The prospect became more evident.前景变得更加明朗了。
9 confinement qpOze     
  • He spent eleven years in solitary confinement.他度过了11年的单独监禁。
  • The date for my wife's confinement was approaching closer and closer.妻子分娩的日子越来越近了。
10 bloody kWHza     
  • He got a bloody nose in the fight.他在打斗中被打得鼻子流血。
  • He is a bloody fool.他是一个十足的笨蛋。
11 misery G10yi     
  • Business depression usually causes misery among the working class.商业不景气常使工薪阶层受苦。
  • He has rescued me from the mire of misery.他把我从苦海里救了出来。
12 melancholy t7rz8     
  • All at once he fell into a state of profound melancholy.他立即陷入无尽的忧思之中。
  • He felt melancholy after he failed the exam.这次考试没通过,他感到很郁闷。
13 guilt 9e6xr     
  • She tried to cover up her guilt by lying.她企图用谎言掩饰自己的罪行。
  • Don't lay a guilt trip on your child about schoolwork.别因为功课责备孩子而使他觉得很内疚。
14 infamy j71x2     
  • They may grant you power,honour,and riches but afflict you with servitude,infamy,and poverty.他们可以给你权力、荣誉和财富,但却用奴役、耻辱和贫穷来折磨你。
  • Traitors are held in infamy.叛徒为人所不齿。
15 penury 4MZxp     
  • Hardship and penury wore him out before his time.受穷受苦使他未老先衰。
  • A succession of bad harvest had reduced the small farmer to penury.连续歉收使得这个小农场主陷入了贫困境地。
16 imprisonment I9Uxk     
  • His sentence was commuted from death to life imprisonment.他的判决由死刑减为无期徒刑。
  • He was sentenced to one year's imprisonment for committing bigamy.他因为犯重婚罪被判入狱一年。
17 fore ri8xw     
  • Your seat is in the fore part of the aircraft.你的座位在飞机的前部。
  • I have the gift of fore knowledge.我能够未卜先知。
18 dame dvGzR0     
  • The dame tell of her experience as a wife and mother.这位年长妇女讲了她作妻子和母亲的经验。
  • If you stick around,you'll have to marry that dame.如果再逗留多一会,你就要跟那个夫人结婚。
19 favourable favourable     
  • The company will lend you money on very favourable terms.这家公司将以非常优惠的条件借钱给你。
  • We found that most people are favourable to the idea.我们发现大多数人同意这个意见。
20 nay unjzAQ     
  • He was grateful for and proud of his son's remarkable,nay,unique performance.他为儿子出色的,不,应该是独一无二的表演心怀感激和骄傲。
  • Long essays,nay,whole books have been written on this.许多长篇大论的文章,不,应该说是整部整部的书都是关于这件事的。
21 applied Tz2zXA     
  • She plans to take a course in applied linguistics.她打算学习应用语言学课程。
  • This cream is best applied to the face at night.这种乳霜最好晚上擦脸用。
22 reconciliation DUhxh     
  • He was taken up with the reconciliation of husband and wife.他忙于做夫妻间的调解工作。
  • Their handshake appeared to be a gesture of reconciliation.他们的握手似乎是和解的表示。
23 attestation fa087a97a79ce46bbb6243d8c4d26459     
  • According to clew, until pay treasure attestation the success. 按照提示,直到支付宝认证成功。 来自互联网
  • Hongkong commercial college subdecanal. Specialty division of international attestation. 香港商学院副院长,国际认证专业培训师。 来自互联网
24 varnishing dfa613912137ecc77d6d18b7864dc035     
在(某物)上涂清漆( varnish的现在分词 )
  • Don't tread on that part of the floor-I've just finished varnishing it. 别踩那边的地板,我刚刚涂上了清漆。
  • Powder paint mainly for priming and varnishing has been widely used domestically. 粉末涂料作为车轮的底层涂装和面层罩光涂料,在国内得到了大量应用。
25 tints 41fd51b51cf127789864a36f50ef24bf     
色彩( tint的名词复数 ); 带白的颜色; (淡色)染发剂; 痕迹
  • leaves with red and gold autumn tints 金秋时节略呈红黄色的树叶
  • The whole countryside glowed with autumn tints. 乡间处处呈现出灿烂的秋色。
26 garrison uhNxT     
  • The troops came to the relief of the besieged garrison.军队来援救被围的守备军。
  • The German was moving to stiffen up the garrison in Sicily.德军正在加强西西里守军之力量。
27 scrupulous 6sayH     
  • She is scrupulous to a degree.她非常谨慎。
  • Poets are not so scrupulous as you are.诗人并不像你那样顾虑多。
28 whining whining     
n. 抱怨,牢骚 v. 哭诉,发牢骚
  • That's the way with you whining, puny, pitiful players. 你们这种又爱哭、又软弱、又可怜的赌棍就是这样。
  • The dog sat outside the door whining (to be let in). 那条狗坐在门外狺狺叫着(要进来)。
29 lumbering FA7xm     
  • Lumbering and, later, paper-making were carried out in smaller cities. 木材业和后来的造纸都由较小的城市经营。
  • Lumbering is very important in some underdeveloped countries. 在一些不发达的国家,伐木业十分重要。
30 wasp sMczj     
  • A wasp stung me on the arm.黄蜂蜇了我的手臂。
  • Through the glass we can see the wasp.透过玻璃我们可以看到黄蜂。
31 devoured af343afccf250213c6b0cadbf3a346a9     
吞没( devour的过去式和过去分词 ); 耗尽; 津津有味地看; 狼吞虎咽地吃光
  • She devoured everything she could lay her hands on: books, magazines and newspapers. 无论是书、杂志,还是报纸,只要能弄得到,她都看得津津有味。
  • The lions devoured a zebra in a short time. 狮子一会儿就吃掉了一匹斑马。
32 caresses 300460a787072f68f3ae582060ed388a     
爱抚,抚摸( caress的名词复数 )
  • A breeze caresses the cheeks. 微风拂面。
  • Hetty was not sufficiently familiar with caresses or outward demonstrations of fondness. 海蒂不习惯于拥抱之类过于外露地表现自己的感情。
33 miserable g18yk     
  • It was miserable of you to make fun of him.你取笑他,这是可耻的。
  • Her past life was miserable.她过去的生活很苦。
34 heartily Ld3xp     
  • He ate heartily and went out to look for his horse.他痛快地吃了一顿,就出去找他的马。
  • The host seized my hand and shook it heartily.主人抓住我的手,热情地和我握手。
35 smuggler 0xFwP     
  • The smuggler is in prison tonight, awaiting extradition to Britain. 这名走私犯今晚在监狱,等待引渡到英国。
  • The smuggler was finally obliged to inform against his boss. 那个走私犯最后不得不告发他的首领。
36 attentively AyQzjz     
  • She listened attentively while I poured out my problems. 我倾吐心中的烦恼时,她一直在注意听。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • She listened attentively and set down every word he said. 她专心听着,把他说的话一字不漏地记下来。 来自《简明英汉词典》
37 dooms 44514b8707ba5e11824610db1bae729d     
v.注定( doom的第三人称单数 );判定;使…的失败(或灭亡、毁灭、坏结局)成为必然;宣判
  • The ill-advised conceit of the guardian angel dooms the film from the start. 对守护天使的蹩脚设计弄巧成拙,从一开始就注定这部电影要失败。
  • The dooms of the two are closely linked. 一条线拴俩蚂蚱。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
38 auld Fuxzt     
  • Should auld acquaintance be forgot,and never brought to mind?怎能忘记旧日朋友,心中能不怀念?
  • The party ended up with the singing of Auld Lang Sync.宴会以《友谊地久天长》的歌声而告终。
39 ken k3WxV     
  • Such things are beyond my ken.我可不懂这些事。
  • Abstract words are beyond the ken of children.抽象的言辞超出小孩所理解的范围.
40 homely Ecdxo     
  • We had a homely meal of bread and cheese.我们吃了一顿面包加乳酪的家常便餐。
  • Come and have a homely meal with us,will you?来和我们一起吃顿家常便饭,好吗?
41 eminently c442c1e3a4b0ad4160feece6feb0aabf     
  • She seems eminently suitable for the job. 她看来非常适合这个工作。
  • It was an eminently respectable boarding school. 这是所非常好的寄宿学校。 来自《简明英汉词典》
42 deficient Cmszv     
  • The crops are suffering from deficient rain.庄稼因雨量不足而遭受损害。
  • I always have been deficient in selfconfidence and decision.我向来缺乏自信和果断。
43 stoutly Xhpz3l     
  • He stoutly denied his guilt.他断然否认自己有罪。
  • Burgess was taxed with this and stoutly denied it.伯杰斯为此受到了责难,但是他自己坚决否认有这回事。
44 appeased ef7dfbbdb157a2a29b5b2f039a3b80d6     
安抚,抚慰( appease的过去式和过去分词 ); 绥靖(满足另一国的要求以避免战争)
  • His hunger could only be appeased by his wife. 他的欲望只有他的妻子能满足。
  • They are the more readily appeased. 他们比较容易和解。
45 draught 7uyzIH     
  • He emptied his glass at one draught.他将杯中物一饮而尽。
  • It's a pity the room has no north window and you don't get a draught.可惜这房间没北窗,没有过堂风。
46 lamentable A9yzi     
  • This lamentable state of affairs lasted until 1947.这一令人遗憾的事态一直持续至1947年。
  • His practice of inebriation was lamentable.他的酗酒常闹得别人束手无策。
47 relics UkMzSr     
  • The area is a treasure house of archaeological relics. 这个地区是古文物遗迹的宝库。
  • Xi'an is an ancient city full of treasures and saintly relics. 西安是一个有很多宝藏和神圣的遗物的古老城市。
48 fowl fljy6     
  • Fowl is not part of a traditional brunch.禽肉不是传统的早午餐的一部分。
  • Since my heart attack,I've eaten more fish and fowl and less red meat.自从我患了心脏病后,我就多吃鱼肉和禽肉,少吃红色肉类。
49 vexing 9331d950e0681c1f12e634b03fd3428b     
adj.使人烦恼的,使人恼火的v.使烦恼( vex的现在分词 );使苦恼;使生气;详细讨论
  • It is vexing to have to wait a long time for him. 长时间地等他真使人厌烦。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • Lately a vexing problem had grown infuriatingly worse. 最近发生了一个讨厌的问题,而且严重到令人发指的地步。 来自辞典例句
50 retired Njhzyv     
  • The old man retired to the country for rest.这位老人下乡休息去了。
  • Many retired people take up gardening as a hobby.许多退休的人都以从事园艺为嗜好。
51 premises 6l1zWN     
  • According to the rules,no alcohol can be consumed on the premises.按照规定,场内不准饮酒。
  • All repairs are done on the premises and not put out.全部修缮都在家里进行,不用送到外面去做。
52 otter 7vgyH     
  • The economists say the competition otter to the brink of extinction.经济学家们说,竞争把海獭推到了灭绝的边缘。
  • She collared my black wool coat with otter pelts.她把我的黑呢上衣镶上了水獭领。
53 poked 87f534f05a838d18eb50660766da4122     
v.伸出( poke的过去式和过去分词 );戳出;拨弄;与(某人)性交
  • She poked him in the ribs with her elbow. 她用胳膊肘顶他的肋部。
  • His elbow poked out through his torn shirt sleeve. 他的胳膊从衬衫的破袖子中露了出来。 来自《简明英汉词典》
54 herds 0a162615f6eafc3312659a54a8cdac0f     
兽群( herd的名词复数 ); 牧群; 人群; 群众
  • Regularly at daybreak they drive their herds to the pasture. 每天天一亮他们就把牲畜赶到草场上去。
  • There we saw herds of cows grazing on the pasture. 我们在那里看到一群群的牛在草地上吃草。
55 trot aKBzt     
n.疾走,慢跑;n.老太婆;现成译本;(复数)trots:腹泻(与the 连用);v.小跑,快步走,赶紧
  • They passed me at a trot.他们从我身边快步走过。
  • The horse broke into a brisk trot.马突然快步小跑起来。
56 pickle mSszf     
  • Mother used to pickle onions.妈妈过去常腌制洋葱。
  • Meat can be preserved in pickle.肉可以保存在卤水里。
57 dune arHx6     
  • The sand massed to form a dune.沙积集起来成了沙丘。
  • Cute Jim sat on the dune eating a prune in June.可爱的吉姆在六月天坐在沙丘上吃着话梅。
58 trotted 6df8e0ef20c10ef975433b4a0456e6e1     
小跑,急走( trot的过去分词 ); 匆匆忙忙地走
  • She trotted her pony around the field. 她骑着小马绕场慢跑。
  • Anne trotted obediently beside her mother. 安妮听话地跟在妈妈身边走。
59 imminent zc9z2     
  • The black clounds show that a storm is imminent.乌云预示暴风雨即将来临。
  • The country is in imminent danger.国难当头。
60 inquiry nbgzF     
  • Many parents have been pressing for an inquiry into the problem.许多家长迫切要求调查这个问题。
  • The field of inquiry has narrowed down to five persons.调查的范围已经缩小到只剩5个人了。
61 sterling yG8z6     
  • Could you tell me the current rate for sterling, please?能否请您告诉我现行英国货币的兑换率?
  • Sterling has recently been strong,which will help to abate inflationary pressures.英国货币最近非常坚挺,这有助于减轻通胀压力。
62 kens 2c41c9333bb2ec1e920f34a36b1e6267     
  • Dominie Deasy kens them a'. 迪希先生全都认得。 来自互联网
63 tallied 61a1841ec60066b24767ba76be257ac1     
v.计算,清点( tally的过去式和过去分词 );加标签(或标记)于;(使)符合;(使)吻合
  • The girl tallied them with her eyes for a moment. 新娘用目光把这些化妆品清点了一下。 来自教父部分
  • His account of the accident tallied with hers. 他对事故的陈述和她的相吻合。 来自辞典例句
64 breach 2sgzw     
  • We won't have any breach of discipline.我们不允许任何破坏纪律的现象。
  • He was sued for breach of contract.他因不履行合同而被起诉。
65 reverence BByzT     
  • He was a bishop who was held in reverence by all.他是一位被大家都尊敬的主教。
  • We reverence tradition but will not be fettered by it.我们尊重传统,但不被传统所束缚。
66 corpse JYiz4     
  • What she saw was just an unfeeling corpse.她见到的只是一具全无感觉的尸体。
  • The corpse was preserved from decay by embalming.尸体用香料涂抹以防腐烂。
67 fray NfDzp     
  • Why should you get involved in their fray?你为什么要介入他们的争吵呢?
  • Tempers began to fray in the hot weather.大热天脾气烦燥。
68 decency Jxzxs     
  • His sense of decency and fair play made him refuse the offer.他的正直感和公平竞争意识使他拒绝了这一提议。
  • Your behaviour is an affront to public decency.你的行为有伤风化。
69 bides 132b5bb056cae738c455cb097b7a7eb2     
v.等待,停留( bide的第三人称单数 );居住;(过去式用bided)等待;面临
  • He is a man who bides by a bargain. 他是个守信用的人。 来自互联网
  • I cherish his because in me it bides. 我爱他的心,因为他在我体内安眠。 来自互联网
70 pint 1NNxL     
  • I'll have a pint of beer and a packet of crisps, please.我要一品脱啤酒和一袋炸马铃薯片。
  • In the old days you could get a pint of beer for a shilling.从前,花一先令就可以买到一品脱啤酒。
71 glamour Keizv     
  • Foreign travel has lost its glamour for her.到国外旅行对她已失去吸引力了。
  • The moonlight cast a glamour over the scene.月光给景色增添了魅力。
72 discourse 2lGz0     
  • We'll discourse on the subject tonight.我们今晚要谈论这个问题。
  • He fell into discourse with the customers who were drinking at the counter.他和站在柜台旁的酒客谈了起来。
73 malefaction 7fd065672f902ef5f134d766726581da     
74 lodging wRgz9     
  • The bill is inclusive of the food and lodging. 账单包括吃、住费用。
  • Where can you find lodging for the night? 你今晚在哪里借宿?
75 reiterated d9580be532fe69f8451c32061126606b     
反复地说,重申( reiterate的过去式和过去分词 )
  • "Well, I want to know about it,'she reiterated. “嗯,我一定要知道你的休假日期,"她重复说。 来自英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹
  • Some twenty-two years later President Polk reiterated and elaborated upon these principles. 大约二十二年之后,波尔克总统重申这些原则并且刻意阐释一番。
76 resolute 2sCyu     
  • He was resolute in carrying out his plan.他坚决地实行他的计划。
  • The Egyptians offered resolute resistance to the aggressors.埃及人对侵略者作出坚决的反抗。
77 tolled 8eba149dce8d4ce3eae15718841edbb7     
  • Bells were tolled all over the country at the King's death. 全国为国王之死而鸣钟。
  • The church bell tolled the hour. 教堂的钟声报时。
78 fatigued fatigued     
adj. 疲乏的
  • The exercises fatigued her. 操练使她感到很疲乏。
  • The President smiled, with fatigued tolerance for a minor person's naivety. 总统笑了笑,疲惫地表现出对一个下级人员的天真想法的宽容。
79 fatigue PhVzV     
  • The old lady can't bear the fatigue of a long journey.这位老妇人不能忍受长途旅行的疲劳。
  • I have got over my weakness and fatigue.我已从虚弱和疲劳中恢复过来了。
80 screed 0DIzc     
  • The screed tired the audience.那篇冗长的演说使听众厌烦了。
  • The pro-whaling screed was approved by a much thinner margin:33 votes to 32.关于捕鲸的冗长决议是以33票对32票的微弱差数通过的。
81 ramble DAszo     
  • This is the best season for a ramble in the suburbs.这是去郊区漫游的最好季节。
  • I like to ramble about the street after work.我下班后在街上漫步。
82 assented 4cee1313bb256a1f69bcc83867e78727     
同意,赞成( assent的过去式和过去分词 )
  • The judge assented to allow the prisoner to speak. 法官同意允许犯人申辩。
  • "No," assented Tom, "they don't kill the women -- they're too noble. “对,”汤姆表示赞同地说,“他们不杀女人——真伟大!
83 repugnance oBWz5     
  • He fought down a feelings of repugnance.他抑制住了厌恶感。
  • She had a repugnance to the person with whom she spoke.她看不惯这个和她谈话的人。
84 frail yz3yD     
  • Mrs. Warner is already 96 and too frail to live by herself.华纳太太已经九十六岁了,身体虚弱,不便独居。
  • She lay in bed looking particularly frail.她躺在床上,看上去特别虚弱。
85 persecuted 2daa49e8c0ac1d04bf9c3650a3d486f3     
(尤指宗教或政治信仰的)迫害(~sb. for sth.)( persecute的过去式和过去分词 ); 烦扰,困扰或骚扰某人
  • Throughout history, people have been persecuted for their religious beliefs. 人们因宗教信仰而受迫害的情况贯穿了整个历史。
  • Members of these sects are ruthlessly persecuted and suppressed. 这些教派的成员遭到了残酷的迫害和镇压。


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