Halo Series 光晕:洪魔 The Flood
类别:经典英文小说 作者: 未知
简介: 秋之柱号巡洋舰在与圣约人的战争中逃出来后,降落到了神秘的巨大环状天体光晕上。圣约人的追兵紧跟着奔袭而来,俘获了秋之柱号巡洋舰的舰长。秋之柱号巡洋舰上惟一的一名超级生化战士约翰在105空降师伞兵们的协助下,左冲右突,四处游击,伺机从圣约人手中救回舰长。双...
类别:经典英文小说 作者: 未知
简介: 秋之柱号巡洋舰在与圣约人的战争中逃出来后,降落到了神秘的巨大环状天体光晕上。圣约人的追兵紧跟着奔袭而来,俘获了秋之柱号巡洋舰的舰长。秋之柱号巡洋舰上惟一的一名超级生化战士约翰在105空降师伞兵们的协助下,左冲右突,四处游击,伺机从圣约人手中救回舰长。双...
类别:经典英文小说 作者: 未知
简介: 安娜,一个十三岁的女孩。十三年前,安娜诞生于一个完美的医学计划。她知道自己是基因技术的精密产品、白血病姐姐的特效药、父母眼中不存在的女儿。她活着,绝不是为了去冰球场上惬意地奔跑。她出生和活着的最大意义,便是不断为身患白血病的姐姐提供脐带血、血小板、白...
类别:经典英文小说 作者: Benjamin Disraeli 本杰明·迪斯雷利
简介: These remarks were made in the morning-room of Brentham, where the mistress of the mansion sat surrounded by her daughters, all occupied with various works....
类别:经典英文小说 作者: H.G. Wells
简介: Kipps: The Story of a Simple Soul is a novel by H. G. Wells, first published in 1905. Humorous yet sympathetic, this perceptive social novel is generally regarded as a masterpiece, and was the author's own favourite work....
类别:经典英文小说 作者: Leo Tolstoy
简介: Pozdnyshev and his wife have a turbulent relationship. When her beauty blossoms after the birth of their children, men begin to flock around her, and he becomes increasingly jealous. Convinced his wife is betraying him with a young musician, his over...
类别:经典英文小说 作者: 未知
简介: A certain degree of success, real or supposed, in the delineation of Queen Mary, naturally induced the author to attempt something similar respecting her sister and her foe, the celebrated Elizabeth. He will not, however, pretend to have approached t...
类别:经典英文小说 作者: 安东尼·特罗洛普 Anthony Trollope
简介: During the first two months of the year 1844, the greatest possible excitement existed in Dublin respecting the State Trials, in which Mr OConnell, his son, the Editors of three different repeal newspapers, Tom Steele, the Rev. Mr Tierney a priest wh...
类别:经典英文小说 作者: Samuel Johnson
简介: I had desired to visit the Hebrides, or Western Islands of Scotland, so long, that I scarcely remember how the wish was originally excited; and was in the Autumn of the year 1773 induced to undertake the journey, by finding in Mr. Boswell a companion...
类别:经典英文小说 作者: 未知
简介: 作为笔调轻松、文笔优美、诙谐有趣的自然历史书籍之一,《贝格尔号航行日记》记述了查尔斯 达尔文于1831年至1836年间经南美洲、加拉帕戈斯群岛、澳洲重返英格兰的旅程,此次旅行加深了他对生物学的理解,丰富和发展了他的进化论观点。在达尔文的笔下,他的那些冒险经历...