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The Price of Love爱的代价

类别:经典英文小说  作者: 阿诺德.本涅特 Arnold Bennett  

简介: Follows the ups and downs of one Rachel Louisa Fleckring, whose disastrous foray into married life leaves her damaged and distrustful. What's more, a large sum of money that has been entrusted to Rachel winds up missing along the way....

Rick and Ruddy Out West

类别:经典英文小说  作者: Howard R. Garis  

简介: Chot Benson called to his chum Rick Dalton who was racing down the Belemere street with every appearance of being in great haste....

A Lady of Quality

类别:经典英文小说  作者: Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett  

简介: Were Nature just to Man from his first hour, he need not ask for Mercy; then tis for usthe toys of Natureto be both just and merciful, for so only can the wrongs she does be undone....

The Silver Maple

类别:经典英文小说  作者: Marian Keith  

简介: Like the great rest that cometh after pain,The calm that follows storm, the great surcease,Like the great rest that cometh after pain,The calm that follows storm, the great surcease,...

The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen

类别:经典英文小说  作者: Rudolf Erich Raspe  

简介: 《吹牛大王历险记》又称《敏豪生奇游记》。描写敏希豪生男爵的游历故事,刻画既爱说大话又机智勇敢、正直热情的神秘骑士形象。...

The Princess and the Goblin公主与柯迪

类别:经典英文小说  作者: George MacDonald  

简介: it is the king's men who fail to protect the princess and rather the miner boy who dashes onto the king's white charger and saves the day. In fact, MacDonald takes pains to remind his audience that princesses are not naturally good or perfect....

Little Miss Dorothy

类别:经典英文小说  作者: 未知  

简介: The Story of the Wonderful Adventures of Two Little People....


类别:经典英文小说  作者: H.G. Wells  

简介: 作者赫伯特乔治威尔斯描绘英国中下层社会的写实小说的代表作。...

The Human Machine人类机器

类别:经典英文小说  作者: 阿诺德.本涅特 Arnold Bennett  

简介: An idea that can transform a man, both within and without. The author's got an amazing way of saying things. A must read for anyone not in complete control of their self ....

The Chartreuse of Parma帕尔马修道院

类别:经典英文小说  作者: 司汤达 Stendhal  

简介: 司汤达长篇小说代表作,讲述意大利人法布里奇奥丰富多彩的一生。...

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