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The Green Mummy

类别:经典英文小说  作者: Fergus Hume  

简介: Fergus Hume《The Green Mummy》...

Red Money

类别:经典英文小说  作者: Fergus Hume  

简介: Gypsies! How very delightful! I really must have my fortune told. The dear things know all about the future....

The Light that Failed光之逝

类别:经典英文小说  作者: Rudyard Kipling  

简介: If I were hanged on the highest hill, Mother o mine, O mother o mine!...

The Barrier

类别:经典英文小说  作者: Rex Ellingwood Beach  

简介: Many men were in debt to the trader at Flambeau, and many counted him as a friend. The latter never reasoned why, except that he had done them favors, and in the North that counts for much....

The Blossoms of Morality

类别:经典英文小说  作者: Richard Johnson  

简介: THE very flattering encouragement the Public have been pleased to give The Looking-glass for the Mind, or Intellectual Mirror, has invited the Editor of that work to intrude once more on their indulgence....

The Solitary Farm

类别:经典英文小说  作者: Fergus Hume  

简介: S' y' want t' merry m' gel, Bella! remarked Captain Huxham, rubbing his stout knees slowly, and repeating the exact words of the clerical suitor. S' thet she may be yer handmaiden, an' yer spouse, and yer sealed fountain, es y' put it in yer flowery...


类别:经典英文小说  作者: 罗宾德拉纳特·泰戈尔 Rabindranath Tagore  

简介: Bid me and I shall gather my fruits to bring them in full baskets into your courtyard, though some are lost and some not ripe....

They and I

类别:经典英文小说  作者: 杰罗米·K·杰罗米 Jerome Klapka Jerome  

简介: It is not a large house, I said. We dont want a large house. Two spare bedrooms, and the little three-cornered place you see marked there on the plan, next to the bathroom, and which will just do for a bachelor, will be all we shall requireat all eve...

The Crescent Moon新月集

类别:经典英文小说  作者: 罗宾德拉纳特·泰戈尔 Rabindranath Tagore  

简介: 泰戈尔《新月集 The Crescent Moon》...

A Volunteer with Pike

类别:经典英文小说  作者: Robert Ames Bennet罗伯特·艾姆斯·班纳特  

简介: The True Narrative of One Dr. John Robinson and of His Love for the Fair Seorita Vallois...

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