"It could be worse. The large mass of Gaia is not undergoing the Jump, so the effect is greatly diluted6. However, Iseem to feel it much more than most of Gaia. As I keep trying to tellTrevize, though all of Gaia is Gaia, the individual components7 are notidentical. We have our differences, and my makeup8 is, for some reason,particularly sensitive to the Jump.""Wait!" said Pelorat, suddenly remembering. "Trevize explained that tome once. It's in ordinary ships that you have the worst of the sensation.
In ordinary ships, one leaves the Galactic gravitational field on enteringhyperspace, and comes back to it on returning to ordinary space. It's theleaving and returning that produces the sensation. But the Far Star is a gravitic ship. It is independent of the gravitational field, anddoes not truly leave it or return to it. For that reason, we won't feela thing. I can assure you of that, dear, out of personal experience.""But that's delightful9. I wish I had thought to discuss the matterearlier. I would have saved myself considerable apprehension10.""That's an advantage in another way," said Pelorat, feeling anexpansion of spirit in his unusual role as explainer of mattersastronautic. "The ordinary ship has to recede11 from large masses suchas stars for quite a long distance through ordinary space in orderto make the Jump. Part of the reason is that the closer to a star,the more intense the gravitational field, and the more pronounced arethe sensations of a Jump. Then, too, the more intense the gravitationalfield the more complicated the equations that must be solved in orderto conduct the Jump safely and end at the point in ordinary space youwish to end at.
"In a gravitic ship, however, there is no Jump-sensation to speakof. In addition, this ship has a computer that is a great deal moreadvanced than ordinary computers and it can handle complex equationswith unusual skill and speed. The result is that instead of having tomove away from a star for a couple of weeks just to reach a safe andcomfortable distance for a Jump, the Far Star need travel for onlytwo or three days. This is especially so since we are not subject to agravitational field and, therefore, to inertial effects I admitI don't understand that, but that's what Trevize tells me and canaccelerate much more rapidly than an ordinary ship could."Bliss said, "That's fine, and it's to Trev's credit that he can handlethis unusual ship."Pelorat frowned slightly. "Please, Bliss. Say `Trevize.'""I do. I do. In his absence, however, I relax a little.""Don't. You don't want to encourage the habit even slightly, dear. He'sso sensitive about it.""Not about that. He's sensitive about me. He doesn't like me.""That's not so," said Pelorat earnestly. "I talked to him aboutthat. Now, now, don't frown. I was extraordinarily12 tactful, dearchild. He assured me he did not dislike you. He is suspicious of Gaiaand unhappy over the fact that he has had to make it into the future ofhumanity. We have to make allowances for that. He'll get over it as hegradually comes to understand the advantages of Gaia.""I hope so, but it's not just Gaia. Whatever he may tell you,Pel and remember that he's very fond of you and doesn't want tohurt your feelings he dislikes me personally.""No, Bliss. He couldn't possibly.""Not everyone is forced to love me simply because you do, Pel. Letme explain. Trev all right, Trevize thinks I'm a robot."A look of astonishment13 suffused14 Pelorat's ordinarily stolidfeatures. He said, "Surely he can't think you're an artificial humanbeing.""Why is that so surprising? Gaia was settled with the help ofrobots. That's a known fact.""Robots might help, as machines night, but it was people who settled Gaia; people from Earth. That's what Trevize thinks. I knowhe does.""There is nothing in Gaia's memory about Earth as I told you andTrevize. However, in our oldest memories there are still some robots,even after three thousand years, working at the task of completing themodification of Gaia into a habitable world. We were at that time alsoforming Gaia as a planetary consciousness that took a long time,Pel dear, and that's another reason why our early memories are dim,and perhaps it wasn't a matter of Earth wiping them out, as Trevizethinks ""Yes, Bliss," said Pelorat anxiously, "but what of the robots?""Well, as Gaia formed, the robots left. We did not want a Gaia thatincluded robots, for we were, and are, convinced that a robotic componentis, in the long run, harmful to a human society, whether Isolate15 innature or Planetary. I don't know how we came to that conclusion but itis possible that it is based on events dating back to a particularlyearly time in Galactic history, so that Gaia's memory does not extendback to it.""If the robots left ""Yes, but what if some remained behind? What if I am one ofthem fifteen thousand years old perhaps. Trevize suspects that."Pelorat shook his head slowly. "But you're not.""Are you sure you believe that?""Of course I do. You're not a robot.""How do you know?""Bliss, I know . There's nothing artificial about you. IfI don't know that , no one does.""Isn't it possible I may be so cleverly artificial that in everyrespect, from largest to smallest, I am indistinguishable from thenatural. If I were, how could you tell the difference between me and atrue human being?"Pelorat said, "I don't think it's possible for you to be so cleverlyartificial.""What if it were possible, despite what you think?""I just don't believe it.""Then let's just consider it is a hypothetical case. If I were anindistinguishable robot, how would you feel about it?""Well, I I ""To be specific. How would you feel about making love to a robot?"Pelorat snapped the thumb and mid-finger of his right hand,suddenly. "You know, there are legends of women falling in lovewith artificial men, and vice16 versa. I always thought there was anallegorical significance to that and never imagined the tales couldrepresent literal truth. Of course, Golan and I never even heardthe word `robot' till we landed on Sayshell, but, now that I think ofit, those artificial men and women must have been robots. Apparently17,such robots did exist in early historic times. That means the legendsshould be reconsidered "He fell into silent thought, and, after Bliss had waited a moment,she suddenly clapped her hands sharply. Pelorat jumped.
"Pel dear," said Bliss. "You're using your mythography to escapethe question. The question is: How would you feel about making love toa robot?"He stared at her uneasily. "A truly undistinguishable one? One thatyou couldn't tell from a human being?""Yes.""It seems to me, then, that a robot that can in no way be distinguishedfrom a human being is a human being. If you were such arobot, you would be nothing but a human being to me.""That's what I wanted to hear you say, Pel."Pelorat waited, then said, "Well, then, now that you've heard me sayit, dear, aren't you going to tell me that you are a natural human beingand that I don't have to wrestle18 with hypothetical situations?""No. I will do no such thing. You've defined a natural human beingas an object that has all the properties of a natural human being. Ifyou are satisfied that I have all those properties, then that ends thediscussion. We've got the operational definition and need no other. Afterall, how do I know that you're not just a robot who happensto be indistinguishable from a human being?""Because I tell you that I am not.""Ah, but if you were a robot that was indistinguishable from a humanbeing, you might be designed to tell me you were a natural human being,and you might even be programmed to believe it yourself. The operationaldefinition is all we have, and all we can have."She put her arms about Pelorat's neck and kissed him. The kiss grewmore passionate19, and prolonged itself until Pelorat managed to say,in somewhat muffled20 fashion, "But we promised Trevize not to embarrasshim by converting this ship into a honeymooners' haven22."Bliss said coaxingly23, "Let's be carried away and not leave ourselvesany time to think of promises."Pelorat, troubled, said, "But I can't do that, dear. I knowit must irritate you, Bliss, but I am constantly thinking and I amconstitutionally averse24 to letting myself be carried away by emotion. It'sa lifelong habit, and probably very annoying to others. I've neverlived with a woman who didn't seem to object to it sooner or later. Myfirst wife but I suppose it would be inappropriate to discussthat ""Rather inappropriate, yes, but not fatally so. You're not my firstlover either.""Oh!" said Pelorat, rather at a loss, and then, aware of Bliss'ssmall smile, he said, "I mean, of course not. I wouldn't expect myselfto have been Anyway, my first wife didn't like it.""But I do. I find your endless plunging25 into thought attractive.""I can't believe that , but I do have anotherthought. Robot or human, that doesn't matter. We agree on that. However,I am an Isolate and you know it. I am not part of Gaia, and when weare intimate, you're sharing emotions outside Gaia even when you letme participate in Gaia for a short period, and it may not be the sameintensity of emotion then that you would experience if it were Gaialoving Gaia."Bliss said, "Loving you, Pel, has its own delight. I look no fartherthan that.""But it's not just a matter of you loving me. You aren't merelyyou. What if Gaia considers it a perversion27?""If it did, I would know, for I am Gaia. And since I have delight inyou, Gaia does. When we make love, all of Gaia shares the sensation tosome degree or other. When I say I love you, that means Gaia loves you,although it is only the part that I am that is assigned the immediaterole. You seem confused.""Being an Isolate, Bliss, I don't quite grasp it.""One can always form an analogy with the body of an Isolate. Whenyou whistle a tune29, your entire body, you as an organism,wishes to whistle the tune, but the immediate28 task of doing so is assignedto your lips, tongue, and lungs. Your right big toe does nothing.""It might tap to the tune.""But that is not necessary to the act of whistling. The tapping ofthe big toe is not the action itself but is a response to the action,and, to be sure, all parts of Gaia might well respond in some small wayor other to my emotion, as I respond to theirs."Pelorat said, "I suppose there's no use feeling embarrassed aboutthis.""None at all.""But it does give me a queer sense of responsibility. When I try tomake you happy, I find that I must be trying to make every last organismon Gaia happy.""Every last atom but you do. You add to the sense of communaljoy that I let you share briefly30. I suppose your contribution is toosmall to be easily measurable, but it is there, and knowing it is thereshould increase your joy."Pelorat said, "I wish I could be sure that Golan is sufficiently31 busywith his maneuvering32 through hyperspace to remain in the pilot-room forquite a while.""You wish to honeymoon21, do you?""I do.""Than get a sheet of paper, write `Honeymoon Haven' on it, affixIt to the outside of the door, and if he wants to enter, that's hisproblem."Pelorat did so, and it was during the pleasurable proceedings33 thatfollowed that the Far Star made the Jump. Neither Pelorat norBliss detected the action, nor would they have, had they been payingattention.
10It had been only a matter of a few months since Pelorat had metTrevize and had left Terminus for the first time. Until then, for themore than half-century (Galactic Standard) of his life, he had beenutterly planet-bound.
In his own mind, he had in those months become an old space dog. He hadseen three planets from space: Terminus itself, Sayshell, and Gaia. And onthe viewscreen, he now saw a fourth, albeit34 through a computer-controlledtelescopic device. The fourth was Comporellon.
And again, for the fourth time, he was vaguely35 disappointed. Somehow,he continued to feel that looking down upon a habitable world from spacemeant seeing an outline of its continents against a surrounding sea; or,if it were a dry world, the outline of its lakes against a surroundingbody of land.
It was never so.
If a world was habitable, it had an atmosphere as well as ahydrosphere. And if it had both air and water, it had clouds; and ifit had clouds, it had an obscured view. Once again, then, Pelorat foundhimself looking down on white swirls37 with an occasional glimpse of paleblue or rusty38 brown.
He wondered gloomily if anyone could identify a world if a viewof it from, say, three hundred thousand kilometers, were cast upon ascreen. How does one tell one cloud swirl36 from another?
Bliss looked at Pelorat with some concern. "What is it, Pel? You seemto be unhappy.""I find that all planets look alike from space."Trevize said, "What of that, Janov? So does every shoreline onTerminus, when it is on the horizon, unless you know what you're lookingfor a particular mountain peak, or a particular offshore39 islet ofcharacteristic shape.""I dare say," said Pelorat, with clear dissatisfaction, "but what doyou look for in a mass of shifting clouds? And even if you try, beforeyou can decide, you're likely to be moving into the dark side.""Look a little more carefully, Janov. If you follow the shape of theclouds, you see that they tend to fall into a pattern that circles theplanet and that moves about a center. That center is more or less atone40 of the poles.""Which one?" asked Bliss with interest.
"Since, relative to ourselves, the planet is rotating in clockwisefashion, we are looking down, by definition, upon the south pole. Sincethe center seems to be about fifteen degrees from the terminator theplanet's line of shadow and the planetary axis41 is tilted42 twenty-onedegrees to the perpendicular43 of its plane of revolution, we're eitherin mid-spring or mid-summer depending on whether the pole is moving awayfrom the terminator or toward it. The computer can calculate its orbit andtell me in short order if I were to ask it. The capital is on the northernside of the equator so it is either in mid-fall or mid-winter."Pelorat frowned. "You can tell all that?" He looked at the cloudlayer as though he thought it would, or should, speak to him now, but,of course, it didn't.
"Not only that," said Trevize, "but if you'll look at the polarregions, you'll see that there are no breaks in the cloud layer as thereare away from the poles. Actually, there are breaks, but through thebreaks you see ice, so it's a matter of white on white.""Ah," said Pelorat. "I suppose you expect that at the poles.""Of habitable planets, certainly. Lifeless planets might be airless orwaterless, or might have certain stigmata showing that the clouds are notwater a clouds, or that the ice is not water ice. This planet lacks thosestigmata, so we know we are looking at water clouds and water ice.
"The next thing we notice is the size of the area of unbrokenwhite on the day side of the terminator, and to the experienced eye itis at once seen as larger than average. Furthermore, you can detecta certain orange glint, a quite faint one, to the reflected light,and that means Comporellon's sun if rather cooler than Terminus'ssun. Although Comporellon is closer to its sun than Terminus is tohers, it is not sufficiently closer to make up for its star's lowertemperature. Therefore, Comporellon is a cold world as habitable worldsgo.""You read it like a film, old chap," said Pelorat admiringly.
"Don't be too impressed," said Trevize, smiling affectionately. "Thecomputer has given me the applicable statistics of the world, includingits slightly low average temperature. It is easy to deduce somethingyou already know. In fact, Comporellon is at the edge of an ice ageand would be having one, if the configuration44 of its continents weremore suitable to such a condition."Bliss bit at her lower lip. "I don't like a cold world.""We've got warm clothing," said Trevize.
"That doesn't matter. Human beings aren't adapted to cold weather,really. We don't have thick coats of hair or feathers, or a subcutaneouslayer of blubber. For a world to have cold weather seems to indicate acertain indifference45 to the welfare of its own parts."Trevize said, "Is Gaia a uniformly mild world?""Most of it, yes. There are some cold areas for cold-adapted plants andanimals, and some hot areas for heat-adapted plants and animals, but mostparts are uniformly mild, never getting uncomfortably hot or uncomfortablycold, for those between, including human beings, of course.""Human beings, of course. All parts of Gaia are alive and equal inthat respect, but some, like human beings, are obviously more equalthan other.""Don't be foolishly sarcastic," said Bliss, with a trace ofwaspishness. "The level and intensity26 of consciousness and awarenessare important. A human being is a more useful portion of Gaia than arock of the same weight would be, and the properties and functions ofGaia as a whole are necessarily weighted in the direction of the humanbeing not as much so as on your Isolate worlds, however. What'smore, there are times when it is weighted in other directions, whenthat is needed for Gaia as a whole. It might even, at long intervals,be weighted in the direction of the rocky interior. That, too, demandsattention or, in the lack of that attention all parts of Gaia mightsuffer. We wouldn't want an unnecessary volcanic46 eruption47, would we?""No," said Trevize. "Not an unnecessary one.""You're not impressed, are you?""Look," said Trevize. "We have worlds that are colder than averageand worlds that are warmer; worlds that are tropical forests to a largeextent, and worlds that are vast savannahs. No two worlds are alike,and every one of them is home to those who are used to it. I am used tothe relative mildness of Terminus we've tamed it to an almost Gaianmoderation, actually but I like to get away, at least temporarily,to something different. What we have, Bliss, that Gaia doesn't have,is variation. If Gaia expands into Galaxia, will every world in theGalaxy be forced into mildness? The sameness would be unbearable49."Bliss said, "If that is so, and if variety seems desirable, varietywill be maintained.""As a gift from the central committee, so to speak?" said Trevizedryly. "And as little of it as they can bear to part with? I'd ratherleave it to nature.""But you haven't left it to nature. Every habitable worldin the Galaxy48 has been modified. Every single one was found in a stateof nature that was uncomfortable for humanity, and every single one wasmodified until it was as mild as could be managed. If this world hereis cold, I am certain that is because its inhabitants couldn't warm itany further without unacceptable expense. And even so, the portions theyactually inhabit we can be sure are artificially warmed into mildness. Sodon't be so loftily virtuous50 about leaving it to nature."Trevize said, "You speak for Gaia, I suppose.""I always speak for Gaia. I am Gaia.""Then if Gaia is so certain of its own superiority, why did you requiremy decision? Why have you not gone ahead without me?"Bliss paused, as though to collect her thoughts. She said, "Because itis not wise to trust one's self overmuch. We naturally see our virtueswith clearer eyes than we see our defects. We are anxious to do whatis right; not necessarily what seems right to us, but whatis right, objectively, if such a thing as objective rightexists. You seem to be the nearest approach to objective right that wecan find, so we are guided by you.""So objectively right," said Trevize sadly, "that I don't evenunderstand my own decision and I seek its justification51.""You'll find it," said Bliss.
"I hope so," said Trevize.
"Actually, old chap," said Pelorat, "it seems to me that this recentexchange was won rather handily by Bliss. Why don't you recognize thefact that her arguments justify52 your decision that Gaia is the wave ofthe future for humanity?""Because," said Trevize harshly, "I did not know those argumentsat the time I made my decision. I knew none of these details aboutGaia. Something else influenced me, at least unconsciously, somethingthat doesn't depend upon Gaian detail, but must be more fundamental. Itis that which I must find out."Pelorat held up a placating53 hand. "Don't be angry, Golan.""I'm not angry. I'm just under rather unbearable tension. I don'twant to be the focus of the Galaxy."Bliss said, "I don't blame you for that, Trevize, and I'm truly sorrythat your own makeup has somehow forced you into the post. Whenwill we be landing on Comporellon?""In three days," said Trevize, "and only after we stop at one of theentry stations in orbit about it."Pelorat said, "There shouldn't be any problem with that, shouldthere?"Trevize shrugged54. "It depends on the number of ships approachingthe world, the number of entry stations that exist, and, most of all,on the particular rules for permitting and refusing admittance. Suchrules change from time to time."Pelorat said indignantly, "What do you mean refusing admittance? How can they refuse admittance to citizens of theFoundation? Isn't Comporellan part of the Foundation dominion55?""Well, yes and no. There's a delicate matter of legalism aboutthe point and I'm not sure how Comporellon interprets it. I supposethere's a chance we'll be refused admission, but I don't think it's alarge chance.""And if we are refused, what do we do?""I'm not sure," said Trevize. "Let's wait and see what happens beforewe wear ourselves out making contingency56 plans."11They were close enough to Comporellon now for it toappear as a substantial globe without telescopic enlargement. When suchenlargement was added, however, the entry stations themselves could beseen. They were farther out than most of the orbiting structures aboutthe planet and they were well lit.
Approaching as the Far Star was from the direction of theplanet's southern pole, half its globe was sunlit constantly. The entrystations on its night side were naturally more clearly seen as sparksof light. They were evenly spaced in an arc about the planet. Six ofthem were visible (plus six on the day side undoubtedly) and all werecircling the planet at even and identical speeds.
Pelorat, a little awed58 at the sight, said, "There are other lightscloser to the planet. What are they?"Trevize said, "I don't know the planet in detail so I can't tellyou. Some might be orbiting factories or laboratories or observatories,or even populated townships. Some planets prefer to keep all orbitingobjects outwardly dark, except for the entry stations. Terminus does,for instance. Comporellon conducts itself on a more liberal principle,obviously.""Which entry station do we go to, Golan?""It depends on them. I've sent in my request to land on Comporellonand we'll eventually get our directions as to which entry station to goto, and when. Much depends on how many incoming ships are trying to makeentry at present. If there are a dozen ships lined up at each station,we will have no choice but to be patient."Bliss said, "I've only been at hyperspatial distances from Gaia twicebefore, and those were both when I was at or near Sayshell. I've neverbeen at anything like this distance."Trevize looked at her sharply. "Does it matter? You're still Gaia,aren't you?"For a moment, Bliss looked irritated, but then dissolved into whatwas almost an embarrassed titter. "I must admit you've caught me thistime, Trevize. There is a double meaning in the word `Gaia.' It canbe used to refer to the physical planet as a solid globular object inspace. It can also be used to refer to the living object that includesthat globe. Properly speaking, we should use two different words for thesetwo different concepts, but Gaians always know from the context what isbeing referred to. I admit that an Isolate might be puzzled at times.""Well, then," said Trevize, "admitting that you are many thousands ofparsecs from Gaia as globe, are you still part of Gaia as organism?""Referring to the organism, I am still Gaia.""No attenuation59?""Not in essence. I'm sure I've already told you there is some addedcomplexity in remaining Gaia across hyperspace, but I remain Gaia."Trevize said, "Does it occur to you that Gaia may be viewed as aGalactic kraken the tentacled60 monster of the legends withits tentacles61 reaching everywhere. You have but to put a few Gaians oneach of the populated worlds and you will virtually have Galaxia rightthere. In fact. you have probably done exactly that. Where are yourGaians located? I presume that one or more are on Terminus and one ormore are on Trantor. How much farther does this go?"Bliss looked distinctly uncomfortable. "I have said I won't lie toyou, Trevize, but that doesn't mean I feel compelled to give you thewhole truth. There are some things you have no need to know, and theposition and identity of individual bits of Gaia are among them.""Do I need to know the reason for the existence of those tentacles,Bliss, even if I don't know where they are?""It is the opinion of Gaia that you do not.""I presume, though, that I may guess. You believe you serve as theguardians of the Galaxy.""We are anxious to have a stable and secure Galaxy; a peaceful andprosperous one. The Seldon Plan, as originally worked out by Hari Seldonat least, is designed to develop a Second Galactic Empire, one thatis more stable and more workable than the First was. The Plan, whichhas been continually modified and improved by the Second Foundation,has appeared to be working well so far.""But Gaia doesn't want a Second Galactic Empire in the classic sense,does it? You want Galaxia a living Galaxy.""Since you permit it, we hope, in time, to have Galaxia. If you hadnot permitted it, we would have striven for Seldon's Second Empire andmade it as secure as we could.""But what is wrong with "His ear caught the soft, burring signal. Trevize said, "The computeris signaling me. I suppose it is receiving directions concerning theentry station. I'll be back."He stepped into the pilot-room and placed his hands on those markedout on the desk top and found that there were directions forthe specific entry station he was to approach its co-ordinateswith reference to the line from Comporellon's center to its northpole the prescribed route of approach.
Trevize signaled his acceptance, and then sat back for a moment.
The Seldon Plan! He had not thought of it for quite a time. The FireGalactic Empire had crumbled62 and for five hundred years the Foundationhad grown, first in competition with that Empire, and then upon itsruins all in accordance with the Plan.
There had been the interruption of the Mule63, which, for a time, hadthreatened to shiver the Plan into fragments, but the Foundation hadpulled through probably with the help of the ever-hidden SecondFoundation possibly with the help of the even-better-hiddenGaia.
Now the Plan was threatened by something more serious than the Mule hadever been. It was to be diverted from a renewal64 of Empire to somethingutterly different from anything in history Galaxia. And hehimself had agreed to that. But why? Was there a flaw in the Plan? A basic flaw?
For one flashing moment, it seemed to Trevize that this flaw did indeedexist and that he knew what it was, that he had known what it was whenhe made his decision but the knowledge if that were what itwas vanished as fast as it came, and it left him with nothing.
Perhaps it was all only an illusion; both when he had made hisdecision, and now. After all, he knew nothing about the Plan beyond thebasic assumptions that validated65 psychohistory. Apart from that, he knewno detail, and certainly not a single scrap66 of its mathematics.
He closed his eyes and thought There was nothing.
Might it be the added power he received from the computer? He placedhis hands on the desk top and felt the warmth of the computer's handsembracing them. He closed his eyes and once more he thought There was still nothing.
12The Comporellian who boarded the ship wore a holographic identitycard. It displayed his chubby67, lightly bearded face with remarkablefidelity, and underneath68 it was his name, A. Kendray.
He was rather short, and his body was as softly rounded as his facewas. He had a fresh and easygoing look and manner, and he stared aboutthe ship with clear amazement69.
He said, "How did you get down this fast? We weren't expecting youfor two hours.""It's a new-model ship," said Trevize, with noncommittalpoliteness.
Kendray was not quite the young innocent he looked, however. Hestepped into the pilot-room and said at once, "Gravitic?"Trevize saw no point in denying anything that was apparently thatobvious. He said tonelessly, "Yes.""Very interesting. You hear of them, but you never see themsomehow. Motors in the hull70?""That's so."Kendray looked at the computer. "Computer circuits, likewise?""That's so. Anyway, I'm told so. I've never looked.""Oh well. What I need is the ship's documentation; engine number,place of manufacture, identification code, the whole patty-cake. It'sall in the computer, I'm sure, and it can probably turn out the formalcard I need in half a second."It took very little more than that. Kendray looked about again. "Youthree all the people on board?"Trevize said, "That's right.""Any live animals? Plants? State of health?""No. No. And good," said Trevize crisply.
"Um!" said Kendray, making notes. "Could you put your hand inhere? Just routine. Right hand, please."Trevize looked at the device without favor. It was being used more andmore commonly, and was growing quickly more elaborate. You could almosttell the backwardness of a world at a glance by the backwardness of itsmicrodetector. There were now few worlds, however backward, that didn'thave one at all. The start had come with the final breakup of the Empire,as each fragment of the whole grew increasingly anxious to protect itselffrom the diseases and alien microorganisms of all the others.
"What is that?" asked Bliss, in a low and interested voice, craningher head to see it first on one side, then the other.
Pelorat said, "A microdetector, I believe they call it."Trevize added, "It's nothing mysterious. It's a device thatautomatically checks a portion of your body, inside and out, for anymicroorganism capable of transmitting disease.""This will classify the microorganisms, too," said Kendray, withrather more than a hint of pride. "It's been worked out right hereon Comporellon. And if you don't mind, I still want your righthand."Trevize inserted his right hand, and watched as a series of smallred markings danced along a set of horizontal lines. Kendray touched acontact and a facsimile in color appeared at once. "If you'll sign that,sir," he said.
Trevize did so. "How badly off am I?" he asked. "I'm not in any greatdanger, am I?"Kendray said, "I'm not a physician, so I can't say in detail, but itshows none of the marks that would require you to be turned away or tobe put in quarantine. That's all I'm interested in.""What a lucky break for me," said Trevize dryly, shaking his hand torid himself of the slight tingle71 he felt.
"You, sir," said Kendray.
Pelorat inserted his hand with a certain hesitancy, then signed thefacsimile.
"And you, ma'am?"A few moments later, Kendray was staring at the result, saying,"I never saw anything like this before." He looked up at Bliss with anexpression of awe57. "You're negative. Altogether.'"Bliss smiled engagingly. "How nice.""Yes, ma'am. I envy you." He looked back at the first facsimile,and said, "Your identification, Mr. Trevize."Trevize presented it. Kendray, glancing at it, again looked up insurprise. "Councilman of the Terminus Legislature?""That's right.""High official of the Foundation?"Trevize said coolly, "Exactly right. So let's get through with thisquickly, shall we?""You're captain of the ship?""Yes, I am.""Purpose of visit?""Foundation security, and that's all the answer I'm going to giveyou. Do you understand that?""Yes, sir. How long do you intend to stay?""I don't know. Perhaps a week.""Very well, sir. And this other gentleman?""He is Dr. Janov Pelorat," said Trevize. "You have his signature thereand I vouch72 for him. He is a scholar of Terminus and he is my assistantin this business of my visit.""I understand, sir, but I must see his identification. Rules are rules,I'm afraid. I hope you understand, sir."Pelorat presented his papers.
Kendray nodded. "And you, miss?"Trevize said quietly, "No need to bother the lady. I vouch for her,too.""Yes, sir. But I need the identification."Bliss said, "I'm afraid I don't have any papers, sir."Kendray frowned. "I beg your pardon."Trevize said, "The young lady didn't bring any with her. Anoversight. It's perfectly73 all right. I'll take full responsibility."Kendray said, "I wish I could let you do that, but I'm not allowed. Theresponsibility is mine. Under the circumstances, it's not terriblyimportant. There should be no difficulty getting duplicates. The youngwoman, I presume, is from Terminus.""No, she's not.""From somewhere in Foundation territory, then?""As a matter of fact, she isn't."Kendray looked at Bliss keenly, then at Trevize. "That's acomplication, Councilman. It may take additional time to obtain aduplicate from some non-Foundation world. Since you're not a Foundationcitizen, Miss Bliss, I must have the name of your world of birth andof the world of which you're a citizen. You will then have to wait forduplicate papers to arrive."Trevize said, "See here, Mr. Kendray. I see no reason why there needbe any delay whatever. I am a high official of the Foundation governmentand I am here on a mission of great importance. I must not be delayedby a matter of trivial paperwork.""The choice isn't mine, Councilman. If it were up to me, I'd let youdown to Comporellon right now, but I have a thick book of rules thatguides my every action. I've got to go by the book or I get it thrown atme. Of course, I presume there must be some Comporellian governmentfigure who's waiting for you. If you'll tell me who it is, I will contacthim, and if he orders me to let you through, then that's it."Trevize hesitated a moment. "That would not be politic,Mr. Kendray. May I speak with your immediate superior?""You certainly may, but you can't just see him off-hand ""I'm sure he will come at once when he understands he's speaking toa Foundation official ""Actually," said Kendray, "just between us, that would make mattersworse. We're not part of the Foundation metropolitan74 territory,you know. We come under the heading of an Associated Power, andwe take it seriously. The people are anxious not to appear to beFoundation puppets I'm using the popular expression only, youunderstand and they bend backward to demonstrate independence. Mysuperior would expect to get extra points if he resists doing a special favor for a Foundation official."Trevize's expression darkened. "And you, too?"Kendray shook his head. "I'm below politics, sir. No one gives meextra points for anything. I'm just lucky if they pay my salary. Andthough I don't get extra points, I can get demerits, and quite easily,too. I wish that were not so.""Considering my position, you know, I can take care of you.""No, sir. I'm sorry if that sounds impertinent, but I don't thinkyou can. And, sir, it's embarrassing to say this, but please don'toffer me anything valuable. They make examples of officials who acceptsuch things and they're pretty good at digging them out, these days.""I wasn't thinking of bribing75 you. I'm only thinking of what theMayor of Terminus can do to you if you interfere76 with my mission.""Councilman, I'll be perfectly safe as long as I can hide behind therulebook. If the members of the Comporellian Presidium get some sort ofFoundation discipline, that is their concern, and not mine. But ifit will help, sir, I can let you and Dr. Pelorat through on your ship. Ifyou'll leave Miss Bliss behind at the entry station, we'll hold her fora time and send her down to the surface as soon as her duplicate paperscome through. If her papers should not be obtainable, for any reason,we will send her back to her world on commercial transportation. I'mafraid, though, that someone will have to pay her fare, in that case."Trevize caught Pelorat's expression at that, and said, "Mr. Kendray,may I speak to you privately77 in the pilot-room?""Very well, but I can't remain on board very much longer, or I'llbe questioned.""This won't take long," said Trevize.
In the pilot-room, Trevize made a show of closing the door tightly,then said, in a low voice, "I've been many places, Mr. Kendray, butI've never been anyplace where there has been such harsh emphasis onthe minutiae78 of the rules of immigration, particularly for Foundationpeople and Foundation officials .""But the young woman is not from the Foundation.""Even so."Kendray said, "These things go in rhythms. We've had some scandalsand, right now, things are tough. If you'll come back next year, youmight not have any trouble at all, but right now, I can do nothing.""Try, Mr. Kendray," said Trevize, his voice growing mellow79. "I'm goingto throw myself on your mercy and appeal to you, man to man. Peloratand I have been on this mission for quite a while. He and I. Just heand I. We're good friends, but there's something lonely about it, if youget me. Some time ago, Pelorat found this little lady. I don't have totell you what happened, but we decided80 to bring her along. It keeps ushealthy to make use of her now and then.
"Now the thing is Pelorat's got a relationship back on Terminus. I'mclear, you understand, but Pelorat is an older man and he's got to theage when they get a little desperate. They need their youth back,or something. He can't give her up. At the same time, if she's evenmentioned, officially, there's going to be misery81 galore on Terminusfor old Pelorat when he gets back.
"There's no harm being done, you understand. Miss Bliss, as she callsherself a good name considering her profession is not exactlya bright kid; that's not what we want her for. Do you have to mentionher at all? Can't you just list me and Pelorat on the ship? Only wewere originally listed when we left Terminus. There need be no officialnotice of the woman. After all, she's absolutely free of disease. Younoted that yourself."Kendray made a face. "I don't really want to inconvenience you. Iunderstand the situation and, believe me, I sympathize. Listen,if you think holding down a shift on this station for months at atime is any fun, think again. And it isn't co-educational, either;not on Comporellon." He shook his head. "And I have a wife, too, so Iunderstand. But, look, even if I let you through, as soon as theyfind out that the uh lady is without papers, she's in prison,you and Mr. Pelorat are in the kind of trouble that will get back toTerminus. And I myself will surely be out of a job.""Mr. Kendray," said Trevize, "trust me in this. Once I'm onComporellon, I'll be safe. I can talk about my mission to some of theright people and, when that's done, there'll be no further trouble. I'lltake full responsibility for what has happened here, if it ever comesup which I doubt. What's more, I will recommend your promotion,and you will get it, because I'll see to it that Terminus leans all overanyone who hesitates. And we can give Pelorat a break."Kendray hesitated, then said, "All right. I'll let youthrough but take a word of warning. I start from this minutefiguring out a way to save my butt82 if the matter comes up. I don't intendto do one thing to save yours. What's more I know how these things workon Comporellon and you don't, and Comporellon isn't an easy world forpeople who step out of line.""Thank you, Mr. Kendray," said Trevize. "There'll be no trouble. Iassure you of that."


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n.狂喜,福佑,天赐的福 | |
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n.房间,寝室;会议厅;议院;会所 | |
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n.爱好,癖好;adj.弯的;决心的,一心的 | |
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n.组成部分,成分,元件;adj.组成的,合成的 | |
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adj.秘密的,暗中从事的 | |
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无力的,冲淡的 | |
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(机器、设备等的)构成要素,零件,成分; 成分( component的名词复数 ); [物理化学]组分; [数学]分量; (混合物的)组成部分 | |
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n.组织;性格;化装品 | |
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adj.令人高兴的,使人快乐的 | |
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n.理解,领悟;逮捕,拘捕;忧虑 | |
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vi.退(去),渐渐远去;向后倾斜,缩进 | |
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adv.格外地;极端地 | |
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n.惊奇,惊异 | |
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v.(指颜色、水气等)弥漫于,布满( suffuse的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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vt.使孤立,隔离 | |
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n.坏事;恶习;[pl.]台钳,老虎钳;adj.副的 | |
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adv.显然地;表面上,似乎 | |
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vi.摔跤,角力;搏斗;全力对付 | |
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adj.热情的,热烈的,激昂的,易动情的,易怒的,性情暴躁的 | |
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adj.(声音)被隔的;听不太清的;(衣服)裹严的;蒙住的v.压抑,捂住( muffle的过去式和过去分词 );用厚厚的衣帽包着(自己) | |
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n.蜜月(假期);vi.度蜜月 | |
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n.安全的地方,避难所,庇护所 | |
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adv. 以巧言诱哄,以甘言哄骗 | |
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adj.厌恶的;反对的,不乐意的 | |
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adj.跳进的,突进的v.颠簸( plunge的现在分词 );暴跌;骤降;突降 | |
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n.强烈,剧烈;强度;烈度 | |
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n.曲解;堕落;反常 | |
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adj.立即的;直接的,最接近的;紧靠的 | |
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n.调子;和谐,协调;v.调音,调节,调整 | |
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adv.简单地,简短地 | |
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adv.足够地,充分地 | |
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v.移动,用策略( maneuver的现在分词 );操纵 | |
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n.进程,过程,议程;诉讼(程序);公报 | |
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conj.即使;纵使;虽然 | |
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adv.含糊地,暖昧地 | |
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v.(使)打漩,(使)涡卷;n.漩涡,螺旋形 | |
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n.旋转( swirl的名词复数 );卷状物;漩涡;尘旋v.旋转,打旋( swirl的第三人称单数 ) | |
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adj.生锈的;锈色的;荒废了的 | |
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adj.海面的,吹向海面的;adv.向海面 | |
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v.赎罪,补偿 | |
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n.轴,轴线,中心线;坐标轴,基准线 | |
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v. 倾斜的 | |
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adj.垂直的,直立的;n.垂直线,垂直的位置 | |
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n.结构,布局,形态,(计算机)配置 | |
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n.不感兴趣,不关心,冷淡,不在乎 | |
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adj.火山的;象火山的;由火山引起的 | |
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n.火山爆发;(战争等)爆发;(疾病等)发作 | |
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n.星系;银河系;一群(杰出或著名的人物) | |
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adj.不能容忍的;忍受不住的 | |
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adj.有品德的,善良的,贞洁的,有效力的 | |
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n.正当的理由;辩解的理由 | |
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vt.证明…正当(或有理),为…辩护 | |
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v.安抚,抚慰,使平静( placate的现在分词 ) | |
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vt.耸肩(shrug的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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n.统治,管辖,支配权;领土,版图 | |
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n.意外事件,可能性 | |
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n.敬畏,惊惧;vt.使敬畏,使惊惧 | |
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adj.充满敬畏的,表示敬畏的v.使敬畏,使惊惧( awe的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.变薄;弄细;稀薄化;减少 | |
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有触角[触手]的 | |
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n.触手( tentacle的名词复数 );触角;触须;触毛 | |
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(把…)弄碎, (使)碎成细屑( crumble的过去式和过去分词 ); 衰落; 坍塌; 损坏 | |
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n.骡子,杂种,执拗的人 | |
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adj.(契约)延期,续订,更新,复活,重来 | |
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v.证实( validate的过去式和过去分词 );确证;使生效;使有法律效力 | |
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n.碎片;废料;v.废弃,报废 | |
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adj.丰满的,圆胖的 | |
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adj.在...下面,在...底下;adv.在下面 | |
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n.惊奇,惊讶 | |
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n.船身;(果、实等的)外壳;vt.去(谷物等)壳 | |
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vi.感到刺痛,感到激动;n.刺痛,激动 | |
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v.担保;断定;n.被担保者 | |
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adv.完美地,无可非议地,彻底地 | |
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adj.大城市的,大都会的 | |
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贿赂 | |
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v.(in)干涉,干预;(with)妨碍,打扰 | |
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adv.以私人的身份,悄悄地,私下地 | |
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n.微小的细节,细枝末节;(常复数)细节,小事( minutia的名词复数 ) | |
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adj.柔和的;熟透的;v.变柔和;(使)成熟 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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n.痛苦,苦恼,苦难;悲惨的境遇,贫苦 | |
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n.笑柄;烟蒂;枪托;臀部;v.用头撞或顶 | |
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