He was busily engaged in arranging those pieces of cardboard which hadso much puzzled Paul in his first visit, and was so much occupied withhis task, that all he could do was to mutter broken exclamations:
"What a stupendous undertaking! but I have to work single-handed, andhold in my hands all these threads, which for twenty years, with thepatience of a spider, I have been weaving into a web. No one, seeingme here, would believe this. People who pass me by in the street say,'That is Mascarin, who keeps a servants' registry office;' that is theway in which they look upon me. Let them laugh if they like; theylittle know the mighty power I wield in secret. No one suspects me,no, not one. I may seem too sanguine, it is true," he continued, stillglancing over his papers, "or the net may break and some of the fishesslip out. That idiot, Mussidan, asked me if I was acquainted with thePenal code. I should think I was, for no one has studied them moredeeply than I have, and there is a clause in volume 3, chapter 2,which is always before me. Penal servitude for a term of years; and ifI am convicted under Article 306, then it means a life sentence." Heshuddered, but soon a smile of triumph shone over his face as heresumed, "Ah, but to send a man like Mascarin for change of air toToulon, he must be caught, and that is not such an easy task. The dayhe scents danger he disappears, and leaves no trace behind him. I fearthat I cannot look for too much from my companions, Catenac andHortebise; I have up to now kept them back. Croisenois would neverbetray me, and as for Beaumarchef, La Candele, Toto Chupin, and a fewother poor devils, they would be a fine haul for the police. Theycouldn't split, simply because they know nothing." Mascarin chuckled,and then adjusting his spectacles with his favorite gesture, said, "Ishall go on in the course I have commenced, straight as the flight ofan arrow. I ought to make four millions through Croisenois. Paul shallmarry Flavia, that is all arranged, and Flavia will make a grandduchess with her magnificent income."He had by this time arranged his pasteboard squares, then he took asmall notebook, alphabetically arranged, from a drawer, wrote a nameor two in it, and then closing it said with a deadly smile, "There, myfriends, you are all registered, though you little suspect it. You areall rich, and think that you are free, but you are wrong, for there isone man who owns you, soul and body, and that man is BaptisteMascarin; and at his bidding, high as you hold your heads now, youwill crawl to his feet in humble abasement." His musings wereinterrupted by a knock at the door. He struck the bell on his writingtable, and the last sound of it was hardly died away, when Beaumarchefstood on the threshold.
"You desired me, sir," said he, with the utmost deference, "tocomplete my report regarding young M. Gandelu, and it so happens thatthe cook whom he has taken into his service in the new establishmenthe has started is on our list. She has just come in to pay us elevenfrancs that she owed us, and is waiting outside. Is not this lucky?"Mascarin made a little grimace. "You are an idiot, Beaumarchef," saidhe, "to be pleased at so trivial a matter. I have often told you thatthere is no such thing as luck or chance, and that all comes to thosewho work methodically."Beaumarchef listened to his master's wisdom in silent surprise.
"And pray, who is this woman?" asked Mascarin.
"You will know her when you see her, sir. She is registered underclass D, that is, for employment in rather fast establishments.""Go and fetch her," observed Mascarin, and as the man left the room,he muttered, "Experience has taught me that it is madness to neglectthe smallest precaution."In another moment the woman appeared, and Mascarin at once addressedher with that air of friendly courtesy which made him so popular amongsuch women. "Well, my good girl," said he, "and so you have got thesort of place you wanted, eh?""I hope so, sir, but you see I have only been with Madame Zora deChantemille since yesterday.""Ah, Zora de Chantemille, that is a fine name, indeed.""It is only a fancy name, and she had an awful row over it withmaster. She wanted to be called Raphaela, but he stood out for Zora.""Zora is a very pretty name," observed Mascarin solemnly.
"Yes, sir, just what the maid and I told her. She is a splendid woman,and doesn't she just squander the shiners? Thirty thousand francs havegone since yesterday.""I can hardly credit it.""Not cash, you understand, but tick. M. de Gandelu has not a sou ofhis own in the world, so a waiter at Potier's told me, and he knewwhat was what; but the governor is rolling in money. Yesterday theyhad a house-warming--the dinner, with wine, cost over a thousandfrancs."Not seeing how to utilize any of this gossip, Mascarin made a gestureof dismissal, when the woman exclaimed,--"Stop, sir, I have something to tell you.""Well," said Mascarin, throwing himself back in his chair with an airof affected impatience, "let us have it.""We had eight gents to dinner, all howling swells, but my master wasthe biggest masher of the lot. Madame was the only woman at table.
Well, by ten o'clock, they had all had their whack of drink, and thenthey told the porter to keep the courtyard clear. What do you thinkthey did then? Why, they threw plates, glasses, knives, forks, anddishes bang out of the window. That is a regular swell fashion, so thewaiter at Potier's told me, and was introduced into Paris by aRussian."Mascarin closed his eyes and answered languidly, "Go on.""Well, sir, there was one gent who was a blot on the whole affair. Hewas tall, shabbily dressed, and with no manners at all. He seemed allthe time to be sneering at the rest. But didn't Madame make up to himjust. She kept heaping up his plate and filling his glass. When theothers got to cards, he sat down by my mistress, and began to talk.""Could you hear what they said?""I should think so. I was in the bedroom, and they were near thedoor.""Dear me," remarked Mascarin, appearing much shocked, "surely that wasnot right?""I don't care a rap whether it was right or not. I like to hear allabout the people whom I engage with. They were talking about a M.
Paul, who had been Madame's friend before, and whom the gentleman alsoknew. Madame said that this Paul was no great shakes, and that he hadstolen twelve thousand francs."Mascarin pricked up his ears, feeling that his patience was about tomeet its reward.
"Can you tell me the gentleman's name, to whom Madame said all this?"asked he.
"Not I. The others called him 'The painter.' "This explanation did not satisfy Mascarin.
"Look here, my good girl," said he, "try and find out the fellow'sname. I think he is an artist who owes me money.""All right! Rely on me; and now I must be off, for I have breakfast toget ready, but I'll call again to-morrow;" and with a curtsy she leftthe room.
Mascarin struck his hand heavily on the table.
"Hortebise has a wonderful nose for sniffing out danger," said he.
"This Rose and the young fool who is ruining himself for her must bothbe suppressed."Beaumarchef again made a motion of executing a thrust with the rapier.
"Pooh, pooh!" answered his master; "don't be childish. I can do betterthan that. Rose calls herself nineteen, but she is more, she is ofage, while Gandelu is still a minor. If old Gandelu had any pluck, hewould put Article 354 in motion.""Eh, sir?" said Beaumarchef, much mystified.
"Look here. Before twenty-four hours have elapsed I must knoweverything as to the habits and disposition of Gandelu senior. I wantto know on what terms he is with his son.""Good. I will set La Candele to work.""And as the young fellow will doubtless need money, contrive to lethim know of our friend Verminet, the chairman of the Mutual LoanSociety.""But that is M. Tantaine's business."Mascarin paid no heed to this, so occupied was he by his own thoughts.
"This young artist seems to have more brains than the rest of the set,but woe to him if he crosses my path. Go back to the outer office,Beaumarchef, I hear some clients coming in."The man, however, did not obey.
"Pardon me, sir," said he, "but La Candele, who is outside, will seethem. I have my report to make.""Very good. Sit down and go on."Enchanted at this mark of condescension, Beaumarchef went on.
"Yesterday there was nothing of importance, but this morning TotoChupin came.""He had not lost Caroline Schimmel, I trust?""No, sir; he had even got into conversation with her.""That is good. He is a cunning little devil; a pity that he is not atrifle more honest.""He is sure," continued Beaumarchef, "that the woman drinks, for sheis always talking of persons following her about who menace her, andshe is so afraid of being murdered that she never ventures out alone.
She lives with a respectable workingman and his wife, and pays wellfor her board, for she seems to have plenty of money.""That is a nuisance," remarked Mascarin, evidently much annoyed.
"Where does she live?""At Montmartre, beyond the Chateau Rouge.""Good. Tantaine will inquire and see if Toto has made no mistake, anddoes not let the woman slip through his fingers.""He won't do that, for he told me that he was on the right road tofind out who she was, and where she got her money from. But I ought towarn you against the young scamp, for I have found out that he robs usand sells our goods far below their value.""What do you mean?""I have long had my suspicions, and yesterday I wormed it all out froma disreputable looking fellow, who came here to ask for his friendChupin."Men accustomed to danger are over prompt in their decisions. "Verywell," returned Mascarin, "if this is the case, Master Chupin shallhave a taste of prison fare."Beaumarchef withdrew, but almost immediately reappeared.
"Sir," said he, "a servant from M. de Croisenois is here with a note.""Send the man in," said Mascarin.
The domestic was irreproachably dressed, and looked what he was, theservant of a nobleman.
He had something the appearance of an Englishman, with a high collar,reaching almost to his ears. His face was clean shaved, and of a ruddyhue. His coat was evidently the work of a London tailor, and hisappearance was as stiff as though carved out of wood. Indeed, helooked like a very perfect piece of mechanism.
"My master," said he, "desired me to give this note into your ownhands."Under cover of breaking the seal, Mascarin viewed this model servantattentively. He was a stranger to him, for he had never suppliedCroisenois with a domestic.
"It seems, my good fellow," said he, "that your master was up earlierthan usual this morning?"The man frowned a little at this familiar address, and then slowlyreplied,--"When I took service with the Marquis, he agreed to give me fifteenlouis over my wages for the privilege of calling me 'a good fellow,'
but I permit no one to do so gratis. I think that my master is stillasleep," continued the man solemnly. "He wrote the note on his returnfrom the club.""Is there any reply.""Yes, sir.""Good; then wait a little."And Mascarin, opening the note, read the following:
"MY DEAR FRIEND,--"Baccarat has served me an ugly turn, and in addition to all myready cash I have given an I.O.U. for three thousand francs. Tosave my credit I must have this by twelve to-morrow.""His credit," said Mascarin. "His credit! That is a fine joke indeed."The servant stood up stiffly erect, as one seeming to take no notice,and the agent continued reading the letter.
"Am I wrong in looking to you for this trifle? I do not think so.
Indeed, I have an idea that you will send me a hundred and fiftylouis over and above, so that I may not be left without a coin inmy pocket. How goes the great affair? I await your decision on thebrink of a precipice.
"Yours devotedly,"HENRY DE CROISENOIS.""And so," growled Mascarin, "he has flung away five thousand francs,and asks me to find it for him in my coffers. Ah, you fool, if I didnot want the grand name that you have inherited from your ancestors, aname that you daily bespatter and soil, you might whistle for yourfive thousand francs."However, as Croisenois was absolutely necessary to him, Mascarinslowly took from his safe five notes of a thousand francs each, andhanded them to the man.
"Do you want a receipt?" asked the man.
"No; this letter is sufficient, but wait a bit;" and Mascarin, with aneye to the future, drew a twenty franc piece from his pocket, andplacing it on the table, said in his most honeyed accents,--"There, my friend, is something for yourself.""No, sir," returned the man; "I always ask wages enough to prevent thenecessity of accepting presents." And with this dignified reply hebowed with the stiff air of a Quaker, and walked rigidly out of theroom.
The agent was absolutely thunderstruck. In all his thirty years'
experience he had never come across anything like this.
"I can hardly believe my senses," muttered he; "where on earth did theMarquis pick this fellow up? Can it be that he is sharper than Ifancied?"Suddenly a new and terrifying idea flashed across his mind. "Can itbe," said he, "that the fellow is not a real servant, after all? Ihave so many enemies that one day they may strive to crush me, andhowever skilfully I may play my cards, some one may hold a betterhand." This idea alarmed him greatly, for he was in a position inwhich he had nothing to fear; for when a great work is approachingcompletion, the anxiety of the promoter becomes stronger and stronger.
"No, no," he continued; "I am getting too full of suspicions;" andwith these words he endeavored to put aside the vague terrors whichwere creeping into his soul.
Suddenly Beaumarchef, evidently much excited, appeared upon thethreshold.
"What, you here again!" cried Mascarin, angrily; "am I to have nopeace to-day?""Sir, the young man is here.""What young man? Paul Violaine?""Yes, sir.""Why, I told him not to come until twelve; something must have gonewrong." He broke off his speech, for at the half-open door stood Paul.
He was very pale, and his eyes had the expression of some huntedcreature. His attire was in disorder and betokened a night spent inaimless wanderings to and fro.
"Ah, sir!" said he, as he caught sight of Mascarin.
"Leave us, Beaumarchef," said the latter, with an imperious wave ofhis hand; "and now, my dear boy, what is it?"Paul sank into a chair.
"My life is ended," said he; "I am lost, dishonored for ever."Mascarin put on a face of the most utter bewilderment, though he wellknew the cause of Paul's utter prostration; but it was with the air ofa ready sympathizer that he drew his chair nearer to that of Paul, andsaid,--"Come, tell me all about it; what can possibly have happened to affectyou thus?"In deeply tragic tones, Paul replied,--"Rose has deserted me."Mascarin raised his hands to heaven.
"And is this the reason that you say you are dishonored? Do you notsee that the future is full of promise?""I loved Rose," returned Paul, and his voice was so full of pathosthat Mascarin could hardly repress a smile. "But this is not all,"continued the unhappy boy, making a vain effort to restrain his tears;"I am accused of theft.""Impossible!" exclaimed Mascarin.
"Yes, sir; and you who know everything are the only person in theworld who can save me. You were so kind to me yesterday that Iventured to come here before the time appointed, in order to entreatyour help.""But what do you think I can do?""Everything, sir; but let me tell you the whole hideous complication."Mascarin's face assumed an air of the deepest interest, as heanswered, "Go on.""After our interview," began Paul, "I went back to the Hotel de Perou,and on the mantelpiece in my garret found this note from Rose."He held it out as he spoke, but Mascarin made no effort to take it.
"In it," resumed Paul, "Rose tells me she no longer loves me, and begsme not to seek to see her again; and also that, wearied out ofpoverty, she has accepted the offer of unlimited supplies of money, acarriage, and diamonds.""Are you surprised at this?" asked Mascarin, with a sneer.
"How could I anticipate such an infidelity, when only the eveningbefore she swore by all she held most sacred that she loved me only?
Why did she lie to me? Did she write to make the blow fall heavier?
When I ascended the staircase, I was picturing to myself her joy whenI told her of your kind promises to me. For more than an hour Iremained in my garret, overwhelmed with the terrible thought that Ishould never see her again."Mascarin watched Paul attentively, and came to the conclusion that hiswords were too fine for his grief to be sincere.
"But what about the accusation of theft?""I am coming to that," returned the young man. "I then determined toobey your injunctions and leave the Hotel de Perou, with which I wasmore than ever disgusted. I went downstairs to settle with MadameLoupins, when ah! hideous disgrace! As I handed her the two weeks'
rent, she asked me with a contemptuous sneer, where I had stolen themoney from?"Mascarin secretly chuckled over the success of his plans thusannounced by Paul.
"What did you say?" asked he.
"Nothing, sir; I was too horror-stricken; the man Loupins came up, andboth he and his wife scowled at me threateningly. After a short pause,they asserted that they were perfectly sure that Rose and I had robbedM. Tantaine.""But did you not deny this monstrous charge?""I was utterly bewildered, for I saw that every circumstance wasagainst me. The evening before, Rose, in reply to Madame Loupin'simportunities, had told her that she had no money, and did not knowwhere to get any. But, as you perceive, on the very next day Iappeared in a suit of new clothes, and was prepared to pay my debts,while Rose had left the house some hours before. Does not all thisform a chain of strange coincidences? Rose changed the five hundredfranc note that Tantaine had lent me at the shop of a grocer, namedMelusin, and this suspicious fool was the first to raise a cry againstus, and dared to assert that a detective had been ordered to watchus."Mascarin knew all this story better than Paul, but here he interruptedhis young friend.
"I do not understand you," said he, "nor whether your grief arisesfrom indignation or remorse. Has there been a robbery?""How can I tell? I have never seen M. Tantaine from that day. There isa rumor that he has been plundered and important papers taken fromhim, and that he has consequently been arrested.""Why did you not explain the facts?""It would have been of no use. It would clearly prove that Tantainewas no friend of mine, not even an acquaintance, and they would havelaughed me to scorn had I declared that the evening before he cameinto my room and made me a present of five hundred francs.""I think that I can solve the riddle," remarked Mascarin. "I know theold fellow so well."Paul listened with breathless eagerness.
"Tantaine," resumed Mascarin, "is the best and kindest fellow in theworld, but he is not quite right in the upper story. He was a wealthyman once, but his liberality was his ruin. He is as poor as a church-mouse now, but he is as anxious as ever to be charitable.
Unfortunately in the place I procured for him he had a certain amountof petty cash at his disposal, and moved to pity at the sight of yoursufferings, he gave you the money that really belonged to others. Thenhe sent in his accounts, and the deficiency was discovered. He losthis head, and declared that he had been robbed. You lived in the nextroom; you were known to be in abject poverty on the one day and inample funds on the next; hence these suspicions."All was too clear to Paul, and a cold shiver ran through his frame ashe saw himself arrested, tried, and condemned.
"But," stammered he, "M. Tantaine holds my note of hand, which is aproof that I acted honestly.""My poor boy, do you think that if he hoped to save himself at yourexpense he would produce it?""Luckily, sir, you know the real state of the case."Mascarin shook is head.
"Would my story be credited?" asked he. "Justice is not infallible,and I must confess that appearances are against you."Paul was crushed down beneath this weight of argument. "There is noresource for me then but death," murmured he, "for I will not live adishonored man."The conduct of Paul was precisely what Mascarin had expected, and hefelt that the moment had arrived to strike a final blow.
"You must not give way to despair, my boy," said he.
But Paul made no reply; he had lost the power of hearing. Mascarin,however, had no time to lose, and taking him by the arm, shook himroughly. "Rouse yourself. A man in your position must help himself,and bring forward proofs of his innocence.""There is no use in fighting," replied Paul. "Have you not just shownme that it is hopeless to endeavor to prove my innocence?"Mascarin grew impatient at this unnecessary exhibition of cowardice,but he concealed his feelings as best he could.
"No, no," answered he; "I only wished to show you the worst side ofthe affair.""There is only one side.""Not so, for it is only a supposition that Tantaine had made away withmoney entrusted to him, and we are not certain of it. And we onlysurmise that he has been arrested, and thrown the blame on you. Beforegiving up the game, would it not be best to be satisfied on thesepoints?"Paul felt a little reassured.
"I say nothing," continued Mascarin, "of the influence I exercise overTantaine, and which may enable me to compel him to confess the truth."Weak natures like Paul's are raised in a moment from the lowest depthsof depression to the highest pitch of exultation, and he alreadyconsidered that he was saved.
"Shall I ever be able to prove my gratitude to you?" said heimpulsively.
Mascarin's face assumed a paternal expression.
"Perhaps you may," answered he; "and as a commencement you mustentirely forget the past. Daylight dispels the hideous visions of thenight. I offer you a fresh lease of life; will you become a new man?"Paul heaved a deep sigh. "Rose," he murmured; "I cannot forget her."Mascarin frowned. "What," said he, "do you still let your thoughtsdwell on that woman? There are people who cringe to the hand thatstrikes them, and the more they are duped and deceived, the more theylove. If you are made of this kind of stuff, we shall never get on. Goand find your faithless mistress, and beg her to come back and shareyour poverty, and see what she will say."These sarcasms roused Paul. "I will be even with her some day,"muttered he.
"Forget her; that is the easiest thing for you to do."Even now Paul seemed to hesitate. "What," said his patronreproachfully, "have you no pride?""I have, sir.""You have not, or you would never wish to hamper yourself with a womanlike Rose. You should keep your hands free, if you want to fight yourway through the battle of life.""I will follow your advice, sir," said Paul hurriedly.
"Very soon you will thank Rose deeply for having left you. You willclimb high, I can tell you, if you will work as I bid you.""Then," stammered Paul, "this situation at twelve thousand francs ayear----""There never has been such a situation."A ghastly pallor overspread Paul's countenance, as he saw himselfagain reduced to beggary.
"But, sir," he murmured, "will you not permit me to hope--""For twelve thousand francs! Be at ease, you shall have that and muchmore. I am getting old. I have no ties in the world--you shall be myadopted son."A cloud settled on Paul's brow, for the idea that his life was to bepassed in this office was most displeasing to him. Mascarin divinedhis inmost thoughts with perfect ease. "And the young fool does notknow where to go for a crust of bread," thought he. "Ah, if there wereno Flavia, no Champdoce;" then, speaking aloud, he resumed, "don'tfancy, my dear boy, that I wish to condemn you to the treadmill that Iam compelled to pass my life in. I have other views for you, far moreworthy of your merits. I have taken a great liking to you, and I willdo all I can to further your ambitious views. I was thinking a greatdeal of you, and in my head I raised the scaffolding of your futuregreatness. 'He is poor,' said I, 'and at his age, and with his tastes,this is a cruel thing. Why, pray, should I not find a wife for himamong those heiresses who have a million or two to give the man theymarry? When I talk like this, it is because I know of an heiress, andmy friend, Dr. Hortebise, shall introduce her to you. She is nearly,if not quite, as pretty as Rose, and has the advantage of her in beingwell-born, well-educated, and wealthy. She has influential relatives,and if her husband should happen to be a poet, or a composer, shecould assist him in becoming famous."A flush came over Paul's face, This seemed like the realization ofsome of his former dreams.
"With regard to your birth," continued Mascarin, "I have devised awonderful plan. Before '93, you know, every bastard was treated as agentleman, as he might have been the son of some high and mightypersonage. Who can say that your father may not have been of thenoblest blood of France, and that he has not lands and wealth? He mayeven now be looking for you, in order to acknowledge you and make youhis heir. Would you like to be a duke?""Ah, sir," stammered the young man.
Mascarin burst into a fit of laughter. "Up to now," said he, "we areonly in the region of suppositions.""Well, sir, what do you wish me to do?" asked Paul, after a shortpause.
Mascarin put on a serious face. "I want absolute obedience from you,"said he; "a blind and undeviating obedience, one that makes noobjections and asks no questions.""I will obey you, sir; but, oh! do not desert me."Without making any reply, Mascarin rang for Beaumarchef, and as soonas the latter appeared, said, "I am going to Van Klopen's, and shallleave you in charge here." Then, turning to Paul, he added, "I alwaysmean what I say; we will go and breakfast at a neighboring restaurant.
I want to have a talk with you, and afterward--afterward, my boy, Iwill show you the girl I intend to be your wife. I am curious to knowhow you like her looks."

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