"Ah, Daddy Tantaine," said she, "you are as welcome as the sun inwinter.""Hush, hush," returned the old man, gazing cautiously round him.
"Don't be frightened," returned the girl. "Madame has gone to a placefrom when there is no return ticket, at least, for some time. You knowthe greater the value of an article the closer we keep it under lockand key."Tantaine gathered from this that Rose had been arrested, and hisastonishment appeared to be unmeasured.
"Surely you don't mean that she has gone to quod?" said he.
"It is as I tell you," answered she; "but come in, and have a glass ofwine, while you hear all about it."She led the old man into the dining-room, round the table in which ahalf dozen guests were seated, just concluding a late breakfast.
Tantaine at once recognized four of the several guests as servantswhom he knew from their having applied for situations at the office,and there were two men of a very unprepossessing exterior.
"We are having a regular spree to-day," observed the cook, handing abottle to Tantaine; "but yesterday there was not much of ajollification here, for just as I was setting about getting the dinnertwo fellows came in and asked for my mistress, and as soon as they sawher they clapped their hands on her and said that she must come to thestone jug. When madame heard this she shrieked so loud as to have beenheard in the next street. She would not go a foot with them, clung tothe furniture and banisters, so they just took her up by the head andfeet, and carried her down to a cab that was standing at the door. Iseem to bring ill luck wherever I go, for this is the fourth mistressI have seen taken off in this way; but come, you are taking nothing atall."But Tantaine had had enough, and making an excuse, retired from adebauch which he saw would continue as long as the wine held out.
"All is going well," muttered he, as he climbed into the cab; "and nowfor the next one."He drove straight to the house that the elder Gandelu was building inthe Champs Elysees, and putting his head out of the window, heaccosted a light, active young fellow who was warning the footpassengers not to pass under the scaffolding.
"Anything new, La Cordille?" enquired the old man.
"No, nothing; but tell the master I am keeping a good watch."From there Tantaine visited a footman in De Breulh's employment, and awoman in the service of Madame de Bois Arden. Then, paying his fare,he started on foot for Father Canon's wine shop, in the Rue St.
Honore, where he met Florestan, who was as saucy and supercilious toTantaine as he was obsequious to Mascarin. But although he paid forFlorestan's dinner, all that he could extort from him was, that Sabinewas terribly depressed. It was fully eight o'clock before Tantaine hadgot rid of Florestan, and hailing another cab, he ordered the driverto take him to the Grand Turk, in the Rue des Poissonniers.
The magnificent sign of the Grand Turk dances in the breeze, andinvites such youths as Toto Chupin and his companions. The wholeaspect of the exterior seemed to invite the passers-by to step in andtry the good cheer provided within,--a good /table d'hote/ at sixp.m., coffee, tea, liquors, and a grand ball to complete the work ofdigestion. A long corridor leads to this earthly Eden, and the twodoors at the end of it open, the one into the dining, and the otherinto the ball-room. A motley crew collected there for the eveningmeal, and on Sundays it is next to impossible to procure a seat. Butthe dining-room is the Grand Turk's greatest attraction, for as soonas the dessert is over the head waiter makes a sign, and dishes andtablecloths are cleared away in a moment. The dining-room becomes a/café/, and the click of dominoes gives way to the rattle of forks,while beer flows freely. This, however, is nothing, for, at a secondsignal, huge folding doors are thrown open, and the strains of anorchestra ring out as an invitation to the ball, to which all dinersare allowed free entrance. Nothing is danced but round dances, polkas,mazurkas, and waltzes.
The German element was very strong at the Grand Turk, and if agentleman wished to make himself agreeable to his fair partners, itwas necessary for him, at any rate, to be well up in the Alsatiandialect. The master of the ceremonies had already called upon thevotaries of Terpsichore to take their places for the waltz as DaddyTantaine entered the hall. The scene was a most animated one, and theair heavy with the scent of beer and tobacco, and would haveasphyxiated any one not used to venture into such places.
It was the first time that he had ever visited the Grand Turk, and yetany one observing would have sworn that he was one of the regularfrequenters as he marched idly through the rooms, making constantpauses at the bar. But glance around him as he might, he could seeneither Toto Chupin nor Caroline Schimmel.
"Have I come here for nothing," muttered he, "or is the hour tooearly?"It was hard to waste time thus, but at last he sat down and orderedsome beer. His eyes wandered to a large picture on the wall,representing a fat, eastern-looking man, with a white turban andloose, blue garments, seated in a crimson chair, with his feet restingupon a yellow carpet. One hand was caressing his protuberant paunch,while the other was extended toward a glass of beer. Evidently this isthe Grand Turk. And finally by an odalisque, who fills his goblet withthe foaming infusion of malt and hops. This odalisque is very fair andstout, and some fair Alsatian damsel has evidently sat as the model.
As Tantaine was gazing upon this wondrous work of art he heard asqueaking voice just behind him.
"That is certainly that young rogue Chupin," muttered he.
He turned sharply round, and two tables off, in a dark corner, hediscovered the young gentleman that he had been looking for. As hegazed on the lad, he was not surprised that he had not recognized himat first, for Toto had been strangely transmogrified, and in no degreeresembled the boy who had shivered in a tattered blouse in the archwaynear the Servants' Registry Office. He was now gorgeous to behold.
From the moment that he had got his hundred francs he had chalked outa new line of life for himself, and was busy pursuing it. He had foundthat he could make all his friends merry, and he had succeeded. He hadmade a selection from the most astounding wares that the Parisiantailor keeps on hand. He had sneered at young Gaston de Gandelu, andcalled him an ape; but he had aped the ape. He wore a very short,light coat, a waistcoat that was hideous from its cut and brilliancy,and trousers strapped tightly under his feet. His collar was so talland stiff, that he had the greatest difficulty in turning his head. Hehad gone to a barber, and his lank hair had been artistically curled.
The table in front of him was covered with glasses and bottles. Twoshocking looking scamps of the true barrier bully type, with loosecravats and shiny-peaked caps, were seated by him, and were evidentlyhis guests. Tantaine's first impulse was to catch the debauched youthby the ear, but he hesitated for an instant and reflection conqueredthe impulse. With the utmost caution so that he might not attractToto's attention, he crept down to him, concealing himself as best hecould behind one of the pillars that supported the gallery, and bythis manoeuvre found himself so close to the lad that he could catchevery word he said.
Chupin was talking volubly.
"Don't you call me a swell, nor yet say that I brag," said he. "Ishall always make this kind of appearance, for to work in the manner Ipropose, a man must pay some attention to dress."At this his companions roared with laughter.
"All right," returned Toto. "I'm precious sharp, though you may notthink so, and shall go in for all kinds of elegant accomplishments,and come out a regular masher.""Wonders will never cease," answered one of the men. "When you go onyour trip for action in the Bois among the toffs, will you take mewith you?""Any one can go to the Bois who has money: and just tell me who arethose who make money. Why, those who have plenty of cheek and a goodsound business. Well, I have learned my business from some real downycards, who made it pay well. Why should I not do the same?"With a sickening feeling of terror, Tantaine saw that the lad was halfdrunk. What could he be going to say? and how much did he know? Toto'sguests evidently saw that he had taken too much; but as he seemedready to let them into a secret, they paid great attention, andexchanged a look of intelligence. The young rogue's new clothes andhis liberality all proved that he had found a means of gaining money;the only questions was what the plan could be. To induce him to talkthey passed the bottle rapidly and flattered him up. The younger manof the two shook his head with a smile.
"I don't believe you have any business at all," said he.
"Nor have I, if by business you mean some low handicraft. It is brainwork I mean, my boy; and that's what I do.""I don't doubt that a bit," answered the elder guest coaxingly.
"Come on! Tell us what it is," broke in the other. "You don't expectus to take your word.""It is as easy as lying," replied Toto. "Listen a bit, and you shallhave the whole bag of tricks. Suppose I saw Polyte steal a couple ofpairs of boots from a trotter-case seller's stall----"Polyte interrupted the narrator, protesting so strongly that he wouldnot commit such an act, that Tantaine perceived at once that some suchtrifling act of larceny weighed heavily on his conscience.
"You needn't kick up such a row," returned Toto. "I am only justputting it as a thing that might happen. We will say you had done thetrick, and that I had twigged you. Do you know what I should go? Well,I would hunt up Polyte, and say quietly, 'Halves, old man, or I willsplit.' ""And I should give you a crack in the jaw," returned Polyte angrily.
Forgetting his fine dress, Toto playfully put his thumb to his noseand extended his fingers.
"You would not be such an ass," said he. "You would say to yourself,'If I punch this chap, he will kick up no end of a row, and I shall betaken up, and perhaps sent to the mill.' No; you would be beastlycivil, and would end by doing just as I wished.""And this is what you call your business, is it?""Isn't it a good one--the mugs stand the racket, and the downy cardsprofit by it?"But there is no novelty in this; it is only blackmail after all.""I never said it wasn't; but it is blackmailing perfected into asystem."As Toto made this reply he hammered on the table, calling for moredrink.
"But," remarked Polyte, with an air of disappointment, "you don't getchances every day, and the business is often a precious poor one. Youcan't always be seeing chaps prigging boots.""Pooh! pooh!" answered Toto, "if you want to make money in thisbusiness, you must keep your eyes about you. Our customers don't cometo you, but there is nothing to prevent you going to them. You canhunt until you find them.""And where are you to hunt, if you please?""Ah, that's tellings."A long silence ensued, during which Tantaine was half tempted to comeforward. By doing so he would assuredly nip all explanations in thebud; but, on the other hand, he wanted to hear all the young rascalhad to say. He therefore only moved a little nearer, and listened moreintently.
Forgetting his curls, Toto was abstractedly passing his fingersthrough his hair, and reflecting with all the wisdom of a muddledbrain. Finally, he came to the conclusion that he might speak, and,leaning forward, he whispered,--"You won't peach if I tell you the dodge?"His companions assured him that he might have every confidence inthem.
"Very well; I make my money in the Champs Elysees, and sometimes get aharvest twice a day.""But there are no shoemakers' shops there.""You are a fool," answered Toto contemptuously. "Do you think Iblackmail thieves? That wouldn't be half good enough. Honest people,or at least people who call themselves honest, are my game. These arethe ones who can be made to pay up."Tantaine shuddered; he remembered that Mascarin had made use of thesame expression, and at once surmised that Toto must have had anoccasional ear to the keyhole.
"But," objected Polyte, "honest people have no occasion to pay up."Toto struck his glass so heavily on the table that it flew to shivers.
"Will you let me speak?" said he.
"Go on, go on, my boy," returned his friend.
"Well, when I'm hard up for cash, I go into the Champs Elysees, andtake a seat on one of the benches. From there I keep an eye on thecats, and see who get out of them. If a respectable woman does so, Iam sure of my bird.""Do you think you know a respectable woman when you see her?""I should think that I did. Well, when a respectable woman gets out ofa cab where she ought not to have been, she looks about her on allsides, first to the right and then to the left, settles her veil, and,as soon as she is sure that no one is watching her, sets off as if oldNick was behind her.""Well, what do you do then?""Why, I take the number of the cab, and follow the lady home. Then Iwait until she has had time to get to her own rooms, and go to theporter and say, 'Will you give me the name of the lady who has justcome in?' ""And do you think the porter is fool enough to do so?""Not a bit; I always take the precaution of having a delicate littlepurse in my pocket; and when the man says, as he always does, 'I don'tknow,' I pull out the purse, and say, 'I am sorry for that, for shedropped this as she came in, and I wanted to return it to her.' Theporter at once becomes awfully civil; he gives the name and number,and up I go. The first time I content myself with finding out if sheis married or single. If she is single, it is no go; but if thereverse, I go on with the job.""Why, what do you do next?""Next morning I go there, and hang about until I see the husband goout. Then I go upstairs, and ask for the wife. It is ticklish workthen, my lads; but I say, 'Yesterday, madame, I was unlucky enough toleave my pocketbook in cab number so-and-so. Now, as I saw you hailthe vehicle immediately after I had left it, I have come to ask you ifyou saw my pocketbook.' The lady flies into a rage, denies allknowledge of the book, and threatens to have me turned out. Then, withthe utmost politeness, I say, 'I see, madame, that there is nothing tobe done but to communicate the matter to your husband.' Then she getsalarmed, and--she pays.""And you don't see any more of her?""Not that day; but when the funds are low, I call and say, 'It is Iagain, madame; I am the poor young man who lost his money in such andsuch a cab on a certain day of the month.' And so the game goes on. Adozen such clients give a fellow a very fair income. Now, perhaps, youunderstand why I am always so well dressed, and always have money inmy pocket. When I was shabbily attired, they offered me a five-francpiece, but now they come down with a flimsy."The young wretch spoke the truth; for to many women, who in a madmoment of passion may have forgotten themselves, and been tracked totheir homes by some prowling blackmailer, life has been an endlessjourney of agony. Every knock at the door makes them start, and everyfootfall on the staircase causes a tremor as they think that thevillain has come to betray their guilty secret.
"That is all talk," said Polyte; "such things are never done.""They /are/ done," returned Toto sulkily.
"Have you ever tried the dodge yourself, then?" sneered Polyte.
At another time Chupin would have lied, but the fumes of the drink hehad taken, added to his natural self-conceit, had deprived him of alljudgment.
"Well," muttered he, "if I have not done it myself exactly, I haveseen others practise it often enough--on a much larger scale, it istrue; but one can always do things in a more miniature fashion withperhaps a better chance of success.""What! /you/ have seen this done?""Of course I have.""And had you a share in the swag?""To a certain extent. I have followed the cabs times without number,and have watched the goings on of these fine ladies and gentlemen;only I was working for others, like the dog that catches the hare, andnever has a bit of it to eat. No, all I got was dry bread, with a kickor a cuff for dessert. I sha'n't put up with it any longer, and havemade up my mind to open on my own account.""And who has been employing you?"A flash of sense passed through Chupin's muddled brain. He had neverwished to injure Mascarin, but merely to increase his own importanceby extolling the greatness of his employer.
"I worked for people who have no equal in Paris," said he proudly.
"They don't mince matters either, I can tell you; and they have moremoney than you could count in six months. There is not a thing theycannot do if they desire; and if I were to tell you----"He stopped short, his mouth wide open, and his eyes dilated withterror, for before him stood old Daddy Tantaine.
Tantaine's face had a most benign expression upon it, and in a mostpaternal voice he exclaimed,--"And so here you are at last, my lad; and, bless me, how fine! why,you look like a real swell."But Toto was terribly disconcerted. The mere appearance of Tantainedissipated the fumes of liquor which had hitherto clouded the boy'sbrain, and by degrees he recollected all that he had said, and,becoming conscious of his folly, had a vague idea of some swift-comingretribution. Toto was a sharp lad, and he was by no means deceived byTantaine's outward semblance of friendliness, and he almost felt as ifhis life depended on the promptness of his decision. The question was,had the old man heard anything of the preceding conversation?
"If the old rogue has been listening," said he to himself, "I am in ahole, and no mistake."It was, therefore, with a simulated air of ease that he answered,--"I was waiting for you, sir, and it was out of respect to you that Iput on my very best togs.""That was very nice of you; I ought to thank you very much. And now,will you--"Toto's courage was coming back to him rapidly.
"Will you take a glass of beer, or a liquor of brandy, sir?" said he.
But Daddy Tantaine excused himself on the plea that he had just beendrinking.
"That is all the more reason for being thirsty," remarked Toto. "Myfriends and I have drunk the contents of all these bottles sincedinner."Tantaine raised his shabby hat at this semi-introduction, and the tworoughs bowed smoothly. They were not entirely satisfied with theappearance of the new-comer, and thought that this would be a goodmoment for taking leave of their host. The waltz had just concluded,and the master of the ceremonies was repeating his eternal refrainof--"Take your places, ladies and gentlemen;" and taking advantage ofthe noise, Toto's friends shook hands with their host and adroitlymixed with the crowd.
"Good fellows! jolly fellows;" muttered Toto, striving to catch a lastglimpse of them.
Tantaine gave a low, derisive whistle. "My lad," said he, "you keepexecrable company, and one day you will repent it.""I can look after myself, sir.""Do as you like, my lad; it is no business of mine. But, take my wordfor it, you will come to grief some day. I have told you that oftenenough.""If the old rascal suspected anything," thought Toto, "he would nottalk in this way."Wretched Toto! he did not know that when his spirits were rising thedanger was terribly near, for Tantaine was just then saying tohimself,--"Ah! this lad is much too clever--too clever by half. If I were goingon with the business, and could make it worth his while, how useful hewould be to me! but just now it would be most imprudent to allow himto wander about and jabber when he gets drunk."Meanwhile Toto had called a waiter, and, flinging a ten-franc piece onthe table, said haughtily: "Take your bill out of that." But Tantainepushed the money back toward the lad, and, drawing another ten-francpiece from his pocket, gave it to the waiter.
This unexpected act of generosity put the lad in the best possiblehumor. "All the better for me," exclaimed he; "and now let us hunt upCaroline Schimmel.""Is she here? I could not find her.""Because you did not know where to look for her. She is at cards inthe coffee-room. Come along, sir."But Tantaine laid his hand upon the boy's arm.
"One moment," said he. "Did you tell the woman just what I ordered youto say?""I did not omit a single word.""Tell me what you said, then.""For five days," began the lad solemnly, "your Toto has been yourCaroline's shadow. We have played cards until all sorts of hours, andI took care that she should always win. I confided to her that I had ajolly old uncle,--a man not without means, a widower, and crazy to bemarried again,--who had seen her and had fallen in love with her.""Good! my lad, good! and what did she say?""Why, she grinned like half a dozen cats; only she is a bit artful,and I saw at once that she thought I was after her cards, but themention of my uncle's property soon chucked her off that idea.""Did you give my name?""Yes, at the end, I did. I knew that she had seen you, and so I keptit back as long as I could; but as soon as I mentioned it she lookedrather confused, and cried out: 'I know him quite well.' So you see,sir, all you have now is to settle a day for the marriage. Come on;she expects you."Toto was right. The late domestic of the Duke de Champdoce was playingcards; but as soon as she caught sight of Toto and his pretendeduncle, in spite of her holding an excellent hand, she threw up hercards, and received him with the utmost civility. Toto looked on withdelight. Never had he seen the old rascal (as he inwardly called himin his heart) so polite, agreeable, and talkative. It was easy to seethat Caroline Schimmel was yielding to his fascinations, for she hadnever had such extravagant compliments whispered in her ear in sopersuasive a tone. But Tantaine did not confine his attentions to wineonly: he first ordered a bowl of punch, and then followed that up by abottle of the best brandy. All the old man's lost youth seemed to havecome back to him: he sang, he drank, and he danced. Toto watched themin utter surprise, as the old man whirled the clumsy figure of thewoman round the room.
And he was rewarded for this tremendous exertion, for by ten o'clockshe had consented, and Caroline left the Grand Turk on the arm of herfuture husband, having promised to take supper with him.
Next morning, when the scavengers came down from Montmartre to plytheir matutinal avocations, they found the body of a woman lying onher face on the pavement. They raised her up and carried her to anhospital. She was not dead, as had been at first supposed; and whenthe unhappy creature came to her senses, she said that her name wasCaroline Schimmel, that she had been to supper at a restaurant withher betrothed, and that from that instant she remembered nothing. Ather request, the surgeon had her conveyed to her home in the RueMercadet.

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