Not surprisingly, body language plays a huge part inthis game, and even less surprisingly, so does eye contact.
Dozens of little gestures are used to send out sexualmessages: the tilt of the head, holding eye contact a littlelonger than normal, the angle of the hips and the handsthrough the hair. Glancing sideways is a gesture that can suggestdoubt on its own, but combined with a slight smile anda narrowing of the eyes it is a powerful gesture of flirtation.
A man sends out signals with his swagger; a woman, byrolling her hips. A man loosens his tie ever so slightly; awoman moistens her lips. On and on, the parties conveytheir interest in each other through their stances, glancesand postures until some small gesture synchronizes andsends the O.K.
desk, held out her hand to me and smiled. "Hi, I'mNatalie," she said.
I had been obliged to speak first, and she had donethe polite thing. She had stood up, offered her hand,smiled and introduced herself. All completely innocent—or was it? I have no idea. But we had rapport, and shehad me talking.

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