This book contains a life of Columbus, written with the hope ofinteresting all classes of readers.
His life has often been written, and it has sometimes been well written.
The great book of our countryman, Washington Irving, is a noble model ofdiligent work given to a very difficult subject. And I think every personwho has dealt with the life of Columbus since Irving's time, has expressedhis gratitude1 and respect for the author.
According to the custom of biographers, in that time and since, heincludes in those volumes the whole history of the West India islands, forthe period after Columbus discovered them till his death. He also thinks ithis duty to include much of the history of Spain and of the Spanish court. Ido not myself believe that it is wise to attempt, in a book of biography2, soconsiderable a study of the history of the time. Whether it be wise or not, Ihave not attempted it in this book. I have rather attempted to followclosely the personal fortunes of Christopher Columbus, and, to the historyaround him, I have given only such space as seemed absolutely necessaryfor the illustration of those fortunes.
I have followed on the lines of his own personal narrative3 wherever wehave it. And where this is lost I have used the absolutely contemporaryauthorities. I have also consulted the later writers, those of the nextgeneration and the generation which followed it. But the more one studiesthe life of Columbus the more one feels sure that, after the greatness of hisdiscovery was really known, the accounts of the time were overlaid bywhat modern criticism calls myths4, which had grown up in the enthusiasmof those who honored him, and which form no part of real history. If thenthe reader fails to find some stories with which he is quite familiar in thehistory, he must not suppose that they are omitted by accident, but mustgive to the author of the book the credit of having used some discretion5 inthe choice of his authorities.
When I visited Spain in 1882, I was favored by the officers of theSpanish government with every facility for carrying my inquiry6 as far as a short visit would permit. Since that time Mr. Harrisse has published hisinvaluable volumes on the life of Columbus. It certainly seems as if everydocument now existing, which bears upon the history, had been collatedby him. The reader will see that I have made full use of this treasure-house.
The Congress of Americanistas, which meets every year, bringsforward many curious studies on the history of the continent, but it canscarcely be said to have done much to advance our knowledge of thepersonal life of Columbus.
The determination of the people of the United States to celebrate fitlythe great discovery which has advanced civilization and changed the faceof the world, makes it certain that a new interest has arisen in the life ofthe great man to whom, in the providence7 of God, that discovery was due.
The author and publishers of this book offer it as their contribution in thegreat celebration, with the hope that it may be of use, especially in thedirection of the studies of the young. EDWARD E. HALE.
ROXBURY, MASS., June 1st, 1891.

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adj.感激,感谢 | |
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n.个人经历,传记 | |
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n.叙述,故事;adj.叙事的,故事体的 | |
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n.神话( myth的名词复数 );杜撰出来的人[事物] | |
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n.谨慎;随意处理 | |
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n.打听,询问,调查,查问 | |
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n.深谋远虑,天道,天意;远见;节约;上帝 | |
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