Chapter 1 BY CALDRON POOL IN the last days of Narnia, far up to the west beyond Lantern Waste and close beside the great waterfall, there lived an Ape. He was so old that no one could remember when he had first come to live in those parts, and he was the cleverest, ugliest, most wrinkled Ape you can imagine. He had a little house, built of wood and thatched with leaves, up in the fork of a great tree, and his name was Shift. There were very few Talking Beasts or Men or Dwarfs, or people of any sort, in that part of the wood, but Shift had one friend and neighbour who was a donkey called Puzzle. At least they both said they were friends, but from the way things went on you might have thought Puzzle was more like Shift's servant than his friend. He did all the work. When they went together to the river, Shift filled the big skin bottles with water but it was Puzzle who carried them back. When they wanted anything from the towns further down the river it was Puzzle who went down with empty panniers on his back and came back with the panniers full and heavy. And all the nicest things that Puzzle brought back were eaten by Shift; for as Shift said, "You see, Puzzle, I can't eat grass and thistles like you, so it's only fair I should make it up in other ways." And Puzzle always said, "Of course, Shift, of course. I see that." Puzzle never complained, because he knew that Shift was far cleverer than himself and he thought it was very kind of Shift to be friends with him at all. And if ever Puzzle did try to argue about anything, Shift would always say, "Now, Puzzle, I understand what needs to be done better than you. You know you're not clever, Puzzle." And Puzzle always said, "No, Shift. It's quite true. I'm not clever." Then he would sigh and do whatever Shift had said. One morning early in the year the pair of them were out walking along the shore of Caldron Pool. Caldron Pool is the big pool right under the cliffs at the western end of Narnia. The great waterfall pours down into it with a noise like everlasting thunder, and the River of Narnia flows out on the other side. The waterfall keeps the Pool always dancing and bubbling and churning round and round as if it were on the boil, and that of course is how it got its name of Caldron Pool. It is liveliest in the early spring when the waterfall is swollen with all the snow that has melted off the mountains from up beyond Narnia in the Western Wild from which the river comes. And as they looked at Caldron Pool Shift suddenly pointed with his dark, skinny finger and said, "Look! What's that?" "What's what?" said Puzzle. "That yellow thing that's just come down the waterfall. Look! There it is again, it's floating. We must find out what it is." "Must we?" said Puzzle. "Of course we must," said Shift. "It may be something useful. Just hop into the Pool like a good fellow and fish it out. Then we can have a proper look at it." "Hop into the Pool?" said Puzzle, twitching his long ears. "Well how are we to get it if you don't?" said the Ape. "But - but," said Puzzle, "wouldn't it be better if you went in? Because, you see, it's you who wants to know what it is, and I don't much. And you've got hands, you see. You're as good as a Man or a Dwarf when it comes to catching hold of things. I've only got hoofs." "Really, Puzzle," said Shift, "I didn't think you'd ever say a thing like that. I didn't think it of you, really." "Why, what have I said wrong?" said the Ass, speaking in rather a humble voice, for he saw that Shift was very deeply offended. "All I meant was -" "Wanting me to go into the water," said the Ape. "As if you didn't know perfectly well what weak chests Apes always have and how easily they catch cold! Very well. I will go in. I'm feeling cold enough already in this cruel wind. But I'll go in. I shall probably die. Then you'll be sorry." And Shift's voice sounded as if he was just going to burst into tears. "Please don't, please don't, please don't," said Puzzle, half braying, and half talking. "I never meant anything of the sort, Shift, really I didn't. You know how stupid I am and how I can't think of more than one thing at a time. I'd forgotten about your weak chest. Of course I'll go in. You mustn't think of doing it yourself. Promise me you won't, Shift." So Shift promised, and Puzzle went cloppety-clop on his four hoofs round the rocky edge of the Pool to find a place where he could get in. Quite apart from the cold it was no joke getting into that quivering and foaming water, and Puzzle had to stand and shiver for a whole minute before he made up his mind to do it. But then Shift called out from behind him and said: "Perhaps I'd better do it after all, Puzzle." And when Puzzle heard that he said, "No, no. You promised. I'm in now," and in he went. A great mass of foam got him in the face and filled his mouth with water and blinded him. Then he went under altogether for a few seconds, and when he came up again he was in quite another part of the Pool. Then the swirl caught him and carried him round and round and faster and faster till it took him right under the waterfall itself, and the force of the water plunged him down, deep down, so that he thought he would never be able to hold his breath till he came up again. And when he had come up and when at last he got somewhere near the thing he was trying to catch, it sailed away from him till it too got under the fall and was forced down to the bottom. When it came up again it was further from him than ever. But at last, when he was almost tired to death, and bruised all over and numb with cold, he succeeded in gripping the thing with his teeth. And out he came carrying it in front of him and getting his front hoofs tangled up in it, for it was as big as a large hearthrug, and it was very heavy and cold and slimy. He flung it down in front of Shift and stood dripping and shivering and trying to get his breath back. But the Ape never looked at him or asked him how he felt. The Ape was too busy going round and round the Thing and spreading it out and patting it and smelling it. Then a wicked gleam came into his eye and he said: "It is a lion's skin." "Ee - auh - auh - oh, is it?" gasped Puzzle. "Now I wonder . . . I wonder . . . I wonder," said Shift to himself, for he was thinking very hard. "I wonder who killed the poor lion," said Puzzle presently. "It ought to be buried. We must have a funeral." "Oh, it wasn't a Talking Lion," said Shift. "You needn't bother about that. There are no Talking Beasts up beyond the Falls, up in the Western Wild. This skin must have belonged to a dumb, wild lion." This, by the way, was true. A Hunter, a Man, had killed and skinned this lion somewhere up in the Western Wild several months before. But that doesn't come into this story. "All the same, Shift," said Puzzle, "even if the skin only belonged to a dumb, wild lion, oughtn't we to give it a decent burial? I mean, aren't all lions rather - well, rather solemn? Because of you know Who. Don't you see?" "Don't you start getting ideas into your head, Puzzle," said Shift. "Because, you know, thinking isn't your strong point. We'll make this skin into a fine warm winter coat for you." "Oh, I don't think I'd like that," said the Donkey. "It would look - I mean, the other Beasts might think - that is to say, I shouldn't feel -" "What are you talking about?" said Shift, scratching himself the wrong way up as Apes do. "I don't think it would be respectful to the Great Lion, to Aslan himself, if an ass like me went about dressed up in a lion-skin," said Puzzle. "Now don't stand arguing, please," said Shift. "What does an ass like you know about things of that sort? You know you're no good at thinking, Puzzle, so why don't you let me do your thinking for you? Why don't you treat me as I treat you? I don't think I can do everything. I know you're better at some things than I am. That's why I let you go into the Pool; I knew you'd do it better than me. But why can't I have my turn when it comes to something I can do and you can't? Am I never to be allowed to do anything? Do be fair. Turn and turn about." "Oh, well, of course, if you put it that way," said Puzzle. "I tell you what," said Shift. "You'd better take a good brisk trot down river as far as Chippingford and see if they have any oranges or bananas." "But I'm so tired, Shift," pleaded Puzzle. "Yes, but you are very cold and wet," said the Ape. "You want something to warm you up. A brisk trot would be just the thing. Besides, it's market day at Chippingford today." And then of course Puzzle said he would go. As soon as he was alone Shift went shambling along, sometimes on two paws and sometimes on four, till he reached his own tree. Then he swung himself up from branch to branch, chattering and grinning all the time, and went into his little house. He found needle and thread and a big pair of scissors there; for he was a clever Ape and the Dwarfs had taught him how to sew. He put the ball of thread (it was very thick stuff, more like cord than thread) into his mouth so that his cheek bulged out as if he were sucking a big bit of toffee. He held the needle between his lips and took the scissors in his left paw. Then he came down the tree and shambled across to the lion-skin. He squatted down and got to work. He saw at once that the body of the lion-skin would be too long for Puzzle and its neck too short. So he cut a good piece out of the body and used it to make a long collar for Puzzle's long neck. Then he cut off the head and sewed the collar in between the head and the shoulders. He put threads on both sides of the skin so that it would tie up under Puzzle's chest and stomach. Every now and then a bird would pass overhead and Shift would stop his work, looking anxiously up. He did not want anyone to see what he was doing. But none of the birds he saw were Talking Birds, so it didn't matter. Late in the afternoon Puzzle came back. He was not trotting but only plodding patiently along, the way donkeys do. "There weren't any oranges," he said, "and there weren't any bananas. And I'm very tired." He lay down. "Come and try on your beautiful new lion-skin coat," said Shift. "Oh bother that old skin," said Puzzle. "I'll try it on in the morning. I'm too tired tonight." "You are unkind, Puzzle," said Shift. "If you're tired what do you think I am? All day long, while you've been having a lovely refreshing walk down the valley, I've been working hard to make you a coat. My paws are so tired I can hardly hold these scissors. And you won't say thank you -and you won't even look at the coat -and you don't care - and- and-" "My dear Shift," said Puzzle getting up at once, "I am so sorry. I've been horrid. Of course I'd love to try it on. And it looks simply splendid. Do try it on me at once. Please do." "Well, stand still then," said the Ape. The skin was very heavy for him to lift, but in the end, with a lot of pulling and pushing and puffing and blowing, he got it on to the donkey. He tied it underneath Puzzle's body and he tied the legs to Puzzle's legs and the tail to Puzzle's tail. A good deal of Puzzle's grey nose and face could be seen through the open mouth of the lion's head. No one who had ever seen a real lion would have been taken in for a moment. But if someone who had never seen a lion looked at Puzzle in his lion-skin he just might mistake him for a lion, if he didn't come too close, and if the light was not too good, and if Puzzle didn't let out a bray and didn't make any noise with his hoofs. "You look wonderful, wonderful," said the Ape. "If anyone saw you now, they'd think you were Aslan, the Great Lion, himself." "That would be dreadful," said Puzzle. "No it wouldn't," said Shift. "Everyone would do whatever you told them." "But I don't want to tell them anything." "But you think of the good we could do!" said Shift. "You'd have me to advise you, you know. I'd think of sensible orders for you to give. And everyone would have to obey us, even the King himself. We would set everything right in Narnia." "But isn't everything right already?" said Puzzle. "What!" cried Shift. "Everything right?-when there are no oranges or bananas?" "Well, you know," said Puzzle, "there aren't many people - in fact, I don't think there's anyone but yourself who wants those sort of things." "There's sugar too," said Shift. "H'm yes," said the Ass. "It would be nice if there was more sugar." "Well then, that's settled," said the Ape. "You will pretend to be Aslan, and I'll tell you what to say." "No, no, no," said Puzzle. "Don't say such dreadful things. It would be wrong, Shift. I maybe not very clever but I know that much. What would become of us if the real Aslan turned up?" "I expect he'd be very pleased," said Shift. "Probably he sent us the lion-skin on purpose, so that we could set things to right. Anyway, he never does turn up, you know. Not nowadays." At that moment there came a great thunderclap right overhead and the ground trembled with a small earthquake. Both the animals lost their balance and were flung on their faces. "There!" gasped Puzzle, as soon as he had breath to speak. "It's a sign, a warning. I knew we were doing something dreadfully wicked. Take this wretched skin off me at once." "No, no," said the Ape (whose mind worked very quickly). "It's a sign the other way. I was just going to say that if the real Aslan, as you call him, meant us to go on with this, he would send us a thunderclap and an earth-tremor. It was just on the tip of my tongue, only the sign itself came before I could get the words out. You've got to do it now, Puzzle. And please don't let us have any more arguing. You know you don't understand these things. What could a donkey know about signs?" 1大锅深渊 在纳尼亚最后的日子里,远在西边灯柱野林之外,紧挨着大瀑布,住着一头无尾猿。它的年龄是那么大了,没有人记得它当初是在什么时候来到这一带居住的,它也是你能想象得出的最最聪明、最最丑陋、浑身皱纹最最多的无尾猿。它的名字叫诡谲。它有一间小屋子,木头框架、树叶屋顶,筑在一棵大树的丫枝上。在这部分树林里,会说人话的野兽、人、小矮人,或不论哪一种子民,为数都很少,但诡谲有个邻居,它是头驴子,名字叫迷惑。至少它们俩都说它们是朋友,然而从事态的发展情况看来,你很可能认为,与其说迷惑是诡谲的朋友,倒不如说它是诡谲的仆人。所有的活儿都是迷惑干的。它们一起到河边去,诡谲把大皮囊里都灌满了水,但把盛了水的皮囊背回来的却是迷惑。它们需要河流下游市镇上的什么东西时,背了空背篓跑到市镇上去,又把那装得满满的沉重的背篓背回来的,又是迷惑。而迷惑背回来的种种精美的食物,都被诡谲吃掉,因为,诡谲说。"你瞧,迷惑,我不能像你那样吃青草和蓟,我用别的办法弥补一下也是天公地道的。"迷惑总是说"当然啦,诡谲,当然啦。我明白的。"迷惑从不诉苦埋怨,因为它觉得诡谲比它聪明,它还认为诡谲跟它交朋友,压根儿就是给它面子了。如果迷惑竟企图为了什么事情跟诡谲争辩,诡谲总是说: "迷惑,你听着,需要做什么事,我比你明白。迷惑啊,你明明知道你并不聪明。"迷惑总是说"是啊,诡谲。你说得很对,我并不聪明。"于是它就长叹一声,诡谲叫它干什么它就干什么了。 年初的一天早晨,这一对朋友出门沿着大锅渊的岸边散步。大锅渊又深又大,正位于纳尼亚西陆的悬崖绝壁之下。大瀑布从悬崖上轰然倾泻而下,声若接连不断的雷鸣,纳尼亚河则从另一边奔流而过。大瀑布使深渊里的水始终在跳跃、冒泡,绕着圈儿翻腾,仿佛一锅水在沸腾一般,因此自然而然地被叫做大锅渊。早春时节,大锅渊是最最生气勃勃的,那时纳尼亚背后西部荒原里群山上融雪的水使大瀑布丰沛极了,而纳尼亚河便是发源于荒原的。它们俩正瞧着大锅渊,诡谲突然用它那黑黑的发亮的手指指指点点,说道: "瞧!那是什么?" "什么是什么啊?"迷惑说道。 "刚才被瀑布冲下来的那个黄色的东西。瞧!又出现了,它正浮在水面上。我们必须弄明白,那究竟是个什么东西。" "我们必须吗?"迷惑问。 "当然我们必须弄明白,"诡谲说,"这也许是件有用的东西。像一个好角儿似的跳下水去,把它捞上来,我们就可以亲眼观察它了。" "跳进深渊去吗?"迷惑说,扇着耳朵。 "如果你不跳进去,我们怎么把它弄到手呢?"无尾猿道。 "但——但,"迷惑说,"你如果跳下水去,岂不更好吗?因为,你明白,原是你想知道这是什么东西,我可不大想知道。而且,你瞧,你还生得有手。赶上要抓住什么东西的时候。你像人或小矮人一样管用。我却只有驴蹄儿。" "说实在的,迷惑啊,"诡谲说道,"我认为你一向不说这种话的。确确实实,我认为你不说这种话的。" "呀,我说了什么错话吗?"驴子用一种相当谦卑的声调说道,因为它看到诡谲被它惹得十分生气了,"我的意思无非是——" "无非是要我跳到水里去,"无尾猿说道,"倒像是你并不完全明白我们无尾猿的肺部总是很弱,总是容易受寒伤风!好吧l我决意下水去。在这冷酷的风里,我已经感到冷了。可是我决意下水去。我可能会死的。那时你就要懊悔了。"诡谲说话的声音,听上去它快要哭出来了。 "别,别,别,请别,"迷惑说,一半儿是谈话,一半儿是驴叫了,"我从来没有这种意思,诡谲,我确实没有这种意思,你知道我有多蠢,一件以上的事情,我在同一个时间内就没法儿考虑了。我忘掉了你那很弱的肺。当然我会下水去的。你可别考虑亲自下水。诡谲,请答应我,你不下水。" 诡谲这就答允了,答应不下水了,于是迷惑的四个蹄子便在大锅渊的石头边缘上笃笃笃笃地走动,要找一个可以下水的地方。且不说寒冷彻骨,进入那颤抖的冒着泡沫的水里可不是闹着玩的,迷惑在下定决心跳进水里去之前,不得不站在那里足足哆嗦了一分钟。但这时诡谲从背后喊道 "也许压根儿还不如我跳进水里去的好!"迷惑听到这话,便说道"不,不,你答应不下水的。我现在下水了。"它就跳进水里去了。 一大片泡沫冲到迷惑的脸上,使迷惑满嘴是水,眼睛也看不清楚。接着,它下沉了几秒钟,等到它重新冒出水面时,它已经到了深渊的另一部分。游涡卷住了它,带着它转了又转,转得愈来愈快,终于把它冲到了大瀑布的正下方,瀑布的力量压得它往下沉,沉得很深,迷惑认为它在冒出水面之前要屏息静气是无能为力了。当迷惑冒出水面,终于到了靠近那东西的地方,企图抓住它时,它又从迷惑身边漂开去了,它也给冲到了瀑布下方,被压到水底里去了。它重新浮上来时离迷惑更远。但,最后,疲乏得要死、浑身伤痕而且冷得四肢麻木时,迷惑终于成功地用牙齿咬住了这件东西。迷惑爬出深渊,把这件东西放在前面,前蹄伸在它里边,使劲抬起它来,因为这东西很大,像一块火炉前的地毯,而且很重,很冷,很黏滑。 迷惑把这东西丢在诡谲面前的地上,它浑身滴水,格格发抖,竭力缓过气来。但无尾猿却瞧也不瞧它,也不问问它感觉如何。无尾猿忙于绕着这东西打转,把它摊开来,拍拍它,闻闻它。无尾猿眼睛里闪过一星邪恶的亮光,它说道: "这是一张狮子的毛皮。" 叫尹伊—奥—奥—啊,是吗?"迷惑上气不接下气地说道。 "现在我很想知道……我很想知道……我很想知道。" 诡谲跟它自己说道,因为它正在拼命思索。 "我想知道是谁杀了这可怜的狮子,"迷惑立刻说了出来,"应该把它埋葬。我们必须为它举行葬礼。" "啊,它可不是一头会说人话的狮子。"诡谲说道,"你无需为此自找麻烦。在西部荒原里,越过大瀑布就没有说人话的野兽了。这张毛皮必定是属于一头哑巴野狮子的。" 顺便说一旬,诡谲这句话倒说对了。几个月之前,一个猎户,一个男子汉,在西部荒原上某一个地方,杀死了这头狮子,剥下了它的皮,但这事与这个故事不相干。 "诡谲,这可完全一样,"迷惑说道,"即使这张皮属于一头哑巴野狮子,难道我们就不该为它举行体面的葬礼吗?我的意思是,所有的狮子岂不——哦,岂不都是令人敬畏的吗?你明白,这是由于谁的缘故。难道你不明白吗?" "迷惑啊,别让什么馊主意开始进入你的脑袋,"诡谲说道,"因为,你心里明白。思索并不是你的长处。我们要用这张狮子毛皮替你缝制一件优质的暖烘烘的冬季外套。" "啊,我想我不会喜欢的,"驴子道,"穿上这个,我看上去就会像——我的意思是说,其他野兽会认为——那就是说,我会感到——" "你在说什么呀?"诡谲一边说,一边像无尾猿通常所做的那样在身上乱搔。 "如果像我这样一头驴子竟穿上了狮皮外套,我认为就是对伟大的狮王,对狮王阿斯兰不尊敬。"迷惑说道。 "哦,请你别站在那儿辩论了,"诡谲说道,"像你这样的一头驴子,对这种事情懂个啥?你要知道,迷惑,你在思考问题上是不行的,你干吗不让我来替你思考呢?你干吗不像我对待你那样对待我呢?我并不认为我能干好一切事情。我知道你在有些事情上比我高明。这就是我为什么让你下到深渊里去的缘故;我知道你会干得比我好。然而,遇到我能干而你干不了的事情,为什么不该轮到我去干呢?难道永远不容许我去干什么事情吗?要公平对待,依次轮流。 "如果你那么说,那当然是可以的啦。"迷惑说道。 "我告诉你吧,"诡谲说道,"你最好还是沿河轻快地小跑到下游的奇宾福德去,瞧瞧可有橘子或香蕉。" "可我疲倦极了,诡谲啊。"迷惑恳求道。 "是呀,可你又冷又湿,"无尾猿说道,"你需要能使你暖和起来的东西。轻快的小跑正好是对症下药。何况今儿个奇宾福德还是赶集的日子哩。"于是,迷惑当然说它愿意去了。 留下诡谲独个儿时,它就拖拖沓沓地走动起来,有时两足着地,有时四肢着地,终于爬到了它自己那棵大树上。接着它就摇晃着身体,从这根树枝晃到那根树枝,口中吱吱乱叫,笑得牙齿都露了出来,最后它走进了它那筑在丫枝上的小屋子。它在屋子里找到了针、线和一把大剪刀;因为它是头聪明的无尾猿,小矮人们教过它如何缝制衣服。它把一团纱线(那可是很粗的货色,与其说是像线,不如说是像绳子)塞进嘴巴里,它的两颊便鼓了起来,仿佛喝了一大口咖啡似的。它把针咬在上下嘴唇之间,用左爪拿着剪刀,然后它就爬下树来,蹒跚地向狮子毛皮走去。它蹲下来干活。 诡谲立刻看出来了,要给驴子做外套的话,狮子毛皮的躯体部分是太大了,脖子部分又太短了。所以它就从太大的部分剪下一大块来,给驴子的长脖子做一条长长的领子。它把狮子脑袋的毛皮剪下来,在脑袋和肩膀之间的部位上把那长领子缝上去。它把整张狮子毛皮的两边都用线缝上,使驴子外套的胸腹部都得以收紧。时不时鸟儿在它头上飞过,它就停止缝制,焦急地向上张望。它不要任何飞禽走兽看到它正在干什么。但,它看到的鸟儿,没有一只是会说人话的鸟儿,所以它们看到了也没多大关系。 下午很晚的时候迷惑回来了。它不是小跑着回来的,只不过是耐心地一路踏着沉着的步子慢吞吞地回来的,驴子都是这样走道的。 "什么橘子也没有,"驴子说道,"什么香蕉也没有。我疲倦得很。"它躺下了。 "来,试试你那美丽的狮皮新外套吧。"诡谲说道。 "啊,讨厌的旧毛皮,"迷惑说,"我明儿早晨试穿吧,今天夜里我太累了。" "迷惑,你太不近人情了,"诡谲道,"如果你累了,你以为我又如何呢?整整一天,你走下山谷作一番赏心悦目、精神为之一振的散步,我却在拼命干活,给你缝制一件外套。我的脚爪搞得那么累,几乎剪刀都拿不住了。如今你却不肯说一声谢谢——甚至不肯对外套看一眼——你不关心——你——你——"5 "我亲爱的诡谲,"躺着的迷惑立刻站起身来,"我很抱歉。我态度粗暴。我当然喜欢试穿的。外套看上去简直华贵极了。立刻让我穿上试试吧。请让我试穿吧。" "好吧,那就安安静静地站着。"无尾猿说道。狮子毛皮很重,无尾猿几乎举不动它,但,经过许多拉啊推啊,气喘吁吁啊,它终于把狮皮外套套到驴子身上去了。它把狮子躯体上的毛皮缚在驴子的身体上,把狮腿上的毛皮缚在驴腿上,把狮子尾巴上的毛皮缚在驴子尾巴上。通过狮子脑袋张开嘴巴的毛皮,可以看得见驴子的大部分鼻子和脸孔。凡见过真正的狮子的,没有一个会受骗上当的。然而,如果有谁从未见过狮子,假如他并没走得很近,假使光线不是太好,假如迷惑并不发出驴叫声,并不用蹄子弄出什么声音来,瞧见迷惑穿上了狮子毛皮外套,倒可能把它误认为是狮子。 "你看上去真了不起,真了不起,"无尾猿说道,"如今不论谁看见你,都会认为你就是阿斯兰,就是伟大的狮王本人。 "那就可怕了。"迷惑说道。 "不,不会可怕的,"诡谲说道,"你叫大家做什么,大家就会做什么了。 "但我不想叫大家做什么。" "可是你想想我们可以干的好事吧,"诡谲说,"你知道,你有我在替你出主意哩。我会替你想出种种明智的命令,由你去发布。于是大家都得服从我们的命令,连国王本人也得服从。我们就可以在纳尼亚把一切都整顿得好好的。"( "但,纳尼亚不是一切已经都好好的吗?"迷惑说道。 "什么话!"诡谲嚷道,"一切都好好的吗?——现在不是连橘子或香蕉都没有吗?" "哦,你知道,"迷惑道,"没有多少人——事实上,我认为除了你没有什么人——要吃这种东西的。" "也没有糖哩。"诡谲说。 "唔,是的,"驴子说,"如果糖再多一点,那就妙了。" "那么,事情就这么定了,"无尾猿说道,"你一定要假扮成阿斯兰,我会嘱咐你说什么话。" "不,不,不,"迷惑说道,"别提这种可怕的事儿。这会犯错误的,诡谲。我也许不大聪明,然而这种事我可明白利害的。如果真正的阿斯兰出现时,我们会落得个什么下场?" "我料想狮王会十分高兴的,"诡谲说,"很可能是狮王故意把狮子毛皮捎来的,这样我们就可以把事情整顿好了。无论如何,你要知道,狮王是从来不出现的。当今之世,狮王是不出现的了。" 就在这当儿,头顶上响起一个巨大的晴天霹雳,大地抖动着,爆发小地震了。两头野兽都站不住脚,失掉了平衡,面孔朝下摔倒在地上。 "啊!"迷惑刚缓过一口气来,便喘息着说道,"这是一个征兆,一个警告。我知道我们是在干着邪恶得可怕的事情啊。立刻从我身上脱掉这件讨厌的毛皮外套吧I" "不,不,"无尾猿(它的脑筋动得很快)说道,"恰巧相反,这是个吉祥之兆。我刚才正要说:如果那位真正的阿斯兰(正如你所称呼他的)有意要我们进行这件事情,他就会给我们送来一个霹雳和一个地震——只是我还没把话说出口,吉祥之兆便出现了。迷惑啊,如今你非干这个不可了。让我们别再争辩了。你自己心里明白:这些个事情你并不了解。一头驴子,怎么能懂得征兆呢。" Chapter 2 THE RASHNESS OF THE KING About three weeks later the last of the Kings of Narnia sat under the great oak which grew beside the door of his little hunting lodge, where he often stayed for ten days or so in the pleasant spring weather. It was a low, thatched building not far from the Eastern end of Lantern Waste and some way above the meeting of the two rivers. He loved to live there simply and at ease, away from the state and pomp of Cair Paravel, the royal city. His name was King Tirian, and he was between twenty and twenty-five years old; his shoulders were already broad and strong and his limbs full of hard muscle, but his beard was still scanty. He had blue eyes and a fearless, honest face. There was no one with him that spring morning except his dearest friend, Jewel the Unicorn. They loved each other like brothers and each had saved the other's life in the wars. The lordly beast stood close beside the King's chair, with its neck bent round polishing its blue horn against the creamy whiteness of its flank. "I cannot set myself to any work or sport today, Jewel," said the King. "I can think of nothing but this wonderful news. Think you we shall hear any more of it today?" "They are the most wonderful tidings ever heard in our days or our fathers' or our grandfathers' days, Sire," said Jewel, "if they are true." "How can they choose but be true?" said the King. "It is more than a week ago that the first birds came flying over us saying, Aslan is here, Aslan has come to Narnia again. And after that it was the squirrels. They had not seen him, but they said it was certain he was in the woods. Then came the Stag. He said he had seen him with his own eyes, a great way off, by moonlight, in Lantern Waste. Then came that dark Man with the beard, the merchant from Calormen. The Calormenes care nothing for Aslan as we do; but the man spoke of it as a thing beyond doubt. And there was the Badger last night; he too had seen Aslan." "Indeed, Sire," answered Jewel, "I believe it all. If I seem not to, it is only that my joy is too great to let my belief settle itself. It is almost too beautiful to believe." "Yes," said the King with a great sigh, almost a shiver, of delight. "It is beyond all that I ever hoped for in all my life." "Listen!" said Jewel, putting his head on one side and cocking his ears forward. "What is it?" asked the King. "Hoofs, Sire," said Jewel. "A galloping horse. A very heavy horse. It must be one of the Centaurs. And look, there he is." A great, golden bearded Centaur, with man's sweat on his forehead and horse's sweat on his chestnut flanks, dashed up to the King, stopped, and bowed low. "Hail, King," it cried in a voice as deep as a bull's. "Ho, there!" said the King, looking over his shoulder towards the door of the hunting lodge. "A bowl of wine for the noble Centaur. Welcome, Roonwit. When you have found your breath you shall tell us your errand." A page came out of the house carrying a great wooden bowl, curiously carved, and handed it to the Centaur. The Centaur raised the bowl and said, "I drink first to Aslan and truth, Sire, and secondly to your Majesty." He finished the wine (enough for six strong men) at one draught and handed the empty bowl back to the page. "Now, Roonwit," said the King. "Do you bring us more news of Aslan?" Roonwit looked very grave, frowning a little. "Sire," he said. "You know how long I have lived and studied the stars; for we Centaurs live longer than you Men, and even longer than your kind, Unicorn. Never in all my days have I seen such terrible things written in the skies as there have been nightly since this year began. The stars say nothing of the coming of Aslan, nor of peace, nor of joy. I know by my art that there have not been such disastrous conjunctions of the planets for five hundred years. It was already in my mind to come and warn your Majesty that some great evil hangs over Narnia. But last night the rumour reached me that Aslan is abroad in Narnia. Sire, do not believe this tale. It cannot be. The stars never lie, but Men and Beasts do. If Aslan were really coming to Narnia the sky would have foretold it. If he were really come, all the most gracious stars would be assembled in his honour. It is all a lie." "A lie!" said the King fiercely. "What creature in Narnia or all the world would dare to lie on such a matter?" And, without knowing it, he laid his hand on his sword hilt. "That I know not, Lord King," said the Centaur. "But I know there are liars on earth; there are none among the stars." "I wonder," said Jewel, "whether Aslan might not come though all the stars foretold otherwise. He is not the slave of the stars but their Maker. Is it not said in all the old stories that He is not a tame lion." "Well said, well said, Jewel," cried the King. "Those are the very words: not a tame lion. It comes in many tales." Roonwit had just raised his hand and was leaning forward to say something very earnestly to the King when all three of them turned their heads to listen to a wailing sound that was quickly drawing nearer. The wood was so thick to the West of them that they could not see the newcomer yet. But they could soon hear the words. "Woe, woe, woe!" called the voice. "Woe for my brothers and sisters! Woe for the holy trees! The woods are laid waste. The axe is loosed against us. We are being felled. Great trees are falling, falling, falling." With the last "falling" the speaker came in sight. She was like a woman but so tall that her head was on a level with the Centaur's yet she was like a tree too. It is hard to explain if you have never seen a Dryad but quite unmistakable once you have - something different in the colour, the voice, and the hair. King Tirian and the two Beasts knew at once that she was the nymph of a beech tree. "Justice, Lord King!" she cried. "Come to our aid. Protect your people. They are felling us in Lantern Waste. Forty great trunks of my brothers and sisters are already on the ground." "What, Lady! Felling Lantern Waste? Murdering the talking trees?" cried the King, leaping to his feet and drawing his sword. "How dare they? And who dares it? Now by the Mane of Aslan-" "A-a-a-h," gasped the Dryad shuddering as if in pain - shuddering time after time as if under repeated blows. Then all at once she fell sideways as suddenly as if both her feet had been cut from under her. For a second they saw her lying dead on the grass and then she vanished. They knew what had happened. Her tree, miles away, had been cut down. For a moment the King's grief and anger were so great that he could not speak. Then he said: "Come, friends. We must go up river and find the villains who have done this, with all the speed we may. I will leave not one of them alive." "Sire, with a good will," said Jewel. But Roonwit said, "Sire, be wary in your just wrath. There are strange doings on foot. If there should be rebels in arms further up the valley, we three are too few to meet them. If it would please you to wait while -" "I will not wait the tenth part of a second," said the King. "But while Jewel and I go forward, do you gallop as hard as you may to Cair Paravel. Here is my ring for your token. Get me a score of men-at-arms, all well mounted, and a score of Talking Dogs, and ten Dwarfs (let them all be fell archers), and a Leopard or so, and Stonefoot the Giant. Bring all these after us as quickly as may be." "With a good will, Sire," said Roonwit. And at once he turned and galloped Eastward down the valley. The King strode on at a great pace, sometimes muttering to himself and sometimes clenching his fists. Jewel walked beside him, saying nothing; so there was no sound between them but the faint jingle of a rich gold chain that hung round the Unicorn's neck and the noise of two feet and four hoofs. They soon reached the River and turned up it where there was a grassy road: they had the water on their left and the forest on their right. Soon after that they came to the place where the ground grew rougher and thick wood came down to the water's edge. The road, what there was of it, now ran on the Southern bank and they had to ford the River to reach it. It was up to Tirian's arm-pits, but Jewel (who had four legs and was therefore steadier) kept on his right so as to break the force of the current, and Tirian put his strong arm round the Unicorn's strong neck and they both got safely over. The King was still so angry that he hardly noticed the cold of the water. But of course he dried his sword very carefully on the shoulder of his cloak, which was the only dry part of him, as soon as they came to shore. They were now going Westward with the River on their right and Lantern Waste straight ahead of them. They had not gone more than a mile when they both stopped and both spoke at the same moment. The King said "What have we here?" and Jewel said "Look!" "It is a raft," said King Tirian. And so it was. Half a dozen splendid tree-trunks, all newly cut and newly lopped of their branches, had been lashed together to make a raft, and were gliding swiftly down the river. On the front of the raft there was a water rat with a pole to steer it. "Hey! Water-Rat! What are you about?" cried the King. "Taking logs down to sell to the Calormenes, Sire," said the Rat, touching his ear as he might have touched his cap if he had had one. "Calormenes!" thundered Tirian. "What do you mean? Who gave order for these trees to be felled?" The River flows so swiftly at that time of the year that the raft had already glided past the King and Jewel. But the Water-Rat looked back over its shoulder and shouted out: "The Lion's orders, Sire. Aslan himself." He added something more but they couldn't hear it. The King and the Unicorn stared at one another and both looked more frightened than they had ever been in any battle. "Aslan," said the King at last, in a very low voice. "Aslan. Could it be true? Could he be felling the holy trees and murdering the Dryads?" "Unless the Dryads have all done something dreadfully wrong-" murmured Jewel. "But selling them to Calormenes!" said the King. "Is it possible?" "I don't know," said Jewel miserably. "He's not a tame lion." "Well," said the King at last, "we must go on and take the adventure that comes to us." "It is the only thing left for us to do, Sire," said the Unicorn. He did not see at the moment how foolish it was for two of them to go on alone; nor did the King. They were too angry to think clearly. But much evil came of their rashness in the end. Suddenly the King leaned hard on his friend's neck and bowed his head. "Jewel," he said, "what lies before us? Horrible thoughts arise in my heart. If we had died before today we should have been happy." "Yes," said Jewel. "We have lived too long. The worst thing in the world has come upon us." They stood like that for a minute or two and then went on. Before long they could hear the hack-hack-hack of axes falling on timber, though they could see nothing yet because there was a rise of the ground in front of them. When they had reached the top of it they could see right into Lantern Waste itself. And the King's face turned white when he saw it. Right through the middle of that ancient forest - that forest where the trees of gold and of silver had once grown and where a child from our world had once planted the Tree of Protection - a broad lane had already been opened. It was a hideous lane like a raw gash in the land, full of muddy ruts where felled trees had been dragged down to the river. There was a great crowd of people at work, and a cracking of whips, and horses tugging and straining as they dragged at the logs. The first thing that struck the King and the Unicorn was that about half the people in the crowd were not Talking Beasts but Men. The next thing was that these men were not the fair-haired men of Narnia: they were dark, bearded men from Calormen, that great and cruel country that lies beyond Archenland across the desert to the south. There was no reason, of course, why one should not meet a Calormene or two in Narnia - a merchant or an ambassador - for there was peace between Narnia and Calormen in those days. But Tirian could not understand why there were so many of them: nor why they were cutting down a Narnian forest. He grasped his sword tighter and rolled his cloak round his left arm. They came quickly down among the men. Two Calormenes were driving a horse which was harnessed to a log. Just as the King reached them the log had got stuck in a bad muddy place. "Get on, son of sloth! Pull, you lazy pig!" cried the Calormenes, cracking their whips. The horse was already straining himself as hard as he could; his eyes were red and he was covered with foam. "Work, lazy brute," shouted one of the Calormenes: and as he spoke he struck the horse savagely with his whip. It was then that the really dreadful thing happened. Up till now Tirian had taken it for granted that the horses which the Calormenes were driving were their own horses; dumb, witless animals like the horses of our own world. And though he hated to see even a dumb horse overdriven, he was of course thinking more about the murder of the Trees. It had never crossed his mind that anyone would dare to harness one of the free Talking Horses of Narnia, much less to use a whip on it. But as that savage blow fell the horse reared up and said, half screaming: "Fool and tyrant! Do you not see I am doing all I can?" When Tirian knew that the Horse was one of his own Narnians, there came over him and over Jewel such a rage that they did not know what they were doing. The King's sword went up, the Unicorn's horn went down. They rushed forward together. Next moment both the Calormenes lay dead, the one beheaded by Tirian's sword and the other gored through the heart by Jewel's horn. 2国王的鲁莽 大约三个星期以后,纳尼亚王国的最后一位国王,坐在他小小的持猎屋门旁一棵大橡树底下。在赏心悦目的春季好天气里,他时常到守猎小屋来住上十天光景的。这是个茅草屋顶的低矮建筑物,离灯柱野林的东端不远,在两条河流交汇处稍稍上游一点儿。他喜欢住在那儿过简单朴素和逍遥自在的生活,远离王城凯尔帕拉维尔的政府和豪华气派。人们管他叫国王蒂莲,他的年龄在二十与二十五岁之间,他的肩膀已经宽阔而强壮了,他的四肢肌肉坚实,但他的胡子仍旧是稀稀拉拉的。他生着蓝蓝的眼睛和一张无所畏惧的诚实的脸。 那个春天的早晨,国王左右没有侍从,只有一个他最亲密的朋友:独角兽①珍宝。他们相亲相爱有如兄弟,在战争中互相救过彼此的性命。这贵族气派的野兽站在国王的御座近旁,把脖子弯过来,在奶油似的白色腹部擦亮它蓝色的角。 "珍宝啊,我今天没法叫我自己干什么活儿或搞什么体育活动了。"国王说道,"我啥也不能考虑,只能想着这个奇怪的消息。你可认为我们今天还会听到更多的消息吗?" ①独角兽,传说巾的怪兽,头和身体像马,后腿像牡鹿,尾巴像狮子,前额中都有个螺旋形独角。 "陛下,如果这些消息是真实的,"珍宝说道,"那么,它们就是我们这一代里,我们的父亲那一代里,我们的祖父那一代里,所听到的最最奇怪的新闻了。" "这些消息不能不是真实的啊!"国王说,"一个多星期以前,第一批飞过我们这里的鸟儿就说——阿斯兰来了,阿斯兰重新到纳尼亚来了。这之后是松鼠。它们没见到阿斯兰,可它们说阿斯兰肯定在树林里。然后是鹿。它说它亲眼看见阿斯兰了,距离很远,在月光下,在灯柱野林里。接着是黑皮肤的长着胡子的人来了,他是从卡乐门来的商人。卡乐门人跟我们不一样,他们对阿斯兰压根儿不关心;可那人也把阿斯兰来了说成是件毫无疑问的事实。昨儿夜里灌来了,它也看见过阿斯兰。" "陛下,事实上,"珍宝说道,"这种种新闻,我都相信。如果我仿佛不大相信,只是因为我心里的欢喜之情太大了,大得无从置信了。几乎是太美了,美得没法儿信以为真了。" "是啊,"国王说道,喜悦得长长地吁了口气,几乎要发抖,"大大超过我生平的各种希望了。" "你听!"珍宝说道,把脑袋侧向一边,把耳朵朝前竖了起来。 "这是什么声音?"国王问道。 "是马蹄声,陛下,"珍宝答道,"一匹奔腾的马。一匹分量很重的马。必定是个人头马。瞧,他来到了。 一个巨大的、金色胡须的人头马,前额上是人的汗珠,栗色两肋上是马的汗水,他直奔到国王面前,这才停下步来,低头鞠躬。"国王万岁。"他用公牛一样深沉的声音呼喊道。 "嗬,来人啊!"国王说道,眼睛越过肩膀朝着持猎小屋的门瞧去,"给高贵的客人端一碗酒来。欢迎你,龙威特。等你喘息停当时再把你带来的讯息告诉我们吧。" 一个侍从从狩猎小屋里走了出来,手里拿着一只雕刻新奇的大木碗,他把木碗递给人头马。 "陛下,我首先为阿斯兰和真理干杯,然后再为国王干杯。" 他一口气就把那一碗酒(足够六个壮汉喝的量)喝完了,随即把木碗还给侍从。 "说说吧,龙威特,"国王说道,"你可带来更多的关于阿斯兰的消息?" 龙威特神情十分严肃,稍稍皱着眉头。 "陆下,"他说道,"你知道我已经有多大年纪了,研究星相又有多久了;因为我们人头马比你们人类寿长,也比你们独角兽类寿长。在我以往的日子里,我从未像今年开始以来那样,夜夜见到写在星空里的那么可怕的不祥之兆。星相压根儿没有说到阿斯兰光临,既没有说到和平,也没有说到欢乐。我凭我的法术知道,五百年来没有出现过灾难性的’行星会合’现象。我脑子里已经有这么个想法,要来向陆下报警:有某种大灾大难笼罩着纳尼亚王国。但,昨天夜间我听到谣言,说是阿斯兰来临了。陛下,不要相信这种鬼话。这是不可能的。星象从不撒谎,但人和野兽都会撒谎的。如果阿斯兰已经来到纳尼亚王国,天上的星象便会有预兆了。如果狮王真的光临了,一切有礼貌的星星都会集拢来向狮王致敬的。这可是个彻头彻尾的谎言。" "谎言!"国王情绪激烈地说道,在这么重大的事件上,纳尼亚王国或者全世界有什么人竟敢撒谎?他不知不觉地把自己的手按在剑柄上。 "国王啊,这我不知道,"人头马说道,"但我知道世界上有不少撒谎的骗子;天上的星星中可一个撒谎的骗子也没有。" "我心中纳罕,"珍宝说道,"尽管一切星相的征兆不是这么说,阿斯兰是否就可能不来了呢?狮王不是众星的奴隶,而是众星的创造者。一切古老的故事里不是都说他并不是驯服的狮子吗?" "说得好,说得好,珍宝。"国王大声说道,"就是这么一句话。并不是驯服的狮子。有许多故事里都那么说的。" 龙威特刚抬起头来,正要向前伸过去跟国王十分认真地说话时,他们三个都转过头来谛听一个正愈传愈近的、号啕大哭的声音。他们西边的树林很稠密,所以他们还看不见新来的人物。但他们不久就能听清楚号哭的词儿了。 "灾难,灾难,灾难!"这声音号啕道,"我的姐妹兄弟灾难临头了!神圣的树木灾难临头了!森林被损坏了。斧头砍到我们身上来了。我们正在被砍伐。大树正在倒下,倒下,倒下。" 随着最后一个"倒下"的声音,说话的人便看得见了。她像一个女人,但是高高大大,头跟人头马的脑袋一般儿高;然而她也很像个女人。如果你从未见过树精,那就很难给你解释;如果你见过,那就可以毫无错误地从颜色、声音、头发上辨别出来某些不同之处。国王蒂莲和两头野兽立刻就认出她是山毛榉的精灵。 "国王陛下,你要主持正义——"她大声喊道,"你要来帮助我们。你要保护你的子民。他们正在灯柱野林上砍伐我们。我的兄弟姐妹们的四十棵巨大树干已经倒在地上了。 "啊,夫人!砍伐灯柱野林吗?谋害说人话的树木吗。" 国王大声喊道,跳起身来,拔出剑来,"他们竟胆大妄为?是谁这么胆大妄为?凭阿斯兰的鬃毛——’ "啊——啊——啊——赫!"树精气喘吁吁地说道,她浑身发抖,仿佛疼痛万分——她一阵又一阵地发抖,仿佛再三受到打击似的。接着,在片刻之间她突然往斜刺里倒下去,倒像是她的双脚给砍掉了似的。国王他们看见她死了,躺在草地上短短一忽儿随即消失得无影无踪了。他们知道发生了。什么事。几英里之外,她那棵树木,被人砍倒了。 国王悲愤交集,半晌说不出话来。后来,他开言道 "朋友们,来吧。我们必须赶到河流的上游,找到这些干坏事的恶棍们,我们要尽力全速赶去。我决不放过他们,哪一个也休想活着回去。" "陛下,衷心祝愿您成功。"珍宝说。 然而龙威特却说"陛下,即使是出于义愤,也要谨慎小心。奇怪的活动正在出现口山谷里如果有武装的叛徒,我们三个就势单力薄,无法应战。你是否愿意等待一下,当……" "我十分之一秒钟也不愿等待,"国王说,"但,我和珍宝朝前赶去时,你就尽快直奔凯尔帕拉维尔。我这戒指给你作个凭证。给我调来二十个全副武装的、个个善于骑马的武士,二十头会说人话的狗儿,十个小矮人(须得个个是百发百中的弓箭手),一两只豹子,还有石足巨人。尽可能迅速地把这支队伍调来支援我们。" "陛下,衷心祝愿成功。"龙威特说,立刻转过身体,朝东跑下山谷去了。 国王大踏步前进,有时喃喃自语,有时握紧拳头。珍宝在国王身旁行走,默默无言;因而他们之间没有什么别的声音,只有那挂在独角兽颈子里的粗大金链条的微弱的丁当声,人的两足踏步声,独角兽的四蹄唱唱声。 他们不久就来到河流边上,他们经由一条芳草萋萋而上:现在他们的左边是河水,右边是树林。不久以后,他们走到一个地方,地面愈来愈高低不平,浓密的树林往下绵延到河水之滨。道路断了,道路的走向,现在跳到河水的南岸去了,他们不得不涉水渡河,才能走上对岸的道路。河水很深,漫到蒂莲的腋窝边,但珍宝有四条腿,因而比蒂莲站得稳,它在国王的右边坚持着,挡住了激流的冲击力量,蒂莲伸出他强壮的胳膊抱住独角兽强壮的脖子,他们俩安全渡过了河流。国王仍旧十分愤怒,没注意河水很冷。不过,他们刚登上南岸时,他当然十分仔细地在他外套的肩膀上擦干他的剑,这是他身上惟一没有浸湿的地方了。 他们现在朝西走去,河流在他们的右边,灯柱野林笔直地在他们的前边。他们还没有走上一英里多的路,他俩就同时站定,开口说话了。国王说"这儿是什么东西?"珍宝说"瞧!" "是个木排啊。"国王蒂莲说道。 确实是个木排。六根漂亮的树干,全是新伐倒的、新砍掉枝丫的,捆绑在一起,做成一个木排,正迅速地顺流而下。木排的前端有个水客,拿根竹篱驾御着木排。 "嗨!你在干吗呀?"国王大声问道。 "把木头运到下游,卖给卡乐门人,陛下。"水客答道,举手伸到耳朵上向国王致敬,如果他戴帽子的话,他就会举手到帽子边上致敬。 "卡乐门人!"莲大发雷霆地吼道,"你这话是什么意思?谁砍倒这些树木的?" 一年之中,这时节的河水奔流得很快,木排已经在国王和珍宝的身边滑过去了。但水客从肩上回过头来叫喊道: "奉狮王的命令,陛下。阿斯兰亲自下的命令。"他还补充了几句话,可是国王他们听不见了。 国王和独角兽面面相觑,他俩的脸色,看上去都比过去参加任何战争时更加惶恐。 "阿斯兰,"国王终于用十分低沉的声音说道,"阿斯兰。能是真的吗?阿斯兰能砍伐神圣的树木、谋害树精的性命吗?" "除非树精都犯了可怕的错误——"珍宝喃喃说道。 "可是竟把树木卖给卡乐门人!"国王说,"这样的事,可能吗?" "我不知道,"珍宝悲惨地说道,"他并不是一头驯服的狮子。" "好吧,"国王终于说道,"我们必须继续前进,冒着面临的风险。" "陛下,留给我们去干的,只有这一件事情了。"独角兽说道。在这个时刻里,他并没看到他俩单独前往是多么愚蠢;国王也没看到这问题。他们太愤怒了,因而头脑就糊涂了,然而,他们的鲁莽招来了许许多多的灾难。 国王突然紧靠在他朋友的脖子上,低下头来。 "珍宝,"他说道,"摆在我们面前的是什么光景?我的心里涌起了可怕的思想。如果我们在今天之前死去,我们倒幸福了。" "是啊,"珍宝说,"我们已经活得太长久了。世界上最糟糕的事情临到我们头上啦。"他们这样站立了一两分钟,然后又继续前进。 过了不久,他们便听到斧头乱劈乱砍木材的乒乒乓乓的声音,尽管由于前边土地隆起,他们还什么也看不见。及至他们到达隆起的高处,他们就能一览无遗地望见灯柱野林。国王看在眼里,气得脸都发白了。 贯穿古老的森林,已经开辟出了一条宽阔的通道。那可是一度生长过金树银树的森林,而我们这个世界里的一个孩子也曾在那儿种了一棵"保护之树"。这是一条叫人厌恶的通道,仿佛是土地上新裂开来的一道豁口,充满了树木拖到河边去时沿路留下的瘾迹。有一大群人在那儿干活,马鞭子嚼嚼啪啪地响,马儿拖动木头时拉拉扯扯,使出了九牛二虎之力。引起国王和独角兽注意的第一件事情是:人群中大半数都不是会说人话的马儿,倒是人。第二件事情是;这些人都不是金发白皮肤的纳尼亚人,他们都是来自卡乐门王国的黑皮肤大胡子大汉。卡乐门是个残酷的大国,位于阿钦兰背后、大沙漠之南。当然啦,没有理由不该在纳尼亚碰到一两个卡乐门人——个商人或是一个大使——因为在这些日子里,纳尼亚王国和卡乐门王国是和平相处的。然而蒂莲不明白,为什么竟有那么多的卡乐门人,现在他们为什么正在砍伐一片纳尼亚的森林。他紧握着他的剑,把他的外套卷在左臂上。他俩迅速来到这些人中间。 两个卡乐门人正鞭策着一匹拉着木头的马儿。国王刚走到他们跟前时,木头正陷在一个糟糕的泥坑里。 "走呀,懒惰崽子!拉呀,你这懒猪!"卡乐门人暗暗啪啪挥舞着鞭子,大声喊道。马儿已经拼命用劲拉了,它眼睛发红,浑身冒着汗水。 "干活呀,懒惰的畜生!"一个卡乐门人一边嚷嚷,一边用马鞭子野蛮地鞭打着马儿。就是在这个时候,真正可怕的事情发生了。 直到此刻为止,国王蒂莲想当然地认为卡乐门人驱策的马儿是他们自己的马儿,是哑口无言的毫无智慧的牲口,就像我们这个世界的马儿一样。虽然他不愿看到哪怕是一匹哑巴马儿过分受到虐待,他想得更多的当然是神圣树木的被谋害。他从来没有想到竟有人大胆逼迫自由的会说人话的纳尼亚马儿拉木头,更不会想到会有人用鞭子抽打纳尼亚马儿。但,当那野蛮的鞭子打下来时,马儿用后腿站了起来,一半儿像是叫喊地说道! "傻瓜和暴君!难道你没看见我正全力以赴吗?" 当国王蒂莲知道这马儿是一头他自己国家里的纳尼亚马时,一股怒气冲上他和独角兽的心头,弄得他们不知道自己正在干什么。国王的剑举了起来,独角兽的角往下直恨。他俩一起跑上前去。两个卡乐门人随即倒下死了,一个被蒂莲的剑砍掉了脑袋,另一个被珍宝的独角刺穿了心脏。' Chapter 3 THE APE IN ITS GLORY "MASTER Horse, Master Horse," said Tirian as he hastily cut its traces, "how came these aliens to enslave you? Is Narnia conquered? Has there been a battle?" "No, Sire," panted the horse, "Aslan is here. It is all by his orders. He has commanded -" "'Ware danger, King," said Jewel. Tirian looked up and saw that Calormenes (mixed with a few Talking Beasts) were beginning to run towards them from every direction. The two dead men had died without a cry and so it had taken a moment before the rest of the crowd knew what had happened. But now they did. Most of them had naked scimitars in their hands. "Quick. On my back," said Jewel. The King flung himself astride of his old friend who turned and galloped away. He changed direction twice or thrice as soon as they were out of sight of their enemies, crossed a stream, and shouted without slackening his pace, "Whither away, Sire? To Cair Paravel?" "Hold hard, friend," said Tirian. "Let me off." He slid off the Unicorn's back and faced him. "Jewel," said the King. "We have done a dreadful deed." "We were sorely provoked," said Jewel. "But to leap on them unawares - without defying them while they were unarmed - faugh! We are two murderers, Jewel. I am dishonoured forever." Jewel drooped his head. He too was ashamed. "And then," said the King, "the Horse said it was by Aslan's orders. The Rat said the same. They all say Aslan is here. How if it were true?" "But, Sire, how could Aslan be commanding such dreadful things?" "He is not a tame lion," said Tirian. "How should we know what he would do? We, who are murderers. Jewel, I will go back. I will give up my sword and put myself in the hands of these Calormenes and ask that they bring me before Aslan. Let him do justice on me." "You will go to your death, then," said Jewel. "Do you think I care if Aslan dooms me to death?" said the King. "That would be nothing, nothing at all. Would it not be better to be dead than to have this horrible fear that Aslan has come and is not like the Aslan we have believed in and longed for? It is as if the sun rose one day and were a black sun." "I know," said Jewel. "Or as if you drank water and it were dry water. You are in the right, Sire. This is the end of all things. Let us go and give ourselves up." "There is no need for both of us to go." "If ever we loved one another, let me go with you now," said the Unicorn. "If you are dead and if Aslan is not Aslan, what life is left for me?" They turned and walked back together, shedding bitter tears. As soon as they came to the place where the work was going on the Calormenes raised a cry and came towards them with their weapons in hand. But the King held out his sword with the hilt towards them and said: "I who was King of Narnia and am now a dishonoured knight give myself up to the justice of Aslan. Bring me before him." "And I give myself up too," said Jewel. Then the dark men came round them in a thick crowd, smelling of garlic and onions, their white eyes flashing dreadfully in their brown faces. They put a rope halter round Jewel's neck. They took the King's sword away and tied his hands behind his back. One of the Calormenes, who had a helmet instead of a turban and seemed to be in command, snatched the gold circlet off Tirian's head and hastily put it away somewhere among his clothes. They led the two prisoners uphill to a place where there was a big clearing. And this was what the prisoners saw. At the centre of the clearing, which was also the highest point of the hill, there was a little hut like a stable, with a thatched roof. Its door was shut. On the grass in front of the door there sat an Ape. Tirian and Jewel, who had been expecting to see Aslan and had heard nothing about an Ape yet, were very bewildered when they saw it. The Ape was of course Shift himself, but he looked ten times uglier than when he lived by Caldron Pool, for he was now dress- ed up. He was wearing a scarlet jacket which did not fit him very well, having been made for a dwarf. He had Jewelled slippers on his hind paws which would not stay on properly because, as you know, the hind paws of an Ape are really like hands. He wore what seemed to be a paper crown on his head. There was a great pile of nuts beside him and he kept cracking nuts with his jaws and spitting out the shells. And he also kept on pulling up the scarlet jacket to scratch himself. A great number of Talking Beasts stood facing him, and nearly every face in that crowd looked miserably worried and bewildered. When they saw who the prisoners were they all groaned and whimpered. "O Lord Shift, mouthpiece of Aslan," said the chief Calormene. "We bring you prisoners. By our skill and courage and by the permission of the great god Tash we have taken alive these two desperate murderers." "Give me that man's sword," said the Ape. So they took the King's sword and handed it, with the sword-belt and all, to the monkey. And he hung it round his own neck: and it made him look sillier than ever. "We'll see about those two later," said the Ape, spitting out a shell in the direction of the two prisoners. "I got some other business first. They can wait. Now listen to me, everyone. The first thing I want to say is about nuts. Where's that Head Squirrel got to?" "Here, Sir," said a red squirrel, coming forward and making a nervous little bow. "Oh you are, are you?" said the Ape with a nasty look. "Now attend to me. I want - I mean, Aslan wants - some more nuts. These you've brought aren't anything like enough. You must bring some more, do you hear? Twice as many. And they've got to be here by sunset tomorrow, and there mustn't be any bad ones or any small ones among them." A murmur of dismay ran through the other squirrels, and the Head Squirrel plucked up courage to say: "Please, would Aslan himself speak to us about it? If we might be allowed to see him -" "Well you won't," said the Ape. "He may be very kind (though it's a lot more than most of you deserve) and come out for a few minutes tonight. Then you can all have a look at him. But he will not have you all crowding round him and pestering him with questions. Anything you want to say to him will be passed on through me: if I think it's worth bothering him about. In the meantime all you squirrels had better go and see about the nuts. And make sure they are here by tomorrow evening or, my word! you'll catch it." The poor squirrels all scampered away as if a dog were after them. This new order was terrible news for them. The nuts they had carefully hoarded for the winter had nearly all been eaten by now; and of the few that were left they had already given the Ape far more than they could spare. Then a deep voice - it belonged to a great tusked and shaggy Boar - spoke from another part of the crowd. "But why can't we see Aslan properly and talk to him?" it said. "When he used to appear in Narnia in the old days everyone could talk to him face to face." "Don't you believe it," said the Ape. "And even if it was true, times have changed. Aslan says he's been far too soft with you before, do you see? Well, he isn't going to be soft any more. He's going to lick you into shape this time. He'll teach you to think he's a tame lion!" A low moaning and whimpering was heard among the Beasts; and, after that, a dead silence which was more miserable still. "And now there's another thing you got to learn," said the Ape. "I hear some of you are saying I'm an Ape. Well, I'm not. I'm a Man. If I look like an Ape, that's because I'm so very old: hundreds and hundreds of years old. And it's because I'm so old that I'm so wise. And it's because I'm so wise that I'm the only one Aslan is ever going to speak to. He can't be bothered talking to a lot of stupid animals. He'll tell me what you've got to do, and I'll tell the rest of you. And take my advice, and see you do it in double quick time, for he doesn't mean to stand any nonsense." There was a dead silence except for the noise of a very young badger crying and its mother trying to make it keep quiet. "And now here's another thing," the Ape went on, fitting a fresh nut into its cheek, "I hear some of the horses are saying, Let's hurry up and get this job of carting timber over as quickly as we can, and then we'll be free again. Well, you can get that idea out of your heads at once. And not only the Horses either. Everybody who can work is going to be made to work in future. Aslan has it all settled with the King of Calormen - The Tisroc, as our dark faced friends the Calormenes call him. All you Horses and Bulls and Donkeys are to be sent down into Calormen to work for your living - pulling and carrying the way horses and such-like do in other countries. And all you digging animals like Moles and Rabbits and Dwarfs are going down to work in The Tisroc's mines. And -" "No, no, no," howled the Beasts. "It can't be true. Aslan would never sell us into slavery to the King of Calormen." "None of that! Hold your noise!" said the Ape with a snarl. "Who said anything about slavery? You won't be slaves. You'll be paid - very good wages too. That is to say, your pay will be paid into Aslan's treasury and he will use it all for everybody's good." Then he glanced, and almost winked, at the chief Calormene. The Calormene bowed and replied, in the pompous Calormene way: "Most sapient Mouthpiece of Aslan, The Tisroc (may he-live-forever) is wholly of one mind with your lordship in this judicious plan." "There! You see!" said the Ape. "It's all arranged. And all for your own good. We'll be able, with the money you earn, to make Narnia a country worth living in. There'll be oranges and bananas pouring in - and roads and big cities and schools and offices and whips and muzzles and saddles and cages and kennels and prisons - Oh, everything." "But we don't want all those things," said an old Bear. "We want to be free. And we want to hear Aslan speak himself." "Now don't you start arguing," said the Ape, "for it's a thing I won't stand. I'm a Man: you're only a fat, stupid old Bear. What do you know about freedom? You think freedom means doing what you like. Well, you're wrong. That isn't true freedom. True freedom means doing what I tell you." "H-n-n-h," grunted the Bear and scratched its head; it found this sort of thing hard to understand. "Please, please," said the high voice of a woolly lamb, who was so young that everyone was surprised he dared to speak at all. "What is it now?" said the Ape. "Be quick." "Please," said the Lamb, "I can't understand. What have we to do with the Calormenes? We belong to Aslan. They belong to Tash. They have a god called Tash. They say he has four arms and the head of a vulture. They kill Men on his altar. I don't believe there's any such person as Tash. But if there was, how could Aslan be friends with him?" All the animals cocked their heads sideways and all their bright eyes flashed towards the Ape. They knew it was the best question anyone had asked yet. The Ape jumped up and spat at the Lamb. "Baby!" he hissed. "Silly little bleater! Go home to your mother and drink milk. What do you understand of such things? But the others, listen. Tash is only another name for Aslan. All that old idea of us being right and the Calormenes wrong is silly. We know better now. The Calormenes use different words but we all mean the same thing. Tash and Aslan are only two different names for you know Who. That's why there can never be any quarrel between them. Get that into your heads, you stupid brutes. Tash is Aslan: Aslan is Tash." You know how sad your own dog's face can look sometimes. Think of that and then think of all the faces of those Talking Beasts - all those honest, humble, bewildered Birds, Bears, Badgers, Rabbits, Moles, and Mice - all far sadder than that. Every tail was down, every whisker drooped. It would have broken your heart with very pity to see their faces. There was only one who did not look at all unhappy. It was a ginger Cat - a great big Tom in the prime of life - who sat bolt upright with his tail curled round his toes, in the very front row of all the Beasts. He had been staring hard at the Ape and the Calormene captain all the time and had never once blinked his eyes. "Excuse me," said the Cat very politely, "but this interests me. Does your friend from Calormen say the same?" "Assuredly," said the Calormene. "The enlightened Ape - Man, I mean - is in the right. Aslan means neither less nor more than Tash." "Especially, Aslan means no more than Tash?" suggested the Cat. "No more at all," said the Calormene, looking the Cat straight in the face. "Is that good enough for you, Ginger?" said the Ape. "Oh certainly," said Ginger coolly. "Thank you very much. I only wanted to be quite clear. I think I am beginning to understand." Up till now the King and Jewel had said nothing: they were waiting until the Ape should bid them speak, for they thought it was no use interrupting. But now, as Tirian looked round on the miserable faces of the Narnians, and saw how they would all believe that Aslan and Tash were one and the same, he could bear it no longer. "Ape," he cried with a great voice, "you lie damnably. You lie like a Calormene. You lie like an Ape." He meant to go on and ask how the terrible god Tash who fed on the blood of his people could possibly be the same as the good Lion by whose blood all Narnia was saved. If he had been allowed to speak, the rule of the Ape might have ended that day; the Beasts might have seen the truth and thrown the Ape down. But before he could say another word two Calormenes struck him in the mouth with all their force, and a third, from behind, kicked his feet from under him. And as he fell, the Ape squealed in rage and terror. "Take him away. Take him away. Take him where he cannot hear us, nor we hear him. There tie him to a tree. I will - I mean, Aslan will - do justice on him later." 3无尾猿煊赫一时 "马儿师傅,马儿师傅,"蒂莲一边匆匆忙忙地割断马身上的挽缰,一边说道,"这些外国人是怎么来奴役你的?难道纳尼亚被征服了?可曾打过一仗?" "不,陛下,"马儿喘息着说道,"阿斯兰在这儿。一切都是按照他的命令办的。他曾经吩咐——" "我们处境危险,陆下。"珍宝说道。蒂莲抬起头来,看到卡乐门人(其中还夹杂着几头说人话的野兽)正开始从四面八方向他们跑来。两个人一声也没叫喊就死了,所以一时之间其余的人不知道发生了什么事。但现在他们知道了。他们大部分人手中拿着出了鞘的弯刀。 "赶快。骑在我背上。"珍宝说道。 国王飞身跨上他老朋友独角兽的背脊,它转过身子,疾驰而去。它改变方向两三次,及至敌人看不见他们时,便立刻渡过了一条溪流,脚下的步子没有松懈,口中大声叫道,"陛下,跑到哪儿去?到凯尔帕拉维尔去吗?" "朋友,你停下步来,"蒂莲说道,"让我下来。"他从独角兽的背上滑了下来,面对着独角兽。 "珍宝啊,"国王说道,"我们干了一件可怕的事。""我们都被痛苦地激怒了。"珍宝说。 "然而,他们毫无武装——我们也没有向他们发出挑战——却人不知鬼不觉地向他们扑了上去——呸!珍宝,咱俩是杀人犯。我永远丢脸出丑了。" 珍宝垂下了头。它也感到羞愧。 "还有,"国王说道,"那马儿说是按照阿斯兰的命令办的。老鼠也这么说。他们都说阿斯兰是在这儿。但这消息是否确实呢?" "但是,陆下,阿斯兰怎么会下令干如此可怕的事呢?" "阿斯兰并不是一头驯服的狮子,"蒂莲说道,"我们怎么会知道阿斯兰会干什么呢?我们,是杀人犯啊。珍宝,我决意要回到那儿去。我要交出我的剑,把我自己也交到那些卡乐门人手里,并且要求他们把我带到阿斯兰面前。让阿斯兰公平地审判我。" "那么,你就会走向死亡了。"珍宝说。" "如果阿斯兰判我死刑,你认为我会介意吗?"国王说道,"那就微不足道了,压根儿微不足道了。与其担心害怕阿斯兰已经来了,但他又不像是我们所信仰所渴望的阿斯兰,恐怕还是死掉倒要好得多。这就像有一天太阳升起来了,却是个漆黑的太阳。" "我知道,"珍宝说,"或者仿佛你喝水,水却是干的。你说得对,陆下。这是万物的尽头了。让我们回去投案吧。" "无需我们两个都去投案啊。" "如果我们一向彼此相爱,那就现在让我跟你一起去吧,"独角兽说道,"如果你死了,如果阿斯兰不是原来的阿斯兰了,剩下我一个活着,又有什么意义呢?" 他们淌着辛酸的泪水,一起转身走回去了。 他们刚来到正在伐木运木的地方,卡乐门人便发出一声呐喊,手中拿着武器向他们跑来了。但国王伸出来的剑却是剑柄向着他们的,他说道: "我过去是纳尼亚王国的国王,现在是个耻辱的武士,我向阿斯兰狮王自动投案。带我去见阿斯兰吧。 "我也自动投案。"珍宝说道。 于是黑皮肤的人们向他们围拢来,成了密集的一群,发出大蒜和洋葱的气昧,白色眼睛在褐色脸上可怕地闪烁着。他们在珍宝的脖子上套了个用绳子做的笼头。他们拿掉了国王的剑,把他的双手反缚在背后。其中有个卡乐门人,他不戴缠头巾而戴头盔,仿佛是个发号施令的人,他从蒂莲的头上抢走了一个金箍,急急忙忙塞在他衣服里边的什么地方。他们把这两个羁押犯带上山去,带到有一大块林中空地的地方。这便是羁押犯所见到的情况。/ 空地的中央,也就是小山的最高处,有一间像马厩似的、茅草屋顶的小屋。屋子的门关着。门前草地上坐着一头无尾猿。蒂莲和珍宝原是指望看到阿斯兰的,却还没听说过有头无尾猿,他们看见那猿猴时心中就十分诧异惶惑了。无尾猿当然就是诡谲,但是,看起来,它比它住在大锅渊旁时丑陋十倍,因为它现在打扮起来了。它正穿一件猩红色茄克衫,原是给小矮人缝制的,所以它穿起来并不十分合身。它的后爪子穿了镶嵌珠宝的拖鞋,拖鞋不合脚,也穿不牢,因为,你知道,无尾猿的后爪,确实像人的手。它头上戴一顶仿佛是纸王冠的帽子。它身边有一大堆坚果,它不断地用上下顿喀啦喀啦咬着坚果,把果壳吐出口来。它也不断拉起猩红色茄克衫给自己搔痒。一群说人话的野兽面对着无尾猿站在那儿,在这一群中,几乎每张脸看上去都是悲惨的焦虑而又惶惑。它们看到谁是羁押犯时,大家都呻吟呜咽了。 "阿斯兰的代言人,诡谲阁下,"卡乐门人的头目说道,"我们送羁押犯来了,凭我们的技巧和勇敢,倚仗伟大的塔什神的允诺,我们把这两个亡命的杀人犯活捉了。" "把这人的剑给我。"无尾猿说道。所以他们就取了国王的剑,连同剑带一起递给猿猴。无尾猿把剑和剑带挂在它的颈子上,显得十分愚蠢无知。 "这两个人以后再处理。"无尾猿说道,朝着两个囚犯把果壳吐了过去,"我先要办别的事。他们不妨等着。现在,大家听我说。我首先要说的是关于坚果的事。松鼠的头目在那儿啊。" "在这儿,大人。"一头红松鼠说道,它上前一步,忐忑不安地鞠了一个躬。 "啊,你是,是你吗?"无尾猿说道,神情令人作呕,"现在注意听我的吩咐。我要——载的意思是阿斯兰要——阿斯兰还要些坚果。你们已经送来的那些坚果是十分不够的。数量要翻一番。明天太阳落山时必须送到这儿。其中不许有一颗坏的或一颗小的。" 其他的松鼠连声发出一阵惊惶的咕咕哝哝的声音,松鼠头儿鼓起勇气说道" "对不起,阿斯兰可以亲自对我们说说这件事吗?如果允许我们见到狮王——" "你们不行,"无尾猿说道,"也许狮王十分仁慈(尽管你们大多数不配消受),今儿个夜里会出来几分钟。那时你们大家可以看上一眼。但狮王可不愿让你们大家挤在他的周围,用各种问题跟他纠缠不清。你们要说给狮王听的不论什么话,都得通过我向狮王汇报,如果我觉得那事情是值得麻烦狮王的话。同时,你们所有的松鼠们,最好还是去张罗坚果吧。要保证明儿晚上把坚果送到这儿,不然的话,你们就会吃苦头的。告诉你们,我可说一是,说二是二的!" 可怜的松鼠便统统惊惶地跑开了,仿佛有一条狗儿在追它们似的。这个新的命令对它们是个可怕的讯息。它们小心翼翼地藏起来过冬的坚果,如今差不多都被吃掉了,从留下来的那么一点儿里边,它们已经拿出来交给无尾猿的数量,也远远超过了它们所能节省下来的了。 然后是一个深沉的声音——属于浑身粗毛、长着撩牙的巨大野猪的声音——从另一部分群众中发出来了。"为什么我们不能堂堂正正地见到阿斯兰,同阿斯兰说话呢?"它说,"在以往的日子里,阿斯兰经常在纳尼亚出现,大家都可以面对面地同他谈话。" "你们别相信这话,"无尾猿说道,"即使这话是真的,时代也已经变化了。阿斯兰说,以前他对待你们太温和了,你们明白吗?哦,他再也不会温和了。这一回,他要把你们整顿得像个样子。你们以为他是好说话的狮子,他就要狠狠地教训你们。" 但听得野兽之间发出一阵低低的呻吟呜咽的声音;这之后是死一般的寂静,那可更悲惨了。; "如今你们还有另一件事应该好好认识的,"无尾猿说道,"我听说你们有些人说我是无尾猿。告诉你们吧,我不是猿,我是人。如果我看上去像只猿猴,那是因为我老而又老了,我已经几百岁几千岁了。而且,就因为我年纪那么大,所以我那么聪明。就因为我是那么聪明,所以阿斯兰一直是只跟我一个人说话。阿斯兰不耐烦跟许多愚蠢的动物谈话。他会把你们必须照办的事告诉我,我就告诉你们其余的人。接受我的忠告吧,你们要留神用加倍的速度办好事情,因为狮王是无意忍受胡言乱语的。" 一片死一般的寂静,只听见一只小灌的号哭和它妈妈竭力叫它别哭的声音。 "还有另外一件事情,"无尾猿一面把一颗新的坚果塞进嘴巴里,一面继续说道,"我听见有些马儿在说,让我们抓紧干活,把这运木头的活儿尽可能迅速完成,我们就可以重新获得自由了。哦,你们立刻从脑子里把这种想法排除出去吧。而且,不仅马儿要排除这种想法。凡是能干活的,将来都要叫它去干活。阿斯兰和卡乐门的国王已经就这个问题达成了协议,我们的黑脸朋友——卡乐门人,都管这国王叫’蒂斯罗克’。一切马儿、公牛、驴子等,都要送到卡乐门去干活谋生——干那拖呀拉呀以及其他国家马儿所干的种种营生。一切挖挖掘掘的动物,像鼹鼠、松鼠以及小矮人等,统统要到’蒂斯罗克’的矿山里去干活。还有——" "不,不,不,"众野兽号啕道,"这不可能是真实的。阿斯兰决不会把我们卖给卡乐门国王做奴隶的。"; "别来这一套|不许吵吵闹闹的!"无尾猿咆哮着说道,"谁说过要去做奴隶的?你们不会成为奴隶的。你们会得到报酬——还是很好的工资哩。那就是说,你们的工资,都将收归阿斯兰的国库,阿斯兰将把钱都用在为大家谋福利上。"无尾猿这就瞧瞧那卡乐门人的头儿,几乎跟他眨巴着眼睛。那个卡乐门人鞠躬回答,都是卡乐门式的浮夸风度。 "阿斯兰狮王最最贤明的代言人,对于这个审慎明智的计划,’蒂斯罗克’(愿他万寿无疆)同阁下是完全一致的。" "好啦!你们瞧瞧!"无尾猿说道,"全都安排好了。全都是为了你们的福利。你们挣来了钱,我们就可以用来改造纳尼亚,使之成为一个值得居住的国家。椅子和香蕉会大量涌到——还要建设公路、大城市、学校、办公楼、马鞭子、口勒、马鞍子、笼子、狗窝、监狱——啊,建设一切的一切。" "但这些东西我们并不全要,"一头老熊说,"我们要自由,我们要听到阿斯兰亲自说话。"。 "你们可别开始辩论,"无尾猿说,"因为这是我容忍不了的。我是人,你不过是头肥胖的、愚蠢的老熊。你懂得什么自由?你以为自由就是爱干什么就干什么?告诉你,你错了。那不是真正的自由。真正的自由意味着我叫你干什么你就干什么。" "赫一恩一恩一赫。"老熊悻悻地咕吨道,它搔搔脑袋,觉得这种问题真是难以理解。"对不起,对不起。"一头浑身是绒毛的小羊的高而尖的声音说道,它是那么幼稚,竟敢大胆讲话,大家都感到惊讶:。 "这又是什么意见了?"无尾猿说道,"快讲!" "对不起,"小羊说,"我搞不懂。我们跟卡乐门人有什么相干?我们属于阿斯兰。他们属于塔什。他们有个神,叫做塔什。据说,塔什神有四条胳膊,一个鹰头。他们在塔什神的祭台上杀人。我不相信竟有像塔什那样的人物。然而,如果有的话,阿斯兰怎么能和他做朋友?"2 所有的野兽都斜斜地抬起了脑袋,它们明亮的眼睛都向无尾猿炯炯注视。它们知道这是个任何人都还没有提到过的、最最厉害的问题。 无尾猿直跳起来,暗了小羊一口唾沫。 "娃娃!"无尾猿嘶嘶地骂道,"愚蠢的小羊崽子!回家到你娘身边去吃奶吧。这种事情你懂个啥?可是你们其他的野兽听着塔什不过是阿斯兰的另一个名字。一切老的观念,说什么我们是正确的、卡乐门人是错误的,全是蠢话。现在我们比较明白了。卡乐门人用的词儿不同,然而我们指的都是一个意思。塔什和阿斯兰不过是两个不同的名字,指的是谁,你们都知道。所以他们之间从来没有什么争吵。你们这些愚蠢的野兽,要牢牢记住这一点:塔什就是阿斯兰,阿斯兰就是塔什。"7 你知道你自己家里的狗,脸色有时看上去能悲伤到何等地步。想想家狗的脸,然后再想想这些说人话的野兽的脸——所有这些诚实的、谦卑恭顺的、惶惑失措的鸟、熊、灌、松鼠、摄鼠等等的脸,都远比家狗的脸悲伤多了。每条尾巴都是下垂的,每根胡须都是萎靡不振的。看到它们的脸,你就会十分同情它们,就会为之心碎。只有一头畜生看上去压根儿没有一点儿不快乐的样子。 那是一头姜黄色的猫——一头正直盛年的了不得的大雄猫。它笔直地坐在一切野兽的前面,尾巴绕在脚趾上。它始终盯住无尾猿和卡乐门头目直瞧,连眼睛也从不眨眨。, "请原谅,"雄猫十分客气地说道,"我倒对这问题感兴趣。从卡乐门王国来的、你的朋友也这样说吗?" "你尽管放心好了,"卡乐门头目说道,"开明的无尾猿——我的意思是人——说得很正确,阿斯兰就意味着塔什,不多也不少。" "特别是阿斯兰并不意味着超过胜过塔什。" "压根儿超不过。"卡乐门头目说道,眼睛紧盯着雄猫的脸。 "姜黄猫,用这话答复你,绰绰有余了吧?"无尾猿说道。 "噢,当然啦,"姜黄猫冷冷地说道,"十分感谢你。我只不过是要彻底搞清楚。我认为我正在开始明白起来了。" 直至此时此刻,国王和珍宝都没说什么;他们正在等候无尾猿叫他们说话,因为他们觉得插嘴是没有用的。但,现在蒂莲环顾纳尼亚走兽们悲惨的脸,而且看到它们都会相信阿斯兰和塔什是一而二、二而一的,蒂莲就再也忍受不了了。 "无尾猿,"国王大声喊道,"你撒谎。你恶劣地撒谎。你像卡乐门入一样撒谎,你像无尾猿一样撒谎。" 他本来还想说下去,他想责问:喝人民的血的、可怕的塔什神,同那以自己的血拯救了整个纳尼亚的、善良的狮王,怎么可能是同一个神抵呢?如果让他说话,无尾猿的统治也许当天就完蛋了,野兽们就可能看到真相,把无尾猿推翻了。然而,在他再说一句话之前,两个卡乐门人就使出浑身力气痛击他的嘴巴,另一个卡乐门人又从背后踢他的双脚。他倒下时,无尾猿又是愤怒又是恐惧,尖声叫道: "把他带走,把他带走。把他带到一个地方去,叫他听不见我们说话,我们也听不见他说话。把他绑在那儿的树上。以后我要——我的意思是阿斯兰要——审判他。" Chapter 4 WHAT HAPPENED THAT NIGHT THE King was so dizzy from being knocked down that he hardly knew what was happening until the Calormenes untied his wrists and put his arms straight down by his sides and set him with his back against an ash tree. Then they bound ropes round his ankles and his knees and his waist and his chest and left him there. What worried him worst at the moment - for it is often little things that are hardest to stand - was that his lip was bleeding where they had hit him and he couldn't wipe the little trickle of blood away although it tickled him. From where he was he could still see the little stable on the top of the hill and the Ape sitting in front of it. He could just hear the Ape's voice still going on and, every now and then, some answer from the crowd, but he could not make out the words. "I wonder what they've done to Jewel," thought the King. Presently the crowd of beasts broke up and began going away in different directions. Some passed close to Tirian. They looked at him as if they were both frightened and sorry to see him tied up but none of them spoke. Soon they had all gone and there was silence in the wood. Then hours and hours went past and Tirian became first very thirsty and then very hungry; and as the afternoon dragged on and turned into evening, he became cold too. His back was very sore. The sun went down and it began to be twilight. When it was almost dark Tirian heard a light pitter-patter of feet and saw some small creatures coming towards him. The three on the left were Mice, and there was a Rabbit in the middle: on the right were two Moles. Both these were carrying little bags on their backs which gave them a curious look in the dark so that at first he wondered what kind of beasts they were. Then, in a moment, they were all standing up on their hind legs, laying their cool paws on his knees and giving his knees snuffly animal kisses. (They could reach his knees because Narnian Talking Beasts of that sort are bigger than the dumb beasts of the same kind in England.) "Lord King! dear Lord King," said their shrill voices, "we are so sorry for you. We daren't untie you because Aslan might be angry with us. But we've brought you your supper." At once the first Mouse climbed nimbly up till he was perched on the rope that bound Tirian's chest and was wrinkling his blunt nose in front of Tirian's face. Then the second Mouse climbed up and hung on just below the first Mouse. The other beasts stood on the ground and began handing things up. "Drink, Sire, and then you'll find you are able to eat," said the topmost Mouse, and Tirian found that a little wooden cup was being held to his lips. It was only the size of an egg cup so that he had hardly tasted the wine in it before it was empty. But then the Mouse passed it down and the others re-filled it and it was passed up again and Tirian emptied it a second time. In this way they went on till he had quite a good drink, which was all the better for coming in little doses, for that is more thirst-quenching than one long draught. "Here is cheese, Sire," said the first Mouse, "but not very much, for fear it would make you too thirsty." And after the cheese they fed him with oat-cakes and fresh butter, and then with some more wine. "Now hand up the water," said the first Mouse, "and I'll wash the King's face. There is blood on it." Then Tirian felt something like a tiny sponge dabbing his face, and it was most refreshing. "Little friends," said Tirian, "how can I thank you for all this?" "You needn't, you needn't," said the little voices. "What else could we do? We don't want any other King. We're your people. If it was only the Ape and the Calormenes who were against you we would have fought till we were cut into pieces before we'd let them tie you up. We would, we would indeed. But we can't go against Aslan." "Do you think it really is Aslan?" asked the King. "Oh yes, yes," said the Rabbit. "He came out of the stable last night. We all saw him." "What was he like?" said the King. "Like a terrible, great Lion, to be sure," said one of the Mice. "And you think it is really Aslan who is killing the Wood-Nymphs and making you all slaves to the King of Calormen?" "Ah, that's bad, isn't it?" said the second Mouse. "It would have been better if we'd died before all this began. But there's no doubt about it. Everyone says it is Aslan's orders. And we've seen him. We didn't think Aslan would be like that. Why, we - we wanted him to come back to Narnia." "He seems to have come back very angry this time," said the first Mouse. "We must all have done something dreadfully wrong without knowing it. He must be punishing us for something. But I do think we might be told what it was!" "I suppose what we're doing now may be wrong," said the Rabbit. "I don't care if it is," said one of the Moles. "I'd do it again." But the others said, "Oh hush," and "Do be careful," and then they all said, "We're sorry, dear King, but we must go back now. It would never do for us to be caught here." "Leave me at once, dear Beasts," said Tirian. "I would not for all Narnia bring any of you into danger." "Goodnight, goodnight," said the Beasts, rubbing their noses against his knees. "We will come back - if we can." Then they all pattered away and the wood seemed darker and colder and lonelier than it had been before they came. The stars came out and time went slowly on - imagine how slowly - while that last King of Narnia stood stiff and sore and upright against the tree in his bonds. But at last something happened. Far away there appeared a red light. Then it disappeared for a moment and came back again, bigger and stronger. Then he could see dark shapes going to and fro on this side of the light and carrying bundles and throwing them down. He knew now what he was looking at. It was a bonfire, newly lit, and people were throwing bundles of brushwood on to it. Presently it blazed up and Tirian could see that it was on the very top of the hill. He could see quite clearly the stable behind it, all lit up in the red glow, and a great crowd of Beasts and Men between the fire and himself. A small figure, hunched up beside the fire, must be the Ape. It was saying something to the crowd, but he could not hear what. Then it went and bowed three times to the ground in front of the door of the stable. Then it got up and opened the door. And something on four legs - something that walked rather stiffly - came out of the stable and stood facing the crowd. A great wailing or howling went up, so loud that Tirian could hear some of the words. "Aslan! Aslan! Aslan!" cried the Beasts. "Speak to us. Comfort us. Be angry with us no more." From where Tirian was he could not make out very clearly what the thing was; but he could see that it was yellow and hairy. He had never seen the Great Lion. He had never seen a common lion. He couldn't be sure that what he saw was not the real Aslan. He had not expected Aslan to look like that stiff thing which stood and said nothing. But how could one be sure? For a moment horrible thoughts went through his mind: then he remembered the nonsense about Tash and Aslan being the same and knew that the whole thing must be a cheat. The Ape put his head close up to the yellow thing's head as if he were listening to something it was whispering to him. Then he turned and spoke to the crowd, and the crowd wailed again. Then the yellow thing turned clumsily round and walked - you might almost say, waddled - back into the stable and the Ape shut the door behind it. After that the fire must have been put out for the light vanished quite suddenly, and Tirian was once more alone with the cold and the darkness. He thought of other Kings who had lived and died in Narnia in old times and it seemed to him that none of them had ever been so unlucky as himself. He thought of his great-grandfather's great-grandfather King Rilian who had been stolen away by a Witch when he was only a young prince and kept hidden for years in the dark caves beneath the land of the Northern Giants. But then it had all come; right in the end, for two mysterious children had suddenly appeared from the land beyond the world's end and had rescued him so that he came home to Narnia and had a long and prosperous reign. "It's not like that with me," said Tirian to himself. Then he went further back and: thought about Rilian's father, Caspian the Seafarer, whose wicked uncle King Miraz had tried to murder him and how Caspian had fled away into the woods and lived among the Dwarfs. But that story too had all come right in the end: for Caspian also had been helped by children - only there were four of them that time - who came from somewhere beyond the world and fought a great battle and set him on his father's throne. "But it was all long ago," said Tirian to himself. "That sort of thing doesn't happen now." And then he remembered (for he had always been good at history when he was a boy) how those same four children who had helped Caspian had been in Narnia over a thousand years before; and it was then that they had done the most remarkable thing of all. For then they had defeated the terrible White Witch and ended the Hundred Years of Winter, and after that they had reigned (all four of them together) at Cair Paravel, till they were no longer children but great Kings and lovely Queens, and their reign had been the golden age of Narnia. And Aslan had come into that story a lot. He had come into all the other stories too, as Tirian now remembered. "Aslan - and children from another world," thought Tirian. "They have always come in when things were at their worst. Oh, if only they could now." And he called out "Aslan! Aslan! Aslan! Come and help us now." But the darkness and the cold and the quietness went on just the same. "Let me be killed," cried the King. "I ask nothing for myself. But come and save all Narnia." And still there was no change in the night or the wood, but there began to be a kind of change inside Tirian. Without knowing why, he began to feel a faint hope. And he felt somehow stronger. "Oh Aslan, Aslan," he whispered. "If you will not come yourself, at least send me the helpers from beyond the world. Or let me call them. Let my voice carry beyond the world." Then, hardly knowing that he was doing it, he suddenly cried out in a great voice: "Children! Children! Friends of Narnia! Quick. Come to me. Across the worlds I call you; I Tirian, King of Narnia, Lord of Cair Paravel, and Emperor of the Lone Islands!" And immediately he was plunged into a dream (if it was a dream) more vivid than any he had had in his life. He seemed to be standing in a lighted room where seven people sat round a table. It looked as if they had just finished their meal. Two of those people were very old, an old man with a white beard and an old woman with wise, merry, twinkling eyes. He who sat at the right hand of the old man was hardly full grown, certainly younger than Tirian himself, but his face had already the look of a king and a warrior. And you could almost say the same of the other youth who sat at the right hand of the old woman. Facing Tirian across the table sat a fair-haired girl younger than either of these, and on either side of her a boy and girl who were younger still. They were all dressed in what seemed to Tirian the oddest kind of clothes. But he had no time to think about details like that, for instantly the younger boy and both the girls started to their feet, and one of them gave a little scream. The old woman started and drew in her breath sharply. The old man must have made some sudden movement too for the wine glass which stood at his right hand was swept off the table: Tirian could hear the tinkling noise as it broke on the floor. Then Tirian realized that these people could see him; they were staring at him as if they saw a ghost. But he noticed that the king-like one who sat at the old man's right never moved (though he turned pale) except that he clenched his hand very tight. Then he said: "Speak, if you're not a phantom or a dream. You have a Narnian look about you and we are the seven friends of Narnia." Tirian was longing to speak, and he tried to cry out aloud that he was Tirian of Narnia, in great need of help. But he found (as I have sometimes found in dreams too) that his voice made no noise at all. The one who had already spoken to him rose to his feet. "Shadow or spirit or whatever you are," he said, fixing his eyes full upon Tirian. "If you are from Narnia, I charge you in the name of Aslan, speak to me. I am Peter the High King." The room began to swim before Tirian's eyes. He heard the voices of those seven people all speaking at once, and all getting fainter every second, and they were saying things like, "Look! It's fading." "It's melting away." "It's vanishing." Next moment he was wide awake, still tied to the tree, colder and stiffer than ever. The wood was full of the pale, dreary light that comes before sunrise, and he was soaking wet with dew; it was nearly morning. That waking was about the worst moment he had ever had in his life. 4夜里发生的事 国王给打得晕头晕脑地倒下了,他不知道正在发生什么事,直至卡乐门人缚住他的腕关节,叫他的两臂笔直下垂在身体的两侧,背脊靠在一棵枝树上。然后他们用绳索团团捆住他的踝关节、膝关节、腰部和胸膛,这就把他丢在那儿了。此时此刻,使他忧虑重重的,倒是他的嘴唇在出血,他们打破了他的嘴唇,他没法儿擦掉伤口滴出来的血,痒得难受——时常是小小的事情最难受。 国王绑在校树上仍能望见山顶上的小马厩以及坐在马厩前的无尾猿。他能间歇地勉强听到无尾猿继续说话的声音,以及群众中答话的声音,但他听不清楚说话中的具体字句。 "不晓得他们怎样对待珍宝啊。"国王心中想道。 这群野兽不久就散开了,开始朝着不同的方向走掉了。有的就在蒂莲身边走过。它们瞧瞧他,看到他绑在树上,它们仿佛感到害怕而又抱歉,但它们谁也不说话。不久,它们都走掉了,树林里一片寂静。时间一个钟头又一个钟头地过去,蒂莲起初感到十分口渴,后来又感到十分饥饿;拖延到傍晚时,他感到寒冷了。他的背脊疼痛。太阳落山了,黄昏开始了。' 天色几乎全黑时,蒂莲听到一种轻微的窸窸窣窣的脚步声,看到有些小动物在朝他走过来。左边三只是老鼠,中间一只是野兔,右边两只是鼹鼠。这些小动物的背上都驮着个小袋子,这就使它们在黑暗中显得奇形怪状,乍一看时,认不出它们是什么动物。一会儿之后,它们都用后腿站起来了,把它们冰凉的脚爪按在国王的膝头上,而且抽抽噎噎地给他的膝头以野兽的接吻。(它们能够够得上国王的膝头,因为纳尼亚的会说人话的这种小兽,比我们英国的同类小兽身材要高大得多。) "国王陛下,亲爱的国王陛下,"它们又尖又细的声音说道,"我们真为你感到难过。我们不敢替你松绑,因为说不定阿斯兰会对我们大发雷霆。然而,我们给你送晚饭来了。" 第一只老鼠立刻敏捷地爬了上来,它的脚踩在缚住蒂莲胸膛的绳索上,它对着蒂莲的脸,正在翕动它那迟钝的鼻子。然后第二只老鼠爬了上来,挂在第一只老鼠的下面。其余的小兽都站在地上,开始把食物递上来。"喝吧,陛下,喝过以后,你就会发觉自己能吃东西了。"站在最上面的老鼠说道,蒂莲发觉一个小木杯送到了他嘴边。它只有一个蛋杯那么大小,所以,他还没尝到酒的味道,杯子就空了。但老鼠随即把杯子递了下去,其他的老鼠重新斟满酒,重新递了上来,于是蒂蓬第二次把酒喝干了。它们就这样继续递上递下,直至国王喝了个痛快,一小杯一小杯的品味,倒比大碗牛饮好得多,因为它更解渴。 "这是干酪,陛下,"第一只老鼠说道,"可是东西不多,恐怕你多吃了会口渴。"干酷之后,它们又喂国王吃燕麦饼和鲜黄油,然后又给他喝些酒。"现在把水递上来,"第一只老鼠说道,"我要给国王洗洗脸。脸上有血迹。" 接着蒂莲觉得有一小块像海绵似的东西轻轻抹着他的脸,这可是最凉快最舒适的。"小朋友们,"蒂莲说道,"我能怎样谢谢你们的一切照顾啊?""你不需要谢,你不需要谢,"小小的声音说道,"除此之外,我们还能做什么呢?我们不要任何其他的国王。我们是你的子民。如果反对你的只不过是无尾猿和卡乐门人,我们就会起来战斗,直战到被砍成肉酱,才会听任他们把你绑起来的。我们会战斗的,真的会战斗的。然而,我们不能反抗阿斯兰啊。"你们认为真是阿斯兰吗?"国王问道。"啊,是的,是的,"兔子说道。"昨夜阿斯兰从马厩里出来了。我们都看见他的。" "阿斯兰是什么样子的?"国王问。 "像一只可怕的大狮子,真的是这样。"一只小老鼠说道。"你们以为确实是阿斯兰杀死林木精灵,使你们大家都成为卡乐门国王的奴隶的吗?""啊,那可糟透了,可不是吗?"第二只老鼠说道,"如果我们在这种局面开始之前就死了,那倒要好些。但其中毫无可疑之处。大家都说这是阿斯兰的命令,我们也已经看见过他。我们并不认为阿斯兰会喜欢这种局面的。咳,我们——我们要阿斯兰回到纳尼亚来。" "阿斯兰这次回来好像十分愤怒,"第一只老鼠说道,"我们大家必定犯了些可怕的错误而自己还不知道。他必定是为了某些错误才惩罚我们的。但是我认为,不妨告诉我们,我们究竟犯的是什么错误啊!" "我猜想我们现在正在干的事情,也许是错误的。"兔子说道。"如果错了,我也不在乎,"一只眼鼠说,"我还要再干的。"但其他小兽说道"别做声。""小心啊。"于是它们大家都说道,"我们很抱歉,亲爱的国王,现在我们必须回去了。我们在这儿给逮住了可就不好办了。" "亲爱的小兽,立刻离开我吧,"蒂莲说道,"为了纳尼亚全国的利益,我不愿连累你们任何一位陷入危险境地。" "晚安,晚安。"小兽们一边说,一边在国王的膝头上擦着鼻子,"我们会回来的——如果我们办得到的话。"于是大家窸窸窣窣地走掉了,同它们来到之前相比较,树林似乎更加黑暗、更加寒冷、更加寂寞了。8 繁星出来了,时间慢吞吞地过去——试想那时间过得多么缓慢——在这过程中,纳尼亚王国最后一位国王给绑在树上,站得四肢僵硬,筋骨酸痛。但,最后,有件事情发生啦。 远处出现一片红光。接着,红光消失了一会儿又亮起来了,面积更大,光芒更强烈。他看得见在火光的这一边有黑黑的人影来回走动,背着一捆捆的东西,把它们一一丢在地上。现在他明白他正在瞧着的是什么东西了。原来是个刚点燃起来的篝火,人们正在把一捆捆木柴丢进去。不久,篝火熊熊地燃烧起来了,蒂莲看得出篝火就在那个山顶上。他能够十分清楚地看到篝火后的马厩,在通红的火光里它全都照亮了;在篝火与他本人之间,有一大群野兽和人;篝火旁边,隆起一个小小形体,必定是无尾猿了。它在同群众说话,但他听不见。然后它走到马厩门前,三次鞠躬到地。接着它站起身来,打开马厩的门。于是一头四条腿的动物——一头走路十分不灵活的动物——从马厩里走出来了,站着面向群众。 腾起了一大片哀鸣和号啕的声音,十分响亮,蒂莲听得出其中几个字。"阿斯兰!阿斯兰!阿斯兰!"众野兽大声喊道,"对我们讲话吧。安慰我们吧!别再跟我们生气吧。" 从蒂莲所站的地方望过去,他没法十分清楚地看出来它是什么东西,但他看得出它是黄黄的、浑身都是毛。他从来没有见过伟大的狮王。他也从来没见过一头普通的狮子。他没有把握肯定他所看到的不是阿斯兰。他不曾料到阿斯兰竟看上去像那条站着不说话的、呆板僵化的畜生。然而,怎样才能有把握呢?片刻之间,恐怖的思想兜上他的心头:接着他记起了关于塔什和阿斯兰是同一个神祇的信口雌黄,觉得这整个儿事情必定是个骗局。 无尾猿把他的头挨近黄色畜生的脑袋,仿佛它在静听某些讲给它听的悄悄话。然后它转而向群众讲话,群众重又哀号了。接着,黄色畜生笨拙地转过身体,然后迈步走回去——几乎可以说是蹒跚而行——走进了马厩,无尾猿便在它背后把门关上。这之后,篝火必定是被扑灭了,因为光芒突然消失;而蒂莲又重新独自面对着寒冷和黑暗。 他想起古时候在纳尼亚生活和逝世的其他国王们,在他看来,似乎没有一个国王曾经像他那样倒霉的。他想起他那曾祖父的曾祖父)国王瑞廉——当他不过是个年轻王子时,便被一个女巫盗走,藏在北方巨人的土地下的黑洞里好多年。但结果却逢凶化吉,两个来自世界尽头之外的孩子突然出现了,他们救了他,他就回到纳尼亚的家里,进行着长期的繁荣昌盛的统治。"跟我的情况可大不相同。"蒂莲跟他自己说道。然后他追溯到瑞廉的父亲——航海者凯斯宾,他那邪恶的叔父弥若兹曾设法谋害他,凯斯宾便逃进森林里,生活在小矮人们中间。但这故事也有个否极泰来的好结局;因为凯斯宾也得到了儿童们的帮助——只不过当时有四个儿童——他们来自外部世界,打了一个大仗,扶他登上了他父亲的王位。"但这都是很久很久以前的事了,"蒂莲跟他自己说道,"如今这种事情是不会发生的了。"接着他又想起(因为他是个孩子时就对历史很熟悉了)帮助过凯斯宾的四个孩子,一千多年以前曾在纳尼亚待过,就是在那个时候,他们打败了白女巫,结束了几百年的冬天,此后他们就在凯尔帕拉维尔统治(四个人一起统治)多年,终于他们不复是儿童,而是至尊王和美丽可爱的女王,而他们统治的岁月便成了纳尼亚的黄金时代。在那个故事里,向斯兰曾多次出现过。就蒂莲现在记得的,阿斯兰在一切其他的故事里也出现过。"阿斯兰——以及来自另一个世界的孩子们,"蒂莲心中想道,"在事情最糟糕最险恶的时候,他们总是出现的。啊,如果他们现在能出现,那有多好啊。" 于是他大声呼唤道"阿斯兰!阿斯兰!阿斯兰!现在就来帮助我们呀!" 然而,黑暗、寒冷和寂静依旧是老样子,毫无变化。"让我被杀死吧,"国王喊道,"我丝毫不为我自己恳求什么。可我求你光临,拯救整个纳尼亚。"不论在黑夜里或是树林里,依旧丝毫没有变化,但在蒂莲的内心里开始发生了一种变化,自己也不知道为什么,他开始感到一种隐隐约约的希望。他反正感到自己比较强有力了。"啊,阿斯兰,阿斯兰,"他低声说道,"如果你不愿亲自驾临,至少从其他世界给我派些助手来吧。啊,让我呼唤他们。让我的声音传到外部世界去。"接着,自己也不明白自己正在干什么,他突然大声叫喊起来: "孩子们!孩子们!纳尼亚的朋友们!快,到我这儿来吧。我在天涯海角呼唤你们,我是蒂莲,纳尼亚的国王,凯尔帕拉维尔的君主,人迹罕至的群岛的帝王!" 于是他立刻进入了一个梦境(如果这是个梦),比他生平做过的任何一个梦都要鲜明生动。 他仿佛正站在一个灯火辉煌的房间里,有七个人围着一张桌子坐在那儿。看上去他们刚吃完饭。有两个人年纪很大,一个是自须老汉,二个是老妇人,生着聪明而欢乐的闪闪烁烁的眼睛。坐在老汉右边的人还没有成年,肯定比蒂莲本人还年轻,但他的脸上已经具有国王和战士的神情。对于坐在老妇人右边那个少年,几乎也可以说同样的话。桌子对面,脸朝蒂莲,坐着一位金发姑娘,比上述两位还要年轻,而坐在她两边的一男一女,那就更年轻了。他们都穿着蒂莲觉得是最最古怪的衣裳。但他没有时间去考虑这些细节,因为最年轻的男孩和两个小姑娘立刻从座位上跳起身来,有一位还发出了一声轻微的叫喊。老妇人吃了一惊,猛吸了一口气。老汉必定也做出了一个突然动作,因为放在他右手边的酒杯,给碰下桌子去了,蒂莲听得见酒杯啪啦跌碎在地板上时的声音。于是蒂莲认识到这些人能看见他,他们正瞪眼瞧着他,仿佛他们看见了一个鬼魂似的。但他也看在眼里:坐在老汉身旁的那位国王模样的人,可从未动弹过(尽管他的脸色变白了),只不过把他的手捏得紧紧的而已。接着他就说道: "说出来吧,如果你不是个幻影或梦。你具有纳尼亚人的神态,而我们是纳尼亚王国的七个朋友。" 蒂莲很想说话,他力图大声喊叫,他是纳尼亚王国的蒂莲,迫切需要帮助。但他发觉(就像我们在梦里也常发觉的那样)他的嗓门里发不出声音来。已经对他说话的那个人站起身来了。"影子也好,鬼魂也好,不论你究竟是什么人,"他一边说一边盯住蒂莲直瞧,"如果你来自纳尼亚,我以阿斯兰的名义命令你,把话对我说出来吧。我就是大国王彼得。" 这房间开始在蒂莲的眼前摇摇晃晃。他听到这七个人立刻一齐说话的声音,而且声音都在一秒钟又一秒钟地减弱下去,他们说的是类似这样的话"瞧,它在褪色了。" "它在溶化了。""它在消失了。"一会儿后他便完全从梦中醒过来了,仍旧绑在树上,比以前更加寒冷、僵硬。树林里充满了日出之前苍白而阴沉的光芒,他浑身被露水湿透,早晨快要来临了。 这一梦醒之际,乃是他生平所经历过的最最难堪的时刻。 Chapter 5 HOW HELP CAME TO THE KING Bur his misery did not last long. Almost at once there came a bump, and then a second bump, and two children were standing before him. The wood in front of him had been quite empty a second before and he knew they had not come from behind his tree, for he would have heard them. They had in fact simply appeared from nowhere. He saw at a glance that they were wearing the same queer, dingy sort of clothes as the people in his dream; and he saw, at a second glance, that they were the youngest boy and girl out of that party of seven. "Gosh!" said the boy, "that took one's breath away! I thought -" "Hurry up and get him untied," said the girl. "We can talk, afterwards." Then she added, turning to Tirian, "I'm sorry we've been so long. We came the moment we could." While she was speaking the Boy produced a knife from his pocket and was quickly cutting the King's bonds: too quickly, in fact, for the King was so stiff and numb that when the last cord was cut he fell forward on his hands and knees. He couldn't get up again till he had brought some life back into his legs by a good rubbing. "I say," said the girl. "It was you, wasn't it, who appeared to us that night when we were all at supper? Nearly a week ago." "A week, fair maid?" said Tirian. "My dream led me into your world scarce ten minutes since." "It's the usual muddle about times, Pole," said the Boy. "I remember now," said Tirian. "That too comes in all the old tales. The time of your strange land is different from ours. But if we speak of Time, 'tis time to be gone from here: for my enemies are close at hand. Will you come with me?" "Of course," said the girl. "It's you we've come to help." Tirian got to his feet and led them rapidly down hill, Southward and away from the stable. He knew where he meant to go but his first aim was to get to rocky places where they would leave no trail, and his second to cross some water so that they would leave no scent. This took them about an hour's scrambling and wading and while that was going on nobody had any breath to talk. But even so, Tirian kept on stealing glances at his companions. The wonder of walking beside the creatures from another world made him feel a little dizzy: but it also made all the old stories seem far more real than they had ever seemed before . . . anything might happen now. "Now," said Tirian as they came to the head of a little valley which ran down before them among young birch trees, "we are out of danger of those villains for a space and may walk more easily." The sun had risen, dew-drops were twinkling on every branch, and birds were singing. "What about some grub? - I mean for you, Sir, we two have had our breakfast," said the Boy. Tirian wondered very much what he meant by "grub", but when the Boy opened a bulgy satchel which he was carrying and pulled out a rather greasy and squashy packet, he understood. He was ravenously hungry, though he hadn't thought about it till that moment. There were two hard-boiled egg sandwiches, and two cheese sandwiches, and two with some kind of paste in them. If he hadn't been so hungry he wouldn't have thought much of the paste, for that is a sort of food nobody eats in Narnia. By the time he had eaten all six sandwiches they had come to the bottom of the valley and there they found a mossy cliff with a little fountain bubbling out of it. All three stopped and drank and splashed their hot faces. "And now," said the girl as she tossed her wet hair back from her forehead, "aren't you going to tell us who you are and why you were tied up and what it's all about?" "With a good will, damsel," said Tirian. "But we must keep on the march." So while they went on walking he told them who he was and all the things that had happened to him. "And now," he said at the end, "I am going to a certain tower, one of three that were built in my grandsire's time to guard Lantern Waste against certain perilous outlaws who dwelled there in his day. By Aslan's good will I was not robbed of my keys. In that tower we shall find stores of weapons and mail and some victuals also, though no better than dry biscuit. There also we can lie safe while we make our plans. And now, prithee, tell me who you two are and all your story." "I'm Eustace Scrubb and this is Jill Pole," said the Boy. "And we were here once before, ages and ages ago, more than a year ago by our time, and there was a chap called Prince Rilian, and they were keeping this chap underground, and Puddleglum put his foot in -" "Ha!" cried Tirian, "are you then that Eustace and that Jill who rescued King Rilian from his long enchantment?" "Yes, that's us," said Jill. "So he's King Rilian now, is he? Oh of course he would be. I forgot-" "Nay," said Tirian, "I am the seventh in descent from him. He has been dead over two hundred years." Jill made a face. "Ugh!" she said. "That's the horrid part about coming back to Narnia." But Eustace went on. "Well now you know who we are, Sire," he said. "And it was like this. The Professor and Aunt Polly had got all us friends of Narnia together -" "I know not these names, Eustace," said Tirian. "They're the two who came into Narnia at the very beginning, the day all the animals learned to talk." "By the Lion's Mane," cried Tirian. "Those two! The Lord Digory and the Lady Polly! From the dawn of the world! And still in your place? The wonder and the glory of it! But tell me, tell me." "She isn't really our aunt, you know," said Eustace. "She's Miss Plummer, but we call her Aunt Polly. Well those two got us all together partly just for fun, so that we could all have a good jaw about Narnia (for of course there's no one else we can ever talk to about things like that) but partly because the Professor had a feeling that we were somehow wanted over here. Well then you came in like a ghost or goodness-knows-what and nearly frightened the lives out of us and vanished without saying a word. After that, we knew for certain there was something up. The next question was how to get here. You can't go just by wanting to. So we talked and talked and at last the Professor said the only way would be by the Magic Rings. It was by those Rings that he and Aunt Polly got here long, long ago when they were only kids, years before we younger ones were born. But the Rings had all been buried in the garden of a house in London (that's our big town, Sire) and the house had been sold. So then the problem was how to get at them. You'll never guess what we did in the end! Peter and Edmund - that's the High King Peter, the one who spoke to you - went up to London to get into the garden from the back, early in the morning before people were up. They were dressed like workmen so that if anyone did see them it would look as if they'd come to do something about the drains. I wish I'd been with them: it must have been glorious fun. And they must have succeeded for next day Peter sent us a wire - that's a sort of message, Sire, I'll explain about it some other time - to say he'd got the Rings. And the day after that was the day Pole and I had to go back to school - we're the only two who are still at school and we're at the same one. So Peter and Edmund were to meet us at a place on the way down to school and hand over the Rings. It had to be us two who were to go to Narnia, you see, because the older ones couldn't come again. So we got into the train that's a kind of thing people travel in in our world: a lot of wagons chained together - and the Professor and Aunt Polly and Lucy came with us. We wanted to keep together as long as we could. Well there we were in the train. And we were just getting to the station where the others were to meet us, and I was looking out of the window to see if I could see them when suddenly there came a most frightful jerk and a noise: and there we were in Narnia and there was your Majesty tied up to the tree." "So you never used the Rings?" said Tirian. "No," said Eustace. "Never even saw them. Aslan did it all for us in his own way without any Rings." "But the High King Peter has them," said Tirian. "Yes," said Jill. "But we don't think he can use them. When the two other Pevensies - King Edmund and Queen Lucy - were last here, Aslan said they would never come to Narnia again. And he said something of the same sort to the High King, only longer ago. You may be sure he'll come like a shot if he's allowed." "Gosh!" said Eustace. "It's getting hot in this sun. Are we nearly there, Sire?" "Look," said Tirian and pointed. Not many yards away grey battlements rose above the tree-tops, and after a minute's more walking they came out in an open grassy space. A stream ran across it and on the far side of the stream stood a squat, square tower with very few and narrow windows and one heavy-looking door in the wall that faced them. Tirian looked sharply this way and that to make sure that no enemies were in sight. Then he walked up to the tower and stood still for a moment fishing up his bunch of keys which he wore inside his hunting-dress on a narrow silver chain that went round his neck. It was a nice bunch of keys that he brought out, for two were golden and many were richly ornamented: you could see at once that they were keys made for opening solemn and secret rooms in palaces, or chests and caskets of sweet-smelling wood that contained royal treasures. But the key which he now put into the lock of the door was big and plain and more rudely made. The lock was stiff and for a moment Tirian began to be afraid that he would not be able to turn it: but at last he did and the door swung open with a sullen creak. "Welcome friends," said Tirian. "I fear this is the best palace that the King of Narnia can now offer to his guests." Tirian was pleased to see that the two strangers had been well brought up. They both said not to mention it and that they were sure it would be very nice. As a matter of fact it was not particularly nice. It was rather dark and smelled very damp. There was only one room in it and this room went right up to the stone roof: a wooden staircase in one corner led up to a trap door by which you could get out on the battlements. There were a few rude bunks to sleep in, and a great many lockers and bundles. There was also a hearth which looked as if nobody had lit a fire in it for a great many years. "We'd better go out and gather some firewood first thing, hadn't we?" said Jill. "Not yet, comrade," said Tirian. He was determined that they should not be caught unarmed, and began searching the lockers, thankfully remembering that he had always been careful to have these garrison towers inspected once a year and to make sure that they were stocked with all things needful. The bow strings were there in their coverings of oiled silk, the swords and spears were greased against rust, and the armour was kept bright in its wrappings. But there was something even better. "Look you!" said Tirian as he drew out a long mail shirt of a curious pattern and flashed it before the children's eyes. "That's funny-looking mail, Sire," said Eustace. "Aye, lad," said Tirian. "No Narnian Dwarf smithied that. 'Tis mail of Calormen, outlandish gear. I have ever kept a few suits of it in readiness, for I never knew when I or my friends might have reason to walk unseen in The Tisroc's land. And look on this stone bottle. In this there is a juice which, when we have rubbed it on our hands and faces, will make us brown as Calormenes." "Oh hurrah!" said Jill. "Disguise! I love disguises." Tirian showed them how to pour out a little of the juice into the palms of their hands and then rub it well over their faces and necks, right down to the shoulders, and then on their hands, right up to the elbows. He did the same himself. "After this has hardened on us," he said, "we may wash in water and it will not change. Nothing but oil and ashes will make us white Narnians again. And now, sweet Jill, let us go see how this mail shirt becomes you. 'Tis something too long, yet not so much as I feared. Doubtless it belonged to a page in the train of one of their Tarkaans." After the mail shirts they put on Calormene helmets, which are little round ones fitting tight to the head and having a spike on top. Then Tirian took long rolls of some white stuff out of the locker and wound them over the helmets till they became turbans: but the little steel spike still stuck up in the middle. He and Eustace took curved Calormene swords and little round shields. There was no sword light enough for Jill, but he gave her a long, straight hunting knife which might do for a sword at a pinch. "Hast any skill with the bow, maiden?" said Tirian. "Nothing worth talking of," said Jill, blushing. "Scrubb's not bad." "Don't you believe her, Sire," said Eustace. "We've both been practising archery ever since we got back from Narnia last time, and she's about as good as me now. Not that either of us is much." Then Tirian gave Jill a bow and a quiver full of arrows. The next business was to light a fire, for inside that tower it still felt more like a cave than like anything indoors and set one shivering. But they got warm gathering wood - the sun was now at its highest - and once the blaze was roaring up the chimney the place began to look cheerful. Dinner was, however, a dull meal, for the best they could do was to pound up some of the hard biscuit which they found in a locker and pour it into boiling water, with salt, so as to make a kind of porridge. And of course there was nothing to drink but water. "I wish we'd brought a packet of tea," said Jill. "Or a tin of cocoa," said Eustace. "A firkin or so of good wine in each of these towers would not have been amiss," said Tirian. 5救援国王 可是国王的苦难为时并不长久。几乎立刻传来砰的一声,接着又是砰的一声,两个孩子就站在国王的面前了。一秒钟以前,国王前边的树林里是空无一人的;国王知道,他们也不是从绑牢他的那棵树木背后跑出来的,因为从树背后出来,他会听见脚步声。事实上他们简直是从只有天知道的地方突然冒出来的。国王一眼就看出来了,他们穿着跟他梦中所见人物一样的古里古怪而邋里邋遢的衣服。再看第二眼,国王发现他们便是餐桌周围七人中最年轻的男孩和女孩。 "天哪!"男孩说道,"简直叫人气也透不过来了!我以为……"赶紧给他松绑,"女孩说道,"我们可以以后再谈。"然后她转向蒂莲,补充道"我很抱歉,我们到得晚了。我们倒是尽量立刻出发的。" 她这么说时,男孩从口袋里拿出一把小刀,迅速把绑牢国王的绳索割断,事实上也割得太快了,因为国王浑身僵硬、麻木,最后一根绳索割断时他就倒了下来,双手和双膝都着地了。他把双腿好生擦了一阵,使双腿恢复了生机,方才能重新站起身来。 "嗨,"女孩说道,"那天夜里,我们七个人在吃晚饭的时候,突然出现在我们面前的,就是你吗,是不是?差不多一个星期以前。" "漂亮的姑娘,一个星期以前吗?"蒂莲说道,"我的梦把我带到你们的世界里,还不过十分钟哩。" "关于时间问题,往往是一笔搞不清的糊涂账。"男孩说道。"我现在记起来了,"蒂莲说道,"在古老的故事里,也有记载的。你们那奇怪世界里的时间,跟我们的时间是很不相同的。但,如果我们说到时间和时候,现在倒是我们离开这儿的时候了因为我的敌人就在附近。你们愿意跟我一起走吗?" "当然啦,"女孩说,"我们赶来救援的,就是你啊。"蒂莲迈开步子,带领他们迅速走下山去,他朝南而行,离那马厩远远的。他十分明白他要往哪儿去,但他第一个目的是走上石头路,以便不致留下什么足迹;第二个目的是涉水而过,以便不致留下什么气味。他们花了大约一个钟头的时间爬山蹚水;这么爬山蹚水时,他们没有一个人吭声说话。即使如此,蒂莲还是继续不断地偷偷瞧他的同伴一两眼。同来自另一个世界的人物并肩而行的神奇之感,弄得他有点儿晕头晕脑;但也使一切古老的故事远比往常显得更加真实了……如今任何事情都可能发生了。 "现在,"他们的前边有个小山谷在白桦树之间迤逦而下,当他们走到这小山谷的开端时,蒂莲说道,"我们离那些恶棍的危险地带有好长一段路了,现在不妨走得更从容自在点儿。"太阳已经升起,露珠在枝头闪烁,鸟儿在鸣啭。"来点儿吃的怎么样?——陛下,我的意思是你要不要吃点东西,我们已经吃过早饭了。"男孩说道。蒂莲很想知道他所说的"吃点东西"是指什么,但,当男孩把他带来的一个鼓鼓囊囊的手提包打开,从中拉出一扎油腻而软绵绵的东西时,他明白了。他饿得要命,尽管他直到此刻看到食物才想起肚子饿。食物共有两份熟鸡蛋三明治,两份干酷三明治,两份果酱三明治。若不是饿得厉害,他是不大会吃那果酱三明治的,因为在纳尼亚谁也不吃这种果酱的。他吃完六份三明治时,他们已经走到了谷底,在那儿发现了一个长满苔藓的山崖,崖上有泉水汩汩地冒出来。三个人都停下步来喝泉水,并且把水泼在他们灼热的脸上。 "好了,"女孩一边把潮湿的头发从前额上甩回去,一边说道,"现在你可以告诉我们了:你是什么人,为什么你被绑在树上,以及这一切究竟是怎么一回事?" "小姐,我十分情愿告诉你们,"蒂莲说,"但我们必须继续赶路。"所以,他们一面走路,他就一面讲给他们听:他是什么人以及他所遭遇到的种种事情。"现在,我要到一个堡垒去,"他讲到末末了儿,说道,"我的祖先统治的时代,曾经筑了三个堡垒保卫灯柱野林,防范当年住在那儿的危险的亡命之徒。由于阿斯兰的保佑,我的钥匙没有被抢走。在我要去的那个堡垒里,我们可以找到武器和盔甲,也可以找到一些食物,虽然不会有比又干又硬的饼干更好的东西。我们还可以安全地躺在那儿订立计划。现在,请你们两位告诉我——你们是什么人,以及你们所有的经历。" "我是尤斯塔斯;斯克罗布,这一位是吉尔;波尔,"男孩说道,"从前我们到这儿来过一次,好几个世纪以前;按照我们的时间来说,那就是一年多以前,有个人叫瑞廉王子的,他被人家关在地底下,帕德尔格拉姆又把他的脚伸进——""哈!"蒂莲大声说道,"那么你们就是把国王瑞廉从长期的魔法困扰中拯救出来的尤斯塔斯和吉尔了?" "是的,正是我们两人,"吉尔说道,"那么,现在他是国王瑞廉了,是不是?啊,当然他会做国王的。我忘记了——""不,"蒂莲说,"我是他的第七代后裔了。他已经死了两百多年了。" 吉尔做了个鬼脸。"呃!"她说,"回到纳尼亚来,就是这档子事情叫人不好受。"但尤斯塔斯继续说下去。"陛下,现在你知道我们是什么人了,"他说,"事情是这样的。教授和姨妈波莉把我们纳尼亚的朋友都请来了——""我不知道这些名字,尤斯塔斯。"蒂莲说。"他们是最早进入纳尼亚的两个人,那时所有的野兽正学习讲人话。" "天哪!"蒂莲大声嚷道,"这两个人啊!迪格雷勋爵和波莉夫人!鸿蒙初开时的人物!仍旧活在你们的世界里吗?真是神奇,真是光荣!讲给我听,讲给我听吧。" "你要知道,她并非真是我们的姨妈,"尤斯塔斯说道, "她是普卢默小姐,不过我们管她叫姨妈罢了。却说这两位把我们大家都请去聚会了:一半只是为了寻寻开心,让我们大家痛痛快快地聊一聊关于纳尼亚王国的事情(因为,像这样的事,我们跟其他的人是没法儿闲聊的);一半是教授有种预感这儿用得着我们哩。然后是你来了,像个鬼魂,或者是个只有天知道的玩意儿,几乎把我们的性命都吓掉了,一句话也不说就消失了。这之后,我们知道肯定是发生了什么事变了。第二个问题是怎样到这儿来。我们是不能想上这儿来就上这儿来的。我们商量又商量,最后,教授说,惟一的办法就是靠’魔戒’的魔力了。好久好久以前,远在我们年轻一代尚未出生,他们只不过是小青年的时候,教授和波莉姨妈到这儿来过,凭的就是那些’魔戒’的魔力。但,’魔戒’统统都埋在伦敦(那是我们的大城市,陛下)一个住宅的花园里了,住宅已经卖掉了。所以,接下来的问题是如何把’魔戒’搞到手。你永远也猜不到我们最后是怎么弄到手的。彼得和爱德蒙——彼得就是至尊王彼得,那个跟你说话的人——赶到伦敦,在人们还没有起床的清晨,从后边进入花园。他们打扮得像工人似的,如果有什么人瞧见他们,这样便可以看上去像是来疏通阴沟、排水的。我但愿是跟他们一起去的那必定是件光荣而又开心的事情。他们必定是顺利地完成任务的,因为第二天彼得打来一个电报那是一种通讯方法,陛下,我以后给你解释——说是他把’魔戒’弄到手了。第二天,我和波尔都得回学校去——只有我们俩还在上学念书,我们俩进的又是同一个学校。所以彼得和爱德蒙就要在到学校去的途中一个地点跟我们碰头,把’魔戒’交给我们。你瞧,上纳尼亚来,还非得我们两人走二趟不可,因为年纪大的人没法儿再来了。所以我们就坐上了火车——我们这个世界里,人们就坐这种交通工具旅行,好多节客车连在一起的——教授、波莉姨妈、露茜和我们一起走。我们要待在一起,能待多久就待多久。我们都坐在火车里。我们刚到达一个车站,那儿有其他的人们在欢迎我们,我从车窗里探出来望望是否看得见来欢迎的人们,这当儿突然发生了最最可怕的震动和声音,呀,我们竟在纳尼亚了,陛下给绑在树上哩。’" "那么你们从未使用’魔戒’吗?"蒂莲问道。 "没有使用’魔戒’,"尤斯塔斯说,"甚至连见也没见过’魔戒’。阿斯兰用他自己的办法替我们安排了一切,用不着什么’魔戒’了。" "但至尊王彼得掌握着’魔戒’。"蒂莲说。 "是的,"吉尔说,"但我们认为他没法儿使用’魔戒’。另外两位国家领袖——国王爱德蒙和女王露茜——上次在这儿时,阿斯兰说过,他们永远不会再到纳尼亚来了。对于至尊王彼得,阿斯兰也说过类似的话,不过时间更早了。你满可以深信不疑,如果得到允许,至尊王彼得会像箭一般赶来的。" "天哪!"尤斯塔斯说,"在这太阳底下,愈来愈热了。咱们快到了吧,陛下?""瞧吧!"蒂莲指着前边说道。在没有多少码之外,雄伟的堡垒冒出在树面的上方,他们继续走了几分钟,便进入了一片开阔的草地。一条小溪流贯草地,在小溪的那一边,雄踞着一个方方的堡垒,稀稀朗朗的狭长窗子,墙上有个外貌沉重的大门面对着他们。 蒂莲警惕地看看这边,瞧瞧那边,探明周围确实没有敌人。然后他走到堡垒跟前,静静地站立片刻,从猎装里边摸出一串钥匙来,钥匙系在一条细长的银链条上,银链条挂在他的颈子上。他摸出来的那一串钥匙精美绝伦,两把钥匙是用黄金铸成的,许多钥匙装饰华丽,你立刻就可以看出来,它们都是用来开启王宫里庄严而机密的房间的门的,或是用来打开那放着王室珍宝的芳香木柜和木盒的。但,他现在插到堡垒大门门锁里去的钥匙,却是又大又平凡,铸造也很粗糙。锁是不大灵活的。蒂莲有一会儿还担心他没法儿叫它转动。但,最后他终于把锁开动了,发出一阵子老大不高兴的吱吱嘎嘎的声音,大门给打开了。 "朋友们,欢迎你们光|庙,"蒂莲说道,"恐怕这是纳尼亚国王现在能够接待他的贵宾的最好的王宫了。"蒂莲很高兴地看到这两位陌生人很有教养。他们俩都说不用客气,他们深信一定挺不错的。 事实上,它并非特别"挺不错的"。堡垒里相当黑暗,有一股挺潮湿的气味。堡垒里只有一个房间,这个房间往上直达石头屋顶,房间一角有一只木头楼梯往上通向一个活门,从这活门出去,可以走上雄蝶墙。有几只粗笨的床铺可以睡觉,有许多小柜子和包裹。也有一个壁炉,看上去仿佛已经多年没有人在炉子里生过火了。 "我们最好还是首先出去搞点木柴来,要不要?"吉尔说。 "且慢,伙伴们。"蒂莲说道。他下定决心,他们不该手无寸铁地束手就擒;他开始在柜子里搜索,感谢地记起自己总是小心谨慎地规定每年检查这些卫戌堡垒一次,确保一切必需的东西都有所储备。果然储备着不少东西:有弓弦,用油绸遮盖得好好的,有剑与矛,都涂上了油以防止生锈,有盔甲,包裹严密,依旧程亮生辉。但,甚至还有些更加美妙的东西。"瞧瞧!"蒂莲一边说一边抽出一件长长的式样新奇的锁子甲来,在孩子们的眼前挥动着。"这是件看土去挺有趣的锁子甲啊,陛下。"尤斯塔斯说道。 "是呀,小伙子,"蒂莲说道,"纳尼亚小矮人可没人铸造得出这种锁子甲,这是卡乐门人的锁子甲,稀奇古怪的模样儿。我收藏了几套备用,因为我绝对不知道我或我的朋友什么时候会需要在’蒂斯罗克’的国土上行走而不被察觉。再瞧瞧这石头瓶子,这里面盛着一种液体,用它擦在我们的手上和脸上,就可以使我们的皮肤变成棕色,跟卡乐门人一模一样。" "啊,呜啦I"吉尔说,"乔装改扮!我喜欢乔装改扮。" 蒂蓬教他们怎样倒一点儿液体在手掌里,然后擦在脸上颈子上,一直擦到肩膀上,然后把液体擦在于臂上,一直擦到肘拐儿止。他自己也这样擦着。"这液体在我们皮肤上硬化以后,"他说,"我们就不怕在水里洗涤了,它不会褪色。只有用油与灰一同洗涤,才能使我们重新变成白皮肤的纳尼亚人。可爱的吉尔,让我们去试试这锁子甲是否适合你的身材。它长了点儿,可并不像我担心的那么长得过分。毫无疑问,它原来是属于’泰坎’的大批侍从中的某一个人的。" 穿上锁子甲后,他们又戴上卡乐门头盔,那是个小小圆圆的东西,紧扣在脑袋上,顶上有个尖铁。接着,蒂莲从柜子里拿出长长一卷白布,缠在头盔的外面,直至缠成头巾方才罢休,但那小小的尖铁仍旧突出在当中间儿。他和尤斯塔斯拿了卡乐门弯刀和圆圆的小盾牌。可没有供吉尔用的、重量够轻的剑,但他给了她一把长长的笔直的猝猎用小刀,逢到紧急关头,可以拿它当作剑使用。"小姐,你可有点儿拉弓射箭的技术吗?"蒂莲问道。 "不值得一提,"吉尔红着脸说道,"斯克罗布的技术不坏。""别信她的话,陛下,"尤斯塔斯说,"上次我们从纳尼亚回去以后,一直在练习拉弓射箭,她跟我的技术大致差不多。但我们两个谁都不太高明。" 于是蒂莲给了吉尔一张弓和一个盛满箭的箭筒。第二桩事情是生了一炉火,因为置身堡垒之中,觉得并不像在室内,倒是更像在山洞内,叫人冷得发抖。但,他们把木柴搬进来时身上发热了——太阳正在中天——炉火轰隆轰隆向烟囱里踏上去时,这个地方看上去挺愉快舒适。然而,正餐却是单调乏味的,因为他们能做得到的上策,也只不过是把他们在一个柜子里的硬饼干敲碎,倒在沸水里,加上盐,煮成一种糊状的东西。除了水,也没有什么可喝的。"我要是能带来一盒茶叶就好了。"吉尔说。"或者是一罐可可粉也好。"尤斯塔斯道。"在这几个堡垒里,每一个堡垒里都有一小桶好酒,这可不会错的。"蒂莲说道。 Chapter 6 A GOOD NIGHT'S WORK ABOUT four hours later Tirian flung himself into one of the bunks to snatch a little sleep. The two children were already snoring: he had made them go to bed before he did because they would have to be up most of the night and he knew that at their age they couldn't do without sleep. Also, he had tired them out. First he had given Jill some practice in archery and found that, though not up to Narnian standards, she was really not too bad. Indeed she had succeeded in shooting a rabbit (not a Talking rabbit, of course: there are lots of the ordinary kind about in Western Narnia) and it was already skinned, cleaned, and hanging up. He had found that both the children knew all about this chilly and smelly job; they had learned that kind of thing on their great journey through Giant-Land in the days of Prince Rilian. Then he had tried to teach Eustace how to use his sword and shield. Eustace had learned quite a lot about sword fighting on his earlier adventures but that had been all with a straight Narnian sword. He had never handled a curved Calormene scimitar and that made it hard, for many of the strokes are quite different and some of the habits he had learned with the long sword had now to be unlearned again. But Tirian found that he had a good eye and was very quick on his feet. He was surprised at the strength of both children: in fact they both seemed to be already much stronger and bigger and more grown-up than they had been when he first met them a few hours ago. It is one of the effects which Narnian air often has on visitors from our world. All three of them agreed that the very first thing they must do was to go back to Stable Hill and try to rescue Jewel the Unicorn. After that, if they succeeded, they would try to get away Eastward and meet the little army which Roonwit the Centaur would be bringing from Cair Paravel. An experienced warrior and huntsman like Tirian can always wake up at the time he wants. So he gave himself till nine o'clock that night and then put all worries out of his head and fell asleep at once. It seemed only a moment later when he woke but he knew by the light and the very feel of things that he had timed his sleep exactly. He got up, put on his helmet-and-turban (he had slept in his mail shirt), and then shook the other two till they woke up. They looked, to tell the truth, very grey and dismal as they climbed out of their bunks and there was a good deal of yawning. "Now," said Tirian, "we go due North from here - by good fortune 'tis a starry night - and it will be much shorter than our journey this morning, for then we went round-about but now we shall go straight. If we are challenged, then do you two hold your peace and I will do my best to talk like a curst, cruel, proud lord of Calormen. If I draw my sword then thou, Eustace, must do likewise and let Jill leap behind us and stand with an arrow on the string. But if I cry `Home', then fly for the Tower both of you. And let none try to fight on - not even one stroke after I have given the retreat: such false valour has spoiled many notable plans in the wars. And now, friends, in the name of Aslan let us go forward." Out they went into the cold night. All the great Northern stars were burning above the tree-tops. The North-Star of that world is called the Spear-Head: it is brighter than our Pole Star. For a time they could go straight towards the Spear-Head but presently they came to a dense thicket so that they had to go out of their course to get round it. And after that -for they were still overshadowed by branches - it was hard to pick up their bearings. It was Jill who set them right again: she had been an excellent Guide in England. And of course she knew her Narnian stars perfectly, having travelled so much in the wild Northern Lands, and could work out the direction from other stars even when the Spear-Head was hidden. As soon as Tirian saw that she was the best pathfinder of the three of them he put her in front. And then he was astonished to find how silently and almost invisibly she glided on before them. "By the Mane!" he whispered to Eustace. "This girl is a wondrous wood-maid. If she had Dryad's blood in her she could scarce do it better." "She's so small, that's what helps," whispered Eustace. But Jill from in front said: "S-s-s-h, less noise." All round them the wood was very quiet. Indeed it was far too quiet. On an ordinary Narnia night there ought to have been noises - an occasional cheery "Goodnight" from a Hedgehog, the cry of an Owl overhead, perhaps a flute in the distance to tell of Fauns dancing, or some throbbing, hammering noises from Dwarfs underground. All that was silenced: gloom and fear reigned over Narnia. After a time they began to go steeply uphill and the trees grew further apart. Tirian could dimly make out the wellknown hill-top and the stable. Jill was now going with more and more caution: she kept on making signs to the others with her hand to do the same. Then she stopped dead still and Tirian saw her gradually sink down into the grass and disappear without a sound. A moment later she rose again, put her mouth close to Tirian's ear, and said in the lowest possible whisper, "Get down. Thee better." She said thee for see not because she had a lisp but because she knew the hissing letter S is the part of a whisper most likely to be overheard. Tirian at once lay down, almost as silently as Jill, but not quite, for he was heavier and older. And once they were down, he saw how from that position you could see the edge of the hill sharp against the star-strewn sky. Two black shapes rose against it: one was the stable, and the other, a few feet in front of it, was a Calormene sentry. He was keeping very ill watch: not walking or even standing but sitting with his spear over his shoulder and his chin on his chest. "Well done," said Tirian to Jill. She had shown him exactly what he needed to know. They got up and Tirian now took the lead. Very slowly, hardly daring to breathe, they made their way up to a little clump of trees which was not more than forty feet away from the sentinel. "Wait here till I come again," he whispered to the other two. "If I miscarry, fly." Then he sauntered out boldly in full view of the enemy. The man started when he saw him and was just going to jump to his feet: he was afraid Tirian might be one of his own officers and that he would get into trouble for sitting down. But before he could get up Tirian had dropped on one knee beside him, saying: "Art thou a warrior of the Tisroc's, may he live for ever? It cheers my heart to meet thee among all these beasts and devils of Narnians. Give me thy hand, friend." Before he well knew what was happening the Calormene sentry found his right hand seized in a mighty grip. Next instant someone was kneeling on his legs and a dagger was pressed against his neck. "One noise and thou art dead," said Tirian in his ear. "Tell me where the Unicorn is and thou shalt live." "B - behind the stable, O My Master," stammered the unfortunate man. "Good. Rise up and lead me to him." As the man got up the point of the dagger never left his neck. It only travelled round (cold and rather ticklish) as Tirian got behind him and settled it at a convenient place under his ear. Trembling he went round to the back of the stable. Though it was dark Tirian could see the white shape of Jewel at once. "Hush!" he said. "No, do not neigh. Yes, Jewel, it is I. How have they tied thee?" "Hobbled by all four legs and tied with a bridle to a ring in the stable wall," came Jewel's voice. "Stand here, sentry, with your back to the wall. So. Now, Jewel: set the point of your horn against this Calormene's breast." "With a good will, Sire," said Jewel. "If he moves, rive him to the heart." Then in a few seconds Tirian cut the ropes. With the remains of them he bound the sentry hand and foot. Finally he made him open his mouth, stuffed it full of grass and tied him up from scalp to chin so that he could make no noise, lowered the man into a sitting position and set him against the wall. "I have done thee some discourtesy, soldier," said Tirian. "But such was my need. If we meet again I may happen to do thee a better turn. Now, Jewel, let us go softly." He put his left arm round the beast's neck and bent and kissed its nose and both had great joy. They went back as quietly as possible to the place where he had left the children. It was darker in there under the trees and he nearly ran into Eustace before he saw him. "All's well," whispered Tirian. "A good night's work. Now for home." They turned and had gone a few paces when Eustace said, "Where are you, Pole?" There was no answer. "Is Jill on the other side of you, Sire?" he asked. "What?" said Tirian. "Is she not on the other side of your" It was a terrible moment. They dared not shout but they whispered her name in the loudest whisper they could manage. There was no reply. "Did she go from you while I was away?" asked Tirian. "I didn't see or hear her go," said Eustace. "But she could have gone without my knowing. She can be as quiet as a cat; you've seen for yourself." At that moment a far off drum beat was heard. Jewel moved his ears forward. "Dwarfs," he said. "And treacherous Dwarfs, enemies, as likely as not," muttered Tirian. "And here comes something on hoofs, much nearer," said Jewel. The two humans and the Unicorn stood dead still. There were now so many different things to worry about that they didn't know what to do. The noise of hoofs came steadily nearer. And then, quite close to them, a voice whispered: "Hallo! Are you all there?" Thank heaven, it was Jill's. "Where the devil have you been to?" said Eustace in a furious whisper, for he had been very frightened. "In the stable," gasped Jill, but it was the sort of gasp you give when you're struggling with suppressed laughter. "Oh," growled Eustace, "you think it funny, do you? Well all I can say is -" "Have you got Jewel, Sire?" asked Jill. "Yes. Here he is. What is that beast with you?" "That's him," said Jill. "But let's be off home before anyone wakes up." And again there came little explosions of laughter. The others obeyed at once for they had already lingered long enough in that dangerous place and the Dwarf drums seemed to have come a little nearer. It was only after they had been walking Southward for several minutes that Eustace said: "Got him? What do you mean?" "The false Aslan," said Jill. "What?" said Tirian. "Where have you been? What have you done?" "Well, Sire," said Jill. "As soon as I saw that you'd got the sentry out of the way I thought hadn't I better have a look inside the stable and see what really is there? So I crawled along. It was as easy as anything to draw the bolt. Of course it was pitch black inside and smelled like any other stable. Then I struck a light and - would you believe it? - there was nothing at all there but this old donkey with a bundle of lion-skin tied on to his back. So I drew my knife and told him he'd have to come along with me. As a matter of fact I needn't have threatened him with the knife at all. He was very fed up with the stable and quite ready to come - weren't you, Puzzle dear?" "Great Scott!" said Eustace. "Well I'm - jiggered. I was jolly angry with you a moment ago, and I still think it was mean of you to sneak off without the rest of us: but I must admit - well, I mean to say - well it was a perfectly gorgeous thing to do. If she was a boy she'd have to be knighted, wouldn't she, Sire?" "If she was a boy," said Tirian, "she'd be whipped for disobeying orders." And in the dark no one could see whether he said this with a frown or a smile. Next minute there was a sound of rasping metal. "What are you doing, Sire?" asked Jewel sharply. "Drawing my sword to smite off the head of the accursed Ass," said Tirian in a terrible voice. "Stand clear, girl." "Oh don't, please don't," said Jill. "Really, you mustn't. It wasn't his fault. It was all the Ape. He didn't know any better. And he's very sorry. And he's a nice Donkey. His name's Puzzle. And I've got my arms round his neck." "Jill," said Tirian, "you are the bravest and most woodwise of all my subjects, but also the most malapert and disobedient. Well: let the Ass live. What have you to say for yourself, Ass?" "Me, Sire?" came the Donkey's voice. "I'm sure I'm very sorry if I've done wrong. The Ape said Aslan wanted me to dress up like that. And I thought he'd know. I'm not clever like him. I only did what I was told. It wasn't any fun for me living in that stable. I don't even know what's been going on outside. He never let me out except for a minute or two at night. Some days they forgot to give me any water too." "Sire," said Jewel. "Those Dwarfs are coming nearer and nearer. Do we want to meet them?" Tirian thought for a moment and then suddenly gave a great laugh out loud. Then he spoke, not this time in a whisper. "By the Lion," he said, "I am growing slow witted! Meet them? Certainly we will meet them. We will meet anyone now. We have this Ass to show them. Let them see the thing they have feared and bowed to. We can show them the truth of the Ape's vile plot. His secret's out. The tide's turned. Tomorrow we shall hang that Ape on the highest tree in Narnia. No more whispering and skulking and disguises. Where are these honest Dwarfs? We have good news for them." When you have been whispering for hours the mere sound of anyone talking out loud has a wonderfully stirring effect. The whole party began talking and laughing: even Puzzle lifted up his head and gave a grand Haw-hee-haw-hee-hee; a thing the Ape hadn't allowed him to do for days. Then they set off in the direction of the drumming. It grew steadily louder and soon they could see torchlight as well. They came out on one of those rough roads (we should hardly call them roads at all in England) which ran through Lantern Waste. And there, marching sturdily along, were about thirty Dwarfs, all with their little spades and mattocks over their shoulders. Two armed Calormenes led the column and two more brought up the rear. "Stay!" thundered Tirian as he stepped out on the road. "Stay, soldiers. Whither do you lead these Narnian Dwarfs and by whose orders?" 6成功的夜袭 四个钟头以后,蒂莲倒在一张床铺上,抓紧时间稍稍睡上一觉。两个孩子已经在打呼噜。他自己睡觉之前,已经叫孩子们上床了,因为夜间大部分时间他们都将没有工夫睡觉,他知道这种年龄的孩子不睡一会儿是不行的。而且,他也弄得他们极为疲倦。他首先让吉尔练练拉弓射箭,发觉她虽然没有达到纳尼亚标准,技术倒确实不算太坏。事实上,她成功地射中了一只野兔(当然不是会说人话的兔子,在纳尼亚王国的西部,有许许多多普通寻常的兔子),这野兔已经剥了皮,洗得干干净净,挂起来晾着了。他发觉这两个孩子熟悉这种冷冰冰的气味难闻的活儿的一切窍门;他们在瑞廉王子的时代,在巨人之乡作那了不得的旅行时已经学会干这种事了。接着他又教尤斯塔斯如何使用他的刀剑和盾牌。尤斯塔斯在他早期的冒险中曾学习过不少斗剑的本领,但那时使用的全是笔直的纳尼亚剑。他从来没使用过一把卡乐门弯刀,这就难了,因为弯刀的许多砍法跟他所学习的使用长剑的习惯是截然不同的,他现在得重新摆脱这种习惯。但蒂莲发觉他眼睛锐利、脚步敏捷。他对两个孩子的体力也感到惊讶:事实上,他们较之几个钟头前和他初次见面时已经长得更壮、更大、更加成熟了。从我们这个世界到纳尼亚去做客的人,纳尼亚的空气时常对他们产生这种效果。 三个人一致同意他们必须干的第一桩事情就是回到马厩所在的山上,把独角兽珍宝救出来。如果此举成功,他们就要设法向东突出去,同人头马龙威特从凯尔帕拉维尔带来的一支小部队会师。 像蒂莲这样的有经验的战士和猎人,始终能在他要想醒的时间醒来。所以那天夜里他先规定自己睡到九点钟醒来,然后排除头脑里一切烦恼,立刻便睡熟了。仿佛不过是一会儿以后他就醒了,但是他凭着外界的光线以及对事物的感觉,知道自己把睡眠的时间掌握得十分确切。他起了床,戴上头盔和缠头巾(他穿着锁子甲睡觉的),然后摇得那两个孩子醒来。说实在的,孩子们从床上爬起来时,脸色十分苍白,神情忧郁,哈欠连连。 "听着,"蒂莲说,"现在我们从这儿朝正北方向走去——我们运气好,今夜繁星满天——这条路线要比我们今天早晨走的路短得多,因为那时我们绕来绕去,现在我们笔直走去。如果我们受到挑战,你们俩要沉住气,别吭声,我会尽我最大的力量谈判的,变得就像一个残酷骄傲、爱吵架的卡乐门王爷一样。如果我拔出剑来,尤斯塔斯,你必须也拔出刀来,还要让吉尔跳到我们的背后,站着张起弓来,箭按在弦上。但,如果我叫道,'回家',你们俩就要向堡垒飞奔而回。我发出退却命令后,谁也别试图打下去——哪怕是打一下也别打——在战争中,这种虚假的勇敢破坏了许多宏大的作战计划。朋友们,以阿斯兰的名义,现在让我们前进吧。" 他们走进了寒冷的黑夜。北方所有的壮丽星星都在树顶上空燃烧着。那个世界的北辰星,叫做矛尖,比我们的北极星还要明亮。 有一阵子,他们能笔直地朝着矛尖星的方向前进,但不久便遇到一个浓密的灌木丛林,他们就不得不离开这个方向绕道而行了。这之后——因为他们仍被树枝笼罩着——要择定方位就难了。使他们重新走上正确方向的,乃是吉尔,她在英国是个优秀的向导。她在纳尼亚荒野的北方土地上跑过许多地方,她当然认识纳尼亚的星辰,矛尖星被遮掩时,她还可以凭着其他星辰判明方向。蒂莲一发觉她是他们三人中最好的探路人,他立刻叫她走在他们的前面。接着,他又惊讶地发觉她竟寂静无声地、几乎是无影无踪地悄然前行。 "天哪!"他对尤斯塔斯低声说道,"这个女孩是个神奇的森林姑娘。如果她身上有树精的血统,也不可能干得更高明哩。" "她个儿小,这也助她一臂之力。"尤斯塔斯低声道。但吉尔在前边儿说"嘘,嘘,声音轻点儿。" 周围的树木是十分寂静的。确实是太静了,静得过分了。寻常的纳尼亚之夜,是应该有点儿声音的——一只刺猎偶然发出的愉快的"晚安",头顶上一只猫头鹰的号叫,或是表明半人半羊的怪物正在跳舞的遥远笛声,或是从地底下小矮人们那儿传来的震动和锤打的声音,这一切声音都消失了;幽暗和恐惧笼罩着纳尼亚。 过了一段时间,他们开始走上陡坡,树木和树木之间的距离拉开了。蒂莲能朦胧地望见那著名的山顶和马厩。吉尔 现在走得越来越小心翼翼:她不断地向其他的人做手势,叫他们也要小心。接着,她站定了,一动也不动,蒂莲看见她逐渐沉到青草里,毫无声息地消失了。片刻以后她又站了起来,把她的嘴巴凑近蒂莲的耳朵,以尽可能最低的声音说道"趴下。看得更清。"她说得极简短,没有说"看得更清楚",因为说多了,容易被对方听到。蒂莲立刻趴下,几乎跟吉尔一样悄没声儿,但多少有点儿声音,因为他年纪比较大,身体也比较重。他们一旦趴下了,从这个地位就可以看到小山的边缘鲜明地映衬在繁星满天的夜空里。山上冒出两个黑影,一个是马厩,另一个在马厩前几英尺的地方,是个卡乐门哨兵。他的守卫工作做得很差:既不走动,又不站岗,肩上扛着长矛坐在那儿,下巴额儿靠在胸膛上。"你干得真好。"蒂莲对吉尔说。她已使他看到了恰好是他所需要看到的事物。" "你叫喊就没有命,"蒂莲在他的耳边说道,"告诉我独角兽在哪儿,我就饶你一命。" "我的主啊,在——在马厩背后。"这不幸的人结结巴巴地说道。"好吧。站起来,领我上它那儿去。" 岗哨站起来后,匕首的刀尖从未离开过他的脖子。蒂莲在他前后时,匕首只是绕着脖子移动(冰冷而又令人痒痒的),后来在他耳朵下一个方便的地方停住了。哨兵颤栗着绕到了马厩背后。 虽然天色黑暗,蒂莲立刻看到了珍宝的白色形体。 "嘘!"他说,"不,别嘶鸣。是的,珍宝,是我呀。他们怎么缚住你的?""把我四条腿拴住,用一根马勒把我缚车在马厩里的一个铁环上。"传来珍宝的声音。 "哨兵,站在那儿,背靠着墙。就这样。听着,珍宝,用你独角的尖端,顶住这卡乐门人的胸膛。" "一定尽心竭力,陪下。"珍宝说。 "如果他动一动,你就直捅到他的心脏。"蒂莲在几钟之内就把绳索割断了。他用那剩下的绳索拴住哨兵的手脚。最后叫他张开嘴巴,给他塞得满嘴青草,从头皮到下巴颊儿缚得牢牢的,使他没法儿叫出声音来,还把这人压到坐着的姿势,背靠着墙头。 "士兵,我对你做了些不礼貌的事,"蒂莲说道,"但我必须这么做。如果我们再见面的话,我说不定会较好地款待你一番。珍宝,现在让我们悄悄地走吧。" 他用左臂抱住独角兽的颈子,俯下来吻它的鼻子,彼此都很开心。他们尽可能悄悄地回到他留下孩子们的地方。那儿树木底下更加黑暗,他在看到尤斯塔斯之前,几乎撞在对方的怀里。 "一切顺利,"蒂莲低语道,"一次成功的夜袭。现在回家吧。" 他们转过身去,还没走几步,尤斯塔斯说道"波尔,你在哪儿?"没有回答。"陛下,吉尔可在你那边?"他问。"什么?"蒂莲说,"难道她不在你那吗?"这是个可怕的时刻。他们不敢大声叫喊,但他们以尽可能最响的低语呼唤她的名字。可是没有回答的声音。"我出去的时候,她离开你没有?"蒂莲问。"我没有看见或听见她离开,"尤斯塔斯说,"但她能做到她走掉而我却不知不觉。她能做到像猫一样的悄没声儿,你自己亲眼看见过的。" 就在这时候,远远传来打鼓的声音。珍宝把耳朵往前探索。"小矮人们。"它说。 "背信弃义的小矮人,很可能是敌人。"蒂莲咕咕哝哝地说道。 两个人和一头独角兽呆呆地站在那儿,动也不动。现在有许多不同的事情要担忧烦恼,弄得他们不知道怎么办了。蹄声得得,稳稳地愈走愈近。接着,紧挨着他们,一个声音轻轻说道"哈啰l你们大家都在这儿吗?" 谢天谢地,这是吉尔的声音啊。 "你究竟上哪儿去了?"尤斯塔斯用愤怒的低语说道,因为他曾为她非常惊惶焦急。 "在马厩里。"吉尔喘着气说道,但这是尽力克制大笑时的那种喘息。"啊,"尤斯塔斯咕噜道,"你以为有趣可笑,是吗?我能说的却只是 "陛下,你把珍宝救出来了?"吉尔问。 "是的。它就在这里。那跟你在一起的是什么牲口?" "那就是它呀,"吉尔说道,"但,让我们趁着谁也没醒来时先回家去吧。"但重新又传来爆发出来的小小的笑声。其他的人立刻服从,因为他们在那危险地点逗留得够长久了,而小矮人们的鼓声似乎又近了一点儿。他们向南才走了几分钟,尤斯塔斯说道: "逮住了它?你的意思是指什么呢?" "伪阿斯兰。"吉尔说。"什么?"蒂莲说道,"你到过什么地方?你做了什么事情?" "哎,陛下,"吉尔说,"我一看见你已经把哨兵引开去,心里就想,我倒不如去瞧瞧马厩的内部,看明白那儿实实在在有什么东西。所以我一路爬过去,拉开马厩的门闩,易如反掌。里边当然一团漆黑,气味也跟任何马厩一样。于是我点亮一个火,但见——你们相信吗?——里边压根儿什么都没有,只有这一头老驴子,身上缚着一张狮子毛皮。我就拔出刀来,叫它跟我一起走。事实上,我也无需用刀子威逼它走。它对那马厩厌倦极了,十分情愿跟我来——亲爱的迷惑,是不是这样?" "真了不得I"尤斯塔斯说道,"我呀——我真该死,刚才我还为你大发脾气哩,我现在仍旧认为你背着我们大家偷偷溜走是讨厌的,然而,我又必须承认——哦,我的意思是说——你干了件十分漂亮的事情。如果她是个男孩,她会被封为武士的,陛下,你说是吗?". "如果她是个男孩,"蒂莲说,"因为不服从命令,她会挨鞭子的。"黑暗之中也看不出他是皱着眉头还是微笑着说这话的。接下来便听到金属铿锵摩擦的声音。 "陛下,你在干吗?"独角兽警惕地问道。"拔出我的剑来,砍掉这该死的驴子的脑袋,"蒂莲用可怕的声音说,"闪开,小姑娘。""啊,别,请你别杀它,"吉尔说,"说真的,你不能杀它。这可不是它的过错。全是无尾猿搞的鬼。它可没有看透。它是十分懊恼的。它是十分懊恼的。它是一头不坏的驴子。它的名字叫迷惑。我的双臂抱着它的颈子哩。" "吉尔,"蒂莲说道,"你是我的一切国民中最勇敢最聪明的人,但也是最鲁莽最不听话的人。得了,就饶这驴子一命吧。驴子,你可有什么话要为你自己辩护的?" "陛下,我吗?"传来了驴子的声音,"如果我犯了错误,我相信我是十分懊悔的。无尾猿说,阿斯兰要我这样穿衣打扮。我以为无尾猿会知道的。我不及无尾猿聪明。我只不过是干了它叫我干的事。生活在马厩里,我自己可毫无趣味。我甚至连外边正发生什么事也不知道。除了夜间出去一两分钟,无尾猿从来不放我出去。有些日子,他们连水也忘了给我喝。", "陛下,"珍宝说,"小矮人们正愈走愈近,我们要跟他们见面吗?"蒂莲思索了一会儿,接着就扬声大笑。于是他说话了,这回可不是压低声音的耳语。"狮王在上,"他说,"我变得脑子迟钝了!跟他们见面吗?我们一定要跟他们见面。现在我们要跟任何人见面。我们要把这驴子给他们看看,让他们看看以前他们曾经害怕的曾经向它卑躬屈膝的东西。我们可以拆穿无尾猿邪恶阴谋的真相。它的秘密暴露无遗。潮流变了。明天我们要把无尾猿悬挂在纳尼亚最高的树木上。再也用不着切窃私语、偷偷摸摸和乔装改扮了。那些诚实的小矮人在哪儿?我们有好消息告诉他们。"好几个钟头一直低声耳语,任何人响亮的讲话声都有一种神奇的激动人心的效果。大伙儿开始说说笑笑,甚至迷惑也抬起脑袋,发出一种洪亮的声音"哈一唏一哈一唏一唏I"无尾猿已有好几天不准它这样呜叫了。接着,他们就朝着鼓声的方向走去。鼓声稳定地愈来愈响,不久他们就看得见火炬了。贯穿灯柱野林的,有好几条高低不平的道路(在英国,我们就不该管它们叫道路了),他们从其中一条道路上走来。壮健地迈步向前的,是三十名光景的小矮人,肩上都扛着小铁锹和鹤嘴锄。两个武装的卡乐门人带头走在纵队的前面,还有两个卡乐门人殿后。) "站住!"蒂莲走上大路,雷鸣似的喝道,"站住,士兵们,你们把这些纳尼亚小矮人带到哪儿去?是谁下的命令? Chapter 7 MAINLY ABOUT DWARFS THE two Calormene soldiers at the head of the column, seeing what they took for a Tarkaan or great lord with two armed pages, came to a halt and raised their spears in salute. "O My Master," said one of them, "we lead these manikins to Calormen to work in the mines of The Tisroc, may-he-live-forever. " "By the great god Tash, they are very obedient," said Tirian. Then suddenly he turned to the Dwarfs themselves. About one in six of them carried a torch and by that flickering light he could see their bearded faces all looking at him with grim and dogged expressions. "Has The Tisroc fought a great battle, Dwarfs, and conquered your land?" he asked, "that thus you go patiently to die in the salt-pits of Pugrahan?" The two soldiers glared at him in surprise but the Dwarfs all answered, "Aslan's orders, Aslan's orders. He's sold us. What can we do against him?" "Tisroc indeed!" added one and spat. "I'd like to see him try it!" "Silence, dogs!" said the chief soldier. "Look!" said Tirian, pulling Puzzle forward into the light. "It has all been a lie. Aslan has not come to Narnia at all. You have been cheated by the Ape. This is the thing he brought out of the stable to show you. Look at it." What the Dwarfs saw, now that they could see it close, was certainly enough to make them wonder how they had ever been taken in. The lion-skin had got pretty untidy already during Puzzle's imprisonment in the stable and it had been knocked crooked during his journey through the dark wood. Most of it was in a big lump on one shoulder. The head, besides being pushed sideways, had somehow got very far back so that anyone could now see his silly, gentle, donkeyish face gazing out of it. Some grass stuck out of one corner of his mouth, for he'd been doing a little quiet nibbling as they brought him along. And he was muttering, "It wasn't my fault, I'm not clever. I never said I was." For one second all the Dwarfs were staring at Puzzle with wide open mouths and then one of the soldiers said sharply, "Are you mad, My Master? What are you doing to the slaves?" and the other said, "And who are you?" Neither of their spears was at the salute now - both were down and ready for action. "Give the password," said the chief soldier. "This is my password," said the King as he drew his sword. "The light is dawning, the lie broken. Now guard thee, miscreant, for I am Tirian of Narnia." He flew upon the chief soldier like lightning. Eustace, who had drawn his sword when he saw the King draw his, rushed at the other one: his face was deadly pale, but I wouldn't blame him for that. And he had the luck that beginners sometimes do have. He forgot all that Tirian had tried to teach him that afternoon, slashed wildly (indeed I'm not sure his eyes weren't shut) and suddenly found, to his own great surprise, that the Calormene lay dead at his feet. And though that was a great relief, it was, at the moment, rather frightening. The King's fight lasted a second or two longer: then he too had killed his man and shouted to Eustace, "'Ware the other two." But the Dwarfs had settled the two remaining Calormenes. There was no enemy left. "Well struck, Eustace!" cried Tirian, clapping him on the back. "Now, Dwarfs, you are free. Tomorrow I will lead you to free all Narnia. Three cheers for Aslan!" But the result which followed was simply wretched. There was a feeble attempt from a few Dwarfs (about five) which died away all at once: from several others there were sulky growls. Many said nothing at all. "Don't they understand?" said Jill impatiently. "What's wrong with all you Dwarfs? Don't you hear what the King says? It's all over. The Ape isn't going to rule Narnia any longer. Everyone can go back to ordinary life. You can have fun again. Aren't you glad?" After a pause of nearly a minute a not-very-nice-looking Dwarf with hair and beard as black as soot said: "And who might you be, Missie?" "I'm Jill," she said. "The same Jill who rescued King Rilian from the enchantment and this is Eustace who did it too - and we've come back from another world after hundreds of years. Aslan sent us." The Dwarfs all looked at one another with grins; sneering grins, not merry ones. "Well," said the Black Dwarf (whose name was Griffle), "I don't know how all you chaps feel, but I feel I've heard as much about Aslan as I want to for the rest of my life." "That's right, that's right," growled the other Dwarfs. "It's all a plant, all a blooming plant." "What do you mean?" said Tirian. He had not been pale when he was fighting but he was pale now. He had thought this was going to be a beautiful moment, but it was turning out more like a bad dream. "You must think we're blooming soft in the head, that you must," said Griffle. "We've been taken in once and now you expect us to be taken in again the next minute. We've no more use for stories about Aslan, see! Look at him! An old moke with long ears!" "By heaven, you make me mad," said Tirian. "Which of us said that was Aslan? That is the Ape's imitation of the real Aslan. Can't you understand?" "And you've got a better imitation, I suppose!" said Griffle. "No thanks. We've been fooled once and we're not going to be fooled again." "I have not," said Tirian angrily, "I serve the real Aslan." "Where's he? Who's he? Show him to us!" said several Dwarfs. "Do you think I keep him in my wallet, fools?" said Tirian. "Who am I that I could make Aslan appear at my bidding? He's not a tame lion." The moment those words were out of his mouth he realized that he had made a false move. The Dwarfs at once began repeating "not a tame lion, not a tame lion," in a jeering sing-song. "That's what the other lot kept on telling us," said one. "Do you mean you don't believe in the real Aslan?" said Jill. "But I've seen him. And he has sent us two here out of a different world." "Ah," said Griffle with a broad smile. "So you say. They've taught you your stuff all right. Saying your lessons, ain't you?" "Churl," cried Tirian, "will you give a lady the lie to her very face?" "You keep a civil tongue in your head, Mister," replied the Dwarf. "I don't think we want any more Kings - if you are Tirian, which you don't look like him - no more than we want any Aslans. We're going to look after ourselves from now on and touch our caps to nobody. See?" "That's right," said the other Dwarfs. "We're on our own now. No more Aslan, no more Kings, no more silly stories about other worlds. The Dwarfs are for the Dwarfs." And they began to fall into their places and to get ready for marching back to wherever they had come from. "Little beasts!" said Eustace. "Aren't you even going to say thank you for being saved from the salt-mines?" "Oh, we know all about that," said Griffle over his shoulder. "You wanted to make use of us, that's why you rescued us. You're playing some game of your own. Come on you chaps." And the Dwarfs struck up the queer little marching song which goes with the drum-beat, and off they tramped into the darkness. Tirian and his friends stared after them. Then he said the single word "Come," and they continued their journey. They were a silent party. Puzzle felt himself to be still in disgrace, and also he didn't really quite understand what had happened. Jill, besides being disgusted with the Dwarfs, was very impressed with Eustace's victory over the Calormene and felt almost shy. As for Eustace, his heart was still beating rather quickly. Tirian and Jewel walked sadly together in the rear. The King had his arm on the Unicorn's shoulder and sometimes the Unicorn nuzzled the King's cheek with his soft nose. They did not try to comfort one another with words. It wasn't very easy to think of anything to say that would be comforting. Tirian had never dreamed that one of the results of an Ape's setting up as a false Aslan would be to stop people from believing in the real one. He had felt quite sure that the Dwarfs would rally to his side the moment he showed them how they had been deceived. And then next night he would have led them to Stable Hill and shown Puzzle to all the creatures and everyone would have turned against the Ape and, perhaps after a scuffle with the Calormenes, the whole thing would have been over. But now, it seemed, he could count on nothing. How many other Narnians might turn the same way as the Dwarfs? "Somebody's coming after us, I think," said Puzzle suddenly. They stopped and listened. Sure enough, there was a thump-thump of small feet behind them. "Who goes there!" shouted the King. "Only me, Sire," came a voice. "Me, Poggin the Dwarf. I've only just managed to get away from the others. I'm on your side, Sire: and on Aslan's. If you can put a Dwarfish sword in my fist, I'd gladly strike a blow on the right side before all's done." Everyone crowded round him and welcomed him and praised him and slapped him on the back. Of course one single Dwarf could not make a very great difference, but it was somehow very cheering to have even one. The whole party brightened up. But Jill and Eustace didn't stay bright for very long, for they were now yawning their heads off and too tired to think about anything but bed. It was at the coldest hour of the night, just before dawn, that they got back to the Tower. If there had been a meal ready for them they would have been glad enough to eat, but the bother and delay of getting one was not to be thought of. They drank from a stream, splashed their faces with water, and tumbled into their bunks, except for Puzzle and Jewel who said they'd be more comfortable outside. This perhaps was just as well, for a Unicorn and a fat, full-grown Donkey indoors always make a room feel rather crowded. Narnian Dwarfs, though less than four feet high, are for their size about the toughest and strongest creatures there are, so that Poggin, in spite of a heavy day and a late night, woke fully refreshed before any of the others. He at once took Jill's bow, went out and shot a couple of wood pigeons. Then he sat plucking them on the doorstep and chatting to Jewel and Puzzle. Puzzle looked and felt a good deal better this morning. Jewel, being a Unicorn and therefore one of the noblest and delicatest of beasts, had been very kind to him, talking to him about things of the sort they could both understand like grass and sugar and the care of one's hoofs. When Jill and Eustace came out of the Tower yawning and rubbing their eyes at almost half past ten, the Dwarf showed them where they could gather plenty of a Narnian weed called Wild Fresney, which looks rather like our wood-sorrel but tastes a good deal nicer when cooked. (It needs a little butter and pepper to make it perfect, but they hadn't got these.) So that what with one thing and another, they had the makings of a capital stew for their breakfast or dinner, whichever you choose to call it. Tirian went a little further off into the wood with an axe and brought back some branches for fuel. While the meal was cooking - which seemed a very long time, especially as it smelled nicer and nicer the nearer it came to being done - the King found a complete Dwarfish outfit for Poggin: mail shirt, helmet, shield, sword, belt, and dagger. Then he inspected Eustace's sword and found that Eustace had put it back in the sheath all messy from killing the Calormene. He was scolded for that and made to clean and polish it. All this while Jill went to and fro, sometimes stirring the pot and sometimes looking out enviously at the Donkey and the Unicorn who were contentedly grazing. How many times that morning she wished she could eat grass! But when the meal came everyone felt it had been worth waiting for, and there were second helpings all round. When everyone had eaten as much as he could, the three humans and the Dwarf came and sat on the doorstep, the four-footed ones lay down facing them, the Dwarf (with permission both from Jill and from Tirian) lit his pipe, and the King said: "Now, friend Poggin, you have more news of the enemy, belike, than we. Tell us all you know. And first, what tale do they tell of my escape?" "As cunning a tale, Sire, as ever was devised," said Poggin. "It was the Cat, Ginger, who told it, and most likely made it up too. This Ginger, Sire - oh, he's a slyboots if ever a cat was - said he was walking past the tree to which those villains bound your Majesty. And he said (saving your reverence) that you were howling and swearing and cursing Aslan: `language I wouldn't like to repeat' were the words he used, looking ever so prim and proper you know the way a Cat can when it pleases. And then, says Ginger, Aslan himself suddenly appeared in a flash of lightning and swallowed your Majesty up at one mouthful. All the Beasts trembled at this story and some fainted right away. And of course the Ape followed it up. There, he says, see what Aslan does to those who don't respect him. Let that be a warning to you all. And the poor creatures wailed and whined and said, it will, it will. So that in the upshot your Majesty's escape has not set them thinking whether you still have loyal friends to aid you, but only made them more afraid and more obedient to the Ape." "What devilish policy!" said Tirian. "This Ginger, then, is close in the Ape's counsels." "It's more a question by now, Sire, if the Ape is in his counsels," replied the Dwarf. "The Ape has taken to drinking, you see. My belief is that the plot is now mostly carried on by Ginger or Rishda - that's the Calormene captain. And I think some words that Ginger has scattered among the Dwarfs are chiefly to blame for the scurvy return they made you. And I'll tell you why. One of those dreadful midnight meetings had just broken up the night before last and I'd gone a bit of the way home when I found I'd left my pipe behind. It was a real good 'un, an old favourite, so I went back to look for it. But before I got to the place where I'd been sitting (it was black as pitch there) I heard a cat's voice say Mew and a Calormene voice say `here . . . speak softly,' so I just stood as still as if I was frozen. And these two were Ginger and Rishda Tarkaan as they call him. `Noble Tarkaan,' said the Cat in that silky voice of his, `I just wanted to know exactly what we both meant today about Aslan meaning no more than Tash.' `Doubtless, most sagacious of cats,' says the other, `you have perceived my meaning.' `You mean,' says Ginger, `that there's no such person as either." "All who are enlightened know that,' said the Tarkaan. `Then we can understand one another,' purrs the Cat. `Do you, like me, grow a little weary of the Ape?' `A stupid, greedy brute,' says the other, `but we must use him for the present. Thou and I must provide for all things in secret and make the Ape do our will.' `And it would be better, wouldn't it,' said Ginger, `to let some of the more enlightened Narnians into our counsels: one by one as we find them apt. For the Beasts who really believe in Aslan may turn at any moment: and will, if the Ape's folly betrays his secret. But those who care neither for Tash nor Aslan but have only an eye to their own profit and such reward as The Tisroc may give them when Narnia is a Calormene province, will be firm.' `Excellent Cat,' said the Captain. `But choose which ones carefully."' While the Dwarf had been speaking the day seemed to have changed. It had been sunny when they sat down. Now Puzzle shivered. Jewel shifted his head uneasily. Jill looked up. "It's clouding over," she said. "And it's so cold," said Puzzle. "Cold enough, by the Lion!" said Tirian, blowing on his hands. "And faugh! What foul smell is this?" "Phew!" gasped Eustace. "It's like something dead. Is there a dead bird somewhere about? And why didn't we notice it before?" With a great upheaval Jewel scrambled to his feet and pointed with his horn. "Look!" he cried. "Look at it! Look, look!" Then all six of them saw; and over all their faces there came an expression of uttermost dismay. 7关于小矮人 走在纵队前面的卡乐门士兵,看到了他们认为是"泰坎"或大王爷的人带着两个武装的侍从站在道路上,便停步不走,举起长矛向他敬礼。 "啊,我的长宫,"其中一个卡乐门士兵说道,"我们带着这些个矮子到卡乐门去,到'蒂斯罗克'(愿他万寿无疆)的矿井里去干活。" "伟大的塔什神在上,他们倒是十分听话的。"蒂莲说。 然后他突然转向小矮人们。六个小矮人中总有一个拿着火炬,凭着火炬闪烁摇曳的光,他看得见满脸胡须的小矮人都在瞧他,神情严厉而又顽固。"小矮人啊,蒂斯罗克可曾打了一个大仗,征服了你们的土地?"他问道,"以致你们如此忍辱负重地去死在普格拉汉的盐坑里吗?" 两个士兵诧异地瞪着眼睛瞧他,但小矮人们回答道:"阿斯兰的命令,阿斯兰的命令。阿斯兰把我们出卖了。难道我们能做出反对阿斯兰的事来吗?" "事实上是'蒂斯罗克'存心不良,"另一个盹了口唾沫,补充道,"我倒要瞧他怎么试试哩。" "闭嘴,狗东西,士兵头儿喝道。" "瞧瞧!"蒂莲-面把迷惑这头驴子推到亮光里,一面说道,"这一切全是撒谎造谣。阿斯兰压根儿没有到纳尼亚来。你们都被无尾猿骗了。无尾猿从马厩里牵出来给你们看的,就是这头驴子。好生瞧瞧吧。" 小矮人们现在可以逼近来瞧瞧它了,他们所看到的真相,肯定足以使他们心里感到奇怪他们怎么竟会受骗上当的。迷惑长时间给关闭在马厩里,狮子毛皮已经弄得很不整洁了,而它在黑暗的树林里穿行时,毛皮又磕磕碰碰得歪歪扭扭了。大部分毛皮挤在肩膀上的一块地方。头上的毛皮,除了碰歪以外,还碰得向后缩了一大截,所以现在谁都看得见那愚蠢而温和的驴子脸蛋在向外张望。嘴角边露出一些青草。因为他们把它牵来时,它已经一声不响地啃了点青草而且它还在咕叨"这不是我的过错,我不聪明。我从未说过我以前是聪明的。" 片刻之间,所有的小矮人都张大着嘴巴,瞪着眼睛打量那驴子,这时有个士兵机警地说道"我的长官,你疯了吗?你在对奴隶们说些什么话呀?"另一个士兵说"你究竟是什么人?"现在不是高举长矛敬礼了——而是两支长矛都放下来准备战斗了。 "口令是什么?"士兵头目查问道。 "这就是我的口令,"国王一面拔出剑来,一面说道,"天亮了,谎言破产了。无赖,保护你自己吧,因为我就是纳尼亚国王蒂莲。"他像闪电似的向士兵头目猛扑过去。尤斯塔斯看到国王拔剑,也拔出剑来,冲向另一个士兵。他的脸色苍白得像死人,但我不会因此责备他。而且他运道很好,初次作战的人有时总是幸运的。他把蒂莲在昨天下午竭力教给他的一切统统都忘掉了,疯狂地乱砍一气(事实上,我不能肯定他没有闭上眼睛);使他自己大为吃惊的是:他突然发现那卡乐门士兵倒在他脚下,死了。虽然这是一大安慰,但在片刻之间,那倒是很吓人的。国王的战斗比他多了一两秒钟:他也杀死了对方,并且对尤斯塔斯大声喊道"另外两个兵在哪儿呢?" 但小矮人们已经解决了剩下来的两个卡乐门士兵。敌人一个也不剩了。 打得好,尤斯塔斯!"蒂莲一面拍拍他的背脊,一面大声叫好,"喂,小矮人们,现在你们自由了。明天我要带着你们去解放整个儿纳尼亚。为阿斯兰三呼万岁吧!但,随之而来的后果却是令人沮丧的。只有少数小矮人(大约五个人光景)发出了有气无力的欢呼但立刻又沉默了,还有几个人吼出了愠怒的号叫,许多人压根儿不吭声。 "他们不明白吗?"吉尔不耐烦地问道。 "你们小矮人脑袋都有什么毛病吗?你们没听见国王所说的话吗?灾难统统结束了。无尾猿不会在纳尼亚再统治下了。人人可以回去过正常的生活了。你们可以重新说说笑笑了。难道你们不高兴吗?" 大约停顿了一分钟光景以后,有个头发胡子黑得像煤烟、长相不太好看的小矮人说道,"小姐,那么你可能是什么人呢?""我叫吉尔,"她说道,"就是把国王蒂莲从魔法困扰中拯救出来的那个吉尔——这一位是尤斯塔斯,他也一起拯救过国王的——一百年以后,我们又从另外一个世界回到这儿来了。阿斯兰派我们来的。"- 小矮人们你瞧瞧我,我瞧瞧你,露齿而笑,是嘲笑,不是欢笑。 "得了,"黑小矮人(他的名字叫格里夫尔)说道,"我不知道你们小伙子们大家觉得怎么样,但我觉得我听到阿斯兰的次数太多了,此生今后再也不想听到它了。" "说得对,说得对,"其他小矮人咕噜道,"这全是诡计,全是十足的诡计。""你这话是什么意思?"蒂莲说道。他作战时脸色不曾发白,现在却脸色发白了。他曾经认为此时此刻将成为一个美好的时刻,不料竟变得更像一个噩梦。"你们必定认为我们的头脑是十足愚蠢的,你们必定这样想的,"格里夫尔说道,"我们已经受骗上当了一次,现在你们指望我们马上就再次受骗上当。要知道,关于阿斯兰的谎言,你们再也不能以此利用我们了。瞧瞧它吧。一头长耳朵的老驴子!" "天哪,你简直要叫我发狂了,"蒂莲说道,"我们哪个人说过它是阿斯兰啊?是无尾猿拿它来假冒真正的阿斯兰的。难道你没法儿明白吗?""我想,你们搞到了一个比较高明的假冒为王者。"格里夫尔说,"丝毫不感谢你们。我们已经被愚弄了一次,我们不愿再受愚弄了。" "我没有搞什么假冒者,"蒂莲愤愤地说道,"我为真正的阿斯兰效力。" "阿斯兰在哪儿?阿斯兰是谁?把他给我们瞧瞧!"好几个小矮人说道。 "傻瓜,你们以为我把阿斯兰放在旅行袋里吗?我是什么人物,竟能一声令下就叫阿斯兰出现吗?他可不是头驯服的狮子。" 这最后一句话刚说出口,他就认识到他走错了一步棋。小矮人们立刻用一种嘲弄的咏叹调开始念叨"可不是头驯服的狮子,可不是头驯服的狮子。"一个小矮人说"这就是另一帮子不断跟我们说的话啊。" "你们的意思是说,你们并不相信真正的阿斯兰。"吉尔说道,"但我见到过阿斯兰。正是阿斯兰把我们两人从一个截然不同的世界送到这儿来的。" "啊,"格里夫尔露出明显的笑容,说道,"你开口说话了。他们已经把一套东西教得你滚瓜烂熟哩。你是在背书,是不是?" "没有教养的家伙,"蒂莲吼道,"你竟当着一位小姐的面胡说八道吗?" "你在你头脑里保留文明礼貌的语言吧,先生,"小矮人答道,"我可并不认为我们还需要什么国王了——如果你确实是蒂莲的话;可你看上去不像蒂莲——我们也不再要什么阿斯兰了。从现在起,我们要自己照料我们自己,不再向谁举手到帽子边敬礼了。明白吗?" "说得对,"其他小矮人们说道,"现在我们为的是我们自己。再也没有阿斯兰了,再也没有国王了,再也没有关于其他世界的无聊故事了。小矮人就是要为小矮人而奋斗。"于是小矮人们开始在队伍里各就各位,准备走回去了,回到他们当初被叫来的地方去了。' "小畜生!"尤斯塔斯说道,"把你们从盐坑里救了出来,你们竟连'谢谢'也不说一声吗?" "啊,这一切我们全明白,"格里夫尔回过头来说道,"你们要利用我们,那才是你们为什么救我们的缘故。你们正在耍弄你们的把戏。伙计们,走吧。" 于是小矮人们唱起了古里古怪的小小进行曲,配合着鼓声,迈步踏进黑暗中去了。 蒂莲和他的朋友们瞪眼望着小矮人们远去。然后蒂莲简简单单说声"走",他们就继续上路了。 他们是默默无言的一群。迷惑觉得它自己仍旧不光彩,它也确实不大明白发生了什么事情。吉尔除了对小矮人感到厌恶外,对尤斯塔斯之战胜卡乐门士兵印象深刻,自己几乎感到羞愧。至于尤斯塔斯,他的心仍旧怦怦地跳得很快,蒂莲和独角兽悲哀地一起走在后面。国王的于臂搁在独角兽的肩膀上,独角兽有时用它柔软的鼻子擦擦国王的面颊。他们不想用言词互相安慰。想起足以安慰人的任何词儿,都是很不容易的。蒂莲做梦也没有想到,无尾猿设置伪阿斯兰的一个不良后果,竟是导致人们不再相信真正的阿斯兰了。他本来深信不疑,只要他向小矮人们揭露了无尾猿怎样使他们受骗上当,小矮人们就立刻会站到他这边来的。第二夜他就可以率领他们上马厩山,把迷惑的真相暴露在众曰睽睽之下,大家就会起而反抗无尾猿。也许经过同卡乐门士兵的一场混战,整个儿问题就会解决了。但,现在看起来,他什么也不能指望。其他的纳尼亚人,还有许多可能转而采取小矮人一样的态度哩。 "我觉得,有人在我们后面跟上来了。"迷惑突然说道。他们停下步来静听。确实不错,他们背后有一种小脚砰砰地走动的声音。"谁在那儿行走!"国王大声喊道。"是我呀,陛下,"传来一个声音道,"是我,小矮人波金。我刚设法摆脱了其他小矮人。陛下,我站在你这一边,站在阿斯兰这一边。如果你能把一支小剑放在我的手掌里,我一定在一切结束之前,欣然击中对方要害。" 大家都向他围拢来,欢迎他,称赞他,拍拍他的背脊。当然,光是一个小矮人也不能使局面有多大的不同,但,哪怕只有一个小矮人,毕竟也是令人高兴的。大伙儿为之面有喜色。但吉尔和尤斯塔斯容光焕发可并不长久;因为他们哈欠连连,头昏脑涨,疲倦得只能想些不幸的事情了。 他们回到堡垒时,正是夜间最寒冷的时刻,天色快要破晓了。如果早已为他们准备了食物,他们会高高兴兴地吃一顿的,但没有想到弄一顿饭吃要那么费事和费时。他们在一条小溪里喝了点水,把水泼在脸上洗了一洗,便倒在床铺上睡觉,只有迷惑和珍宝说是它们待在户外倒更加舒服。或许这样正好,因为一头独角兽和一头胖胖的长足了肉体的驴子,都待在室内,总是会使人感觉到房间里很拥挤的。纳尼亚的小矮人,虽然身高不到四英尺,就其身材而言,却是最吃苦耐劳和最强壮有力的动物;所以,波金虽然过了沉重的一天,夜间又睡得很晚,却比任何人都醒得早,醒来时体力完全恢复,已经神清气爽了。他立刻拿着吉尔的弓箭,走出去射中了两只林中野鸽。然后他坐在门前石阶上一边给鸽子拔毛,边跟珍宝和迷惑闲谈。迷惑在这天早晨感到好得多了,珍宝是头独角兽,因而是兽类中最高贵而又最娇嫩的一种动物,它对待小矮人十分和蔼可亲,跟他说些双方都能理解的事情,例如青草呀、糖呀、对蹄子的爱护呀。在快要十点半的时候,吉尔和尤斯塔斯打着哈欠擦着眼睛,从堡垒里走出来,小矮人给他们看一种叫做野弗雷斯尼的纳尼亚野草;他们在那儿可以采集到许许多多,看起来外形像我们的浆草,但煮熟了吃起来,味道要好得多。(要使它尽善尽美,就需要加点儿黄油和胡椒,但他们手头没有这些玩意儿。)再加点儿这个那个的,他们就炖成了一个精美的菜肴作为他们的早餐或正餐(你愿意管它叫什么就叫什么)。蒂莲带着斧头稍稍深入树林,砍了些树枝带回来当柴火。那菜肴正炖着的时候——似乎炖的时间很长久——特别是接近于炖熟、香味愈来愈美妙时,更觉得炖久了,国王替波金找到了一整套小矮人装备锁子甲、头盔、盾牌、剑、剑带和匕首。然后国王又检查了尤斯塔斯的剑,发现尤斯塔斯杀死了卡乐门士兵后就把血污的剑插进剑鞠里去了。国王责备他,叫他把剑揩干净擦亮。 在这一段时间里,吉尔走来走去,有时搅搅锅里炖着的食物,有时妒忌地望着正在心满意足地吃草的驴子和独角兽。那天早晨,她好几次但愿她也能吃草哩。 但,当菜肴端上来的时候,大家都觉得是值得等待的了,而且一圈分过来后大家还有第二份可吃。谁都尽量吃了个畅快后,三个人和一个小矮人便来到门口台阶上坐下,两个四足动物面向着他们躺下,而小矮人得到吉尔和蒂莲的允许,点上了他的烟斗,于是国王开言道: "哦,朋友波金,你所知道的关于敌人的消息,极可能比我们多。把你所知道的,统统告诉我们吧。第一,对于我的脱身逃走,他们在编些什么故事?" "陛下,编了个空前狡猾的故事,"波金说道,"故事是猫儿金格讲出来的,说不定也是它编造出来的。陛下,这个金格——啊,如果猫是滑头,那么它就是个老滑头——它说它正走过恶棍们把你绑在上面的那棵树。它说(我是冒昧如实汇报)你正在号叫骂人,诅咒阿斯兰。原话我不想重复了,尽管它用的词儿,看上去很正经很得体——你知道,一只猫儿如果高兴的话,它是能够说得这样的。据金格说,阿斯兰突然在一阵闪电中亲自出现了,一口就把陛下吞到他肚子里去了。所有的野兽听到这故事都哆哆嗦嗦,有的当场吓昏过去。当然,无尾猿就跟着添油加酱地发挥了。行了,无尾猿说,瞧瞧阿斯兰是怎么对待那些不尊敬他的人的吧!要把这件事看做是对你们大家的一个警告。于是可怜的野兽们号啕呜咽,说道,是呀,是呀。所以,陛下脱身逃遁的结果,并没使野兽们考虑你是否仍有王室的朋友在帮助你,却仅仅使野兽们更加害怕,对无尾猿更加俯首帖耳了。" "多么阴险凶恶的政策!"蒂莲说道,"这样看来,这个金格是参与无尾猿的机密的啊。" "陛下,现在问题是倒过来了:究竟无尾猿是否参与金格的机密。"小矮人答道,"你要明白,无尾猿如今沉湎于斟酒。我深信不疑,现在阴谋诡计大部分是由金格或利什达——那就是卡乐门队长——执行的。我认为金格在小矮人中散布的流言,主要应归罪于他们把你的脱身逃回说得太不光彩了。我要把其中的所以然告诉你。前天夜间,一个可怕的深更半夜的会议刚散,我在回家的路上才走了一小段路,发觉我把烟斗丢在那儿了。这是只确实极好的烟斗,是我多年心爱之物,所以我就回去找烟斗。但,我还没有走到我曾经坐过的地方,就听到喵的一声猫叫,听到一个卡乐门人的口音说道,'这儿说话要低声。'我就一动也不动地站着,仿佛我被冻僵了似的。这两个家伙,就是金格和'泰坎'利什达——他们都管他叫'泰坎',高贵的'泰坎',猫儿金格用它那奉承讨好的声音说道,'今儿个关于阿斯兰并不超过塔什的说法,我正想确切地知道,咱俩心里的意思是什么?'毫无疑问,众猫中最聪明的猫啊,另一个说道,你已经看明白了我的意思。''你的意思是说,'金格道,'两者之中,哪一个都是不存在的。''凡是有学问的人,大家都明白。'泰坎'说。'那么,我们是能够彼此了解的了。'猫儿道。'你可像我一样,逐渐有点儿厌恶那头无尾猿了?','一头愚蠢而贪婪的野兽,'另一个说,'但,眼前我们必须利用它。你和我必须暗中秘密准备好一切,叫无尾猿去完成我们的愿望。"让某些比较有学问的纳尼亚国民参与我们的机密,我们觉得恰当,便依次逐个吸收——这就会把事情搞得更好,难道不会吗?'金格道,'因为,真正信仰阿斯兰的野兽,随时都可能转变的,而且,如果无尾猿暴露了它的秘密,它们就会自愿转变的。但,那些既不关心塔什神又不关心阿斯兰、眼睛只盯着它们自己的利益的,而纳尼亚成为卡乐门的一个省时,"蒂斯罗克"又会给以重赏的家伙,它们必将是坚定不移的。"高明的猫儿,"'队长说,"但选择哪一个可要小心谨慎啊。"" 小矮人一直在讲下去时,天色似乎变了。他们坐下来时曾经阳光灿烂。现在迷惑发抖了。珍宝不安地摆动着脑袋。吉尔抬头看天。" "满天都是云霾哩。"她说。"天那么冷。"迷惑说。"狮王在上,天气够冷的!"蒂莲一边向双手呵气,一边说道,"哇!这是一股什么臭味?' "唉!"尤斯塔斯喘着气说道,"这像是某种死掉的禽兽呀。附近什么地方可有一只死鸟吗?以前我们为什么没有注意到呢?"珍宝四脚着地爬行,独角突出在前面探索,大大地忙乱了一阵。"瞧!"它嚷道,"瞧瞧它!瞧,瞧!"于是他们六个都看见了。他们的脸上都露出非常惊愕沮丧的表情。 Chapter 8 WHAT NEWS THE EAGLE BROUGHT IN the shadow of the trees on the far side of the clearing something was moving. It was gliding very slowly Northward. At a first glance you might have mistaken it for smoke, for it was grey and you could see things through it. But the deathly smell was not the smell of smoke. Also, this thing kept its shape instead of billowing and curling as smoke would have done. It was roughly the shape of a man but it had the head of a bird; some bird of prey with a cruel, curved beak. It had four arms which it held high above its head, stretching them out Northward as if it wanted to snatch all Narnia in its grip; and its fingers - all twenty of them - were curved like its beak and had long, pointed, bird-like claws instead of nails. It floated on the grass instead of walking, and the grass seemed to wither beneath it. After one look at it Puzzle gave a screaming bray and darted into the Tower. And Jill (who was no coward, as you know) hid her face in her hands to shut out the sight of it. The others watched it for perhaps a minute, until it streamed away into the thicker trees on their right and disappeared. Then the sun came out again, and the birds once more began to sing. Everyone started breathing properly again and moved. They had all been still as statues while it was in sight. "What was it?" said Eustace in a whisper. "I have seen it once before," said Tirian. "But that time it was carved in stone and overlaid with gold and had solid diamonds for eyes. It was when I was no older than thou, and had gone as a guest to The Tisroc's court in Tashbaan. He took me into the great temple of Tash. There I saw it, carved above the altar." "Then that - that thing - was Tash?" said Eustace. But instead of answering him Tirian slipped his arm behind Jill's shoulders and said, "How is it with you, Lady?" "A-all right," said Jill, taking her hands away from her pale face and trying to smile. "I'm all right. It only made me feel a little sick for a moment." "It seems, then," said the Unicorn, "that there is a real Tash, after all." "Yes," said the Dwarf. "And this fool of an Ape, who didn't believe in Tash, will get more than he bargained for! He called for Tash: Tash has come." "Where has it - he - the Thing - gone to?" said Jill. "North into the heart of Narnia," said Tirian. "It has come to dwell among us. They have called it and it has come." "Ho, ho, ho!" chuckled the Dwarf, rubbing his hairy hands together. "It will be a surprise for the Ape. People shouldn't call for demons unless they really mean what they say." "Who knows if Tash will be visible to the Ape?" said Jewel. "Where has Puzzle got to?" said Eustace. They all shouted out Puzzle's name and Jill went round to the other side of the Tower to see if he had gone there. They were quite tired of looking for him when at last his large grey head peered cautiously out of the doorway and he said, "Has it gone away?" And when at last they got him to come out, he was shivering the way a dog shivers before a thunderstorm. "I see now," said Puzzle, "that I really have been a very bad donkey. I ought never to have listened to Shift. I never thought things like this would begin to happen." "If you'd spent less time saying you weren't clever and more time trying to be as clever as you could -" began Eustace but Jill interrupted him. "Oh leave poor old Puzzle alone," she said. "It was all a mistake; wasn't it, Puzzle dear?" And she kissed him on the nose. Though rather shaken by what they had seen, the whole party now sat down again and went on with their talk. Jewel had little to tell them. While he was a prisoner he had spent nearly all his time tied up at the back of the stable, and had of course heard none of the enemies' plans. He had been kicked (he'd done some kicking back too) and beaten and threatened with death unless he would say that he believed it was Aslan who was brought out and shown to them by firelight every night. In fact he was going to be executed this very morning if he had not been rescued. He didn't know what had happened to the Lamb. The question they had to decide was whether they would go to Stable Hill again that night, show Puzzle to the Narnians and try to make them see how they had been tricked, or whether they should steal away Eastward to meet the help which Roonwit the Centaur was bringing up from Cair Paravel and return against the Ape and his Calormenes in force. Tirian would very much like to have followed the first plan: he hated the idea of leaving the Ape to bully his people one moment longer than need be. On the other hand, the way the Dwarfs had behaved last night was a warning. Apparently one couldn't be sure how people would take it even if he showed them Puzzle. And there were the Calormene soldiers to be reckoned with. Poggin thought there were about thirty of them. Tirian felt sure that if the Narnians all rallied to his side, he and Jewel and the children and Poggin (Puzzle didn't count for much) would have a good chance of beating them. But how if half the Narnians - including all the Dwarfs - just sat and looked on? or even fought against him? The risk was too great. And there was, too, the cloudy shape of Tash. What might it do? And then, as Poggin pointed out, there was no harm in leaving the Ape to deal with his own difficulties for a day or two. He would have no Puzzle to bring out and show now. It wasn't easy to see what story he - or Ginger could make up to explain that. If the Beasts asked night after night to see Aslan, and no Aslan was brought out, surely even the simplest of them would get suspicious. In the end they all agreed that the best thing was to go off and try to meet Roonwit. As soon as they had decided this, it was wonderful how much more cheerful everyone became. I don't honestly think that this was because any of them was afraid of a fight (except perhaps Jill and Eustace). But I daresay that each of them, deep down inside, was very glad not to go any nearer - or not yet - to that horrible bird-headed thing which, visible or invisible, was now probably haunting Stable Hill. Anyway, one always feels better when one has made up one's mind. Tirian said they had better remove their disguises, as they didn't want to be mistaken for Calormenes and perhaps attacked by any loyal Narnians they might meet. The Dwarf made up a horrid-looking mess of ashes from the hearth and grease out of the jar of grease which was kept for rubbing on swords and spear-heads. Then they took off their Calormene armour and went down to the stream. The nasty mixture made a lather just like soft soap: it was a pleasant, homely sight to see Tirian and the two children kneeling beside the water and scrubbing the backs of their necks or puffing and blowing as they splashed the lather off. Then they went back to the Tower with red, shiny faces, like people who have been given an extra good wash before a party. They re-armed themselves in true Narnian style, with straight swords and three-cornered shields. "Body of me," said Tirian. "That is better. I feel a true man again." Puzzle begged very hard to have the lion-skin taken off him. He said it was too hot and the way it was rucked up on his back was uncomfortable: also, it made him look so silly. But they told him he would have to wear it a bit longer, for they still wanted to show him in that get-up to the other Beasts, even though they were now going to meet Roonwit first. What was left of the pigeon-meat and rabbit-meat was not worth bringing away but they took some biscuits. Then Tirian locked the door of the Tower and that was the end of their stay there. It was a little after two in the afternoon when they set out, and it was the first really warm day of that spring. The young leaves seemed to be much further out than yesterday: the snow-drops were over, but they saw several primroses. The sunlight slanted through the trees, birds sang, and always (though usually out of sight) there was the noise of running water. It was hard to think of horrible things like Tash. The children felt, "This is really Narnia at last." Even Tirian's heart grew lighter as he walked ahead of them, humming an old Narnian marching song which had the refrain: Ho, rumble, rumble, rumble, Rumble drum belaboured. After the King came Eustace and Poggin the Dwarf. Poggin was telling Eustace the names of all the Narnian trees, birds, and plants which he didn't know already. Sometimes Eustace would tell him about English ones. After them came Puzzle, and after him Jill and Jewel walking very close together. Jill had, as you might say, quite fallen in love with the Unicorn. She thought- and she wasn't far wrong - that he was the shiningest, delicatest, most graceful animal she had ever met: and he was so gentle and soft of speech that, if you hadn't known, you would hardly have believed how fierce and terrible he could be in battle. "Oh, this is nice!" said Jill. "Just walking along like this. I wish there could be more of this sort of adventure. It's a pity there's always so much happening in Narnia." But the Unicorn explained to her that she was quite mistaken. He said that the Sons and Daughters of Adam and Eve were brought out of their own strange world into Narnia only at times when Narnia was stirred and upset, but she mustn't think it was always like that. In between their visits there were hundreds and thousands of years when peaceful King followed peaceful King till you could hardly remember their names or count their numbers, and there was really hardly anything to put into the History Books. And he went on to talk of old Queens and heroes whom she had never heard of. He spoke of Swanwhite the Queen who had lived before the days of the White Witch and the Great Winter, who was so beautiful that when she looked into any forest pool the reflection of her face shone out of the water like a star by night for a year and a day afterwards. He spoke of Moonwood the Hare who had such ears that he could sit by Caldron Pool under the thunder of the great waterfall and hear what men spoke in whispers at Cair Paravel. He told how King Gale, who was ninth in descent from Frank the first of all Kings, had sailed far away into the Eastern seas and delivered the Lone Islanders from a dragon and how, in return, they had given him the Lone Islands to be part of the royal lands of Narnia for ever. He talked of whole centuries in which all Narnia was so happy that notable dances and feasts, or at most tournaments, were the only things that could be remembered, and every day and week had been better than the last. And as he went on, the picture of all those happy years, all the thousands of them, piled up in Jill's mind till it was rather like looking down from a high hill on to a rich, lovely plain full of woods and waters and cornfields, which spread away and away till it got thin and misty from distance. And she said: "Oh, I do hope we can soon settle the Ape and get back to those good, ordinary times. And then I hope they'll go on for ever and ever and ever. Our world is going to have an end some day. Perhaps this one won't. Oh Jewel wouldn't it be lovely if Narnia just went on and on - like what you said it has been?" "Nay, sister," answered Jewel, "all worlds draw to an end, except Aslan's own country." "Well, at least," said Jill, "I hope the end of this one is millions of millions of millions of years away - hallo! what are we stopping for?" The King and Eustace and the Dwarf were all staring up at the sky. Jill shuddered, remembering what horrors they had seen already. But it was nothing of that sort this time. It was small, and looked black against the blue. "I dare swear," said the Unicorn, "from its flight, that it is a Talking bird." "So think I," said the King. "But is it a friend, or a spy of the Ape's?" "To me, Sire," said the Dwarf, "it has a look of Far-sight the Eagle." "Ought we to hide under the trees?" said Eustace. "Nay," said Tirian, "best stand still as rocks. He would see us for certain if we moved." "Look! He wheels, he has seen us already," said Jewel. "He is coming down in wide circles." "Arrow on string, Lady," said Tirian to Jill. "But by no means shoot till I bid you. He may be a friend." If one had known what was going to happen next it would have been a treat to watch the grace and ease with which the huge bird glided down. He alighted on a rocky crag a few feet from Tirian, bowed his crested head, and said in his strange eagle's-voice, "Hail, King." "Hail, Farsight," said Tirian. "And since you call me King, I may well believe you are not a follower of the Ape and his false Aslan. I am right glad of your coming." "Sire," said the Eagle, "when you have heard my news you will be sorrier of my coming than of the greatest woe that ever befell you." Tirian's heart seemed to stop beating at these words, but he set his teeth and said, "Tell on." "Two sights have I seen," said Farsight. "One was Cair Paravel filled with dead Narnians and living Calormenes: The Tisroc's banner advanced upon your royal battlements: and your subjects flying from the city - this way and that, into the woods. Cair Paravel was taken from the sea. Twenty great ships of Calormen put in there in the dark of the night before last night." No one could speak. "And the other sight, five leagues nearer than Cair Paravel, was Roonwit the Centaur lying dead with a Calormene arrow in his side. I was with him in his last hour and he gave me this message to your Majesty: to remember that all worlds draw to an end and that noble death is a treasure which no one is too poor to buy." "So," said the King, after a long silence, "Narnia is no more." 8老鹰带来的消息 在开阔地远远的一边,树木的阴影里,有个东西在移动着。它正在慢慢地向北滑行。第一眼看到时,你会把它看做是烟霭,因为它是灰白色的,而且可以透过它看出去。但那种尸体的臭味并不是烟的臭味。那东西也保持着它的形体,不像烟那样起伏翻腾、蜷曲缭绕。它粗看是个人的形体,但长着一个鸟的头,乃是头上生着凶狠的钩形嘴的某种猛禽。它有四条手臂,高举在脑袋之上,朝北伸张开去,仿佛要把整个纳尼亚都抓在它的手掌里似的;而它的手指——一总共有二十个手指——是像嘴巴一样弯弯的,尖端长的不是指甲,而是长长的尖尖的跟鸟一样的爪子。它不是在走路,而是在草土浮动,青草似乎在它身底下枯萎了。迷惑看了它一下就发出一声驴子的哀鸣,窜到堡垒里边去了。而吉尔(你知道,她可不是懦夫)却用双手掩住她的脸,挡住自己的视线。其余人也许看望了一分钟光景,直至它进入右边儿树林深处,消失无影。于是太阳重新出来了,鸟儿再一次开始呜啭了。 大家都开始正常呼吸和正常活动。看得见那东西时,大家都一直一动也不动,简直像泥塑木雕一样。"它是什么东西啊?"尤斯塔斯低声问道。"我从前看见过一次的,"蒂莲说道,"但那次,它是用石头雕刻出来的,镶嵌着金子,用坚硬的金刚钻做眼睛。那时我的年龄不比你现在大,曾到塔什班城'蒂斯罗克'宫廷里去做过客。'蒂斯罗克'带我进了塔什神的大庙。我在庙里看到它的,刻在祭台的上方。" "这么说,那个——那个东西——就是塔什神吗?"尤斯塔斯问道。 但蒂莲没有回答他的问题,他把手臂伸到吉尔的肩膀后面,问道"小姐,你怎么啦?" "挺,挺好,"吉尔说,从苍白的脸上放下手来,竭力微笑,"我挺好。只不过有一忽儿使我觉得要呕吐似的。" "那么,看起来,"独角兽道,"似乎毕竟有个真正的塔什神。" "是的,"小矮人说,"这个傻瓜无尾猿,他不相信塔什神,他得到的,必将多于他当初讨价还价想弄到手的。他呼唤塔什神:塔什神已经来了。" "它——这个东西——哪儿去了?"吉尔问。"北上进入纳尼亚的中心地区,"蒂莲说,"它来住在我们这儿了。他们呼唤它,它就来了。" "哈哈,哈哈,哈哈,"小矮人一边报着嘴好笑,一边用多毛的双手互相摩擦,"会叫无尾猿大吃一惊的。人们不该呼唤魔鬼,除非他们口中说的确实就是他们心里想的。" "谁知道无尾猿是否会看得见塔什神呢?"珍宝说。 "迷惑上哪儿去了?"尤斯塔斯说。 他们大家都高喊迷惑的名字,吉尔还绕到堡垒另一边,去看看它是否跑到那边去了。他们四处找它,找得简直懒得再找时,它那灰色大脑袋终于小心翼翼地从门口探出来张望,口中问道。"它走了吗?"最后他们把迷惑从堡垒里拖出来时,它浑身哆嗦,就像一条狗遇到雷暴雨时一样。 "我现在明白了,"迷惑说道,"我确实曾经是头十分不好的驴子。我应该绝对不听诡谲的话。我从来没有想到竟会发生如此这般的事情。" "如果你少花点时间说自己不聪明,多花点时间努力变得尽可能聪明——"尤斯塔斯刚开口便被吉尔打断了。 "迷惑可怜巴巴的,年纪又大了,由它去吧,"她说,"这全是一个失误,是不是,亲爱的迷惑?"她亲亲驴子的鼻子。他们所看到的东西,虽然使他们颇为震动,大伙儿现在还是坐下来继续谈话。 珍宝没有什么可告诉他们的。它是个俘虏时,几乎所有的时间都给绑在马厩背后,当然点也没听到敌人的计划。它曾经被拳打脚踢(它也回踢了几脚),曾经受到处死的威胁,除非它愿意说它相信每天夜里带出去在火光中给它们看的,确实就是阿斯兰,否则就要宰了它。事实上,那天早晨就要执行死刑的,若不是蒂莲救了它的话。它不知道羊羔遭到的灾难。 他们非作出决定不可的问题是当夜他们要不要重上马服山,把迷惑向纳尼亚国民示众,设法使他们明白他们被人欺骗了,或者,他们是否应该偷偷地向东而行,去与人头马龙威特从凯尔帕拉维尔带来的援军相会,然后一起回过头来大举进攻无尾猿和它的卡乐门士兵。蒂莲很想采取第一个方案他一想到毫无必要地再听任无尾猿继续对纳尼亚国横行霸道下去,哪怕是短暂的片刻,他心里也恨得不得了。但在另一方面,昨天夜里小矮人们所表现出来的那种态度,倒是个警告。十分明显,如果拿迷惑来示众,大伙儿会采取什么态度,那是谁也吃不准的。还得对付卡乐门士兵哩。波金估计大约有三十个光景的卡乐门士兵。蒂莲觉得挺有把握,如果纳尼亚的群众都站在他的一边,他和独角兽,加上孩子们和小矮人波金(驴子迷惑可算不了什么)就会有大好机会打败敌人。但,如果一半纳尼亚群众——包括所有的小矮人们——只是坐在那儿冷眼旁观呢?或者甚至同他作战呢?这个风险可太大了。还有形体像云疆的塔什呢,它可能搞什么鬼把戏?) 而且,正如波金所指出的,也不妨让无尾猿有那么一两天去对付它的困难。现在它没有驴子可拉出来示众了。看来无尾猿——或金格——要设法编造出故事来解释这个问题,可不容易哩。如果野兽们一夜复一夜地要求见到阿斯兰,而无尾猿却请不出阿斯兰来,那么,哪怕是头脑最简单的野兽,也会变得怀疑起来的。 商量到末末了儿,大家一致同意,最好的策略就是离开这儿,设法同龙威特会师。 他们刚做出这个决定,说也奇怪,每个人都感到高兴得多了。说老实话,我并不认为那是因为他们之中有什么人害怕战斗(也许吉尔和尤斯塔斯是例外),但我敢大胆说一旬,他们之中的每位,内心里对于不再走近——或者说还没有走近——那长着鸟头的可怕的东西,是十分欣慰的。这东西,不论看得见或看不见,现在很可能正出没于马厩山上哩。无论如何,一个人下定了决心,总是感觉舒畅多了。 蒂莲说,他们还是去掉伪装的好,因为他们不想被误认为是卡乐门人,也不想或许被可能遇到的忠诚的纳尼亚兽民所攻击。小矮人用壁炉里的灰和储备在润滑油瓶里的用以擦剑擦矛的油,制成了一种形状难看的糊糊。于是他们脱掉了卡乐门盔甲,到溪水里去洗刷。这肮脏的混合物变成一种泡沫糊糊,就像半液体皂一般。蒂莲和两个孩子跪在水边,擦着他们的脖子的后半部,用水泼掉泡沫糊糊时又喷又吹的,看上去真是一幅愉快的、家庭风味的图画。接着,他们就红光满面地回到堡垒里,就像人们去参加宴会之前,特别卖力地好好洗了一番一般。他们按照真正的纳尼亚方式,用笔直的剑和三个角的盾重新武装自己。"还我身体的本色,"蒂莲说道,"那就比较好了。我觉得我重新是个真正的人了。"迷惑十分迫切地恳求把狮子毛皮从它身上取下来。它说裹着毛皮太热,毛皮折叠在它背脊上的方式也很不舒服,而且使它看上去愚蠢可笑。但他们告诉它,它还得再裹一阵子狮子毛皮,因为他们仍旧要让别的野兽看到它这身打扮,即使他们首先要去和龙威特会师。 吃剩下来的鸽子肉和野兔肉是不值得带走的了,但他们带了些饼干。然后蒂莲锁上堡垒的大门,他们在堡垒里的休整至此便结束了。 下午两点钟稍微过一点儿,他们出发了,这是当年春天第一个真正暖和的曰子,嫩叶似乎比昨天长出来好多了雪花莲已经谢落,但他们看见了几朵报春花。阳光斜斜地穿过树木,众鸟鸣眠,总是有流水奔腾的声音(尽管往往看不见)。不会想到像塔什神之类的可怕事物了。孩子们感觉到"终于领略到了真正的纳尼亚了。"甚至蒂莲的心也变得比较轻松,他走在大伙儿的前头,口中哼着一支古老的纳尼亚进行曲。曲子里有个叠句 啊,战鼓急匆匆乱哄哄,冬冬又冬冬,冬冬又冬冬。 走在国王后面的是尤斯塔斯和小矮人波金。波金正在把尤斯塔斯还不知道的纳尼亚的一切树木、飞禽、农作物的名字告诉他。有时尤斯塔斯也把它们的英文名字告诉波金。 他们的后面是驴子迷惑,驴子后面是吉尔和独角兽珍宝,他们靠得很拢地一起行走。你可能要说,吉尔已经相当钟情于独角兽了。她认为——她想得也不算太错——它是她所遇到的最杰出的、最娇嫩的、最雅致的野兽,而且它又是那么文质彬彬、柔声细语,如果你对它不熟悉,你简直无法相信它在战斗中会那样凶猛可畏。 "啊,这样愉快极了!"吉尔说,"就像这样的一路漫步过去。我倒希望有更多类似这样的冒险哩。可惜纳尼亚国土上老是出很多乱子。" 但独角兽给吉尔解释,说她完全搞错了。它说只是在纳尼亚发生动乱或是被颠覆的时候,亚当和夏娃的子子孙孙才从他们自己的奇异世界里给送到纳尼亚来的,但她不能认为纳尼亚老是这样乱糟糟的。在他们的两次来访之间,隔着几百年乃至上干年的时光,当年和平的国王一个接着一个,简直没法儿记住国王的名字、点清国王的数目,历史书中也确实没有什么记载。它继续讲到她从未听说过的、老的女王们和英雄们。它讲起出生在白女巫和永恒严冬称王称霸时代之前的白天鹅女王,她长得那么美丽,她朝树林里随便哪一个池塘里瞧瞧,她的脸儿的倒影,便会从水里发出光辉,像黑夜里的明星一样,从此发光一年零一天。它讲起野兔蒙伍德长着一对神奇的耳朵,坐在大锅渊雷鸣般的大瀑布下,竟可以听到凯尔帕拉维尔人们的窃窃私语。它讲起弗兰克一世的第九代孙子、国王加尔,如何远航东海,从恶龙手里把孤独群岛解救出来,作为报答,人家又把孤独群岛献给他,永远划为纳尼亚国土的一部分。它讲到整整几个世纪里,纳尼亚全国是那么幸福,惟一能记得的事情,就只有著名的舞蹈和宴会,或者至多再加上比武大会了,而今天总比昨天好,这个星期总比上个星期好。独角兽继续讲下去时,所有这些幸福岁月的图画,成千上万张图画,都在吉尔的脑子里堆积起来了,终于仿佛是站在高山上俯瞰一大片富饶而美丽可爱的平原,平原上充满森林、河流和小麦田,连绵不断地往远处延伸,终于远得淡化了,模糊了。她说" "啊,我真希望我们不久就能解决无尾猿问题,重新恢复那些美好而寻常的时代。然后这些美好的时代会永远永远继续下去。我们自己的世界总有一天要完结的。也许这个世界不会完结。珍宝啊——如果纳尼亚继续存在下去——像它从前(如你所说的)那样幸福美好地存在下去——岂不美妙吗?" "不然,小妹妹,"珍宝答道,"所有的世界都要完结的,不在此列的只有阿斯兰自己的世界。" "哦,至少,"吉尔说,"我希望这个世界要在亿万年以后才完结——喂!我们为什么停步不走啊?" 国王、尤斯塔斯和小矮人都在仰望天空。吉尔哆嗦,她想起刚才已经看到过的恐怖事物。但这一回可不是这类东西了。它是小小的,映衬着蓝天,看上去是黑色的。 "我敢发誓,"独角兽说,"从它飞翔的样子看来,它是一只能说人话的鸟儿。" "我也这样想。"国王说,"但它是个朋友呢,还是无尾猿的一个密探?" "在我看来,陛下,"小矮人道,"它具有老鹰千里眼的神气。" "我们该躲在树底下吗?"尤斯塔斯问。 "不要,"蒂莲说道,"最好是站着一动也不动,像石头一样。我们如果走动了,它倒肯定无疑地会看到我们了。" "瞧!它在盘旋哩,它已经看见我们了。"珍宝说,"它正在兜着大圈子盘旋而下哩。" "箭搭在弦上,小姐,"蒂莲对吉尔说,"可是我不下令你无论如何别把箭射出去。它说不定是个朋友。" 如果有人知道下一步会发生什么事情,瞧着大鸟那么优美而从容地滑翔而下,倒是赏心悦目的。它栖息在一个幢崖上,离蒂莲不过几英尺,它用它生有冠毛的头鞠了一个躬,用它奇怪的老鹰噪音说道"好啊,国王。" "好啊,老鹰千里眼。"蒂莲说道,"既然你称我为国王,我就不妨相信你不是无尾猿及其伪阿斯兰的一名追随者。我对你的来到感到高兴。" "陛下,"老鹰说,"你听到我带来的消息时,我的到来啊,就会比过去你所遭到的最大的灾难更加使你感到伤心难受。" 蒂莲听到这些话,他的心脏仿佛停止跳动了,但他咬紧牙关,说道"请说下去吧。" "我看到了两个景象,"老鹰千里眼说道,"第一个景象是:凯尔帕拉维尔城里充满了死掉的纳尼亚人和活着的卡乐门人:'蒂斯罗克'的旗帜插上了你那王城的雉堞。:你的老百姓从城里逃出去——从这条路或那条路,逃进森林里去了。凯尔帕拉维尔是被海上来的敌人攻占的。前天夜间,在漆黑一团的夜色里,二十条卡乐门大船闯了进来。" 没人说话。"第二个景象是,在离凯尔帕拉维尔不到十五英里的地方,人头马龙威特腰间中了卡乐门人的一箭,倒下死了;他临终最后一小时,我是和他在一起的,他叫我给陛下送来这个信息要牢牢记住,所有的世界都要完结的,而崇高的牺牲是个宝库,可没有人穷得买不起这个宝库的。" "如此说来,"国王在长时间的沉默之后说道,"纳尼亚王国是不复存在了。" Chapter 9 THE GREAT MEETING ON STABLE HILL Fop, a long time they could not speak nor even shed a tear. Then the Unicorn stamped the ground with his hoof, and shook his mane, and spoke. "Sire," he said, "there is now no need of counsel. We see that the Ape's plans were laid deeper than we dreamed of. Doubtless he has been long in secret traffic with The Tisroc, and as soon as he had found the lion-skin he sent him word to make ready his navy for the taking of Cair Paravel and all Narnia. Nothing now remains for us seven but to go back to Stable Hill, proclaim the truth, and take the adventure that Aslan sends us. And if, by a great marvel, we defeat those thirty Calormenes who are with the Ape, then to turn again and die in battle with the far greater host of them that will soon march from Cair Paravel." Tirian nodded. But he turned to the children and said: "Now, friends, it is time for you to go hence into your own world. Doubtless you have done all that you were sent to do." "B - but we've done nothing," said Jill who was shivering, not with fear exactly but because everything was so horrible. "Nay," said the King, "you loosed me from the tree: you glided before me like a snake last night in the wood and took Puzzle: and you, Eustace, killed your man. But you are too young to share in such a bloody end as we others must meet tonight or, it may be, three days hence. I entreat you - nay, I command you - to return to your own place. I should be put to shame if I let such young warriors fall in battle on my side." "No, no, no," said Jill (very white when she began speaking and then suddenly very red and then white again.) "We won't, I don't care what you say. We're going to stick to you whatever happens, aren't we, Eustace?" "Yes, but there's no need to get so worked up about it," said Eustace who had stuck his hands in his pockets (forgetting how very odd that looks when you are wearing a mail shirt). "Because, you see, we haven't any choice. What's the good of talking about our going back! How? We've got no magic for doing it!" This was very good sense but, at the moment, Jill hated Eustace for saying it. He was fond of being dreadfully matter-of-fact when other people got excited. When Tirian realized that the two strangers could not get home (unless Aslan suddenly whisked them away), he next wanted them to go across the Southern mountains into Archenland where they might possibly be safe. But they didn't know their way and there was no one to send with them. Also, as Poggin said, once the Calormenes had Narnia they would certainly take Archenland in the next week or so: The Tisroc had always wanted to have these Northern countries for his own. In the end Eustace and Jill begged so hard that Tirian said they could come with him and take their chance - or, as he much more sensibly called it, "the adventure that Aslan would send them". The King's first idea was that they should not go back to Stable Hill - they were sick of the very name of it by now till after dark. But the Dwarf told them that if they arrived there by daylight they would probably find the place deserted, except perhaps for a Calormene sentry. The Beasts were far too frightened by what the Ape (and Ginger) had told them about this new angry Aslan - or Tashlan - to go near it except when they were called together for these horrible midnight meetings. And Calormenes are never good woodsmen. Poggin thought that even by daylight they could easily get round to somewhere behind the stable without being seen. This would be much harder to do when the night had come and the Ape might be calling the Beasts together and all the Calormenes were on duty. And when the meeting did begin they could leave Puzzle at the back of the stable, completely out of sight, till the moment at which they wanted to produce him. This was obviously a good thing: for their only chance was to give the Narnians a sudden surprise. Everyone agreed and the whole party set off on a new line - North-West - towards the hated Hill. The Eagle sometimes flew to and fro above them, sometimes he sat perched on Puzzle's back. No one - not even the King himself except in some great need - would dream of riding on a Unicorn. This time Jill and Eustace walked together. They had been feeling very brave when they were begging to be allowed to come with the others, but now they didn't feel brave at all. "Pole," said Eustace in a whisper. "I may as well tell you I've got the wind up." "Oh you're all right, Scrubb," said Jill. "You can fight. But I - I'm just shaking, if you want to know the truth." "Oh shaking's nothing," said Eustace. "I'm feeling I'm going to be sick." "Don't talk about that, for goodness' sake," said Jill. They went on in silence for a minute or two. "Pole," said Eustace presently. "What?" said she. "What'll happen if we get killed here?" "Well we'll be dead, I suppose." "But I mean, what will happen in our own world? Shall we wake up and find ourselves back in that train? Or shall we just vanish and never be heard of any more? Or shall we be dead in England?" "Gosh. I never thought of that." "It'll be rum for Peter and the others if they saw me waving out of the window and then when the train comes in we're nowhere to be found! Or if they found two - I mean, if we're dead over there in England." "Ugh!" said Jill. "What a horrid idea." "It wouldn't be horrid for us," said Eustace. "We shouldn't be there." "I almost wish - no I don't, though," said Jill. "What were you going to say?" "I was going to say I wished we'd never come. But I don't, I don't, I don't. Even if we are killed. I'd rather be killed fighting for Narnia than grow old and stupid at home and perhaps go about in a bath-chair and then die in the end just the same." "Or be smashed up by British Railways!" "Why d'you say that?" "Well when that awful jerk came - the one that seemed to throw us into Narnia - I thought it was the beginning of a railway accident. So I was jolly glad to find ourselves here instead." While Jill and Eustace were talking about this, the others were discussing their plans and becoming less miserable. That was because they were now thinking of what was to be done this very night and the thought of what had happened to Narnia - the thought that all her glories and joys were over - was pushed away into the back part of their minds. The moment they stopped talking it would come out and make them wretched again: but they kept on talking. Poggin was really quite cheerful about the night's work they had to do. He was sure that the Boar and the Bear, and probably all the Dogs would come over to their side at once. And he couldn't believe that all the other Dwarfs would stick to Griffle. And fighting by firelight and in and out among trees would be an advantage to the weaker side. And then, if they could win tonight, need they really throw their lives away by meeting the main Calormene army a few days later? Why not hide in the woods, or even up in the Western Waste beyond the great waterfall and live like outlaws? And then they might gradually get stronger and stronger, for Talking Beasts and Archenlanders would be joining them every day. And at last they'd come out of hiding and sweep the Calormenes (who would have got careless by then) out of the country and Narnia would be revived. After all, something very like that had happened in the time of King Miraz! And Tirian heard all this and thought "But what about Tash?" and felt in his bones that none of it was going to happen. But he didn't say so. When they got nearer to Stable Hill of course everyone became quiet. Then the real wood-work began. From the moment at which they first saw the Hill to the moment at which they all arrived at the back of the stable, it took them over two hours. It's the sort of thing one couldn't describe properly unless one wrote pages and pages about it. The journey from each bit of cover to the next was a separate adventure, and there were very long waits in between, and several false alarms. If you are a good Scout or a good Guide you will know already what it must have been like. By about sunset they were all safe in a clump of holly trees about fifteen yards behind the stable. They all munched some biscuit and lay down. Then came the worst part, the waiting. Luckily for the children they slept for a couple of hours, but of course they woke up when the night grew cold, and what was worse, woke up very thirsty and with no chance of getting a drink. Puzzle just stood, shivering a little with nervousness, and said nothing. But Tirian, with his head against Jewel's flank, slept as soundly as if he were in his royal bed at Cair Paravel, till the sound of a gong beating awoke him and he sat up and saw that there was firelight on the far side of the stable and knew that the hour had come. "Kiss me, Jewel," he said. "For certainly this is our last night on earth. And if ever I offended against you in any matter great or small, forgive me now." "Dear King," said the Unicorn, "I could almost wish you had, so that I might forgive it. Farewell. We have known great joys together. If Aslan gave me my choice I would choose no other life than the life I have had and no other death than the one we go to." Then they woke up Farsight, who was asleep with his head under his wing (it made him look as if he had no head at all), and crept forward to the stable. They left Puzzle (not without a kind word, for no one was angry with him now) just behind it, telling him not to move till someone came to fetch him, and took up their position at one end of the stable. The bonfire had not been lit for long and was just beginning to blaze up. It was only a few feet away from them, and the great crowd of Narnian creatures were on the other side of it, so that Tirian could not at first see them very well, though of course he saw dozens of eyes shining with the reflection of the fire, as you've seen a rabbit's or cat's eyes in the headlights of a car. And just as Tirian took his place, the gong stopped beating and from somewhere on his left three figures appeared. One was Rishda Tarkaan the Calormene Captain. The second was the Ape. He was holding on to the Tarkaan's hand with one paw and kept whimpering and muttering, "Not so fast, don't go so fast, I'm not at all well. Oh my poor head! These midnight meetings are getting too much for me. Apes aren't meant to be up at night: It's not as if I was a rat or a bat - oh my poor head." On the other side of the Ape, walking very soft and stately, with his tail straight up in the air, came Ginger the Cat. They were heading for the bonfire and were so close to Tirian that they would have seen him at once if they had looked in the right direction. Fortunately they did not. But Tirian heard Rishda say to Ginger in a low voice: "Now, Cat, to thy post. See thou play thy part well." "Miaow, miaow. Count on me!" said Ginger. Then he stepped away beyond the bonfire and sat down in the front row of the assembled Beasts: in the audience, as you might say. For really, as it happened, the whole thing was rather like a theatre. The crowd of Narnians were like the people in the seats; the little grassy place just in front of the stable, where the bonfire burned and the Ape and the Captain stood to talk to the crowd, was like the stage; the stable itself was like the scenery at the back of the stage; and Tirian and his friends were like people peering round from behind the scenery. It was a splendid position. If any of them stepped forward into the full firelight, all eyes would be fixed on him at once: on the other hand, so long as they stood still in the shadow of the end-wall of the stable, it was a hundred to one against their being noticed. Rishda Tarkaan dragged the Ape up close to the fire. The pair of them turned to face the crowd, and this of course meant that their backs were towards Tirian and his friends. "Now, Monkey," said Rishda Tarkaan in a low voice. "Say the words that wiser heads have put into thy mouth. And hold up thy head." As he spoke he gave the Ape a little prod or kick from behind with the point of his toe. "Do leave me alone," muttered Shift. But he sat up straighter and began, in a louder voice - "Now listen, all of you. A terrible thing has happened. A wicked thing. The wickedest thing that ever was done in Narnia. And Aslan -" "Tashlan, fool," whispered Rishda Tarkaan. "Tashlan I mean, of course," said the Ape, "is very angry about it." There was a terrible silence while the Beasts waited to hear what new trouble was in store for them. The little party by the end-wall of the stable also held their breath. What on earth was coming now? "Yes," said the Ape. "At this very moment, when the Terrible One himself is among us - there in the stable just behind me - one wicked Beast has chosen to do what you'd think no one would dare to do even if He were a thousand miles away. It has dressed itself up in a lion-skin and is wandering about in these very woods pretending to be Aslan." Jill wondered for a moment if the Ape had gone mad. Was he going to tell the whole truth? A roar of horror and rage went up from the Beasts. "Grrr!" came the growls. "Who is he? Where is he? Just let me get my teeth into him!" "It was seen last night," screamed the Ape, "but it got away. It's a Donkey! A common, miserable Ass! If any of you see that Ass -" "Grrr!" growled the Beasts. "We will, we will. He'd better keep out of our way." Jill looked at the King: his mouth was open and his face was full of horror. And then she understood the devilish cunning of the enemies' plan. By mixing a little truth with it they had made their lie far stronger. What was the good, now, of telling the Beasts that an ass had been dressed up as a lion to deceive them? The Ape would only say, "That's just what I've said." What was the good of showing them Puzzle in his lion-skin? They would only tear him in pieces. "That's taken the wind out of our sails," whispered Eustace. "The ground is taken from under our feet," said Tirian. "Cursed, cursed cleverness!" said Poggin. "I'll be sworn that this new lie is of Ginger's making."9马厩山的集会 他们好久说不出话来,甚至也落不出一滴眼泪来。然后,独角兽用蹄子跺着大地,摇晃着鬃毛,说话了。"陛下,"它说,"现在无需商量了。我们发觉无尾猿的阴谋,埋藏得比我们所梦想的还要深。毫无疑问,它已经长期和'蒂斯罗克'秘密来往了,乃至它找到了狮子皮毛,它就和'蒂斯罗克'捎话,叫他部署海军准备攻陷凯尔帕拉维尔和纳尼亚王国全境。现在我们七个没有别的办法,只有回到马厩山,宣布事情的真相,并且冒险说是阿斯兰派我们去的。如果出现巨大的奇迹,我们竟打败了跟无尾猿狼狈为奸的三十个卡乐门士兵,我们就重新转过头去,迎战不久将从凯尔帕拉维尔开过来的更加人多势众的卡乐门大部队,而且战死沙场。" 蒂莲点点头。但他转过来跟孩子们说道"啊,朋友们,你们从此回到你们自己的世界里去的时候到了。毫无疑问,你们已经做好了派你们来做的一切事情。""然——然而我们没有做什么呀。"吉尔说,她正在哆嗦,说她害怕可不确切,倒是因为她感到切是那么糟糕讨厌。"这话不对,"国王说道,"你替我从树上松绑,你昨夜又在我前边像条蛇似的在树林中渭行,而且逮住了驴子迷惑;而你,尤斯塔斯,杀死了那卡乐门士兵。但你们都太年轻了,不必像我们一样去参加这样一个血腥的结局,而我们其他的人,今夜,或者也许是三天以后,都是必须面对这个结局的。我恳求你们——不,我命令你们——回到你们自己的世界去。如果我让这样年幼的战士在战斗中在我的身旁倒下来,我就该羞愧得无地自容了。" "不,不,不,"吉尔说道(她刚开口说话时,脸色十分苍白,然后又突然涨得通红,接着却又重新发白了),"我们不愿回去,你所说的那些情况,我们不在乎。不论发生什么事情,我们都要忠于你,同你站在一起,尤斯塔斯,你说是吗?" "是的,但也无需为此而那么激动的。"尤斯塔斯说,他的双手插在口袋里(他忘记了自己穿着锁子甲,这个姿势看上去有多么古怪),"因为,你瞧,我们没有选择的余地。空谈回去有什么好处呢?怎么回?我们可没有回去的魔法!" 这话是明智的,但,此时此刻,吉尔可痛恨尤斯塔斯说出这番话来。当别人激动的时候他总喜欢过分就事论事。 当蒂莲明白了两个陌生人无法回家(除非阿斯兰突然把他们带走),他第二步棋就是要他们穿过南部崇山峻岭进入阿钦兰,说不定那儿可能安全些。但他们不认识路,也派不出人陪他们去。正如波金所指出的,一旦卡乐门军队占据了纳尼亚,他们大约在第二个星期里就一定会攻占阿钦兰"蒂斯罗克"始终要并吞这些北方国家,占为己有。最后,尤斯塔斯和吉尔苦苦恳求。蒂莲便说他们可以跟他-起去碰碰机会——或者,一如他更加明智地所说的"冒冒阿斯兰给他们送来的风险"。 国王第一个主意是不到天黑以后,他们不应该回到马厩山去——现在他们听到这山的名字就感到厌恶了。但小矮人告诉他们,如果他们在白天到达山上,他们就很可能发现那儿寂无人影,也许只碰到个把警卫。野兽们被无尾猿(和金格)所告诉它们的阿斯兰——或塔什兰——的新的愤怒吓坏了,它们不敢走近马厩去,除非被叫去开那些可怕的午夜大会。卡乐门人从来不是善于在森林里活动的好手。波金认为,在白天里他们倒容易绕到马厩山背后的什么地方,不会被人看见的。黑夜来临,无尾猿就要把野兽召集拢来,所有的卡乐门兵都要值班上岗,那时倒难办得多。大会开始时,他们可以把迷惑留在马~背后,藏得完全看不见,直到他们要牵它出来示众。这显然是件好事;因为他们惟一取胜的机会,就在于突然叫纳尼亚野兽们意想不到地大吃一惊。 大家都同意这个方案,于是整个队伍沿着一条新的路线——朝西北方向——向那可恨的山头进发。老鹰有时在他们的上方飞来飞去,有时坐在迷惑的背脊上休息。没有人会妄想骑一头独角兽走路的——除了有重大的必要性,连国王也不骑独角兽代步的。 这一田,吉尔和尤斯塔斯一起行走。他们恳求国王允许他们跟其他的人一起来作战时,曾经感到自己十分勇敢,但现在他们压根儿不感到勇敢了。 "波尔,"尤斯塔斯悄悄地说道,"我还是告诉你吧,我已经心惊肉跳了。" "啊,斯克罗布,你行,"吉尔说道,"你能打仗。但我——我正在发抖,如果想知道真相的话。" "啊,发抖不算什么,"尤斯塔斯说,"我觉得我快要生病了。" "天哪,别提它了。"吉尔说。他们默不作声地走了两分钟。 "波尔。"尤斯塔斯不久又开口了。"什么事?"她说。"如果我们在这儿给杀死了,会发生什么事呢?""我想,我们就成了死人了。" "但我的意思是在我们自己的世界里会发生什么事? 我们会一觉醒来,发觉自己回到那火车里了?或者我们干脆消失了,永远再也听不到我们的消息了?或者,我们在英国也成了死人了?" "天哪,我从未想到这些。" "彼得和其他的人,如果他们看到我从车窗里向外挥手,然后火车进站时却哪儿也找不到我们,对他们说来,岂不是咄咄怪事!或者,如果他们找到两具——我的意思是说,如果我们在英国那边成了死人。" "呀I"吉尔说,"多可怕的胡思乱想。" "对我们说来,不会可怕的,"尤斯塔斯说,"我们不该在那边的。" "我几乎但愿——不,尽管如此,我不说。"吉尔说。"你要说的是什么话啊?" "我正要说,我但愿我们从未有过。但,我不说,我不说,我不说。即使我们被杀死了也不说这种话。我倒宁可为纳尼亚战斗而牺牲生命,却不愿在家乡变得衰老愚蠢,也许坐在轮椅里转来转去,然后末末了儿还是照样死掉。" "或者被英国火车砸烂了!""你为什么说这话呢?" "啊,火车发生可怕的震动时——仿佛把我们扔进纳尼亚的那一震——我以为那是火车失事的开端。所以,竟发现我们到了这儿,我真是欢天喜地。" 吉尔和尤斯塔斯正谈起这档子事时,其他的伙伴正在讨论计划,变得不太痛苦了。因为他们现在正想的是今夜必须干的事情——而纳尼亚遭到了什么灾难、纳尼亚的光荣和欢乐都过去了等等的思想,都被推到头脑的后半部去了。他们停止谈话时,那些思想就会冒出来使他们重新感到痛苦;但他们继续不断地谈着话。对于夜间他们非干不可的活儿,波金确实感到十分高兴。他深信野猪和熊,可能所有的狗儿,都会立刻站在他们这一边来的。他也无法相信所有其他的小矮人们都会依附格里夫尔。在火光旁作战,出没于树木之间,对于力量较弱的一方是有利的。而且,如果今夜他们能获胜,几天以后,他们果真还需要为迎战卡乐门主力部队而牺牲他们的生命吗? 为什么不躲藏在森林里,甚至跑到大瀑布外的西部荒原,像逃亡者一样生活呢?然后他们便可能逐渐强大更强大,因为会说人话的野兽和阿钦兰人每天都会来参加他们的队伍。最后他们便将从躲藏之地突然冒出来,把卡乐门士兵(那时他们会疏忽大意了)扫荡出他们的国家,而纳尼亚便可复兴。在国王弥若兹的时代,类似这样的事情毕竟是发生过的! 这一番话蒂莲都听到了,他想的是"但塔什神在搞什么呢?"他从骨子里觉得这样的演变是一点儿也不会发生的。但他嘴里没有这样说。他们走得更靠近马厩山时,大家当然都默不作声。于是,真正的林中活动开始了。从他们第一次望见马厩山那一刻起,到他们大家都来到马腹背后那一刻为止,他们花了两个多钟头的时间。这个过程是无法恰当描写的,除非记下一页页的流水账。从每一个掩蔽处到下一个掩蔽处都是一段又一段的冒险,其间还有漫长的等待和好几次虚惊。如果你是个优秀的侦察员或是优秀的向导,你就已经知道这必定是什么情况了。太阳快落下去时,他们大家都安全进入一丛冬青树里,在马厩背后大约十五码光景。他们大家都吃些饼干,在地上躺下。 接下来是最难挨难熬的阶段,等待。幸亏孩子们睡了两小时,但,他们醒来时,当然天已黑了冷了,而更糟的是,他们醒来时口渴,却没有机会弄到水喝。迷惑就站在那儿,因为有点儿紧张,身体发抖。但蒂莲睡得很香,他的脑袋枕在珍宝的肚子上,倒像睡在凯尔帕拉维尔的御榻上一样香甜,直睡到一阵锣声把他吵醒,他站起身来,望到马厩远处有火光,他知道时辰到了。 "珍宝,吻我吧,"他说道,"因为这必定是我们在这世界上的最后一夜了。如果我曾在任何或大或小的事情上得罪了你,现在就宽恕我吧。" "亲爱的国王,"独角兽说道,"我几乎但愿你曾得罪过我,这样我就可以宽恕了。再见了。我们曾经一起万分欢乐过。如果阿斯兰允许我选择,我只会选择我曾经度过的生活,只会选择我们就要作出的牺牲。"这时他们叫醒了老鹰。老鹰把脑袋缩在翅膀下睡觉(这使它仿佛压根儿没有脑袋似的)。他们朝前爬到马底去。他们就把驴子迷惑留在马厩后面(并非一句和蔼的话也没有,因为现在谁也不对驴子生气了)。他们嘱咐驴子别走动,必须等到有人来带它才走,他们自己则在马朦的一头摆开了阵势。篝火才点亮不久,正好开始熊熊燃烧起来。篝火离他们不过几英尺光景,而一大群纳尼亚野兽都在篝火的那一边,所以蒂莲开头看不大清楚,当然他看见十几双眼睛在篝火的反光里闪闪发亮,就像你在汽车前灯的灯光里看到的野兔或猫的眼睛一般。蒂莲刚站定位置,锣声便停了,三个黑影儿从他左边一个地方冒出来了。一个是"泰坎"利什达,卡乐门队长。第二个是无尾猿,它的一个前爪给抓在"泰坎"手里,它不断地呜咽、咕哝"不要这样快,别走得这样快,我身体压根儿不好。唉,我可怜的脑袋好疼啊!这些午夜大会我愈来愈吃不消了。无尾猿是不适宜夜间不睡觉的。无尾猿可不像老鼠或蝙蝠那样夜间活动——唉,我可怜的脑袋好疼啊。"在无尾猿的另一边,猫儿金格正在走来,它走得脚步很轻很庄重,尾巴笔直地翘在空中。它们向篝火走去,它们离蒂莲很近,如果方向对头,它们立刻就会看见蒂莲的。幸亏它们看的方向不对头。但蒂莲听见利什达低声对金格说道。"猫儿,站到你的岗位上去。注意好生扮演你的角色。""妙,妙。瞧我的!"金格说道。然后它走到篝火外面,在集合拢来的野兽们的第一排里坐下,正如你要说的,坐在观众中间。因为事情的发展,整个局面确实就像在一个戏院里一般。纳尼亚的群兽,就像坐在座位上的观众,马厩前一小块草地就像舞台,篝火熊熊燃烧着,无尾猿和卡乐门队长站在那儿向群众讲话,马厩既本身就像舞台后面的布景,而蒂莲和他的朋友们,就像在布景背后隐约出现的人们。如果他们之中有哪一个往外走到火光里来,所有的眼睛立刻都会盯住他们直瞧,另一方面呢,只要他们一动也不动地站在马厩远处墙头的阴影里,百分之九十九是不会被人注意到的。 "泰坎"利什达把无尾猿拖到逼近篝火的地方。他们俩都转过脸去,面向群众,当然,这就意味着他们是背对着蒂莲和他的朋友们了。 "听着,猴子,""泰坎"利什达低声说道,"把比你聪明的头脑灌输到你嘴巴里的话讲出来吧。把你的头昂起来。"他一边说话一边用他的脚趾尖在背后给无尾猿一戳或是一踢。 "你放开我。"诡谲喃喃说道。但它把身体坐得更直,用更加响亮的声音,开言道, "你们大家都注意听着。一件可怕的事情发生了。一件邪恶的事情。在纳尼亚发生的最最邪恶的事情。阿斯兰——" "塔什兰,傻瓜。""泰坎"利什达低声纠正。 "我的意思当然是指塔什兰,"无尾猿说道,"塔什兰对此十分愤怒。" 众野兽等待着要听听他们即将碰到什么新的麻烦,当时草地上一片可怕的寂静。马厩墙脚边的一伙也屏息静气。 现在究竟会冒出什么事情来呢? "是的,"无尾猿说道,"就在此时此刻,可怕的神就在我们中间——而在我背后马厩里——一头邪恶的野兽竟蓄意干了一件十恶不赦的事情,你们都会认为,即使神在干里之外,也没有一个敢干这样的事的。它在身上披上了一张狮子皮毛,正在这些树林里跑来跑去,冒充是狮王阿斯兰。" 吉尔有一会儿感到诧异——这无尾猿是否疯了?它是否要把全部真相讲出来?野兽群中发出一阵恐怖和愤怒的吼声。"该死!"发出吼声来了,"它是什么东西?它在哪儿?让我们用牙齿咬死它!" "昨儿夜间看见过它的,"无尾猿尖声叫道,"但它逃走了。它是头驴子!一头普普通通的凄凄惨惨的驴子。如果你们有谁看见这驴子——"+ "该死!"众野兽咆哮道,"我们一定要,一定要咬死它。它最好别碰上我们。"吉尔瞧瞧国王。国王的嘴巴张开着,脸上充满恐怖的神情。这时他明白敌人计划之邪恶诡谲了。加了一点儿真相,就使它们的谎言强大有力得多啦。现在,告诉野兽们说一头驴子被打扮成一头狮子,来欺骗它们——那还有什么用处呢?无尾猿只要说一句"那就是我刚才说过的情况嘛。"就够了。把披着狮子毛皮的驴子示众,还有什么好处呢?野兽只会把驴子撕个稀烂。"那是收掉了我们的篷帆上的风。"尤斯塔斯低声说道。"把我们立足的土地抽掉了。"蒂莲说道。"该死的,该死的小聪明!"波金说道,"我敢打赌,这新的谎言准是金格创造出来的。" Chapter 10 WHO WILL GO INTO THE STABLE? JILL felt something tickling her ear. It was Jewel the Unicorn, whispering to her with the wide whisper of a horse's mouth. As soon as she heard what he was saying she nodded and tip-toed back to where Puzzle was standing. Quickly and quietly she cut the last cords that bound the lion-skin to him. It wouldn't do for him to be caught with that on, after what the Ape had said! She would like to have hidden the skin somewhere very far away, but it was too heavy. The best she could do was to kick it in among the thickest bushes. Then she made signs to Puzzle to follow her and they both joined the others. The Ape was speaking again. "And after a horrid thing like that, Aslan - Tashlan - is angrier than ever. He says he's been a great deal too good to you, coming out every night to be looked at, see! Well, he's not coming out any more." Howls and mewings and squeals and grunts were the Animals' answer to this, but suddenly a quite different voice broke in with a loud laugh. "Hark what the monkey says," it shouted. "We know why he isn't going to bring his precious Aslan out. I'll tell you why: because he hasn't got him. He never had anything except an old donkey with a lion-skin on its back. Now he's lost that and he doesn't know what to do." Tirian could not see the faces on the other side of the fire very well but he guessed this was Griffle the Chief Dwarf. And he was quite certain of it when, a second later, all the Dwarfs' voices joined in, singing: "Don't know what to do! Don't know what to do! Don't know what to do-o-o!" "Silence!" thundered Rishda Tarkaan. "Silence, children of mud! Listen to me, you other Narnians, lest I give command to my warriors to fall upon you with the edge of the sword. The Lord Shift has already told you of that wicked Ass. Do you think, because of him that there is no real Tashlan in the stable! Do you? Beware, beware." "No, no," shouted most of the crowd. But the Dwarfs said, "That's right, Darkie, you've got it. Come on, Monkey, show us what's in the stable, seeing is believing." When next there was a moment's quiet the Ape said: "You Dwarfs think you're very clever, don't you? But not so fast. I never said you couldn't see Tashlan. Anyone who likes can see him." The whole assembly became silent. Then, after nearly a minute, the Bear began in a slow, puzzled voice: "I don't quite understand all this," it grumbled, "I thought you said -" "You thought!" repeated the Ape. "As if anyone could call what goes on in your head thinking. Listen, you others. Anyone can see Tashlan. But he's not coming out. You have to go in and see him." "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you," said dozens of voices. "That's what we wanted! We can go in and see him face to face. And now he'll be kind and it will all be as it used to be." And the Birds chattered, and the Dogs barked excitedly. Then suddenly, there was a great stirring and a noise of creatures rising to their feet, and in a second the whole lot of them would have been rushing forward and trying to crowd into the stable door all together. But the Ape shouted: "Get back! Quiet! Not so fast." The Beasts stopped, many of them with one paw in the with tails wagging, and all of them with heads on one side. "I thought you said," began the Bear, but Shift interrupted. "Anyone can go in," he said. "But, one at a time. Who'll go first? He didn't say he was feeling very kind. He's been licking his lips a lot since he swallowed up the wicked King the other night. He's been growling a good deal this morning. I wouldn't much like to go into that stable myself tonight. But just as you please. Who'd like to go in first? Don't blame me if he swallows you whole or blasts you into a cinder with the mere terror of his eyes. That's your affair. Now then! Who's first? What about one of you Dwarfs?" "Dilly, dilly, come and be killed!" sneered Griffle. "How do we know what you've got in there?" "Ho-ho!" cried the Ape. "So you're beginning to think there's something there, eh? Well, all you Beasts were making noise enough a minute ago. What's struck you all dumb? Who's going in first?" But the Beasts all stood looking at one another and began backing away from the stable. Very few tails were wagging now. The Ape waddled to and fro jeering at them. "Ho-ho-ho!" he chuckled. "I thought you were all so eager to see Tashlan face to face! Changed your mind, eh?" Tirian bent his head to hear something that Jill was trying to whisper in his ear. "What do you think is really inside the stable?" she said. "Who knows?" said Tirian. "Two Calormenes with drawn swords, as likely as not, one on each side of the door." "You don't think," said Jill, "it might be . . . you know . . . that horrid thing we saw?" "Tash himself?" whispered Tirian. "There's no knowing. But courage, child: we are all between the paws of the true Aslan." Then a most surprising thing happened. Ginger the Cat said in a cool, clear voice, not at all as if he was excited, "I'll go in, if you like." Every creature turned and fixed its eyes on the Cat. "Mark their subtleties, Sire," said Poggin to the King. "This cursed cat is in the plot, in the very centre of it. Whatever is in the stable will not hurt him, I'll be bound. Then Ginger will come out again and say that he has seen some wonder." But Tirian had no time to answer him. The Ape was calling the Cat to come forward. "Ho-ho!" said the Ape. "So you, a pert Puss, would look upon him face to face. Come on, then! I'll open the door for you. Don't blame me if he scares the whiskers off your face. That's your affair." And the Cat got up and came out of its place in the crowd, walking primly and daintily, with its tail in the air, not one hair on its sleek coat out of place. It came on till it had passed the fire and was so close that Tirian, from where he stood with his shoulder against the end-wall of the stable, could look right into its face. Its big green eyes never blinked. ("Cool as a cucumber," muttered Eustace. "It knows it has nothing to fear.") The Ape, chuckling and making faces, shuttled across beside the Cat: put up his paw: drew the bolt and opened the door. Tirian thought he could hear the Cat purring as it walked into the dark doorway. "Aii-aii-aouwee! -" The most horrible caterwaul you ever heard made everyone jump. You have been wakened yourself by cats quarrelling or making love on the roof in the middle of the night: you know the sound. This was worse. The Ape was knocked head over heels by Ginger coming back out of the stable at top speed. If you had not known he was a cat, you might have thought he was a ginger-coloured streak of lightning. He shot across the open grass, back into the crowd. No one wants to meet a cat in that state. You could see animals getting out of his way to left and right. He dashed up a tree, whisked around, and hung head downwards. His tail was bristled out till it was nearly as thick as his whole body: his eyes were like saucers of green fire: along his back every single hair stood on end. "I'd give my beard," whispered Poggin, "to know whether that brute is only acting or whether it has really found something in there that frightened it!" "Peace, friend," said Tirian, for the Captain and the Ape were also whispering and he wanted to hear what they said. He did not succeed, except that he heard the Ape once more whimpering "My head, my head," but he got the idea that those two were almost as puzzled by the cat's behaviour as himself. "Now, Ginger," said the Captain. "Enough of that noise. Tell them what thou hast seen." "Aii - Aii - Aaow - Awah," screamed the Cat. "Art thou not called a Talking Beast?" said the Captain. "Then hold thy devilish noise and talk." What followed was rather horrible. Tirian felt quite certain (and so did the others) that the Cat was trying to say something: but nothing came out of his mouth except the ordinary, ugly cat-noises you might hear from any angry or frightened old Tom in a backyard in England. And the longer he caterwauled the less like a Talking Beast he looked. Uneasy whimperings and little sharp squeals broke out from among the other Animals. "Look, look!" said the voice of the Bear. "It can't talk. It has forgotten how to talk! It has gone back to being a dumb beast. Look at its face." Everyone saw that it was true. And then the greatest terror of all fell upon those Narnians. For every one of them had been taught - when it was only a chick or a puppy or a cub - how Aslan at the beginning of the world had turned the beasts of Narnia into Talking Beasts and warned them that if they weren't good they might one day be turned back again and be like the poor witless animals one meets in other countries. "And now it is coming upon us," they moaned. "Mercy! Mercy!" wailed the Beasts. "Spare us, Lord Shift, stand between us and Aslan, you must always go in and speak to him for us. We daren't, we daren't." Ginger disappeared further up into the tree. No one ever saw him again. Tirian stood with his hand on his sword-hilt and his head bowed. He was dazed with the horrors of that night. Sometimes he thought it would be best to draw his sword at once and rush upon the Calormenes: then next moment he thought it would be better to wait and see what new turn affairs might take. And now a new turn came. "My Father," came a clear, ringing voice from the left of the crowd. Tirian knew at once that it was one of the Calormenes speaking, for in The Tisroc's army the common soldiers call the officers "My Master" but the officers call their senior officers "My Father". Jill and Eustace didn't know this but, after looking this way and that, they saw the speaker, for of course people at the sides of the crowd were easier to see than people in the middle where the glare of the fire made all beyond it look rather black. He was young and tall and slender, and even rather beautiful in the dark, haughty, Calormene way. "My Father," he said to the Captain, "I also desire to go in." "Peace, Emeth," said the Captain, "Who called thee to counsel? Does it become a boy to speak?" "My Father," said Emeth. "Truly I am younger than thou, yet I also am of the blood of the Tarkaans even as thou art, and I also am the servant of Tash. Therefore . . ." "Silence," said Rishda Tarkaan. "Am not I thy Captain? Thou hast nothing to do with this stable. It is for the Narnians." "Nay, my Father," answered Emeth. "Thou hast said that their Aslan and our Tash are all one. And if that is the truth, then Tash himself is in yonder. And how then sayest thou that I have nothing to do with him? For gladly would I die a thousand deaths if I might look once on the face of Tash." "Thou art a fool and understandest nothing," said Rishda Tarkaan. "These be high matters." Emeth's face grew sterner. "Is it then not true that Tash and Aslan are all one?" he asked. "Has the Ape lied to us?" "Of course they're all one," said the Ape. "Swear it, Ape," said Emeth. "Oh dear!" whimpered Shift, "I wish you'd all stop bothering me. My head does ache. Yes, yes, I swear it." "Then, my Father," said Emeth, "I am utterly determined to go in." "Fool," began Rishda Tarkaan, but at once the Dwarfs began shouting: "Come along, Darkie. Why don't you let him in? Why do you let Narnians in and keep your own people out? What have you got in there that you don't want your own men to meet?" Tirian and his friends could only see the back of Rishda Tarkaan, so they never knew what his face looked like as he shrugged his shoulders and said, "Bear witness all that I am guiltless of this young fool's blood. Get thee in, rash boy, and make haste." Then, just as Ginger had done, Emeth came walking forward into the open strip of grass between the bonfire and the stable. His eyes were shining, his face very solemn, his hand was on his sword-hilt, and he carried his head high. Jill felt like crying when she looked at his face. And Jewel whispered in the King's ear, "By the Lion's Mane, I almost love this young warrior, Calormene though he be. He is worthy of a better god than Tash." "I do wish we knew what is really inside there," said Eustace. Emeth opened the door and went in, into the black mouth of the stable. He closed the door behind him. Only a few moments passed - but it seemed longer before the door opened again. A figure in Calormene armour reeled out, fell on its back, and lay still: the door closed behind it. The Captain leaped towards it and bent down to stare at its face. He gave a start of surprise. Then he recovered himself and turned to the crowd, crying out: "The rash boy has had his will. He has looked on Tash and is dead. Take warning, all of you." "We will, we will," said the poor Beasts. But Tirian and his friends stared at the dead Calormene and then at one another. For they, being so close, could see what the crowd, being further off and beyond the fire, could not see: this dead man was not Emeth. He was quite different: an older man, thicker and not so tall, with a big beard. "Ho-ho-ho," chuckled the Ape. "Any more? Anyone else want to go in? Well, as you're all shy, I'll choose the next. You, you Boar! On you come. Drive him up, Calormenes. He shall see Tashlan face to face." "O-o-mph," grunted the Boar, rising heavily to his feet. "Come on, then. Try my tusks." When Tirian saw that brave Beast getting ready to fight for its life - and Calormene soldiers beginning to close in on it with their drawn scimitars - and no one going to its help - something seemed to burst inside him. He no longer cared if this was the best moment to interfere or not. "Swords out," he whispered to the others. "Arrow on string. Follow." Next moment the astonished Narnians saw seven figures leap forth in front of the stable, four of them in shining mail. The King's sword flashed in the firelight as he waved it above his head and cried in a great voice: "Here stand I, Tirian of Narnia, in Aslan's name, to prove with my body that Tash is a foul fiend, the Ape a manifold traitor, and these Calormenes worthy of death. To my side, all true Narnians. Would you wait till your new masters have killed you all one by one?" 10谁将入马厩? 吉尔觉得有个东西弄得她的耳朵痒痒的。原来是独角兽珍宝,正用它那马嘴对她低声说着清晰的耳语。她一听见它的话就点点头,踮着脚走回驴子迷惑正站在那儿的地方。她迅速而轻声地割断了把狮子毛皮缚在驴子身上的最后几根绳子。无尾猿既然已经说了这样的话,它披着狮子毛皮被逮住的话可就没有命了!她很想把狮子毛皮藏到很远的地方去,可毛皮实在太重。她能够办得到的上策是把它们踢进浓密的灌木丛里去。然后她示意驴子迷惑跟她走,她俩一齐和其他的人会合了。 无尾猿又在说话。 "发生了像这样的一件可怕的事情之后,阿斯兰——塔什兰——越发愤怒了。他说他对待你们实在太好了,夜夜出来给你们瞻仰。瞧!他生气了,他再也不出来了。"野兽们对这番话的反应是一片嚎叫、尖叫、咕咕、哝哝、咪咪、喵喵之声,但突然有一个与众不同的声音哈哈大笑着开口说话了。"听这猴子在说什么呀,"它大声喊道,"我们知道:为什么它不把它的宝贝阿斯兰请出来。我告诉你们其中的缘故吧:因为它没有把阿斯兰弄到手。除了一头背上缚着狮子毛皮的老驴子外,它手里从来没有什么法宝。如今它丢失了那头老驴子,它就不知道怎么办了。" 蒂莲对篝火那一边的脸看不大清楚,但他猜测说这话的是小矮人头领格里夫尔。一秒钟后,他对自己的猜测便有了把握,因为所有小矮人的声音都在随声附和了: "不知道怎么办!不知道怎么办!不知道怎么办了!" "别嚷嚷!""泰坎"利什达大发雷霆道,"别嚷嚷,泥土的子孙们!你们其他的纳尼亚国民们,注意听我讲的话,不然我就叫战士们用刀锋砍你们。诡谲王爷已经把邪恶驴子的事讲给你们听了。难道你们认为,由于驴子的缘故,马厩里就没有真正的塔什兰了吗?你们可认为这样吗?小心呀,小心呀。" "不,不。"大部分野兽喊道。但小矮人们说:"说对了,黑皮,你击中要害了。猴子,来吧,让我们看看马厩里有什么玩意儿,眼见是实,才能叫人相信。" 接下来出现片刻的沉默时,无尾猿说道: "你们小矮人自以为十分聪明,是吗?然而,且慢。我从未说过你们不能见塔什兰。谁想见,谁就可以见他。"全场默默无言。接着,大约一分钟以后,熊用一种慢吞吞的惶惑的声音开始说话。 "这一切我不十分明白,"它咕咕哝哝地说道,"我想你是说——") "你想!"无尾猿故意重复对方的词儿,"倒像是谁都可以把你头脑里正在进行的活动称之为'想'哩。听着,你们其他的人。任何人都能去见塔什兰。但塔什兰自己可不出来。你们得进去见他。" "啊,谢谢你,谢谢你,谢谢你。"十几个声音说道,"我们能进去,面对面地见到他。那就是我们所要求的!现在他会是仁慈的,并且将像往常一样,处处仁慈。"鸟儿啁啾,狗儿兴奋地吠叫。然后,突然之间,出现了一阵大骚动、一阵喧哗,野兽们都站起来了,转瞬之间整群野兽都往前冲去,大家都竭力要一齐挤进马厩中去。但无尾猿大声喊道:' "回去!安静!且慢!"野兽们停步了,好多野兽一只爪子悬在空中,好多摇晃着尾巴,它们的脑袋都侧向一边。 "我想你是说——"熊开始说话,可诡谲把它的话打断了。 "哪一个都能进去,"无尾猿说道,"可是,一次只进去一个。谁先进去,他可并不说他是十分仁慈的。自从他在大前天把那邪恶的国王吞下肚子以来,他一直在不断地舔他的嘴唇。今天早晨他曾经大嚎大叫了一阵子。今儿个夜间我自己也不大想进到马厩里去。但,随你们的便。谁愿意第一个进去,如果他把你整个儿吞了下去,或者只是用它的火眼金睛把你烧成灰烬,可别怪我。那是你自己的事情。哦,进来吧!谁第一个进来?你们小矮人先进来一个吧?" "呀,呀,进来被你杀死!"格里夫尔嘲笑道,"我们怎么知道你在那马厩里摆下了什么东西呢?" "哈——哈!"无尾猿喊道,"那么你们在开始想到里边有点儿东西了,是不是?哦,一分钟以前你们野兽都吵闹得够响的了。是什么把你们都打成了哑巴?谁第一个进去呀?" 但野兽们都站在那儿你看我我看你的,而且开始从马厩后退。现在没有几条尾巴在摇晃了。无尾猿一边大摇大摆地走来走去,一边嘲笑野兽们。"哈―哈―哈!"它抿着嘴笑道,"我想你们大家都急于要面对面地见到塔什兰!如今改变主意了,嗯?" 蒂莲低下头来听吉尔试图在他耳边说的悄悄话。"你认为马厩里确实有什么东西吗,"她说。"谁知道呢,"蒂莲道,"两个卡乐门士兵拿着出鞘的剑,很可能,两边的门口各站着一个兵。""你岂不觉得,"吉尔说,"这很可能……你知道……就是我们看到的那可怕的东西吗?""塔什自己吗?"蒂莲说道。"弄不明白。可是,孩子,要有勇气:我们大家都夹在真正的阿斯兰的两个脚爪中间。"接着就发生了一件最出人意外的事。猫儿金格用冷静、清晰的声音,仿佛压根儿毫不激动地说道:"如果你愿意,我要进去。"每一头野兽都转过头来,眼睛牢牢盯着猫儿直瞧。"陛下,留神它们的阴险,"波金对国王说道,"这该死的猫儿参与了阴谋诡计,它是阴谋的核心。不论马厩里有什么东西,都伤不着它,我敢肯定。然后金格会重新从马厩里出来,说是它看到了奇迹。"但蒂莲没有时间回答。无尾猿正叫猫儿出来。"嗬——嗬!"无尾猿说道,"那么,你,一只冒冒失失的猫咪,竟要面对面地见他了。那就来吧,我替你开门。如果他吓得你胡须都从脸上掉下来,你可别怪我。那是你自己的事情。" 于是那猫儿便站起身来,从它在群众中的座位里走将出去,它一直正经地优雅文静地走着,尾巴翘在空中,柔软发亮的皮外套上没有一根毛是不得体的。它继续向前,走过篝火,走得极近了;蒂莲肩膀靠着马厩末端的墙上,站在那儿能仔细打量着猫儿的脸孔。它那碧绿的大眼睛一眨也不眨。("泰然自若,"尤斯塔斯喃喃而语,"它知道它没有什么可害怕的。")无尾猿吃吃讪笑,做着鬼脸,拖拖拉拉地过来,站在猫儿身旁,伸出脚爪:拉开门闩,打开马厩的门。蒂莲以为他听见了猫儿走进黑暗门口时呜呜的叫声。"阿艾——阿艾——阿奥威——!"从来没有听到过的、最最可怕的猫儿叫春的声音,使大家都跳起来了。你自己在半夜里听到过猫儿在屋顶上吵架和做爱的声音,你知道这种声音。 事态更糟了。金格从马厩里以最快的速度窜回来,把无尾猿也撞了个四脚朝天。如果你不知道它是只猫儿,你会认为它是一道姜黄色的闪电。它窜过开阔的草地,回到群众中去。谁也不想碰到处于这种状态的猫。你可以看见野兽们往左右闪开,给它让路。它窜上一棵树木,周围弹了一下,身体便倒挂在树枝上。它把尾巴倒竖了起来,几乎跟它整个儿身体一般儿粗大;它的眼睛像碧绿的火焰碟子,它的背上每根毛都挺得笔直。 "我宁愿以我的胡子为代价,"波金耳语道,"去弄明白这畜生不过是在演戏呢,还有确实在马厩里发现了使它害怕的东西。" "别做声,朋友。"蒂莲说道,因为卡乐门队长也在和无尾猿窃窃私语,他想听听他们究竟在说些什么。他没听到什么,只不过听到无尾猿再次在呜咽。"我的脑袋,我的脑袋好疼啊。"但他得出了一个想法:这两个家伙,像他自己一样被那猫儿的行动搞迷糊了。 "喂,金格,"卡乐门队长说,"你号叫得够了。把你所看见的,告诉它们吧。" "阿艾——阿艾——阿奥——阿瓦。"猫儿叫道。"难道你不是被称为会说人话的野兽吗,"队长说,"那就停止邪恶的嗥叫,开口说话吧!" 接下来的事是很可怕的。蒂莲十分有把握地觉得(别人也一样)猫儿正竭力说出一些话来,但它的嘴巴里讲不出人话来,只能发出普普通通的十分难听的猫叫声,在英国的后院里,你可以从任何愤怒或吃惊的猫儿那里听到这种叫声。而且,它鸣叫的时间越长,看上去就越发不像一只说人话的兽类。其他的野兽中间进发出了心神不安的呜咽和微弱的尖叫声。 "瞧,瞧,"野猪的声音说道,"它不能说人话了。它忘记怎样说人话了。它已经倒退成为一只哑巴畜生了。瞧瞧它的脸。"大家看到确实是那样。于是一切恐怖中最大的恐怖落在这些纳尼亚禽兽心上了。因为它们每一个都受过这样的教导——当它们是只小鸡或小狗或幼狐的时候——阿斯兰曾在世界开创之时,把纳尼亚的禽兽变成了会说人话的禽兽,并且警告它们,如果它们行为不端,有朝一日,它们就会重新变回老样子,同人们在其他国家里遇到的可怜而愚蠢的禽兽一模一样。"如今这种变化临到我们头上了。"它们悲叹道。 "发发慈悲,发发慈悲吧!"野兽们哀告道,"救救我们,诡谲王爷,你站在我们和阿斯兰之间,你必须经常进去,替我们跟他说话。我们可不敢,我们可不敢。" 金格消失在树林深处。谁也没再看到它。蒂莲聋拉着脑袋,手抚在剑柄上站在那儿。他被那一夜的恐怖搞得头昏眼花。有时他想,最好还是立刻拔出剑来向卡乐门兵冲去;接着他又觉得还是等着瞧瞧形势新的演变较好。如今新的演变来了。 "我的父亲,"一个清脆响亮的声音从群众的左边传来。蒂莲立刻听出来了,这是一个卡乐门士兵在说话,因为在"蒂斯罗克"的军队里,普通士兵称他们的军官为"我的师父",而普通军官称他的上级军官为"我的父亲"。吉尔和尤斯塔斯不知道这个规矩,但他们左看右望,终于看到了说话的人,因为在大伙儿边上的人,要比在中间的人容易看得见,中间火光熊熊,使它后面的一切倒显得很黑了。他年轻,高个儿,身材苗条,黑苍苍、自命不凡的卡乐门风度,看上去倒也漂亮。 "我的父亲,"他对队长说道,"我也想进去。""安静,伊梅思,"队长说道,"谁叫你来讨论的,一个孩子发言,合适吗?" "我的父亲,"伊梅思说,"我确实比你年幼,然而我甚至跟你一样,也是出生于'泰坎'血统,也是塔什神的仆人。因此……" "别说话,""泰坎"利什达说道,"难道我不是你的队长吗,你跟马厩毫不相干。马厩是为纳尼亚群众而设的。""不,我的父亲,"伊梅思答道,"你自己说过,他们的阿斯兰跟我们的塔什兰是二位一体的。如果你说的是真话,那么,塔什神就在那马厩里。所以,你怎么能说我和塔什神毫不相干呢,如果我能当面看到一次塔什神,那么,哪怕死一千次我也乐意。" "你是个傻瓜,啥也不懂。""泰坎"利什达说,"这些是高层次的道理。" 伊梅思的脸变得更严峻了。"那么,塔什和阿斯兰是二位一体的说法就不真不实了吗,"他问道,"无尾猿对我们撒谎了吗?" "当然他们是二位一体的。"无尾猿道。"无尾猿,你起誓。"伊梅思说。"哎呀'"诡橘哀叹道,"我但愿你们大家不再打扰我。我头疼。好,好,我这就起誓。" "它起誓了,我的父亲,"伊梅思说,"我坚决要进去。""傻瓜。""泰坎"利什达开口道,但小矮人们立刻开始叫喊:"来吧,黑皮。你为什么不让他进去?为什么你放纳尼亚人进去,却把你自己国家的人拦在外面?你在马厩里设了什么机关,所以你不要你的自己人去瞎碰。" 蒂莲和他的朋友们只看见"泰坎"利什达的背影,所以他们不知道他耸耸肩膀时脸上的神色如何:"请大家作证,对这傻瓜的流血,我是无辜的。鲁莽的孩子,你就进去吧,赶快。" 接着,就像金格一样,伊梅思走上前来,进入簧火与马厩之间的那片开阔的草地。他的眼睛闪闪发光,他的脸色庄重,他的手按在剑柄上,他的头昂得高高的。吉尔望着他的脸时,觉得自己快要哭了。珍宝在国王的耳边低语道:"狮王的旅毛啊,我几乎爱上这年轻的战士了,虽然他是个卡乐门士兵。比塔什更好的神才值得他尊敬哩。" "我但愿我们能知道马厩里确实设置了什么东西。"尤斯塔斯说道。 伊梅思打开门走进去,进入了马厩漆黑的嘴巴。他关上他背后的门。只过了片刻——但感觉上仿佛时间更长——门又重新打开了。一个穿卡乐门锁子甲的人影儿摇摇晃晃地退出门来,仰面倒在地上,躺在那儿一动也不动了。马厩的门重新关上。队长向那人跳将过去,俯下身来仔细打量他的脸。他吓了一跳。然后他恢复镇静,转脸面向大伙儿,大声喊道: "这个鲁莽的孩子达到了他的愿望啦。他看到了塔什神,死了。你们大家都要引为鉴戒。" "我们要,我们要引为鉴戒的。"可怜的野兽们说道。但,蒂莲和他的朋友们,先盯住死掉的卡乐门士兵仔细打量一番,然后彼此又互相看了一眼。因为他们离尸体很近,能看到大伙儿(离得远,又在簧火的背后)没法儿看到的景象:死人并不是伊梅思。死人截然不同,是个年纪较大的人,身材比较粗大,可不及伊梅思高,还长着一把大胡子。 "嗬—嗬—嗬,"无尾猿吃吃笑道,"还有什么人吗,还有什么人要进来,得了,既然你们大家都不好意思,我就来挑选下一个。野猪,你过来。卡乐门士兵,把他押过来。它得面对面地见见塔什神。""奥—奥—姆比,"野猪咕咕哝哝地说道,它沉重地站起身来,"那就来吧。试试我的撩牙吧。" 当蒂莲看到勇敢的野猪准备为它的生命而拼搏——卡乐门士兵开始拔出弯刀逼拢来——没有哪一个跑出来支援野猪——他内心里有个东西突然发作了。他不再关心这究竟是干预或不干预的最佳时刻了。 "拔出剑来,"他对其他的人低声说道,"箭搭在弦上。跟着我上。" 紧接着的刹那之间,吃惊的纳尼亚野兽看到七个黑影在马厩前面跳了出来,四个人穿着发光的锁子甲。国王的剑在火光中闪耀,那时他正在头顶上空挥舞着剑,用大嗓门喊道: "我,纳尼亚的国王蒂莲,站在这儿,以阿斯兰的名义,用我的身体来证明:塔什是个邪恶的魔王,无尾猿是个诡计多端的卖国贼,这些卡乐门人都是该死的东西。一切真正的纳尼亚子民们,站在我这一边来吧。难道你们要等到你们新的主子把你们一个又一个地统统杀光吗?"' Chapter 11 THE PACE QUICKENS QUICK as lightning, Rishda Tarkaan leaped back out of reach of the King's sword. He was no coward, and would have fought single-handed against Tirian and the Dwarf if need were. But he could not take on the Eagle and the Unicorn as well. He knew how Eagles can fly into your face and peck at your eyes and blind you with their wings. And he had heard from his father (who had met Narnians in battle) that no man, except with arrows, or a long spear, can match a Unicorn, for it rears on its hind legs as it falls upon you and then you have its hoofs and its horn and its teeth to deal with all at once. So he rushed into the crowd and stood calling out: "To me, to me, warriors of The Tisroc, may-he-liveforever. To me, all loyal Narnians, lest the wrath of Tashlan fall upon you!" While this was happening two other things happened as well. The Ape had not realized his danger as quickly as the Tarkaan. For a second or so he remained squatting beside the fire staring at the newcomers. Then Tirian rushed upon the wretched creature, picked it up by the scruff of the neck, and dashed back to the stable shouting, "Open the door!" Poggin opened it. "Go and drink your own medicine, Shift!" said Tirian and hurled the Ape through into the darkness. But as the Dwarf banged the door shut again, a blinding greenish-blue light shone out from the inside of the stable, the earth shook, and there was a strange noise - a clucking and screaming as if it was the hoarse voice of some monstrous bird. The Beasts moaned and howled and called out "Tashlan! Hide us from him!" and many fell down, and many hid their faces in their wings or paws. No one except Farsight the Eagle, who has the best eyes of all living things, noticed the face of Rishda Tarkaan at that moment. And from what Farsight saw there he knew at once that Rishda was just as surprised, and nearly frightened, as everyone else. "There goes one," thought Farsight, "who has called on gods he does not believe in. How will it be with him if they have really come?" The third thing - which also happened at the same moment - was the only really beautiful thing that night. Every single Talking Dog in the whole meeting (there were fifteen of them) came bounding and barking joyously to the King's side. They were mostly great big dogs with thick shoulders and heavy jaws. Their coming was like the breaking of a great wave on the seabeach: it nearly knocked you down. For though they were Talking Dogs they were just as doggy as they could be: and they all stood up and put their front paws on the shoulders of the humans and licked their faces, all saying at once: "Welcome! Welcome! We'll help, we'll help, help, help. Show us how to help, show us how, how. How-how-how?" It was so lovely that it made you want to cry. This, at last, was the sort of thing they had been hoping for. And when, a moment later, several little animals (mice and moles and a squirrel or so) came pattering up, squealing with joy, and saying "See, see. We're here," and when, after that, the Bear and the Boar came too, Eustace began to feel that perhaps, after all, everything might be going to come right. But Tirian gazed round and saw how very few of the animals had moved. "To me! to me!" he called. "Have you all turned cowards since I was your King?" "We daren't," whimpered dozens of voices. "Tashlan would be angry. Shield us from Tashlan." "Where are all the Talking Horses?" said Tirian to the Boar. "We've seen, we've seen," squealed the Mice. "The Ape has made them work. They're all tied - down at the bottom of the hill." "Then all you little ones," said Tirian, "you nibblers and gnawers and nutcrackers, away with you as fast as you can scamper and see if the Horses are on our side. And if they are, get your teeth into the ropes and gnaw till the Horses are free and bring them hither." "With a good will, Sire," came the small voices, and with a whisk of tails those sharp-eyed and sharp-toothed folk were off. Tirian smiled for mere love as he saw them go. But it was already time to be thinking of other things. Rishda Tarkaan was giving his orders. "Forward," he said. "Take all of them alive if you can and hurl them into the stable or drive them into it. When they are all in we will put fire to it and make them an offering to the great god Tash." "Ha!" said Farsight to himself. "So that is how he hopes to win Tash's pardon for his unbelief." The enemy line - about half of Rishda's force - was now moving forward, and Tirian had barely time to give his orders. "Out on the left, Jill, and try to shoot all you may before they reach us. Boar and Bear next to her. Poggin on my left, Eustace on my right. Hold the right wing, Jewel. Stand by him, Puzzle, and use your hoofs. Hover and strike, Farsight. You Dogs, just behind us. Go in among them after the sword-play has begun. Aslan to our aid!" Eustace stood with his heart beating terribly, hoping and hoping that he would be brave. He had never seen anything (though he had seen both a dragon and a seaserpent) that made his blood run so cold as that line of dark-faced bright-eyed men. There were fifteen Calormenes, a Talking Bull of Narnia, Slinkey the Fox, and Wraggle the Satyr. Then he heard twang-and-zipp on his left and one Calormene fell: then twang-andzipp again and the Satyr was down. "Oh, well done, daughter!" came Tirian's voice; and then the enemy were upon them. Eustace could never remember what happened in the next two minutes. It was all like a dream (the sort you have when your temperature is over 100) until he heard Rishda Tarkaan's voice calling out from the distance: "Retire. Back hither and re-form." Then Eustace came to his senses and saw the Calormenes scampering back to their friends. But not all of them. Two lay dead, pierced by Jewel's horn, one by Tirian's sword. The Fox lay dead at his own feet, and he wondered if it was he who had killed it. The Bull also was down, shot through the eye by an arrow from Jill and gashed in his side by the Boar's tusk. But our side had its losses too. Three dogs were killed and a fourth was hobbling behind the line on three legs and whimpering. The Bear lay on the ground, moving feebly. Then it mumbled in its throaty voice, bewildered to the last, "I - I don't understand," laid its big head down on the grass as quietly as a child going to sleep, and never moved again. In fact, the first attack had failed. Eustace didn't seem able to be glad about it: he was so terribly thirsty and his arm ached so. As the defeated Calormenes went back to their commander, the Dwarfs began jeering at them. "Had enough, Darkies?" they yelled. "Don't you like it? Why doesn't your great Tarkaan go and fight himself instead of sending you to be killed? Poor Darkies!" "Dwarfs," cried Tirian. "Come here and use your swords, not your tongues. There is still time. Dwarfs of Narnia! You can fight well, I know. Come back to your allegiance." "Yah!" sneered the Dwarfs. "Not likely. You're just as big humbugs as the other lot. We don't want any Kings. The Dwarfs are for the Dwarfs. Boo!" Then the Drum began: not a Dwarf drum this time, but a big bull's hide Calormene drum. The children from the very first hated the sound. Boom - boom - ba-ba-boom it went. But they would have hated it far worse if they had known what it meant. Tirian did. It meant that there were other Calormene troops somewhere near and that Rishda Tarkaan was calling them to his aid. Tirian and Jewel looked at one another sadly. They had just begun to hope that they might win that night: but it would be all over with them if new enemies appeared. Tirian gazed despairingly round. Several Narnians were standing with the Calormenes, whether through treachery or in honest fear of "Tashlan". Others were sitting still, staring, not likely to join either side. But there were fewer animals now: the crowd was much smaller. Clearly, several of them had just crept quietly away during the fighting. Boom - boom - ba-ba-boom went the horrible drum. Then another sound began to mix with it. "Listen!" said Jewel: and then "Look!" said Farsight. A moment later there was no doubt what it was. With a thunder of hoofs, with tossing heads, widened nostrils, and waving manes, over a score of Talking Horses of Narnia came charging up the hill. The gnawers and nibblers had done their work. Poggin the Dwarf and the children opened their mouths to cheer but that cheer never came. Suddenly the air was full of the sound of twanging bow-strings and hissing arrows. It was the Dwarfs who were shooting and - for a moment Jill could hardly believe her eyes - they were shooting the Horses. Dwarfs are deadly archers. Horse after Horse rolled over. Not one of those noble Beasts ever reached the King. "Little Swine," shrieked Eustace, dancing in his rage. "Dirty, filthy, treacherous little brutes." Even Jewel said, "Shall I run after those Dwarfs, Sire, and spit ten of them on my horn at each plunge?" But Tirian with his face as stern as stone, said, "Stand fast, Jewel. If you must weep, sweetheart (this was to Jill), turn your face aside and see you wet not your bow-string. And peace, Eustace. Do not scold, like a kitchen-girl. No warrior scolds. Courteous words or else hard knocks are his only language." But the Dwarfs jeered back at Eustace. "That was a surprise for you, little boy, eh? Thought we were on your side, did you? No fear. We don't want any Talking Horses. We don't want you to win any more than the other gang. You can't take us in. The Dwarfs are for the Dwarfs." Rishda Tarkaan was still talking to his men, doubtless making arrangements for the next attack and probably wishing he had sent his whole force into the first. The drum boomed on. Then, to their horror, Tirian and his friends heard, far fainter as if from a long way off, an answering drum. Another body of Calormenes had heard Rishda's signal and were coming to support him. You would not have known from Tirian's face that he had now given up all hope. "Listen," he whispered in a matter-of-fact voice, "we must attack now, before yonder miscreants are strengthened by their friends." "Bethink you, Sire," said Poggin, "that here we have the good wooden wall of the stable at our backs. If we advance, shall we not be encircled and get sword-points between our shoulders?" "I would say as you do, Dwarf," said Tirian. "Were it not their very plan to force us into the stable? The further we are from its deadly door, the better." "The King is right," said Farsight. "Away from this accursed stable, and whatever goblin lives inside it, at all costs." "Yes, do let's," said Eustace. "I'm coming to hate the very sight of it." "Good," said Tirian. "Now look yonder to our left. You see a great rock that gleams white like marble in the firelight. First we will fall upon those Calormenes. You, maiden, shall move out on our left and shoot as fast as ever you may into their ranks: and you, Eagle, fly at their faces from the right. Meanwhile we others will be charging them. When we are so close, Jill, that you can no longer shoot at them for fear of striking us, go back to the white rock and wait. You others, keep your ears wide even in the fighting. We must put them to flight in a few minutes or else not at all, for we are fewer than they. As soon as I call Back, then rush to join Jill at the white rock, where we shall have protection behind us and can breathe awhile. Now, be off, Jill." Feeling terribly alone, Jill ran out about twenty feet, put her right leg back and her left leg forward, and set an arrow to her string. She wished her hands were not shaking so. "'That's a rotten shot!" she said as her first arrow sped towards the enemy and flew over their heads. But she had another on the string next moment: she knew that speed was what mattered. She saw something big and black darting into the faces of the Calormenes. 'that was Farsight. First one man, and then another, dropped his sword and put up both his hands to defend his eyes. Then one of her own arrows hit a man, and another hit a Narnian wolf, who had, it seemed, joined the enemy. But she had been shooting only for a few seconds when she had to stop. With a flash of swords and of the Boar's tusks and Jewel's horn, and with deep baying from the dogs, Tirian and his party were rushing on their enemies, like men in a hundred yards' race. Jill was astonished to see how unprepared the Calormenes seemed to be. She did not realize that this was the result of her work and the Eagle's. Very few troops can keep on looking steadily to the front if they are getting arrows in their faces from one side and being pecked by an eagle on the other. "Oh well done. Well done!" shouted Jill. The King's party were cutting their way right into the enemy. The Unicorn was tossing men as you'd toss hay on a fork. Even Eustace seemed to Jill (who after all didn't know very much about swordsmanship) to be fighting brilliantly. The Dogs were at the Calormenes' throats. It was going to work! It was victory at last - With a horrible, cold shock Jill noticed a strange thing. Though Calormenes were falling at each Narnian sword-stroke, they never seemed to get any fewer. In fact, there were actually more of them now than when the fight began. There were more every second. They were running up from every side. They were new Calormenes. These new ones had spears. There was such a crowd of them that she could hardly see her own friends. Then she heard Tirian's voice crying: "Back! To the rock!" The enemy had been reinforced. The drum had done its work. 11步伐加快了 迅速如闪电,“泰坎”利什达跳了回去,国王的剑砍不到他了。他倒不是个懦夫,如果需要,他会独自一人跟蒂莲和小矮人们作战的。但他没法儿对付老鹰,也没法儿对付独角兽。他知道老鹰如何飞到你脸上啄你的眼睛,而且用翅膀遮得你看也看不出。他还从他父亲那里听说过(他在战争中碰到过纳尼亚军队):除非射箭或使用长矛,没有人能战胜独角兽的,因为独角兽向你扑上来时,就用后腿站起来了,那时你就得立刻同时对付它的蹄子、独角和牙齿。所以利什达奔到群众里头,站着喊道: “听我的,听我的指挥,‘蒂斯罗克’(愿他万寿无疆)的战士们。听我的,一切忠诚的纳尼亚子民们,不然的话,塔什兰的愤怒就要落到你们身上了!” 这件事发生的时候,还同时发生了另外两件事。无尾猿不像那“泰坎”那样迅速地认识到处境的危险。大约有一两秒钟,它依旧蹲在篝火旁,定晴望着新来的野兽们。接着蒂莲就向那倒霉的家伙猛扑过去,抓住它的颈背把它拎了起来,然后冲回马厩,大叫道:“开门。”波金打开马厩的门。 “诡谲,进去喝你自己的药吧!”蒂莲一边说,一边把无尾猿往马厩里的黑暗中扔了进去。但小矮人砰的一声重新把门关上时,一道令人目眩的蓝绿色的强光从马厩里照射出来,大地震动了,响起了一种奇怪的声音——一种咯咯的叫嚣声,仿佛是某种怪鸟嘶哑的叫声。野兽们呜咽、号哭、大声呼喊。“塔什兰!遮掩我们,别让它看见!”许多禽兽倒下了,许多禽兽把自己的脸躲在翅膀或是脚爪下面。此时此刻,除了生着一切生物中最好的眼睛的老鹰外,没有哪一个注意过 “泰坎”利什达的脸。千里眼老鹰凭它所看到的情况立刻就知道:利什达同大家一模一样的感到奇怪,几乎同大家一样的诚惶诚恐。“一个走了,”老鹰心中想道,“他曾向他并不相信的诸神呼吁。如果诸神真的来了,他将怎么办呢?” 也在同时发生的第三件事,是那天夜里真正美丽的事情。大会上的每头会说人话的狗儿(总共十五头)欢乐地跳着吠着跑到国王这边来了。它们大部分是了不得的大狗,肩膀厚实,上下腭厚重。群狗的来势像是巨浪冲击海滩,几乎要把你冲倒。因为,它们虽然是会人话的狗儿,却又是尽可能发挥狗性的狗儿:它们都双脚站了起来,前腿的爪子搭在人的肩膀上,用舌头舔舔人的脸,它们大家立刻说道:“欢迎!欢迎!我们决心帮忙,帮忙,帮忙。告诉我们怎么个帮法,怎么个帮法,怎么,怎么——怎么——怎么?” 这情景是那么动人,叫你简直想哭;因为,他们一直盼望的那种情景,最后终于出现了。片刻之后,当几只小动物(老鼠和鼹鼠,以及一只松鼠什么的)嗒嗒地走来,欢乐地吱吱乱叫,并且说道:“瞧,瞧,我们来了。”在此之后,当熊和野猪也来了,尤斯塔斯开始觉得,也许,毕竟一切都可能变得顺利了。但蒂莲向四周打量,看到了已在有所行动的野兽只是极少数。 “听我的!听我的指挥!”他呼唤道,“自从我成了你们的国王,难道你们都变成懦夫了吗?” “我们,我们不敢,”十几个声音呜呜咽咽地说道,“塔什兰会震怒的。替我们挡住塔什兰吧。” “所有会说人话的马儿都到哪儿去了?”蒂莲问道。 “我们见过的,见过的,”老鼠吱吱地说道,“无尾猿叫它们干活。它们都累极了——在小山底下干活。” “你们这些小不点儿们,”蒂莲说道,“你们这些能啃、能啮、能咬碎硬壳的小不点儿们,你们能跳跳蹦蹦得多快,就尽量快跑到山底下去,去看看马儿是否站在我们这一边。 如果马儿站在我们这一边,那就用你们的牙齿咬断绳索,一直咬到马儿解除束缚,你们就带它们上这儿来。” “愿意效劳,陛下。”传来小声的回答,尾巴一甩,这些眼睛尖、牙齿锋利的小家伙就已经跑开了。蒂莲瞧着它们离开时,出于深情厚爱,莞尔微笑,但已经是该考虑其他事情的时候了。“泰坎”利什达正在下达命令哩。 “冲向前去,”利什达说,“如果办得到的话,活捉他们全体人马,把他们扔进马厩;或者把他们赶到马厩里去。他和大家都进了马厩时,我们就放火烧掉马厩,把他们当做献给伟大的塔什神的祭品。” “哈哈!”老鹰对自己说,“原来他指望用这个办法来争取塔什宽恕他的不信神哩。”敌人的阵线——一半儿是利什达的军队——现在正向前推进,蒂莲勉强来得及下达命令。 “吉尔,从左翼出击,竭尽全力在敌人到达之前射出箭去。野猪和熊跟在她的后面。波金在我的左边,尤斯塔斯在我的右边。珍宝守住右翼。迷惑站在珍宝旁边,运用你的蹄子作战。千里眼老鹰,在天空盘旋、出击。你们这些狗儿,就守在我们的后边。刀剑交锋开始后你们就闯到敌人之中去。阿斯兰保佑我们!” 尤斯塔斯站在那里,心怦怦乱跳,他希望,希望自己会大胆勇敢。他从来没有看见过像面孔墨黑眼睛发亮的队伍那样使他血液冰凉的东西,尽管他看见过一条飞龙和一条海蛇。敌方是十五个卡乐门兵,一头纳尼亚的会说人话的公牛,狐狸斯林基,半神半兽的森林之神拉格尔。然后他听到左边儿嘣的一响、嗖的一声,一个卡乐门士兵应声倒下了;接着又是蹦的一响、嗖的一声,半神半兽的森林之神也应声倒下了。“啊,射得好,女儿!”传来了蒂莲的赞美声;接着是敌人向他们进攻。 尤斯塔斯怎么也记不得后来两分钟内发生的事了。这全像是在梦里(你发高烧时做的那种梦)。他终于听到“泰坎”利什达在远处喊叫的声音。 “撤退。撤回到那儿;重整旗鼓。” 于是尤斯塔斯恢复了知觉,看见卡乐门士兵向他们的朋友们惊惶地跑回去。但并非都跑回去了。两个倒毙在地上,一个是珍宝的独角戳死的,一个是蒂莲的剑杀死的。狐狸死在他脚边,他弄不清是不是他自己把它宰了的。公牛也倒下了,吉尔的一箭射中了它的眼睛,野猪的獠牙口叫它胁部裂开了。但我方也有损失。三条狗被杀死了,第四条狗凭着三条腿在战线后面蹒跚行走,嘴里呜咽哀鸣。熊躺在地上,虚弱无力地挪动着。它最终还是迷惑不解,喉咙里咕咕哝哝地说道:“我——我不——明白。”接着就像一个小孩儿落入睡眠一样,大脑袋平静地落到草地上,永远不再动弹了。 事实上,敌人的第一次攻击失败了。尤斯塔斯似乎未能为之高兴,他渴得厉害,他的胳膊也疼得厉害。 被打败的卡乐门士兵回到他们的指挥官那儿时,小矮人们开始嘲笑他们。“打够了,黑皮?”他们叫着说道,“你们不喜欢打仗?为什么你们伟大的‘泰坎’自己不去作战,却派你们去送死?可怜的黑皮!” “小矮人们,”蒂莲喊道,“过来吧,用你们的剑作战,可别用你们的舌头舌战。时间还是有的。纳尼亚的小矮人们,我知道。你们打得很好。回来效忠你们的国家吧。” “呀!”小矮人嘲弄道,“不见得吧。你们就跟另外一帮子一样,都是大骗子。小矮人总是为小矮人而奋斗的。我们不要什么国王。呸!”于是战鼓开始响起来了:这一回可不是小矮人的小鼓,而是卡乐门的公牛皮大鼓。孩子们一开头就憎恨这种鼓声。嘭一嘭吧一吧一嘭地响下去。但如果孩子们明白这鼓声的用意,他们就会更加厉害地憎恨它了。蒂莲明白,附近什么地方有别的卡乐门军队,鼓声的用意就是“泰坎”利什达在向他们呼救求援。蒂莲和珍宝烦恼地面面相觑。他们刚开始指望他们今夜能获全胜,但如果新的敌军来到,那就全都完蛋了。蒂莲绝望地向四周打量。有几头纳尼亚野兽跟卡乐门兵站在一起,不论他们是背信弃义还是由于真心害怕“塔什兰”。其他的正一动也不动地坐着,目不转晴地瞧着,不像要参加那一方作战。然而,现在野兽的数量更少了,形成的群也更小了。十分清楚,好几头野兽在战斗时悄悄溜掉了。可怕的鼓声继续擂下去:嘭一嘭一吧一吧一嘭。接着是另一种声音掺入了鼓声。“听!”珍宝说。“瞧!”老鹰道。片刻之后,这究竟是什么,已经是毫无疑问的了。二十多匹会说人话的马儿,蹄声如雷鸣隆隆,摇晃着脑袋,张大着鼻孔,抖动着鬃毛,正在冲上山来。会啃会啮的小不点儿们已经做了工作,马儿成群结队地来支援了。 小矮人波金和孩子们张开嘴巴欢呼,但那欢呼可没有喊出声音来。空中突然充满了嘣嘣的弓弦声和嗖嗖的射箭声。正在射箭的小矮人们——吉尔在片刻之间简直没法儿相信自己的眼睛——小矮人正向马儿射箭哩。小矮人都是致人死命的弓箭手。马儿一匹又一匹地滚翻了。这些高贵的马儿没有一匹到达国王身边。 “小猪猡,”尤斯塔斯愤怒得双脚直跳,尖声骂道,“肮脏龌龊的背信弃义的小畜生。”甚至珍宝也说:“可要我追上这些小矮人,用我的独角一戳过去就刺穿十个?”但蒂莲的面色严峻如石头,说道:“站定了,珍宝。宝贝儿(这是对吉尔说的),如果你一定要哭,那就转过脸去,留神别让泪水沾湿了弓弦。尤斯塔斯,你安静点儿,别像厨娘一样骂人。战士可不骂人的。有礼貌的言词或者强有力的打击,是战士惟一的语言。” 但小矮人们对尤斯塔斯报之以嘲笑:“小家伙,这事叫你吃了一惊,啊?你认为我们是站在你们一边的吧,你可认为?别害怕。我们不要什么说人话的马儿。我不希望你们比另外一帮子赢得更多。你们没法儿叫我们受骗上当。小矮人总是为小矮人而奋斗。” “泰坎”利什达仍旧在对他的部队讲话,毫无疑问是在为第二次攻击做好安排,很可能指望把他的整个军事力量都投入先头部队。战鼓继续冬冬地响。接着,使他们惊惶的是,蒂莲和他的朋友们听到了一种遥相呼应的轻微鼓声,仿佛是从老远的地方传来的鼓声。另一支卡乐门部队听到了利什达的信号,正在赶来支援他了。蒂莲现在已经放弃了一切希望,但你从他脸上神情可看不出来。 “听着,”他用镇定的声调低语道,“我们现在必须攻击了,趁那边的凶恶敌人还没有得到友军的增援。” “陛下,请你考虑一下,”波金说道,“我们在这儿背后有马厩坚实的木板墙挡着。我们如果向前挺进,难道我们不会受到包围,难道两肩之间不会挨到刀尖吗?”. “小矮人,我也会像你这样说话的,”蒂莲说道,“把我们逼进马厩,难道不是他们的阴谋诡计吗?我们离你那致命的门愈远愈好。” “国王说得对,”老鹰说道,“不惜一切代价,离开这可恶的马厩,不管它里边住的是什么妖怪。” “是啊,让我们离开这马厩吧,”尤斯塔斯说道,“我变得一看见马厩心头就恨恨的。” “行,”蒂莲说道,“现在往我们的左边瞧瞧。你看到一块大石头,在火光里像大理石一样闪耀着雪白的光彩。首先我们要袭击那些卡乐门士兵,小姐,你运动到我们的左边,尽力把箭迅速射进他们的队伍里去;老鹰,你从左边飞过去,袭击他们的脸。与此同时,我们其他的人马就向他们冲去。当我们逼近敌人时,吉尔,怕误射了自己人,你就不能再射箭了,你可以回到白石头那儿等候。你们其他的人,即使在作战时也要竖起耳朵细听。我们必须在几分钟之内把他们打得四散逃跑,不然就压根儿打不跑他们了,因为我们的人员比他们少。我一叫后退,你们就跑到大石头那儿与吉尔会合,我们在那石头后面可以有个掩护,可以有一会儿歇口气。现在,吉尔,出发吧。” 吉尔觉得孤零零得可怕,她向前跑了二十英尺光景,右腿右伸,左腿前伸,箭搭在弦上,她但愿她的双手别那么发抖。她的第一支箭迅速向敌人射去,越过敌人的脑袋飞开去了。她说道:“这一箭可射糟了。”但她随即搭上第二支箭,她知道,重要的是射箭的速度,要打他个措手不及。她看到一个又大又黑的东西,扑到了卡乐门士兵的脸上。那是千里眼老鹰。起初是一个兵,随即是其他的兵,丢下手里的剑,举起双手护住自己的眼睛。然后是她射出的一支箭击中了一个士兵,另一支又击中了一头纳尼亚狼,这狼好像参加了敌人的队伍。但她刚射了几秒钟就不得不停止了。蒂莲及其伙伴向敌人猛冲过去了,仿佛百米赛跑似的,剑光闪闪,野猪的獠牙和珍宝的独角横冲直撞,狗儿们吠叫呐喊。吉尔诧异地看到卡乐门士兵仿佛处于毫无准备的状态,她并未认识到这正是她和老鹰的汗马功劳。军队如果一边受到利箭的射击,另一边又受到老鹰尖嘴的猛啄,是很少能稳稳地瞅着正面的战线的。 “啊,打得好!打得好!”吉尔大叫大喊。国王的队伍夺路攻入敌阵。独角兽用独角挑起人来就像你用叉子挑动干草一样。在吉尔看来,甚至尤斯塔斯(他毕竟对剑术知之甚少)也打得挺漂亮。狗儿们正咬着卡乐门士兵的喉咙。战斗正在顺利进行。终于胜利在望了——吉尔浑身打了一个可怕的寒颤:她把一件奇怪的事情看在眼里啦。虽然每次纳尼亚的利剑劈将下去,必有卡乐门士兵倒毙,可是卡乐门士兵的数量,似乎一点儿也没有减少。事实上,对方的兵员,反而比战斗开始时确实增多了。每一秒钟都有兵员增加。他们从四面八方奔跑而来。他们是新来的卡乐门士兵。这些新来乍到的兵都有长矛。敌方兵员涌过来一大群,吉尔没法儿望见她的战友们了。接着她听见蒂莲喊叫的声音:“撤退!撤到白石头去!”敌人已经得到增援。鼓声完成了它的任务。 Chapter 12 THROUGH THE STABLE DOOR JILL ought to have been back at the white rock already but she had quite forgotten that part of her orders in the excitement of watching the fight. Now she remembered. She turned at once and ran to it, and arrived there barely a second before the others. It thus happened that all of them, for a moment, had their backs to the enemy. They all wheeled round the moment they had reached it. A terrible sight met their eyes. A Calormene was running towards the stable door carrying something that kicked and struggled. As he came between them and the fire they could see clearly both the shape of the man and the shape of what he carried. It was Eustace. Tirian and the Unicorn rushed out to rescue him. But the Calormene was now far nearer to the door then they. Before they had covered half the distance he had flung Eustace in and shut the door on him. Half a dozen more Calormenes had run up behind him. They formed a line on the open space before the stable. There was no getting at it now. Even then Jill remembered to keep her face turned aside, well away from her bow. "Even if I can't stop blubbing, I won't get my string wet," she said. "'Ware arrows," said Poggin suddenly. Everyone ducked and pulled his helmet well over his nose. The Dogs crouched behind. But though a few arrows came their way it soon became clear that they were not being shot at. Griffle and his Dwarfs were at their archery again. This time they were coolly shooting at the Calormenes. "Keep it up, boys!" came Griffle's voice. "All together. Carefully. We don't want Darkies any more than we want Monkeys - or Lions - or Kings. The Dwarfs are for the Dwarfs." Whatever else you may say about Dwarfs, no one can say they aren't brave. They could easily have got away to some safe place. They preferred to stay and kill as many of both sides as they could, except when both sides were kind enough to save them trouble by killing one another. They wanted Narnia for their own. What perhaps they had not taken into account was that the Calormenes were mail-clad and the Horses had had no protection. Also the Calormenes had a leader. Rishda Tarkaan's voice cried out: "Thirty of you keep watch on those fools by the white rock. The rest, after me, that we may teach these sons of earth a lesson." Tirian and his friends, still panting from their fight and thankful for a few minutes' rest, stood and looked on while the Tarkaan led his men against the Dwarfs. It was a strange scene by now. The fire had sunk lower: the light it gave was now less and of a darker red. As far as one could see, the whole place of assembly was now empty except for the Dwarf and the Calormenes. In that light one couldn't make out much of what was happening. It sounded as if the Dwarfs were putting up a good fight. Tirian could hear Griffle using dreadful language, and every now and then the Tarkaan calling, "Take all you can alive! Take them alive!" Whatever that fight may have been like, it did not last long. The noise of it died away. Then Jill saw the Tarkaan coming back to the stable: eleven men followed him, dragging eleven bound Dwarfs. (Whether the others had all been killed, or whether some of them had got away, was never known.) "Throw them into the shrine of Tash," said Rishda Tarkaan. And when the eleven Dwarfs, one after the other, had been flung or kicked into that dark doorway and the door had been shut again, he bowed low to the stable and said: "These also are for thy burnt offering, Lord Tash." And all the Calormenes banged the flats of their swords on their shields and shouted, "Tash! Tash! The great god Tash! Inexorable Tash!" (There was no nonsense about "Tashlan" now.) The little party by the white rock watched these doings and whispered to one another. They had found a trickle of water coming down the rock and all had drunk eagerly - Jill and Poggin and the King in their hands, while the four-footed ones lapped from the little pool which it had made at the foot of the stone. Such was their thirst that it seemed the most delicious drink they had ever had in their lives, and while they were drinking they were perfectly happy and could not think of anything else. "I feel in my bones," said Poggin, "that we shall all, one by one, pass through that dark door before morning. I can think of a hundred deaths I would rather have died." "It is indeed a grim door," said Tirian. "It is more like a mouth." "Oh, can't we do anything to stop it?" said Jill in a shaken voice. "Nay, fair friend," said Jewel, nosing her gently. "It may be for us the door to Aslan's country and we shall sup at his table tonight." Rishda Tarkaan turned his back on the stable and walked slowly to a place in front of the white rock. "Hearken," he said. "If the Boar and the Dogs and the Unicorn will come over to me and put themselves in my mercy, their lives shall be spared. The Boar shall go to a cage in The Tisroc's garden, the Dogs to The Tisroc's kennels, and the Unicorn, when I have sawn his horn off, shall draw a cart. But the Eagle, the children, and he who was the King shall be offered to Tash this night." The only answer was growls. "Get on, warriors," said the Tarkaan. "Kill the beasts, but take the two-legged ones alive." And then the last battle of the last King of Narnia began. What made it hopeless, even apart from the numbers of the enemy, was the spears. The Calormenes who had been with the Ape almost from the beginning had had no spears: that was because they had come into Narnia by ones and twos, pretending to be peaceful merchants, and of course they had carried no spears for a spear is not a thing you can hide. The new ones must have come in later, after the Ape was already strong and they could march openly. The spears made all the difference. With a long spear you can kill a boar before you are in reach of his tusks and a unicorn before you are in reach of his horn; if you are very quick and keep your head. And now the levelled spears were closing in on Tirian and his last friends. Next minute they were all fighting for their lives. In a way it wasn't quite so bad as you might think. When you are using every muscle to the full - ducking under a spear-point here, leaping over it there, lunging forward, drawing back, wheeling round - you haven't much time to feel either frightened or sad. Tirian knew he could do nothing for the others now; they were all doomed together. He vaguely saw the Boar go down on one side of him, and Jewel fighting furiously on the other. Out of the corner of one eye he saw, but only just saw, a big Calormene pulling Jill away somewhere by her hair. But he hardly thought about any of these things. His only thought now was to sell his life as dearly as he could. The worst of it was that he couldn't keep to the position in which he had started, under the white rock. A man who is fighting a dozen enemies at once must take his chances wherever he can; must dart in wherever he sees an enemy's breast or neck unguarded. In a very few strokes this may get you quite a distance from the spot where you began. Tirian soon found that he was getting further and further to the right, nearer to the stable. He had a vague idea in his mind that there was some good reason for keeping away from it. But he couldn't now remember what the reason was. And anyway, he couldn't help it. All at once everything came quite clear. He found he was fighting the Tarkaan himself. The bonfire (what was left of it) was straight in front. He was in fact fighting in the very doorway of the stable, for it had been opened and two Calormenes were holding the door, ready to slam it shut the moment he was inside. He remembered everything now, and he realized that the enemy had been edging him to the stable on purpose ever since the fight began. And while he was thinking this he was still fighting the Tarkaan as hard as he could. A new idea came into Tirian's head. He dropped his sword, darted forward, in under the sweep of the Tarkaan's scimitar, seized his enemy by the belt with both hands, and jumped back into the stable, shouting: "Come in and meet Tash yourself!" There was a deafening noise. As when the Ape had been flung in, the earth shook and there was a blinding light. The Calormene soldiers outside screamed. "Tash, Tash!" and banged the door. If Tash wanted their own Captain, Tash must have him. They, at any rate, did not want to meet Tash. For a moment or two Tirian did not know where he was or even who he was. Then he steadied himself, blinked, and looked around. It was not dark inside the stable, as he had expected. He was in strong light: that was why he was blinking. He turned to look at Rishda Tarkaan, but Rishda was not looking at him. Rishda gave a great wail and pointed; then he put his hands before his face and fell flat, face downwards, on the ground. Tirian looked in the direction where the Tarkaan had pointed. And then he understood. A terrible figure was coming towards them. It was far smaller than the shape they had seen from the Tower, though still much bigger than a man, and it was the same. It had a vulture's head and four arms. Its beak was open and its eyes blazed. A croaking voice came from its beak. "Thou hast called me into Narnia, Rishda Tarkaan. Here I am. What hast thou to say?" But the Tarkaan neither lifted his face from the ground nor said a word. He was shaking like a man with a bad hiccup. He was brave enough in battle: but half his courage had left him earlier that night when he first began to suspect that there might be a real Tash. The rest of it had left him now. With a sudden jerk -like a hen stooping to pick up a worm - Tash pounced on the miserable Rishda and tucked him under the upper of his two right arms. Then Tash turned his head sidewise to fix Tirian with one of his terrible eyes: for of course, having a bird's head, he couldn't look at you straight. But immediately, from behind Tash, strong and calm as the summer sea, a voice said: "Begone, Monster, and take your lawful prey to your own place: in the name of Aslan and Aslan's great Father the Emperor-over-the-Sea." The hideous creature vanished, with the Tarkaan still under its arm. And Tirian turned to see who had spoken. And what he saw then set his heart beating as it had never beaten in any fight. Seven Kings and Queens stood before him, all with crowns on their heads and all in glittering clothes, but the Kings wore fine mail as well and had their swords drawn in their hands. Tirian bowed courteously and was about to speak when the youngest of the Queens laughed. He stared hard at her face, and then gasped with amazement, for he knew her. It was Jill: but not Jill as he had last seen her, with her face all dirt and tears and an old drill dress half slipping off one shoulder. Now she looked cool and fresh, as fresh as if she had just come from bathing. And at first he thought she looked older, but then didn't, and he could never make up his mind on that point. And then he saw that the youngest of the Kings was Eustace: but he also was changed as Jill was changed. Tirian suddenly felt awkward about coming among these people with the blood and dust and sweat of a battle still on him. Next moment he realized that he was not in that state at all. He was fresh and cool and clean, and dressed in such clothes as he would have worn for a great feast at Cair Paravel. (But in Narnia your good clothes were never your uncomfortable ones. They knew how to make things that felt beautiful as well as looking beautiful in Narnia: and there was no such thing as starch or flannel or elastic to be found from one end of the country to the other.) "Sire," said Jill coming forward and making a beautiful curtsey, "let me make you known to Peter the High King over all Kings in Narnia." Tirian had no need to ask which was the High King, for he remembered his face (though here it was far nobler) from his dream. He stepped forward, sank on one knee and kissed Peter's hand. "High King," he said. "You are welcome to me." And the High King raised him and kissed him on both cheeks as a High King should. Then he led him to the eldest of the Queens - but even she was not old, and there were no grey hairs on her head and no wrinkles on her cheek - and said, "Sir, this is that Lady Polly who came into Narnia on the First Day, when Aslan made the trees grow and the Beasts talk." He brought him next to a man whose golden beard flowed over his breast and whose face was full of wisdom. "And this," he said, "is the Lord Digory who was with her on that day. And this is my brother, King Edmund: and this my sister, the Queen Lucy." "Sir," said Tirian, when he had greeted all these. "If I have read the chronicle aright, there should be another. Has not your Majesty two sisters? Where is Queen Susan?" "My sister Susan," answered Peter shortly and gravely, "is no longer a friend of Narnia." "Yes," said Eustace, "and whenever you've tried to get her to come and talk about Narnia or do anything about Narnia, she says, `What wonderful memories you have! Fancy your still thinking about all those funny games we used to play when we were children.'" "Oh Susan!" said Jill. "She's interested in nothing nowadays except nylons and lipstick and invitations. She always was a jolly sight too keen on being grown-up." "Grown-up, indeed," said the Lady Polly. "I wish she would grow up. She wasted all her school time wanting to be the age she is now, and she'll waste all the rest of her life trying to stay that age. Her whole idea is to race on to the silliest time of one's life as quick as she can and then stop there as long as she can." "Well, don't let's talk about that now," said Peter. "Look! Here are lovely fruit-trees. Let us taste them." And then, for the first time, Tirian looked about him and realized how very queer this adventure was. 12穿过马厩的门 吉尔早该已经回到白石头那儿的,但她兴奋地观战时把她所接受的这一部分命令完全忘记了。现在她记了起来。她立刻转身向白石头跑去,仅仅比其他的人早到一秒钟。撤退之际,他们大家有一阵子都是背对着敌人的。他们到达白石头时便转过身来。他们的眼睛见到了一个可怕的景象。 一个卡乐门士兵正向马厩的门跑去,他手里还挟着个正在踢脚挣扎的东西。卡乐门士兵来到他们与篝火之间时,他们能清清楚楚地看到士兵和士兵所挟着的东西的形体。原来是尤斯塔斯。: 蒂莲和独角兽跑过去抢救尤斯塔斯。但那卡乐门士兵现在比他们离马厩的门近得多。他们还没有走近一半距离,士兵已经把尤斯塔斯扔进门去,而且把门关上了。六七个卡乐门士兵在他后面赶了上来。士兵们在马厩前的空地上布成了阵势。现在没法儿突过去了。这时吉尔也记住了转过脸去离开弓弦的嘱咐。“即使我不能停止哭泣,我也不会沾湿我的弓弦了。”她说。“留神利箭。”波金突然说道。 大家都低下头来,把头盔拉得遮住鼻子。狗儿们蹲伏在他们的背后。然而,尽管有几支箭向他们这边射来,不久就弄明白了:他们并不是对方要射杀的对象。格里夫尔和他的小矮人们又在摆弄弓箭了,这一次他们正在冷静地射杀卡乐门士兵。“孩子们,鼓足勇气!”传来格里夫尔的声音,“大家一起干。谨慎小心。我们不要黑皮,正如我们不要无尾猿——狮子——国王,一模一样。小矮人总是拥护小矮人。”不论你会怎样议论小矮人,可没有人能说它们是不勇敢的。它们满可以轻易地离开现场,到某一个安全地区去。它们却宁可待在原地,尽其所能地杀掉双方的许多战士:除非双方互相杀戮,从而仁慈地省得麻烦小矮人们动手。小矮人们要纳尼亚成为小矮人们自己的纳尼亚。 小矮人或许没有估计到的是:卡乐门士兵穿着铠甲,马儿却毫无保护。卡乐门士兵还有个指挥作战的头目。利什达的声音在大叫大喊:“你们三十个人监视白石头旁边的那些傻瓜,其余的人都跟我来,我们不妨给这些泥土的儿子们一个狠狠的教训。”蒂莲和他的朋友们,作战后喘息未止,倒很感谢有几分钟休息,“泰坎”带领他的人马向小矮人们冲击时,他们站在一旁观看。眼前是一片奇怪的景象。篝火的火焰往下落了,它发出的光亮度也减低了,颜色也变为暗红色了。人们能够看得出的是:整个集会的地方现在空荡荡的,只剩下小矮人和卡乐门士兵。在这种暗淡的光线里,人们对正在发生的事情,已经看不到看不清多少了。听上去小矮人们正在进行一场激烈的拼搏。蒂莲听得见格里夫尔正在使用可怕的语言骂人,而“泰坎”间歇地叫喊:“要尽力把他们全都活捉过来!活捉他们!” 不论这场战斗是怎么打的,打的时间可不长。鼓噪声逐渐消失了。于是吉尔便看到“泰坎”回到马厩这边来了;有十一个兵跟着他,拖着十一个擒获后绑起来的小矮人。(其他的小矮人是否都被杀死了,其中是否有些已经逃走了,那可永远不知道了。“把它们扔进塔什的神殿里去。”“泰坎”利什达说。 那十一个小矮人,一个复一个的,被扔进或踢进马厩黑暗的门口,门又重新关上了,这时他向马厩低首鞠躬,说道:“这些也都是供你焚烧的祭品。塔什神啊。” 所有的卡乐门士兵都用刀背砰砰地敲着他们的盾,大声喊道:“塔什!塔什!伟大的塔什神!不可抗拒的塔什神!”(如今可不说那荒谬绝伦的“塔什兰”了。白石头旁的这一小群人马瞧着这些行动,互相窃窃私语。他们发现一道涓滴细流正从白石头上淌下来,大家便迫不及待地喝水——吉尔、波金和国王都用双手捧水喝,四条腿的动物则从白石头底下积起来的小小水潭中舔水吃。他们是那么口渴得厉害,因而这水就仿佛是他们平生所喝的最美味的饮料;他们喝水时开心得很,因而其他事情都想不起来了。“我深信不疑,”波金说,“我们大家,都将一个又一个的,在早晨之前穿过那黑暗的门。我可不愿那样死去。我能想得出上百种其他死法哩。” “这确实是个残酷无情的门,”蒂莲道,“它更像一张血盆大口。”“啊,我们能有什么办法堵住它吗?”吉尔用颤抖的声音问道。 “不,漂亮的朋友,”珍宝说道,温柔地用鼻子碰碰她,“说不定这是通往阿斯兰的国家的门,今夜我们可以在阿斯兰的餐桌上吃晚饭哩。” “泰坎”利什达转身背着马厩,慢慢地向白石头前面的一个地点走去。 “听着,”他说,“如果野猪、狗和独角兽愿意到我这儿来,哀求我大发慈悲。我可以饶它们的命。野猪可以到‘蒂斯罗克’御花园的笼子里去;狗儿们可到‘蒂斯罗克’的养狗场去,独角兽,在我锯掉它的角以后,可以去拉车,但,老鹰、孩子们和那个做国王的人,今夜都要当做祭品,上供给塔什神。” 惟一的回答是愤怒的号叫。 “战士们,上!”“泰坎”下令道,“杀死那些畜生,活捉那几个两脚的人。” 于是,纳尼亚最后一个国王的最后一战开始了。 除了敌人人多势众外,使战斗胜利无望的,乃是敌人的长矛。几乎从开头起一直跟无尾猿沆瀣一气的卡乐门人是没有长矛的:因为他们是一个两个地乔装成商人进入纳尼亚的,他们当然不带长矛,长矛可不是件能藏起来的东西。 新的卡乐门人必定是以后才来的,那时无尾猿已经强大,卡乐门人可以公开地行军了。有了长矛,情况就截然不同。如果你动作敏捷,头脑镇静的话,手持长矛,你便可以在獠牙还够不着你时把野猪刺死,在独角还够不着你时把独角兽刺死。如今并举的许多长矛都在向蒂莲和他最后的朋友们逼拢来了。他们不久都在为保全生命而战斗拼搏了。 说不定你会认为:从某一方面看来,这样拼命战斗倒也不坏。当你充分运用全身的肌肉——这儿低头避过矛尖,那儿跳过矛尖,忽而猛烈前冲,忽而往后退缩,忽而旋转又旋转——你就没有时间感到惊惶或悲哀了。蒂莲知道现在他对其他的人马无能为力了:他们大家都在劫难逃。他模糊地看到野猪在他的身边倒下了,珍宝在另一边猛烈地战斗。他从一只眼睛的眼角上望见,只是勉强望见,一个卡乐门大个儿揪住吉尔的头发,把她拉到什么地方去了。但他很难考虑这些事情,哪一件也考虑不起来。他现在惟一的思想是尽其所能为自己的生命索取高昂的代价。最糟糕的是他不能固守住白石头下他最初所选定的阵地。一个人同时与十几个敌人作战,必须利用他能在任何地方碰到的机会;他在任何地方看到敌人的未曾保护的胸膛或颈子,就必须冲过去。而刚砍了几刀,就会使你离你出发的地点相当远了。蒂莲不久就发现自己愈来愈往右边儿前进,离马厩更近了。他脑子里有个朦朦胧胧的概念:远离马厩是大有道理的。但他没法儿把这道理记起来了。无论如何,他身不由己,无可奈何。 突然之间,一切又变得相当清楚了。他发现自己正在跟那“泰坎”作战。篝火(残余的那点儿火焰)在他的正前方。事实上,他正在马厩的门口作战,因为马厩的门洞开着,两个卡乐门士兵掌握着门,准备在他刚进门的瞬间立刻把门关上。现在他把一切都记起来了,他认识到敌人从战斗刚开始时起,便一直存心要把他逐渐逼到马厩那儿去。他想到这一点时,仍在同“泰坎”作战,他尽力拼搏。一个新的主意来到蒂莲的头脑里。他放下他的剑,在“泰坎”挥舞的弯刀下朝前蹿了过去,他双手拉住敌人的皮带,把敌人抓了过来,他自己也跳进马厩门里,大声喊道:“你自己进来跟塔什见面吧!” 一阵震耳欲聋的声音。就像无尾猿被扔进去时一样,大地震动,发出令人目眩的光芒。 马厩外的卡乐门士兵大声叫喊,“塔什,塔什!”砰的一声,把门关上了。如果塔什神需要他们自己的队长,塔什神必定会留他的。他们,无论如何,可不想同塔什神见面。: 有那么一两分钟,蒂莲不知道他是在什么地方,甚至不知道他自己是谁。然后他站稳身体,眨眨眼睛,向周围打量。并不像他所料想的,马厩里倒并不黑暗。原来他现在置身于强烈的光芒之中:这就是他眨眨眼睛的缘故。 他转过身来看看“泰坎”利什达,但利什达却不在看他。利什达号啕大哭,指指点点;然后他双手伸在面部前面,面部朝着地上,直挺挺地倒下去了。蒂莲朝着“泰坎”所指的方向瞧去。于是他明白了。% 一个可怕的形体正在向他们走来。它的形体比他们在堡垒里见到的要小得多,尽管还是比一个人的形体大得多,而且它就是同一个家伙。它生着一个秃鹫的脑袋和四条胳膊。它的尖嘴巴是张开着的,它的眼睛里冒出火光来,它的尖嘴巴里发出嘶哑的声音。 “‘泰坎’利什达,你曾经向我呼吁,要我进入纳尼亚。现在我来了。你有什么话要跟我说呢?”然而,那位“泰坎”既不从地上抬起头来,也不说一句话。他浑身发抖,像个患恶性打呃的病人。他在战斗中是够勇敢的;但,当夜早些时候他心里第一次开始怀疑也可能有真正的塔什存在时,他的一半儿勇气已经消失了。剩下来的勇气现在都消失无遗了。 塔什突然身体一扭——像只鸡俯下头来啄一条小虫一样——扑到那可怜巴巴的利什达身上,把他提起来挟在它左边两条胳膊下面。塔什然后斜过头来用一只可怕的眼睛盯住蒂莲直瞧,因为它既然长的是个鸟头,当然没法儿笔直地瞧人。 然而,从塔什的背后,突然响起了一个声音,洪大而又平静,犹如夏天的海涛。这声音说道: “我们以阿斯兰和阿斯兰的祖父海外皇帝的名义命令你:来吧,妖怪,带着你合法的牺牲品回到你自己的地方去吧。” 那丑陋可怕的家伙,臂下挟着“泰坎”,销声匿迹了。蒂莲转过头来看看,是谁在说话。他所看到的景象,使他的心怦怦直跳,他在任何战斗中都从来不曾这样心跳过。" 七个国王和女王站在他的面前,都是头上戴着王冠,身上穿着闪闪生光的衣服,不过国王们都穿着精美铠甲,手里拿着出鞘的剑。蒂莲彬彬有礼地鞠躬,他正要说话时,最年轻的女王哈哈大笑。原来她就是吉尔,可不是他最后一次看到她时的吉尔:满脸肮脏和泪水,穿一件旧的训练服,一个肩膀上有一半儿滑下来了。现在她看上去清凉爽快气色极好,那气色就跟刚洗过澡一样。起初他觉得她看上去年纪大了一点儿了,接着又觉得年纪不大,他在这个问题上拿不准。然后他又认出那最年轻的国王便是尤斯塔斯:但他也同吉尔一样发生了变化。 蒂莲突然觉得:身上还留着战争的血、汗和尘土来到这些国王与女王面前,真是尴尬,但转瞬之间他就发觉自己压根儿不是处在这种境况里。他也是清洁凉爽、气色极好,身上穿着他在凯尔帕拉维尔赴宴时穿的那种衣服。 但,在纳尼亚,好衣服绝不是你们那种口叫人不舒服的衣服。在纳尼亚,他们懂得怎样把衣服做得外观美丽而又感觉舒适。从国内这一头到那一头,你找不到像浆衣服的淀粉、法兰绒以及松紧带之类的东西。“陛下,”吉尔走上前来行了个美丽的屈膝礼,说道,“让我引你觐见那位领导纳尼亚各位国王的至尊王彼得吧。” 蒂莲无需问谁是至尊王,因为他记得他梦中所见的脸,尽管现在见到的脸更加雍容华贵。他走上一步,跪下一膝,吻彼得的手。“至尊王的手,”他说,“我欢迎你驾临。”至尊王扶他起来,吻他的双颊;按规矩,至尊王应该如此。然后至尊王引他觐见最老的女王——但,连她也年纪不大,她的头上没有白发,她的面颊上没有皱纹——他说: “阁下,这位是波莉夫人,阿斯兰使树木生长、野兽说人话的第一天,她就到纳尼亚来了。”其次,至尊王引他去见一个男子汉,金色长须飘拂在胸前,脸上充满智慧。“这位是我的弟弟,爱德蒙国王,这一位是我的妹妹,露茜女王。” “阁下,”蒂莲向这些人都行过礼后,说道,“如果我对我读过的纳尼亚年代纪记得不错的话,应该还有一位。陛下不是有两个妹妹吗?苏珊女王在哪儿呢?”“我的妹妹苏珊,”彼得短促而严肃地答道,“不再是纳尼亚的朋友了。”“是的,”尤斯塔斯说,“不论什么时候,你试图叫她来谈谈纳尼亚或者为纳尼亚做点儿什么事情,她总是说:‘你们的记忆何等神奇!真想不到你们竞仍旧想着我们在儿童时期经常玩的那些个有趣的游戏。”“啊,苏珊!”吉尔说,“如今她除了尼龙制品、唇膏和请帖外,对什么都不感兴趣。她总是对于长大成人的欢乐景象太敏感了。” “长大成人,真是的,”波莉夫人说道,“我但愿她会长大成人。她浪费了她所有的在学校里读书的光阴,一心要达到她现在的年龄,并且竭力要停止在现在的年龄而将会浪费她一生其余的光阴。她的整个儿意图是:尽其所能地赶快跑到人生最傻里傻气的阶段,而且尽其所能地长久停留在这个阶段里。”“啊,咱们现在不去谈它,”彼得说,“瞧啊!这儿有美丽可爱的果实。让我们尝尝吧。” 于是,蒂莲第一次环视四周,认识到这次冒险活动真是十分古怪 Chapter 13 HOW THE DWARFS REFUSED TO BE TAKEN IN TIRIAN had thought - or he would have thought if he had time to think at all - that they were inside a little thatched stable, about twelve feet long and six feet wide. In reality they stood on grass, the deep blue sky was overhead, and the air which blew gently on their faces was that of a day in early summer. Not far away from them rose a grove of trees, thickly leaved, but under every leaf there peeped out the gold or faint yellow or purple or glowing red of fruits such as no one has seen in our world. The fruit made Tirian feel that it must be autumn but there was something in the feel of the air that told him it could not be later than June. They all moved towards the trees. Everyone raised his hand to pick the fruit he best liked the look of, and then everyone paused for a second. This fruit was so beautiful that each felt "It can't be meant for me... surely we're not allowed to pluck it." "It's all right," said Peter. "I know what we're all thinking. But I'm sure, quite sure, we needn't. I've a feeling we've got to the country where everything is allowed." "Here goes, then!" said Eustace. And they all began to eat. What was the fruit like? Unfortunately no one can describe a taste. All I can say is that, compared with those fruits, the freshest grapefruit you've ever eaten was dull, and the juiciest orange was dry, and the most melting pear was hard and woody, and the sweetest wild strawberry was sour. And there were no seeds or stones, and no wasps. If you had once eaten that fruit, all the nicest things in this world would taste like medicines after it. But I can't describe it. You can't find out what it is like unless you can get to that country and taste it for yourself. When they had eaten enough, Eustace said to King Peter, "You haven't yet told us how you got here. You were just going to, when King Tirian turned up." "There's not much to tell," said Peter. "Edmund and I were standing on the platform and we saw your train coming in. I remember thinking it was taking the bend far too fast. And I remember thinking how funny it was that our people were probably in the same train though Lucy didn't know about it -" "Your people, High King?" said Tirian. "I mean my Father and Mother - Edmund's and Lucy's and mine." "Why were they?" asked Jill. "You don't mean to say they know about Narnia?" "Oh no, it had nothing to do with Narnia. They were on their way to Bristol. I'd only heard they were going that morning. But Edmund said they'd be bound to be going by that train." (Edmund was the sort of person who knows about railways.) "And what happened then?" said Jill. "Well, it's not very easy to describe, is it, Edmund?" said the High King. "Not very," said Edmund. "It wasn't at all like that other time when we were pulled out of our own world by Magic. There was a frightful roar and something hit me with a bang, but it didn't hurt. And I felt not so much scared as - well, excited. Oh - and this is one queer thing. I'd had a rather sore knee, from a hack at rugger. I noticed it had suddenly gone. And I felt very light. And then - here we were." "It was much the same for us in the railway carriage," said the Lord Digory, wiping the last traces of the fruit from his golden beard. "Only I think you and I, Polly, chiefly felt that we'd been unstiffened. You youngsters won't understand. But we stopped feeling old." "Youngsters, indeed!" said Jill. "I don't believe you two really are much older than we are here." "Well if we aren't, we have been," said the Lady Polly. "And what has been happening since you got here?" asked Eustace. "Well," said Peter, "for a long time (at least I suppose it was a long time) nothing happened. Then the door opened -" "The door?" said Tirian. "Yes," said Peter. "The door you came in - or came out - by. Have you forgotten?" "But where is it?" "Look," said Peter and pointed. Tirian looked and saw the queerest and most ridiculous thing you can imagine. Only a few yards away, clear to be seen in the sunlight, there stood up a rough wooden door and, round it, the framework of the doorway: nothing else, no walls, no roof. He walked towards it, bewildered, and the others followed, watching to see what he would do. He walked round to the other side of the door. But it looked just the same from the other side: he was still in the open air, on a summer morning. The door was simply standing up by itself as if it had grown there like a tree. "Fair Sir," said Tirian to the High King, "this is a great marvel." "It is the door you came through with that Calormene five minutes ago," said Peter smiling. "But did I not come in out of the wood into the stable? Whereas this seems to be a door leading from nowhere to nowhere." "It looks like that if you walk round it," said Peter. "But put your eye to that place where there is a crack between two of the planks and look through." Tirian put his eye to the hole. At first he could see nothing but blackness. Then, at his eyes grew used to it, he saw the dull red glow of a bonfire that was nearly going out, and above that, in a black sky, stars. Then he could see dark figures moving about or standing between him and the fire: he could hear them talking and their voices were like those of Calormenes. So he knew that he was looking out through the stable door into the darkness of Lantern Waste where he had fought his last battle. The men were discussing whether to go in and look for Rishda Tarkaan (but none of them wanted to do that) or to set fire to the stable. He looked round again and could hardly believe his eyes. There was the blue sky overhead, and grassy country spreading as far as he could see in every direction, and his new friends all round him laughing. "It seems, then," said Tirian, smiling himself, "that the stable seen from within and the stable seen from without are two different places." "Yes," said the Lord Digory. "Its inside is bigger than its outside." "Yes," said Queen Lucy. "In our world too, a stable once had something inside it that was bigger than our whole world." It was the first time she had spoken, and from the thrill in her voice, Tirian now knew why. She was drinking everything in even more deeply than the others. She had been too happy to speak. He wanted to hear her speak again, so he said: "Of your courtesy, Madam, tell on. Tell me your whole adventure." "After the shock and the noise," said Lucy, "we found ourselves here. And we wondered at the door, as you did. Then the door opened for the first time (we saw darkness through the doorway when it did) and there came through a big man with a naked sword. We saw by his arms that he was a Calormene. He took his stand beside the door with his sword raised, resting on his shoulder, ready to cut down anyone who came through. We went to him and spoke to him, but we thought he could neither see nor hear us. And he never looked round on the sky and the sunlight and the grass: I think he couldn't see them either. So then we waited a long time. Then we heard the bolt being drawn on the other side of the door. But the man didn't get ready to strike with his sword till he could see who was coming in. So we supposed he had been told to strike some and spare others. But at the very moment when the door opened, all of a sudden Tash was there, on this side of the door; none of us saw where he came from. And through the door there came a big Cat. It gave one look at Tash and ran for its life: just in time, for he pounced at it and the door hit his beak as it was shut. The man could see Tash. He turned very pale and bowed down before the Monster: but it vanished away. "Then we waited a long time again. At last the door opened for the third time and there came in a young Calormene. I liked him. The sentinel at the door started, and looked very surprised, when he saw him. I think he'd been expecting someone quite different -" "I see it all now," said Eustace (he had the bad habit of interrupting stories). "The Cat was to go in first and the sentry had orders to do him no harm. Then the Cat was to come out and say he'd seen their beastly Tashlan and pretend to be frightened so as to scare the other Animals. But what Shift never guessed was that the real Tash would turn up; so Ginger came out really frightened. And after that, Shift would send in anyone he wanted to get rid of and the sentry would kill them. And -" "Friend," said Tirian softly, "you hinder the lady in her tale." "Well," said Lucy, "the sentry was surprised. That gave the other man just time to get on guard. They had a fight. He killed the sentry and flung him outside the door. Then he came walking slowly forward to where we were. He could see us, and everything else. We tried to talk to him but he was rather like a man in a trance. He kept on saying Tash, Tash, where is Tash? I go to Tash. So we gave it up and he went away somewhere - over there. I liked him. And after that ... ugh!" Lucy made a face. "After that," said Edmund, "someone flung a monkey through the door. And Tash was there again. My sister is so tender-hearted she doesn't like to tell you that Tash made one peck and the Monkey was gone!" "Serve him right!" said Eustace. "All the same, I hope he'll disagree with Tash too." "And after that," said Edmund, "came about a dozen Dwarfs: and then Jill, and Eustace, and last of all yourself." "I hope Tash ate the Dwarfs too," said Eustace. "Little swine." "No, he didn't," said Lucy. "And don't be horrid. Thery're still here. In fact you can see them from here. And I've tried and tried to make friends with them but it's no use." "Friends with them!" cried Eustace. "If you knew how those Dwarfs have been behaving!" "Oh stop it, Eustace," said Lucy. "Do come and see them. King Tirian, perhaps you could do something with them." "I can feel no great love for Dwarfs today," said Tirian. "Yet at your asking, Lady, I would do a greater thing than this." Lucy led the way and soon they could all see the Dwarfs. They had a very odd look. They weren't strolling about or enjoying themselves (although the cords with which they had been tied seemed to have vanished) nor were they lying down and having a rest. They were sitting very close together in a little circle facing one another. They never looked round or took any notice of the humans till Lucy and Tirian were almost near enough to touch them. Then the Dwarfs all cocked their heads as if they couldn't see anyone but were listening hard and trying to guess by the sound what was happening. "Look out!" said one of them in a surly voice. "Mind where you're going. Don't walk into our faces!" "All right!" said Eustace indignantly. "We're not blind. We've got eyes in our heads." "They must be darn good ones if you can see in here," said the same Dwarf whose name was Diggle. "In where?" asked Edmund. "Why you bone-head, in here of course," said Diggle. "In this pitch-black, poky, smelly little hole of a stable." "Are you blind?" said Tirian. "Ain't we all blind in the dark!" said Diggle. "But it isn't dark, you poor stupid Dwarfs," said Lucy. "Can't you see? Look up! Look round! Can't you see the sky and the trees and the flowers? Can't you see me?" "How in the name of all Humbug can I see what ain't there? And how can I see you any more than you can see me in this pitch darkness?" "But I can see you," said Lucy. "I'll prove I can see you. You've got a pipe in your mouth." "Anyone that knows the smell of baccy could tell that," said Diggle. "Oh the poor things! This is dreadful," said Lucy. Then she had an idea. She stopped and picked some wild violets. "Listen, Dwarf," she said. "Even if your eyes are wrong, perhaps your nose is all right: can you smell that?" She leaned across and held the fresh, damp flowers to Diggle's ugly nose. But she had to jump back quickly in order to avoid a blow from his hard little fist. "None of that!" he shouted. "How dare you! What do you mean by shoving a lot of filthy stable-litter in my face? There was a thistle in it too. It's like your sauce! And who are you anyway?" "Earth-man," said Tirian, "she is the Queen Lucy, sent hither by Aslan out of the deep past. And it is for her sake alone that I, Tirian your lawful King, do not cut all your heads from your shoulders, proved and twice-proved traitors that you are." "Well if that doesn't beat everything!" exclaimed Diggle. "How can you go on talking all that rot? Your wonderful Lion didn't come and help you, did he? Thought not. And now - even now - when you've been beaten and shoved into this black hole, just the same as the rest of us, you're still at your old game. Starting a new lie! Trying to make us believe we're none of us shut up, and it ain't dark, and heaven knows what." "There is no black hole, save in your own fancy, fool," cried Tirian. "Come out of it." And, leaning forward, he caught Diggle by the belt and the hood and swung him right out of the circle of Dwarfs. But the moment Tirian put him down, Diggle darted back to his place among the others, rubbing his nose and howling: "Ow! Ow! What d'you do that for! Banging my face against the wall. You've nearly broken my nose." "Oh dear!" said Lucy, "What are we to do for them?" "Let 'em alone," said Eustace: but as he spoke the earth trembled. The sweet air grew suddenly sweeter. A brightness flashed behind them. All turned. Tirian turned last because he was afraid. There stood his heart's desire, huge and real, the golden Lion, Aslan himself, and already the others were kneeling in a circle round his forepaws and burying their hands and faces in his mane as he stooped his great head to touch them with his tongue. Then he fixed his eyes upon Tirian, and Tirian came near, trembling, and flung himself at the Lion's feet, and the Lion kissed him and said, "Well done, last of the Kings of Narnia who stood firm at the darkest hour." "Aslan," said Lucy through her tears, "could you - will you - do something for these poor Dwarfs?" "Dearest," said Aslan, "I will show you both what I can, and what I cannot, do." He came close to the Dwarfs and gave a low growl: low, but it set all the air shaking. But the Dwarfs said to one another, "Hear that? That's the gang at the other end of the stable. Trying to frighten us. They do it with a machine of some kind. Don't take any notice. They won't take us in again!" Aslan raised his head and shook his mane. Instantly a glorious feast appeared on the Dwarfs' knees: pies and tongues and pigeons and trifles and ices, and each Dwarf had a goblet of good wine in his right hand. But it wasn't much use. They began eating and drinking greedily enough, but it was clear that they couldn't taste it properly. They thought they were eating and drinking only the sort of things you might find in a stable. One said he was trying to eat hay and another said he had a bit of an old turnip and a third said he'd found a raw cabbage leaf. And they raised golden goblets of rich red wine to their lips and said "Ugh! Fancy drinking dirty water out of a trough that a donkey's been at! Never thought we'd come to this." But very soon every Dwarf began suspecting that every other Dwarf had found something nicer than he had, and they started grabbing and snatching, and went on to quarrelling, till in a few minutes there was a free fight and all the good food was smeared on their faces and clothes or trodden under foot. But when at last they sat down to nurse their black eyes and their bleeding noses, they all said: "Well, at any rate there's no Humbug here. We haven't let anyone take us in. The Dwarfs are for the Dwarfs." "You see, " said Aslan. "They will not let us help them. They have chosen cunning instead of belief. Their prison is only in their own minds, yet they are in that prison; and so afraid of being taken in that they cannot be taken out. But come, children. I have other work to do." He went to the Door and they all followed him. He raised his head and roared, "Now it is time!" then louder, "Time!"; then so loud that it could have shaken the stars, "TIME." The Door flew open. 13小矮人的拒绝 蒂莲曾经认为——或者是,如果他有工夫思考的话,他可能会认为——他们大家是在一个小小的茅草屋顶的马厩里,大概十二英尺长、六英尺宽的光景。事实上,他们是站在草地上,头顶上是深远的蔚蓝天空,温柔地吹拂他们的脸的风,乃是初夏一日的风。离他们不远处有一丛树木,枝繁叶茂,但在每一片叶子的下面,微微露出金色的、淡黄色的、紫色的和火红色的果实,在我们这个世界里,可从未见过这样的果实。果实使蒂莲觉得必定是秋天了:但空气里某种感觉得到的东西告诉他,时令是不会晚于六月的。他们大家都向果树走去。 每个人都伸出手来摘他最喜欢的模样儿的果实,接下来每个人却都停顿了片刻。果实是那么美丽,使每个人都觉得:“这不可能是供我享受的……一定不会允许我们摘取的。” “没有关系的,”彼得说道,“我知道我们大家正在想什么。但我深信,我深信无疑,我们是无需顾虑的。我有一种感觉:我们到了一个一切都允许我们享用的国家了。” “那就吃吧!”尤斯塔斯说道。于是他们大家都开始吃苹果。这是种什么样的果实?可惜得很,没有一个人能把它的味道描摹出来。我能说的只不过是:同这些果实比较起来,你所吃过的最新鲜的葡萄就显得单调乏味了,汁液最丰富的橘子就显得太干了,入口而化的梨就显得又硬又木了,最甜的野生草莓就显得酸了。这些果实没有籽,没有核,也没有黄蜂。你一旦吃过这些果实,从今以后,吃世界上一切最美妙的东西都会觉得味同吃药一样。但它的味道究竟如何,我还是描摹不出来。除非你能够到那个国家去亲口尝一尝,你是没法儿知道它的滋味的。 他们吃够了果实,尤斯塔斯对至尊王彼得说:“你还没有告诉我们,你是怎么到这儿来的。蒂莲国王出现时,你正要说下去。” “也没有多少可说的,”彼得说道,“爱德蒙和我正站在月台上,我们看见你乘的火车正在进站。我记得我心里正在想:火车拐弯拐得太快了。而且我记得我心里正在想:多么希奇古怪,我们的人可能都在同一辆火车上,尽管露茜对此一无所知——” “大国王,你们的人?”蒂莲问。 “我的意思是指我的父亲和母亲——爱德蒙、露茜和我的父母。” “为什么是他们呢?”吉尔问,“你的意思可是说他们认识纳尼亚?” “不,这和纳尼亚毫不相干。他们是在去布里斯托尔的途中。我在那天早晨才听说他们要去那儿。但爱德蒙说他们非得坐这班火车不可。”(爱德蒙是那种熟悉铁路运行情况的人。) “然后发生了什么事?”吉尔问。 “呀,这可不容易描写,爱德蒙,你说是吗?” “不大容易,”爱德蒙,“压根儿跟上回不同,上回我们是被魔法从我们的世界里拉出来的。但听得一阵可怕的喧哗,有个东西砰地打了我一下,但没有伤着我。我觉得大为吃惊——也觉得兴奋。噢——那是件希奇古怪的事情。我曾经膝头很疼,打橄榄球时给踢疼的。我发觉疼痛突然消失了。我感到十分轻松。接着——我们竟到了这儿啦。”. “这跟我们在火车车厢里的情况极为相像。”迪格雷勋爵说道,把金色胡须上滞留的水果痕迹擦掉,“不过我想,波莉,你和我,主要感到自己的身体和四肢由僵硬变成柔软了。你们年轻人不会明白的。我们可停止感到衰老了。” “说我们是年轻人,真是的!”吉尔说,“我可不相信你们两位在这儿究竟确实比我们老多少。” “如果我们现在不老,以前我们确是老过的。”波莉夫人说。“那么,你们到了这儿发生过什么事情?”尤斯塔斯问道。 “哦,”彼得说,“好久(至少我觉得时间很长)没有发生什么事情。然后,门打开了——” “门吗?”蒂莲说。 “是的,”彼得道,“你进来的门——或者是出去的门。你忘记了吗?” “门在哪儿?” “瞧。”彼得说,而且用手指了一指。 蒂莲瞧瞧,他看见了你能想像得到的最古怪最可笑的东西。只不过是几码之外,阳光下看得清清楚楚的,矗立着一个粗糙的木门,木门的周围,是门口的一个框架:没有其他东西,没有墙,没有屋顶。他向门走去,给弄糊涂了,其他的人跟着他,瞧他会做出什么举动来。他绕到门的那一边去。但从那一边看起来,还是一模一样:他仍旧是在户外野地里,时间仍是夏天的早晨。门是简单明了地兀自矗立着,仿佛一棵树木似的生长在那儿。 “公正的阁下,”蒂莲对至尊王说,“这是一大奇迹。” “这就是你五分钟以前跟那卡乐门军人一同踏进去的那个门啊。”彼得微笑着说道。 “然而,难道我不是从树林出来后进入马厩的吗?而这个门仿佛是个不知从哪儿通哪儿的门。” “看来你是绕这门走了一圈,”彼得说,“但,你且把眼睛凑在两块木板之间有条缝的地方,透过裂缝望出去看看吧。蒂莲把眼睛凑在裂缝上。起初他什么也看不见,只看见一片黑暗。稍后他的眼睛习惯了,就看见了即将熄灭的篝火的暗红色的火光,篝火上方黑暗天空里的繁星。接着他看见了在篝火和他之间往来走动或站着的黑色形体:他听得见他们在说话,他们的声音就跟那些卡乐门士兵的声音一个样儿。所以他就知道他正透过马厩的门往外望到了他刚打过最后一仗的灯柱野林上的一片黑暗。士兵们正讨论着是否要进去找找“泰坎”利什达(但没有人肯去办这事)或者干脆放火烧掉马厩。 他重新环顾四周,他简直没法儿相信自己的眼睛。头上是蔚蓝的天空,芳草萋萋的乡村朝着四面八方连绵延伸,直至他看得见的远方,而他的新朋友都在他的周围哈哈大笑。“如此看来,”蒂莲微笑着说道,“从内部看到的马厩和从外部看到的马厩是两个不同的地方。” “是的,”迪格雷勋爵说道,“马厩的内部比它的外部大。”“是的,”女王露茜说,“在我们的世界上也是这样的:一个马厩,一旦里边儿装了点东西,就比我们整个儿世界大了。”这是她第一次说话,从她声音的颤动里,蒂莲现在知道其所以然了。她对这儿的一切事物,比其他人的感受都要深得多。她快乐得说不出话来。他要听她再说话,所以他说道:“如蒙同意,女士,请讲下去吧。请把你整个冒险过程讲给我听吧。” “震荡和嘈杂喧闹之后,”露茜说,“我们发现自己来到这儿了。像你一样,我们在门口感到惊奇。然后是门第一次打开了(开门时我们从门口望到了一片黑暗),从门里出来一个大个儿,手里拿着一把出了鞘的剑。我们从胳膊看出来他是个卡乐门人。他站在门边,举起的剑靠在肩膀上,准备砍杀任何进入门来的人。我们走过去同他说话,但我们觉得他既看不见我们,又听不见我们的话。他从不朝四周看望,从不看看天空、阳光和青草:我认为他也看不见它们。所以我们等待了好久。然后我们听到门的那一边把门闩拔掉了。但这兵在看清楚进来的是谁之前,是不准备把剑砍下去的。所以我们推测他曾奉命砍杀某些人而放过其他的人。 但,就在打开门的那一刻,塔什突然出现了,就在门的这一边,我们谁也没看见他是从哪儿来的。接着是从门里进来一只大猫。大猫对塔什看了一眼就奔跑逃命了,逃得还及时,因为塔什向猫儿扑去时,门关上时碰到了他的鸟嘴巴。士兵能看得见塔什。他的脸色变得十分苍白,他拜倒在那怪物面前:可是怪物消失了。 “接着我们又等候了好久。最后,门终于第三次打开了,进来了一个年轻的卡乐门士兵。我喜欢这个年轻人。站在门口的岗哨吃了一惊,他看见对方时看来十分诧异。我以为他一直指望见到的对象是跟这年轻人截然不同的……” “现在我统统明白了,”尤斯塔斯说道(打断别人讲的故事是他的坏习惯),“猫儿先进去,岗哨奉命不去伤害它。然后猫儿就走出马厩,说是他见到了凶猛的塔什兰,假装诚惶诚恐,以此吓唬其他野兽。但诡谲怎么也没料到真正的塔什会突然出现;所以猫儿金格从马厩里出来时倒真的诚惶诚恐了。这之后,诡谲送进马厩去的任何人,都是它处心积虑要除去的人,岗哨就要杀死他们。于是……” “朋友,”蒂莲柔和地说道,“你妨碍女士讲她的故事了。” “我说下去,”露茜说道,“岗哨吃了一惊。这就使来者正好及时保卫自己。他们大战一番。年轻人杀了岗哨,把他扔到门外。然后他慢慢地向前走到我们所在之地。他能看见我们,看见一切其他的东西。我们试图同他讲话,但他倒很像个精神恍惚的人。他不断地说道:‘塔什,塔什,塔什在哪儿?我要去见塔什。’所以我们就不再同他说话了,他也走到了什么地方——到另外一边儿去了。我喜欢他。这之后,呀!”露茜做了个鬼脸。 “这之后,”爱德蒙说,“有人从门里扔进来一只猿猴。塔什又在场了。我的妹妹是个软心肠人,她不想告诉你们:塔什用嘴巴一啄,猿猴就没了命了!” “活该!”尤斯塔斯说,“反正都一样,我原是希望那猿猴也会同塔什意见相左的。” “这之后,”爱德蒙说,“来了十几个小矮人;接着是吉尔,尤斯塔斯来了,大伙儿中最后一个——你自己也来了。” “我希望塔什把小矮人也吃了,”尤斯塔斯道,“这些小猪猡!” “不,它不吃小矮人,”露茜说道,“你们可别让人反感。小矮人还在那儿。事实上,你从这儿能望见他们。我曾再三试过要同他们交朋友,可是毫无效果。” “跟小矮人交朋友!”尤斯塔斯嚷嚷道,“如果你知道这些小矮人的所作所为,你就不会这样说了。” “别争论了,尤斯塔斯,”露茜说,“你来瞧瞧他们吧。蒂莲国王,你也许能有些办法对付它们。” “今天我对小矮人们可没有多大好感,”蒂莲说道,“然而,既然你要求我,女士,我今天要做一件比这伟大一点儿的事情。” 露茜带路,他们大家不久就都看见小矮人们了。小矮人们有一种非常古怪的神情。他们既不在散步或是玩得很开心(虽然把他们捆绑起来的绳索似乎已经消失了),又不是在躺下休息。他们正十分密集地面对面地坐成一个小圈。他们从不向四周看看,直至露茜和蒂莲走得够近了,几乎要碰到他们了,他们才注意到有人走来了。这时小矮人们才都昂起头来,仿佛他们不能看到什么人,只好拼命地谛听,力图从声音上猜测正在发生什么事情。 “留神!”有个小矮人用粗暴的声音说道,“注意你们是在往哪儿走。可别走到我们的脸上来啊。” “行!”尤斯塔斯愤愤地说道,“我们不是瞎子。我们自己长着眼睛。” “如果你们在这里边能看得见,那么,眼睛必定是非常好的了。”还是那个小矮人在说话,他的名字叫迪格尔。 “在什么地方的里边?”爱德蒙说。 “呀,你这笨蛋,当然是在这里边啊,”迪格尔道,“在一个马厩的这个漆黑、狭窄、发臭的小洞里。” “你们是瞎子吗?”蒂莲说。 “在黑暗中,岂非大家都是瞎子吗?”迪格尔道。 “但,并不黑暗啊,你们这些可怜的愚蠢的小矮人呀!”露茜说,“你们看不见吗?往上瞧瞧!向四周瞧瞧!难道你们看不见天空、树木和花朵吗?难道你们看不见我吗?” “以一切谎言的名义起誓,我怎么能看得见并不存在的东西呢?在这漆黑一团之中,你们看不见我,我怎么能看得见你们呢?” “但我能看见你,”露茜说,“我将证明我能看见你。你嘴里衔着个烟斗。” “任何闻得出烟草气味的人都可以这么说的。”迪格尔说。 “啊,可怜的家伙!这真是可怕。”露茜说道。接着她想出了个主意。她俯下身去,采了些野紫罗兰。“听着,小矮人。”她说,“即使你的眼睛有毛病,也许你的鼻子是健康的:你能闻得出来。”她偏过身子,把那新鲜而潮润的紫罗兰花凑到小矮人迪格尔丑陋的鼻子上。然而她不得不迅速跳了回来,以免挨到那坚硬小拳头的一击。" “我一点也不要那玩意儿!”他嚷嚷道,“你真是胆大妄为!竟把肮肮脏脏的马厩草荐硬塞到我脸上来,你安的是什么心?里边还夹着蓟刺哩。气味就像你们的酱油一样!你究竟是什么人?” “泥土人啊,”蒂莲说,“她是女王露茜,阿斯兰把她从深远的过去送到这儿来的。我是蒂莲,你们的合法的国王。仅仅是为了她的缘故,我才没有把你们的脑袋从肩膀上砍下来,事实一再证明你们都是背信弃义之徒。” “真是荒唐透顶,闻所未闻!”迪格尔嚷道,“你怎么能继续讲那一套胡言乱语?你们的了不得的狮子并没有来帮助你们,难道他来了吗?你想想嘛。现在——甚至到了现在这种地步——你们已经被打败,被硬塞进这个黑洞里来了,就像我们其余的人一样,你可仍旧在耍你的老把戏哩。开始捏造一个新的谎话!竭力使我们相信:我们哪一个也没有被关起来,这儿并不黑暗,以及其他只有天知道的事情。”" “傻瓜,除了在你们自己的幻觉里,这儿可没有什么黑洞。”蒂莲大声疾呼道,“你站出来吧。”他俯身向前,抓住迪格尔的腰带和帽兜,把他从小矮人的小圈子里揪了出来。 但蒂莲刚把他放下地来,迪格尔立刻就蹿回小矮人们之中他的位置里去,擦着鼻子号叫道:“噢!噢!你为了什么要这么干!把我的脸撞在墙上。你几乎打断了我的鼻梁。” “咳!”露茜说,“我们能为他们做些什么事呢?” “由他们去吧。”尤斯塔斯说;但他说话时,大地震动了,芳香的空气突然变得格外芳香。一道亮光在他们的背后闪耀。蒂莲心中害怕,他最后一个转过头来。后边站着他衷心盼望的、真正的巨大的金狮子——阿斯兰:其他的人们正围着金狮的前脚爪跪成一圈,狮子的大脑袋俯下来,用舌头舔他们时,他们把自己的手和脸埋在他的鬣毛里。然后狮子目不转睛地瞧着蒂莲,蒂莲颤抖着走近来,投身在狮子的脚边,狮子吻吻他,说道:“干得好,纳尼亚最后一个国王在最黑暗的时刻依然坚定地昂首挺立。” “阿斯兰,”露茜透过泪水说道,“你能不能——愿不愿意——为这些可怜的小矮人们出点力?” “最亲爱的,”阿斯兰说道,“我能做到的和不能做到的,我都会让你们看到的。”他走近小矮人们,发出一声长啸,声音低沉,可是所有的空气都震动了。但小矮人们互相问答道,“听到吗?那是马厩那一头的那一帮子搞的。要想吓唬我们。他们用一种机器弄出来的声音。不必理它的。他们休想叫我们再受骗上当了。” 阿斯兰抬起头来,摇晃他的鬣毛。小矮人们的膝头上立刻出现了精美的大菜:馅饼、酱舌、鸽子、甜食和冰淇淋。每个小矮人的右手里都有一杯好酒。但大菜也没有多大用处。 他们开始十分贪馋地吃喝,但他们显然没法儿恰当地品出味道来。他们以为他们吃的喝的都不过是在马厩里可以找得到的东西。一个说他在试吃干草,另一个说他吃到了一点儿陈年萝卜,第三个说是他发现了一片生的卷心菜叶子。他们把盛满红葡萄酒的金杯举到唇边,说道:“呸!想想看吧,竟喝驴子吃过的饲料槽里的脏水!从来没想到我们会落到这种地步。”但,每个小矮人很快就开始怀疑别人吃到了比吃到的更加鲜美的东西,因而你抢我夺起来,继续争吵不休,终于在几分钟内恣意大打出手,把所有的美味佳肴都涂在脸上衣服上,或者踩在脚底下了。然而,当他们终于坐下来护理打黑的眼眶和流血的鼻子时,他们大家都说道: “行啦,无论如何,这儿可毫无骗人的鬼话。我们没有让任何人骗我们上当。小矮人总是为小矮人而奋斗的。” “你们瞧,”阿斯兰说道,“他们不让我们去帮助他们。他们不选择信赖,宁可凭借狡猾。他们的牢狱,仅仅存在于他们自己的心里;他们迄今还待在这种心造的牢狱里;他们是那么害怕受骗上当,所以无法救他们出狱。但是,孩子们,来吧。我还有别的工作要干。” 阿斯兰向门走去,大家都跟着他。阿斯兰抬起头,大声疾呼:“现在是时候了!”接着更加响亮地喊道:“是时候了!”然后再接再厉地呼喊:“是时候了!”响亮得把繁星都震动了。门突然打开啦。 Chapter 14 NIGHT FALLS ON NARNIA THEY all stood beside Aslan, on his right side, and looked through the open doorway. The bonfire had gone out. On the earth all was blackness: in fact you could not have told that you were looking into a wood if you had not seen where the dark shapes of the trees ended and the stars began. But when Aslan had roared yet again, out on their left they saw another black shape. That is, they saw another patch where there were no stars: and the patch rose up higher and higher and became the shape of a man, the hugest of all giants. They all knew Narnia well enough to work out where he must be standing. He must be on the high moorlands that stretch away to the North beyond the River Shribble. Then Jill and Eustace remembered how once long ago, in the deep caves beneath those moors, they had seen a great giant asleep and been told that his name was Father Time, and that he would wake on the day the world ended. "Yes," said Aslan, though they had not spoken. "While he lay dreaming his name was Time. Now that he is awake he will have a new one." Then the great giant raised a horn to his mouth. They could see this by the change of the black shape he made against the stars. After that - quite a bit later, because sound travels so slowly - they heard the sound of the horn: high and terrible, yet of a strange, deadly beauty. Immediately the sky became full of shooting stars. Even one shooting star is a fine thing to see; but these were dozens, and then scores, and then hundreds, till it was like silver rain: and it went on and on. And when it had gone on for some while, one or two of them began to think that there was another dark shape against the sky as well as the giant's. It was in a different place, right overhead, up in the very roof of the sky as you might call it. "Perhaps it is a cloud," thought Edmund. At any rate, there were no stars there: just blackness. But all around, the downpour of stars went on. And then the starless patch began to grow, spreading further and further out from the centre of the sky. And presently a quarter of the whole sky was black, and then a half, and at last the rain of shooting stars was going on only low down near the horizon. With a thrill of wonder (and there was some terror in it too) they all suddenly realized what was happening. The spreading blackness was not a cloud at all: it was simply emptiness. The black part of the sky was the part in which there were no stars left. All the stars were falling: Aslan had called them home. The last few seconds before the rain of stars had quite ended were very exciting. Stars began falling all round them. But stars in that world are not the great flaming globes they are in ours. They are people (Edmund and Lucy had once met one). So now they found showers of glittering people, all with long hair like burning silver and spears like white-hot metal, rushing down to them out of the black air, swifter than falling stones. They made a hissing noise as they landed and burnt the grass. And all these stars glided past them and stood somewhere behind, a little to the right. This was a great advantage, because otherwise, now that there were no stars in the sky, everything would have been completely dark and you could have seen nothing. As it was, the crowd of stars behind them cast a fierce, white light over their shoulders. They could see mile upon mile of Narnian woods spread out before them, looking as if they were floodlit. Every bush and almost every blade of grass had its black shadow behind it. The edge of every leaf stood out so sharp that you'd think you could cut your finger on it. On the grass before them lay their own shadows. But the great thing was Aslan's shadow. It streamed away to their left, enormous and very terrible. And all this was under a sky that would now be starless forever. The light from behind them (and a little to their right) was so strong that it lit up even the slopes of the Northern Moors. Something was moving there. Enormous animals were crawling and sliding down into Narnia: great dragons and giant lizards and featherless birds with wings like bats' wings. They disappeared into the woods and for a few minutes there was silence. Then there came - at first from very far off - sounds of wailing and then, from every direction, a rustling and a pattering and a sound of wings. It came nearer and nearer. Soon one could distinguish the scamper of little feet from the padding of big paws, and the clack-clack of light little hoofs from the thunder of great ones. And then one could see thousands of pairs of eyes gleaming. And at last, out of the shadow of the trees, racing up the hill for dear life, by thousands and by millions, came all kinds of creatures - Talking Beasts, Dwarfs, Satyrs, Fauns, Giants, Calormenes, men from Archenland, Monopods, and strange unearthly things from the remote islands of the unknown Western lands. And all these ran up to the doorway where Aslan stood. This part of the adventure was the only one which seemed rather like a dream at the time and rather hard to remember properly afterwards. Especially, one couldn't say how long it had taken. Sometimes it seemed to have lasted only a few minutes, but at others it felt as if it might have gone on for years. Obviously, unless either the Door had grown very much larger or the creatures had suddenly grown as small as gnats, a crowd like that couldn't ever have tried to get through it. But no one thought about that sort of thing at the time. The creatures came rushing on, their eyes brighter and brighter as they drew nearer and nearer to the standing Stars. But as they came right up to Aslan one or other of two things happened to each of them. They all looked straight in his face, I don't think they had any choice about that. And when some looked, the expression of their faces changed terribly - it was fear and hatred: except that, on the faces of Talking Bears, the fear and hatred lasted only for a fraction of a second. You could see that they suddenly ceased to the Talking Beasts. They were just ordinary animals. And all the creatures who looked at Aslan in that way swerved to their right, his left, and disappeared into his huge black shadow, which (as you have heard) streamed away to the left of the doorway. The children never saw them again. I don't know what became of them. But the others looked in the face of Aslan and loved him, though some of them were very frightened at the same time. And all these came in at the Door, in on Aslan's right. There were some queer specimens among them. Eustace even recognized one of those very Dwarfs who had helped to shoot the Horses. But he had no time to wonder about that sort of thing (and anyway it was no business of his) for a great joy put everything else out of his head. Among the happy creatures who now came crowding round Tirian and his friends were all those whom they had thought dead. There was Roonwit the Centaur and Jewel the Unicorn and the good Boar and the good Bear, and Farsight the Eagle, and the dear Dogs and the Horses, and Poggin the Dwarf. "Further in and higher up!" cried Roonwit and thundered away in a gallop to the West. And though they did not understand him, the words somehow set them tingling all over. The Boar grunted at them cheerfully. The Bear was just going to mutter that he still didn't understand, when he caught sight of the fruit-trees behind them. He waddled to those trees as fast as he could and there, no doubt, found something he understood very well. But the Dogs remained, wagging their tails, and Poggin remained, shaking hands with everyone and grinning all over his honest face. And Jewel leaned his snowy white head over the King's shoulder and the King whispered in Jewel's ear. Then everyone turned his attention again to what could be seen through the Doorway. The Dragons and Giant Lizards now had Narnia to themselves. They went to and fro tearing up the trees by the roots and crunching them up as if they were sticks of rhubarb. Minute by minute the forests disappeared. The whole country became bare and you could see all sorts of things about its shape - all the little humps and hollows which you had never noticed before. The grass died. Soon Tirian found that he was looking at a world of bare rock and earth. You could hardly believe that anything had ever lived there. The monsters themselves grew old and lay down and died. Their flesh shrivelled up and the bones appeared: soon they were only huge skeletons that lay here and there on the dead rock, looking as if they had died thousands of years ago. For a long time everything was still. At last something white - a long, level line of whiteness that gleamed in the light of the standing stars - came moving towards them from the Eastern end of the world. A widespread noise broke the silence: first a murmur then a rumble, then a roar. And now they could see what it was that was coming, and how fast it came. It was a foaming wall of water. The sea was rising. In that tree-less world you could see it very well. You could see all the rivers getting wider and the lakes getting larger, and separate lakes joining into one, and valleys turning into new lakes, and hills turning into islands, and then those islands vanishing. And the high moors to their left and the higher mountains to their right crumbled and slipped down with a roar and a splash into the mounting water; and the water came swirling up to the very threshold of the Doorway (but never passed it) so that the foam splashed about Aslan's forefeet. All now was level water from where they stood to where the waters met the sky. And out there it began to grow light. A streak of dreary and disastrous dawn spread along the horizon, and widened and grew brighter, till in the end they hardly noticed the light of the stars who stood behind them. At last the sun came up. When it did, the Lord Digory and the Lady Polly looked at one another and gave a little nod: those two, in a different world, had once seen a dying sun, and so they knew at once that this sun also was dying. It was three times - twenty times - as big as it ought to be, and very dark red. As its rays fell upon the great Time-giant, he turned red too: and in the reflection of that sun the whole waste of shoreless waters looked like blood. Then the Moon came up, quite in her wrong position, very close to the sun, and she also looked red. And at the sight of her the sun began shooting out great flames, like whiskers or snakes of crimson fire, towards her. It is as if he were an octopus trying to draw her to himself in his tentacles. And perhaps he did draw her. At any rate she came to him, slowly at first, but then more and more quickly, till at last his long flames licked round her and the two ran together and became one huge ball like a burning coal. Great lumps of fire came dropping out of it into the sea and clouds of steam rose up. Then Aslan said, "Now make an end." The giant threw his horn into the sea. Then he stretched out one arm - very black it looked, and thousands of miles long - across the sky till his hand reached the Sun. He took the Sun and squeezed it in his hand as you would squeeze an orange. And instantly there was total darkness. Everyone except Aslan jumped back from the ice-cold air which now blew through the Doorway. Its edges were already covered with icicles. "Peter, High King of Narnia," said Aslan. "Shut the Door." Peter, shivering with cold, leaned out into the darkness and pulled the Door to. It scraped over ice as he pulled it. Then, rather clumsily (for even in that moment his hands had gone numb and blue) he took out a golden key and locked it. They had seen strange things enough through that Doorway. But it was stranger than any of them to look round and find themselves in warm daylight, the blue sky above them, flowers at their feet, and laughter in Aslan's eyes. He turned swiftly round, crouched lower, lashed himself with his tail and shot away like a golden arrow. "Come further in! Come further up!" he shouted over his shoulder. But who could keep up with him at that pace? They set out walking Westward to follow him. "So," said Peter, "night falls on Narnia. What, Lucy! You're not crying? With Aslan ahead, and all of us here?" "Don't try to stop me, Peter," said Lucy, "I am sure Aslan would not. I am sure it is not wrong to mourn for Narnia. Think of all that lies dead and frozen behind that door." "Yes and I did hope," said Jill, "that it might go on for ever. I knew our world couldn't. I did think Narnia might." "I saw it begin," said the Lord Digory. "I did not think I would live to see it die." "Sirs," said Tirian. "The ladies do well to weep. See, I do so myself. I have seen my mother's death. What world but Narnia have I ever known? It were no virtue, but great discourtesy, if we did not mourn." They walked away from the Door and away from the Dwarfs who still sat crowded together in their imaginary stable. And as they went they talked to one another about old wars and old peace and ancient Kings and all the glories of Narnia. The Dogs were still with them. They joined in the conversation but not much because they were too busy racing on ahead and racing back and rushing off to sniff at smells in the grass till they made themselves sneeze. Suddenly they picked up a scent which seemed to excite them very much. They all started arguing about it - "Yes it is - No it isn't - That's just what I said - anyone can smell what that is - Take your great nose out of the way and let someone else smell." "What is it, cousins?" said Peter. "A Calormene, Sire," said several Dogs at once. "Lead on to him, then," said Peter. "Whether he meets us in peace or war, he shall be welcome." The Dogs darted on ahead and came back a moment later, running as if their lives depended on it, and barking loudly to say that it really was a Calormene. (Talking Dogs, just like the common ones, behave as if they thought whatever they are doing at the moment immensely important.) The others followed where the Dogs led them and found a young Calormene sitting under a chestnut tree beside a clear stream of water. It was Emeth. He rose at once and bowed gravely. "Sir," he said to Peter, "I know not whether you are my friend or my foe, but I should count it my honour to have you for either. Has not one of the poets said that a noble friend is the best gift and a noble enemy the next best?" "Sir," said Peter, "I do not know that there need be any war between you and us." "Do tell us who you are and what's happened to you," said Jill. "If there's going to be a story, let's all have a drink and sit down," barked the Dogs. "We're quite blown." "Well of course you will be if you keep tearing about the way you have done," said Eustace. So the humans sat down on the grass. And when the Dogs had all had a very noisy drink out of the stream they all sat down, bolt upright, panting, with their tongues hanging out of their heads a little on one side to hear the story. But Jewel remained standing, polishing his horn against his side. 14黑夜笼罩纳尼亚 他们都站在阿斯兰的身边,站在他的右边,从那门口望出去。 篝火已经熄灭了。大地上一片漆黑:事实上你没法儿说你正在向一个树林望进去,如果你不曾看见树林、黑影艟朦的尽头和繁星开始闪烁的地方。但,阿斯兰再次高呼时,他们看见左边儿又出现一个黑影。那就是说,他们在没有繁星的地方,看到了另一块黑色;这黑块愈升愈高,变成了一个人的形状,巨人中最最巨大的巨人。他们大家对纳尼亚的地形地貌都很熟悉,能目测巨人必定站在什么地方。巨人必定是站在高沼地上,沼地在斯力布河外往北绵亘开去。于是吉尔和尤斯塔斯记起了好久好久以前,每次在那些高沼地的深洞里,他们看见过一个伟大的巨人在睡大觉,人家告诉他们,这巨人叫时间老人,到了世界末日那一天,他就醒了。 “是的,”尽管他们并没说话,阿斯兰却答道,“他躺着睡觉时他的名字叫‘时间’。如今他醒来了,他就要有一个新的名字。”这时这了不得的巨人把一个号角举到嘴边。他们看得见这个动作,是凭着他那映衬着星光的黑影儿的变化。这之后——好一会儿之后,因为声音传得十分缓慢——他们听到了号角的声音:高亢激越,骇人听闻,然而又有一种新奇的阴森森的美。天空突然之间遍布了流星。即使一颗流星也是很好看的景致:但现在是十几颗、二十几颗乃至成百颗流星,终于像是银白色的雨,一阵又一阵地下着。星雨下了一些时候,他们之中有一两个人开始认为又有一个黑影儿像巨人的黑影一样映衬在天空里。它位于一个截然不同的地方,正在人们的头顶之上,正在你可能称之为“天空屋顶”的地方。 “它也许是一片云。”爱德蒙心中想道。无论如何,那儿没有繁星,就是漆黑一团。但它的周围,流星之雨还在向下倾泻。 于是那无星的黑块便开始变大,从天空的中央向外铺陈开去。不久,四分之一的天空全然变黑了,然后是一半儿天空变黑了,最后,流星之雨只是在低得靠近地平线的地方倾泻而下了。 满怀神奇之感(也有些儿毛骨悚然之感),他们突然认识到正在发生什么事情了。铺陈开来的黑暗压根儿不是云霾:它简直就是空虚。天空中的黑暗部分就是一颗星也没剩下的部分。所有的繁星都在落下来:阿斯兰已经呼唤它们回家去。 流星之雨落尽之前的最后几分钟是十分激动人心的。 流星开始在他们的四周纷纷落下。那个世界里的流星,并不像我们的世界里的流星那样是巨大的燃烧着的星球。它们是人(爱德蒙和露茜曾经碰到过一个)。所以,他们现在发觉闪烁生光的人像阵雨似的倾泻而下,人人都生着长长的头发像燃烧的银丝,拿着长矛像烫得白热化的金属,从黑暗的空中朝着他们奔腾而下;速度之快,超过了天上落下来的石子。他们发出嘶嘶的声音,落到地上,把青草也燃着了。这些流星人全都在他们身边掠过,站在后边儿的某些地方,稍稍靠近右边一点儿。 这对他们大为有利,因为,不然的话,如果今天空中暗无星辰,一切东西都会全然漆黑,你就什么东西都看不见了。事实上,他们背后的一群繁星把强烈的白色光芒越过他们的肩膀向前照射。他们能看见纳尼亚树林一英里又一英里地在他们的前边儿绵延开去,看上去树林里都泛滥着强光。每一丛灌木,几乎每一片草叶,背后几乎都有它的黑色阴影。每一片叶子的边缘都轮廓分明地挺立着,使你感到你会在叶子边缘上划破手指的。 他们前面的草地上躺着他们自己的影子。但,了不得的是阿斯兰的影子。这影子往他们的左边泻开去,巨大而又十分可怕。而这一切,都出现在一个如今永远没有繁星的天空之下。 从他们背后(稍为偏右一点儿)照射过来的光芒是那么强烈,甚至把北方高沼地的土坡也照亮了。有些东西在那儿走动。巨大的野兽正在爬行着悄悄地下坡,进入纳尼亚:庞大的龙,巨型的蜥蜴,浑身无羽毛、生着蝙蝠式翅膀的鸟儿。它们消失在树林里,几分钟后便寂静无声了。接着,传来了——起初是从很远的地方——号啕痛哭的声音,随即又从四面八方传来了沙沙瑟瑟声,啪哒啪哒声和振翅鼓翼声。 声音愈来俞近。不久便能分辨出,大脚的跳跳蹦蹦和大脚爪的啪哒啪哒,小而轻的蹄子的嘚嘚声和大而重的蹄子的隆隆声。接下来就看得见成千双眼睛在闪光了。最后,从树木的阴影里蹿出来成千上万、各种各类的野兽,为了保住宝贵的性命,纷纷争先恐后地跑上山去——会说人话的兽类、小矮人、森林之神、半人半羊的农牧神、巨人、卡乐门人、阿钦兰人、马诺帕德人,以及来自遥远的岛屿和陌生的西方陆地的奇异的神怪之物。所有这些人、兽、怪物,都朝着阿斯兰所站立的那个门口跑去。 这一部分惊险经历是绝无仅有的,当时仿佛很像是个梦,事后也很难记忆得恰当正确。特别是,没法儿说清楚这种情况持续了多久。有时候,仿佛只经历了几分钟;但,有时候却又觉得仿佛经历了好几年。事情十分明显:除非那门变得极大极大,或者那些动物突然变得小如小虫,那么一大群的动物是没法儿试图穿过那个门的。但当时谁也没有思考过诸如此类的问题。 芸芸众生涌过来了,他们愈走愈靠近站在地上的繁星,他们的眼睛便愈来愈明亮。但,当他们走到阿斯兰跟前时,每个人都会在两桩事情中碰到一桩,不是这样,便是那样。 他们大家都笔直地瞧着阿斯兰的脸;我想他们必须如此,没有选择的余地。有的瞧着阿斯兰时,脸色可怕地变了——这是由于害怕和憎恨;会说人话的野兽倒是例外,害怕和憎恨的脸色出现了一秒钟还不到。你能看见它们突然变成不会说人话的野兽了。它们就成了普普通通的动物。所有的动物,凡是这样瞧着阿斯兰的,都突然转向右面,也就是到了阿斯兰的左边,在阿斯兰巨大的黑影里销声匿迹了(正如你所听说的),这黑影儿是向门口左边儿泻开去的。孩子们这就再也见不到它们了。我不知道它们变成了什么。但,其他的动物目不转睛地瞧着阿斯兰,心里也爱着阿斯兰,尽管有几个同时心里也非常害怕。所有这些动物,进到门里,站在阿斯兰的右边。其中也有些古怪的家伙。尤斯塔斯甚至认出了一个小矮人,他当初就是帮着敌人用箭射杀马儿的小矮人之一。但他也没有时间去为这种事情纳罕(无论如何,那也不是他的事情),因为另有一大喜事使他把其他一切事情都丢在脑后了。现在走过来拥挤在蒂莲和他的朋友们周围的快乐的人们之中,都是那些早已被认为死去的战友:有人头马龙威特和独角兽珍宝、善良的野猪和善良的熊和千里眼老鹰,亲爱的狗儿和马儿、小矮人波金等。" “更深入更高!”龙威特大声呐喊,蹄声隆隆地向西边驰去了。虽然他们不了解它,但它这话却不知怎么的使他们浑身激动。野猪高高兴兴地向他们咕咕哝哝地说话。熊正要唠叨它仍旧搞不明白时,看到了他们背后的果树。它赶快摇摇晃晃地走到那些果树跟前,毫无疑问,它找到了它十分懂得的食物。但狗儿们摇着尾巴留下来了;波金也留下了,跟大家握手,诚实的脸上满面都是笑容。独角兽珍宝把它白发苍苍的脑袋靠在国王的肩膀上,国王在珍宝的耳朵边低声说话。接着,大家把注意力重新集中在从门口可以望得见的情况上。 龙和巨型蜥蜴现在把纳尼亚当做它们的天下了。它们跑来跑去,把树木连根拔起,把树木嘎吱嘎吱地大嚼大吃,仿佛它们是大葱似的。顷刻之间,树林都消失了。整个儿乡村变得光秃秃的,你可以看得见各种各样的东西的形状——看得见一切你以前从未注意过的小丘和小洞。青草死了。蒂莲不久便发觉他正在瞧着一个光秃秃的石头和泥土的世界了。简直很难相信曾经有什么东西在这地方生存过的。怪物们自己也老了,躺下了,死了。他们的肉皱缩枯槁了,骨头露出来了,不久他们就只剩下巨大的骷髅,东一个西一个地躺在没有生命的石头上,看上去仿佛已经死了好几千年了。好久好久,万籁俱寂。 最后,某种白色的东西——在那站着的流星人的照耀下,一道漫长而平整的白色——正从世界的东头向他们移动过来。一个向四面八方传开来的声音打破了沉寂:起初是汩汩声,然后是哗哗声,最后是澎湃声。现在他们看得出正在涌过来的是什么,速度又有多快。这是一道冒着泡沫的水墙。大海正在涨潮。在这没有树木的世界上,你可以看得十分清楚。你看得见河流在变阔,湖泊在变大,分开的湖在合并成大湖,流域在演变成为新的湖泊,小山在变成岛屿,然后这些岛屿也消失了。他们左边的高沼地和右边的崇山峻岭,都崩溃了,轰然塌方了,劈劈啪啪地落到上涨的大水里去了。大水打着漩涌到了那个门口(但从未涌过门去),所以泡沫在阿斯兰的前腿附近飞溅着。从他们立足之处直到水天相接之处,现在到处都是同一水平面的一片大水了。 外界开始出现亮光了。一道阴沉而不祥的曙光绵亘在地平线上,逐渐扩大,逐渐明亮,终于使他们几乎不再注意站在他们背后的繁星的光亮了。最后,太阳升起来了。太阳升起之时,迪格雷勋爵和波莉夫人互相看了一眼,稍稍点了点头:这两位老人,在一个异样的世界里,曾经一度看见过一个垂死的太阳,所以他们立刻知道这个太阳也是处于垂死状态的。太阳比它正常的模样大三倍,甚至二十倍,呈暗红色。太阳的光芒落在魁伟的时间巨人身上时,巨人也变得红红的了。在这阳光的反照里,整个儿无边无际的荒荒凉凉的大水看上去像鲜血般殷红。 然后月亮升起来了,它的方位完全搞错了,非常靠近太阳,它看上去也是红红的。太阳看到了月亮,它就开始向月亮放射出巨大的火焰,像是殷红的火髯或火蛇。太阳好像是条章鱼,试图把月亮拉到它的触手中间去。也许太阳确实在拉月亮哩。无论如何,月亮在向太阳靠拢,开头是慢慢地,但随即愈来愈快了,最后,太阳长长的火焰舔着月亮的周围,两者跑到一起,并成一个大球,像一堆熊熊燃烧的煤。大块的火从大球里掉下来,落在海里,蒸汽的云雾从海上升起。 于是阿斯兰说道:“现在结束吧。”时间巨人把它的号角扔进大海里。然后他伸出一条胳膊——几英里长,看上去颜色很黑——穿越天空,直至他的手碰到了太阳。他拿着太阳,在手中压榨太阳,就像你压榨橘子一样。天地问立刻全部漆黑了。 “彼得,纳尼亚的至尊王,”阿斯兰说道,“关上门吧。” 彼得浑身冷得发抖,向黑暗中探出身子,把门拉上。他拉门时,门是在冰上擦过的。然后,他相当笨拙地(因为,即使在片刻之间,他的双手已经冻得麻木,发青发紫了。)摸出一把金钥匙来,把门锁上。+ 他们从门里向外望到的景象是够奇怪的了。但,比上述任何景象更奇怪的是,他们在门内向四周打量,竟发现自己置身于温暖的白昼,蔚蓝的天空在他们的头上,繁花在他们的脚边,笑意在阿斯兰的眼睛里。阿斯兰迅速转过身来,蹲得更低,用尾巴甩打自己的身体,然后像金箭似的蹿出去了。 “来,朝更深处跑!来,朝更高处跑!”阿斯兰回过头来喊道。但谁能赶得上阿斯兰这种步伐呢?他们大家朝西跟着阿斯兰走去。 “完了,”彼得说道,“黑夜笼罩着纳尼亚了。怎么啦,露茜?你不是在哭吧?阿斯兰走在前头,我们大家都在这儿啊!” “彼得,别劝我不要哭,”露茜说道,“我相信阿斯兰是不会劝我的。我深信,为纳尼亚而哀悼,并不错。想想门外倒下死去和冻毙的一切人与兽吧。” “是啊,我确实希望,”吉尔说,“这种情况会继续下去。我知道我们的世界不可能发生这种情况。我并不认为纳尼亚会发生这种情况。” “我看到纳尼亚开国,”迪格雷勋爵说道,“我并不认为我会活到看见它灭亡。” “爵士,”蒂莲说道,“女士们哭泣是做得对的。你瞧,我自己也哭了。我曾看见我母亲去世。除了纳尼亚我还熟悉什么世界呢?这不是道德问题,但,如果我们不为它哀悼,这就大大的失敬失礼了。” 他们一路走去,离开了门,离开了依旧挤在一起坐在心造的马厩里的小矮人们。他们且走且谈,互相谈起古老的战争、古老的和平、古代的国王和纳尼亚的一切光荣。 狗儿们仍旧和他们在一起。它们也参加谈话,但说话不多,因为它们忙于一忽儿跑在前头一忽儿又跑回后头,又奔到草地里去闻闻气味,直闻得自己大打喷嚏。突然它们嗅到了一种气味,看来这种气味使它们大为激动。它们大家为此开始辩论:“是的,这是——不,这不是——那就是我所说的——谁都闻得出这是什么气味——叫你那大鼻子让开,让别的狗来嗅嗅。” “各位,这是什么啊?”彼得问。 “一个卡乐门人,陛下。”几条狗儿同时说道。“那就带领大家去找他吧,”彼得道,“不论他用和平还是用战争来迎接我们,都应该受到我们的欢迎。” 狗儿们蹿在前头,不一会儿就回来了,它们拼命奔跑,大声嚷嚷着说这人确实是个卡乐门士兵。(会说人话的狗儿,就跟普通的狗儿一样,表现得仿佛认为它们此时此刻正干着的事,不论它是什么事,总是非常重要的。 其他的人跟着领路的狗儿走去,发现有个年轻的卡乐门士兵坐在一条清溪旁的一棵栗树下。这士兵是伊梅思。他立刻站起来,庄严地鞠躬。 “先生,”他对彼得说道,“我不知道你究竟是我的朋友还是敌人;但我对两者都引以为荣。不是有个诗人说过吗:一个崇高的朋友是最佳的礼物,而一个崇高的敌人是次佳的礼物。” “先生,”彼得说,“我不知道你和我之间还需要有什么战争。” “请告诉我们,你是什么人,你的遭遇又如何?”吉尔说。 “如果说来话长,那就让我们大家先喝口水,然后坐下来详谈,”狗儿们吠叫道,“我们直喘气哩。” “你们当然要喘气啦,如果你们老是像刚才那样到处乱跑的话。”尤斯塔斯说道。 于是人们都在草地上坐下了。狗儿们吵吵闹闹在溪水里喝了个痛快,也都坐下听故事,它们坐得笔直,喘着气,舌头伸出在嘴巴外面,稍稍偏往一边。但珍宝仍旧站着,在它的两胁上把它的独角磨得锃亮。 Chapter 15 FURTHER UP AND FURTHER IN "KNOW, O Warlike Kings," said Emeth, "and you, O ladies whose beauty illuminates the universe, that I am Emeth the seventh son of Harpha Tarkaan of the city of Tehishbaan, Westward beyond the desert. I came lately into Narnia with nine and twenty others under the command of Rishda Tarkaan Now when I first heard that we should march upon Narnia I rejoiced; for I had heard many things of your Land and desired greatly to meet you in battle. But when I found that we were to go in disguised as merchants (which is a shameful dress for a warrior and the son of a Tarkaan) and to work by lies and trickery, then my joy departed from me. And most of all when I found we must wait upon a Monkey, and when it began to be said that Tash and Aslan were one, then the world became dark in my eyes. For always since I was a boy I have served Tash and my great desire was to know more of him, if it might be, to look upon his face. But the name of Aslan was hateful to me. "And, as you have seen, we were called together outside the straw-roofed hovel, night after night, and the fire was kindled, and the Ape brought forth out of the hovel something upon four legs that I could not well see. And the people and the Beasts bowed down and did honour to it. But I thought, the Tarkaan is deceived by the Ape: for this thing that comes out of the stable is neither Tash nor any other god. But when I watched the Tarkaan's face, and marked every word that he said to the Monkey, then I changed my mind: for I saw that the Tarkaan did not believe in it himself. And then I understood that he did not believe in Tash at all: for if he had, how could he dare to mock him? "When I understood this, a great rage fell upon me and I wondered that the true Tash did not strike down both the Monkey and the Tarkaan with fire from heaven. Nevertheless I hid my anger and held my tongue and waited to see how it would end. But last night, as some of you know, the Monkey brought not forth the yellow thing but said that all who desired to look upon Tashlan - for so they mixed the two words to pretend that they were all one - must pass one by one into the hovel. And I said to myself, Doubtless this is some other deception. But when the Cat had followed in and had come out again in a madness of terror, then I said to myself, Surely the true Tash, whom they called on without knowledge or belief, has now come among us, and will avenge himself. And though my heart was turned into water inside me because of the greatness and terror of Tash, yet my desire was stronger than my fear, and I put force upon my knees to stay them from trembling, and on my teeth that they should not chatter, and resolved to look upon the face of Tash though he should slay me. So I offered myself to go into the hovel; and the Tarkaan, though unwillingly, let me go. "As soon as I had gone in at the door, the first wonder was that I found myself in this great sunlight (as we all are now) though the inside of the hovel had looked dark from outside. But I had no time to marvel at this, for immediately I was forced to fight for my head against one of our own men. As soon as I saw him I understood that the Monkey and the Tarkaan had set him there to slay any who came in if he were not in their secrets: so that this man also was a liar and a mocker and no true servant of Tash. I had the better will to fight him; and having slain the villain, I cast him out behind me through the door. "Then I looked about me and saw the sky and the wide lands, and smelled the sweetness. And I said, By the Gods, this is a pleasant place: it may be that I am come into the country of Tash. And I began to journey into the strange country and to seek him. "So I went over much grass and many flowers and among all kinds of wholesome and delectable trees till lo! in a narrow place between two rocks there came to meet me a great Lion. The speed of him was like the ostrich, and his size was an elephant's; his hair was like pure gold and the brightness of his eyes like gold that is liquid in the furnace. He was more terrible than the Flaming Mountain of Lagour, and in beauty he surpassed all that is in the world even as the rose in bloom surpasses the dust of the desert. Then I fell at his feet and thought, Surely this is the hour of death, for the Lion (who is worthy of all honour) will know that I have served Tash all my days and not him. Nevertheless, it is better to see the Lion and die than to be Tisroc of the world and live and not to have seen him. But the Glorious One bent down his golden head and touched my forehead with his tongue and said, Son, thou art welcome. But I said, Alas, Lord, I am no son of thine but the servant of Tash. He answered, Child, all the service thou hast done to Tash, I account as service done to me. Then by reasons of my great desire for wisdom and understanding, I overcame my fear and questioned the Glorious One and said, Lord, is it then true, as the Ape said, that thou and Tash are one? The Lion growled so that the earth shook (but his wrath was not against me) and said, It is false. Not because he and I are one, but because we are opposites, I take to me the services which thou hast done to him. For I and he are of such different kinds that no service which is vile can be done to me, and none which is not vile can be done to him. Therefore if any man swear by Tash and keep his oath for the oath's sake, it is by me that he has truly sworn, though he know it not, and it is I who reward him. And if any man do a cruelty in my name, then, though he says the name Aslan, it is Tash whom he serves and by Tash his deed is accepted. Dost thou understand, Child? I said, Lord, thou knowest how much I understand. But I said also (for the truth constrained me), Yet I have been seeking Tash all my days. Beloved, said the Glorious One, unless thy desire had been for me thou wouldst not have sought so long and so truly. For all find what they truly seek. "Then he breathed upon me and took away the trembling from my limbs and caused me to stand upon my feet. And after that, he said not much, but that we should meet again, and I must go further up and further in. Then he turned him about in a storm and flurry of gold and was gone suddenly. "And since then, O Kings and Ladies, I have been wandering to find him and my happiness is so great that it even weakens me like a wound. And this is the marvel of marvels, that he called me Beloved, me who am but as a dog -" "Eh? What's that?" said one of the Dogs. "Sir," said Emeth. "It is but a fashion of speech which we have in Calormen." "Well, I can't say it's one I like very much," said the Dog. "He doesn't mean any harm," said an older Dog. "After all, we call our puppies Boys when they don't behave properly." "So we do," said the first Dog. "Or girls." "S-s-sh!" said the Old Dog. "That's not a nice word to use. Remember where you are." "Look!" said Jill suddenly. Someone was coming, rather timidly, to meet them; a graceful creature on four feet, all silvery-grey. And they stared at him for a whole ten seconds before five or six voices said all at once, "Why, it's old Puzzle!" They had never seen him by daylight with the lion-skin off, and it made an extraordinary difference. He was himself now: a beautiful donkey with such a soft, grey coat and such a gentle, honest face that if you had seen him you would have done just what Jill and Lucy did - rushed forward and put your arms round his neck and kissed his nose and stroked his ears. When they asked him where he had been he said he had come in at the door along with all the other creatures but he had - well, to tell the truth, he had been keeping out of their way as much as he could; and out of Aslan's way. For the sight of the real Lion had made him so ashamed of all that nonsense about dressing up in a lion-skin that he did not know how to look anyone in the face. But when he saw that all his friends were going away Westward, and after he had had a mouthful of grass ("And I've never tasted such good grass in my life," said Puzzle), he plucked up his courage and followed. "But what I'll do if I really have to meet Aslan, I'm sure I don't know," he added. "You'll find it will be all right when you really do," said Queen Lucy. Then they went forward together, always Westward, for that seemed to be the direction Aslan had meant when he cried out, "Further up and futher in." Many other creatures were slowly moving the same way, but that grassy country was very wide and there was no crowding. It still seemed to be early, and the morning freshness was in the air. They kept on stopping to look round and to look behind them, partly because it was so beautiful but partly also because there was something about it which they could not understand. "Peter," said Lucy, "where is this, do you suppose?" "I don't know," said the High King. "It reminds me of somewhere but I can't give it a name. Could it be somewhere we once stayed for a holiday when we were very, very small?" "It would have to have been a jolly good holiday," said Eustace. "I bet there isn't a country like this anywhere in our world. Look at the colours! You couldn't get a blue like the blue on those mountains in our world." "Is it not Aslan's country?" said Tirian. "Not like Aslan's country on top of that mountain beyond the Eastern end of the world," said Jill. "I've been there." "If you ask me," said Edmund, "it's like somewhere in the Narnian world. Look at those mountains ahead - and the big ice-mountains beyond them. Surely they're rather like the mountains we used to see from Narnia, the ones up Westward beyond the Waterfall?" "Yes, so they are," said Peter. "Only these are bigger." "I don't think those ones are so very like anything in Narnia," said Lucy. "But look there." She pointed Southward to their left, and everyone stopped and turned to look. "Those hills," said Lucy, "the nice woody ones and the blue ones behind - aren't they very like the Southern border of Narnia?" "Like!" cried Edmund after a moment's silence. "Why, they're exactly like. Look, there's Mount Pire with his forked head, and there's the pass into Archenland and everything!" "And yet they're not like," said Lucy. "They're different. They have more colours on them and they look further away than I remembered and they're more .. . more . . . oh, I don't know..." "More like the real thing," said the Lord Digory softly. Suddenly Farsight the Eagle spread his wings, soared thirty or forty feet up into the air, circled round and then alighted on the ground. "Kings and Queens," he cried, "we have all been blind. We are only beginning to see where we are. From up there I have seen it all - Ettinsmuir, Beaversdam, the Great River, and Cair Paravel still shining on the edge of the Eastern Sea. Narnia is not dead. This is Narnia." "But how can it be?" said Peter. "For Aslan told us older ones that we should never return to Narnia, and here we are." "Yes," said Eustace. "And we saw it all destroyed and the sun put out." "And it's all so different," said Lucy. "The Eagle is right," said the Lord Digory. "Listen, Peter. When Aslan said you could never go back to Narnia, he meant the Narnia you were thinking of. But that was not the real Narnia. That had a beginning and an end. It was only a shadow or a copy of the real Narnia which has always been here and always will be here: just as our world, England and all, is only a shadow or copy of something in Aslan's real world. You need not mourn over Narnia, Lucy. All of the old Narnia that mattered, all the dear creatures, have been drawn into the real Narnia through the Door. And of course it is different; as different as a real thing is from a shadow or as waking life is from a dream." His voice stirred everyone like a trumpet as he spoke these words: but when he added under his breath "It's all in Plato, all in Plato: bless me, what do they teach them at these schools!" the older ones laughed. It was so exactly like the sort of thing they had heard him say long ago in that other world where his beard was grey instead of golden. He knew why they were laughing and joined in the laugh himself. But very quickly they all became grave again: for, as you know, there is a kind of happiness and wonder that makes you serious. It is too good to waste on jokes. It is as hard to explain how this sunlit land was different from the old Narnia as it would be to tell you how the fruits of that country taste. Perhaps you will get some idea of it if you think like this. You may have been in a room in which there was a window that looked out on a lovely bay of the sea or a green valley that wound away among mountains. And in the wall of that room opposite to the window there may have been a lookingglass. And as you turned away from the window you suddenly caught sight of that sea or that valley, all over again, in the looking glass. And the sea in the mirror, or the valley in the mirror, were in one sense just the same as the real ones: yet at the same time they were somehow different - deeper, more wonderful, more like places in a story: in a story you have never heard but very much want to know. The difference between the old Narnia and the new Narnia was like that. The new one was a deeper country: every rock and flower and blade of grass looked as if it meant more. I can't describe it any better than that: if ever you get there you will know what I mean. It was the Unicorn who summed up what everyone was feeling. He stamped his right fore-hoof on the ground and neighed, and then cried: "I have come home at last! This is my real country! I belong here. This is the land I have been looking for all my life, though I never knew it till now. The reason why we loved the old Narnia is that it sometimes looked a little like this. Bree-hee-hee! Come further up, come further in!" He shook his mane and sprang forward into a great gallop - a Unicorn's gallop, which, in our world, would have carried him out of sight in a few moments. But now a most strange thing happened. Everyone else began to run, and they found, to their astonishment, that they could keep up with him: not only the Dogs and the humans but even fat little Puzzle and short-legged Poggin the Dwarf. The air flew in their faces as if they were driving fast in a car without a windscreen. The country flew past as if they were seeing it from the windows of an express train. Faster and faster they raced, but no one got hot or tired or out of breath. 15更高更深路 “尚武的国王们啊,”伊梅思说道,“美丽照耀宇宙的女士们啊,奉告各位,我是伊梅思,大沙漠外西边的蒂希什班城的‘泰坎’哈泮的第七代后裔。我是同二十九个卡乐门士兵在‘泰坎’利什达的指挥下最近进入纳尼亚的。却说我最初听到要开往纳尼亚时,我是欢欣鼓舞的,因为我听说过许多你们国土上的事情,很想同你们在战场上较量一番。但,当我发觉我们要化装成商人前往(对一个战士,一个‘泰坎’的儿子来说,穿上商人衣服就是个耻辱),凭撒谎和阴谋诡计搞工作,那种高兴的心情就离开我了。最气人的是,我发觉我们必须侍奉一头猿猴,开始说什么塔什和阿斯兰是二位一体时,世界在我的眼睛里就变成黑暗的了。因为,从我的儿童时期起,我总是信奉塔什神的,我的一大愿望就是对于塔什知道得更多,如果可能的话,当面瞧瞧塔什神。但对于阿斯兰的名字,我却觉得厌恶憎恨。 “你们已经看见了,一夜又一夜的,我们都被召集到那茅草棚子外面,点起了篝火。无尾猿从茅草棚里牵出来一头四条腿的东西,我没法儿看清楚的东西。人和兽都向它鞠躬致敬。但我认为,‘泰坎’被那猿猴骗了。因为这个从马厩里牵出来的东西,既不是塔什,也不是其他神明。但,当我仔细打量‘泰坎’的脸,注意他跟猴子说的每一句话每一个字时,我的想法便改变了:因为我看了出来,‘泰坎’自己也不相信自己说的话。于是我明白了:他压根儿不信塔什,因为,如果他信塔什,怎么会大胆地嘲弄塔什呢? “我明白了这一点时,心中大为愤怒,我觉得奇怪,为什么真正的塔什不从天上用烈火打击猿猴和‘泰坎’呢?然而,我隐藏着我的愤怒,缄口结舌,等待着这事情如何了结。 然而,昨天夜里,正如你们之中有几位也知道的那样,那猴子没有把那头黄颜色的东西从马厩里牵出来,却说凡是想瞧瞧塔什兰的——他们故意把两个名字混合成一个名字,假装两者是合为一体的——必须挨个儿到马厩里去。于是我对自己说,毫无疑问,这是另一个骗局。然而,当猫儿进了马厩,又在一阵疯狂恐惧中重新窜出来时,我又跟我自己说道,现在,必定是真正的塔什神来到我们中间了,他们呼唤塔什神,却对塔什神无知无识或是毫无信仰,塔什神要为自己报仇雪恨了。虽然由于塔什神的伟大和恐怖,我的内心已经被慑服,但我的欲望比我的恐惧强烈,我使劲儿克制两膝的颤抖,克制牙齿格格作响,下定决心要瞧瞧塔什的脸,尽管塔什会把我杀了。所以我自动要求进茅草棚子去;而‘泰坎’呢,虽然不愿意,也只好让我进去了。 “我刚走进门,第一个奇迹就是我发觉自己置身于这伟大的阳光里(就像我们大家现在一样),虽然这茅草棚子从外边儿看来是漆黑一团的,但我没有工夫为此惊奇,因为我立刻被迫为保全自己的脑袋而跟我们的自己人搏斗。我刚看到他就明白了,原来猴子和‘泰坎’把他布置在那儿,是要把任何不参与其机密而闯进棚子来的人杀掉:所以他这个人也是个撒谎者和嘲弄者,并非塔什神的忠实仆人。我下决心要跟他搏斗;我把那混蛋杀了,把他从门口扔了出去。 “然后我向四周瞧瞧,我看到了天空和辽阔的大地,闻到了一片芳香。于是我说,诸神作证,这是个好地方:说不定我是进入了塔什的国土。于是我开始在这新奇的国土里漫游,寻找塔什神。 所以我走过许多草地许多繁花,在各种各样的茁壮宜人的树木之间盘桓,瞧!终于在两块大石头之间的狭路上碰到了一头大得了不得的狮子,他行动迅速如鸵鸟,躯体庞大如大象,毛发如足赤黄金,眼睛明亮如熔炉中的黄金熔液。 他比拉戈尔的火焰山更加可怕,可又美丽得超过世界上一切东西,甚至像盛开的玫瑰之超过沙漠中的尘土一般。我倒在他的脚边,心中想道,毫无疑问,我丧命的时刻到了,因为这狮子(值得尊敬的神)会知道的:我以往的日子里一直信奉效劳的是塔什而不是他。然而,看到阿斯兰而死去,也比做世界上的‘蒂斯罗克’,活着却没见过阿斯兰为好。但,这光荣的狮子俯下他金色的脑袋,用舌头舔舔我的前额,说道:儿子,你是受欢迎的。但我说:咳,狮王,我不是你的儿子,而是塔什的仆人。他答道,孩子啊,你对塔什所做的奉献、效劳,我都看做是对我的奉献、效劳。接着,由于我渴望求得智慧和颖悟,我克服了我的恐惧,向光荣的狮王求教,我说,狮王啊,如此说来,无尾猿所说的你和塔什是二位一体,难道是正确的吗?狮子大声咆哮,大地为之震动(但他的愤怒不是冲着我来的),他说道:这是错误的。并不由于他和我是二位一体,而是因为我们是截然相反的,我把你对他所做的奉献和效劳拿过来,因为我和他性质根本不同:凡是卑鄙无耻的效劳,一个也没法儿奉献给我;凡是能奉献给塔什的效劳,没有一个不是卑鄙无耻的。因此,如果有什么人以塔什的名义起誓,为起誓而信守誓言,他其实是对我起誓,尽管他自己不知道,而酬谢他的,也是我。如果有什么人,以我的名义,做了一件残酷的事情,那么,尽管他嘴上讲的是阿斯兰,其实他效劳的是塔什,正是塔什接受了他的奉献。孩子,你明白了吗?我说,狮王啊,你知道我明白了。但我也说(因为真理迫使我说出来),我以往的日子里一直在寻找塔什。光荣的狮王答道:亲爱的,除非你的愿望是要找我,你是不会寻找得那么真心实意、那么长久的。因为所有的人都能找到他们真心寻找的东西。 “于是他把气息呼在我身上,去掉了我四肢的颤抖,使我站稳脚步。这之后,他说得就不多了,只说我们会再相见的,我必须朝更高更深处走去。接着,他在一阵金黄的风暴中转了个向,突然跑掉了。" “国王和女士们啊,从此以后,我一直在东奔西跑寻找他,我的幸福是那么了不得。甚至像伤疼似的使我身体软弱无力。这真是奇迹中的奇迹,他竞称我为‘亲爱的’,而我呢,不过是像一条狗——” “哎?那是什么话?”有一条狗儿说道。 “先生,”伊梅思道,“这不过是我们卡乐门人流行的一种修辞方式。” “得了,我没法儿说我十分喜欢这种修辞方式。”那狗儿说。 “他并没有什么恶意,”一条年纪较大的狗说道,“当我们的小犬行为不大妥当的时候,我们毕竟是管他们叫乖儿子的。” “我们就是这样叫的,”第一条狗儿说道,“或者是,叫她们乖女儿。” “嘻,嘻!”年纪大的狗儿说,“那可不是个好词儿。你不论到哪儿都要记住。” “瞧!”吉尔突然说道。有条牲口在走过来,怯生生地,来和他们相会;四条腿,风度优雅,浑身银灰色。他们瞪着眼睛看了它整整十秒钟,才有五六个声音突然说道:“呀,这是老迷惑啊!”他们从未在白昼的光线里看见过它卸掉狮子毛皮的模样儿,这可大不一样了。现在它恢复了它的本色:一头美丽的驴子,穿着柔和灰色的外套,生着温和诚实的脸。如果你看见它,你也会像吉尔和露茜一样——冲上前去,用手臂抱住它的脖子,吻它的鼻子,抚摩它的耳朵。 他们问它一直在哪儿,它说它跟其他动物一同走进门来的,但它曾经——咳,说句老实话,它曾经尽可能躲开他们,躲开阿斯兰。因为,见到真正的狮王,使它对于披上狮子毛皮的荒唐把戏深感羞耻,它不知道有什么面目去跟大家见面相会。但是,当它看见它所有的朋友都朝西跑掉了,它吃了一两口青草后(“我生平从来没有吃到过这样鲜美的青草。”迷惑说道。)便鼓起勇气,跟着大家进来了。“但,如果我真的不得不遇见阿斯兰,我相信我自己是不知如何是好的。”它补充道。 “你真的见到阿斯兰时,你会发现结果挺圆满的。”露茜女王说。 于是他们一起向前走去,始终是朝西走去,因为阿斯兰大喊“朝更高更深处走去”时,他的言下之意似乎就是朝着这个方向走去。许多其他动物也慢慢地在同一条道路上行走,但芳草萋萋的国土是很辽阔的,并不拥挤。 时间似乎仍旧很早,空中有着早晨的清新之气。他们老是停下步来,向四周看看,回头望望,一部分是由于景色秀丽,一部分也是由于其中有些东西他们搞不明白。 “彼得,”露茜说,“这儿是什么地方,你琢磨是什么地方?” “我不知道,”至尊王说道,“它使我想起某一个地方,可我说不出地方来。可能是我们在很小很小的时候在那儿度过一天假的地方吧?” “那就必定是个挺好玩挺开心的假日,”尤斯塔斯说道,“我敢打赌,在我们的世界里,哪儿也找不到像这样的国土。仔细瞧过这些色彩吗?在我们的世界里那些崇山峻岭上,你可找不到这么一种蓝色。” “难道这不是阿斯兰的国土吗?”蒂莲问道。 “可不像世界东端外高山顶上阿斯兰的国土,”吉尔说,“我在那儿待过。” “如果你问我,”爱德蒙说,“它倒像是纳尼亚世界里的某一个地方。瞧瞧前面的山——以及这些山后面的巨大的冰山。它们无疑是很像我们惯常在纳尼亚所见到的山,大瀑布后边朝西耸立的群山。” “是的,是这个模样的,”彼得说,“不过这些山更大些。” “我并不认为那些山跟纳尼亚境内的十分相像,”露茜说,“可是往那边瞧瞧。”她朝他们左边的南方一指,大家便停下步来,转过头去嘹望。“这些山,”露茜说道,“这宜人的林木森然的山和这后边的蓝色的山——难道它们同纳尼亚南部边疆不是很像吗?” “像!”爱德蒙沉默了片刻后大声说道,“呀,它们像极了,一模一样。瞧,那是双峰对峙的皮尔峰,那是进入阿钦兰的关隘和其他一切!” “然而它们又不像,”露茜说道,“它们是不同的。它们具有更多的色彩,看上去比我记得的更遥远。比较起来,它们更加……更加……啊,我不知道……” “更加像真正的东西。”迪格雷勋爵低声说道。 千里眼老鹰突然张开翅膀,在离地三四十码的高空翱翔,盘旋一圈后又栖息在地上。 “国王和女王,”老鹰大声报告道,“我们大家都曾视而不见。我们不过是刚开始看到我们是在什么地方。我在高空都看到了——艾丁斯荒原、海狸大坝、大河,凯尔帕拉维尔依旧在东海之滨闪闪发光。纳尼亚没有死亡。这就是纳尼亚。” “但,怎么可能呢?”彼得说,“因为阿斯兰告诉我们这些年纪比较大的人说,我们永远回不了纳尼亚了;而现在我们却是身在纳尼亚。” “是呀,”尤斯塔斯道,“我们亲眼看见纳尼亚全部被毁灭了,连太阳也被熄灭了。” “而且它又全然不同。”露茜说。 “老鹰的话是正确的,”迪格雷勋爵说道,“听着,彼得。阿斯兰说你永远回不了纳尼亚时,他指的是你脑子里正想着的那个纳尼亚。但那不是真正的纳尼亚。那有一个开端也有一个结局。那只不过是真正的纳尼亚的一个影子或是摹本,过去和将来,莫不总是如此,正如我们自己的世界,英国和世界各国,只不过是在阿斯兰的世界里的某些东西的一个影子或摹本。露茜,你无需为纳尼亚哀悼。老纳尼亚中一切重要的东西,一切可爱的动物,都已经由那个门进入了真正的纳尼亚。当然啦,这是不同的,就像一件真的东西跟它的影子是不同的。或者就像醒着的生活跟一个梦是不同的那样。”当他说这些话时,他的声音像喇叭一样使大家为之激动:但,当他低声补充道: “这意思都写在柏拉图的书里了,都写在柏拉图的书里了:我的天哪,他们在那些学校里教些什么呀!”年纪较大的人都哈哈大笑。这一席话跟他们好久以前在另一个世界里听他讲的那种话完全一模一样,不过在那个世界里他的胡子不是金色的,而是灰白色的。他知道他们为什么哈哈大笑,他自己也就参加这场大笑。但是,他们很快又变得严肃了,因为,正如你所知道的,有一种幸福与神奇之感使你认真对待。这境界实在太好了,使你舍不得浪费在笑话上。 很难解释这阳光普照的国土跟老的纳尼亚王国有什么不同,就像没法儿跟你说清楚这国土上的果实滋味如何与众不同一样。如果你这样想一想,也许会得到一些启发。你也许曾经在这样一个房间里待过:房间的窗子面临一个美丽可爱的海湾或是蜿蜒于群山之间的苍翠溪谷。房间里对着窗子的墙上也许挂着一面镜子。当你从窗口转过身来时,你突然从镜子里看到了海湾或溪谷,重新都看了一遍。而镜子里的大海,或镜子里的溪谷,在某种意义上,是跟真的大海或溪谷是一模一样的。然而同时不知怎么的又有所不同:真的更深,更神奇,更像一个故事里的地方——一个你从未听到过、却很想知道的故事。旧的纳尼亚和新的纳尼亚之间的区别就像这样。新的纳尼亚是个更深湛的国土,每块石头,每朵花,每片草叶,看上去仿佛都更加意味深长。我没法儿描摹得更具体了,如果你上那儿去,你就会懂得我的意思。 把大家的感受概括起来的,是独角兽。它在地上蹬着前蹄,曼声长嘶,然后大声叫道:“我终于到家了!这是我的真正的国土!我属于这儿。这是我生平一直在寻找的国土,尽管我直到现在才知道它。为什么我们爱老的纳尼亚呢?理由是它有时候看上去有点儿像这个新的纳尼亚。布里一嘻一嘻!到更高更深处去吧!” 独角兽摇晃鬃毛,向前蹿去,随即四蹄凌空疾马也飞跑——在我们的世界里,一头独角兽这样的驰骋,那就一忽儿便跑得看不见影踪了。却说这时出现一桩非常奇怪的事情。其他的人和兽也都开始奔跑了,使他们自己大吃一惊的是,他们都能赶得上独角兽:不仅狗儿和人,而且连胖胖的小驴子和矮腿小矮人波金也都赶得上哩。风猛吹在他们的脸上,仿佛他们是在一辆没有挡风玻璃的、疾驰如飞的汽车里。乡村在他们的身旁飞快地掠过,就像他们在特别快车的车窗里望见的一样。他们愈跑愈快,但没有一个感到热不可耐、疲倦或喘不过气来。 Chapter 16 FAREWELL TO SHADOWLANDS IF one could run without getting tired, I don't think one would often want to do anything else. But there might be special reasons for stopping, and it was a special reason which made Eustace presently shout: "I say! Steady! Look what we're coming to!" And well he might. For now they saw before them Caldron Pool and beyond the Pool the high unclimbable cliffs and, pouring down the cliffs, thousands of tons of water every second, flashing like diamonds in some places and dark, glassy green in others, the Great Waterfall; and already the thunder of it was in their ears. "Don't stop! Further up and further in," called Farsight, tilting his flight a little upwards. "It's all very well for him," said Eustace, but Jewel also cried out: "Don't stop. Further up and further in! Take it in your stride." His voice could only just be heard above the roar of the water but next moment everyone saw that he had plunged into the Pool. And helter-skelter behind him, with splash after splash, all the others did the same. The water was not biting cold as all of them (and especially Puzzle) expected, but of a delicious foamy coolness. They all found they were swimming straight for the Waterfall itself. "This is absolutely crazy," said Eustace to Edmund. "I know. And yet -" said Edmund. "Isn't it wonderful?" said Lucy. "Have you noticed one can't feel afraid, even if one wants to? Try it." "By Jove, neither one can," said Eustace after he had tried. Jewel reached the foot of the Waterfall first, but Tirian was only just behind him. Jill was last, so she could see the whole thing better than the others. She saw something white moving steadily up the face of the Waterfall. That white thing was the Unicorn. You couldn't tell whether he was swimming or climbing, but he moved on, higher and higher. The point of his horn divided the water just above his head, and it cascaded out in two rainbow-coloured streams all round his shoulders. Just behind him came King Tirian. He moved his legs and arms as if he were swimming but he moved straight upwards: as if one could swim up the wall of a house. What looked funniest was the Dogs. During the gallop they had not been at all out of breath, but now, as they swarmed and wriggled upwards, there was plenty of spluttering and sneezing among them; that was because they would keep on barking, and every time they barked they got their mouths and noses full of water. But before Jill had time to notice all these things fully, she was going up the Waterfall herself. It was the sort of thing that would have been quite impossible in our world. Even if you hadn't been drowned, you would have been smashed to pieces by the terrible weight of water against the countless jags of rock. But in that world you could do it. You went on, up and up, with all kinds of reflected lights flashing at you from the water and all manner of coloured stones flashing through it, till it seemed as if you were climbing up light itself - and always higher and higher till the sense of height would have terrified you if you could be terrified, but later it was only gloriously exciting. And then at last one came to the lovely, smooth green curve in which the water poured over the top and found that one was out on the level river above the Waterfall. The current was racing away behind you, but you were such a wonderful swimmer that you could make headway against it. Soon they were all on the bank, dripping buthappy. A long valley opened ahead and great snow-mountains, now much nearer, stood up against the sky. "Further up and further in," cried Jewel and instantly they were off again. They were out of Narnia now and up into the Western Wild which neither Tirian nor Peter nor even the Eagle had ever seen before. But the Lord Digory and the Lady Polly had. "Do you remember? Do you remember?" they said - and said it in steady voices too, without panting, though the whole party was now running faster than an arrow flies. "What, Lord?" said Tirian. "Is it then true, as stories tell, that you two journeyed here on the very day the world was made?" "Yes," said Digory, "and it seems to me as if it were only yesterday." "And on a flying horse?" asked Tirian. "Is that part true?" "Certainly," said Digory. But the Dogs barked, "Faster, faster!" So they ran faster and faster till it was more like flying than running, and even the Eagle overhead was going no faster than they. And they went through winding valley after winding valley and up the steep sides of hills and, faster than ever, down the other side, following the river and sometimes crossing it and skimming across mountainlakes as if they were living speed-boats, till at last at the far end of one long lake which looked as blue as a turquoise, they saw a smooth green hill. Its sides were as steep as the sides of a pyramid and round the very top of it ran a green wall: but above the wall rose the branches of trees whose leaves looked like silver and their fruit like gold. "Further up and further in!" roared the Unicorn, and no one held back. They charged straight at the foot of the hill and then found themselves running up it almost as water from a broken wave runs up a rock out at the point of some bay. Though the slope was nearly as steep as the roof of a house and the grass was smooth as a bowling green, no one slipped. Only when they had reached the very top did they slow up; that was because they found themselves facing great golden gates. And for a moment none of them was bold enough to try if the gates would open. They all felt just as they had felt about the fruit "Dare we? Is it right? Can it be meant for us?" But while they were standing thus a great horn, wonderfully loud and sweet, blew from somewhere inside that walled garden and the gates swung open. Tirian stood holding his breath and wondering who would come out. And what came was the last thing he had expected: a little, sleek, bright-eyed Talking Mouse with a red feather stuck in a circlet on its head and its left paw resting on a long sword. It bowed, a most beautiful bow, and said in its shrill voice: "Welcome, in the Lion's name. Come further up and further in." Then Tirian saw King Peter and King Edmund and Queen Lucy rush forward to kneel down and greet the Mouse and they all cried out "Reepicheep!" And Tirian breathed fast with the sheer wonder of it, for now he knew that he was looking at one of the great heroes of Narnia, Reepicheep the Mouse who had fought at the great Battle of Beruna and afterwards sailed to the World's end with King Caspian the Seafarer. But before he had had much time to think of this he felt two strong arms thrown about him and felt a bearded kiss on his cheeks and heard a well remembered voice saying: "What, lad? Art thicker and taller since I last touched thee!" It was his own father, the good King Erlian: but not as Tirian had seen him last when they brought him home pale and wounded from his fight with the giant, nor even as Tirian remembered him in his later years when he was a grey-headed warrior. This was his father, young and merry, as he could just remember him from very early days when he himself had been a little boy playing games with his father in the castle garden at Cair Paravel, just before bedtime on summer evenings. The very smell of the bread-and-milk he used to have for supper came back to him. Jewel thought to himself, "I will leave them to talk for a little and then I will go and greet the good King Erlian. Many a bright apple has he given me when I was but a colt." But next moment he had something else to think of, for out of the gateway there came a horse so mighty and noble that even a Unicorn might feel shy in its presence: a great winged horse. It looked a moment at the Lord Digory and the Lady Polly and neighed out "What, cousins!" and they both shouted "Fledge! Good old Fledge!" and rushed to kiss it. But by now the Mouse was again urging them to come in. So all of them passed in through the golden gates, into the delicious smell that blew towards them out of that garden and into the cool mixture of sunlight and shadow under the trees, walking on springy turf that was all dotted with white flowers. The very first thing which struck everyone was that the place was far larger than it had seemed from outside. But no one had time to think about that for people were coming up to meet the newcomers from every direction. Everyone you had ever heard of (if you knew the history of these countries) seemed to be there. There was Glimfeather the Owl and Puddleglum the Marshwiggle, and King Rilian the Disenchanted, and his mother the Star's daughter and his great father Caspian himself. And close beside him were the Lord Drinian and the Lord Berne and Trumpkin the Dwarf and Truffle-hunter the good Badger with Glenstorm the Centaur and a hundred other heroes of the great War of Deliverance. And then from another side came Cor the King of Archenland with King Lune his father and his wife Queen Aravis and the brave prince Corin Thunder-Fist, his brother, and Bree the Horse and Hwin the Mare. And then - which was a wonder beyond all wonders to Tirian - there came from further away in the past, the two good Beavers and Tumnus the Faun. And there was greeting and kissing and hand-shaking and old jokes revived, (you've no idea how good an old joke sounds when you take it out again after a rest of five or six hundred years) and the whole company moved forward to the centre of the orchard where the Phoenix sat in a tree and looked down upon them all, and at the foot of that tree were two thrones and in those two thrones a King and Queen so great and beautiful that everyone bowed down before them. And well they might, for these two were King Frank and Queen Helen from whom all the most ancient Kings of Narnia and Archenland are descended. And Tirian felt as you would feel if you were brought before Adam and Eve in all their glory. About half an hour later - or it might have been half a hundred years later, for time there is not like time here - Lucy stood with her dear friend, her oldest Narnian friend, the Faun Tumnus, looking down over the wall of that garden, and seeing all Narnia spread out below. But when you looked down you found that this hill was much higher than you had thought: it sank down with shining cliffs, thousands of feet below them and trees in that lower world looked no bigger than grains of green salt. Then she turned inward again and stood with her back to the wall and looked at the garden. "I see," she said at last, thoughtfully. "I see now. This garden is like the stable. It is far bigger inside than it was outside." "Of course, Daughter of Eve," said the Faun. "The further up and the further in you go, the bigger everything gets. The inside is larger than the outside." Lucy looked hard at the garden and saw that it was not really a garden but a whole world, with its own rivers and woods and sea and mountains. But they were not strange: she knew them all. "I see," she said. "This is still Narnia, and more real and more beautiful then the Narnia down below, just as it was more real and more beautiful than the Narnia outside the stable door! I see... world within world, Narnia within Narnia..." "Yes," said Mr Tumnus, "like an onion: except that as you go in and in, each circle is larger than the last." And Lucy looked this way and that and soon found that a new and beautiful thing had happened to her. Whatever she looked at, however far away it might be, once she had fixed her eyes steadily on it, became quite clear and close as if she were looking through a telescope. She could see the whole Southern desert and beyond it the great city of Tashbaan: to Eastward she could see Cair Paravel on the edge of the sea and the very window of the room that had once been her own. And far out to sea she could discover the islands, islands after islands to the end of the world, and, beyond the end, the huge mountain which they had called Aslan's country. But now she saw that it was part of a great chain of mountains which ringed round the whole world. In front of her it seemed to come quite close. Then she looked to her left and saw what she took to be a great bank of brightly-coloured cloud, cut off from them by a gap. But she looked harder and saw that it was not a cloud at all but a real land. And when she had fixed her eyes on one particular spot of it, she at once cried out, "Peter! Edmund! Come and look! Come quickly." And they came and looked, for their eyes also had become like hers. "Whys" exclaimed Peter. "It's England. And that's the house itself - Professor Kirk's old home in the country where all our adventures began!" "I thought that house had been destroyed," said Edmund. "So it was," said the Faun. "But you are now looking at the England within England, the real England just as this is the real Narnia. And in that inner England no good thing is destroyed." Suddenly they shifted their eyes to another spot, and then Peter and Edmund and Lucy gasped with amazement and shouted out and began waving: for there they saw their own father and mother, waving back at them across the great, deep valley. It was like when you see people waving at you from the deck of a big ship when you are waiting on the quay to meet them. "How can we get at them?" said Lucy. "That is easy," said Mr Tumnus. "That country and this country - all the real countries - are only spurs jutting out from the great mountains of Aslan. We have only to walk along the ridge, upward and inward, till it joins on. And listen! There is King Frank's horn: we must all go up." And soon they found themselves all walking together and a great, bright procession it was - up towards mountains higher than you could see in this world even if they were there to be seen. But there was no snow on those mountains: there were forests and green slopes and sweet orchards and flashing waterfalls, one above the other, going up forever. And the land they were walking on grew narrower all the time, with a deep valley on each side: and across that valley the land which was the real England grew nearer and nearer. The light ahead was growing stronger. Lucy saw that a great series of many-coloured cliffs led up in front of them like a giant's staircase. And then she forgot everything else, because Aslan himself was coming, leaping down from cliff to cliff like a living cataract of power and beauty. And the very first person whom Aslan called to him was Puzzle the Donkey. You never saw a donkey look feebler and sillier than Puzzle did as he walked up to Aslan, and he looked, beside Aslan, as small as a kitten looks beside a St Bernard. The Lion bowed down his head and whispered something to Puzzle at which his long ears went down, but then he said something else at which the ears perked up again. The humans couldn't hear what he had said either time. Then Aslan turned to them and said: "You do not yet look so happy as I mean you to be." Lucy said, "We're so afraid of being sent away, Aslan. And you have sent us back into our own world so often." "No fear of that," said Aslan. "Have you not guessed?" Their hearts leaped and a wild hope rose within them. "There was a real railway accident," said Aslan softly."Your father and mother and all of you are - as you used tocall it in the Shadowlands - dead. The term is over: theholidays have begun. The dream is ended: this is themorning." And as He spoke He no longer looked to them like a lion; but the things that began to happen after that were so great and beautiful that I cannot write them. And for us this is the end of all the stories, and we can most truly say that they all lived happily ever after. But for them it was only the beginning of the real story. All their life in this world and all their adventures in Narnia had only been the cover and the title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story which no one on earth has read: which goes on forever: in which every chapter is better than the one before. 16告别幻影世界 一个人,如果能够飞跑而不感到疲倦,我想他就不会想到做别的事情了。但,说不定会有停下步来的特别缘故,而这就是使尤斯塔斯大叫的缘故:“听我说!别急!瞧瞧我们来到什么地方了!” 他很可能停下来了。因为现在他们看到了大锅渊、大锅渊背后高不可攀的悬崖,以及每秒钟从悬崖上倾泻而下几千吨水的大瀑布,它在某些地方闪烁如金刚钻,在另外一些地方呈玻璃似的暗绿色;而雷鸣似的瀑布声已经响彻他们的耳中。 “别停下来!朝更高更深处前进!”老鹰一面呼唤,一面斜斜地稍稍往上飞翔。 “对于它,一切都很方便。”尤斯塔斯说道,但独角兽珍宝也呼唤道:“别停止。朝更高更深处前进!你大步前进时要心领神会这种精神。” 大瀑布轰隆声中,独角兽的呼声勉强能够听得到,但片刻之后就看见它深入到大锅渊里去了。手忙脚乱,溅水泼水,其他的人和兽也都下去了。水并不像他们大家(特别是驴子迷惑)所料想的冰冷彻骨,倒是冒着泡沫,凉快宜人。 他们大家都发现:他们正笔直地向大瀑布游去。 “简直是完全疯了。”尤斯塔斯对爱德蒙说道。 “这岂不神奇吗?”露茜说,“你有没有注意到,人没法儿感到害怕,即使想要害怕也办不到?你试试。” “天哪,真是没法儿害怕。”尤斯塔斯试试后说道。 独角兽珍宝第一个到达大瀑布底下,但蒂莲就跟在它后面。吉尔最后一个到达,所以她比其他的人看得清楚。她看见有个白色的东西在大瀑布的水面上稳稳地移动。白色的东西就是独角兽。你没法儿说它是在游泳还是在攀登,但它是在前进,愈进愈高。它那独角的尖端把那正好在它头顶之上的水分开,水分成两股七彩溪流绕着它的肩膀淌下来。 就在独角兽的后面,国王蒂莲也赶到了。他挥动着他的两腿和两臂,仿佛是在游泳,但他是在笔直地向上移动:仿佛他能游上墙壁似的。 看起来最可笑的是狗儿们。一路奔驰时它们压根儿不曾透不过气来,可现在挤在一起,往上扭动,彼此杂乱地谈了许多话,却打了许多喷嚏;那是因为它们老是不断地吠叫,而每次吠叫都弄得满嘴满鼻子都是水。但,吉尔来不及把这些事情充分看仔细,她自己也爬进大瀑布里。这是一种在我们的世界里完全不可能办到的事情。瀑布以那么可怕的重量冲在石头尖上,即使你没有被淹死,也被冲得粉身碎骨了。但是在那个世界里,你倒能办到的。你继续前进,上升再上升,各种来自瀑布的反光照耀在你身上,各式各样的彩色石子又从水中折射出光芒来,这样,看来好像是你正在光芒的本体上往上攀登哩——而且总是愈登愈高,甚至高的感觉会叫你大吃一惊,如果吓得着你的话,但在这儿不过是光荣的兴奋罢了。最后,来到大水由此涌向山顶的那美丽可爱、光滑苍翠的弯道,便发觉自己已身在瀑布上方平坦的河上了。激流在你背后奔腾而去,但你倒是个神奇的游泳健将,竟能逆流而上。不久,他们大家都上了岸,浑身湿淋淋的,可是快快乐乐的。 前面展开着一个长长的河谷和巨大的积雪高山,高山映衬着天空,巍然矗立,近得多了。 “朝更高更深处前进。”独角兽珍宝大声叫道,于是他们立刻又出发了。 现在他们出了纳尼亚,往高处进入西部荒原,那可是蒂莲、彼得,甚至老鹰以前都没见过的地方。但迪格雷勋爵和波莉夫人倒见过。“你记得吗?你记得吗?”他们说——而且还是用平平稳稳的声调说的,一点也没有气喘吁吁,尽管这一行人兽正飞跑得比箭还快哩。 “啊,勋爵,”蒂莲说道,“故事里说,你们两人在世界初创之日就到这儿来旅行过,那么是确有其事的啦?” “是的,”迪格雷勋爵说道,“我觉得仿佛不过是昨天的事。” “骑了一匹飞马吗?”蒂莲问道,“这情节是真实的吗?” “然是真的。”迪格雷说。但狗儿们吠叫了“快,快!” 所以他们便愈跑愈快,直跑得不像跑而更像飞了,天空的老鹰也不比他们快了。他们穿过一个弯曲的河谷又穿过一个弯曲的河谷,走上群山的陡坡,比以前更加快速地又走下另一边的陡坡,循着河流走过去,有时渡过河去,漂过高山湖泊去,仿佛他们自己就是有生命的快艇。最后他们到了一个长湖的尽头,湖水蓝得像土耳其玉。于是他们看到了一个光滑的绿色小山。小山的两侧陡得像金字塔的边,环绕山顶四周筑有一道绿色的墙垣,墙上伸展出树枝,树叶看上去像银的,果实像金的。 “朝更高更深处前进!”独角兽大声吼道,没有一个人退缩。他们笔直地朝山麓冲去,这就发现他们自己已经奔上山去,几乎就像一个给拦断的波浪,冲上了海湾尖端突出的一块大石头一样。虽然山坡几乎陡得像屋顶,草地光滑得像玩滚木球游戏的草坪,没有一个失足滑倒的。只是他们在到达山顶时放慢了脚步,那是因为他们发现自己面对着巨大的金门。有那么一会儿,谁也不够大胆,不敢去试试金门是否会打开。他们大家的感觉,就像他们对那神奇果实的感觉一模一样——“我们敢吗?对头吗?难道这门能为我们而打开吗?” 但,当他们这么站在门外的时候,一只巨大的号角,声音响亮甜润,在墙内花园里什么地方呜呜地吹着,金门便打开了。 蒂莲屏息静气地站着,心中猜测谁会走出门来。但出来的是他完全没料到的角色:一头小小的、毛发柔软发光、眼睛明亮的、会说人话的老鼠,头上一个圈里插着一根红羽毛,左脚爪按在一把长剑上。它鞠躬,鞠了一个最最漂亮的躬,尖声说道: “以狮王的名义,欢迎。往更高更深处前进。” 接着蒂莲便看到至尊王彼得和国王爱德蒙和女王露茜跑上前去,跪下向老鼠致敬,大家齐声喊道:“雷佩契普!” 事情神奇之至,蒂莲连呼吸也急促了,因为他现在知道,他正亲眼目睹纳尼亚的大英雄老鼠雷佩契普,当年它曾打过伯龙纳大战,后来跟着航海者凯斯宾国王一直到了天涯海角。但,他还来不及思考这件事情,便觉得有两条强壮的胳膊抱住他,感到有把胡子在吻他的面颊,听到一个挺熟悉的声音说道: “怎么样,孩子?比我上次吻你时胡子更密更长了吧?” 说这话的是他自己的父亲,善良的国王厄莲:但既不是蒂莲曾看见过的与巨人作战受伤、脸色苍白、人家送他回家来时的父亲,甚至也不是蒂莲所记得的晚年是个白发苍苍的老战士的父亲。眼前可是个年轻而又开心的父亲,蒂莲童年时期所能记得的父亲,当年他自己是个小男孩,在凯尔帕拉维尔城堡花园里同父亲一起做游戏,时间就在夏天黄昏上床之前。晚餐时他常吃的牛奶面包的味道又回来了。 独角兽珍宝心里跟自己说道:“我要让他们谈一会儿,然后我再向国王厄莲致敬。我是个小不点儿的时候,他给我吃过许多光亮的苹果。”但下一刻它又有别的事情要想了,因为大门里又出来一匹马儿,强壮有力,高贵壮丽,甚至独角兽在它面前也自惭形秽。它是一匹长着翅膀的大马。它对迪格雷勋爵和波莉夫人瞧了一会儿,便嘶鸣道:“呀,表兄!”他们俩一同大口叫:“飞羽!善良的老飞羽!”跑过去吻它。 这时候,老鼠重新催促他们进门去。所以他们大家都穿过金门进去,从花园里向他们吹来了宜人的芳香。进入阳光与树阴的凉快混合体里,走在缀着星星点点的白花的、有弹性的草皮上。第一件使大家印象十分深刻的事实是:这花园的里边远比外边看起来要大得多。但谁也没有时间思考这个问题,因为人们正从四面八方赶来同新到的人见面。你听到过的(如果你知道这些国家的历史)每一个人,似乎都在那儿。有猫头鹰格里姆费瑟、沼泽怪普德格伦、解魔醒迷的国王瑞廉、瑞廉的母亲那位明星的女儿、瑞廉的了不起的父亲凯斯宾国王本人。紧挨着凯斯宾的,是德林尼安勋爵和伯尼勋爵、小矮人特鲁普金、猎户特鲁夫尔、善良的獾、人头马格伦斯通姆,以及拯救大战中的其他上百个英雄。从另一边又来了阿钦兰国王科奥、他的父亲国王伦恩、他的王后阿拉维斯、他的兄弟勇敢的王子霹雳拳击手科林、战马布里和母马赫温。接着——在蒂莲看来,这是一切奇迹之上的奇迹——竟从遥远的往昔来了两头善良的海狸和羊怪图姆纳斯。互相问候,接吻,握手,老的笑话也复活了(你完全不了解一个老的笑话听起来多么有趣,当你把它搁了五六百年又重新端出来的时候),整个队伍向前移动,向果园的中心走去;果园里,长生鸟坐在一棵树上,俯瞰着他们大家,而树底下有两个御座,御座上分别坐着国王和王后,伟大而美丽,大家都拜倒在他们面前。他们也要拜下去,因为这两位就是国王法兰克和王后海伦,纳尼亚和阿钦兰的大部分古代国王都是他们的后裔。而蒂莲当时的感觉就像带你去见风华正茂的亚当和夏娃时的感受一样。 大约半个钟头以后——或者也可能是五十年以后,因为那儿的时间,跟咱们这儿的时间不一样——露茜和她的亲爱的朋友,她的纳尼亚老朋友羊怪图姆纳斯站在一起,越过花园的墙头俯瞰,看到整个纳尼亚展现在下面。但,当你俯瞰时,你发觉这山比你所认为的要大得多,它挟着闪闪发亮的悬崖下沉数千英尺,在底层,树木看上去只有绿色的盐粒那么大。然后她转而向内,背靠着墙,瞧着花园。 “我明白了,”她终于沉思地说道,“现在我明白了。这花园就像那马厩。里边远比外边大得多。” “当然啦,夏娃的女儿,”羊怪说道,“你愈是往高处深处走去,一切东西就变得愈大。里边比外边大。” 露茜仔细打量着花园,发觉它确实压根儿不是一个花园,而是一个完全的世界,有它自己的江湖、森林、海洋和山岭。但它们并不陌生:她一一都认识它们。 “我明白了,”她说道,“这仍旧是纳尼亚,比下面的纳尼亚更真实更美丽,就像它比马厩门外的纳尼亚更真实更美丽一模一样!我明白了,世界中的世界,纳尼亚里的纳尼亚……” “是的,”图姆纳斯先生说,“像个洋葱头,除非你不断地往里边儿剥,每一圈总比上一圈大。” 露茜东张西望,不久便发现她眼睛发生了新的美丽的变化。不论她瞧什么,不论她瞧的景物多远,一旦她的眼睛稳稳地盯住它直瞧,它就显得很清晰很近,仿佛她是在用望远镜观看。她能看到南方整个儿大沙漠,沙漠后的塔什班城,向东她能望见海滨的凯尔帕拉维尔城,望见一度属于她的那个房间的窗子。远至大海之上,她能发现岛屿,一个岛接着一个岛的,直至天涯海角,而天涯的后面便是人们称之为阿斯兰的国土的崇山峻岭。但现在她看清楚了,这崇山峻岭不过是环绕整个世界的、连绵不断的大山脉的一部分。它就在她的前面,仿佛很近似的。然后她向左边望去,她看到了一大堆她认为是色彩鲜明的云,跟他们之间隔着一条沟。但她更仔细地看时便看出它压根儿不是云,而是一块真正的陆地。当她的眼睛盯住某一点打量时,她立刻大声叫了起来:“彼得!爱德蒙!来瞧瞧!快来。”他们便来瞧了,因为他们的眼也变得跟露茜的眼睛一样了。 “呀!”彼得叫道,“这是英国啊。这就是那座房屋——柯克教授在乡下的老家,我们的一切奇遇都是从那儿开始的!” “我以为那屋子已经坍毁了呢。”爱德蒙说。 “屋子是坍掉了,”羊怪说道,“但你现在正望见的是英国里的英国,真正的英国,正如这儿是真正的纳尼亚一样。而在那个内部英国里,没有一件好的东西是毁掉的。” 突然,他们把眼睛转到了另一个地点,彼得、爱德蒙和露茜这就惊讶得连气也透不过来,他们口中叫了出来,双手也开始挥动起来,因为他们看到了他们的父母,父母也隔着那又大又深的溪谷向他们挥手致意。这就像你看到人们在一条大船的甲板上向你挥手致意,而你正在码头上迎接他们。 “我们怎么能和他们团聚呢?”露茜问道。 “那倒容易,”图姆纳斯说道,“那个国家和这个国家——都是真正的国家——都不过是从阿斯兰的崇山峻岭上突出来的山鼻子罢了。我们只要沿着山脊走去,向上向内走去,直到两处连接的地方。听呀,国王法兰克的号角响了,我们大家都必须往上走了。” 不久他们就发现大家都走在一起了——好一个伟大而辉煌的行列——都在向上走向比你在这个世界里能看到的高山还要高的崇山峻岭,如果看得到高山的话。但这些崇山峻岭上可没有积雪:有的是森森林木、苍翠山坡、芳香果园和闪烁瀑布,一个接着一个,永远往高处绵延。而他们正在走着的土地始终在愈变愈窄,两边各有一个深谷,深谷那一边的土地,便是真正的英国,愈走愈近啦。 前边的光芒愈来愈强烈了。露茜看到一系列彩色的悬崖峭壁重重叠叠,像是巨人的磴道。接着她把其他种种都忘掉了,因为阿斯兰自己来了,从悬崖峭壁到悬崖峭壁往下奔腾,像是充满力量和美丽的生动活泼的瀑布。 阿斯兰首先呼唤的对象是驴子迷惑。驴子向阿斯兰走去,你从未看见过一头驴子像迷惑当时那样虚弱和愚蠢的了:它站在阿斯兰身边,看上去小得就像站在圣·贝尔纳身边的小猫一样。狮王俯下脑袋,在迷惑的耳边低声说了些话,听到这话,迷惑的长耳朵垂下来了;但狮王随即又说了些别的话,听到这话,迷惑的耳朵又竖起来了,几个人都没法儿听到狮王先后两次所说的话。接着,阿斯兰转向人们说道: “看来你们还不像我原来指望的那么快乐啊。” 露茜说:“阿斯兰,我们担心你要把我们送走。你好几次都把我们送回我们自己的世界去的。” “不用担心,”阿斯兰说道,“你们没猜到吗?” 他们的心怦怦直跳,内心里升起了疯狂的希望。 “确实发生过一次火车事故,”阿斯兰低声说道,“你们的父亲和母亲以及你们大家都死了——正如你们惯常所说的,到影子国土去了。学期结束了,假期开始了。梦做完了:现在是早晨了。” 阿斯兰说话时,他不再像一头狮子那样对着他们直瞧;但以后开始发生的事情是那么伟大和美丽,所以我无法描写。对我们说来,这就是所有故事的结局,我们能最最真实地说,从此以后,他们大家幸福地生活下去了。但对他们说来,这仅仅是真正故事的开端。他们在这个世界里的一切生活以及他们在纳尼亚的一切奇遇,仅仅是一本书的封面和扉页:现在他们终于把这伟大故事的第一章开了个头。这伟大的故事,世界上的人不曾读过,这伟大的故事会永远继续下去:每一章都比前一章更精彩。 Chapter 12 THROUGH THE STABLE DOOR JILL ought to have been back at the white rock already but she had quite forgotten that part of her orders in the excitement of watching the fight. Now she remembered. She turned at once and ran to it, and arrived there barely a second before the others. It thus happened that all of them, for a moment, had their backs to the enemy. They all wheeled round the moment they had reached it. A terrible sight met their eyes. A Calormene was running towards the stable door carrying something that kicked and struggled. As he came between them and the fire they could see clearly both the shape of the man and the shape of what he carried. It was Eustace. Tirian and the Unicorn rushed out to rescue him. But the Calormene was now far nearer to the door then they. Before they had covered half the distance he had flung Eustace in and shut the door on him. Half a dozen more Calormenes had run up behind him. They formed a line on the open space before the stable. There was no getting at it now. Even then Jill remembered to keep her face turned aside, well away from her bow. "Even if I can't stop blubbing, I won't get my string wet," she said. "'Ware arrows," said Poggin suddenly. Everyone ducked and pulled his helmet well over his nose. The Dogs crouched behind. But though a few arrows came their way it soon became clear that they were not being shot at. Griffle and his Dwarfs were at their archery again. This time they were coolly shooting at the Calormenes. "Keep it up, boys!" came Griffle's voice. "All together. Carefully. We don't want Darkies any more than we want Monkeys - or Lions - or Kings. The Dwarfs are for the Dwarfs." Whatever else you may say about Dwarfs, no one can say they aren't brave. They could easily have got away to some safe place. They preferred to stay and kill as many of both sides as they could, except when both sides were kind enough to save them trouble by killing one another. They wanted Narnia for their own. What perhaps they had not taken into account was that the Calormenes were mail-clad and the Horses had had no protection. Also the Calormenes had a leader. Rishda Tarkaan's voice cried out: "Thirty of you keep watch on those fools by the white rock. The rest, after me, that we may teach these sons of earth a lesson." Tirian and his friends, still panting from their fight and thankful for a few minutes' rest, stood and looked on while the Tarkaan led his men against the Dwarfs. It was a strange scene by now. The fire had sunk lower: the light it gave was now less and of a darker red. As far as one could see, the whole place of assembly was now empty except for the Dwarf and the Calormenes. In that light one couldn't make out much of what was happening. It sounded as if the Dwarfs were putting up a good fight. Tirian could hear Griffle using dreadful language, and every now and then the Tarkaan calling, "Take all you can alive! Take them alive!" Whatever that fight may have been like, it did not last long. The noise of it died away. Then Jill saw the Tarkaan coming back to the stable: eleven men followed him, dragging eleven bound Dwarfs. (Whether the others had all been killed, or whether some of them had got away, was never known.) "Throw them into the shrine of Tash," said Rishda Tarkaan. And when the eleven Dwarfs, one after the other, had been flung or kicked into that dark doorway and the door had been shut again, he bowed low to the stable and said: "These also are for thy burnt offering, Lord Tash." And all the Calormenes banged the flats of their swords on their shields and shouted, "Tash! Tash! The great god Tash! Inexorable Tash!" (There was no nonsense about "Tashlan" now.) The little party by the white rock watched these doings and whispered to one another. They had found a trickle of water coming down the rock and all had drunk eagerly - Jill and Poggin and the King in their hands, while the four-footed ones lapped from the little pool which it had made at the foot of the stone. Such was their thirst that it seemed the most delicious drink they had ever had in their lives, and while they were drinking they were perfectly happy and could not think of anything else. "I feel in my bones," said Poggin, "that we shall all, one by one, pass through that dark door before morning. I can think of a hundred deaths I would rather have died." "It is indeed a grim door," said Tirian. "It is more like a mouth." "Oh, can't we do anything to stop it?" said Jill in a shaken voice. "Nay, fair friend," said Jewel, nosing her gently. "It may be for us the door to Aslan's country and we shall sup at his table tonight." Rishda Tarkaan turned his back on the stable and walked slowly to a place in front of the white rock. "Hearken," he said. "If the Boar and the Dogs and the Unicorn will come over to me and put themselves in my mercy, their lives shall be spared. The Boar shall go to a cage in The Tisroc's garden, the Dogs to The Tisroc's kennels, and the Unicorn, when I have sawn his horn off, shall draw a cart. But the Eagle, the children, and he who was the King shall be offered to Tash this night." The only answer was growls. "Get on, warriors," said the Tarkaan. "Kill the beasts, but take the two-legged ones alive." And then the last battle of the last King of Narnia began. What made it hopeless, even apart from the numbers of the enemy, was the spears. The Calormenes who had been with the Ape almost from the beginning had had no spears: that was because they had come into Narnia by ones and twos, pretending to be peaceful merchants, and of course they had carried no spears for a spear is not a thing you can hide. The new ones must have come in later, after the Ape was already strong and they could march openly. The spears made all the difference. With a long spear you can kill a boar before you are in reach of his tusks and a unicorn before you are in reach of his horn; if you are very quick and keep your head. And now the levelled spears were closing in on Tirian and his last friends. Next minute they were all fighting for their lives. In a way it wasn't quite so bad as you might think. When you are using every muscle to the full - ducking under a spear-point here, leaping over it there, lunging forward, drawing back, wheeling round - you haven't much time to feel either frightened or sad. Tirian knew he could do nothing for the others now; they were all doomed together. He vaguely saw the Boar go down on one side of him, and Jewel fighting furiously on the other. Out of the corner of one eye he saw, but only just saw, a big Calormene pulling Jill away somewhere by her hair. But he hardly thought about any of these things. His only thought now was to sell his life as dearly as he could. The worst of it was that he couldn't keep to the position in which he had started, under the white rock. A man who is fighting a dozen enemies at once must take his chances wherever he can; must dart in wherever he sees an enemy's breast or neck unguarded. In a very few strokes this may get you quite a distance from the spot where you began. Tirian soon found that he was getting further and further to the right, nearer to the stable. He had a vague idea in his mind that there was some good reason for keeping away from it. But he couldn't now remember what the reason was. And anyway, he couldn't help it. All at once everything came quite clear. He found he was fighting the Tarkaan himself. The bonfire (what was left of it) was straight in front. He was in fact fighting in the very doorway of the stable, for it had been opened and two Calormenes were holding the door, ready to slam it shut the moment he was inside. He remembered everything now, and he realized that the enemy had been edging him to the stable on purpose ever since the fight began. And while he was thinking this he was still fighting the Tarkaan as hard as he could. A new idea came into Tirian's head. He dropped his sword, darted forward, in under the sweep of the Tarkaan's scimitar, seized his enemy by the belt with both hands, and jumped back into the stable, shouting: "Come in and meet Tash yourself!" There was a deafening noise. As when the Ape had been flung in, the earth shook and there was a blinding light. The Calormene soldiers outside screamed. "Tash, Tash!" and banged the door. If Tash wanted their own Captain, Tash must have him. They, at any rate, did not want to meet Tash. For a moment or two Tirian did not know where he was or even who he was. Then he steadied himself, blinked, and looked around. It was not dark inside the stable, as he had expected. He was in strong light: that was why he was blinking. He turned to look at Rishda Tarkaan, but Rishda was not looking at him. Rishda gave a great wail and pointed; then he put his hands before his face and fell flat, face downwards, on the ground. Tirian looked in the direction where the Tarkaan had pointed. And then he understood. A terrible figure was coming towards them. It was far smaller than the shape they had seen from the Tower, though still much bigger than a man, and it was the same. It had a vulture's head and four arms. Its beak was open and its eyes blazed. A croaking voice came from its beak. "Thou hast called me into Narnia, Rishda Tarkaan. Here I am. What hast thou to say?" But the Tarkaan neither lifted his face from the ground nor said a word. He was shaking like a man with a bad hiccup. He was brave enough in battle: but half his courage had left him earlier that night when he first began to suspect that there might be a real Tash. The rest of it had left him now. With a sudden jerk -like a hen stooping to pick up a worm - Tash pounced on the miserable Rishda and tucked him under the upper of his two right arms. Then Tash turned his head sidewise to fix Tirian with one of his terrible eyes: for of course, having a bird's head, he couldn't look at you straight. But immediately, from behind Tash, strong and calm as the summer sea, a voice said: "Begone, Monster, and take your lawful prey to your own place: in the name of Aslan and Aslan's great Father the Emperor-over-the-Sea." The hideous creature vanished, with the Tarkaan still under its arm. And Tirian turned to see who had spoken. And what he saw then set his heart beating as it had never beaten in any fight. Seven Kings and Queens stood before him, all with crowns on their heads and all in glittering clothes, but the Kings wore fine mail as well and had their swords drawn in their hands. Tirian bowed courteously and was about to speak when the youngest of the Queens laughed. He stared hard at her face, and then gasped with amazement, for he knew her. It was Jill: but not Jill as he had last seen her, with her face all dirt and tears and an old drill dress half slipping off one shoulder. Now she looked cool and fresh, as fresh as if she had just come from bathing. And at first he thought she looked older, but then didn't, and he could never make up his mind on that point. And then he saw that the youngest of the Kings was Eustace: but he also was changed as Jill was changed. Tirian suddenly felt awkward about coming among these people with the blood and dust and sweat of a battle still on him. Next moment he realized that he was not in that state at all. He was fresh and cool and clean, and dressed in such clothes as he would have worn for a great feast at Cair Paravel. (But in Narnia your good clothes were never your uncomfortable ones. They knew how to make things that felt beautiful as well as looking beautiful in Narnia: and there was no such thing as starch or flannel or elastic to be found from one end of the country to the other.) "Sire," said Jill coming forward and making a beautiful curtsey, "let me make you known to Peter the High King over all Kings in Narnia." Tirian had no need to ask which was the High King, for he remembered his face (though here it was far nobler) from his dream. He stepped forward, sank on one knee and kissed Peter's hand. "High King," he said. "You are welcome to me." And the High King raised him and kissed him on both cheeks as a High King should. Then he led him to the eldest of the Queens - but even she was not old, and there were no grey hairs on her head and no wrinkles on her cheek - and said, "Sir, this is that Lady Polly who came into Narnia on the First Day, when Aslan made the trees grow and the Beasts talk." He brought him next to a man whose golden beard flowed over his breast and whose face was full of wisdom. "And this," he said, "is the Lord Digory who was with her on that day. And this is my brother, King Edmund: and this my sister, the Queen Lucy." "Sir," said Tirian, when he had greeted all these. "If I have read the chronicle aright, there should be another. Has not your Majesty two sisters? Where is Queen Susan?" "My sister Susan," answered Peter shortly and gravely, "is no longer a friend of Narnia." "Yes," said Eustace, "and whenever you've tried to get her to come and talk about Narnia or do anything about Narnia, she says, `What wonderful memories you have! Fancy your still thinking about all those funny games we used to play when we were children.'" "Oh Susan!" said Jill. "She's interested in nothing nowadays except nylons and lipstick and invitations. She always was a jolly sight too keen on being grown-up." "Grown-up, indeed," said the Lady Polly. "I wish she would grow up. She wasted all her school time wanting to be the age she is now, and she'll waste all the rest of her life trying to stay that age. Her whole idea is to race on to the silliest time of one's life as quick as she can and then stop there as long as she can." "Well, don't let's talk about that now," said Peter. "Look! Here are lovely fruit-trees. Let us taste them." And then, for the first time, Tirian looked about him and realized how very queer this adventure was. 12穿过马厩的门 吉尔早该已经回到白石头那儿的,但她兴奋地观战时把她所接受的这一部分命令完全忘记了。现在她记了起来。她立刻转身向白石头跑去,仅仅比其他的人早到一秒钟。撤退之际,他们大家有一阵子都是背对着敌人的。他们到达白石头时便转过身来。他们的眼睛见到了一个可怕的景象。 一个卡乐门士兵正向马厩的门跑去,他手里还挟着个正在踢脚挣扎的东西。卡乐门士兵来到他们与篝火之间时,他们能清清楚楚地看到士兵和士兵所挟着的东西的形体。原来是尤斯塔斯。: 蒂莲和独角兽跑过去抢救尤斯塔斯。但那卡乐门士兵现在比他们离马厩的门近得多。他们还没有走近一半距离,士兵已经把尤斯塔斯扔进门去,而且把门关上了。六七个卡乐门士兵在他后面赶了上来。士兵们在马厩前的空地上布成了阵势。现在没法儿突过去了。这时吉尔也记住了转过脸去离开弓弦的嘱咐。“即使我不能停止哭泣,我也不会沾湿我的弓弦了。”她说。“留神利箭。”波金突然说道。 大家都低下头来,把头盔拉得遮住鼻子。狗儿们蹲伏在他们的背后。然而,尽管有几支箭向他们这边射来,不久就弄明白了:他们并不是对方要射杀的对象。格里夫尔和他的小矮人们又在摆弄弓箭了,这一次他们正在冷静地射杀卡乐门士兵。“孩子们,鼓足勇气!”传来格里夫尔的声音,“大家一起干。谨慎小心。我们不要黑皮,正如我们不要无尾猿——狮子——国王,一模一样。小矮人总是拥护小矮人。”不论你会怎样议论小矮人,可没有人能说它们是不勇敢的。它们满可以轻易地离开现场,到某一个安全地区去。它们却宁可待在原地,尽其所能地杀掉双方的许多战士:除非双方互相杀戮,从而仁慈地省得麻烦小矮人们动手。小矮人们要纳尼亚成为小矮人们自己的纳尼亚。 小矮人或许没有估计到的是:卡乐门士兵穿着铠甲,马儿却毫无保护。卡乐门士兵还有个指挥作战的头目。利什达的声音在大叫大喊:“你们三十个人监视白石头旁边的那些傻瓜,其余的人都跟我来,我们不妨给这些泥土的儿子们一个狠狠的教训。”蒂莲和他的朋友们,作战后喘息未止,倒很感谢有几分钟休息,“泰坎”带领他的人马向小矮人们冲击时,他们站在一旁观看。眼前是一片奇怪的景象。篝火的火焰往下落了,它发出的光亮度也减低了,颜色也变为暗红色了。人们能够看得出的是:整个集会的地方现在空荡荡的,只剩下小矮人和卡乐门士兵。在这种暗淡的光线里,人们对正在发生的事情,已经看不到看不清多少了。听上去小矮人们正在进行一场激烈的拼搏。蒂莲听得见格里夫尔正在使用可怕的语言骂人,而“泰坎”间歇地叫喊:“要尽力把他们全都活捉过来!活捉他们!” 不论这场战斗是怎么打的,打的时间可不长。鼓噪声逐渐消失了。于是吉尔便看到“泰坎”回到马厩这边来了;有十一个兵跟着他,拖着十一个擒获后绑起来的小矮人。(其他的小矮人是否都被杀死了,其中是否有些已经逃走了,那可永远不知道了。“把它们扔进塔什的神殿里去。”“泰坎”利什达说。 那十一个小矮人,一个复一个的,被扔进或踢进马厩黑暗的门口,门又重新关上了,这时他向马厩低首鞠躬,说道:“这些也都是供你焚烧的祭品。塔什神啊。” 所有的卡乐门士兵都用刀背砰砰地敲着他们的盾,大声喊道:“塔什!塔什!伟大的塔什神!不可抗拒的塔什神!”(如今可不说那荒谬绝伦的“塔什兰”了。白石头旁的这一小群人马瞧着这些行动,互相窃窃私语。他们发现一道涓滴细流正从白石头上淌下来,大家便迫不及待地喝水——吉尔、波金和国王都用双手捧水喝,四条腿的动物则从白石头底下积起来的小小水潭中舔水吃。他们是那么口渴得厉害,因而这水就仿佛是他们平生所喝的最美味的饮料;他们喝水时开心得很,因而其他事情都想不起来了。“我深信不疑,”波金说,“我们大家,都将一个又一个的,在早晨之前穿过那黑暗的门。我可不愿那样死去。我能想得出上百种其他死法哩。” “这确实是个残酷无情的门,”蒂莲道,“它更像一张血盆大口。”“啊,我们能有什么办法堵住它吗?”吉尔用颤抖的声音问道。 “不,漂亮的朋友,”珍宝说道,温柔地用鼻子碰碰她,“说不定这是通往阿斯兰的国家的门,今夜我们可以在阿斯兰的餐桌上吃晚饭哩。” “泰坎”利什达转身背着马厩,慢慢地向白石头前面的一个地点走去。 “听着,”他说,“如果野猪、狗和独角兽愿意到我这儿来,哀求我大发慈悲。我可以饶它们的命。野猪可以到‘蒂斯罗克’御花园的笼子里去;狗儿们可到‘蒂斯罗克’的养狗场去,独角兽,在我锯掉它的角以后,可以去拉车,但,老鹰、孩子们和那个做国王的人,今夜都要当做祭品,上供给塔什神。” 惟一的回答是愤怒的号叫。 “战士们,上!”“泰坎”下令道,“杀死那些畜生,活捉那几个两脚的人。” 于是,纳尼亚最后一个国王的最后一战开始了。 除了敌人人多势众外,使战斗胜利无望的,乃是敌人的长矛。几乎从开头起一直跟无尾猿沆瀣一气的卡乐门人是没有长矛的:因为他们是一个两个地乔装成商人进入纳尼亚的,他们当然不带长矛,长矛可不是件能藏起来的东西。 新的卡乐门人必定是以后才来的,那时无尾猿已经强大,卡乐门人可以公开地行军了。有了长矛,情况就截然不同。如果你动作敏捷,头脑镇静的话,手持长矛,你便可以在獠牙还够不着你时把野猪刺死,在独角还够不着你时把独角兽刺死。如今并举的许多长矛都在向蒂莲和他最后的朋友们逼拢来了。他们不久都在为保全生命而战斗拼搏了。 说不定你会认为:从某一方面看来,这样拼命战斗倒也不坏。当你充分运用全身的肌肉——这儿低头避过矛尖,那儿跳过矛尖,忽而猛烈前冲,忽而往后退缩,忽而旋转又旋转——你就没有时间感到惊惶或悲哀了。蒂莲知道现在他对其他的人马无能为力了:他们大家都在劫难逃。他模糊地看到野猪在他的身边倒下了,珍宝在另一边猛烈地战斗。他从一只眼睛的眼角上望见,只是勉强望见,一个卡乐门大个儿揪住吉尔的头发,把她拉到什么地方去了。但他很难考虑这些事情,哪一件也考虑不起来。他现在惟一的思想是尽其所能为自己的生命索取高昂的代价。最糟糕的是他不能固守住白石头下他最初所选定的阵地。一个人同时与十几个敌人作战,必须利用他能在任何地方碰到的机会;他在任何地方看到敌人的未曾保护的胸膛或颈子,就必须冲过去。而刚砍了几刀,就会使你离你出发的地点相当远了。蒂莲不久就发现自己愈来愈往右边儿前进,离马厩更近了。他脑子里有个朦朦胧胧的概念:远离马厩是大有道理的。但他没法儿把这道理记起来了。无论如何,他身不由己,无可奈何。 突然之间,一切又变得相当清楚了。他发现自己正在跟那“泰坎”作战。篝火(残余的那点儿火焰)在他的正前方。事实上,他正在马厩的门口作战,因为马厩的门洞开着,两个卡乐门士兵掌握着门,准备在他刚进门的瞬间立刻把门关上。现在他把一切都记起来了,他认识到敌人从战斗刚开始时起,便一直存心要把他逐渐逼到马厩那儿去。他想到这一点时,仍在同“泰坎”作战,他尽力拼搏。一个新的主意来到蒂莲的头脑里。他放下他的剑,在“泰坎”挥舞的弯刀下朝前蹿了过去,他双手拉住敌人的皮带,把敌人抓了过来,他自己也跳进马厩门里,大声喊道:“你自己进来跟塔什见面吧!” 一阵震耳欲聋的声音。就像无尾猿被扔进去时一样,大地震动,发出令人目眩的光芒。 马厩外的卡乐门士兵大声叫喊,“塔什,塔什!”砰的一声,把门关上了。如果塔什神需要他们自己的队长,塔什神必定会留他的。他们,无论如何,可不想同塔什神见面。: 有那么一两分钟,蒂莲不知道他是在什么地方,甚至不知道他自己是谁。然后他站稳身体,眨眨眼睛,向周围打量。并不像他所料想的,马厩里倒并不黑暗。原来他现在置身于强烈的光芒之中:这就是他眨眨眼睛的缘故。 他转过身来看看“泰坎”利什达,但利什达却不在看他。利什达号啕大哭,指指点点;然后他双手伸在面部前面,面部朝着地上,直挺挺地倒下去了。蒂莲朝着“泰坎”所指的方向瞧去。于是他明白了。% 一个可怕的形体正在向他们走来。它的形体比他们在堡垒里见到的要小得多,尽管还是比一个人的形体大得多,而且它就是同一个家伙。它生着一个秃鹫的脑袋和四条胳膊。它的尖嘴巴是张开着的,它的眼睛里冒出火光来,它的尖嘴巴里发出嘶哑的声音。 “‘泰坎’利什达,你曾经向我呼吁,要我进入纳尼亚。现在我来了。你有什么话要跟我说呢?”然而,那位“泰坎”既不从地上抬起头来,也不说一句话。他浑身发抖,像个患恶性打呃的病人。他在战斗中是够勇敢的;但,当夜早些时候他心里第一次开始怀疑也可能有真正的塔什存在时,他的一半儿勇气已经消失了。剩下来的勇气现在都消失无遗了。 塔什突然身体一扭——像只鸡俯下头来啄一条小虫一样——扑到那可怜巴巴的利什达身上,把他提起来挟在它左边两条胳膊下面。塔什然后斜过头来用一只可怕的眼睛盯住蒂莲直瞧,因为它既然长的是个鸟头,当然没法儿笔直地瞧人。 然而,从塔什的背后,突然响起了一个声音,洪大而又平静,犹如夏天的海涛。这声音说道: “我们以阿斯兰和阿斯兰的祖父海外皇帝的名义命令你:来吧,妖怪,带着你合法的牺牲品回到你自己的地方去吧。” 那丑陋可怕的家伙,臂下挟着“泰坎”,销声匿迹了。蒂莲转过头来看看,是谁在说话。他所看到的景象,使他的心怦怦直跳,他在任何战斗中都从来不曾这样心跳过。" 七个国王和女王站在他的面前,都是头上戴着王冠,身上穿着闪闪生