"Alec, wake up."
"Time we talked plans."
He snuggled closer, more awake than he pretended, warm, sinewy2, happy. Happiness overwhelmed Maurice too. He moved, felt the answering grip, and forgot what he wanted to say. Light drifted in upon them from the outside world where it was still raining. A strange hotel, a casual refuge protected them from their enemies a little longer.
"Time to get up, boy. It's morning."
"Git up then."
"How can I the way you hold me!"
"Aren't yer a fidget, I'll learn you to fidget." He wasn't defer-ential any more. The British Museum had cured that. This was 'oliday, London with Maurice, all troubles over, and he wanted to drowse and waste time, and tease and make love.
Maurice wanted the same, what's pleasanter, but the oncoming future distracted him, the gathering3 light made cosiness4 unreal. Something had to be said and settled. O for the night that was ending, for the sleep and the wakefulness, the toughness and tenderness mixed, the sweet temper, the safety in darkness. Would such a night ever return?
"You all right, Maurice?"—for he had sighed. "You comfort-able? Rest your head on me more, the way you like more . . . that's it more, and Don't You Worry. You're With Me. Don't Worry."
Yes, he was in luck, no doubt of it. Scudder had proved honest and kind. He was lovely to be with, a treasure, a charmer, a find in a thousand, the longed-for dream. But was he brave?
"Nice you and me like this ..." the lips so close now that it was scarcely speech. "Who'd have thought.... First time I ever seed you I thought, "Wish I and that one...' just like that... 'wouldn't I and him ...' and it is so."
"Yes, and that's why we've got to fight."
"Who wants to fight?" He sounded annoyed. "There's bin5 enough fighting."
"All the world's against us. We've got to pull ourselves to-gether and make plans, while we can."
"What d'you want to go and say a thing like that for, and spoil it all?"
"Because it has to be said. We can't allow things to go wrong and hurt us again the way they did down at Penge."
Alec suddenly scrubbed at him with the sun-roughened back of a hand and said, "That hurt, didn't it, or oughter. That's howI fight." It did hurt a little, and stealing into the foolery was a sort of resentment6. "Don't talk to me about Penge," he went on. "Oo! Mah! Penge where I was always a servant and Scudder do this and Scudder do that and the old lady, what do you think she once said? She said, 'Oh would you most kindly7 of your good-ness post this letter for me, what's your name?' What's yer name! Every day for six months I come up to Clive's bloody8 front porch door for orders, and his mother don't know my name. She's a bitch. I said to 'er, "What's yer name? Fuck yer name.' I nearly did too. Wish I 'ad too. Maurice, you wouldn't believe how serv-ants get spoken to. It's too shocking for words. That Archie Lon-don you're so set on is just as bad, and so are you, so are you. 'Haw my man' and all that. You've no idea how you nearly missed getting me. Near as nothing I never climbed that ladder when
you called, he don't want me really, and I went flaming mad when you didn't turn up at the boathouse as I ordered. Too grand! We'll see. Boathouse was a place I always fancied. I'd go down for a smoke before I'd ever heard of you, unlock it easy, got the key on me still as a matter of fact... boathouse, looking over the pond from the boathouse, very quiet, now and then a fish jump and cushions the way I arrange them."
He was silent, having chattered9 himself out. He had begun rough and gay and somehow factitious, then his voice had died away into sadness as though truth had risen to the surface of the water and was unbearable10.
"We'll meet in your boathouse yet," Maurice said.
"No, we won't." He pushed him away, then heaved, pulled him close, put forth11 violence, and embraced as if the world was ending. "You'll remember that anyway." He got out and looked down out of the grayness, his arms hanging empty. It was as if he wished to be remembered thus. "I could easy have killed you."
"Or I you."
"Where's my clothes and that gone?" He seemed dazed. "It's so late. I h'aint got a razor even, I didn't reckon staying the night. ... I ought—I got to catch a train at once or Fred'll be thinking things."
"Let him."
"My goodness if Fred seed you and me just now."
"Well, he didn't."
"Well, he might have—what I mean is, tomorrow's Thursday isn't it, Friday's the packing, Saturday theNormannia sails from Southampton, so it's goodbye to Old England."
"You mean that you and I shan't meet again after now."
"That's right. You've got it quite correct."
And if it wasn't still raining! Wet morning after yesterday's downpour, wet on the roofs and the Museum, at home and on
the greenwood. Controlling himself and choosing his words very carefully, Maurice said, "This is just what I want to talk about. Why don't we arrange so as we do meet again?"
"How do you mean?"
"Why don't you stay on in England?"
Alec whizzed round, terrified. Half naked, he seemed also half human. "Stay?" he snarled12. "Miss my boat, are you daft? Of all the bloody rubbish I ever heard. Ordering me about again, eh, you would."
"It's a chance in a thousand we've met, we'll never have the chance again and you know it. Stay with me. We love each other."
'1 dessay, but that's no excuse to act silly. Stay with you and how and where? What'd your Ma say if she saw me all rough and ugly the way I am?"
"She never will see you. I shan't live at my home."
"Where will you live?"
"With you."
"Oh, will you? No thank you. My people wouldn't take to you one bit and I don't blame them. And how'd you run your job, I'd like to know?"
"I shall chuck it."
"Your job in the city what gives you your money and position? You can't chuck a job."
"You can when you mean to," said Maurice gently. "You can do anything once you know what it is." He gazed at the grayish light that was becoming yellowish. Nothing surprised him in this talk. What he could not conjecture13 was its outcome. "I shall get work with you," he brought out: the moment to announce this had now come.
"What work?"
"We'll find out."
"Find out and starve out."
"No. There'll be enough money to keep us while we have a look round. I'm not a fool, nor are you. We won't be starving. I've thought out that much, while I was awake in the night and you weren't."
There was a pause. Alec went on more politely: "Wouldn't work, Maurice. Ruin of us both, can't you see, you same as my-self."
"I don't know. Might be. Mightn't. 'Class.' I don't know. I know what we do today. We clear out of here and get a decent breakfast and we go down to Penge or whatever you want and see that Fred of yours. You tell him you've changed your mind about emigrating and are taking a job with Mr Hall instead. I'll come with you. I don't care. I'll see anyone, face anything. If they want to guess, let them. I'm fed up. Tell Fred to cancel your ticket, I'll repay for it and that's our start of getting free. Then we'll do the next thing. It's a risk, so's everything else, and we'll only live once."
Alec laughed cynically14 and continued to dress. His manner resembled yesterday's, though he didn't blackmail15. "Yours is the talk of someone who's never had to earn his living," he said. "You sort of trap me with I love you or whatever it is and then offer to spoil my career. Do you realize I've got a definite job awaiting me in the Argentine? Same as you've got here. Pity theNormannids leaving Saturday, still facts is facts isn't it, all my kit16 bought as well as my ticket and Fred and wife expecting me."
Maurice saw through the brassiness to the misery17 behind it, but this time what was the use of insight? No amount of insight would prevent theNormannia from sailing. He had lost. Suffer-ing was certain for him, though it might soon end for Alec; when he got out to his new life he would forget his escapade with a
gentleman and in time he would marry. Shrewd working-class youngster who knew where his interests lay, he had already crammed18 his graceful19 body into his hideous20 blue suit. His face stuck out of it red, his hands brown. He plastered his hair flat. "Well, I'm off," he said, and as if that wasn't enough said, "Pity we ever met really if you come to think of it."
"That's all right too," said Maurice, looking away from him as he unbolted the door.
"You paid for this room in advance, didn't you, so they won't stop me downstairs? I don't want no unpleasantness to finish with."
"That's all right too." He heard the door shut and he was alone. He waited for the beloved to return. Inevitable21 that wait. Then his eyes began to smart, and he knew from experience what was coming. Presently he could control himself. He got up and went out, did some telephoning and explanations, placated22 his mother, apologized to his host, got himself shaved and trimmed up, and attended the office as usual. Masses of work awaited him. Nothing had changed in his life. Nothing remained in it. He was back with his loneliness as it had been before Clive, as it was after Clive, and would now be for ever. He had failed, and that wasn't the saddest: he had seen Alec fail. In a way they were one person. Love had failed. Love was an emotion through which you occasionally enjoyed yourself. It could not do things.

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vt.& vi.(使)抽动,(使)颤动(twitch的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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adj.多腱的,强壮有力的 | |
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n.集会,聚会,聚集 | |
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n.舒适,安逸 | |
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n.箱柜;vt.放入箱内;[计算机] DOS文件名:二进制目标文件 | |
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n.怨愤,忿恨 | |
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adj.和蔼的,温和的,爽快的;adv.温和地,亲切地 | |
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adj.非常的的;流血的;残忍的;adv.很;vt.血染 | |
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(人)喋喋不休( chatter的过去式 ); 唠叨; (牙齿)打战; (机器)震颤 | |
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adj.不能容忍的;忍受不住的 | |
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adv.向前;向外,往外 | |
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v.(指狗)吠,嗥叫, (人)咆哮( snarl的过去式和过去分词 );咆哮着说,厉声地说 | |
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n./v.推测,猜测 | |
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adv.爱嘲笑地,冷笑地 | |
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n.讹诈,敲诈,勒索,胁迫,恫吓 | |
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n.用具包,成套工具;随身携带物 | |
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n.痛苦,苦恼,苦难;悲惨的境遇,贫苦 | |
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adj.塞满的,挤满的;大口地吃;快速贪婪地吃v.把…塞满;填入;临时抱佛脚( cram的过去式) | |
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adj.优美的,优雅的;得体的 | |
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adj.丑陋的,可憎的,可怕的,恐怖的 | |
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adj.不可避免的,必然发生的 | |
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v.安抚,抚慰,使平静( placate的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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