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19 The Babies Grow Up
19 The Babies Grow Up
'Bring on the Vita-Wonk!' said Mr Wonka. 'We'll soon fix thesetwo babies.'
An Oompa-Loompa ran forward with a small bottle and acouple of silver teaspoons1.
'Wait just one minute!' snapped2 Grandma Georgina. 'What sortof devilish dumpery are you up to now?'
'It's all right, Grandma,' said Charlie. 'I promise you it's allright. Vita-Wonk does the opposite to Wonka-Vite. It makesyou older. It's what we gave you when you were a Minus. Itsaved you!'
'You gave me too much!' snapped the old woman. 'We had to,Grandma.'
'And now you want to do the same to Grandpa George!' 'Ofcourse we don't,' said Charlie.
'I finished up three hundred and fifty-eight years old!' she wenton. 'What's to stop you making another little mistake andgiving him fifty times more than you gave me? Then I'dsuddenly have a twenty-thousand-year-old caveman in bedbeside me! Imagine that, and him with a big knobby3 club inone hand and dragging me around by my hair with the other!
No, thank you!'
'Grandma,' Charlie said patiently. 'With you we had to use aspray because you were a Minus. You were a ghost. But hereMr Wonka can …'
'Don't talk to me about that man!' she cried. 'He's batty as abullfrog!'
'No, Grandma, he is not. And here he can measure it outexactly right, drop by drop, and feed it into their mouths.
That's true, isn't it, Mr Wonka?'
'Charlie,' said Mr Wonka. 'I can see that the factory is going tobe in good hands when I retire. You learn very fast. I am sopleased I chose you, my dear boy, so very pleased. Now then,what's the verdict4? Do we leave them as babies or do wegrow them up with Vita-Wonk?'
'You go ahead, Mr Wonka,' said Grandpa Joe. 'I'd like you togrow my Josie up so she's just the same as before — eightyyears old.'
'Thank you, sir,' said Mr Wonka. 'I appreciate the confidenceyou place in me. But what about the other one, GrandpaGeorge?'
'Oh, all right, then,' said Grandma Georgina. 'But if he ends upa caveman I don't want him in this bed any more!'
'That's settled then!' said Mr Wonka. 'Come along, Charlie!
We'll do them both together. You hold one spoon and I'll holdthe other. I shall measure out four drops and four drops onlyinto each spoon and we'll wake them up and pop it into theirmouths.'
'Which one shall I do, Mr Wonka?'
'You do Grandma Josephine, the tiny one. I'll do GrandpaGeorge, the one-year-old. Here's your spoon.'
Charlie took the spoon and held it out. Mr Wonka opened thebottle and dripped four drops of oily black liquid into Charlie'sspoon. Then he did the same to his own. He handed thebottle back to the Oompa-Loompa.
'Shouldn't someone hold the babies while you give it?' saidGrandpa Joe. 'I'll hold Grandma Josephine.'
'Are you mad!' said Mr Wonka. 'Don't you realize thatVita-Wonk acts instantly? It's not one year a second likeWonka-Vite. Vita-Wonk is as quick as lightning! The momentthe medicine is swallowed — ping! — and it all happens! Thegetting bigger and the growing older and everything else allhappens in one second! So don't you see, my dear sir,' hesaid to Grandpa Joe, 'that one moment you'd be holding atiny baby in your arms and just one second later you'd findyourself staggering5 about with an eighty-year-old woman andyou'd drop her like a ton of bricks on the floor!'
'I see what you mean,' said Grandpa Joe. 'All set, Charlie?'
'All set, Mr Wonka.' Charlie moved around the bed to wherethe tiny sleeping baby lay. He placed one hand behind herhead and lifted it. The baby awoke and started yelling6. MrWonka was on the other side of the bed doing the same tothe one-year-old George. 'Both together now, Charlie!' said MrWonka. 'Ready, steady, go! Pop it in!' Charlie pushed his spooninto the open mouth of the baby and tipped the drops downher throat.
'Make sure she swallows it!' cried Mr Wonka. 'It won't workuntil it gets into their tummies!'
It is difficult to explain what happened next, and whatever itwas, it only lasted for one second. A second is about as longas it takes you to say aloud and quickly,
'one-two-three-four-five'. And that is how long it took, withCharlie watching closely, for the tiny baby to grow and swelland wrinkle7 into the eighty-year-old Grandma Josephine. It wasa frightening thing to see. It was like an explosion. A smallbaby suddenly exploded into an old woman, and Charlie all atonce found himself staring straight into the well-known andmuch-loved wrinkly old face of his Grandma Josephine. 'Hello,my darling,' she said. 'Where have you come from?'
'Josie!' cried Grandpa Joe, rushing forward. 'How marvellous!
You're back!' 'I didn't know I'd been away,' she said.
Grandpa George had also made a successful comeback. 'Youwere better-looking as a baby,' Grandma Georgina said to him.
'But I'm glad you've grown up again, George … for onereason.'
'What's that?' asked Grandpa George. 'You won't wet the bedany more.'


1 teaspoons 2373c24f8a940bcba4d8d55a1e80e98c     
n.茶匙( teaspoon的名词复数 );一茶匙的量
  • Add two teaspoons of salt. 加两小匙盐。
  • Add 3 heaped teaspoons of sugar. 加满满的三匙糖。 来自《简明英汉词典》
2 snapped 049d092795475d08a3fcd2d16ef4b519     
v.猛地咬住( snap的过去式和过去分词 );(使某物)发出尖厉声音地突然断裂[打开,关闭];厉声地说;拍照
  • The wind had snapped the tree in two. 风把树喀嚓一声刮断了。
  • He lost his temper and snapped irritably at the children. 他发火了,暴躁地斥责孩子们。 来自《简明英汉词典》
3 knobby 0a57d6b378dba9ce817121dd17d7db3e     
adj. 多节的,多瘤的,形成疙瘩的
  • You're going to brush something against the government's knobby? 你准备用东西碰政府突出的地方?
  • He always carried leather briefcase under his arm, and a knobby walling-stick in his hand. 他永远挟着他的公文皮包。并且永远带着他那根老粗老粗的黑油油的手杖。
4 verdict iiHwN     
  • The verdict of the jury was given in his favour.陪审团作出了对他有利的结论。
  • Not satisfied with the verdict,they decided to make an appeal.他们不服判决,决定申诉。
5 staggering zu0wu     
  • Why is that man staggering about the room like that? 那人为什么那样摇摇晃晃地在屋里走来走去?
  • Profits have shot up by a staggering 25%. 利润惊人地攀升了25%。
6 yelling 3511049a0a263aa2fca072a416e83d6a     
v.叫喊,号叫,叫着说( yell的现在分词 )
  • The coach stood on the sidelines yelling instructions to the players. 教练站在场外,大声指挥运动员。
  • He let off steam by yelling at a clerk. 他对一个职员大喊大叫,借以发泄怒气。 来自《简明英汉词典》
7 wrinkle WMFzG     
  • This pair of pants does not wrinkle.这条裤子不会皱。
  • Too much sunbathing will wrinkle your skin.皮肤晒得过分就能起皱纹。


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