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首页 » 双语小说 » The Ship of Adventure 布莱顿少年冒险团6,安德拉的宝藏 » Chapter 16 BILL MAKES A FEW ENQUIRIES
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  THEY had a wonderful day on the island. Tim hired a car and away they went to explore. They hadlunch in a big town set in the centre of the island, a proper town with shops and buses and cinemas.
  After lunch Bill disappeared. "I've heard of an old chap who's a real expert at old documents," he toldthe children. "One of the greatest experts there are. It's a bit of luck. I'll go and see him. You've gotthe four bits of the map with you, haven't you, Jack1?"Jack nodded. The children had decided2 that it would be safer to bring them than leave them behind.
  He gave them to Bill in an envelope. "I do hope the expert will say it's genuine," he said earnestly. "Isay — shall we tell Tim?"
  "You'd be quite safe to," said Bill. "Tim is all right! Whether he'll believe you or not is anothermatter!"
  So, whilst Bill was gone, the children told Tim their secret. He was inclined to grin at first, and laughit all off as a tale. But they were so serious that he saw that they, at least, believed in it all. He tried tobe serious too.
  "Well, it's marvellous," he said. "I believed in all these treasure tales when I was a kid too. Jolly niceof Bill to take it seriously and go off to have your map explained."The children saw that he didn't really take their tale seriously, and they dropped the subject, polite butdisappointed. A little doubt crept in Lucy-Ann's mind. Was it all a tale? No — surely Mr. Eppywouldn't have behaved so queerly if there had been nothing in it.
  Bill was a long time gone. The children were tired of waiting, and Tim was just suggesting theyshould take a run in the car to a queer-shaped hill in the distance, when he came back.
  "Sorry to have been so long," he said. "I found the old boy — looks as if he's come out of thefifteenth century, he's so old and dusty — and so slow I could have screamed. But he knew his stuffall right."
  "What did he say?" asked Jack, crimson3 with anticipation4.
  "It's genuine. No doubt of that at all," said Bill, and everyone breathed loudly in relief. "He doesn'tknow if it's a copy of any older map, or a fresh one made by a Greek sailor a hundred or so years ago— probably a mixture, he says. The island is Thamis. It is shown clearly on the map, and even if thename had not been there it could have been recognised by its shape — it's curiously5 formed at oneend."
  "Yes. I noticed that," said Philip. "Go on, Bill!""The map is in two distinct parts," went on Bill. "One shows the island, and on it is marked a city or aport. He doesn't know the island himself so he can't tell. The other part shows this same city or port,and is apparently6 a guide or directions to some spot in the city where something valuable is placed.
  He says it isn't clear if this valuable thing is treasure or a temple or even a tomb — he only knows itwas something of value to the person who first drew the map."The children were listening, all eyes and ears. This was marvellous!
  "But — doesn't he think it's the Andra treasure?" asked Jack.
  "He apparently doesn't know that tale very well — he says there are hundreds of old legends ofpirates and treasure-ships and kidnapping and so on — most of them untrue. He hadn't much to sayabout that. He is inclined to think it's a temple.""I think it's the Andra treasure," said Lucy-Ann, her eyes shining. "I really do!""I got him to redraw the whole map for us, with the Greek words in English — he speaks Englishextraordinarily well," said Bill, and he spread out a nice new sheet of paper on his lap, drawn7 withfine lines, and marked with words. The children pored over it, too thrilled to speak.
  Yes — there was the old map redrawn — put into English — the faded marks shown clearly. Howsimply wonderful! Even Tim was intensely interested, and almost began to believe in it.
  Jack read some of the words out in a whisper. "Labyrinth8 — Catacombs — Two-Fingers — Goddess— Bird — Bell — gosh, what does it all mean? Are the labyrinths9 and catacombs in this city or port?
  Was the treasure taken down them?"
  "We don't know. All we know is that a way is shown here to a certain place in the city where acertain valuable thing can be found — if it hasn't already been found and taken away or destroyed,"said Bill. "But you must remember that the original of this map is probably hundreds of years old —the way shown on this map possibly no longer exists. In fact the probabilities are that it doesn't.""Oh, Bill — do you really believe that?" asked Dinah reproachfully.
  "Well — to be perfectly10 honest — I do," said Bill disappointingly. "I think the map is genuine — nodoubt about that at all — but I also think that as all this happened so long ago there's no hope offinding the secret way shown here. It would either have been built over, or destroyed, or evencompletely forgotten, so that there may not even be an entrance to the labyrinths or catacombs,whatever they are."
  "But — Mr. Eppy obviously thinks there's some hope," said Philip.
  "Oh, that reminds me — this old chap, the one I've been to see, knows Mr. Eppy. He says he's a realcrank about these things — quite dippy about them — and goes off on all sorts of hare-brainedschemes," said Bill. "Buys and sells islands as if they were books or carpets or pictures! He admitsthat Mr. Eppy knows a lot about the islands, and about the antiques that can be found in them — buthe doesn't think that because he believes in the map, for instance, that necessarily means there isanything to get excited about. Rather the other way about, I gathered.""Blow!" said Jack. "So there may be nothing in it after all. In fact, probably not.""In fact, probably not, as you say," agreed Bill. "All the same, if we had the chance, which we shan'thave, of course, I wouldn't mind hiring a motor-boat and chugging off to have a look at Thamis,wherever it is."
  "Oh, I do wish we could," said Lucy-Ann. "It would be lovely just to see it.""I could run you over there," said Tim unexpectedly. "That is, if it's not too far away.""No time," said Bill, folding up the map. "We've got to be back by six, as you know. Thanks all thesame, Tim. Now, we'd better be off, I think."By the time they got to the port it was half-past five. The Viking Star had been piloted right in to thepier, and was lying there looking very white and beautiful, but with no sign of the bustle11 about herthat usually meant she was soon sailing.
  The gangway was down, and passengers were trooping along it. Lucian was among them with hisaunt. They hadn't seen him all day, except in the distance, and then they had taken no notice of him,not wanting him to tag himself on to them now they had Bill. He waved to them and shouted.
  "Oh, I say! Where have you been all day? My aunt wanted you to come with us and have lunch withone of my relations on the island."
  "Sorry! We had other plans!" called back Jack. "See you sometime.""Who's the rabbit-mouth?" enquired12 Bill. "Oh — it's the boy Lucian, I suppose, the nephew of yourMr. Eppy. He must be a bit of a nuisance to you!""We can manage him all right," said Philip. "Look — here's the notice-board. There's a big notice up.
  What does it say?"
  The notice was printed in chalk on the big black notice-board.
  Passengers are regretfully informed that the Viking Star will have to remain in port for a day or twountil damage to her engines is repaired. Passengers may remain on board, if they wish, or stay in ahotel provided by the ship's Company, or may use the motor-boats which the said Company willprovide for the use of any passenger wishing to explore this romantic part of the Aegean Sea.
  (Signed) L. PETERSEN, Captain.
  The same thought struck all four children at once. They turned to one another, their eyes shining.
  "We could, couldn't we?" said Lucy-Ann, and the others understood at once. Jack nodded, his eyesbright. He slipped his arm through Bill's.
  Bill looked round at the children. He smiled broadly, and then laughed out loud to see the four eagerfaces looking at him, all with the same question in them.
  "Can we go to Thamis after all — that's what you want to know, isn't it?" he said. "Well, I don't seewhy not. It looks as if we'll be here a few days, and if the Company provide us with a motor-boat,well, we'll agree to their kind proposal, and off we'll go in one!""Bill! BILL! How marvellous!" cried everyone, and Jack and Philip began to thump13 one another onthe back, and the girls squeezed Bill's arms till he yelled. Kiki and Micky flew off the boys' shouldersin a hurry, and retired14 in surprised annoyance15 to the top of the notice-board.
  "Come on — stop this pantomime," said Bill, still laughing to see the children's excitement. "Let's getup on deck and make a few plans before we change into clean things for dinner. Get Micky, look —he's beginning to rub out the top part of the notice with his tail."They went up to a favourite corner on the promenade16 deck and sat down. "It's too good to be true,"said Jack, delighted. "We keep on thinking things are no good, we'll have to give them up — and thensomething happens and everything's all right.""Yes. We knew we couldn't do anything without Bill, and he wasn't here — and then he suddenlycame," said Lucy-Ann.
  "And then we knew we still couldn't do anything, because we'd have to go with the ship on hercruise," said Dinah. "And now she's held up, and we can go off by ourselves!""Extraordinary how you children get what you want," said Bill. "Now about this motor- boattomorrow. I rather think we'll hire one on our own. If we take one that the Company provide we'llhave to go with some of the other passengers — and they certainly won't want to go to Thamis,wherever it is."
  "And we wouldn't want them to, either," said Jack. "No — let's have a boat of our own. Can Timcome too?"
  "He's got other plans," said Bill. "But we'll tell him, just in case he'd like to come. Well — it certainlywill be a thrill. I must find out exactly this evening where this Thamis is. "I'll get hold of the secondofficer and ask him if there's a sailor on board that can tell me anything. We'll have to find out theprecise route or we might go cruising among these islands for weeks!""Oh, Bill — isn't it grand!" said Lucy-Ann. "I can't wait for tomorrow. Jack, Philip — we're reallygoing to see the treasure island after all! We really are!"


1 jack 53Hxp     
  • I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。
  • He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
2 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
3 crimson AYwzH     
  • She went crimson with embarrassment.她羞得满脸通红。
  • Maple leaves have turned crimson.枫叶已经红了。
4 anticipation iMTyh     
  • We waited at the station in anticipation of her arrival.我们在车站等着,期待她的到来。
  • The animals grew restless as if in anticipation of an earthquake.各种动物都变得焦躁不安,像是感到了地震即将发生。
5 curiously 3v0zIc     
  • He looked curiously at the people.他好奇地看着那些人。
  • He took long stealthy strides. His hands were curiously cold.他迈着悄没声息的大步。他的双手出奇地冷。
6 apparently tMmyQ     
  • An apparently blind alley leads suddenly into an open space.山穷水尽,豁然开朗。
  • He was apparently much surprised at the news.他对那个消息显然感到十分惊异。
7 drawn MuXzIi     
  • All the characters in the story are drawn from life.故事中的所有人物都取材于生活。
  • Her gaze was drawn irresistibly to the scene outside.她的目光禁不住被外面的风景所吸引。
8 labyrinth h9Fzr     
  • He wandered through the labyrinth of the alleyways.他在迷宫似的小巷中闲逛。
  • The human mind is a labyrinth.人的心灵是一座迷宫。
9 labyrinths 1c4fd8d520787cf75236b4b362eb0b8e     
迷宫( labyrinth的名词复数 ); (文字,建筑)错综复杂的
  • I was engulfed in labyrinths of trouble too great to get out at all. 我陷入困难的迷宫中去,简直无法脱身。
  • I've explored ancient castles, palaces, temples, tombs, catacombs and labyrinths. 我曾在古堡、古皇宫、古神庙、古墓、地下墓穴和迷宫中探险。
10 perfectly 8Mzxb     
  • The witnesses were each perfectly certain of what they said.证人们个个对自己所说的话十分肯定。
  • Everything that we're doing is all perfectly above board.我们做的每件事情都是光明正大的。
11 bustle esazC     
  • The bustle and din gradually faded to silence as night advanced.随着夜越来越深,喧闹声逐渐沉寂。
  • There is a lot of hustle and bustle in the railway station.火车站里非常拥挤。
12 enquired 4df7506569079ecc60229e390176a0f6     
打听( enquire的过去式和过去分词 ); 询问; 问问题; 查问
  • He enquired for the book in a bookstore. 他在书店查询那本书。
  • Fauchery jestingly enquired whether the Minister was coming too. 浮式瑞嘲笑着问部长是否也会来。
13 thump sq2yM     
  • The thief hit him a thump on the head.贼在他的头上重击一下。
  • The excitement made her heart thump.她兴奋得心怦怦地跳。
14 retired Njhzyv     
  • The old man retired to the country for rest.这位老人下乡休息去了。
  • Many retired people take up gardening as a hobby.许多退休的人都以从事园艺为嗜好。
15 annoyance Bw4zE     
  • Why do you always take your annoyance out on me?为什么你不高兴时总是对我出气?
  • I felt annoyance at being teased.我恼恨别人取笑我。
16 promenade z0Wzy     
  • People came out in smarter clothes to promenade along the front.人们穿上更加时髦漂亮的衣服,沿着海滨散步。
  • We took a promenade along the canal after Sunday dinner.星期天晚饭后我们沿着运河散步。


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