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首页 » 双语小说 » FAMOUS FIVE 09 Five Fall Into Adventure疯狂侦探团09:午夜窗影 » Chapter 22 JO IS VERY SMART
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  Chapter 22 JO IS VERY SMART
  'Jo,' said Simmy. 'Well, of all the... well... Jo!' Jake recovered first. 'What's all this?' he said, roughly,to Simmy. 'What's Jo doing here? How did she get here? Where's the other kid, the one we caught?'
  'How do I know?' said Simmy, still staring at Jo. 'Look here, Jo - what are you doing here? Go on, tellus. And where's the other kid?'
  'Hunt round the room and see if you can find her!' said Jo, brightly, keeping on her toes in case herfather or Jake was going to pounce1 on her. The two men looked hurriedly round the room.
  Jake went to a big cupboard.
  'Yes - she might be in there,' said Jo, enjoying herself. 'You have a good look.'
  The two bewildered men didn't know what to think. They had come to get George - and had onlyfound Jo!
  But how - why - what had happened? They didn't know what to do. Neither of them wanted to goback and tell Red. So they began to search the room feverishly2, looking into likely and unlikelyplaces, with Jo jeering3 at them all the time.
  'Better take the drawers out of that chest and see if she's here. And don't forget to look under the rug.
  That's right, Jake, poke4 your head up the chimney. Mind George doesn't kick soot5 down into youreyes.'
  'I'll lam you in a minute!' growled6 Jake, furiously, opening a small cupboard door.
  An angry voice came up the stairway. 'Jake! What are you doing up there? Bring that kid down.'
  'She's not here!' yelled back Jake, suddenly losing his temper. 'What have you done with her?
  She's gone!'
  Red came tearing up, two steps at a time, his eyes narrow with anger. The first thing he saw in theroom was Jo - and, of course, he thought she was George.
  'What do you mean - saying she's not here!' he raged. 'Are you mad?'
  'Nope,' said Jake, his eyes narrow too. 'Not so mad as you are, anyway, Red. This kid isn't thatfellow's daughter - the scientist chap we took the papers from - this is Simmy's kid - Jo.'
  Red looked at Jake as if he had gone off his head. Then he looked at Jo. He could see no differencebetween Jo and the absent George at all - short hair, freckles7, turned-up nose - he couldn't believe thatshe was Simmy's daughter.
  In fact, he didn't believe it. He thought Jake and Simmy were suddenly deceiving him for somestrange reason.
  But Jo had a word to say, too. 'Yes, I'm Jo,' she said. 'I'm not Georgina. She's gone. I'm just Jo, andSimmy's my Dad. You've come to save me, haven't you, Dad?'
  Simmy hadn't come to do anything of the sort, of course. He stared helplessly at Jo, completelybewildered.
  Red completely lost his temper. As soon as he heard Jo's voice he realized she was not George.
  Somehow or other he had been deceived - and seeing that this was Simmy's daughter, then it must beSimmy who had had a hand in the deception8!
  He went suddenly over to Simmy and struck him hard, his eyes blazing. 'Have you double-crossedme?' he shouted.
  Simmy was sent flying to the floor. Jake came up immediately to help him. He tripped up Red, andleapt on him.
  Jo looked at the three struggling, shouting men, and shrugged9 her shoulders. Let them fight!
  They had forgotten all about her, and that suited her very well. She ran to the door and was just goingdown the stairs, when an idea came into her sharp little mind. With an impish grin she turned back.
  She pulled the door to quietly - and then she turned the key in the lock, and shot the bolt.
  The three men inside heard the key turn, and in a trice Jake was at the door, pulling at the handle.
  'She's locked us in!' he raged. 'And shot the bolt, too.'
  'Yell for Markhoff!' shouted Red, trembling with fury. And Markhoff, left down in the room at thebottom of the stairs, suddenly heard yells and shouts and tremendous hammerings at the door! Hetore up at once, wondering what in the world had happened.
  Jo was hiding in the next room. As soon as Markhoff went to the door and shot back the bolt sheslipped out and was down the spiral stairway in a trice, unseen by Markhoff. She grinned to herselfand hugged something to her thin little chest.
  It was the big key belonging to the door upstairs. Nobody could unlock that door now - the key wasmissing. Jo had it!
  'Unlock the door!' shouted Red. 'That kid's gone.'
  'There's no key!' yelled back Markhoff. 'She must have taken it. I'll go after her.'
  But it was one thing to go after Jo and quite another to find her. She seemed to have disappeared intothin air.
  Markhoff raged through every room, but she was nowhere to be seen. He went out into the courtyardand looked round there.
  Actually she had made her way to the kitchen and found the larder10. She was very hungry and wantedsomething to eat. There was nobody in the kitchen at all, though a fine fire burned in the big rangethere.
  She slipped into the larder, took the key from the outer side of the door and locked herself in.
  She saw that there was a small window, and she carefully unfastened it so that she could make herescape if anyone discovered that she was locked in the larder.
  Then she tucked in. Three sausage rolls, a large piece of cheese, a hunk of bread, half a meat pie andtwo jam tarts11 went the same way. After that Jo felt a lot better. She remembered the others andthought how hungry they must be feeling, too.
  She found a rush bag hanging on a nail and slipped some food into it - more sausage rolls, some rock-buns, some cheese and bread. Now, if only she could find the others, how they would welcome her!
  Jo put the big key at the bottom of the rush basket. She was feeling very, very pleased with herself.
  Red and Simmy and Jake were all nicely locked up and out of the way. She didn't fear Markhoff asmuch as Red. She was sure she could get away from him.
  She wasn't even sorry for her father, Simmy.
  She had no love for him and no respect, because he was everything that a father shouldn't be.
  She heard Markhoff come raging into the kitchen and she clambered quickly up on the larder shelf,ready to drop out of the window if he tried the door. But he didn't. He raged out again, and she heardhim no more.
  Jo unlocked the door very cautiously. There was now an old woman in the kitchen, standing12 by thetable, folding some clothes she had brought in from the clothes line in the yard. She stared in thegreatest surprise at Jo peeping out of the larder.
  'What...?' she began, indignantly; but Jo was out of the room before she had even got out the nextword. The old dame13 waddled14 over to the larder and began to wail15 as she saw all the empty plates anddishes.
  Jo went cautiously into the front hall. She could hear Markhoff upstairs, still tearing about. Shesmiled delightedly and slipped over to the door.
  She undid16 it and pulled it open. Then, keeping to the wall, she sidled like a weasel to the door that ledunderground. She opened it and went through, shutting it softly behind her.
  Now to find the others. She felt sure they must be down in the caves. How pleased they would bewith the food in her bag!
  She half-fell down the steep steps, and made her way as quickly as she could down the slantingpassage. She had no torch and had to feel her way in the dark. She wasn't in the least afraid. Onlywhen she trod on a sharp stone with her bare foot did she make a sound.
  The other three - Julian, Dick and George - were still sitting crouched17 together with Timmy in thecentre. Julian had been once up to the door that led into the yard and had cautiously peered 89out to see what was to be seen - but had seen nothing at all except for an old woman hanging outsome clothes on a line.
  The three had decided18 to wait till night before they did anything. They thought maybe Timmy mighthave recovered a little then, and would be of some help in protecting them against Red or Markhoff.
  They half-dozed, sitting together for warmth, enjoying the heat of Timmy's big body.
  Timmy growled! Yes, he actually growled - a thing he hadn't done at all so far. George put a warninghand on him. They all sat up, listening. A voice came to them.
  'Julian! Dick! Where are you? I've lost my way!'
  'It's Jo!' cried Dick, and switched on his torch at once. 'Here we are, Jo! How did you escape?
  What's happened?'
  'Heaps,' said Jo, and came gladly over to them. 'My, it was dark up in those passages without a torch.
  Somehow I went the wrong way. That's why I yelled. But I hadn't gone far wrong. Have a sausageroll?'
  'What?' cried three hungry voices, and even Timmy lifted his head and began to sniff19 at the rushbasket that Jo carried.
  Jo laughed and opened the basket. She handed out all the food and the three of them fell on it likewolves. 'Jo, you're the eighth wonder of the world,' said Dick. 'Is there anything left in the basket?'
  'Yes,' said Jo, and took out the enormous key. 'This, look! I locked Red and Jake and Simmy into thattower room, and here's the key. What do you think of that?'


1 pounce 4uAyU     
  • Why do you pounce on every single thing I say?干吗我说的每句话你都要找麻烦?
  • We saw the tiger about to pounce on the goat.我们看见老虎要向那只山羊扑过去。
2 feverishly 5ac95dc6539beaf41c678cd0fa6f89c7     
adv. 兴奋地
  • Feverishly he collected his data. 他拼命收集资料。
  • The company is having to cast around feverishly for ways to cut its costs. 公司迫切须要想出各种降低成本的办法。
3 jeering fc1aba230f7124e183df8813e5ff65ea     
adj.嘲弄的,揶揄的v.嘲笑( jeer的现在分词 )
  • Hecklers interrupted her speech with jeering. 捣乱分子以嘲笑打断了她的讲话。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He interrupted my speech with jeering. 他以嘲笑打断了我的讲话。 来自《简明英汉词典》
4 poke 5SFz9     
  • We never thought she would poke her nose into this.想不到她会插上一手。
  • Don't poke fun at me.别拿我凑趣儿。
5 soot ehryH     
  • Soot is the product of the imperfect combustion of fuel.煤烟是燃料不完全燃烧的产物。
  • The chimney was choked with soot.烟囱被煤灰堵塞了。
6 growled 65a0c9cac661e85023a63631d6dab8a3     
v.(动物)发狺狺声, (雷)作隆隆声( growl的过去式和过去分词 );低声咆哮着说
  • \"They ought to be birched, \" growled the old man. 老人咆哮道:“他们应受到鞭打。” 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He growled out an answer. 他低声威胁着回答。 来自《简明英汉词典》
7 freckles MsNzcN     
n.雀斑,斑点( freckle的名词复数 )
  • She had a wonderful clear skin with an attractive sprinkling of freckles. 她光滑的皮肤上有几处可爱的小雀斑。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • When she lies in the sun, her face gets covered in freckles. 她躺在阳光下时,脸上布满了斑点。 来自《简明英汉词典》
8 deception vnWzO     
  • He admitted conspiring to obtain property by deception.他承认曾与人合谋骗取财产。
  • He was jailed for two years for fraud and deception.他因为诈骗和欺诈入狱服刑两年。
9 shrugged 497904474a48f991a3d1961b0476ebce     
  • Sam shrugged and said nothing. 萨姆耸耸肩膀,什么也没说。
  • She shrugged, feigning nonchalance. 她耸耸肩,装出一副无所谓的样子。 来自《简明英汉词典》
10 larder m9tzb     
  • Please put the food into the larder.请将您地食物放进食物柜内。
  • They promised never to raid the larder again.他们答应不再随便开食橱拿东西吃了。
11 tarts 781c06ce7e1617876890c0d58870a38e     
n.果馅饼( tart的名词复数 );轻佻的女人;妓女;小妞
  • I decided to make some tarts for tea. 我决定做些吃茶点时吃的果馅饼。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • They ate raspberry tarts and ice cream. 大家吃着木莓馅饼和冰淇淋。 来自辞典例句
12 standing 2hCzgo     
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
13 dame dvGzR0     
  • The dame tell of her experience as a wife and mother.这位年长妇女讲了她作妻子和母亲的经验。
  • If you stick around,you'll have to marry that dame.如果再逗留多一会,你就要跟那个夫人结婚。
14 waddled c1cfb61097c12b4812327074b8bc801d     
v.(像鸭子一样)摇摇摆摆地走( waddle的过去式和过去分词 )
  • A family of ducks waddled along the river bank. 一群鸭子沿河岸摇摇摆摆地走。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The stout old man waddled across the road. 那肥胖的老人一跩一跩地穿过马路。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
15 wail XMhzs     
  • Somewhere in the audience an old woman's voice began plaintive wail.观众席里,一位老太太伤心地哭起来。
  • One of the small children began to wail with terror.小孩中的一个吓得大哭起来。
16 Undid 596b2322b213e046510e91f0af6a64ad     
v. 解开, 复原
  • The officer undid the flap of his holster and drew his gun. 军官打开枪套盖拔出了手枪。
  • He did wrong, and in the end his wrongs undid him. 行恶者终以其恶毁其身。
17 crouched 62634c7e8c15b8a61068e36aaed563ab     
v.屈膝,蹲伏( crouch的过去式和过去分词 )
  • He crouched down beside her. 他在她的旁边蹲了下来。
  • The lion crouched ready to pounce. 狮子蹲下身,准备猛扑。
18 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
19 sniff PF7zs     
  • The police used dogs to sniff out the criminals in their hiding - place.警察使用警犬查出了罪犯的藏身地点。
  • When Munchie meets a dog on the beach, they sniff each other for a while.当麦奇在海滩上碰到另一条狗的时候,他们会彼此嗅一会儿。


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