Miss Waterhouse was also at home. She was also true to type, opening the door with a suddennesswhich displayed a desire to trap someone doing what they should not do.
“Oh, it’s you!” she said. “Really, I’ve told your people all I know.”
“I’m sure you’ve replied to all the questions that were asked you,” said Hardcastle, “but theycan’t all be asked at once, you know. We have to go into a few more details.”
“I don’t see why. The whole thing was a most terrible shock,” said Miss Waterhouse, looking athim in a censorious way as though it had been all his doing. “Come in, come in. You can’t standon the mat all day. Come in and sit down and ask me any questions you want to, though reallywhat questions there can be, I cannot see. As I told you, I went out to make a telephone call. Iopened the door of the box and there was the girl. Never had such a shock in my life. I hurrieddown and got the police constable1. And after that, in case you want to know, I came back here andI gave myself a medicinal dose of brandy. Medicinal,” said Miss Waterhouse fiercely.
“Very wise of you, madam,” said Inspector2 Hardcastle.
“And that’s that,” said Miss Waterhouse with finality.
“I wanted to ask you if you were quite sure you had never seen this girl before?”
“May have seen her a dozen times,” said Miss Waterhouse, “but not to remember. I mean, shemay have served me in Woolworth’s, or sat next to me in a bus, or sold me tickets in a cinema.”
“She was a shorthand3 typist at the Cavendish Bureau.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever had occasion to use a shorthand typist. Perhaps she worked in mybrother’s office at Gainsford and Swettenham. Is that what you’re driving at?”
“Oh, no,” said Inspector Hardcastle, “there appears to be no connection of that kind. But I justwondered if she’d come to see you this morning before being killed.”
“Come to see me? No, of course not. Why should she?”
“Well, that we wouldn’t know,” said Inspector Hardcastle, “but you would say, would you, thatanyone who saw her coming in at your gate this morning was mistaken?” He looked at her withinnocent eyes.
“Somebody saw her coming in at my gate? Nonsense,” said Miss Waterhouse. She hesitated.
“At least—”
“Yes?” said Hardcastle, alert4 though he did not show it.
“Well, I suppose she may have pushed a leaflet5 or something through the door … There was aleaflet there at lunchtime. Something about a meeting for nuclear disarmament, I think. There’salways something every day. I suppose conceivably she might have come and pushed somethingthrough the letter box; but you can’t blame me for that, can you?”
“Of course not. Now as to your telephone call—you say your own telephone was out of order.
According to the exchange, that was not so.”
“Exchanges will say anything! I dialled and got a most peculiar6 noise, not the engaged signal, soI went out to the call box.”
Hardcastle got up.
“I’m sorry, Miss Waterhouse, for bothering you in this way, but there is some idea that this girldid come to call on someone in the crescent and that she went to a house not very far from here.”
“And so you have to inquire all along the crescent,” said Miss Waterhouse. “I should think themost likely thing is that she went to the house next door—Miss Pebmarsh’s, I mean.”
“Why should you consider that the most likely?”
“You said she was a shorthand typist and came from the Cavendish Bureau. Surely, if Iremember rightly, it was said that Miss Pebmarsh asked for a shorthand typist to come to herhouse the other day when that man was killed.”
“It was said so, yes, but she denied it.”
“Well, if you ask me,” said Miss Waterhouse, “not that anyone ever listens to what I say untilit’s too late, I should say that she’d gone a little batty. Miss Pebmarsh, I mean. I think, perhaps,that she does ring up bureaux and ask for shorthand typists to come. Then, perhaps, she forgets allabout it.”
“But you don’t think that she would do murder?”
“I never suggested murder or anything of that kind. I know a man was killed in her house, butI’m not for a moment suggesting that Miss Pebmarsh had anything to do with it. No. I just thoughtthat she might have one of those curious fixations like people do. I knew a woman once who wasalways ringing up a confectioner’s and ordering a dozen meringues. She didn’t want them, andwhen they came she said she hadn’t ordered them. That sort of thing.”
“Of course, anything is possible,” said Hardcastle. He said good-bye to Miss Waterhouse andleft.
He thought she’d hardly done herself justice by her last suggestion. On the other hand, if shebelieved that the girl had been seen entering her house, and that that had in fact been the case, thenthe suggestion that the girl had gone to No. 19 was quite an adroit7 one under the circumstances.
Hardcastle glanced at his watch and decided8 that he had still time to tackle9 the CavendishSecretarial Bureau. It had, he knew, been reopened at two o’clock this afternoon. He might getsome help from the girls there. And he would find Sheila Webb there too.


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n.(英国)警察,警官 | |
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n.检查员,监察员,视察员 | |
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n.速记,速记法 | |
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adj.机警的,活泼的,机灵的;vt.使...警觉 | |
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n.传单,活页,广告 | |
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adj.古怪的,异常的;特殊的,特有的 | |
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adj.熟练的,灵巧的 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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n.工具,复滑车,扭倒;v.处理,抓住 | |
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