W e stared at her. I really think that for a moment or two we really believed she was out of her mind. The accusationseemed so utterly1 preposterous2.
Colonel Melchett was the first to speak. He spoke3 kindly4 and with a kind of pitying tolerance5.
“That is absurd, Miss Marple,” he said. “Young Redding has been completely cleared.”
“Naturally,” said Miss Marple. “He saw to that.”
“On the contrary,” said Colonel Melchett dryly. “He did his best to get himself accused of the murder.”
“Yes,” said Miss Marple. “He took us all in that way—myself as much as anyone else. You will remember, dearMr. Clement6, that I was quite taken aback when I heard Mr. Redding had confessed to the crime. It upset all my ideasand made me think him innocent—when up to then I had felt convinced that he was guilty.”
“Then it was Lawrence Redding you suspected?”
“I know that in books it is always the most unlikely person. But I never find that rule applies in real life. There it isso often the obvious that is true. Much as I have always liked Mrs. Protheroe, I could not avoid coming to theconclusion that she was completely under Mr. Redding’s thumb and would do anything he told her, and, of course, heis not the kind of young man who would dream of running away with a penniless woman. From his point of view itwas necessary that Colonel Protheroe should be removed—and so he removed him. One of those charming young menwho have no moral sense.”
Colonel Melchett had been snorting impatiently for some time. Now he broke out.
“Absolute nonsense — the whole thing! Redding’s time is fully7 accounted for up to 6:50 and Haydock sayspositively Protheroe couldn’t have been shot then. I suppose you think you know better than a doctor. Or do yousuggest that Haydock is deliberately8 lying—the Lord knows why?”
“I think Dr. Haydock’s evidence was absolutely truthful9. He is a very upright man. And, of course, it was Mrs.
Protheroe who actually shot Colonel Protheroe—not Mr. Redding.”
Again we stared at her. Miss Marple arranged her lace fichu, pushed back the fleecy shawl that draped hershoulders, and began to deliver a gentle old-maidish lecture comprising the most astounding10 statements in the mostnatural way in the world.
“I have not thought it right to speak until now. One’s own belief—even so strong as to amount to knowledge—isnot the same as proof. And unless one has an explanation that will fit all the facts (as I was saying to dear Mr. Clementthis evening) one cannot advance it with any real conviction. And my own explanation was not quite complete—itlacked just one thing—but suddenly, just as I was leaving Mr. Clement’s study, I noticed the palm in the pot by thewindow—and—well, there the whole thing was! Clear as daylight!”
“Mad—quite mad,” murmured Melchett to me.
But Miss Marple beamed on us serenely11 and went on in her gentle ladylike voice.
“I was very sorry to believe what I did—very sorry. Because I liked them both. But you know what human natureis. And to begin with, when first he and then she both confessed in the most foolish way—well, I was more relievedthan I could say. I had been wrong. And I began to think of other people who had a possible motive12 for wishingColonel Protheroe out of the way.”
“The seven suspects!” I murmured.
She smiled at me.
“Yes, indeed. There was that man Archer13—not likely, but primed with drink (so inflaming) you never know. And,of course, there was your Mary. She’s been walking out with Archer a long time, and she’s a queer-tempered girl.
Motive and opportunity—why, she was alone in the house! Old Mrs. Archer could easily have got the pistol from Mr.
Redding’s house for either of those two. And then, of course, there was Lettice—wanting freedom and money to do asshe liked. I’ve known many cases where the most beautiful and ethereal girls have shown next to no moral scruple—though, of course, gentlemen never wish to believe it of them.”
I winced14.
“And then there was the tennis racquet,” continued Miss Marple.
“The tennis racquet?”
“Yes, the one Mrs. Price Ridley’s Clara saw lying on the grass by the Vicarage gate. That looked as though Mr.
Dennis had got back earlier from his tennis party than he said. Boys of sixteen are so very susceptible15 and so veryunbalanced. Whatever the motive—for Lettice’s sake or for yours, it was a possibility. And then, of course, there waspoor Mr. Hawes and you—not both of you naturally—but alternatively, as the lawyers say.”
“Me?” I exclaimed in lively astonishment16.
“Well, yes. I do apologize—and indeed I never really thought—but there was the question of those disappearingsums of money. Either you or Mr. Hawes must be guilty, and Mrs. Price Ridley was going about everywhere hintingthat you were the person in fault—principally because you objected so vigorously to any kind of inquiry17 into thematter. Of course, I myself was always convinced it was Mr. Hawes—he reminded me so much of that unfortunateorganist I mentioned; but all the same one couldn’t be absolutely sure—”
“Human nature being what it is,” I ended grimly.
“Exactly. And then, of course, there was dear Griselda.”
“But Mrs. Clement was completely out of it,” interrupted Melchett. “She returned by the 6:50 train.”
“That’s what she said,” retorted Miss Marple. “One should never go by what people say. The 6:50 was half an hourlate that night. But at a quarter past seven I saw her with my own eyes starting for Old Hall. So it followed that shemust have come by the earlier train. Indeed she was seen; but perhaps you know that?”
She looked at me inquiringly.
Some magnetism18 in her glance impelled19 me to hold out the last anonymous20 letter, the one I had opened so short atime ago. It set out in detail that Griselda had been seen leaving Lawrence Redding’s cottage by the back window attwenty past six on the fatal day.
I said nothing then or at any time of the dreadful suspicion that had for one moment assailed21 my mind. I had seen itin nightmare terms—a past intrigue22 between Lawrence and Griselda, the knowledge of it coming to Protheroe’s ears,his decision to make me acquainted with the facts — and Griselda, desperate, stealing the pistol and silencingProtheroe. As I say—a nightmare only—but invested for a few long minutes with a dreadful appearance of reality.
I don’t know whether Miss Marple had any inkling of all this. Very probably she had. Few things are hidden fromher.
She handed me back the note with a little nod.
“That’s been all over the village,” she said. “And it did look rather suspicious, didn’t it? Especially with Mrs.
Archer swearing at the inquest that the pistol was still in the cottage when she left at midday.”
She paused a minute and then went on.
“But I’m wandering terribly from the point. What I want to say—and believe it my duty—is to put my ownexplanation of the mystery before you. If you don’t believe it—well, I shall have done my best. Even as it is, my wishto be quite sure before I spoke may have cost poor Mr. Hawes his life.”
Again she paused, and when she resumed, her voice held a different note. It was less apologetic, more decided23.
“That is my own explanation of the facts. By Thursday afternoon the crime had been fully planned down to thesmallest detail. Lawrence Redding first called on the Vicar, knowing him to be out. He had with him the pistol whichhe concealed24 in that pot in the stand by the window. When the Vicar came in, Lawrence explained his visit by astatement that he had made up his mind to go away. At five thirty, Lawrence Redding telephoned from the NorthLodge to the Vicar, adopting a woman’s voice (you remember what a good amateur actor he was).
“Mrs. Protheroe and her husband had just started for the village. And—a very curious thing (though no onehappened to think of it that way)—Mrs. Protheroe took no handbag with her. Really a most unusual thing for a womanto do. Just before twenty past six she passes my garden and stops and speaks, so as to give me every opportunity ofnoticing that she has no weapon with her and also that she is quite her normal self. They realized, you see, that I am anoticing kind of person. She disappears round the corner of the house to the study window. The poor Colonel is sittingat the desk writing his letter to you. He is deaf, as we all know. She takes the pistol from the bowl where it is waitingfor her, comes up behind him and shoots him through the head, throws down the pistol and is out again like a flash,and going down the garden to the studio. Nearly anyone would swear that there couldn’t have been time!”
“But the shot?” objected the Colonel. “You didn’t hear the shot?”
“There is, I believe, an invention called a Maxim25 silencer. So I gather from detective stories. I wonder if, possibly,the sneeze that the maid, Clara, heard might have actually been the shot? But no matter. Mrs. Protheroe is met at thestudio by Mr. Redding. They go in together—and, human nature being what it is, I’m afraid they realize that I shan’tleave the garden till they come out again!”
I had never liked Miss Marple better than at this moment, with her humorous perception of her own weakness.
“When they do come out, their demeanour is gay and natural. And there, in reality, they made a mistake. Because ifthey had really said good-bye to each other, as they pretended, they would have looked very different. But you see,that was their weak point. They simply dare not appear upset in any way. For the next ten minutes they are careful toprovide themselves with what is called an alibi26, I believe. Finally Mr. Redding goes to the Vicarage, leaving it as lateas he dares. He probably saw you on the footpath27 from far away and was able to time matters nicely. He picks up thepistol and the silencer, leaves the forged letter with the time on it written in a different ink and apparently28 in a differenthandwriting. When the forgery29 is discovered it will look like a clumsy attempt to incriminate Anne Protheroe.
“But when he leaves the letter, he finds the one actually written by Colonel Protheroe — something quiteunexpected. And being a very intelligent young man, and seeing that this letter may come in very useful to him, hetakes it away with him. He alters the hands of the clock to the same time as the letter—knowing that it is always kept aquarter of an hour fast. The same idea—attempt to throw suspicion on Mrs. Protheroe. Then he leaves, meeting yououtside the gate, and acting30 the part of someone nearly distraught. As I say, he is really most intelligent. What would amurderer who had committed a crime try to do? Behave naturally, of course. So that is just what Mr. Redding does notdo. He gets rid of the silencer, but marches into the police station with the pistol and makes a perfectly31 ridiculous self-accusation which takes everybody in.”
There was something fascinating in Miss Marple’s resumé of the case. She spoke with such certainty that we bothfelt that in this way and in no other could the crime have been committed.
“What about the shot heard in the wood?” I asked. “Was that the coincidence to which you were referring earlierthis evening?”
“Oh, dear, no!” Miss Marple shook her head briskly. “That wasn’t a coincidence — very far from it. It wasabsolutely necessary that a shot should be heard—otherwise suspicion of Mrs. Protheroe might have continued. HowMr. Redding arranged it, I don’t quite know. But I understand that picric acid explodes if you drop a weight on it, andyou will remember, dear Vicar, that you met Mr. Redding carrying a large stone just in the part of the wood where youpicked up that crystal later. Gentlemen are so clever at arranging things—the stone suspended above the crystals andthen a time fuse—or do I mean a slow match? Something that would take about twenty minutes to burn through—sothat the explosion would come about 6:30 when he and Mrs. Protheroe had come out of the studio and were in fullview. A very safe device because what would there be to find afterwards—only a big stone! But even that he tried toremove—when you came upon him.”
“I believe you are right,” I exclaimed, remembering the start of surprise Lawrence had given on seeing me that day.
It had seemed natural enough at the time, but now….
Miss Marple seemed to read my thoughts, for she nodded her head shrewdly.
“Yes,” she said, “it must have been a very nasty shock for him to come across you just then. But he turned it offvery well—pretending he was bringing it to me for my rock gardens. Only—” Miss Marple became suddenly veryemphatic. “It was the wrong sort of stone for my rock gardens! And that put me on the right track!”
All this time Colonel Melchett had sat like a man in a trance. Now he showed signs of coming to. He snorted onceor twice, blew his nose in a bewildered fashion, and said:
“Upon my word! Well, upon my word!”
Beyond that, he did not commit himself. I think that he, like myself, was impressed with the logical certainty ofMiss Marple’s conclusions. But for the moment he was not willing to admit it.
Instead, he stretched out a hand, picked up the crumpled32 letter and barked out:
“All very well. But how do you account for this fellow Hawes! Why, he actually rang up and confessed.”
“Yes, that was what was so providential. The Vicar’s sermon, doubtless. You know, dear Mr. Clement, you reallypreached a most remarkable33 sermon. It must have affected34 Mr. Hawes deeply. He could bear it no longer, and felt hemust confess—about the misappropriations of the church funds.”
“Yes—and that, under Providence35, is what has saved his life. (For I hope and trust it is saved. Dr. Haydock is soclever.) As I see the matter, Mr. Redding kept this letter (a risky36 thing to do, but I expect he hid it in some safe place)and waited till he found out for certain to whom it referred. He soon made quite sure that it was Mr. Hawes. Iunderstand he came back here with Mr. Hawes last night and spent a long time with him. I suspect that he thensubstituted a cachet of his own for one of Mr. Hawes’s, and slipped this letter in the pocket of Mr. Hawes’s dressinggown. The poor young man would swallow the fatal cachet in all innocence—after his death his things would be gonethrough and the letter found and everyone would jump to the conclusion that he had shot Colonel Protheroe and takenhis own life out of remorse37. I rather fancy Mr. Hawes must have found that letter tonight just after taking the fatalcachet. In his disordered state, it must have seemed like something supernatural, and, coming on top of the Vicar’ssermon, it must have impelled him to confess the whole thing.”
“Upon my word,” said Colonel Melchett. “Upon my word! Most extraordinary! I—I—don’t believe a word of it.”
He had never made a statement that sounded more unconvincing. It must have sounded so in his own ears, for hewent on:
“And can you explain the other telephone call—the one from Mr. Redding’s cottage to Mrs. Price Ridley?”
“Ah!” said Miss Marple. “That is what I call the coincidence. Dear Griselda sent that call—she and Mr. Dennisbetween them, I fancy. They had heard the rumours38 Mrs. Price Ridley was circulating about the Vicar, and theythought of this (perhaps rather childish) way of silencing her. The coincidence lies in the fact that the call should havebeen put through at exactly the same time as the fake shot from the wood. It led one to believe that the two must beconnected.”
I suddenly remembered how everyone who spoke of that shot had described it as “different” from the usual shot.
They had been right. Yet how hard to explain just in what way the “difference” of the shot consisted.
Colonel Melchett cleared his throat.
“Your solution is a very plausible39 one, Miss Marple,” he said. “But you will allow me to point out that there is nota shadow of proof.”
“I know,” said Miss Marple. “But you believe it to be true, don’t you?”
There was a pause, then the Colonel said almost reluctantly:
“Yes, I do. Dash it all, it’s the only way the thing could have happened. But there’s no proof—not an atom.”
Miss Marple coughed.
“That is why I thought perhaps under the circumstances—”
“A little trap might be permissable.”


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adv.完全地,绝对地 | |
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adj.荒谬的,可笑的 | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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adj.和蔼的,温和的,爽快的;adv.温和地,亲切地 | |
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n.宽容;容忍,忍受;耐药力;公差 | |
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adj.仁慈的;温和的 | |
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adv.完全地,全部地,彻底地;充分地 | |
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adv.审慎地;蓄意地;故意地 | |
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adj.真实的,说实话的,诚实的 | |
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adj.使人震惊的vt.使震惊,使大吃一惊astound的现在分词) | |
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adv.安详地,宁静地,平静地 | |
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n.动机,目的;adv.发动的,运动的 | |
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n.射手,弓箭手 | |
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赶紧避开,畏缩( wince的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adj.过敏的,敏感的;易动感情的,易受感动的 | |
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n.惊奇,惊异 | |
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n.打听,询问,调查,查问 | |
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n.磁性,吸引力,磁学 | |
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v.推动、推进或敦促某人做某事( impel的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adj.无名的;匿名的;无特色的 | |
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v.攻击( assail的过去式和过去分词 );困扰;质问;毅然应对 | |
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vt.激起兴趣,迷住;vi.耍阴谋;n.阴谋,密谋 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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a.隐藏的,隐蔽的 | |
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n.格言,箴言 | |
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n.某人当时不在犯罪现场的申辩或证明;借口 | |
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n.小路,人行道 | |
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adv.显然地;表面上,似乎 | |
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n.伪造的文件等,赝品,伪造(行为) | |
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n.演戏,行为,假装;adj.代理的,临时的,演出用的 | |
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adv.完美地,无可非议地,彻底地 | |
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adj. 弯扭的, 变皱的 动词crumple的过去式和过去分词形式 | |
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adj.显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的 | |
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adj.不自然的,假装的 | |
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n.深谋远虑,天道,天意;远见;节约;上帝 | |
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adj.有风险的,冒险的 | |
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n.痛恨,悔恨,自责 | |
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n.传闻( rumour的名词复数 );风闻;谣言;谣传 | |
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adj.似真实的,似乎有理的,似乎可信的 | |
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