IC raddock laid the typed transcript1 of the various interviews before the Chief Constable2. The latter had just finishedreading the wire received from the Swiss Police.
“So he had a police record all right,” said Rydesdale. “H’m—very much as one thought.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Jewellery … h’m, yes … falsified entries … yes … cheque … Definitely a dishonest fellow.”
“Yes, sir—in a small way.”
“Quite so. And small things lead to large things.”
“I wonder, sir.”
The Chief Constable looked up.
“Worried, Craddock?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Why? It’s a straightforward3 story. Or isn’t it? Let’s see what all these people you’ve been talking to have to say.”
He drew the report towards him and read it through rapidly.
“The usual thing—plenty of inconsistencies and contradictions. Different people’s accounts of a few moments ofstress never agree. But the main picture seems clear enough.”
“I know, sir—but it’s an unsatisfactory picture. If you know what I mean—it’s the wrong picture.”
“Well, let’s take the facts. Rudi Scherz took the 5:20 bus from Medenham to Chipping Cleghorn arriving there atsix o’clock. Evidence of conductor and two passengers. From the bus stop he walked away in the direction of LittlePaddocks. He got into the house with no particular difficulty—probably through the front door. He held up thecompany with a revolver, he fired two shots, one of which slightly wounded Miss Blacklock, then he killed himselfwith a third shot, whether accidentally or deliberately4 there is not sufficient evidence to show. The reasons why he didall this are profoundly unsatisfactory, I agree. But why isn’t really a question we are called upon to answer. ACoroner’s jury may bring it in suicide—or accidental death. Whichever verdict it is, it’s the same as far as we’reconcerned. We can write finis.”
“You mean we can always fall back upon Colonel Easterbrook’s psychology,” said Craddock gloomily.
Rydesdale smiled.
“After all, the Colonel’s probably had a good deal of experience,” he said. “I’m pretty sick of the psychologicaljargon that’s used so glibly5 about everything nowadays—but we can’t really rule it out.”
“I still feel the picture’s all wrong, sir.”
“Any reason to believe that somebody in the setup at Chipping Cleghorn is lying to you?”
Craddock hesitated.
“I think the foreign girl knows more than she lets on. But that may be just prejudice on my part.”
“You think she might possibly have been in it with this fellow? Let him into the house? Put him up to it?”
“Something of the kind. I wouldn’t put it past her. But that surely indicates that there really was somethingvaluable, money or jewellery, in the house, and that doesn’t seem to have been the case. Miss Blacklock negatived itquite decidedly. So did the others. That leaves us with the proposition that there was something valuable in the housethat nobody knew about—”
“Quite a best-seller plot.”
“I agree it’s ridiculous, sir. The only other point is Miss Bunner’s certainty that it was a definite attempt by Scherzto murder Miss Blacklock.”
“Well, from what you say—and from her statement, this Miss Bunner—”
“Oh, I agree, sir,” Craddock put in quickly, “she’s an utterly6 unreliable witness. Highly suggestible. Anyone couldput a thing into her head—but the interesting thing is that this is quite her own theory—no one has suggested it to her.
Everybody else negatives it. For once she’s not swimming with the tide. It definitely is her own impression.”
“And why should Rudi Scherz want to kill Miss Blacklock?”
“There you are, sir. I don’t know. Miss Blacklock doesn’t know—unless she’s a much better liar7 than I think she is.
Nobody knows. So presumably it isn’t true.”
He sighed.
“Cheer up, Craddock,” said the Chief Constable. “I’m taking you off to lunch with Sir Henry and myself. The bestthat the Royal Spa Hotel in Medenham Wells can provide.”
“Thank you, sir.” Craddock looked slightly surprised.
“You see, we received a letter—” He broke off as Sir Henry Clithering entered the room. “Ah, there you are,Henry.”
Sir Henry, informal this time, said, “Morning, Dermot.”
“I’ve got something for you, Henry,” said the Chief Constable.
“What’s that?”
“Authentic letter from an old Pussy8. Staying at the Royal Spa Hotel. Something she thinks we might like to knowin connection with this Chipping Cleghorn business.”
“The old Pussies9,” said Sir Henry triumphantly10. “What did I tell you? They hear everything. They see everything.
And, unlike the famous adage11, they speak all evil. What’s this particular one got hold of?”
Rydesdale consulted the letter.
“Writes just like my old grandmother,” he complained. “Spiky. Like a spider in the ink bottle, and all underlined. Agood deal about how she hopes it won’t be taking up our valuable time, but might possibly be of some slightassistance, etc., etc. What’s her name? Jane—something—Murple—no, Marple, Jane Marple.”
“Ye Gods and Little Fishes,” said Sir Henry, “can it be? George, it’s my own particular, one and only, four-starredPussy. The super Pussy of all old Pussies. And she has managed somehow to be at Medenham Wells, instead ofpeacefully at home in St. Mary Mead12, just at the right time to be mixed up in a murder. Once more a murder isannounced—for the benefit and enjoyment13 of Miss Marple.”
“Well, Henry,” said Rydesdale sardonically14, “I’ll be glad to see your paragon15. Come on! We’ll lunch at the RoyalSpa and we’ll interview the lady. Craddock, here, is looking highly sceptical.”
“Not at all, sir,” said Craddock politely.
He thought to himself that sometimes his godfather carried things a bit far.
Miss Jane Marple was very nearly, if not quite, as Craddock had pictured her. She was far more benignant than he hadimagined and a good deal older. She seemed indeed very old. She had snow-white hair and a pink crinkled face andvery soft innocent blue eyes, and she was heavily enmeshed in fleecy wool. Wool round her shoulders in the form of alacy cape16 and wool that she was knitting and which turned out to be a baby’s shawl.
She was all incoherent delight and pleasure at seeing Sir Henry, and became quite flustered17 when introduced to theChief Constable and Detective-Inspector18 Craddock.
“But really, Sir Henry, how fortunate … how very fortunate. So long since I have seen you … Yes, myrheumatism. Very bad of late. Of course I couldn’t have afforded this hotel (really fantastic what they chargenowadays) but Raymond—my nephew, Raymond West, you may remember him—”
“Everyone knows his name.”
“Yes, the dear boy has been so successful with his clever books—he prides himself upon never writing aboutanything pleasant. The dear boy insisted on paying all my expenses. And his dear wife is making a name for herselftoo, as an artist. Mostly jugs19 of dying flowers and broken combs on windowsills. I never dare tell her, but I still admireBlair Leighton and Alma Tadema. Oh, but I’m chattering21. And the Chief Constable himself—indeed I never expected—so afraid I shall be taking up his time—”
“Completely ga-ga,” thought the disgusted Detective-Inspector Craddock.
“Come into the Manager’s private room,” said Rydesdale. “We can talk better there.”
When Miss Marple had been disentangled from her wool, and her spare knitting pins collected, she accompaniedthem, fluttering and protesting, to Mr. Rowlandson’s comfortable sitting-room22.
“Now, Miss Marple, let’s hear what you have to tell us,” said the Chief Constable.
Miss Marple came to the point with unexpected brevity.
“It was a cheque,” she said. “He altered it.”
“The young man at the desk here, the one who is supposed to have staged that hold-up and shot himself.”
“He altered a cheque, you say?”
Miss Marple nodded.
“Yes. I have it here.” She extracted it from her bag and laid it on the table. “It came this morning with my othersfrom the Bank. You can see, it was for seven pounds, and he altered it to seventeen. A stroke in front of the 7, and teenadded after the word seven with a nice artistic23 little blot24 just blurring25 the whole word. Really very nicely done. Acertain amount of practice, I should say. It’s the same ink, because I wrote the cheque actually at the desk. I shouldthink he’d done it quite often before, wouldn’t you?”
“He picked the wrong person to do it to, this time,” remarked Sir Henry.
Miss Marple nodded agreement.
“Yes. I’m afraid he would never have gone very far in crime. I was quite the wrong person. Some busy youngmarried woman, or some girl having a love affair—that’s the kind who write cheques for all sorts of different sums anddon’t really look through their passbooks26 carefully. But an old woman who has to be careful of the pennies, and whohas formed habits—that’s quite the wrong person to choose. Seventeen pounds is a sum I never write a cheque for.
Twenty pounds, a round sum, for the monthly wages and books. And as for my personal expenditure27, I usually cashseven—it used to be five, but everything has gone up so.”
“And perhaps he reminded you of someone?” prompted Sir Henry, mischief28 in his eye.
Miss Marple smiled and shook her head at him.
“You are very naughty, Sir Henry. As a matter of fact he did. Fred Tyler, at the fish shop. Always slipped an extra1 in the shillings column. Eating so much fish as we do nowadays, it made a long bill, and lots of people never addedit up. Just ten shillings in his pocket every time, not much but enough to get himself a few neckties and take JessieSpragge (the girl in the draper’s) to the pictures. Cut a splash, that’s what these young fellows want to do. Well, thevery first week I was here, there was a mistake in my bill. I pointed29 it out to the young man and he apologized verynicely and looked very much upset, but I thought to myself then: ‘You’ve got a shifty eye, young man.’
“What I mean by a shifty eye,” continued Miss Marple, “is the kind that looks very straight at you and never looksaway or blinks.”
Craddock gave a sudden movement of appreciation30. He thought to himself “Jim Kelly to the life,” remembering anotorious swindler he had helped to put behind bars not long ago.
“Rudi Scherz was a thoroughly31 unsatisfactory character,” said Rydesdale. “He’s got a police record in Switzerland,we find.”
“Made the place too hot for him, I suppose, and came over here with forged papers?” said Miss Marple.
“Exactly,” said Rydesdale.
“He was going about with the little red-haired waitress from the dining room,” said Miss Marple. “Fortunately Idon’t think her heart’s affected32 at all. She just liked to have someone a bit ‘different,’ and he used to give her flowersand chocolates which the English boys don’t do much. Has she told you all she knows?” she asked, turning suddenlyto Craddock. “Or not quite all yet?”
“I’m not absolutely sure,” said Craddock cautiously.
“I think there’s a little to come,” said Miss Marple. “She’s looking very worried. Brought me kippers instead ofherrings this morning, and forgot the milk jug20. Usually she’s an excellent waitress. Yes, she’s worried. Afraid shemight have to give evidence or something like that. But I expect”—her candid33 blue eyes swept over the manlyproportions and handsome face of Detective-Inspector Craddock with truly feminine Victorian appreciation—“thatyou will be able to persuade her to tell you all she knows.”
Detective-Inspector Craddock blushed and Sir Henry chuckled34.
“It might be important,” said Miss Marple. “He may have told her who it was.”
Rydesdale stared at her.
“Who what was?”
“I express myself so badly. Who it was who put him up to it, I mean.”
“So you think someone put him up to it?”
Miss Marple’s eyes widened in surprise.
“Oh, but surely—I mean … Here’s a personable young man—who filches35 a little bit here and a little bit there—alters a small cheque, perhaps helps himself to a small piece of jewellery if it’s left lying around, or takes a littlemoney from the till—all sorts of small petty thefts. Keeps himself going in ready money so that he can dress well, andtake a girl about—all that sort of thing. And then suddenly he goes off, with a revolver, and holds up a room full ofpeople, and shoots at someone. He’d never have done a thing like that—not for a moment! He wasn’t that kind ofperson. It doesn’t make sense.”
Craddock drew in his breath sharply. That was what Letitia Blacklock had said. What the Vicar’s wife had said.
What he himself felt with increasing force. It didn’t make sense. And now Sir Henry’s old Pussy was saying it, too,with complete certainty in her fluting36 old lady’s voice.
“Perhaps you’ll tell us, Miss Marple,” he said, and his voice was suddenly aggressive, “what did happen, then?”
She turned on him in surprise.
“But how should I know what happened? There was an account in the paper—but it says so little. One can makeconjectures, of course, but one has no accurate information.”
“George,” said Sir Henry, “would it be very unorthodox if Miss Marple were allowed to read the notes of theinterviews Craddock had with these people at Chipping Cleghorn?”
“It may be unorthodox,” said Rydesdale, “but I’ve not got where I am by being orthodox. She can read them. I’d becurious to hear what she has to say.”
Miss Marple was all embarrassment37.
“I’m afraid you’ve been listening to Sir Henry. Sir Henry is always too kind. He thinks too much of any littleobservations I may have made in the past. Really, I have no gifts—no gifts at all—except perhaps a certain knowledgeof human nature. People, I find, are apt to be far too trustful. I’m afraid that I have a tendency always to believe theworst. Not a nice trait. But so often justified38 by subsequent events.”
“Read these,” said Rydesdale, thrusting the typewritten sheets upon her. “They won’t take you long. After all, thesepeople are your kind—you must know a lot of people like them. You may be able to spot something that we haven’t.
The case is just going to be closed. Let’s have an amateur’s opinion on it before we shut up the files. I don’t mindtelling you that Craddock here isn’t satisfied. He says, like you, that it doesn’t make sense.”
There was silence whilst Miss Marple read. She put the typewritten sheets down at last.
“It’s very interesting,” she said with a sigh. “All the different things that people say—and think. The things they see—or think that they see. And all so complex, nearly all so trivial and if one thing isn’t trivial, it’s so hard to spot whichone—like a needle in a haystack.”
Craddock felt a twinge of disappointment. Just for a moment or two, he wondered if Sir Henry might be right aboutthis funny old lady. She might have put her finger on something—old people were often very sharp. He’d never, forinstance, been able to conceal39 anything from his own great aunt Emma. She had finally told him that his nose twitchedwhen he was about to tell a lie.
But just a few fluffy40 generalities, that was all that Sir Henry’s famous Miss Marple could produce. He felt annoyedwith her and said rather curtly41:
“The truth of the matter is that the facts are indisputable. Whatever conflicting details these people give, they allsaw one thing. They saw a masked man with a revolver and a torch open the door and hold them up, and whether theythink he said ‘Stick ’em up’ or ‘Your money or your life,’ or whatever phrase is associated with a hold-up in theirminds, they saw him.”
“But surely,” said Miss Marple gently. “They couldn’t—actually—have seen anything at all….”
Craddock caught his breath. She’d got it! She was sharp, after all. He was testing her by that speech of his, but shehadn’t fallen for it. It didn’t actually make any difference to the facts, or to what happened, but she’d realized, as he’drealized, that those people who had seen a masked man holding them up couldn’t really have seen him at all.
“If I understand rightly,” Miss Marple had a pink flush on her cheeks, her eyes were bright and pleased as a child’s,“there wasn’t any light in the hall outside—and not on the landing upstairs either?”
“That’s right,” said Craddock.
“And so, if a man stood in the doorway42 and flashed a powerful torch into the room, nobody could see anything butthe torch, could they?”
“No, they couldn’t. I tried it out.”
“And so when some of them say they saw a masked man, etc., they are really, though they don’t realize it,recapitulating from what they saw afterwards—when the lights came on. So it really all fits in very well, doesn’t it, onthe assumption that Rudi Scherz was the—I think, ‘fall guy’ is the expression I mean?”
Rydesdale stared at her in such surprise that she grew pinker still. “I may have got the term wrong,” she murmured.
“I am not very clever about Americanisms—and I understand they change very quickly. I got it from one of Mr.
Dashiel Hammett’s stories. (I understand from my nephew Raymond that he is considered at the top of the tree in whatis called the ‘tough’ style of literature.) A ‘fall guy,’ if I understand it rightly, means someone who will be blamed fora crime really committed by someone else. This Rudi Scherz seems to me exactly the right type for that. Rather stupidreally, you know, but full of cupidity43 and probably extremely credulous44.”
Rydesdale said, smiling tolerantly:
“Are you suggesting that he was persuaded by someone to go out and take pot shots at a room full of people?
Rather a tall order.”
“I think he was told that it was a joke,” said Miss Marple. “He was paid for doing it, of course. Paid, that is, to putan advertisement in the newspaper, to go out and spy out the household premises45, and then, on the night in question,he was to go there, assume a mask and a black cloak and throw open a door, brandishing46 a torch, and cry ‘Hands up!’”
“And fire off a revolver?”
“No, no,” said Miss Marple. “He never had a revolver.”
“But everyone says—” began Rydesdale, and stopped.
“Exactly,” said Miss Marple. “Nobody could possibly have seen a revolver even if he had one. And I don’t think hehad. I think that after he’d called ‘Hands up’ somebody came up quietly behind him in the darkness and fired thosetwo shots over his shoulder. It frightened him to death. He swung round and as he did so, that other person shot himand then let the revolver drop beside him….”
The three men looked at her. Sir Henry said softly:
“It’s a possible theory.”
“But who is Mr. X who came up in the darkness?” asked the Chief Constable.
Miss Marple coughed.
“You’ll have to find out from Miss Blacklock who wanted to kill her.”
Good for old Dora Bunner, thought Craddock. Instinct against intelligence every time.
“So you think it was a deliberate attempt on Miss Blacklock’s life,” asked Rydesdale.
“It certainly has that appearance,” said Miss Marple. “Though there are one or two difficulties. But what I wasreally wondering about was whether there mightn’t be a short cut. I’ve no doubt that whoever arranged this with RudiScherz took pains to tell him to keep his mouth shut, but if he talked to anybody it would probably be to that girl,Myrna Harris. And he may—he just may—have dropped some hint as to the kind of person who’d suggested thewhole thing.”
“I’ll see her now,” said Craddock, rising.
Miss Marple nodded.
“Yes, do, Inspector Craddock. I’ll feel happier when you have. Because once she’s told you anything she knowsshe’ll be much safer.”
“Safer?… Yes, I see.”
He left the room. The Chief Constable said doubtfully, but tactfully:
“Well, Miss Marple, you’ve certainly given us something to think about.”
“I’m sorry about it, I am really,” said Myrna Harris. “It’s ever so nice of you not to be ratty about it. But you seeMum’s the sort of person who fusses like anything. And it did look as though I’d—what’s the phrase?—been anaccessory before the fact” (the words ran glibly off her tongue). “I mean, I was afraid you’d never take my word for itthat I only thought it was just a bit of fun.”
Inspector Craddock repeated the reassuring47 phrase with which he had broken down Myrna’s resistance.
“I will. I’ll tell you all about it. But you will keep me out of it if you can because of Mum? It all started with Rudibreaking a date with me. We were going to the pictures that evening and then he said he wouldn’t be able to come andI was a bit standoffish with him about it—because after all, it had been his idea and I don’t fancy being stood up by aforeigner. And he said it wasn’t his fault, and I said that was a likely story, and then he said he’d got a bit of a lark48 onthat night—and that he wasn’t going to be out of pocket by it and how would I fancy a wristwatch? So I said, what doyou mean by a lark? And he said not to tell anyone, but there was to be a party somewhere and he was to stage a shamhold-up. Then he showed me the advertisement he’d put in and I had to laugh. He was a bit scornful about it all. Saidit was kid’s stuff, really—but that was just like the English. They never really grew up—and of course, I said what didhe mean by talking like that about Us—and we had a bit of an argument, but we made it up. Only you can understand,can’t you, sir, that when I read all about it, and it hadn’t been a joke at all and Rudi had shot someone and then shothimself—why, I didn’t know what to do. I thought if I said I knew about it beforehand, it would look as though I werein on the whole thing. But it really did seem like a joke when he told me about it. I’d have sworn he meant it that way.
I didn’t even know he’d got a revolver. He never said anything about taking a revolver with him.”
Craddock comforted her and then asked the most important question.
“Who did he say it was who had arranged this party?”
But there he drew a blank.
“He never said who it was that was getting him to do it. I suppose nobody was, really. It was all his own doing.”
“He didn’t mention a name? Did he say he—or she?”
“He didn’t say anything except that it was going to be a scream. ‘I shall laugh to see all their faces.’ That’s what hesaid.”
He hadn’t had long to laugh, Craddock thought.
“It’s only a theory,” said Rydesdale as they drove back to Medenham. “Nothing to support it, nothing at all. Put itdown as old maid’s vapourings and let it go, eh?”
“I’d rather not do that, sir.”
“It’s all very improbable. A mysterious X appearing suddenly in the darkness behind our Swiss friend. Where didhe come from? Who was he? Where had he been?”
“He could have come in through the side door,” said Craddock, “just as Scherz came. Or,” he added slowly, “hecould have come from the kitchen.”
“She could have come from the kitchen, you mean?”
“Yes, sir, it’s a possibility. I’ve not been satisfied about that girl all along. She strikes me as a nasty bit of goods.
All that screaming and hysterics—it could have been put on. She could have worked on this young fellow, let him inat the right moment, rigged the whole thing, shot him, bolted back into the dining room, caught up her bit of silver andher chamois and started her screaming act.”
“Against that we have the fact that—er—what’s his name—oh, yes, Edmund Swettenham, definitely says the keywas turned on the outside of the door, and that he turned it to release her. Any other door into that part of the house?”
“Yes, there’s a door to the back stairs and kitchen just under the stairs, but it seems the handle came off three weeksago and nobody’s come to put it on yet. In the meantime you can’t open the door. I’m bound to say that story seemscorrect. The spindle and the two handles were on a shelf outside the door in the hall and they were thickly coated withdust, but of course a professional would have ways of opening that door all right.”
“Better look up the girl’s record. See if her papers are in order. But it seems to me the whole thing is verytheoretical.”
Again the Chief Constable looked inquiringly at his subordinate. Craddock replied quietly:
“I know, sir, and of course if you think the case ought to be closed, it must be. But I’d appreciate it if I could workon it for just a little longer.”
Rather to his surprise the Chief Constable said quietly and approvingly:
“Good lad.”
“There’s the revolver to work on. If this theory is correct, it wasn’t Scherz’s revolver and certainly nobody so farhas been able to say that Scherz ever had a revolver.”
“It’s a German make.”
“I know, sir. But this country’s absolutely full of Continental49 makes of guns. All the Americans brought them backand so did our chaps. You can’t go by that.”
“True enough. Any other lines of inquiry50?”
“There’s got to be a motive51. If there’s anything in this theory at all, it means that last Friday’s business wasn’t amere joke, and wasn’t an ordinary hold-up, it was a cold-blooded attempt at murder. Somebody tried to murder MissBlacklock. Now why? It seems to me that if anyone knows the answer to that it must be Miss Blacklock herself.”
“I understand she rather poured cold water on that idea?”
“She poured cold water on the idea that Rudi Scherz wanted to murder her. And she was quite right. And there’sanother thing, sir.”
“Somebody might try again.”
“That would certainly prove the truth of the theory,” said the Chief Constable dryly. “By the way, look after MissMarple, won’t you?”
“Miss Marple? Why?”
“I gather she is taking up residence at the Vicarage in Chipping Cleghorn and coming into Medenham Wells twicea week for her treatments. It seems that Mrs. What’shername is the daughter of an old friend of Miss Marple’s. Goodsporting instincts, that old bean. Oh, well, I suppose she hasn’t much excitement in her life and sniffing52 round afterpossible murderers gives her a kick.”
“I wish she wasn’t coming,” said Craddock seriously.
“Going to get under your feet?”
“Not that, sir, but she’s a nice old thing. I shouldn’t like anything to happen to her … always supposing, I mean,that there’s anything in this theory.”


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n.抄本,誊本,副本,肄业证书 | |
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n.(英国)警察,警官 | |
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adj.正直的,坦率的;易懂的,简单的 | |
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adv.审慎地;蓄意地;故意地 | |
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adv.流利地,流畅地;满口 | |
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adv.完全地,绝对地 | |
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n.说谎的人 | |
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n.(儿语)小猫,猫咪 | |
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n.(粗俚) 女阴( pussy的名词复数 );(总称)(作为性对象的)女人;(主要北美使用,非正式)软弱的;小猫咪 | |
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ad.得意洋洋地;得胜地;成功地 | |
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n.格言,古训 | |
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n.蜂蜜酒 | |
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n.乐趣;享有;享用 | |
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adv.讽刺地,冷嘲地 | |
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n.模范,典型 | |
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n.海角,岬;披肩,短披风 | |
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adj.慌张的;激动不安的v.使慌乱,使不安( fluster的过去式和过去分词) | |
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n.检查员,监察员,视察员 | |
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(有柄及小口的)水壶( jug的名词复数 ) | |
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n.(有柄,小口,可盛水等的)大壶,罐,盂 | |
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n. (机器振动发出的)咔嗒声,(鸟等)鸣,啁啾 adj. 喋喋不休的,啾啾声的 动词chatter的现在分词形式 | |
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n.(BrE)客厅,起居室 | |
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adj.艺术(家)的,美术(家)的;善于艺术创作的 | |
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vt.弄脏(用吸墨纸)吸干;n.污点,污渍 | |
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n.模糊,斑点甚多,(图像的)混乱v.(使)变模糊( blur的现在分词 );(使)难以区分 | |
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(建房互助会的)存取款记录簿( passbook的名词复数 ); (种族隔离时期所有黑人随身携带的)有色人种身份证 | |
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n.(时间、劳力、金钱等)支出;使用,消耗 | |
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n.损害,伤害,危害;恶作剧,捣蛋,胡闹 | |
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adj.尖的,直截了当的 | |
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n.评价;欣赏;感谢;领会,理解;价格上涨 | |
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adv.完全地,彻底地,十足地 | |
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adj.不自然的,假装的 | |
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adj.公正的,正直的;坦率的 | |
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轻声地笑( chuckle的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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v.偷(尤指小的或不贵重的物品)( filch的第三人称单数 ) | |
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有沟槽的衣料; 吹笛子; 笛声; 刻凹槽 | |
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n.尴尬;使人为难的人(事物);障碍;窘迫 | |
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a.正当的,有理的 | |
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v.隐藏,隐瞒,隐蔽 | |
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adj.有绒毛的,空洞的 | |
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adv.简短地 | |
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n.门口,(喻)入门;门路,途径 | |
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n.贪心,贪财 | |
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adj.轻信的,易信的 | |
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n.建筑物,房屋 | |
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v.挥舞( brandish的现在分词 );炫耀 | |
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a.使人消除恐惧和疑虑的,使人放心的 | |
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n.云雀,百灵鸟;n.嬉戏,玩笑;vi.嬉戏 | |
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adj.大陆的,大陆性的,欧洲大陆的 | |
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n.打听,询问,调查,查问 | |
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n.动机,目的;adv.发动的,运动的 | |
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n.探查法v.以鼻吸气,嗅,闻( sniff的现在分词 );抽鼻子(尤指哭泣、患感冒等时出声地用鼻子吸气);抱怨,不以为然地说 | |
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