I t was a moment or two before anyone took in what she was saying.
Carrie Louise said incredulously:
“Christian1 shot? Dead? Oh, surely, that’s impossible.”
“If you don’t believe me,” said Miss Bellever, pursing her lips, and addressing not so much Carrie Louise, as theassembled company, “go and look for yourselves.”
She was angry. And her anger sounded in the crisp sharpness of her voice.
Slowly, unbelievingly, Carrie Louise took a step towards the door. Lewis Serrocold put a hand on her shoulder.
“No, dearest, let me go.”
He went out through the doorway2. Dr. Maverick3, with a doubtful glance at Edgar, followed him. Miss Belleverwent with them.
Miss Marple gently urged Carrie Louise into a chair. She sat down, her eyes looking hurt and stricken.
“Christian—shot?” she said again.
It was the bewildered, hurt tone of a child.
Walter Hudd remained close by Edgar Lawson, glowering4 down at him. In his hand he held the gun that he hadpicked up from the floor.
Mrs. Serrocold said in a wondering voice:
“But who could possibly want to shoot Christian?”
It was not a question that demanded an answer.
Walter muttered under his breath:
“Nuts! The whole lot of them.”
Stephen had moved protectively closer to Gina. Her young, startled face was the most vivid thing in the room.
Suddenly the front door opened and a rush of cold air, together with a man in a big overcoat, came in.
The heartiness5 of his greeting seemed incredibly shocking.
“Hullo, everybody, what’s going on tonight? A lot of fog on the road. I had to go dead slow.”
For a startled moment, Miss Marple thought that she was seeing double. Surely the same man could not be standingby Gina and coming in by the door. Then she realised that it was only a likeness7 and not, when you looked closely,such a very strong likeness. The two men were clearly brothers with a strong family resemblance, but no more.
Where Stephen Restarick was thin to the point of emaciation8, the newcomer was sleek9. The big coat with theastrakhan collar fitted the sleekness10 of body snugly11. A handsome young man and one who bore upon him the authorityand good humour of success.
But Miss Marple noted12 one thing about him. His eyes, as he entered the Hall, looked immediately at Gina.
He said, a little doubtfully:
“You did expect me? You got my wire?”
He was speaking now to Carrie Louise. He came towards her.
Almost mechanically, she put up her hand to him. He took it and kissed it gently. It was an affectionate act ofhomage, not a mere13 theatrical14 courtesy.
She murmured:
“Of course, Alex dear—of course. Only, you see—things have been happening—”
Mildred gave the information, gave it with a kind of grim relish15 that Miss Marple found distasteful.
“Christian Gulbrandsen,” she said. “My brother Christian Gulbrandsen has been found shot dead.”
“Good God,” Alex registered a more than life-size dismay. “Suicide, do you mean?”
Carrie Louise moved swiftly.
“Oh no,” she said. “It couldn’t be suicide. Not Christian! Oh no.”
“Uncle Christian would never shoot himself, I’m sure,” said Gina.
Alex Restarick looked from one person to the other. From his brother Stephen he received a short confirmativenod. Walter Hudd stared back at him with faint resentment16. Alex’s eyes rested on Miss Marple with a sudden frown. Itwas as though he had found some unwanted prop17 on a stage set.
He looked as though he would like her explained. But nobody explained her, and Miss Marple continued to look anold, fluffy18 and sweetly bewildered old lady.
“When?” asked Alex. “When did this happen, I mean?”
“Just before you arrived,” said Gina. “About—oh three or four minutes ago, I suppose. Why, of course, we actuallyheard the shot. Only we didn’t notice it—not really.”
“Didn’t notice it? Why not?”
“Well, you see, there were other things going on …” Gina spoke19 rather hesitantly.
“Sure were,” said Walter with emphasis.
Juliet Bellever came into the Hall by the door from the library.
“Mr. Serrocold suggests that we should all wait in the library. It would be convenient for the police. Except forMrs. Serrocold. You’ve had a shock, Cara. I’ve ordered some hot bottles to be put in your bed. I’ll take you up and—”
Rising to her feet, Carrie Louise shook her head.
“I must see Christian first,” she said.
“Oh, no, dear. Don’t upset yourself—”
Carrie Louise put her very gently to one side.
“Dear Jolly—you don’t understand.” She looked round and said, “Jane?”
Miss Marple had already moved towards her.
“Come with me, will you, Jane?”
They moved together towards the door. Dr. Maverick, coming in, almost collided with them.
Miss Bellever exclaimed:
“Dr. Maverick. Do stop her. So foolish.”
Carrie Louise looked calmly at the young doctor. She even gave a tiny smile.
Dr. Maverick said:
“You want to go and—see him?”
“I must.”
“I see.” He stood aside. “If you feel you must, Mrs. Serrocold. But afterwards, please go and lie down and let MissBellever look after you. At the moment you do not feel the shock, but I assure you that you will do so.”
“Yes. I expect you are quite right. I will be quite sensible. Come, Jane.”
The two women moved out through the door, past the foot of the main staircase and along the corridor, past thedining room on the right and the double door, leading to the kitchen quarters on the left, past the side door to theterrace and on to the door that gave admission to the Oak Suite20 that had been alloted to Christian Gulbrandsen. It wasa room furnished as a sitting room more than a bedroom, with a bed in an alcove21 to one side and a door leading into adressing room and bathroom.
Carrie Louise stopped on the threshold. Christian Gulbrandsen had been sitting at the big mahogany desk with asmall portable typewriter open in front of him. He sat there now, but slumped22 sideways in the chair. The high arms ofthe chair prevented him from slipping to the floor.
Lewis Serrocold was standing6 by the window. He had pulled the curtain a little aside and was gazing out into thenight.
He looked round and frowned.
“My dearest, you shouldn’t have come.”
He came towards her and she stretched out a hand to him. Miss Marple retreated a step or two.
“Oh yes, Lewis. I had to—see him. One has to know just exactly how things are.”
She walked slowly towards the desk.
Lewis said warningly:
“You mustn’t touch anything. The police must have things left exactly as we found them.”
“Of course. He was shot deliberately23 by someone, then?”
“Oh yes.” Lewis Serrocold looked a little surprised that the question had even been asked. “I thought—you knewthat?”
“I did really. Christian would not commit suicide, and he was such a competent person that it could not possiblyhave been an accident. That only leaves”—she hesitated a moment—“murder.”
She walked up behind the desk and stood looking down at the dead man. There was sorrow and affection in herface.
“Dear Christian,” she said. “He was always good to me.”
Softly, she touched the top of his head with her fingers.
“Bless you and thank you, dear Christian,” she said.
Lewis Serrocold said with something more like emotion than Miss Marple had ever seen in him before:
“I wish to God I could have spared you this, Caroline.”
His wife shook her head gently.
“You can’t really spare anyone anything,” she said. “Things always have to be faced sooner or later. And thereforeit had better be sooner. I’ll go and lie down now. I suppose you’ll stay here, Lewis, until the police come?”
Carrie Louise turned away and Miss Marple slipped an arm around her.


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adj.基督教徒的;n.基督教徒 | |
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n.门口,(喻)入门;门路,途径 | |
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adj.特立独行的;不遵守传统的;n.持异议者,自行其是者 | |
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v.怒视( glower的现在分词 ) | |
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诚实,热心 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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n.相像,相似(之处) | |
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n.消瘦,憔悴,衰弱 | |
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adj.光滑的,井然有序的;v.使光滑,梳拢 | |
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油滑; 油光发亮; 时髦阔气; 线条明快 | |
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adv.紧贴地;贴身地;暖和舒适地;安适地 | |
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adj.著名的,知名的 | |
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adj.纯粹的;仅仅,只不过 | |
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adj.剧场的,演戏的;做戏似的,做作的 | |
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n.滋味,享受,爱好,调味品;vt.加调味料,享受,品味;vi.有滋味 | |
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n.怨愤,忿恨 | |
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vt.支撑;n.支柱,支撑物;支持者,靠山 | |
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adj.有绒毛的,空洞的 | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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n.一套(家具);套房;随从人员 | |
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n.凹室 | |
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大幅度下降,暴跌( slump的过去式和过去分词 ); 沉重或突然地落下[倒下] | |
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adv.审慎地;蓄意地;故意地 | |
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