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Chapter 3

       Catching1 Walter Cunningham in the schoolyard gave me some pleasure, but when Iwas rubbing his nose in the dirt Jem came by and told me to stop. “You’re bigger’n heis,” he said.

  “He’s as old as you, nearly,” I said. “He made me start off on the wrong foot.”

  “Let him go, Scout2. Why?”

  “He didn’t have any lunch,” I said, and explained my involvement in Walter’s dietaryaffairs.

  Walter had picked himself up and was standing3 quietly listening to Jem and me. Hisfists were half cocked, as if expecting an onslaught from both of us. I stomped4 at him tochase him away, but Jem put out his hand and stopped me. He examined Walter withan air of speculation5. “Your daddy Mr. Walter Cunningham from Old Sarum?” he asked,and Walter nodded.

  Walter looked as if he had been raised on fish food: his eyes, as blue as Dill Harris’s,were red-rimmed and watery6. There was no color in his face except at the tip of hisnose, which was moistly pink. He fingered the straps7 of his overalls8, nervously9 picking atthe metal hooks.

  Jem suddenly grinned at him. “Come on home to dinner with us, Walter,” he said.

  “We’d be glad to have you.”

  Walter’s face brightened, then darkened.

  Jem said, “Our daddy’s a friend of your daddy’s. Scout here, she’s crazy—she won’tfight you any more.”

  “I wouldn’t be too certain of that,” I said. Jem’s free dispensation of my pledge irkedme, but precious noontime minutes were ticking away. “Yeah Walter, I won’t jump onyou again. Don’t you like butterbeans? Our Cal’s a real good cook.”

  Walter stood where he was, biting his lip. Jem and I gave up, and we were nearly tothe Radley Place when Walter called, “Hey, I’m comin‘!”

  When Walter caught up with us, Jem made pleasant conversation with him. “A hain’tlives there,” he said cordially, pointing to the Radley house. “Ever hear about him,Walter?”

  “Reckon I have,” said Walter. “Almost died first year I come to school and et thempecans—folks say he pizened ‘em and put ’em over on the school side of the fence.”

  Jem seemed to have little fear of Boo Radley now that Walter and I walked besidehim. Indeed, Jem grew boastful: “I went all the way up to the house once,” he said toWalter.

  “Anybody who went up to the house once oughta not to still run every time he passesit,” I said to the clouds above.

  “And who’s runnin‘, Miss Priss?”

  “You are, when ain’t anybody with you.”

  By the time we reached our front steps Walter had forgotten he was a Cunningham.

  Jem ran to the kitchen and asked Calpurnia to set an extra plate, we had company.

  Atticus greeted Walter and began a discussion about crops neither Jem nor I couldfollow.

  “Reason I can’t pass the first grade, Mr. Finch10, is I’ve had to stay out ever‘ spring an’

  help Papa with the choppin‘, but there’s another’n at the house now that’s field size.”

  “Did you pay a bushel of potatoes for him?” I asked, but Atticus shook his head at me.

  While Walter piled food on his plate, he and Atticus talked together like two men, tothe wonderment of Jem and me. Atticus was expounding11 upon farm problems whenWalter interrupted to ask if there was any molasses in the house. Atticus summonedCalpurnia, who returned bearing the syrup12 pitcher13. She stood waiting for Walter to helphimself. Walter poured syrup on his vegetables and meat with a generous hand. Hewould probably have poured it into his milk glass had I not asked what the sam hill hewas doing.

  The silver saucer clattered14 when he replaced the pitcher, and he quickly put his handsin his lap. Then he ducked his head.

  Atticus shook his head at me again. “But he’s gone and drowned his dinner in syrup,” Iprotested. “He’s poured it all over-”

  It was then that Calpurnia requested my presence in the kitchen.

  She was furious, and when she was furious Calpurnia’s grammar became erratic15.

  When in tranquility, her grammar was as good as anybody’s in Maycomb. Atticus saidCalpurnia had more education than most colored folks.

  When she squinted16 down at me the tiny lines around her eyes deepened. “There’ssome folks who don’t eat like us,” she whispered fiercely, “but you ain’t called on tocontradict ‘em at the table when they don’t. That boy’s yo’ comp’ny and if he wants toeat up the table cloth you let him, you hear?”

  “He ain’t company, Cal, he’s just a Cunningham-”

  “Hush your mouth! Don’t matter who they are, anybody sets foot in this house’s yo‘comp’ny, and don’t you let me catch you remarkin’ on their ways like you was so highand mighty17! Yo‘ folks might be better’n the Cunninghams but it don’t count for nothin’ theway you’re disgracin‘ ’em—if you can’t act fit to eat at the table you can just set here andeat in the kitchen!”

  Calpurnia sent me through the swinging door to the diningroom with a stinging smack18.

  I retrieved19 my plate and finished dinner in the kitchen, thankful, though, that I wasspared the humiliation20 of facing them again. I told Calpurnia to just wait, I’d fix her: oneof these days when she wasn’t looking I’d go off and drown myself in Barker’s Eddy21 andthen she’d be sorry. Besides, I added, she’d already gotten me in trouble once today:

  she had taught me to write and it was all her fault. “Hush your fussin‘,” she said.

  Jem and Walter returned to school ahead of me: staying behind to advise Atticus ofCalpurnia’s iniquities22 was worth a solitary23 sprint24 past the Radley Place. “She likes Jembetter’n she likes me, anyway,” I concluded, and suggested that Atticus lose no time inpacking her off.

  “Have you ever considered that Jem doesn’t worry her half as much?” Atticus’s voicewas flinty. “I’ve no intention of getting rid of her, now or ever. We couldn’t operate asingle day without Cal, have you ever thought of that? You think about how much Caldoes for you, and you mind her, you hear?”

  I returned to school and hated Calpurnia steadily25 until a sudden shriek26 shattered myresentments. I looked up to see Miss Caroline standing in the middle of the room, sheerhorror flooding her face. Apparently27 she had revived enough to persevere28 in herprofession.

  “It’s alive!” she screamed.

  The male population of the class rushed as one to her assistance. Lord, I thought,she’s scared of a mouse. Little Chuck Little, whose patience with all living things wasphenomenal, said, “Which way did he go, Miss Caroline? Tell us where he went, quick!

  D.C.-” he turned to a boy behind him—“D.C., shut the door and we’ll catch him. Quick,ma’am, where’d he go?”

  Miss Caroline pointed29 a shaking finger not at the floor nor at a desk, but to a hulkingindividual unknown to me. Little Chuck’s face contracted and he said gently, “You meanhim, ma’am? Yessum, he’s alive. Did he scare you some way?”

  Miss Caroline said desperately30, “I was just walking by when it crawled out of his hair…just crawled out of his hair-”

  Little Chuck grinned broadly. “There ain’t no need to fear a cootie, ma’am. Ain’t youever seen one? Now don’t you be afraid, you just go back to your desk and teach ussome more.”

  Little Chuck Little was another member of the population who didn’t know where hisnext meal was coming from, but he was a born gentleman. He put his hand under herelbow and led Miss Caroline to the front of the room. “Now don’t you fret31, ma’am,” hesaid. “There ain’t no need to fear a cootie. I’ll just fetch you some cool water.” Thecootie’s host showed not the faintest interest in the furor32 he had wrought33. He searchedthe scalp above his forehead, located his guest and pinched it between his thumb andforefinger.

  Miss Caroline watched the process in horrid34 fascination35. Little Chuck brought water ina paper cup, and she drank it gratefully. Finally she found her voice. “What is yourname, son?” she asked softly.

  The boy blinked. “Who, me?” Miss Caroline nodded.

  “Burris Ewell.”

  Miss Caroline inspected her roll-book. “I have a Ewell here, but I don’t have a firstname… would you spell your first name for me?”

  “Don’t know how. They call me Burris’t home.”

  “Well, Burris,” said Miss Caroline, “I think we’d better excuse you for the rest of theafternoon. I want you to go home and wash your hair.”

  From her desk she produced a thick volume, leafed through its pages and read for amoment. “A good home remedy for—Burris, I want you to go home and wash your hairwith lye soap. When you’ve done that, treat your scalp with kerosene36.”

  “What fer, missus?”

  “To get rid of the—er, cooties. You see, Burris, the other children might catch them,and you wouldn’t want that, would you?”

  The boy stood up. He was the filthiest37 human I had ever seen. His neck was darkgray, the backs of his hands were rusty38, and his fingernails were black deep into thequick. He peered at Miss Caroline from a fist-sized clean space on his face. No one hadnoticed him, probably, because Miss Caroline and I had entertained the class most ofthe morning.

  “And Burris,” said Miss Caroline, “please bathe yourself before you come backtomorrow.”

  The boy laughed rudely. “You ain’t sendin‘ me home, missus. I was on the verge39 ofleavin’—I done done my time for this year.”

  Miss Caroline looked puzzled. “What do you mean by that?”

  The boy did not answer. He gave a short contemptuous snort.

  One of the elderly members of the class answered her: “He’s one of the Ewells,ma’am,” and I wondered if this explanation would be as unsuccessful as my attempt. ButMiss Caroline seemed willing to listen. “Whole school’s full of ‘em. They come first dayevery year and then leave. The truant40 lady gets ’em here ‘cause she threatens ’em withthe sheriff, but she’s give up tryin‘ to hold ’em. She reckons she’s carried out the law justgettin‘ their names on the roll and runnin’ ‘em here the first day. You’re supposed tomark ’em absent the rest of the year…”

  “But what about their parents?” asked Miss Caroline, in genuine concern.

  “Ain’t got no mother,” was the answer, “and their paw’s right contentious41.”

  Burris Ewell was flattered by the recital42. “Been comin‘ to the first day o’ the first gradefer three year now,” he said expansively. “Reckon if I’m smart this year they’ll promoteme to the second…”

  Miss Caroline said, “Sit back down, please, Burris,” and the moment she said it I knewshe had made a serious mistake. The boy’s condescension43 flashed to anger.

  “You try and make me, missus.”

  Little Chuck Little got to his feet. “Let him go, ma’am,” he said. “He’s a mean one, ahard-down mean one. He’s liable to start somethin‘, and there’s some little folks here.”

  He was among the most diminutive44 of men, but when Burris Ewell turned toward him,Little Chuck’s right hand went to his pocket. “Watch your step, Burris,” he said. “I’dsoon’s kill you as look at you. Now go home.”

  Burris seemed to be afraid of a child half his height, and Miss Caroline took advantageof his indecision: “Burris, go home. If you don’t I’ll call the principal,” she said. “I’ll haveto report this, anyway.”

  The boy snorted and slouched leisurely45 to the door.

  Safely out of range, he turned and shouted: “Report and be damned to ye! Ain’t nosnot-nosed slut of a schoolteacher ever born c’n make me do nothin‘! You ain’t makin’

  me go nowhere, missus. You just remember that, you ain’t makin‘ me go nowhere!”

  He waited until he was sure she was crying, then he shuffled46 out of the building.

  Soon we were clustered around her desk, trying in our various ways to comfort her.

  He was a real mean one… below the belt… you ain’t called on to teach folks like that…them ain’t Maycomb’s ways, Miss Caroline, not really… now don’t you fret, ma’am. MissCaroline, why don’t you read us a story? That cat thing was real fine this mornin‘…Miss Caroline smiled, blew her nose, said, “Thank you, darlings,” dispersed47 us,opened a book and mystified the first grade with a long narrative48 about a toadfrog thatlived in a hall.

  When I passed the Radley Place for the fourth time that day—twice at a full gallop—my gloom had deepened to match the house. If the remainder of the school year wereas fraught49 with drama as the first day, perhaps it would be mildly entertaining, but theprospect of spending nine months refraining from reading and writing made me think ofrunning away.

  By late afternoon most of my traveling plans were complete; when Jem and I racedeach other up the sidewalk to meet Atticus coming home from work, I didn’t give himmuch of a race. It was our habit to run meet Atticus the moment we saw him round thepost office corner in the distance. Atticus seemed to have forgotten my noontime fallfrom grace; he was full of questions about school. My replies were monosyllabic and hedid not press me.

  Perhaps Calpurnia sensed that my day had been a grim one: she let me watch her fixsupper. “Shut your eyes and open your mouth and I’ll give you a surprise,” she said.

  It was not often that she made crackling bread, she said she never had time, but withboth of us at school today had been an easy one for her. She knew I loved cracklingbread.

  “I missed you today,” she said. “The house got so lonesome ‘long about two o’clock Ihad to turn on the radio.”

  “Why? Jem’n me ain’t ever in the house unless it’s rainin‘.”

  “I know,” she said, “But one of you’s always in callin‘ distance. I wonder how much ofthe day I spend just callin’ after you. Well,” she said, getting up from the kitchen chair,“it’s enough time to make a pan of cracklin‘ bread, I reckon. You run along now and letme get supper on the table.”

  Calpurnia bent50 down and kissed me. I ran along, wondering what had come over her.

  She had wanted to make up with me, that was it. She had always been too hard on me,she had at last seen the error of her fractious ways, she was sorry and too stubborn tosay so. I was weary from the day’s crimes.

  After supper, Atticus sat down with the paper and called, “Scout, ready to read?” TheLord sent me more than I could bear, and I went to the front porch. Atticus followed me.

  “Something wrong, Scout?”

  I told Atticus I didn’t feel very well and didn’t think I’d go to school any more if it was allright with him.

  Atticus sat down in the swing and crossed his legs. His fingers wandered to hiswatchpocket; he said that was the only way he could think. He waited in amiablesilence, and I sought to reinforce my position: “You never went to school and you do allright, so I’ll just stay home too. You can teach me like Granddaddy taught you ‘n’ UncleJack.”

  “No I can’t,” said Atticus. “I have to make a living. Besides, they’d put me in jail if I keptyou at home—dose of magnesia for you tonight and school tomorrow.”

  “I’m feeling all right, really.”

  “Thought so. Now what’s the matter?”

  Bit by bit, I told him the day’s misfortunes. “-and she said you taught me all wrong, sowe can’t ever read any more, ever. Please don’t send me back, please sir.”

  Atticus stood up and walked to the end of the porch. When he completed hisexamination of the wisteria vine he strolled back to me.

  “First of all,” he said, “if you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you’ll get along a lot betterwith all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider thingsfrom his point of view-”


  “-until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”

  Atticus said I had learned many things today, and Miss Caroline had learned severalthings herself. She had learned not to hand something to a Cunningham, for one thing,but if Walter and I had put ourselves in her shoes we’d have seen it was an honestmistake on her part. We could not expect her to learn all Maycomb’s ways in one day,and we could not hold her responsible when she knew no better.

  “I’ll be dogged,” I said. “I didn’t know no better than not to read to her, and she heldme responsible—listen Atticus, I don’t have to go to school!” I was bursting with asudden thought. “Burris Ewell, remember? He just goes to school the first day. Thetruant lady reckons she’s carried out the law when she gets his name on the roll-” “Youcan’t do that, Scout,” Atticus said. “Sometimes it’s better to bend the law a little inspecial cases. In your case, the law remains51 rigid52. So to school you must go.”

  “I don’t see why I have to when he doesn’t.”

  “Then listen.”

  Atticus said the Ewells had been the disgrace of Maycomb for three generations.

  None of them had done an honest day’s work in his recollection. He said that someChristmas, when he was getting rid of the tree, he would take me with him and show mewhere and how they lived. They were people, but they lived like animals. “They can goto school any time they want to, when they show the faintest symptom of wanting aneducation,” said Atticus. “There are ways of keeping them in school by force, but it’s sillyto force people like the Ewells into a new environment-”

  “If I didn’t go to school tomorrow, you’d force me to.”

  “Let us leave it at this,” said Atticus dryly. “You, Miss Scout Finch, are of the commonfolk. You must obey the law.” He said that the Ewells were members of an exclusivesociety made up of Ewells. In certain circumstances the common folk judiciously53 allowedthem certain privileges by the simple method of becoming blind to some of the Ewells’

  activities. They didn’t have to go to school, for one thing. Another thing, Mr. Bob Ewell,Burris’s father, was permitted to hunt and trap out of season.

  “Atticus, that’s bad,” I said. In Maycomb County, hunting out of season was amisdemeanor at law, a capital felony in the eyes of the populace.

  “It’s against the law, all right,” said my father, “and it’s certainly bad, but when a manspends his relief checks on green whiskey his children have a way of crying from hungerpains. I don’t know of any landowner around here who begrudges54 those children anygame their father can hit.”

  “Mr. Ewell shouldn’t do that-”

  “Of course he shouldn’t, but he’ll never change his ways. Are you going to take outyour disapproval55 on his children?”

  “No sir,” I murmured, and made a final stand: “But if I keep on goin‘ to school, we can’tever read any more…”

  “That’s really bothering you, isn’t it?”

  “Yes sir.”

  When Atticus looked down at me I saw the expression on his face that always mademe expect something. “Do you know what a compromise is?” he asked.

  “Bending the law?”

  “No, an agreement reached by mutual56 concessions57. It works this way,” he said. “Ifyou’ll concede the necessity of going to school, we’ll go on reading every night just aswe always have. Is it a bargain?”

  “Yes sir!”

  “We’ll consider it sealed without the usual formality,” Atticus said, when he saw mepreparing to spit.

  As I opened the front screen door Atticus said, “By the way, Scout, you’d better notsay anything at school about our agreement.”

  “Why not?”

  “I’m afraid our activities would be received with considerable disapprobation by themore learned authorities.”

  Jem and I were accustomed to our father’s last-will-and-testament diction, and wewere at all times free to interrupt Atticus for a translation when it was beyond ourunderstanding.

  “Huh, sir?”

  “I never went to school,” he said, “but I have a feeling that if you tell Miss Caroline weread every night she’ll get after me, and I wouldn’t want her after me.”

  Atticus kept us in fits that evening, gravely reading columns of print about a man whosat on a flagpole for no discernible reason, which was reason enough for Jem to spendthe following Saturday aloft in the treehouse. Jem sat from after breakfast until sunsetand would have remained overnight had not Atticus severed58 his supply lines. I hadspent most of the day climbing up and down, running errands for him, providing him withliterature, nourishment59 and water, and was carrying him blankets for the night whenAtticus said if I paid no attention to him, Jem would come down. Atticus was right.



1 catching cwVztY     
  • There are those who think eczema is catching.有人就是认为湿疹会传染。
  • Enthusiasm is very catching.热情非常富有感染力。
2 scout oDGzi     
  • He was mistaken for an enemy scout and badly wounded.他被误认为是敌人的侦察兵,受了重伤。
  • The scout made a stealthy approach to the enemy position.侦察兵偷偷地靠近敌军阵地。
3 standing 2hCzgo     
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
4 stomped 0884b29fb612cae5a9e4eb0d1a257b4a     
v.跺脚,践踏,重踏( stomp的过去式和过去分词 )
  • She stomped angrily out of the office. 她怒气冲冲,重步走出办公室。
  • She slammed the door and stomped (off) out of the house. 她砰的一声关上了门,暮暮地走出了屋了。 来自辞典例句
5 speculation 9vGwe     
  • Her mind is occupied with speculation.她的头脑忙于思考。
  • There is widespread speculation that he is going to resign.人们普遍推测他要辞职。
6 watery bU5zW     
  • In his watery eyes there is an expression of distrust.他那含泪的眼睛流露出惊惶失措的神情。
  • Her eyes became watery because of the smoke.因为烟熏,她的双眼变得泪汪汪的。
7 straps 1412cf4c15adaea5261be8ae3e7edf8e     
n.带子( strap的名词复数 );挎带;肩带;背带v.用皮带捆扎( strap的第三人称单数 );用皮带抽打;包扎;给…打绷带
  • the shoulder straps of her dress 她连衣裙上的肩带
  • The straps can be adjusted to suit the wearer. 这些背带可进行调整以适合使用者。
8 overalls 2mCz6w     
  • He is in overalls today.他今天穿的是工作裤。
  • He changed his overalls for a suit.他脱下工装裤,换上了一套西服。
9 nervously tn6zFp     
  • He bit his lip nervously,trying not to cry.他紧张地咬着唇,努力忍着不哭出来。
  • He paced nervously up and down on the platform.他在站台上情绪不安地走来走去。
10 finch TkRxS     
  • This behaviour is commonly observed among several species of finch.这种行为常常可以在几种雀科鸣禽中看到。
  • In Australia,it is predominantly called the Gouldian Finch.在澳大利亚,它主要还是被称之为胡锦雀。
11 expounding 99bf62ba44e50cea0f9e4f26074439dd     
论述,详细讲解( expound的现在分词 )
  • Soon Gandhi was expounding the doctrine of ahimsa (nonviolence). 不久甘地就四出阐释非暴力主义思想。
  • He was expounding, of course, his philosophy of leadership. 当然,他这是在阐述他的领导哲学。
12 syrup hguzup     
  • I skimmed the foam from the boiling syrup.我撇去了煮沸糖浆上的泡沫。
  • Tinned fruit usually has a lot of syrup with it.罐头水果通常都有许多糖浆。
13 pitcher S2Gz7     
  • He poured the milk out of the pitcher.他从大罐中倒出牛奶。
  • Any pitcher is liable to crack during a tight game.任何投手在紧张的比赛中都可能会失常。
14 clattered 84556c54ff175194afe62f5473519d5a     
  • He dropped the knife and it clattered on the stone floor. 他一失手,刀子当啷一声掉到石头地面上。
  • His hand went limp and the knife clattered to the ground. 他的手一软,刀子当啷一声掉到地上。
15 erratic ainzj     
  • The old man had always been cranky and erratic.那老头儿性情古怪,反复无常。
  • The erratic fluctuation of market prices is in consequence of unstable economy.经济波动致使市场物价忽起忽落。
16 squinted aaf7c56a51bf19a5f429b7a9ddca2e9b     
斜视( squint的过去式和过去分词 ); 眯着眼睛; 瞟; 从小孔或缝隙里看
  • Pulling his rifle to his shoulder he squinted along the barrel. 他把枪顶肩,眯起眼睛瞄准。
  • I squinted through the keyhole. 我从锁眼窥看。
17 mighty YDWxl     
  • A mighty force was about to break loose.一股巨大的力量即将迸发而出。
  • The mighty iceberg came into view.巨大的冰山出现在眼前。
18 smack XEqzV     
  • She gave him a smack on the face.她打了他一个嘴巴。
  • I gave the fly a smack with the magazine.我用杂志拍了一下苍蝇。
19 retrieved 1f81ff822b0877397035890c32e35843     
v.取回( retrieve的过去式和过去分词 );恢复;寻回;检索(储存的信息)
  • Yesterday I retrieved the bag I left in the train. 昨天我取回了遗留在火车上的包。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He reached over and retrieved his jacket from the back seat. 他伸手从后座上取回了自己的夹克。 来自辞典例句
20 humiliation Jd3zW     
  • He suffered the humiliation of being forced to ask for his cards.他蒙受了被迫要求辞职的羞辱。
  • He will wish to revenge his humiliation in last Season's Final.他会为在上个季度的决赛中所受的耻辱而报复的。
21 eddy 6kxzZ     
  • The motor car disappeared in eddy of dust.汽车在一片扬尘的涡流中不见了。
  • In Taylor's picture,the eddy is the basic element of turbulence.在泰勒的描述里,旋涡是湍流的基本要素。
22 iniquities 64116d334f7ffbcd1b5716b03314bda3     
n.邪恶( iniquity的名词复数 );极不公正
  • The preacher asked God to forgive us our sins and wash away our iniquities. 牧师乞求上帝赦免我们的罪过,涤荡我们的罪孽。 来自辞典例句
  • If thou, Lord shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? 3主―耶和华啊,你若究察罪孽,谁能站得住呢? 来自互联网
23 solitary 7FUyx     
  • I am rather fond of a solitary stroll in the country.我颇喜欢在乡间独自徜徉。
  • The castle rises in solitary splendour on the fringe of the desert.这座城堡巍然耸立在沙漠的边际,显得十分壮美。
24 sprint QvWwR     
n.短距离赛跑;vi. 奋力而跑,冲刺;vt.全速跑过
  • He put on a sprint to catch the bus.他全速奔跑以赶上公共汽车。
  • The runner seemed to be rallied for a final sprint.这名赛跑者似乎在振作精神作最后的冲刺。
25 steadily Qukw6     
  • The scope of man's use of natural resources will steadily grow.人类利用自然资源的广度将日益扩大。
  • Our educational reform was steadily led onto the correct path.我们的教学改革慢慢上轨道了。
26 shriek fEgya     
  • Suddenly he began to shriek loudly.突然他开始大声尖叫起来。
  • People sometimes shriek because of terror,anger,or pain.人们有时会因为恐惧,气愤或疼痛而尖叫。
27 apparently tMmyQ     
  • An apparently blind alley leads suddenly into an open space.山穷水尽,豁然开朗。
  • He was apparently much surprised at the news.他对那个消息显然感到十分惊异。
28 persevere MMCxH     
  • They are determined to persevere in the fight.他们决心坚持战斗。
  • It is strength of character enabled him to persevere.他那坚强的性格使他能够坚持不懈。
29 pointed Il8zB4     
  • He gave me a very sharp pointed pencil.他给我一支削得非常尖的铅笔。
  • She wished to show Mrs.John Dashwood by this pointed invitation to her brother.她想通过对达茨伍德夫人提出直截了当的邀请向她的哥哥表示出来。
30 desperately cu7znp     
  • He was desperately seeking a way to see her again.他正拼命想办法再见她一面。
  • He longed desperately to be back at home.他非常渴望回家。
31 fret wftzl     
  • Don't fret.We'll get there on time.别着急,我们能准时到那里。
  • She'll fret herself to death one of these days.她总有一天会愁死的.
32 furor 5f8za     
  • His choice of words created quite a furor.他的措辞引起了相当大的轰动。
  • The half hour lecture caused an enormous furor.那半小时的演讲引起了极大的轰动。
33 wrought EoZyr     
  • Events in Paris wrought a change in British opinion towards France and Germany.巴黎发生的事件改变了英国对法国和德国的看法。
  • It's a walking stick with a gold head wrought in the form of a flower.那是一个金质花形包头的拐杖。
34 horrid arozZj     
  • I'm not going to the horrid dinner party.我不打算去参加这次讨厌的宴会。
  • The medicine is horrid and she couldn't get it down.这种药很难吃,她咽不下去。
35 fascination FlHxO     
  • He had a deep fascination with all forms of transport.他对所有的运输工具都很着迷。
  • His letters have been a source of fascination to a wide audience.广大观众一直迷恋于他的来信。
36 kerosene G3uxW     
  • It is like putting out a fire with kerosene.这就像用煤油灭火。
  • Instead of electricity,there were kerosene lanterns.没有电,有煤油灯。
37 filthiest 52ea9690200c3b6094c05f71edfe8f03     
  • He had got to plunge into the filthiest of filth. 他得投到最最肮脏的污秽中去。 来自英汉文学
  • I want you to come with me, into the filthiest streets of Primordium. 我要你跟我一起去普利摩顿最阴暗的街道看一看。 来自互联网
38 rusty hYlxq     
  • The lock on the door is rusty and won't open.门上的锁锈住了。
  • I haven't practiced my French for months and it's getting rusty.几个月不用,我的法语又荒疏了。
39 verge gUtzQ     
  • The country's economy is on the verge of collapse.国家的经济已到了崩溃的边缘。
  • She was on the verge of bursting into tears.她快要哭出来了。
40 truant zG4yW     
  • I found the truant throwing stones in the river.我发现那个逃课的学生在往河里扔石子。
  • Children who play truant from school are unimaginative.逃学的孩子们都缺乏想像力。
41 contentious fa9yk     
  • She was really not of the contentious fighting sort.她委实不是好吵好闹的人。
  • Since then they have tended to steer clear of contentious issues.从那时起,他们总想方设法避开有争议的问题。
42 recital kAjzI     
  • She is going to give a piano recital.她即将举行钢琴独奏会。
  • I had their total attention during the thirty-five minutes that my recital took.在我叙述的35分钟内,他们完全被我吸引了。
43 condescension JYMzw     
  • His politeness smacks of condescension. 他的客气带有屈尊俯就的意味。
  • Despite its condescension toward the Bennet family, the letter begins to allay Elizabeth's prejudice against Darcy. 尽管这封信对班纳特家的态度很高傲,但它开始消除伊丽莎白对达西的偏见。
44 diminutive tlWzb     
  • Despite its diminutive size,the car is quite comfortable.尽管这辆车很小,但相当舒服。
  • She has diminutive hands for an adult.作为一个成年人,她的手显得非常小。
45 leisurely 51Txb     
  • We walked in a leisurely manner,looking in all the windows.我们慢悠悠地走着,看遍所有的橱窗。
  • He had a leisurely breakfast and drove cheerfully to work.他从容的吃了早餐,高兴的开车去工作。
46 shuffled cee46c30b0d1f2d0c136c830230fe75a     
v.洗(纸牌)( shuffle的过去式和过去分词 );拖着脚步走;粗心地做;摆脱尘世的烦恼
  • He shuffled across the room to the window. 他拖着脚走到房间那头的窗户跟前。
  • Simon shuffled awkwardly towards them. 西蒙笨拙地拖着脚朝他们走去。 来自《简明英汉词典》
47 dispersed b24c637ca8e58669bce3496236c839fa     
adj. 被驱散的, 被分散的, 散布的
  • The clouds dispersed themselves. 云散了。
  • After school the children dispersed to their homes. 放学后,孩子们四散回家了。
48 narrative CFmxS     
  • He was a writer of great narrative power.他是一位颇有记述能力的作家。
  • Neither author was very strong on narrative.两个作者都不是很善于讲故事。
49 fraught gfpzp     
  • The coming months will be fraught with fateful decisions.未来数月将充满重大的决定。
  • There's no need to look so fraught!用不着那么愁眉苦脸的!
50 bent QQ8yD     
  • He was fully bent upon the project.他一心扑在这项计划上。
  • We bent over backward to help them.我们尽了最大努力帮助他们。
51 remains 1kMzTy     
  • He ate the remains of food hungrily.他狼吞虎咽地吃剩余的食物。
  • The remains of the meal were fed to the dog.残羹剩饭喂狗了。
52 rigid jDPyf     
  • She became as rigid as adamant.她变得如顽石般的固执。
  • The examination was so rigid that nearly all aspirants were ruled out.考试很严,几乎所有的考生都被淘汰了。
53 judiciously 18cfc8ca2569d10664611011ec143a63     
  • Let's use these intelligence tests judiciously. 让我们好好利用这些智力测试题吧。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • His ideas were quaint and fantastic. She brought him judiciously to earth. 他的看法荒廖古怪,她颇有见识地劝他面对现实。 来自辞典例句
54 begrudges c8126d39bee0c2cd39e4739f3a238d25     
嫉妒( begrudge的第三人称单数 ); 勉强做; 不乐意地付出; 吝惜
  • No one begrudges to help her. 没有不乐意帮助她的。
  • Nobody begrudges you your success. 没有人忌妒你的成功。
55 disapproval VuTx4     
  • The teacher made an outward show of disapproval.老师表面上表示不同意。
  • They shouted their disapproval.他们喊叫表示反对。
56 mutual eFOxC     
  • We must pull together for mutual interest.我们必须为相互的利益而通力合作。
  • Mutual interests tied us together.相互的利害关系把我们联系在一起。
57 concessions 6b6f497aa80aaf810133260337506fa9     
n.(尤指由政府或雇主给予的)特许权( concession的名词复数 );承认;减价;(在某地的)特许经营权
  • The firm will be forced to make concessions if it wants to avoid a strike. 要想避免罢工,公司将不得不作出一些让步。
  • The concessions did little to placate the students. 让步根本未能平息学生的愤怒。
58 severed 832a75b146a8d9eacac9030fd16c0222     
v.切断,断绝( sever的过去式和过去分词 );断,裂
  • The doctor said I'd severed a vessel in my leg. 医生说我割断了腿上的一根血管。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • We have severed diplomatic relations with that country. 我们与那个国家断绝了外交关系。 来自《简明英汉词典》
59 nourishment Ovvyi     
  • Lack of proper nourishment reduces their power to resist disease.营养不良降低了他们抵抗疾病的能力。
  • He ventured that plants draw part of their nourishment from the air.他大胆提出植物从空气中吸收部分养分的观点。


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