In the absence of Clyde, the impressions taken by Mr. Mason of the world in which he moved here,complementing and confirming those of Lycurgus and Sharon, were sufficient to sober him in regard to the ease(possibly) with which previously1 he had imagined it might be possible to convict him. For about him was such ascene as suggested all the means as well as the impulse to quiet such a scandal as this. Wealth. Luxury. Importantnames and connections to protect no doubt. Was it not possible that the rich and powerful Griffiths, their nephewseized in this way and whatever his crime, would take steps to secure the best legal talent available, in order toprotect their name? Unquestionably--and then with such adjournments as it was possible for such talent tosecure, might it not be possible that long before he could hope to convict him, he himself would automatically bedisposed of as a prosecutor2 and without being nominated for and elected to the judgeship he so craved3 andneeded.
Sitting before the circle of attractive tents that faced the lake and putting in order a fishing-pole and reel, wasHarley Baggott, in a brightly-colored sweater and flannel4 trousers. And through the open flies of several tents,glimpses of individuals--Sondra, Bertine, Wynette and others--busy about toilets necessitated5 by the recentswim. Being dubious6 because of the smartness of the company as to whether it was politically or socially wise toproclaim openly the import of his errand, he chose to remain silent for a time, reflecting on the differencebetween the experiences of his early youth and that of Roberta Alden and these others. Naturally as he saw it aman of this Griffiths' connections would seek to use a girl of Roberta's connections thus meanly and brutally7 andhope to get away with it. Yet, eager to make as much progress as he could against whatever inimical fates mightnow beset8 him, he finally approached Baggott, and most acidly, yet with as much show of genial9 andappreciative sociability10 as he could muster11, observed:
"A delightful12 place for a camp, eh?""Yeh, we think so.""Just a group from the estates and hotels about Sharon, I suppose?""Yeh. The south and west shore principally.""Not any of the Griffiths, other than Mr. Clyde, I presume?""No, they're still over at Greenwood, I think.""You know Mr. Clyde Griffiths personally, I suppose?""Oh, sure--he's one of the party.""You don't happen to know how long he's been up here this time, I presume--up with the Cranstons, I mean.""Since Friday, I think. I saw him Friday morning, anyhow. But he'll be back here soon and you can ask himyourself," concluded Baggott, beginning to sense that Mr. Mason was a little too inquisitive13 and in addition notof either his or Clyde's world.
And just then, Frank Harriet, with a tennis racquet under his arm, striding across the foreground.
"Where to, Frankie?""To try those courts Harrison laid out up here this morning.""Who with?""Violet, Nadine and Stuart.""Any room for another court?""Sure, there's two. Why not get Bert, and Clyde, and Sondra, and come up?""Well, maybe, after I get this thing set."And Mason at once thinking: Clyde and Sondra. Clyde Griffiths and Sondra Finchley--the very girl whose notesand cards were in one of his pockets now. And might he not see her here, along with Clyde--possibly later talkto her about him?
But just then, Sondra and Bertine and Wynette coming out of their respective tents. And Bertine calling: "Oh,say, Harley, seen Nadine anywhere?""No, but Frank just went by. He said he was going up to the courts to play with her and Violet and Stew14.""Yes? Well, then, come on, Sondra. You too, Wynette. We'll see how it looks."Bertine, as she pronounced Sondra's name, turned to take her arm, which gave Mason the exact information andopportunity he desired--that of seeing and studying for a moment the girl who had so tragically15 and no doubt allunwittingly replaced Roberta in Clyde's affections. And, as he could see for himself, more beautiful, more richlyappareled than ever the other could have hoped to be. And alive, as opposed to the other now dead and in amorgue in Bridgeburg.
But even as he gazed, the three tripping off together arm in arm, Sondra calling back to Harley: "If you seeClyde, tell him to come on up, will you?" And he replying: "Do you think that shadow of yours needs to betold?"Mason, impressed by the color and the drama, looked intently and even excitedly about. Now it was all so plainwhy he wanted to get rid of the girl--the true, underlying16 motive17. That beautiful girl there, as well as this luxuryto which he aspired18. And to think that a young man of his years and opportunities would stoop to such a horribletrick as that! Unbelievable! And only four days after the murder of the other poor girl, playing about with thisbeautiful girl in this fashion, and hoping to marry her, as Roberta had hoped to marry him. The unbelievablevillainies of life!
Now, half-determining since Clyde did not appear, that he would proclaim himself and proceed to search for andseize his belongings19 here, Ed Swenk re-appearing and with a motion of the head indicating that Mason was tofollow him. And once well within the shadow of the surrounding trees, indicating no less an individual thanNicholas Kraut, attended by a slim, neatly-dressed youth of about Clyde's reported years, who, on the instant andbecause of the waxy20 paleness of his face, he assumed must be Clyde. And at once he now approached him, asmight an angry wasp21 or hornet, only pausing first to ask of Swenk where he had been captured and by whom-thengazing at Clyde critically and austerely22 as befitted one who represented the power and majesty23 of the law.
"So you are Clyde Griffiths, are you?""Yes, sir.""Well, Mr. Griffiths, my name is Orville Mason. I am the district attorney of the county in which Big Bittern andGrass Lake are situated24. I suppose you are familiar enough with those two places by now, aren't you?"He paused to see the effect of this sardonic25 bit of commentary. Yet although he expected to see him wince26 andquail, Clyde merely gazed at him, his nervous, dark eyes showing enormous strain. "No, sir, I can't say that Iam."For with each step through the woods thus far back, there had been growing within him the utter and unshakableconviction that in the face of whatever seeming proof or charges might now appear, he dared not tell anything inregard to himself, his connection with Roberta, his visit to Big Bittern or Grass Lake. He dared not. For thatwould be the same as a confession27 of guilt28 in connection with something of which he was not really guilty. Andno one must believe--never--Sondra, or the Griffiths, or any of these fine friends of his, that he could ever have been guilty of such a thought, even. And yet here they were, all within call, and at any moment might approachand so learn the meaning of his arrest. And while he felt the necessity for so denying any knowledge inconnection with all this, at the same time he stood in absolute terror of this man--the opposition29 and irritatedmood such an attitude might arouse in him. That broken nose. His large, stern eyes.
And then Mason, eyeing him as one might an unheard-of and yet desperate animal and irritated also by hisdenial, yet assuming from his blanched30 expression that he might and no doubt would shortly be compelled toconfess his guilt, continuing with: "You know what you are charged with, Mr. Griffiths, of course.""Yes, sir, I just heard it from this man here.""And you admit it?""Why, no sir, of course I don't admit it," replied Clyde, his thin and now white lips drawn31 tight over his eventeeth, his eyes full of a deep, tremulous yet evasive terror.
"Why, what nonsense! What effrontery32! You deny being up to Grass Lake and Big Bittern on last Wednesdayand Thursday?""Yes, sir.""Well, then," and now Mason stiffened33 himself in an angry and at the same time inquisitorial way, "I supposeyou are going to deny knowing Roberta Alden--the girl you took to Grass Lake, and then out on Big Bittern inthat boat last Thursday--the girl you knew in Lycurgus all last year, who lived at Mrs. Gilpin's and worked underyou in your department at Griffiths & Company--the girl to whom you gave that toilet set last Christmas! Isuppose you're going to say that your name isn't Clyde Griffiths and that you haven't been living with Mrs.
Peyton in Taylor Street, and that these aren't letters and cards from your trunk there--from Roberta Alden andfrom Miss Finchley, all these cards and notes." And extracting the letters and cards as he spoke34 and waving thembefore Clyde. And at each point in this harangue35, thrusting his broad face, with its flat, broken nose andsomewhat aggressive chin directly before Clyde's, and blazing at him with sultry, contemptuous eyes, while thelatter leaned away from him, wincing36 almost perceptibly and with icy chills running up and down his spine37 andaffecting his heart and brain. Those letters! All this information concerning him! And back in his bag in the tentthere, all those more recent letters of Sondra's in which she dwelt on how they were to elope together this comingfall. If only he had destroyed them! And now this man might find those--would--and question Sondra maybe, andall these others. He shrunk and congealed38 spiritually, the revealing effects of his so poorly conceived andexecuted scheme weighing upon him as the world upon the shoulders of an inadequate39 Atlas40.
And yet, feeling that he must say something and yet not admit anything. And finally replying: "My name's ClydeGriffiths all right, but the rest of this isn't true. I don't know anything about the rest of it.""Oh, come now, Mr. Griffiths! Don't begin by trying to play fast and loose with me. We won't get anywhere thatway. You won't help yourself one bit by that with me, and besides I haven't any time for that now. Rememberthese men here are witnesses to what you say. I've just come from Lycurgus--your room at Mrs. Peyton's--and Ihave in my possession your trunk and this Miss Alden's letters to you--indisputable proof that you did know this girl, that you courted and seduced41 her last winter, and that since then--this spring--when she became pregnant onyour account, you induced her first to go home and then later to go away with you on this trip in order, as youtold her, to marry her. Well, you married her all right--to the grave--that's how you married her--to the water atthe bottom of Big Bittern Lake! And you can actually stand here before me now, when I tell you that I have allthe evidence I need right on my person, and say that you don't even know her! Well, I'll be damned!"And as he spoke his voice grew so loud that Clyde feared that it could be clearly heard in the camp beyond. Andthat Sondra herself might hear it and come over. And although at the outrush and jab and slash42 of such doomingfacts as Mason so rapidly outlined, his throat tightened43 and his hands were with difficulty restrained from closingand clinching44 vise-wise, at the conclusion of it all he merely replied: "Yes, sir.""Well, I'll be damned!" reiterated45 Mason. "I can well believe now that you would kill a girl and sneak46 away injust such a way as you did--and with her in that condition! But then to try to deny her own letters to you! Why,you might as well try to deny that you're here and alive. These cards and notes here--what about them? I supposethey're not from Miss Finchley? How about those? Do you mean to tell me these are not from her either?"He waved them before Clyde's eyes. And Clyde, seeing that the truth concerning these, Sondra being within call,was capable of being substantiated47 here and now, replied: "No, I don't deny that those are from her.""Very good. But these others from your trunk in the same room are not from Miss Alden to you?""I don't care to say as to that," he replied, blinking feebly as Mason waved Roberta's letters before him.
"Tst! Tst! Tst! Of all things," clicked Mason in high dudgeon. "Such nonsense! Such effrontery! Oh, very well,we won't worry about all that now. I can easily prove it all when the time comes. But how you can stand thereand deny it, knowing that I have the evidence, is beyond me! A card in your own handwriting which you forgotto take out of the bag you had her leave at Gun Lodge48 while you took yours with you. Mr. Carl Graham, Mr.
Clifford Golden, Mr. Clyde Griffiths,--a card on which you wrote 'From Clyde to Bert, Merry Xmas.' Do youremember that? Well, here it is." And here he reached into his pocket and drew forth49 the small card taken fromthe toilet set and waved it under Clyde's nose. "Have you forgotten that, too? Your own handwriting!" And thenpausing and getting no reply, finally adding: "Why, what a dunce you are!-- what a poor plotter, without even thebrains not to use your own initials in getting up those fake names you had hoped to masquerade under--Mr. CarlGraham--Mr. Clifford Golden!"At the same time, fully50 realizing the importance of a confession and wondering how it was to be brought abouthere and now, Mason suddenly--Clyde's expression, his frozen-faced terror, suggesting the thought that perhapshe was too frightened to talk at once changed his tactics--at least to the extent of lowering his voice, smoothingthe formidable wrinkles from his forehead and about his mouth.
"You see, it's this way, Griffiths," he now began, much more calmly and simply. "Lying or just foolishthoughtless denial under such circumstances as these can't help you in the least. It can only harm you, and that'sthe truth. You may think I've been a little rough so far, but it was only because I've been under a great strainmyself in connection with this case, trying to catch up with some one I thought would be a very different typefrom yourself. But now that I see you and see how you feel about it all--how really frightened you are by what has happened--it just occurs to me that there may be something in connection with this case, some extenuatingcircumstances, which, if they were related by you now, might throw a slightly different light on all this. Ofcourse, I don't know. You yourself ought to be the best judge, but I'm laying the thought before you for what it'sworth. For, of course, here are these letters. Besides, when we get to Three Mile Bay to-morrow, as we will, Ihope, there will be those three men who met you the other night walking south from Big Bittern. And not onlythose, but the innkeeper from Grass Lake, the innkeeper from Big Bittern, the boatkeeper up there who rentedthat boat, and the driver who drove you and Roberta Alden over from Gun Lodge. They will identify you. Doyou think they won't know you--not any of them--not be able to say whether you were up there with her or not,or that a jury when the time comes won't believe them?"And all this Clyde registered mentally like a machine clicking to a coin, yet said nothing,--merely staring, frozen.
"And not only that," went on Mason, very softly and most ingratiatingly, "but there's Mrs. Peyton. She saw metake these letters and cards out of that trunk of yours in your room and from the top drawer of your chiffonier.
Next, there are all those girls in that factory where you and Miss Alden worked. Do you suppose they're notgoing to remember all about you and her when they learn that she is dead? Oh, what nonsense! You ought to beable to see that for yourself, whatever you think. You certainly can't expect to get away with that. It makes a sortof a fool out of you. You can see that for yourself."He paused again, hoping for a confession. But Clyde still convinced that any admission in connection withRoberta or Big Bittern spelled ruin, merely stared while Mason proceeded to add:
"All right, Griffiths, I'm now going to tell you one more thing, and I couldn't give you better advice if you weremy own son or brother and I were trying to get you out of this instead of merely trying to get you to tell the truth.
If you hope to do anything at all for yourself now, it's not going to help you to deny everything in the way youare doing. You are simply making trouble and condemning51 yourself in other people's eyes. Why not say that youdid know her and that you were up there with her and that she wrote you those letters, and be done with it? Youcan't get out of that, whatever else you may hope to get out of. Any sane52 person--your own mother, if she werehere--would tell you the same thing. It's too ridiculous and indicates guilt rather than innocence53. Why not comeclean here and now as to those facts, anyhow, before it's too late to take advantage of any mitigatingcircumstances in connection with all this--if there are any? And if you do NOW, and I can help you in any way, Ipromise you here and now that I'll be only too glad to do so. For, after all, I'm not out here just to hound a man todeath or make him confess to something that he hasn't done, but merely to get at the truth in the case. But ifyou're going to deny that you even knew this girl when I tell you I have all the evidence and can prove it, whythen--" and here the district attorney lifted his hands aloft most wearily and disgustedly.
But now as before Clyde remained silent and pale. In spite of all Mason had revealed, and all that this seeminglyfriendly, intimate advice seemed to imply, still he could not conceive that it would be anything less thandisastrous for him to admit that he even knew Roberta. The fatality54 of such a confession in the eyes of theseothers here. The conclusion of all his dreams in connection with Sondra and this life. And so, in the face of this-silence,still. And at this, Mason, irritated beyond measure, finally exclaiming: "Oh, very well, then. So you'vefinally decided55 not to talk, have you?" And Clyde, blue and weak, replied: "I had nothing to do with her death.
That's all I can say now," and yet even as he said it thinking that perhaps he had better not say that--that perhapshe had better say--well, what? That he knew Roberta, of course, had been up there with her, for that matter--but that he had never intended to kill her--that her drowning was an accident. For he had not struck her at all, exceptby accident, had he? Only it was best not to confess to having struck her at all, wasn't it? For who under suchcircumstances would believe that he had struck her with a camera by accident. Best not to mention the camera,since there was no mention anywhere in the papers that he had had one with him.
And he was still cogitating56 while Mason was exclaiming: "Then you admit that you knew her?""No, sir.""Very well, then," he now added, turning to the others, "I suppose there's nothing for it but to take him back thereand see what they know about him. Perhaps that will get something out of this fine bird--to confront him with hisfriends. His bag and things are still back there in one of those tents, I believe. Suppose we take him down there,gentlemen, and see what these other people know about him."And now, swiftly and coldly he turned, while Clyde, already shrinking at the horror of what was coming,exclaimed: "Oh, please, no! You don't mean to do that, do you? Oh, you won't do that! Oh, please, no!"And at this point Kraut speaking up and saying: "He asked me back there in the woods if I wouldn't ask you notto take him in there." "Oh, so that's the way the wind blows, is it?" exclaimed Mason at this. "Too thin-skinned tobe shown up before ladies and gentlemen of the Twelfth Lake colony, but not even willing to admit that youknew the poor little working-girl who worked for you. Very good. Well, then, my fine friend, suppose you comethrough with what you really do know now, or down there you go." And he paused a moment to see what effectthat would have. "We'll call all those people together and explain just how things are, and then see if you will bewilling to stand there and deny everything!" But noting still a touch of hesitation57 in Clyde he now added: "Bringhim along, boys." And turning toward the camp he proceeded to walk in that direction a few paces while Krauttaking one arm, and Swenk another, and beginning to move Clyde he ended by exclaiming:
"Oh, please, no! Oh, I hope you won't do anything like that, will you, Mr. Mason? Oh, I don't want to go backthere if you don't mind. It isn't that I'm guilty, but you can get all my things without my going back there. Andbesides it will mean so much to me just now." Beads58 of perspiration59 once more burst forth on his pale face andhands and he was deadly cold.
"Don't want to go, eh?" exclaimed Mason, pausing as he heard this. "It would hurt your pride, would it, to have'em know? Well, then, supposing you just answer some of the things I want to know--and come clean and quick,or off we go--and that without one more moment's delay! Now, will you answer or won't you?" And again heturned to confront Clyde, who, with lips trembling and eyes confused and wavering, nervously60 and emphaticallyannounced:
"Of course I knew her. Of course I did. Sure! Those letters show that. But what of it? I didn't kill her. And Ididn't go up there with her with any intention of killing61 her, either. I didn't. I didn't, I tell you! It was all anaccident. I didn't even want to take her up there. She wanted me to go--to go away with her somewhere,because--because, well you know--her letters show. And I was only trying to get her to go off somewhere byherself, so she would let me alone, because I didn't want to marry her. That's all. And I took her out there, not tokill her at all, but to try to persuade her, that's all. And I didn't upset the boat--at least, I didn't mean to. The wind blew my hat off, and we--she and I--got up at the same time to reach for it and the boat upset--that's all. And theside of it hit her on the head. I saw it, only I was too frightened the way she was struggling about in the water togo near her, because I was afraid that if I did she might drag me down. And then she went down. And I swamashore. And that's the God's truth!"His face, as he talked, had suddenly become all flushed, and his hands also. Yet his eyes were tortured, terrifiedpools of misery62. He was thinking--but maybe there wasn't any wind that afternoon and maybe they would findthat out. Or the tripod hidden under a log. If they found that, wouldn't they think he hit her with that? He was wetand trembling.
But already Mason was beginning to question him again.
"Now, let's see as to this a minute. You say you didn't take her up there with any intention of killing her?""No, sir, I didn't.""Well, then, how was it that you decided to write your name two different ways on those registers up there at BigBittern and Grass Lake?""Because I didn't want any one to know that I was up there with her.""Oh, I see. Didn't want any scandal in connection with the condition she was in?""No, sir. Yes, sir, that is.""But you didn't mind if her name was scandalized in case she was found afterwards?""But I didn't know she was going to be drowned," replied Clyde, slyly and shrewdly, sensing the trap in time.
"But you did know that you yourself weren't coming back, of course. You knew that, didn't you?""Why, no, sir, I didn't know that I wasn't coming back. I thought I was.""Pretty clever. Pretty clever," thought Mason to himself, but not saying so, and then, rapidly: "And so in order tomake everything easy and natural as possible for you to come back, you took your own bag with you and lefthers up there. Is that the way? How about that?""But I didn't take it because I was going away. We decided to put our lunch in it.""We, or you?""We.""And so you had to carry that big bag in order to take a little lunch along, eh? Couldn't you have taken it in a paper, or in her bag?""Well, her bag was full, and I didn't like to carry anything in a paper.""Oh, I see. Too proud and sensitive, eh? But not too proud to carry a heavy bag all the way, say twelve miles, inthe night to Three Mile Bay, and not ashamed to be seen doing it, either, were you?""Well, after she was drowned and I didn't want to be known as having been up there with her, and had to goalong--"He paused while Mason merely looked at him, thinking of the many, many questions he wanted to ask him--somany, many more, and which, as he knew or guessed, would be impossible for him to explain. Yet it was gettinglate, and back in the camp were Clyde's as yet unclaimed belongings--his bag and possibly that suit he had wornthat day at Big Bittern--a gray one as he had heard--not this one. And to catechize him here this way in the dusk,while it might be productive of much if only he could continue it long enough, still there was the trip back, anden route he would have ample time to continue his questionings.
And so, although he disliked much so to do at the moment, he now concluded with: "Oh, well, I tell you,Griffiths, we'll let you rest here for the present. It may be that what you are saying is so--I don't know. I mostcertainly hope it is, for your sake. At any rate, you go along there with Mr. Kraut. He'll show you where to go."And then turning to Swenk and Kraut, he exclaimed: "All right, boys. I'll tell you how we'll do. It's getting lateand we'll have to hurry a little if we expect to get anywhere yet tonight. Mr. Kraut, suppose you take this youngman down where those other two boats are and wait there. Just halloo a little as you go along to notify the sheriffand Sissel that we're ready. And then Swenk and I'll be along in the other boat as soon as we can."And so saying and Kraut obeying, he and Swenk proceeded inward through the gathering63 dusk to the camp,while Kraut with Clyde went west, hallooing for the sheriff and his deputy until a response was had.


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adv.以前,先前(地) | |
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n.起诉人;检察官,公诉人 | |
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渴望,热望( crave的过去式 ); 恳求,请求 | |
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n.法兰绒;法兰绒衣服 | |
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使…成为必要,需要( necessitate的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adj.怀疑的,无把握的;有问题的,靠不住的 | |
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adv.残忍地,野蛮地,冷酷无情地 | |
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v.镶嵌;困扰,包围 | |
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adj.亲切的,和蔼的,愉快的,脾气好的 | |
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n.好交际,社交性,善于交际 | |
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v.集合,收集,鼓起,激起;n.集合,检阅,集合人员,点名册 | |
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adj.令人高兴的,使人快乐的 | |
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adj.求知欲强的,好奇的,好寻根究底的 | |
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n.炖汤,焖,烦恼;v.炖汤,焖,忧虑 | |
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adv. 悲剧地,悲惨地 | |
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adj.在下面的,含蓄的,潜在的 | |
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n.动机,目的;adv.发动的,运动的 | |
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v.渴望,追求( aspire的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.私人物品,私人财物 | |
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adj.苍白的;光滑的 | |
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n.黄蜂,蚂蜂 | |
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adv.严格地,朴质地 | |
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n.雄伟,壮丽,庄严,威严;最高权威,王权 | |
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adj.坐落在...的,处于某种境地的 | |
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adj.嘲笑的,冷笑的,讥讽的 | |
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n.畏缩,退避,(因痛苦,苦恼等)面部肌肉抽动;v.畏缩,退缩,退避 | |
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n.自白,供认,承认 | |
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n.犯罪;内疚;过失,罪责 | |
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n.反对,敌对 | |
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v.使变白( blanch的过去式 );使(植物)不见阳光而变白;酸洗(金属)使有光泽;用沸水烫(杏仁等)以便去皮 | |
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v.拖,拉,拔出;adj.憔悴的,紧张的 | |
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n.厚颜无耻 | |
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加强的 | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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n.慷慨冗长的训话,言辞激烈的讲话 | |
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赶紧避开,畏缩( wince的现在分词 ) | |
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n.脊柱,脊椎;(动植物的)刺;书脊 | |
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v.使凝结,冻结( congeal的过去式和过去分词 );(指血)凝结 | |
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adj.(for,to)不充足的,不适当的 | |
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n.地图册,图表集 | |
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诱奸( seduce的过去式和过去分词 ); 勾引; 诱使堕落; 使入迷 | |
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vi.大幅度削减;vt.猛砍,尖锐抨击,大幅减少;n.猛砍,斜线,长切口,衣衩 | |
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收紧( tighten的过去式和过去分词 ); (使)变紧; (使)绷紧; 加紧 | |
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v.(尤指两人)互相紧紧抱[扭]住( clinch的现在分词 );解决(争端、交易),达成(协议) | |
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反复地说,重申( reiterate的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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vt.潜行(隐藏,填石缝);偷偷摸摸做;n.潜行;adj.暗中进行 | |
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v.用事实支持(某主张、说法等),证明,证实( substantiate的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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v.临时住宿,寄宿,寄存,容纳;n.传达室,小旅馆 | |
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adv.向前;向外,往外 | |
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adv.完全地,全部地,彻底地;充分地 | |
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v.(通常因道义上的原因而)谴责( condemn的现在分词 );宣判;宣布…不能使用;迫使…陷于不幸的境地 | |
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adj.心智健全的,神志清醒的,明智的,稳健的 | |
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n.无罪;天真;无害 | |
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n.不幸,灾祸,天命 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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v.认真思考,深思熟虑( cogitate的现在分词 ) | |
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n.犹豫,踌躇 | |
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n.(空心)小珠子( bead的名词复数 );水珠;珠子项链 | |
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n.汗水;出汗 | |
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adv.神情激动地,不安地 | |
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n.巨额利润;突然赚大钱,发大财 | |
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n.痛苦,苦恼,苦难;悲惨的境遇,贫苦 | |
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n.集会,聚会,聚集 | |
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