It was two or three days after the news of this reached London that Macalister came into the tavern7 in Beak8 Street and announced joyfully9 that things were looking brighter on the Stock Exchange. Peace was in sight, Roberts would march into Pretoria within a few weeks, and shares were going up already. There was bound to be a boom.
‘Now’s the time to come in,’ he told Philip. ‘It’s no good waiting till the public gets on to it. It’s now or never.’
He had inside information. The manager of a mine in South Africa had cabled to the senior partner of his firm that the plant was uninjured. They would start working again as soon as possible. It wasn’t a speculation10, it was an investment. To show how good a thing the senior partner thought it Macalister told Philip that he had bought five hundred shares for both his sisters: he never put them into anything that wasn’t as safe as the Bank of England.
‘I’m going to put my shirt on it myself,’ he said.
The shares were two and an eighth to a quarter. He advised Philip not to be greedy, but to be satisfied with a ten-shilling rise. He was buying three hundred for himself and suggested that Philip should do the same. He would hold them and sell when he thought fit. Philip had great faith in him, partly because he was a Scotsman and therefore by nature cautious, and partly because he had been right before. He jumped at the suggestion.
‘I daresay we shall be able to sell before the account,’ said Macalister, ‘but if not, I’ll arrange to carry them over for you.’
It seemed a capital system to Philip. You held on till you got your profit, and you never even had to put your hand in your pocket. He began to watch the Stock Exchange columns of the paper with new interest. Next day everything was up a little, and Macalister wrote to say that he had had to pay two and a quarter for the shares. He said that the market was firm. But in a day or two there was a set-back. The news that came from South Africa was less reassuring11, and Philip with anxiety saw that his shares had fallen to two; but Macalister was optimistic, the Boers couldn’t hold out much longer, and he was willing to bet a top-hat that Roberts would march into Johannesburg before the middle of April. At the account Philip had to pay out nearly forty pounds. It worried him considerably12, but he felt that the only course was to hold on: in his circumstances the loss was too great for him to pocket. For two or three weeks nothing happened; the Boers would not understand that they were beaten and nothing remained for them but to surrender: in fact they had one or two small successes, and Philip’s shares fell half a crown more. It became evident that the war was not finished. There was a lot of selling. When Macalister saw Philip he was pessimistic.
‘I’m not sure if the best thing wouldn’t be to cut the loss. I’ve been paying out about as much as I want to in differences.’
Philip was sick with anxiety. He could not sleep at night; he bolted his breakfast, reduced now to tea and bread and butter, in order to get over to the club reading-room and see the paper; sometimes the news was bad, and sometimes there was no news at all, but when the shares moved it was to go down. He did not know what to do. If he sold now he would lose altogether hard on three hundred and fifty pounds; and that would leave him only eighty pounds to go on with. He wished with all his heart that he had never been such a fool as to dabble13 on the Stock Exchange, but the only thing was to hold on; something decisive might happen any day and the shares would go up; he did not hope now for a profit, but he wanted to make good his loss. It was his only chance of finishing his course at the hospital. The Summer session was beginning in May, and at the end of it he meant to take the examination in midwifery. Then he would only have a year more; he reckoned it out carefully and came to the conclusion that he could manage it, fees and all, on a hundred and fifty pounds; but that was the least it could possibly be done on.
Early in April he went to the tavern in Beak Street anxious to see Macalister. It eased him a little to discuss the situation with him; and to realise that numerous people beside himself were suffering from loss of money made his own trouble a little less intolerable. But when Philip arrived no one was there but Hayward, and no sooner had Philip seated himself than he said:
‘I’m sailing for the Cape14 on Sunday.’
‘Are you!’ exclaimed Philip.
Hayward was the last person he would have expected to do anything of the kind. At the hospital men were going out now in numbers; the Government was glad to get anyone who was qualified15; and others, going out as troopers, wrote home that they had been put on hospital work as soon as it was learned that they were medical students. A wave of patriotic16 feeling had swept over the country, and volunteers were coming from all ranks of society.
‘What are you going as?’ asked Philip.
‘Oh, in the Dorset Yeomanry. I’m going as a trooper.’
Philip had known Hayward for eight years. The youthful intimacy17 which had come from Philip’s enthusiastic admiration18 for the man who could tell him of art and literature had long since vanished; but habit had taken its place; and when Hayward was in London they saw one another once or twice a week. He still talked about books with a delicate appreciation19. Philip was not yet tolerant, and sometimes Hayward’s conversation irritated him. He no longer believed implicitly20 that nothing in the world was of consequence but art. He resented Hayward’s contempt for action and success. Philip, stirring his punch, thought of his early friendship and his ardent21 expectation that Hayward would do great things; it was long since he had lost all such illusions, and he knew now that Hayward would never do anything but talk. He found his three hundred a year more difficult to live on now that he was thirty-five than he had when he was a young man; and his clothes, though still made by a good tailor, were worn a good deal longer than at one time he would have thought possible. He was too stout22 and no artful arrangement of his fair hair could conceal23 the fact that he was bald. His blue eyes were dull and pale. It was not hard to guess that he drank too much.
‘What on earth made you think of going out to the Cape?’ asked Philip.
‘Oh, I don’t know, I thought I ought to.’
Philip was silent. He felt rather silly. He understood that Hayward was being driven by an uneasiness in his soul which he could not account for. Some power within him made it seem necessary to go and fight for his country. It was strange, since he considered patriotism24 no more than a prejudice, and, flattering himself on his cosmopolitanism25, he had looked upon England as a place of exile. His countrymen in the mass wounded his susceptibilities. Philip wondered what it was that made people do things which were so contrary to all their theories of life. It would have been reasonable for Hayward to stand aside and watch with a smile while the barbarians26 slaughtered27 one another. It looked as though men were puppets in the hands of an unknown force, which drove them to do this and that; and sometimes they used their reason to justify28 their actions; and when this was impossible they did the actions in despite of reason.
‘People are very extraordinary,’ said Philip. ‘I should never have expected you to go out as a trooper.’
Hayward smiled, slightly embarrassed, and said nothing.
‘I was examined yesterday,’ he remarked at last. ‘It was worth while undergoing the gene29 of it to know that one was perfectly30 fit.’
Philip noticed that he still used a French word in an affected way when an English one would have served. But just then Macalister came in.
‘I wanted to see you, Carey,’ he said. ‘My people don’t feel inclined to hold those shares any more, the market’s in such an awful state, and they want you to take them up.’
Philip’s heart sank. He knew that was impossible. It meant that he must accept the loss. His pride made him answer calmly.
‘I don’t know that I think that’s worth while. You’d better sell them.’
‘It’s all very fine to say that, I’m not sure if I can. The market’s stagnant31, there are no buyers.’
‘But they’re marked down at one and an eighth.’
‘Oh yes, but that doesn’t mean anything. You can’t get that for them.’
Philip did not say anything for a moment. He was trying to collect himself.
‘D’you mean to say they’re worth nothing at all?’
‘Oh, I don’t say that. Of course they’re worth something, but you see, nobody’s buying them now.’
‘Then you must just sell them for what you can get.’
Macalister looked at Philip narrowly. He wondered whether he was very hard hit.
‘The only thing I can do is to hang on somehow till he dies.’
Philip reckoned his age. The Vicar of Blackstable was well over seventy. He had chronic32 bronchitis, but many old men had that and lived on indefinitely. Meanwhile something must turn up; Philip could not get away from the feeling that his position was altogether abnormal; people in his particular station did not starve. It was because he could not bring himself to believe in the reality of his experience that he did not give way to utter despair. He made up his mind to borrow half a sovereign from Lawson. He stayed in the garden all day and smoked when he felt very hungry; he did not mean to eat anything until he was setting out again for London: it was a long way and he must keep up his strength for that. He started when the day began to grow cooler, and slept on benches when he was tired. No one disturbed him. He had a wash and brush up, and a shave at Victoria, some tea and bread and butter, and while he was eating this read the advertisement columns of the morning paper. As he looked down them his eye fell upon an announcement asking for a salesman in the ‘furnishing drapery’ department of some well-known stores. He had a curious little sinking of the heart, for with his middle-class prejudices it seemed dreadful to go into a shop; but he shrugged34 his shoulders, after all what did it matter? and he made up his mind to have a shot at it. He had a queer feeling that by accepting every humiliation35, by going out to meet it even, he was forcing the hand of fate. When he presented himself, feeling horribly shy, in the department at nine o’clock he found that many others were there before him. They were of all ages, from boys of sixteen to men of forty; some were talking to one another in undertones, but most were
‘No,’ said Philip.
Philip looked at the assistants. Some were draping chintzes and cretonnes, and others, his neighbour told him were preparing country orders that had come in by post. At about a quarter past nine the buyer arrived. He heard one of the men who were waiting say to another that it was Mr. Gibbons. He was middle-aged36, short and corpulent, with a black beard and dark, greasy37 hair. He had brisk movements and a clever face. He wore a silk hat and a frock coat, the lapel of which was adorned38 with a white geranium surrounded by leaves. He went into his office, leaving the door open; it was very small and contained only an American roll-desk in the corner, a bookcase, and a cupboard. The men standing39 outside watched him mechanically take the geranium out of his coat and put it in an ink-pot filled with water. It was against the rules to wear flowers in business.
[During the day the department men who wanted to keep in with the governor admired the flower.
‘I’ve never seen better,’ they said, ‘you didn’t grow it yourself?’
‘Yes I did,’ he smiled, and a gleam of pride filled his intelligent eyes.]
He took off his hat and changed his coat, glanced at the letters and then at the men who were waiting to see him. He made a slight sign with one finger, and the first in the queue stepped into the office. They filed past him one by one and answered his questions. He put them very briefly40, keeping his eyes fixed41 on the applicant’s face.
‘Age? Experience? Why did you leave your job?’
He listened to the replies without expression. When it came to Philip’s turn he fancied that Mr. Gibbons stared at him curiously42. Philip’s clothes were neat and tolerably cut. He looked a little different from the others.
‘I’m afraid I haven’t any,’ said Philip.
‘No good.’
Philip walked out of the office. The ordeal43 had been so much less painful than he expected that he felt no particular disappointment. He could hardly hope to succeed in getting a place the first time he tried. He had kept the newspaper and now looked at the advertisements again: a shop in Holborn needed a salesman too, and he went there; but when he arrived he found that someone had already been engaged. If he wanted to get anything to eat that day he must go to Lawson’s studio before he went out to luncheon44, so he made his way along the Brompton Road to Yeoman’s Row.
‘I say, I’m rather broke till the end of the month,’ he said as soon as he found an opportunity. ‘I wish you’d lend me half a sovereign, will you?’
It was incredible the difficulty he found in asking for money; and he remembered the casual way, as though almost they were conferring a favour, men at the hospital had extracted small sums out of him which they had no intention of repaying.
‘Like a shot,’ said Lawson.
But when he put his hand in his pocket he found that he had only eight shillings. Philip’s heart sank.
‘Oh well, lend me five bob, will you?’ he said lightly.
‘Here you are.’
Philip went to the public baths in Westminster and spent sixpence on a bath. Then he got himself something to eat. He did not know what to do with himself in the afternoon. He would not go back to the hospital in case anyone should ask him questions, and besides, he had nothing to do there now; they would wonder in the two or three departments he had worked in why he did not come, but they must think what they chose, it did not matter: he would not be the first student who had dropped out without warning. He went to the free library, and looked at the papers till they wearied him, then he took out Stevenson’s New Arabian Nights; but he found he could not read: the words meant nothing to him, and he continued to brood over his helplessness. He kept on thinking the same things all the time, and the fixity of his thoughts made his head ache. At last, craving45 for fresh air, he went into the Green Park and lay down on the grass. He thought miserably46 of his deformity, which made it impossible for him to go to the war. He went to sleep and dreamt that he was suddenly sound of foot and out at the Cape in a regiment47 of Yeomanry; the pictures he had looked at in the illustrated48 papers gave materials for his fancy; and he saw himself on the Veldt, in khaki, sitting with other men round a fire at night. When he awoke he found that it was still quite light, and presently he heard Big Ben strike seven. He had twelve hours to get through with nothing to do. He dreaded49 the interminable night. The sky was overcast50 and he feared it would rain; he would have to go to a lodging-house where he could get a bed; he had seen them advertised on lamps outside houses in Lambeth: Good Beds sixpence; he had never been inside one, and dreaded the foul51 smell and the vermin. He made up his mind to stay in the open air if he possibly could. He remained in the park till it was closed and then began to walk about. He was very tired. The thought came to him that an accident would be a piece of luck, so that he could be taken to a hospital and lie there, in a clean bed, for weeks. At midnight he was so hungry that he could not go without food any more, so he went to a coffee stall at Hyde Park Corner and ate a couple of potatoes and had a cup of coffee. Then he walked again. He felt too restless to sleep, and he had a horrible dread33 of being moved on by the police. He noted52 that he was beginning to look upon the constable53 from quite a new angle. This was the third night he had spent out. Now and then he sat on the benches in Piccadilly and towards morning he strolled down to The Embankment. He listened to the striking of Big Ben, marking every quarter of an hour, and reckoned out how long it left till the city woke again. In the morning he spent a few coppers54 on making himself neat and clean, bought a paper to read the advertisements, and set out once more on the search for work.
He went on in this way for several days. He had very little food and began to feel weak and ill, so that he had hardly enough energy to go on looking for the work which seemed so desperately55 hard to find. He was growing used now to the long waiting at the back of a shop on the chance that he would be taken on, and the curt56 dismissal. He walked to all parts of London in answer to the advertisements, and he came to know by sight men who applied57 as fruitlessly as himself. One or two tried to make friends with him, but he was too tired and too wretched to accept their advances. He did not go any more to Lawson, because he owed him five shillings. He began to be too dazed to think clearly and ceased very much to care what would happen to him. He cried a good deal. At first he was very angry with himself for this and ashamed, but he found it relieved him, and somehow made him feel less hungry. In the very early morning he suffered a good deal from cold. One night he went into his room to change his linen58; he slipped in about three, when he was quite sure everyone would be asleep, and out again at five; he lay on the bed and its softness was enchanting59; all his bones ached, and as he lay he revelled60 in the pleasure of it; it was so delicious that he did not want to go to sleep. He was growing used to want of food and did not feel very hungry, but only weak. Constantly now at the back of his mind was the thought of doing away with himself, but he used all the strength he had not to dwell on it, because he was afraid the temptation would get hold of him so that he would not be able to help himself. He kept on saying to himself that it would be absurd to commit suicide, since something must happen soon; he could not get over the impression that his situation was too preposterous61 to be taken quite seriously; it was like an illness which must be endured but from which he was bound to recover. Every night he swore that nothing would induce him to put up with such another and determined62 next morning to write to his uncle, or to Mr. Nixon, the solicitor63, or to Lawson; but when the time came he could not bring himself to make the humiliating confession64 of his utter failure. He did not know how Lawson would take it. In their friendship Lawson had been scatter-brained and he had prided himself on his common sense. He would have to tell the whole history of his folly65. He had an uneasy feeling that Lawson, after helping66 him, would turn the cold shoulder on him. His uncle and the solicitor would of course do something for him, but he dreaded their reproaches. He did not want anyone to reproach him: he clenched67 his teeth and repeated that what had happened was inevitable68 just because it had happened. Regret was absurd.
The days were unending, and the five shillings Lawson had lent him would not last much longer. Philip longed for Sunday to come so that he could go to Athelny’s. He did not know what prevented him from going there sooner, except perhaps that he wanted so badly to get through on his own; for Athelny, who had been in straits as desperate, was the only person who could do anything for him. Perhaps after dinner he could bring himself to tell Athelny that he was in difficulties. Philip repeated to himself over and over again what he should say to him. He was dreadfully afraid that Athelny would put him off with airy phrases: that would be so horrible that he wanted to delay as long as possible the putting of him to the test. Philip had lost all confidence in his fellows.
Saturday night was cold and raw. Philip suffered horribly. From midday on Saturday till he dragged himself wearily to Athelny’s house he ate nothing. He spent his last twopence on Sunday morning on a wash and a brush up in the lavatory69 at Charing70 Cross.


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adj.不自然的,假装的 | |
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感到羞愧的 | |
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n.绅士阶级,上层阶级 | |
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adj.疯狂的;拥有的,占有的 | |
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adv.向前;向外,往外 | |
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n.外貌,外表 | |
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n.小旅馆,客栈;小酒店 | |
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n.鸟嘴,茶壶嘴,钩形鼻 | |
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adv. 喜悦地, 高兴地 | |
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n.思索,沉思;猜测;投机 | |
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a.使人消除恐惧和疑虑的,使人放心的 | |
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adv.极大地;相当大地;在很大程度上 | |
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v.涉足,浅赏 | |
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n.海角,岬;披肩,短披风 | |
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adj.合格的,有资格的,胜任的,有限制的 | |
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adj.爱国的,有爱国心的 | |
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n.熟悉,亲密,密切关系,亲昵的言行 | |
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n.钦佩,赞美,羡慕 | |
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n.评价;欣赏;感谢;领会,理解;价格上涨 | |
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adv. 含蓄地, 暗中地, 毫不保留地 | |
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adj.热情的,热烈的,强烈的,烈性的 | |
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v.隐藏,隐瞒,隐蔽 | |
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n.爱国精神,爱国心,爱国主义 | |
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n. 世界性,世界主义 | |
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n.野蛮人( barbarian的名词复数 );外国人;粗野的人;无教养的人 | |
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v.屠杀,杀戮,屠宰( slaughter的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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vt.证明…正当(或有理),为…辩护 | |
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n.遗传因子,基因 | |
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adv.完美地,无可非议地,彻底地 | |
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adj.不流动的,停滞的,不景气的 | |
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adj.(疾病)长期未愈的,慢性的;极坏的 | |
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vt.担忧,忧虑;惧怕,不敢;n.担忧,畏惧 | |
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vt.耸肩(shrug的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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n.羞辱 | |
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adj.中年的 | |
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adj. 多脂的,油脂的 | |
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[计]被修饰的 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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adv.简单地,简短地 | |
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adj.固定的,不变的,准备好的;(计算机)固定的 | |
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adv.有求知欲地;好问地;奇特地 | |
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n.苦难经历,(尤指对品格、耐力的)严峻考验 | |
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n.午宴,午餐,便宴 | |
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n.渴望,热望 | |
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adv.痛苦地;悲惨地;糟糕地;极度地 | |
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n.团,多数,管理;v.组织,编成团,统制 | |
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adj. 有插图的,列举的 动词illustrate的过去式和过去分词 | |
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adj.令人畏惧的;害怕的v.害怕,恐惧,担心( dread的过去式和过去分词) | |
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adj.阴天的,阴暗的,愁闷的;v.遮盖,(使)变暗,包边缝;n.覆盖,阴天 | |
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adj.污秽的;邪恶的;v.弄脏;妨害;犯规;n.犯规 | |
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adj.著名的,知名的 | |
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n.(英国)警察,警官 | |
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铜( copper的名词复数 ); 铜币 | |
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adv.极度渴望地,绝望地,孤注一掷地 | |
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adj.简短的,草率的 | |
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adj.应用的;v.应用,适用 | |
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n.亚麻布,亚麻线,亚麻制品;adj.亚麻布制的,亚麻的 | |
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a.讨人喜欢的 | |
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v.作乐( revel的过去式和过去分词 );狂欢;着迷;陶醉 | |
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adj.荒谬的,可笑的 | |
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adj.坚定的;有决心的 | |
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n.初级律师,事务律师 | |
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n.自白,供认,承认 | |
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n.愚笨,愚蠢,蠢事,蠢行,傻话 | |
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n.食物的一份&adj.帮助人的,辅助的 | |
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v.紧握,抓紧,咬紧( clench的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adj.不可避免的,必然发生的 | |
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n.盥洗室,厕所 | |
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n.炭化v.把…烧成炭,把…烧焦( char的现在分词 );烧成炭,烧焦;做杂役女佣 | |
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