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约翰·伍尔曼自传 The Journal of John Woolman

类别:双语小说  作者: 约翰·伍尔曼  

简介: JOHN WOOLMAN was born at Northampton, N. J., in 1720, and died at York,England, in 1772. He Was the child of Quaker parents, and from his youth was azealous member of the Society of Friends. His Journal, published posthumouslyin 1774, suffi...

巴黎圣母院 Notre-Dame de Paris

类别:双语小说  作者: Victor Hugo维克多·雨果  

简介: 丑聋人卡西莫多被巴黎圣母院的神父克洛德收养,做撞钟人,外貌正经的克洛德神父自从遇见美丽的吉普赛少女爱斯美拉达后,被其美色所诱而神魂颠倒,指使卡西莫多强行掳走爱斯美...

哈尔的移动城堡 Howl’s Moving Castle

类别:双语小说  作者: 未知  

简介: Howl's Moving Castle is a young adult fantasy novel by British author Diana Wynne Jones, first published in 1986. It won a Boston Globe-Horn Book Award and was named an ALA Notable book for both children and young adults. In 2004 it was ada...

相约星期二 Tuesdays with Morrie

类别:双语小说  作者: 米奇·艾尔邦 Mitch Albom  

简介: Tuesdays with Morrie is a 1997 non-fiction novel by American writer Mitch Albom. The story was later adapted by Thomas Rickman into a TV movie of the same name directed by Mick Jackson, which aired on 5 December 1999 and starred Jack Lemmon...

柳林风声 The Wind in the Willows

类别:双语小说  作者: Kenneth Grahame  

简介: 当在雪地里冷得直打哆嗦的鼹鼠和水鼠终于进到獾先生舒适的家,钻进带着肥皂香味的被窝;当他们第二天起床看见餐桌旁吃着荞麦粥的两只小刺猬时,当癞蛤蟆先生跳上令他心弛神往的那辆豪华汽车,轰隆一声发动引擎,然后扬长而去的那一刻。我们听着故事的眼睛都会迸出光芒,...


类别:双语小说  作者: 乔治.奥威尔 George Orwell  

简介: 《1984》是英国左翼作家乔治奥威尔于20世纪40年代末(1949年出版)所著小说。这部小说与英国作家赫胥黎著作的《美丽新世界》,以及俄国作家扎米亚京著作的《我们》并称反乌托邦的...

白痴 The Idiot

类别:双语小说  作者: 陀思妥耶夫斯基 Fyodor Dostoyevsky  

简介: The Idiot is a novel written by 19th century Russian author Fyodor Dostoyevsky. It was first published serially in Russkiy Vestnik between 1868 and 1869. The Idiot is ranked beside some of Dostoevsky's other works as one of the most brillia...

北回归线 Tropic Of Cancer

类别:双语小说  作者: Henry Miller  

简介: Tropic of Cancer is a novel by Henry Miller, first published in 1934 by the Obelisk Press in Paris, France. Its publication in 1961 in the United States by Grove Press led to an obscenity trial that was one of several that tested American la...

恋爱中的女人 Women in Love

类别:双语小说  作者: D. H. Lawrence劳伦斯  

简介: 《恋爱中的女人》,是D.H .劳伦斯最伟大、最有代表性、最脍炙人口的两部长篇小说之一(另一部是《虹》),他本人也认为它是他的最佳作品;它以英国小说中没有先例的热情与深度探索了有关恋爱的心理问题,代表了劳伦斯作品的最高成就,因此它同《虹》成为了现代小说的先...

失窃的孩子 The Stolen Child

类别:双语小说  作者: 未知  

简介: For Dorothy and Thomas, wish you were here "We look at the world once, in childhood. The rest is memory." "NOSTOS" BY LOUISE GLUCK" 献给多萝西和托马斯,希望你们能在这里。...

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