- 飞蛾之死 The Death of the Moth, and other essays
- 作者: 未知
- 日期:2014-08-05 11:15
- 点击:16338
弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(virginia woolf, 1882-1941)是英国现代派小说的代表作家, 也是英国现代文学史上最重要的女作家之一。伍尔夫生活在一个动荡、变革的时代, 传统的宗教伦理、哲学、美学信念受到怀疑,现存的政治、社会制度失去稳定的根基,艺术家们尤其是作家们努力去寻求新的艺术表现手法,以期更真实地反映二十世纪的现实、更深刻地探索二十世纪的人性。作为一名敏感的作家,伍尔夫...
- Editorial Note
- The Death of the Moth
- Evening Over Sussex
- The First Picture
- The Second Picture
- The Third Picture
- Old Mrs. Grey
- Street Haunting: A London Adventure ** Written in 1930
- Jones and Wilkinson
- “Twelfth Night” At the Old Vic ** Written in 1933
- Madame de Sévigné
- The Humane Art ** Written in April 1940
- Two Antiquaries
- The Rev William Cole ** Written in 1932
- The Historian and “The Gibbon” ** Written in March 1937
- Reflections at Sheffield Place ** Written in May 1937
- The Man at the Gate ** Written in September 1940
- Sara Coleridge ** Written in September 1940
- “Not One of Us” ** A review of SHELLEY; HIS LIFE AND WORK, by Walter Edwin Peck, October 1927
- Henry James: 1. Within the Rim ** Written in 1919
- Henry James: 2. The Old Order ** Written in 1917
- Henry James: 3. The Letters of Henry James ** Written in 1920
- George Moore
- The Novels of E. M. Forster
- Middlebrow ** This letter was written, but not sent to The New Statesman
- The Art of Biography
- Craftsmanship
- A Letter to a Young Poet ** Written in 1932
- Why?
- Professions for Women
- Thoughts on Peace in an Air Raid