The Kamogawa Food Detectives 简介:下饭神剧《鸭川食堂》日文原版的英译本,京都隐秘的巷弄里,有一家名为鸭川食堂的小饭馆。它没有招牌,没有门帘,所谓广告也只是在美食杂志上登了...
Red Sorghum 红高粱 简介:《红高粱》是中国当代作家莫言创作的中篇虚构小说。《红高粱》以抗日战争及20世纪30、40年代高密东北乡的民间生活为背景,故事中塑造的一系列的抗...
How Much Of These Hills Is Gold 多少山头本是金 简介:在《多少山头本是金》一书里,C·帕姆·张(C Pam Zhang)借助年轻的华裔女孩露西的视角,讲述了加州淘金潮期间的一个坚韧不拔、勉力求生的故事。...
《了不起的盖茨比》资料包上线啦! 简介:史上阅读量最高的《了不起的盖茨比》,配套资料包终于上线啦!​电子产品阅读,太费眼!自主阅读,抓不住重点词汇?朗读名著,发音不准确?.........
Five little Peppers in the Little Brown House 简介:What ever became of Polly Peppers famous Chicken Pie, and also Phronsies red-topped shoes? the friends of the Five Little Peppers keep as...
Meadow Brook 简介:Who, more than any one else, will be interested in a story which has in it so much of my childhood and early home, is affectionately dedi...
Great Possessions 简介:For these many years, since I have lived here in the country, I have had it in my mind to write something about the odour and taste of th...
The rag pickers and other stories 简介:DADDY, isn't it almost time to go home? called out little six-year-old Dilly Hogan. Daddy, I'm tired, I am; I want to go home and see mammy.
The Rambler Club on the Texas border 简介:The members of the Rambler Club of Kingswood, Wisconsin,Bob Somers, Dave Brandon, Tom Clifton, Dick Travers and Sam Randall,have taken ad...
A Wilful Ward 简介:MY dear Kathleen, do try and be reasonable.
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